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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by lil1inlongbeach

  1. You might look into getting a daybed as it has railings on 3 sides. Then you just need like something that is used to keep children from falling out of beds or look at thrift stores for railings that can fit under a bed. Daddy found a railing (wooden) that fits in between mattress and box springs at a thrift store I do believe. You'll have to hunt around at thrift stores to see what you can find in your area. It worked great for me when we had the twin bed but we got rid of it when we got our queen. Sadly the way our frame is for the bed we can't use it anymore but I'm not parting with it. Good luck!
  2. Shipping international from the U.S. would not be discreet as the person sending it has to declare what is inside plus the value of the item too. The person shipping it can ship international in a flat rate priority box but it'll cost them a lot and again you have the international declaration form to go along with it. This form is big and you have to write on it hard as you making a lot of copies. Good luck!
  3. Perhaps Walmart carries footed jammies in adult sizes in colder climates but they're definitely not carried in the So. Cal. area. They're now making you pay for pj bottoms by themselves with no tops to go with them. Walmart just plain sucks because they have a very crappy selection of women's pajamas online. I would buy from Walmart if they had footie jammies in women's sizes but they never carry them in my area. You can't even buy them online like you can with Target. I can't afford to pay some jacked up price on e-bay with some fool trying to make a profit off of me. I know how much they cost at a store and will not pay over it. I'll just have to deal with what I can get in my area as I don't know anyone that lives in colder climate to look for me in their area. Bummer!
  4. Walmart only sells footie jammies in children's sizes not adult. Target has two blue footie jammies online for women. They weren't carrying the light blue Polar Bear one with squeakies in the feet and ears plus face of Polar Bear too nor the dark blue moon and stars one in the stores for some crazy reason. I first saw these two online but couldn't find them in the stores near me so I ordered mine online. I love both of them. Sears used to sell footie jammies but I don't think they do this anymore well at least not in the women's section anyway. My husband tried on a pair one time at Target when we were dating and said that they were for his sister that was the same size. I think the sales lady said something about him looking cute in them or something when he held them up. I can't remember exactly what the conversation was that he had with her.
  5. My daddy has changed me several times but only wet as he doesn't do poopy diapers. He first started changing me when we were dating and sometimes he'd put into a thick cloth when I was over at his house for the weekend when I used to wear a lot. I stopped though as a saggy wet diaper puts pressure on my arthritic back and it hurts plus I was in between sizes too with a L being too big and a M being too small. This sucked the fun out of it too.
  6. In the winter I sleep in one of my footed pjs but that's nothing strange as I'm a female and bought real adult women sized ones. I do sleep with 2 Pooh baby receiving blankets, a stuff Pooh with a rattle inside him, my black bear and my little blue floppy doggie. I can't go to sleep without my blankies, my Pooh, bear or doggie in my arms. I've stuffed my bear and doggie along with one blanket in my backpack going through an airport in the past. Sometimes they'd run my bear through a machine or machine over it looking for drugs or bomb chemicals I guess. Of course she was clean as she doesn't do any naughty stuff like this. She's there for my comfort nothing else. Sheesh. I might wear one of my bibs at dinner time if we're home as I have a tendecy to spill which I don't do on accident either. I haven't used a bottle in years as it was too much work. My pacifier was pushing on my front teeth so I stopped using it. I do use Spongebob sippy cups with the lids off of them and will sometimes use my Spongebob toddler/child silverware to eat with.
  7. There's also the possibility that the diapers are too big on you as well if you can't get them tight enough to fit. You might try a smaller size if available to see how the smaller size fits you. You'll just have to keep trying the trial and error method until you find out what works for you.
  8. When I used to wear a lot I wore plastic pants over my disposables all the time. It was like a safety net for me or pyschological anyway. I did have the plastic pants one time save our tent from a major mess on our honeymoon. Daddy put into an Abriform but it didn't fit quite right and once the tabs were set I don't think you could undo them. I didn't like to wet my diapers in my sleeping bag for fear of it getting wet and I don't like a wet bed. Thank God I had plastic pants on over it because the wetness collected in the plastic pants that wasn't absorbed by the diaper. Luckily it was still on the dark side with people sleeping and I discovered this when I checked it before getting back into bed. It's saved my clothes from getting wet many times too. I was using the VIP style which sadly they don't make anymore. I haven't found any other plastic pants as comfortable as these. The others one dig into me or just don't feel that comfortable to wear. The only place to get them is online as you can't walk into a store and pick up a pair of an adult size plastic pants. There are medical supply companies out there as well as AB/DL aware websites too. Good luck!
  9. I love the smell of it but if I use too much of it then it causes an irritation in a certain area. My daddy uses baby powder all the time and enjoy the smell when he changes his diapers if I'm in the vicinity when he does it.
  10. I used plastic pants over my disposables a lot for extra protection. We were on our honeymoon and Daddy put me into an Abriform for bedtime I think it was but for some reason it wasn't fitting that well. I think it might've been too big but can't remember for sure. I had plastic pants over it and I wet it. I checked it before climbing back into bed and realized that I had a major leak. Luckily it was still darkest outside and people were still asleep as I had to deal with it outside the tent. I was very thankful that I had the plastic pants on or we would've had a mess in the tent!
  11. I went to the website and all I saw was children's clothing. I did not see anything in adult sizes. It was all geared towards children just like their e-bay store. I'm not sure where you saw them selling their items in adult sizes as they only seem to carry things for actual children.
  12. You can ship priority mail in the U.S. flat rate and can put a delivery confirmation on it to make sure that the person got it or even signature confirmation. If it fits in one of their boxes it ships out at the boxes rate regardless of the weight.
  13. I started when I was 6 or 7. I was home alone and wasn't in school perhaps I was sick or something. I took the newborn diapers that my parents had bought for my dolls and I put one in my underwear. I don't remember why I did this. I just remember sitting in the backyard peeking at the diaper showing through the leggings in my pj bottoms. I don't remember wetting them and didn't dare ask my parents for a size that would fit me. I chose to play with children half my age and I remember diapering a 3 year old as he wore diapers at night. I did it over his clothes. I don't know why I didn't steal a diaper for myself as I'm pretty sure that they would've fit. I made friends with kids who had younger siblings in diapers or who wore diapers at night due to bedwetting. I had a pacifier until I turned 5 then my parents cut me off cold turkey. I would buy baby ones and hide them. I would ride my bike in the summer into town to Thrifty's to buy the largest size of Pampers then would stuff them in my underpants. I hid them in my closet. I bought my first pack of adult diapers when I moved out and went to college. I kept them hidden and would only use them when I knew it was safe to do so with my roommate being at work or at her boyfriend's for the weekend. I thought I was sick until I discovered DPF years ago. It was through DPF that I found about adult sized Nuks and was very happy to finally find a pacifier that fit my mouth perfectly. Sadly I can't use that much as it causes my teeth to be pushed out. My parents spend a small fortune straightening them when I was a kid. I too wanted to go back in time to being a baby where I wouldn't have a care in the world as someone would be changing my diapers, I could have my pacifier whenever I wanted it and have a bottle too. I had a mentally retarded sister growing up that was being cared for in a state hospital. She wore cloth diapers 24/7 and slept in a green metal crib. There were many times that I wanted to trade places with her. I've always wanted a green metal crib to sleep in but sadly we have no room in our house for it nor do we have any place to hid it when non-AB friends or family come over.
  14. I tried formula once in powder form years ago. I think it might've been mixed with cereal or something too in it. I can't quite remember what it was mixed with but I do remember it tasting very nasty. I threw it out and never wanted to do formula again. I'm a cow milk little girl and will stick to moo moo milk.
  15. I have a black bear, a Pooh with baby rattle inside him along with blanket attached to his paw and a little blue floppy dog that I sleep with everynight. I sadly lost my original black bear in a move that I got as a child. Daddy's mommy bought my new black bear for me. I still have some of the stuff animals, toys and dolls from my childhood but they're in our shed somewhere. I have some other stuffies in a laundry basked up on a shelf as they don't all fit on the bed. I have Bunny Fru Fru, my turtle, a horsie and I think Chuckie (small black bear) on the bed between my head and Daddy's up near the headboard. I only sleep with the first 3 mentioned in my arms everynight. If I wake up in the middle of the night to use the restroom I make sure that I have all 3 plus my Pooh baby blanket in my arms again before I fall back asleep. I will look for doggy if I can't find him before falling asleep. He's small and sometimes get lost on the bed or falls off the bed in the middle of the night. I've had my black bear checked for chemicals a couple of times at the airport as she rides in my backpack. She's precious cargo and doesn't ride in my suitcase in case my suitcase got lost.
  16. I tried DPF's baby magic tape but that didn't work for me. I tried one of Socalab's systems and it was working on me slowly when I listened t it a lot. I'd only wet in my diapers only. I never had one accent in my big girl underpants. You won't do anything that you don't want to do.
  17. I was toying with the idea of trying them until I saw the aborsbency rating on them. I'm like nevermind as I only wear super absorbent pull ups (Depends underwear) not extra absorbent. They're too expensive for what you get in the pack. I think I saw them being clearance at Target so clearly they went over like a lead balloon. I suffer from stress incontinence and when I had a cold a few months I had no choice in wearing them unless I wanted to go around in wet underwear or wet clothes at school from coughing. I like the new women's design with pink at the top of the underpants.
  18. Once I was potty trained that was it for me. I was never put back into diapers. I think I was around 7ish when we went to Disneyland for the first time. I never wore a diaper and used the restroom. The last time I went to Disneyland my former roommate's daughter was in pull ups as she wasn't potty trained yet. I remember seeing another girl that appeared to be around 4-5ish running around with a diaper sticking out of her pants. I don't know if she was tall for her age and not yet potty trained or put into diapers for convience.
  19. My toys from my childhood are in our shed as we have no room for them in the house. I love my Nylint animal carrier with plastic animals and the truck that came with it. I played with it a lot when I was a kid growing up. I also love my Hotwheels and Matchbox cars again all packed in the shed. If we had a bigger place I'd love a toy room where I could store my toys where I could play with them and add new baby toys to it.
  20. I'm a real female AB and I love diaperspace. I haven't had too many weirdos in there in regards to the guys. I've only had to block one person from contacting me again as he wasn't getting the hint to back off and leave me alone.
  21. I was last able to get in there late Friday night/early Sat. morning on 7/16 or 7/17 and when I tried again later on 7/17 it was gone. It's been like this ever since sadly as I found another real female AB in there and was about to find out her history. It's so hard to find other real female ABs.
  22. I remember the Diaper Genie one. We used to watch them at some AB parties that I attended which was a blast.
  23. Last thing I heard was that Tommy had Alzeihmer's which was the reason DPF fell apart then the website eventually sold. I don't know if he's still alive today or not. This was a few years ago when this was going around so he could be deceased by now.
  24. I remember you being in there. I don't remember what name I went by in there. Daddy was the one who gave me the nickname of lil one and it stuck.
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