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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by Topguy

  1. Welcome Cheri,I hope you enjoy the site!
  2. My borg costume-you will be asimilated!
  3. I could definitely go with the incon support group,that would be excellent....... thanks!
  4. People who come into the chat room and yammer incessantly "Are you wearing?" Are you wet?" "why aren't you wet?" "are you wetting NOW?" It gets a bit annoying,but only to the point I want to stuff a thier wet diapers in thier mouths.
  5. I'd much rather run a poll on if there was a cure for "normal" people who look down thier noses at everyone else. My vote is YES for that-if they ever come up with it.
  6. You know curious, sometimes certain people really DO behave a bit too much like spoiled little babies on here. Fun is fun,but trying growing up sometime people! We would all be MUCH happier!
  7. People who whine about leaving should keep thier word,or shut the heck up. No matter what the reason.
  8. Just to add a fond memory here...........one of the things I used to enjoy doing was to put a girl into a cage when she was taking a nap-diapered. The bondage freaks really enjoyed this-due to being restrained,but allowed a little room to get more comfortable..........the cage bottom was a vinyl covered foam pa,d with a cloth cover that could be washed.......and the room was kept warm........... The experience of coming in and seeing a lady lying there confined-so vulnerable and exposed,awas always charming. I did leave an out-the key was in reach in a plastic bag,taped to the wall.........but none of them ever wanted to escape-after all, they were there for a reason..............
  9. Not really,seems a bit redundant. I have employed cnavas locking pants over diapers for submissive girl however-I suppose those would qualify as women's panties-since that was who was in them.
  10. Well,people do manage to hook up in good relationships.......But let's face it,a girl would REALLY have to be into control to want to go there. And being a top in such situations is a lot of work-you always need to keep it balanced it it's going to work........... And I'm glad you're enjoying your project-imagine how much more fun it would be if you weren't allowed to change the diaper yourself!
  11. Well baby,a lot of bad press that happens in D/s comes from those who want to play,but not pay. And if done correctly it's not fantasy-it becomes reality. The difference being planning, and the fortitude to follow through.
  12. I agree kanjii..........there have always been various methods used to control the weak minded. Over the years I have come across many hwo harbored fantasies and desperately wished for them to be fullfilled. That's when the fox moves in, and takes out the chicken...
  13. Dude,that's what submissive girlfriends are for! You actually have to PAY for it?
  14. Some people are just wired diferently baby. I have seen girls who search thier entires lives for just such situations...........As to why they do it? it varies greatly-you'd have to ask them what they get out of it. As to why they submit? I think they submit more to thier own natures,than to a dominant. After all, A Dominant is really just a facillitator for submissive expression........
  15. It's quite true that life's demands have to come first-we all have to keep a roof over our heads and food in our mouths. But what I have enjoyed in the past is the ability to work it into day to day life. I'm not a "daddy" per se-though what I do can look very much like that. But the regression dynamic really doesn't do much for me-it's too unreal for me to take seriously. I've usually used this as an initial breaking in sort of thing. Now if your girl is in a live in situation,say working with you in a home based business,(like mine) keeping her diapered is not all that difficult. I work an average nine hour day-six days a week. When you don't have to go other places and work for other people in THIER settings,it gives one a lot more freedom. In my world, a girl CAN be sitting upstairs,clad only in a wet diaper,sewing or doing other tasks to pull her share of the load. And it's a low work dynamic for me-I just change her on breaks. (which are every three hours-it only takes five minutes to change a diaper and apply skin barriers) What it comes down to ultimately, is how you decide to live-and what sacrifices you make for your freedoms.
  16. kanji,I like domination in general as a fun addition to day to day life. But a relationship with someone means sharing a lot more than that.
  17. My shower head has adjustable flows-it doesn't use a lot of water if you set it right.........and the water is always vold-I plave a small amount of detergent in the stained area as well---the washing machine handles all the rest
  18. Sighs I have to work-maybe the next time round................
  19. Topguy

    Fetishes Forum

    One of my most fun fetishes is diaper Domination-forced diaper use of submissives.
  20. As far as the chained to the wall messing her diapers,done that. it's not something I do every day. All things in moderation,anything done too often loses it's impact.
  21. I know, I don't participate in them any more. There are many ways-not one true way.
  22. I never think of things as long term. Long term happens when you have enough to offer another to stick around.
  23. I live in a place that gets over 100 inches of rain a year-it's not an issue here. And I have an adjustable flow shower head.
  24. So youre a cloth fanatic too,eh? Nice,did you know I just set up a group about sewing diapers? Hmm,I used to have some tg mtf aquaintances when I was out in the local scene here. One was a pre op undergoing the hormone treatments..... Wanted to get some play in,but none of the Doms around would give him the time of day..........I was out on the bus that evening,and he/she offered me a ride home. I treated him to a light introductory flogging when we got here-not a big deal,but at least some sort of experience. I don't go "out" much in the public kink arena these days-got tired of the politics and bs. No matter what you identify as kanji-there's someone for eveyone out there.
  25. Yes Glenn....people like us could use a community that understands. We face a lot of rejection and shame for things we have no control over. So I decided to get things rolling, and see if we couldn't find some remedies to these issues...
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