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Everything posted by dynamick

  1. I only ever drink alcohol and that's rare to be honest - ok when I do drink - I have a good drink - either whiskey, vodka or maybe some good old fashioned english beer (thats not what Americans call "beer" - the stuff you class as beer we class as lager - fizzy belchy alcohol....lol. My other "drugs" if you like are caffeine (obtained by drinking too much coffee) and adrenaline (addiciton fed by exercise!) I have strong and well voiced opinions on people who take illegal drugs, the bottom line is people - if it's illegal, its illegal for a reason! I actually have a split feeling of disgust and pity for all these people who take drugs. Disgust is fuelled by the fact that drug addicts eventually will need some medical attention and in the UK - the skanky, dirty lowlife get it for free and that means indirectly - I PAY FOR IT!!! I think people who take any form of illegal drug should be banned for life from driving, drugs and driving are as bad/worse than drunk driving in my opinion. The pity side comes from the thought - man your life must be so crap to have to take the drug in the first place. Get high on life instead of drugs - do something with your life, quit bitching that society owes you something. One thing that worries me (although maybe it shouldn't because I don't live there)....is guns and drugs. I'd hate to live in America where in many states it is legal to own a gun to defend yourself (I find the who NRA thing totally repugnent and thank god I live in England) - and yet what if you are under the influence of drugs and a minor arguement with someone ends up with a shooting because of clouded judgement down to drugs. Just a thought - and feel free to PM me to discuss it further - I don't want to start a flaming war on the boards people - I'm just have an opinion! Regards dynamick
  2. Hi Everyone I just wanted to say thank you so much for your words - so sweet and so beautiful. Jennie you are a little star, as are all of you and I thank you for taking the time to reply. The last few days over Christmas have been absolute hell, trying my best to put on a smile at a time of year I dont like is hard at the best of times, but this year especially - I've had to force smiles etc. I am normally a strong person, but I loved my Blaze so much that I just can't stop crying, I can't keep focussed and I just want her back and I know I can't! I was told by my friend Hazel who went to the vets with me - that I would wake up thinking she was still here and I have done - even when I am awake I keep thinking she's on her favourite blanket or more likely dragging my Toronto Maple Leafs fleece to sleep on! I imagine in time, I'll be back to my old self, but right now - I've never grieved so much for anything or anyone, that must sound crazy if you dont like pets but to us pet lovers its bloody agony? I loved both my grandads and grandma so much but I can't remember breaking down all the time like this. Dynamick x
  3. Hi everyone. I've just had to make the awful decision to have my beloved cat Blaze put to sleep She was 10 years old and had been my constant friend and companion and slept ever night at the side of me - purring quietly and biting my nose when she wanted to go out. Over the last couple of weeks, she lost a phenomenal amount of weight and today - I couldn't stand to see her suffer any more so I took her to the emergency vet who told me she had kidney failure and that the best course to take was to have her put to sleep. So with tears streaming down my face, my baby cat Blaze cradled in my arms - she left me forever, as she slipped away she looked at me and gave a big loud purrrrrr - as if to say "thank you daddy......no more pain". I am hurting a lot right now, I feel a part of me has gone and I definately won't replace her with another cat - there can only ever be one "super-blaze/princess/sausage/snooks" (just a few of her nicknames!) I'm posting on here because a few in the chat room heard all about the brave adventures over the years - at least the local bird/mice population will be having a drink to celebrate. So to Blaze - thank you for 10 years of fun and joy - my life feels horrible now you've gone - but I had to help you get rid of the pain. R.I.P baby. Dynamick x P.S - Here's a good picture of her helping me fix a PC - she kept going after the mouse though!
  4. I always thought it was late summer/autumn time - just goes to show what we get told eh tigger? I do know that Christmas (as we know it) is based on a pagan festival celebrating the winter solstice. Tis a strange world we live in! Dynamick x
  5. *gets a humbug out and reads all the posts on christmas, pointing out to people that in a recent worldwide survey of people who celebrate christmas - only 5% knew where christ was actually born* *sucks humbug contentedly - seasons greetings to all those that like that kind of thing *
  6. Hey Sarah! Have a great birthday, hope you enjoy it! Best wishes from England Dynamick x
  7. Happy Birthday Mr Duck Good to see you again on here - previously we were veterans of the campaigns in Yahoo and DPF. Take care and have a good 'un Dynamick
  8. ^ Chatting online or watching a good dvd > Drinking Hot Chocolate and waiting for my supper to finish cooking. V If a film was made about your life - who would you like to take the part of you?
  9. Coffee - I like coffee.......CAFFEINE........MMMMMMM
  10. Ok - Depression Now to many of you that chat with me on a regular basis in "Live Chat" - you may find it hard to believe that I suffer with severe depression - I have done since my early teens - only in my late teens did I find out what it was.....there are people in my life I could point the finger at and say "you b**tard - you caused me to be like this" and so on and so forth. Depression is a very individual thing (very much like being AB/DL) - I can pretty much be certain that what triggers me to go "on a downer" wouldn't trigger anyone else - just like with diapers/nappies/the whole AB thing - what floats my boat - will probably sink yours! So I can't tell you things will get better Chelsea - If I could do I would - but I can't so I won't! All I can say is if writing your feelings on a message board helps you - then do it! For me....the only way I control, ease or beat depression - is through my exercise or by spending time with the people in my life who do genuinely care about me. Some people need a bit of a "kick up the ass/arse" - I did! My doctor told me I was killing myself with eating - and if I didn't do something - I'd die before I was 35. I lost 140lb and I am now 36. My other "kick up the arse" was my best friends Nephew - young John - he was 18, full of life, hope, an absolutely wonderful young lad - and he dropped down dead getting up to go to college in March 2006. So I raise money into Sudden Adult Death Syndrome - I'll do just about anything - my last one was doing a 6.1 mile "run" on crutches (as I'd broken my foot training for it!) - I raised £3500 ($7k) and I'd have done it on my hands and knees if I could give John's family 5 more minutes with him. We all have troubles - some of us can come up with solutions for the troubles better than others can, but the likes of you and me and many others out there have this horrible inability to cope with situations which others may deem to be trivial. But trust me - they aren't trivial to you and you need to just accept that you are who you are. About 11 years ago I sought help for a gambling problem I had - and I haven't gambled since thankfully - but the reason I brought this up is Gamblers Anonymous always read a prayer called the Serenity Prayer - I am probably THE most non-religious person on these boards - but that piece of text actually makes sense - so here is the first line - the one that does it for me! "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can;and wisdom to know the difference. " There's also a thing called "Just For Today" which might also help you out a bit - again it works for me sometimes and I hope it works for you. Just for today I will try to live through this day only and not tackle my whole life problem at once. I can do something for 12 hours that would appal me if I felt that I had to keep it up for a lifetime. Just for today I will be happy. This assumes to be true what Abraham Lincoln said, that: "most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be." Just for today I will adjust myself to what is and not try to adjust everything to my own desires. I will take each day as it comes and fit myself to it. Just for today I will try to strengthen my mind. I will study. I will learn something useful. I will not be a mental loafer. I will read something that requires effort, thought and concentration. Just for today I will exercise my soul in three ways: I will do somebody a good turn, and not get found out; if anybody knows of it, it will not count; I will do at least two things I don't want to do - just for exercise; I will not show anyone that my feelings are hurt - they may be hurt but today I will not show it. Just for today I will be agreeable. I will look as well as I can, dress becomingly, talk low, act courteously, criticise not one bit, not find fault with anything, and not try to improve or regulate anybody but myself. Just for today I will have a programme. I may not follow it exactly but I will have it. I will save myself from two pests - hurry and indecision. Just for today I will have a quiet half-hour all by myself and relax. During this half-hour, sometime, I will try and get a better perspective of my life. Just for today I will be unafraid. Especially I will not be afraid to enjoy what is beautiful and to believe that, as I give to the world, so the world will give to me. Just for today I will not gamble. The last one - is interchangeable to fit what it is you want to do "Just For Today". For me its "I will not gamble" or "I will do my bit in John's memory" So Chelsea and for that matter anyone else who maybe needs a bit of a hug or a bit of help - none of these words will "cure" you - nothing anyone says on here will either. But they might offer you that bit of hope, that piece of inspiration or that "I am not alone in all this sh*t" that you need. Keep smiling, keep you chin up and remember - as a community - we are all here for each other. Dynamick
  11. Ok - let me get something right here....... We can have forums for sissys, gays/lesbian, incontinence, roleplay, spanking, watersports and oooooooooooooh other stuff too - but DL's aren't allowed to have their own little bit of cyber-space on here? Hey - don't get me wrong - I love AB's - I have a lot of AB friends - but seriously when it comes down to it - I'm a DL and proud of it. I don't do the baby talk, corner time, online roleplay - but I don't disrespect those that do! Hijacking a thread under "the rest of your life" and attacking DL's with it - perhaps shows that it's not only your AB side that throws temper tantrums is it? What harm does it do having a section for DL's - I think Daily Diapers is the coolest place on the web for us - this sort of "oooh you can't have this and heeeey if we can't have it you can't have it...." is what makes DPF such a hell hole of a place. Lay off DailyDi - he created a haven on this site for DL's - not somewhere for AB's who need to grow up a bit to snipe at us. FYI - I am DL/Adult Kid (not many of us around) - I'm a fair, good, honest sort of guy - but I hate people whinging and whining - who says you can't post stuff on there? You can - just make it adult talk and not baby talk is all we ask! Take care Dynamick
  12. I'll be doing my best to avoid festivities - Hey if you like it - enjoy it! I'm a happy, generous, kind, warm sort of person 364 days a year, I don't have to go overboard one day a year. Those people that mean something to me know that anytime they need me, or need anything doing - I will be there. I will see my grandma, the rest of my family never bother with me - so screw them! I get berated because those that can be moronic, mean and horrible 364 days a year put a red hat on, max out their credit cards and put a smile on thats more fake than their "poundland tree" and suddenly turn into Mr or Mrs Festive! I simply make the most of christmas and all those spoilt children who will "refuse to breath or go on hunger strike" if their new PC isnt up and running and working 100% on Christmas Day. So their parents call me - I charge them a fortune and I become the kids hero of christmas . Scrooge like????? Grinch like????? Mr Meanie?????? or is it just good business sense??????? Ho, Ho, Ho. Dynamick
  13. The Movie "Blair Witch Project" was based on diapered witch and their meeting with our ex-Prime Minister Tony Blair
  14. I for one would never "wish" to be fully incontinent. It's a big enough bind wearing at night sometimes - I may be classed as "DL" but sometimes when you do wear for need to stop your bed getting wet - there are times when I think "god...I wish I didn't have to!" Everyone can have an opinion which is great - mine is you must be ever so slightly mad to want to be totally incontinent - put yourself in someone's shoe's who is - I bet if they had the choice, they would give just about anything to have fully continence. That's just an opinion - so dont flame me I'm not going off at a tangent here - but I draw comparisons with people in the bdsm community - who want to be a full time slave. Doing anything 24/7 would become incredibly tedious, boring and counter productive. It's fun to go to bdsm clubs, even have a dominatrix to submit to - but do it full time.........errrr NOOOOOOOOOO!! Sorry for rambling - I do that sometimes....lol dynamick
  15. At one time or another - I'd say all of them apart from Group Sex and Rape Fantasy. I've tried a good few other bits and bobs too - I've been lucky enough to know some excellent Dommes who do it for the love and not (as it appears is widespread....for the money!) They were wicked/evil and lovely enough to try the following on me Violet Wand (go look up it... ), chastity device, scavangers daughter (its a restrictive medieval toruture tool....where you can only crouch...great fun), cane's (too many to mention but I love "the dragon"), tried needle play and didn't like or hate it, sensory deprviation (suit & hood with only breathe holes - I didnt like that...you can't talk...let alone breathe!)....oooh I could go on. The only thing I haven't tried with a dominatrix is diaper/nappy play...lol The only times I have done diaper play is with other female submissives - the Dommes have known about it and found it interesting - but I respect the wishes of anyone and like a good little subbie - I do as I am told. But the Diaper play with the female subs was a good laugh - one was interesting - wanted to play "big sister" and insisted on blending all my spaghetti bolognaise up in a blender and spoon feeding me - most ended up on my face! Anyway - enough perv talk - PM me if you want any further stories/details etc - you know you want to
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