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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by TDL

  1. TDL


    Here comes the banhammer?
  2. Yes, and that is why we should widen our sight and look at other areas of the many problems.
  3. I found some unisex diaper packages from '97 while looking through my basement here the other month... I used a couple of them as liners and threw the rest out in the garbage... I regret it now.
  4. But what about the taxes? Unemployment hits 10.1%, freedom for the American people (or lack of thereof) is also a big problem. But trust me, danish politics and American politics shouldn't be compared.
  5. I've thought this through for a long time, and I've found myself to be conservative... My position matches perfect with the right flank. Remember November!
  6. Any Oral Laxative... I use Medilax.
  7. Well, I love Hentai/Anime porn, but only the mild kind (like masturbation and vanilla), and I also like if it involves a little AB/DL stuff.
  8. I knew it was sarcasm. But why ruin a good thread by implying it?
  9. I'll be leaving on November 9th to play Call of Duty: Black Ops!
  10. Where's Lanthey when you need her?
  11. mmmmmaybe I shouldn't move to USA anyways...
  12. Sorry, but that earned you a "-1" from me.
  13. IP Information: ISP: TRE-FOR Bredbaand A/S Organization: Profiber Customer POPs Connection: Proxy: None Detected City: Fredericia Region: Syddanmark Country: Denmark
  14. For fun and for comfort, but it isn't sexual for me... I do both number 1 and number 2 (Though, recently, I have a little "accident" with some laxatives... Lets just say that I'm not going number 2 for a while now ).
  15. TDL

    The Game

    I just lost the game.
  16. Wow, I never knew that DD was full of nerds Joking aside, I don't play it myself... I've tried it but I didn't like it.
  17. TDL

    Gran Turismo 5

    I'm STILL waiting for Duke Nukem Forever
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