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Posts posted by Josh998

  1. Looking for good… 


    Plane white… diapers :) 

    ABDL or no ABDL

    Which are the best :) and why


    I want them as I go away a lot on camps… holidays etc and want to remain padded… I’ve been padded for so long now that I worry about accidents, I feel like I can relax more etc … but if someone finds ABDL diapers it’s difficult to explain where as if they are plane white :) I don’t have to explain the ABDL just the accidents :) 

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  2. 19 minutes ago, ~Brian~ said:


    how fortunate you are my friend: I just got done looking at a video that was made by one of our members: @zombieg Just got done posting a video about the five things that SHE says people may be doing wrong. That doesn't necessarily mean that you're doing something wrong, but I would watch that video that she just posted, and it is in the links section of the forms, so I would definitely suggest taking a look at it. She really does make sense when she tells you about the five things she thinks people do wrong with ABDL.

     One of the things that she says is that there are people who procrastinate: by this she means that if you really want to do something, you need to take stock in what you're doing, you have to realize that you are in control, and you need to do whatever makes you happy.  If you want to wear diapers, if you want to snuggle with your stuffy, if you want to suck a pacifier or drink a bottle, then do it: she will tell you that you have to do what makes you happy. If wearing diapers or doing any of this makes you happy, then just do it. It is one thing if you are questioning yourself, but if it makes you feel good, what is stopping you from just doing it, other than maybe someone in your household that may not understand.

     She also says that you don't have to have all of the bells and whistles that some people think that you have to have in order to be ABDL. This is important because some people may not be able to afford all of the bells and whistles, and it would be cost prohibitive for everybody to have all the newest gadgets. Just remember one thing, it is you who have to be happy, and the only way you're gonna be happy is to just do it. One of the things that I found that was more advantageous was for me to accept the fact that I am a diaper lover, I am incontinent, and I do like diapers: regardless of what I do, what I say, how I feel, where I go, I will always feel that way. What I had to accept was that I am who I am, and I had to realize that instead of worrying about what would happen, I just had to decide how I was going to handle it period now that I'm incontinent and I am a diaper lover, I've already accepted that, and I accept that period now that I have accepted it, I am who I am, and I wear diapers 24/7. It doesn't matter what day it is, it doesn't matter what time it is, it doesn't matter what location I'm at, but I do the things that I have to do.

    So, what is stopping you from doing what it is that you wanna do? Is it because you are afraid someone will find out and will blab it all over the place? Or are you afraid that someone will find out of your kink and parts of your lifestyle, and then make you feel bad because of it? There are plenty of like minded individuals who would do exactly the same thing as I'm telling you you should do. The only thing I'm gonna warn you is that you should do it in an appropriate time and inappropriate place where the appropriate people. Other than that, you should be able to do whatever you want to do, and if it makes you happy, as she says just do it. Don't procrastinate anymore: procrastination only makes the desire more prevalent and more forward facing, because that's all you can concentrate on! Just put a diaper on and enjoy it, grab that stuffy, grab that pacifier or whatever it is that makes you feel good, maybe a blanket or something, and just do it!

    That's all there is to it: you have to be able to allow your mindset to change. You are the one who is in charge of what is going on. If you're living at home, then you might have an issue, but if you're living by yourself in your own apartment, as long as you are not exposing your fetish to somebody else who it is not appropriate to do it for, you should have no issue period remember that you should always be happy comma and if wearing diapers or doing any of the above things makes you that way comma then i would do it in a 2nd exclamation mark i had to learn it the hard way comma because it took me 47 years to accept the obvious, and three years to be able to say I am what I am, and that is that.

    So I would just go with your instinct and just let yourself be a happy individual. If wearing a diaper makes you happy, do it! There's no harm in it, and I wish people would understand that: there are many of us who do exactly what I'm telling you to do, and all of us are able to function at some sort of level that is appropriate. So don't be afraid, grab that stuffy grab that pacifier put on that diaper, and be yourself! Of course, there are many of us that do the same thing, and you are not the first one that feels the way you do, and you're not the first one to be scared or worried about what may happen. Somebody outed me when I ended up making a mistake once, and then I finally had to say enough is enough, and give them the what for. What I'm trying to say is don't procrastinate any longer than you have to, be yourself and do what you think is appropriate for yourself. i believe you will be happier for 

    don't hesitate to ask any one of us for any further advice: I'm sure that once you're able to get that advice, you will be able to find a way to make yourself feel good without having someone give you a lot of grief. Even if they do, this is your decision, and nobody else's!

    Good luck!


    I love your reassurance… and I do it… I’ve never not had a night without my pacifier… I sleep with my teddies every night… and I love them a lot… 


    I secretly wear diapers (still live with mum and dad) 


    I just I suppose wish I didn’t have to do it so secretively… I wished people wouldn’t call me a man … I want people to say “that’s a good boy” 


    when they call me a man it hurts a little… it reminds me I’m growing up :( when I get called a good boy it almost cuddles the little boy inside me … I wish he could be cuddled more… 

  3. I wish so so so much it would be recognised…

    I don’t see anything about ABDL sexual, I’d give up all sexual pleasure to be the age I feel comfortable with. I just want the comfort to be myself… I haven’t grown up… I am a child image.gif.226785186890f1f990290c8becb8f07f.gif it’s society that wants me and forces me to grow up…

    I wish so badly it would be recognised image.gif.896054aac4e8ef8431adaf963f837347.gif I want to be allowed to snuggle up to my teddy’s and use a pacifier or suck my thumb Without being looked at like a weirdo…

    Someone who is male identifying as female can ware a dress, put makeup on etc and they are more and more accepted (as they should be) by society because they feel like the are in the wrong body…

    Anyone have any advice or hope ? the older I’m getting the worse it’s getting for me of course image.gif.ec1bf5739e7396193bb0f90cbfc754bb.gif

    It’s bad people that are the reason that this hasn’t gone further and been accepted like gender dysphoria etc… also that doesn’t help is that society growing up is the right thing to do, some may say that it’s biologically what happened but that’s not taking into account how people think physiologically.

    I am really struggling… I hate being called a man… inside I am a boy… when I get told off for something inside I feel as upset as a little boy… I want my teddy… I want comfort… and we’ll what makes it worse is society does not put its arms round me and say don’t worry you can cuddle your teddy, you can have your pacifier… it says “grow up”…


    It hurts so bad image.gif.8ba2bd6e6b635e8a74ea5bcea23525e3.gif

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  4. On 8/4/2021 at 5:21 PM, BabySpiderBoy said:

    Hi!, I hope you're having a great day Josh! Be a good little boy okay?!????❤️☺️ Love you buddy! Hugs!???

    Awwwwwwww ☺️ I am a good boy atleast I try my hardest to be ☺️ ?

    • Like 1
  5. All good :D thank you :D your welcome from one little boy to another ?

    12 hours ago, BabySpiderBoy said:

    How are you doing Josh? Thanks for the kind words about me.? I really appreciate it!?? I love being a good little boy, especially for Daddy!?☺️?

    All good :D thank you :D your welcome from one little boy to another ?

    • Like 1
  6. Hay, 

     I’d like to try daily use of pull ups and nighttime nappies… the nappies I used are crinkles and have amazing absorption… I don’t have to worry to much about leaks they absorb quick and a lot. 

    but when I use normal pull ups they don’t absorb fast enough or enough. And all the pull ups I found are not AB with cute pictures… and reminds me of medical diapers. Not making me feel little :(

    so any suggestions of good pull ups and obviously a bonus for AB design. 

    • Like 1
  7. If I wear a catheter for a period of time… will it eventually lead to reduced ability to hold onto it naturally?

    Possibly lead to bed wetting :) … or maybe even day time accidents ?

    my plan is to put one in and then wear a nappy and just let it fill the nappy for maybe a few weeks :)… 


    anyone any stories or ? 

  8. People say … ooooooo be careful what you wish for… 

    but for me… that’s part of it… I want to loose control… 

    my ideal situation is to not be able to have a dry night … but be able to know when I need the toilet in the day …. If it meant not being able to hold in during the day and me having to be 24/7 then so be it I’d rather that. I don’t want control at night simple… 

    people say think about if carefully… you will regret it … etc etc … but I want to regret it … I want to have no choice… 

    if their was a big button to press and be done with having any more dry nights I’d of pressed it many times before now given the chance… 

    :( I don’t want control… I want to have to put up with having a diaper bag with me on sleepovers and holidays etc :(I want no choice in the matter… 


    :) any suggestions please let me know :)

  9. I’ve never had this problem … I’ve used my dummy every night of my life… never stopped using one… 

    parents did try to get me to stop but I just found them or used a friends and then bought my own… 

    my teeth are in good shape. I think I’ve been lucky.


    maybe try one or two nights off from it if it’s hurting

  10. Hay :)

    I wondered … I love feeling like a little boy age 3 … and wondered when I put my nappy on, should I be using baby powder or sudocream …both or non … if non then when should I use them …. 

    Do you guys apply nappy cream even if you got no rash :)

    also :) what about wearing over the top… should I sleep in just my nappy or a pair of underwear also … what’s normal for a little 3 year old ☺️

    I feel like a 3 year old shouldn’t be wearing a baby grow but sometimes I like to .

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