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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by Moochie

  1. I am in my office with a nice pair of pants, sweater, and sport coat...oh, I forgot to mention a Cushies cloth back diaper. Still dry but will wet during the day without my colleagues being any the wiser...I hope. 3-4 drops of baby powder scented oil in my diaper, and baby powder will keep me smelling fresh and quite pleasant as my diaper gets wetter throughout the day. Update: Halfway through the day and I am pretty wet, but not the leaking threshold. I think I can make it home and change.
  2. I am up this morning with a wet and now messy Attends Premier diaper and yellow Kins Taffeta pant. The Attends Premier diapers are very good and also convenient for me because a local medical supply store sells them, so I just stop in and buy a bag whenever I want them in my diaper rotation. They are absorbent for my night time volitional wetting (avoid wetting laying on my side though), discreet for daytime wetting, super soft-I think the softest diaper I wear, nice inner leg guards that help contain my poopy, and the only criticism I have is a substantial diaper sag when wet. To mitigate my wet (and sometimes messy) diaper from sagging I wear plastic, PUL, or Taffeta pants that of course gives me more security against leaks as well. I also have very nice printed cotton/lycra diaper pants from Big Tots and satin diaper pants from SatintheMaidenUSA. These are not waterproof but are aesthetically pleasing and keeps my diaper from sagging when wet. A onesie would also work well but I have no interest in onesies. Sitting here I am quite comfy with no press out leaks or poopy diapee blowout, just a warm squishy poopy in my diapee. Excellent start to my soon to be busy day and I think a Cushies cloth back diaper will be my work/office choice where I'll wet during the day but no messes at work. I'll also stay smelling fresh and pleasant with 2-4 drops of baby powder scented oil inside my diaper, and of course baby powder, and baby lotion on my diaper area.
  3. I don't change my wet and messy morning diaper for a good two hours which means right now I am sitting here wet and messy, warm, squishy. I try to get the maximum pleasure from my wet and poopy diapee. I will only change in a more timely manner if I have a diaper blow-out or on the rare occasion when my wife might be close by, then I go to the basement and change, but this very rare.
  4. After I change my wet and messy morning diaper, I have a Bambino Classico V2 diaper ready for the office. I have a very busy day and will wet during the without anyone knowing that I have a diaper on. let alone a wet diaper. 2-4 drops of baby powder scented oil inside my diaper and baby powder will keep me smelling fresh and clean. No pee pee smelling diapers for me among my coworkers. It's so nice to be talking with someone while wetting my diaper feeling the warmth spread.
  5. This morning is brought to you by the courtesy of a wet and messy Cushies Ultra diaper. After I change, I have a Bambino Classico V2 diaper ready for my office diaper, busy day so I will be wet.
  6. Now I am in my office with the Little Kings diaper that was delivered on Saturday. Already just a little wet, not much.
  7. Woke up with a wet Cushies cloth back diaper covered with plastic pants and messed 30 minutes ago while in the kitchen checking emails on my phone. Now I am enjoying a wet, warm, soft, poopy squish in my diaper while I respond to this thread drinking a hot cup of coffee,
  8. Just changed out of a wet and messy Crinklz Aquanaut diaper (unusual for me to mess in the afternoon) but my wife was on the phone with a friend and I knew she should be talking for awhile so I retreated to the lower level and messed my diaper. I ironed some pants and then l changed. What an easy change when you don't sit down! Now ready for a relaxing evening in a Cushies cloth back diaper and plastic pants.
  9. A 40 count case of Little Kings, size medium arrived yesterday afternoon from ABUniverse. I saw the Fed Ex truck and met the delivery person at the front door. I carried the box to the basement where I store my diapers,, opened a pack and promptly put a Little Kings diaper on, but first I did a little comparison with Tykables Animooz, to be addressed a little later. The Little Kings are very comfortable, I held off wetting because I wanted to wear the diaper to bed. I wet during the night and now my Little Kings diaper is also very messy, All is good, no leaks, no diaper blow-outs, still very comfortable, and even more so with my squishy mess. The fit is snug, no wet diaper droop that often happens with cloth back disposable diapers. The print is just enough, not overly garish, more pastel and subtle. To compare with the Tykables Animooz diaper, I find the Animooz print more prominent, but still not overdone. The Animooz have what Tykables refers to as the "waddle cut" which amounts to a wider padding in the crotch, They are a more substantial diaper and harder to conceal under clothes, but not impossible with proper clothing. I haven't compared the fluid ml. capacity ratings, only my own real life wettings. Both diapers work well for my wetting habits, and the inner standing leak guards contain my poopy with equal ability. What a person would prefer will likely be based on whether they want a more substantial, slightly bulkier diaper in the Animooz or a more discreet diaper with the Little Kings. I have no plans to change immediately, in fact, I will get my morning exercise in this wet and fully loaded Little Kings diaper. By the time I finish exercising, I'll definitely be overdue for a change.
  10. Nope, my license plate is "locked and loaded." Gives anyone with road rage a second thought of "messing" with me!!!🙃
  11. Nothing unusual at all: 1. wipe as much as possible with any clean portion of my diaper, if a diaper blow-out skip this step, 2. adult wipes, the number used depends on the need, 3. wet and soapy wash cloth, 4. rinse the wash cloth and continue cleaning the soap residue from my bottom and perineum. 5. pat dry, 6. apply baby lotion to my bottom and perineum, 7. sprinkle baby powder in my clean/fresh diaper, 8. diaper myself, 9. wrap my soiled diaper in a plastic bag and dispose of in the outside trash, 9. air freshener, 10. Continue with my day as usual where I will wet throughout the course of the day, but won't mess my diaper after my wife is up for the day-one of our boundaries that I respect. I don't think this was graphic at all, and this process will soon be implemented with my soaked and messy Tykables Cushies cloth back diaper. I had a very wet night, leaked because of wetting while side sleeping even with plastic pants so I added a step of a 30 minute wash cycle for my wet clothes. My side of the bed was only slightly damp, so like a ninja, while my wife was still sleeping, a wiped my sheets with a damp soapy wash cloth. I just checked my seat padding and I have some press out leaks that I will also wipe with a damp soapy wash cloth. Fortunately no poopy press-out, just warm, squishy delight. That's my Saturday morning!!!
  12. I had an unusually wet night in a Tykables Cushies cloth back disposable diaper and plastic pants. My night pants and shirt were wet on the right side, my side of the bed was thankfully only slightly damp. My clothes are in the washer for quick 30 minute cycle. The leaky diaper was caused by side sleeping and wetting. I am actually sitting here in the same diaper that is now messy as well. I just checked my chair cover and I do have a few press out leaks, but the poopy is just fine inside my diaper.
  13. Pretty soon I am going to implement my efficient changing and cleaning process because my Tykables Cushies Ultra diaper is very wet and messy, and getting messier, squishier by the minute sitting here. That's not a complaint, just the opposite,,,ahhh!😌
  14. All of the above and by the way nothing like jogging with a poopy load in my diaper.
  15. 1 kg =2.2 lbs. or 17.6 lbs. according to the license plate.
  16. I am up this morning sick; my wife passed the crud on to me. Although sick, my wet and now messy Tykables Animooz diaper is giving my soft, warm, squishy comfort. There was no change in my posture when I messed my diaper in the kitchen while getting coffee. I just relaxed and went poopy in my diapee. I usually exercise in the morning, but I am not going to exercise in my poopy diaper, and I am not going to go into a consulting position today. I will just relax, change my poopy diaper pretty soon, put on another diaper and drink fluids and wet throughout the day, No more messy diapers after my wife gets out of bed out of courtesy to her sensitive nose.
  17. A Cushies Ultra diaper. Need I tell you the condition of my diaper this morning?
  18. Simply relaxing and messing my diaper as if nothing has happened is the most innocent and best diaper pooping experience for me. Messing my diaper is one of the simple pleasures of life. As is usual for me I wet my diaper during the night, my choice was a Cushies Ultra diaper. I think it is a limited edition diaper but could be wrong. Now that I am up this morning all I had to do was relax while in the kitchen and went poopy in my diaper. I am sick this morning, my wife has been sick for a week, and she was kind enough to share with me. My wet, warm, messy, squishy diaper is comforting though. I'll change soon, I think a Tykables Animooz diaper for the day as I try to recover. I'll wet during the day, but after my wife gets out of bed, I don't mess my diaper around her out of courtesy to her olfactory sense. I know that messing diapers is not an activity for every ABDL, but for me the initial sensations of relaxing, perhaps some pushing, feeling the warm poopy fill my diaper, walking to my computer with the warm mess in my diaper, and finally sitting down while the waves of squishy pleasure cascades throughout my body together with the emotional catharsis is sooo intense for me that I shudder with pleasure. ahhhh!
  19. If my diaper crinkles it is subtle and noticed only by me, so I don't mind at all.
  20. It's morning, same diaper but wet and messy.
  21. On schedule again this morning. I wet my Tykables Animooz diaper during the night more than once. When I got up, I went potty in my diaper as soon as I got out of bed, a nice firm mess with a little push substantially filled my diaper. Walking downstairs to the kitchen feeling my poopy load never gets old. I checked emails and had to respond to one email. I sat down by the kitchen table for my first squish and now on my second sitting squish. Since this is a firm poopy, my squish is more like pancaked poopy in my diaper, warm, lumpy, sticky, only slightly stinky (at least to me), coupled with hot coffee. A MAGNIFICENT MASSIVE MESSY MONDAY!
  22. I just got ready for the evening in a Tykables Animooz diaper. Last check on Daily Diapers while my wife watches reruns of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
  23. I have messed my diaper while jogging, very nice...makes me run faster!!!!
  24. Cozy in a wet and messy diaper and t-shirt. 16 degrees F. outside, but nice and warm and squishy inside (house and diaper)!
  25. I wish I could add some variation, but my morning routine, is, well, simply my routine. I am up this morning wet and now messy in a Cushies cloth back diaper and Gary Euroflex pants- crinkly. So here I am wet, messy, stinky, squishy and any other word ending in "y" that describes my diaper: poopy, potty in my diapee. I am not sure what feels better, messing my diaper as I walked downstairs from the bedroom to the kitchen feeling my diaper fill up with a warm poopy, walking while feeling the messy load in my diaper, or the squish as I sit here contributing to this thread. I'll have to call the sensations and pleasure a tie. Soon I will be getting my morning exercise in my wet and poopy diaper, another ecstatic experience. I think the correct term after my exercise is that I will be "ripe" for a diaper change, although I really am "ripe" right now.
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