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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by Letluvsrool

  1. Ok I feel I should chime in since there's some misinformation in this thread. Baby lotion does not prevent diaper rash. Rather in my experience using it like a barrier cream would actually make the problem worse. Most rashes are due to excess moisture, and since the whole point of a lotion is to moisturize, it naturally follows that it wouldn't do any good. Barrier creams are much thicker and sticky than lotions, and are used to keep any moisture in your diapers away from your skin. A barrier cream plus baby powder is in my mind the best way to prevent rashes, but if you already have one the easiest way to get rid of it is to lay off the diapers for a while and get some fresh air and sunshine on your naughty bits. (This is why many parents will sometimes let their toddlers run around outside naked sometimes, it does wonders for irritated skin. That being said, lotion can help dry irritated skin provided you don't slather it on then immediately put a diaper on. All that does is provide a dark, warm, moist breeding ground for the fungus that causes diaper rash. Let your skin absorb it first, wipe off any excess, then powder up and diaper.
  2. I wasn't really trolling, just being sarcastic. The actual definition of trolling is deliberately posting something rude or inflammatory with the intention of eliciting an angry response. For instance if someone were to reply to a bunch of threads telling everyone they though we are all perverts who are going to hell or something like that.
  3. Maybe they were bed pads. Wrapped up in plastic they look like diapers. I've made the same mistake at thrift stores
  4. Sorry dude, no one here likes to use their diapers or let them sag at all. You are the only one
  5. $24K sounded absurdly low, then I noticed you live in Alabama. Here in SoCal 24K would buy you a mold-infested broom closet out in the Imperial Valley. Actual houses haven't gone for so little since the 1960s
  6. Not in the UK but if you have the Anglo-Saxon equivalent of 99 cent stores, you should check them out some time. They usually don't have much in the way of diapers themselves, but they're great for getting cream, powder, and whatnot for much cheaper than grocery stores. I used to shell out over $10 a tube for diaper rash cream, but sometimes you can hit up a 99 cent store and find a stack of 20 tubes of diaper rash cream for $1 each. They aren't as fancy; I currently use "Baby's Butt Cream" at 15% zinc oxide versus Desitin/A & D creams which are around 80% IIRC. If you slather on enough frequently enough though they get the job done. Whether you have a rash already or not, if you're going to be wearing diapers for a long time then use a bunch of cream at the onset and you won't have nearly as much of a problem with them.
  7. Mornings are the best time for me to have a poopy diaper, so when I know I'm going to have the next morning free I'll eat a big dinner the night before with lots of metamucil. I usually go to bed diapered when I do this since sometimes I'll wake up and the need to poop will be so intense I won't have time to put one on. I like to wear my baby onesie, suck on my paci and hold my bankie and one of my stuffed animals. (who is of course also wearing a diaper) I like to try and hold it as I pretend my mommy/daddy is teasing me about pooping in my diapers like a baby. I declare I can't hold my poopoos any more as I squat like a toddler and fill my diapers. All the fiber from the night before means I usually make a big first load, followed by even bigger second and third poopies in the next 15 minutes. I like to waddle around in my poopy diapers and look in the mirror to see just how much my diaper sags in the back. I then prepare my baba, lay down in bed and mush my huge poopy all over my bottom as I suckle my baba. By the time I finish it I'm ready to make my peepee spurt I usually fall back asleep for a little while after this; when I wake up then I'm usually ready for more playtime!
  8. I used to use the plastic tubs that kitty litter comes in. It holds half a dozen dirty diapers, and the lid snaps shut so it doesn't smell. (provided you remember to empty once in a while)
  9. I like the First Quality plastic-backed diapers, they had a lot of fluff in the wings and were really affordable when I'm lucky enough to find a bunch at a thrift store. The Nu Fit are the newer cloth-backed versions, and aside from the obvious downside, they also have a lot less fluff in them and none on the wings.
  10. I use the Gold Bond when I have a rash or I'm just chafing a bit. It's nice to use when you're going out in public and you'd rather not smell like baby powder.
  11. I love metamucil too. Mix it with a high fiber dinner and you'll wake up the next morning desperately needed to poop. Plus it sticks to itself instead of your butt (yet still feels just as squishy and messy) so cleanup is quite a bit easier, even if you're a dirty diaper squisher like me.
  12. I definitely enjoy the smell of my own poopy diapers. After squatting and loading I like to crawl back into bed and trap the stinkyness under my bankie. The room is still stinky of course, but a quick squish and whiff under my bankie reminds me what a stinky baby I am
  13. I remember as a kid walking to school one day there was a baby diaper with a little poop stain someone had unrolled and hung on a chain link fence. Since I already liked diapers I enjoyed walking past it every day for the long time it was stuck up there.
  14. McDonalds has lots of lawyers and lots of money so I don't think that's the best route to go with. You should try contacting local news stations and see if any of them are interested in the story. Pretty much the only way to have any effect on a company like that is massive negative publicity.
  15. “Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self esteem, first make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounding yourself with assholes.
  16. I've got about half a dozen bags of the 1st Quality mediums left, I need to start trolling thrift stores again to find some more. Also a bag and a half of Dry 24/7s, a bag of Belissimos , and a couple loose bambinos of various makes. Takes a lot of space in my closet but compared to some other people I don't appear to be that bad. C'mon man you can't brag like that and expect to be taken seriously without any pics!
  17. Check out Goodwill, they have diapers real cheap occasionally. I usually find a couple packs of the 1st Quality brand, which while they don't hold a candle to any fancy ABDL diapers, they hold enough for 2-3 wettings for me. And at around $4 a pack, I don't feel bad about doubling them up for more absorbancy.
  18. It's a good thing England colonized India, it's really the only decent food you'll find on that soggy god-forsaken rock. I ordered nachos in London once and you know what they put as a topping? BBQ sauce! English food is hands down the worst in the civilized world.
  19. I use multiple diapers sometimes, and I cut holes in the first two usually so they absorb pee better. The outer ones don't get wasted, you just save them for the next time! I try to never waste diapers, if they end up in my trash, it's cause they have a huge poopy in them or are completely soaked.
  20. Recently got one of the baby blue Primark's sent over to me here in the US. I can't believe they sell this in stores! It's very babyish, and I wub wub wub it lot!
  21. The price difference is pretty big, so unless you really like bulky diapers or wet a lot you it makes more sense to go with the M3s.
  22. It's still around, and it still tastes horrible. It's sort of a mark of pride though, meaning you've got some serious Moxie if you can choke that crap down. I know they sell it at some giant soda emporium type place out in Riverside (a ways east of LA). You can get the special Jones soda holiday packs there as well, though at least those are made to taste awful as a joke.
  23. Try Metamucil, I use it regularly and it's great for all the reasons already mentioned; it takes a while to work (8 hours or so for me), doesn't make you feel awful like Ex-Lax, and it sticks to itself rather than your bottom, so cleanup is easy.
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