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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by Amyuser

  1. MLT are you trying to make us blind or what's up the micro print?? And guys i point down and trust me i have been wearing diapers for close to ten years and there is no erection anywhere near my diaper or my little friend who parks down there after you guys wear 24/7 365 for even 2 years you will lose that erection because diapering is just another part of the day an ADL Activity of Daily Living it will be as thrilling as opening the fridge and looking for leftovers to heat in the nuker. Nappy
  2. Kari has it right duct tape that sucker or if you don't have that put on your tightest rubber pants and call it done. Nappy
  3. Might have been the whiskey, could have been the gin, or the 2, ,4 ,3 , 6 packs i don't know but look at the shape i'm in , my head is like a football, and theres a trail of wet diapers leading down the hall if anybody remembers that old song except for the last line that just fit!! Happy Nappy
  4. Wetman you are never to old, my Brother is in transition to become my Sister and he is 48 years old and will probably be my Sister when she is 56 or 57. Nappy
  5. Messaging is working again check your mail WetMan!
  6. wetman i sent you a message so check your box and call them and ask who sells it! it would not let me post a message so its on your blog area or something look around i left info for you. wetman do you cath?? and if so do you have insurance that pays for your supplies? Nappy
  7. Why are you even spending your money on that i Cath myself 3X's a day and have never used anything other than lube and the tube,and the Lube is just individual packets of KY. Wetman is Octenisept a numbing lube by chance?? Nappy
  8. Wheels You do know that "showing" off like that is involving other innocent people in your fantasy and that is not appropriate in any way shape or form,you start little and you end up as one of those new's stories that we read going "it's hithead's like that that make all ABDL's look like freaks" so you really have to draw the line and NOT do stuff like that accidents are one thing but to plan your wardrobe to showcase your "bulk" is wrong in every way. On a positive note i hope you enjoy the Mall. I just added some custom lighting to my chair 2 small light heads for use when out at night they have there own rechargeable battery pack and on high they will provide 3600 lumens for 6 hours continuously and if i lower the output they can last as long as 10 hours but the 3600 lumens is more light than some cars headlights so it is freakin bright people can not believe that its a wheelchair when they drive past me ,i had i go stop and say i thought you where a car stopped in the road , because my chair's top speed is 8Mph so to a car thats not moving, but the guy was totally amazed at the lights and i told him they are just LED's put a line to the battery with a voltage regulator and you could cover your car in them. Thats a place to show off "bling on your chair" not your underwear . Nappy
  9. I am Incontinent and mainly wear cloth diapers Ultimate 3's from Angelfluff and now that they are back on the market after a way too long absence true Rubber Pants from Babykins i just put a bulk order in yesterday to both companies for those products as well as long sleeve onsies and snap crotch Golf shirts ( its really a good looking Golf shirt that has a business end ,a onsie who could ask for more) but in all honesty if you like plastic pants try Rubber they are the original waterproof pant for over a diaper and a completely different experience than plastic. Nappy
  10. Mike It amazes me how people actually believe that by spending more money for the phone service they save more money on the other services you are already over paying for ! i Have a home phone simply because i have cardiac telemetry hooked up and as far as answering it hell no if you aint got my cell number you are not important,and i'm not gonna be talking to you. Nappy
  11. Well i just donated to my favorite Manufacturer's i ordered an additional 15 new Ultimate 3's from Angelfluff ,and ordered 15 additional pair of Rubber pants ( i do not think its possible to have to many of these on hand, can you??) 20 additional Lap neck Long Sleeve Onsies ( i like the lap neck because i don't dislocate my shoulders as much with these as i do with a regular T-shirt neck ) and 25 additional Golf shirt with Snap crotch ( I may be disabled but i am not dead so look nice is still something i shoot for and these shirts are functional and fashionable) from Babykins. so my orders will be done before the holiday madness starts up, Jeanie and Jenny know that i always buy in bulk when i shop as i like to have multiples of the same thing like i carry in my back pack a complete change of clothes as well as diapers and such so if anything major was to happen i could go to the restroom and come out looking like when i went in but i'm clean and dry because i had a complete 2nd set of what i was wearing on standby. The old be prepared Nappy
  12. Why is talking "Medical" on the Incontinence Medical Board a Problem all of a sudden should the medically Incontinent now post on Incontinent desires or go talk about it in the Lifestyle section because medically Incontinent for me is just a small part of a much larger disease problem in my body and i probably have 20 or 25 doctors visits per year which effects my LIFESTYLE and those do not include if i get sick or get a decubitus ulcer. So should i start a dialog in lifestyle covering each Doctor visit, oh yeah and i did not include my once a week PT session gotta include that and gotta include the paperwork update every month for W.H.O. (World Health Organization) and the every 3 month paper work for N.I.H (National Institute For Health) when you are the only person alive with a decease that they are studying they want to know everything about what you do ,how you live etc.... because people with this disease pop up here and there whenever a certain gene mutates and in over 100 years i'm number 203 born with this disease nobody can catch the disease, it doesn't spread, you just have to born with it ,and very few people are . so should we do medical here or like i suggest take over lifestyle because part of my incontinence is part of my greater disease and surely you can see that that disease is a lifestyle all it's own.
  13. True Betty i Have a content running tap with multiple bombardments at irregular times, despite a schedule of fluid intake and a schedule of cathing and the constant leaking so the pipes don't freeze type of thing, so i do the super clean and plenty of air thing but make sure i have loads of protection right handy because with my plumbing all 12 months are trick or treat the trick is to wear enough protection to be protected without looking like i have elephantiasis of the abdomen and the treat is to have that diapering last me at least three hours without leaking, My wheelchair cushion has an incontinence cover on it so urine does not soak into it but the shear messiness of having to change diapers clothes cushion cover and such will keep me in the bathroom for a good 20-30 minutes which if your out somewhere and not at home makes people wonder what is that guy doing in there??? Nappy
  14. i am bladder incontinent and only a few friends and my staff know that i have "plumbing problems" and i wear abena's or Cloth and unless you are someone i told, nobody has any idea that my bladder has issues and i do not try and hide it by any means i wear adaptive clothes due to the fact i am a Disabled American so i wear pants that make changing my diaper easier & i wear onesie's to keep my diaper in place i have three different styles of them i have the tank top for hot summer days i have the short sleeve boat neck for fall and i have long sleeved for the winter. I also have snap crotch onsie style golf shirts that i wear in the summer so bending over does not give anyone an eyeball full of rubber pants, i wear because i can't control my bladder so far my bowel is not giving me an real trouble but my Doctors say that i should not bank my money on that not being an issue in the future. Anyhow if you start wearing 24/7 theres nothing that says you have to use the diaper for bowel movements or you have to use the toilet , it free will man do whatever feels right at the time and place. Nappy
  15. My absolute favorite way to treat a diaper rash is to practice good hygiene in the first place which virtually eliminates "diaper rash". The only time i have ever had diaper rash was when i was in the Hospital, and could not care for myself, I got both a diaper rash and bedsores well in the Hospital which i have never had before or since that time in almost a decade of Incontinence and impaired mobility. when at home sit with your diaper off let your diaper area get some air, take a shower dry off and catch some air i'm not saying don't be prepared for an accident have something close at hand but try and equalize your life with at least 1/2 as much air time as you do in your diaper. Doing that and proper washing between changes and you should not get diaper rash,i have very sensitive skin and like i said above i got a diaper rash once when i could not care for myself. Nappy
  16. Ok i am the lowest form of life, i bought a HDTV and Blu Ray with all of the functions of that little box built in from the Factory All though i did buy to many Samsung WiFI cards for connecting DVD's/ Blu Rays/ 3D players/ Recievers and HDTV's and such to the home network , so if anybody needs a Samsung WiFi card PM me it's still factory sealed and fresh and Cheap to anyone that needs it! Nappy
  17. now what is the number with the neutral and the + or - numbers
  18. What kind of diaper do you wear when Marathoning Water rides????
  19. Well i have been incontinent for many years and in a power wheelchair so i have done everything in life while wetting, from reading in the library, to killing a man in self defense, to going to a 5 Star Restaurant for Dinner. When you are full time 24/7 you kinda always have the empty /full diaper status in the back of your mind but other than that it's just life and living just like anyone who has no plumbing issues or mobility challenges. Nappy
  20. The first thing to remember is that everyone "hates" whatever they do not understand, and unfortunately unless they keep an open mind they will never understand it , and when was the last time you met someone who didn't have preconceived notions that ABDL's where "Pedo's" or other disgusting things that 99.995% are not. Sorry for the bad news but thats why they seem to "hate"
  21. I must say i'm highly irregular on my bowel movements due to my disease and that i'm on very large doses of opiates, but when i do go its like an elephant let loose and my apartment complex has old plumbing and the landlord kept having to call a plumber to unplug the Low water flushing toilet, until finally a "Master Plumber" came and said these low flush toilets are not using sufficient water or enough pressure to flush, so he installed a new toilet with some kind of a little engine in the tank and now i could flush a large pizza with a couple of ground hogs down the toilet without a problem, its amazing !! Nappy
  22. Most cities and town have Made it a crime to wear your pants that low ,so have fun telling your new Mommy "big Earl" what your in jail for,i'm sure he will will make your Butt so sore by the time you leave jail you might just need those diapers for real, and you definitely won't ever think of "showboating" them again. It's fine for YOU to have a fetish, it's called mental illness when you involve other people without there consent or knowledge into Your fetish,if you lose the ability to differentiate between your fetish and correct behavior in society you deserve to be locked up in a prison hospital for the criminally insane, because you are a danger to society first its showing off your diaper and what will your next fetish cross over be if you start there no one knows what your next thrill seeking behavior will be. And no i have never accidentally on purpose shown my diaper i would have to leave my pants undone not wear my seatbelt not wear my chest harness and then find a way to fall out of my wheelchair to expose my diaper and since i usually am tilted back and semi reclined to move the weight off my hips and my seat cushion has different size air cells where my butt and legs go it would be one incredible act of God for me to fall out af my chair. Nappy
  23. if you Read around we have been discussing this type of diaper its Called an AIO All In One and in general here in the states even the manufacturers will tell you these are a waste of your money they do not hold up,and they are the worst diaper design ever made.but they still make them because some people are irrational and insist on buying them,so as a business they sell them because otherwise the money goes somewhere else---take it from a long term cloth diaper wearer, i figured out the other day i have worn my diapers about 12,000 times so far in my life, choose a well made cloth diaper and a pair of well made plasic/rubber pants they will serve you much better and much longer than an AIO. N
  24. Well Christine Fall River is a wonderful place although i spent my vacations in Glouster and Rockport ,your town could make the fudge . i grew up with rubber pants , and have kinda trained myself to say plastic to go along with the mainstream maybe that stream needed a higher dose of Flomax because Rubber Pants are back, and i have mine and love them if you have to wear them everyday no matter what, well i do have a choice i could drive around peeing as i go but that would not be tolerated very long, I might as well enjoy the products i have to use and rubber pants are what i think i wore as a child because i remember that there was cloth diapers and rubber pants on the shelf in the bathroom closet when i was a child,and since i'm the youngest of three and got everything previously used i would think that i was the final user i remember the rubber pants and wearing them but not specifically the diapers. i also remember the lunch pail and the thermos that wasn't and of course the Chicago Typewriter and you did not want to read the news it printed
  25. Even Jenny From Babykins or Jeanie from Angelfluff will tell you that AIO's are to be avoided, they are the worst diaper solution on the market but some people insist on buying them so they sell them, I mean what business would turn away money ?? but they all say the temperature to dry the diaper is bad for the plastic and if you dry the diaper at a temperature safe for the plastic it will take 2 weeks to dry each diaper, and irregardless of what plastic they use on the AIO's the plastic burns/melts/wears thin long before the diaper would be used for polishing your car or cleaning your antique gun collection and the tell this to people who still insist on buying them especially people who don't want to offend Mom or Dad but they are peeing all over everything, that says to me they are not aware they are doing it so offend is not an issue and a good high quality diaper and pants will be fine you don't need to play them for an idiot with this new "underwear" get them a damn diaper. Nappy
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