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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by LonesomeLamp

  1. The only downside to model trains in limited space is that’s its easy to get more track than you have space and even easier to get more train than you have track. Even N scale can get quite large quite fast. It’s still very fun and very cool to look at.
  2. Backstory: A few years ago, someone used one of my alternate email addresses to create their own scammy Instagram account. Being my email, of course I was notified when the account got created. After a couple days, I did a password reset on the account, locking the person out of it, then created a post on the same account letting the creator know they done fucked up. I then modified the account some to meet my own taste and then basically abandoned it. That was the end of the story until just a few minutes ago. I got an email from Instagram saying they were sorry to hear I was having trouble logging into my account. Remember, this account was abandoned. I don’t even have Instagram installed on my phone anymore (am currently downloading it again). So when I got that email, I immediately knew someone was trying to break in. They likely never got in, but I should still change my password anyway. I think it’s using one of my older ones that got data leaked or a variation of it. I’ll find out once I get in. Anyway, I’m also going to make a new post about this attempted break in and also alert Instagram themselves about it. *EDIT* Oh, this is my main account they’re trying to break into. Password has been changed.
  3. Sometime between 12:00 (noon) and 1:00. It started slightly maliciously last night and ended very maliciously. Let’s start at the beginning. I needed to pee, so I went to the bathroom as normal. If you couldn’t guess right off the bat, I was not padded in any way. Anyway, I went as normal and that was that. Then later I needed to poop. Still not padded, I decided I wanted to load my underpants, so I went and stood in front of the mirror. I pushed out a small load and it was pathetic. I don’t recall exactly how the rest of this went about, but I do remember wanting to dampen the front of my underwear, so I let slip out some pee. I was being careful to not let out so much it ran down my legs, but I peed a little more, then a little more. After I had a nice damp area along the center of my underwear crotch, I broke down and sat on the commode with my undies still up and soaked them thoroughly. It’s worth noting that I was wearing a pair of very loose fit pj pants because all other pants were dirty (actually they had just been cleaned the previous day, but I didn’t change into any new pairs yet). Skip several minutes and I’m sitting on my bed, waiting for the next wave of pee urgency to hit, which it finally does. Sitting on my bed, I let some pee out. Then a little more. Then more. And more. I was being careful not to soak my bed, which I knew would be easy to do given my pants were already saturated with pee to start with. After a decent soaking, I carried my wet self to the bathroom….and sat on the toilet to pee through my pj pants too this time. But I didn’t stop my degeneracy there. I had a plan I’ve wanted to try a few times. One iteration of the plan, I tried but it didn’t happen. I was determined this time because I was down to my last two diapers and I had plans for them both. The plan I decided to stick with was simple but daring. Still in my now very wet pants, I walked to the kitchen and got some exlax. My first time using exlax wasn’t very fun. Not a lot happened. A normal dosage is two chocolate squares. I took three this time to see if it changed the effect for the better. I went back to my room (where I then actually ate them) and got ready for bed. I took my pjs off and slipped a diaper on over my underwear and went to bed after putting on dry pants (I just realized that was a 10 pack of diapers and so far, 4 were used over a pair of underwear). Skip to when I woke up. I felt the need to pee, so I rolled over to wait for the urge itself to hit. It did hit after a couple moments, but so did the secondary urge. My plan actually worked out. I was concerned when I took the exlax because the time to effect was 6-12 hours, and at that point, 12 hours is when I’d be at work. Anyway, I lay there and my dad comes to my door to ask about taking a shower. Let’s skip a few moments of unimportant detail from there. As I was starting to find shower items to take with me, my guts were asking me to release. I wasn’t trying to, but I wasn’t trying to not. Once I had a towel ready (but no clothes yet), I checked the seat of my underwear and wasn’t very surprised when my fingers felt some sticky wetness between my cheeks. I was sitting in a position where my butt was not resting on anything. I waited for the pressure to build up some and I just pushed. It felt great. I could tell there was a decent amount. Sitting down properly and then laying back, I could tell it was very messy back there. I gathered my clothes and went to the bathroom to wait for the water to heat back up. After several minutes, it was finally time to see the damage. I managed to slip the diaper off without undoing the tapes. Even though my diaper was stained heavily, my underwear contained it and was a disaster zone and it smelled awful. I dumped the chunky parts into the toilet and hopped into the (running) shower to take them fully off. Somehow, they came most of the way clean. If they weren’t soaked from being rinsed out, I would have felt comfortable putting them back on and wearing them more. Instead, I took a pull-up with me and put it on after the shower. Thats the story of when/how I last pooped my diaper, but the story itself continues just a little bit more. After I got back to my room, I had to start getting ready for work like right then. So I got into my work clothes and I very highly considered putting another pull-up into my backpack with a pack of wipes in case the exlax wasn’t done with me yet. But I figured since that much time had passed, I was likely done, so I headed on out without them. This could have easily been a fatal mistake. Only a couple of hours into my shift and I start feeling something happening down below. By the time I typed out “I think I feel a poop coming on” in a certain chat, the poop was there and ready to exit. It was fairly urgent too. I walked the 50 feet to the nearest toilet and caught myself almost letting some out into my pants as I stood there ready to drop my britches. I held on, though, and got myself planted before I actually did release. I’d say if I were on the other side of the parking lot, I might would have had at least a little come out of me and into my pull-up.
  4. Minus the branding and setup, that sounds like mine (estimated delivery on Friday). I’m not sure if the heads or rims can be reassigned, but it does have midi out (via usb) and several prerecorded samples to play along with. I think it’ll even record tracks? Idk if it comes with sticks. I think it’s just the set plus the stand. No seat, no sticks, no headphones, nothing. Well, it comes with a power supply, but that’s it.
  5. Saying it’ll look “terrible” would be a bit of an exaggeration. Sure it won’t look the best at first, but model trains are still cool in their most basic forms. What you should do is use boxes to build bridges and tunnels and building from. Use bottles as silos or towers or such. Remember: at the heart of all beautiful landscaping is a ton of styrofoam and several layers of improvisation/creativity.
  6. They will be here around the ninth of this month. It’s a pretty set too. They costed me $455. It comes with four toms and a snare and four symbols including hi-hat. Also kick drum and hi-hat pedal and of course the computer. And apparently, the rim of the snare is linked to more sounds. I’m guessing the toms are the same way, but it doesn’t specify so. Actually, I saved a pic of the kit. I’ll post it here. 37B1AD10-80F2-45D3-BA9A-7F805B4C516A.webp
  7. It’s supposed to start back on Thursday and go on for 4 days. That’s subject to change. When I opened the app, I watched the prediction for Wednesday go from rain to sunny.
  8. We had flash flood warnings. Idk if there really was any flooding, but it sure did carry the capabilities to produce it. You’re not wrong about the fire though.
  9. When I got home, I changed my socks pretty much instantly. I didn’t put the shoes in front of a fan, but they were exposed to open air and a fan was on. I tried to find the article talking about it, but about two or three years ago, the first couple months of the year, about 70% of the days were rainy days, so I feel ya there. Heh, if only that was it. Then instead of wet and cold, I would have been wet and warm.
  10. It is still raining. My feet’s are still wet and I am not as cold, but my feet still are. It was supposed to storm off an on today, but it was just rain we got. I’ll try to stay dry! No promises though.
  11. It’s been raining for a few hours now. When I saw a break in the rain, I put on a poncho and gloves and went to go change the outside garbages. By the time I got to the door to go out, the rain picked back up a little bit. I knew better, but I decided to head on out anyway that way I could get it over with. Halfway to the first can, the rain picked up more and I considered going back in. But I thought I was already halfway to the can, might as well continue. I got to the can and the rain picked up even more. This can is by a drainage thing in the lot (one of those types that’s essentially a hole cut into the curb and water goes in and falls down and there’s a concrete cover over it with a manhole entrance). The water when I got there was reaching the top of the rubber of my shoes. By the time I got the new bag into it, the water was reaching halfway up my foot. I went and checked the second can and by this point, the rain was absolutely pouring. Second can was empty, but I had already checked the third and knew it needed changed, so I walked to it and did that. Then I took them to the dumpster and tossed them. And then I went inside (I stood outside the door for a few minutes first). Oml, when I say my shoes got flooded, I mean they actually literally got flooded (that’s why I stood outside before coming in). My pant legs were soaked from about mid-thigh down. I ended up taking my shoes off and my socks and wringing my socks out. There was so much water in my socks. It was like wringing a rag out. A few minutes after I got my socks and shoes back on, I took them back off to wring them out a second time. So that brings us to now. My feet are so wet and so cold rn. My body is cold, but my feet especially so. My pant legs are mostly dry now. I still feel water squishing around as I walk, so my feet aren’t too dry and likely won’t be for a while yet. Something else I wanted to say before I post this: while I was standing outside getting ready to come in, I got the urge to pee and I came very close to subconsciously letting it out into my pants. Just as my brain decided to relax and let it flow, it stopped itself and reminded itself that I’m not padded today. That probably doesn’t mean much, but I’m gonna take it as I should start wearing to work every day and see if that helps me with my long-term goal of unpotty training.
  12. It depends for me. If I have other stuff coming too, I pretend it’s part of that. Usually “electrical stuff” is it. If it’s the only thing I have coming, my answer is “just some stuff.” If asked more, I’ll make something up like the previous line.
  13. It was either yesterday or the day before. I meant to post about it when it happened. Got up to get ready for work. I needed a shower, so I took clothes to the bathroom with me. I sat on the toilet with my pants up and pushed some out. I strained a little at first, but it finally started happening. It started firm but ended kinda liquidy. Yes I sat in it after closing the toilet lid. I finally cleaned up and got ready for work.
  14. I worked my usual shift today and clocked out at my normal time. When I leave my shift, we gotta take a small access road that goes under the interstate and loops back around to the other side’s weigh station. My dad wanted to stop there for something and we noticed something wrong. The person who was supposed to work the northbound side (I’m southbound) didn’t show up. Didn’t call or anything. My dad called the manager and after a small discussion, I’m now suddenly working a double. I just wanted to go home, do a specific task that may or may not be legal in your area (it’s not in mine ?) and just relax. I don’t have any idea how much sleep I got last night. There’s a chance I got exactly 8 hours, but I’m thinking more like 6-7. That’s 10 hours more of work than sleep! It’s aggravating, but I’m not going to complain too hard because I volunteered to cover the shift (I was already here and in uniform and everything). I was sitting here letting myself be upset, though it honestly isn’t too bad if a deal. I’m supposed to work tomorrow, but since I’m here tonight, my dad is going to cover me. That means I get tomorrow off. But then my sleep schedule gets all wonky because I’ll be getting home a few hours after I normally crawl in bed. And then I started thinking. The root of my aggravation might be unrelated to having to stay an extra shift. I was kinda looking forward to getting a package today (an electrical current meter), but it sat in one facility for the entire day, so it wasn’t delivered. Since I don’t work tomorrow now, I’ll be home to get that package. And then I remembered some other stuff I had ordered, so I checked the tracking info for those too. In addition to the package that failed to show up today, I have three additional packages coming tomorrow too! One is another model train car. The second is the package of pull-ups and wipes and the third is the sample of pull-ups (they sent two samples and didn’t put them with the first order). I kinda had a negative feeling about the pull-up delivery. I already received one electrical (voltage) meter, so my dad was expecting me to get a small package and nothing else. He doesn’t know about the train car either. Imagine what my parents would think if they were expecting only one tiny-ass innocent package and ended up getting two small ones, one fairly large one and idk what size container the last one will be in. They’d want to open one up to see. Whether they would, idk, but the thought’s still unsettling. So then I had yet another thought or two. I’ll be home when all of those packages arrive. My sleep schedule had already been falling apart. My new plan up to this point was to go home, skip the fun thing I mentioned earlier and go straight to bed (after getting out of my work clothes). Now I had a new new plan. If I can keep myself in a position where I can’t voluntarily involuntary pass out, I’ll stay up the entire day and try to fix my sleep schedule by going to bed earlier than usual. More than likely, I’ll just pass out after being home an hour or two anyway and sleep through at least one delivery, but it’s a plan worth trying anyway.
  15. Hello and welcome. Myself am dl with a smol amount of ab too, but I am way more than just a little bit furry. Come in, have a seat, meet some new friends and enjoy your stay. Don’t be shy about asking for advice or putting your own thoughts out there. If you’re afraid of making yourself look…uneducated, for lack of a better term, don’t fret. I’ve made a few posts myself that were less than..smart.
  16. Nope. It wasn’t until maybe my early teens when I started actually messing myself. It was usually firm and easy to clean and I didn’t do it very often. When it wasn’t easy to clean, I’d do my best with toilet paper. In my mid to late teens is when I started doing it more regularly under the same pretenses. This time, if it was too messy, I’d go into the woods and ditch my underwear.
  17. Pants 100%. Diapers tend to mask the mushy feeling, which is like 70% of the enjoyment I get from doing it in my pants. The other 30% is spread across the naughtiness (doing something I’m not “allowed” to be doing), the convenience, the sexiness fetish…. My order of pull-ups should be at my house tomorrow or the day after. It says day after, but it shipped from a neighboring state and is already in mine.
  18. About 3 hours ago. Woke up feeling like I was going to be sick. Nausea, belly pains, etc. After I got up and moving around, the nausea subsided and I was left with pain and an urge to poo. After getting clothes together to take a shower, I went to the bathroom (with said clothes) and sat on the commode with my undies still around my waist. A somewhat slow release later and I had a decent diarrhea bulge in my pants. After snapping a couple pics, I emptied my drawers and hopped in the tub to rinse my pants out and clean myself up.
  19. I didn’t see the option within the order, but I did request one as I suspect a persons normally would. I mentioned already having an order placed, so perhaps they’ll see the request before filling the order, or at least before shipping it.
  20. I followed the link and chose a lesser absorbent pull-up. I also added wipes to my shopping cart because idk how many times I thought “hey, these would be kinda handy right about now.” I just hope I chose the correct size pull-up. I went medium because my waist is somewhere around the median of that range, but it also suggested I could use a large. I’ll find out when they get here in a couple days (I was surprised the origin state is a neighboring state to me). So I can expect a struggle to flood these too (but not anywhere near as big a struggle as the abu simple ultras)? Yeah I’m still aiming for that goal lol.
  21. I’m looking to try pull-ups when I run out of diapers, but I’ve no idea where to go to buy them. I’ve been using abuniverse for the diapers because of that discreet packaging and I’m looking for the same for the pull-ups. I don’t want any prints or scents or anything special either. Just your run-of-the-mill pull-ups with discreet shipping.
  22. “Tragic” news: my nephew came over yesterday before we went to have a cookout. He decided he finally wanted to take the cow with him, so I don’t have it anymore. I’m going to have to expedite my search. Also, I noticed I didn’t fully reply to @BabySpiderBoy. I like their smell tbh. And their looks.
  23. The itch is 95% gone. There’s still a spot or two that itch every now and then, but it’s almost to how it normally is. I’ve upped my water intake and that’s got me getting close to regular again (about 70% or so). I’m still going to look into fiber foods.
  24. I kind of thought that too, low key. But what’s throwing that theory off for me is the itchiness. It was all up and down my butt, from the very back/top up onto my sack. I’m still thinking I didn’t clean myself too well and developed a rash (or at least started to), this the itching all over. Constipation probably because of dehydration. I’ve been trying to up my water intake, but so many other things keep presenting themselves to me. I asked my dad to bring me some food for lunch at work (I woke up and came straight here to help cover someone else who was feeling bad) and he brought me Starbucks too. Or like yesterday when the Coke people were here. The machine owed my dad $2, but he got paid back in, well, Coke. I’ve been forcing water when I can though.
  25. Two minutes ago. Woke up and was already padded from yesterday. After a while of lying in bed, I finally felt ready to push, and push I did. I’m still lying here, but am about to go clean up.
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