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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


Baby Banker 2018
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Everything posted by Nat

  1. Narcissists seem so delusional they all seem to think their kid is acting up to ruin their day or to terrorize them. They even all seem to think an infant cries all the time or wakes them up at night to manipulate them and to ruin their life. I don't know if I shall feel bad for them for feeling that way. It must be so hard thinking your own kid is out to get you. I can't imagine how frightening that must be. But I bet that is so much harder for the child because they have to grow up faster than normal kids and imagine their shock when they find out all their bad behaviors they did was actually normal kid behavior and they were basically punished harshly for being seven years old or for being three years old and they were told growing up how manipulative they were and how they enjoyed ruining their days and never letting them have a good time and sabotaging their days and their important dates and stuff. Being a parent, there is no such thing as a bad baby. Are there kids out there that truly manipulate and terrorize you, sure but those kids are rare and that is caused by trauma. It's called reactive Attachment Disorder. More common in foster and adoptive kids.
  2. That is because people sexualize it and ABDL is a kink so they think if they did a underage character, they are a pedophile and a sicko. That is because it is sexual for them. Plus minor characters are often frowned upon some places don't allow any underage characters, no exceptions. I don't see any issues with underage characters just as long as it's not sexual. If done right, it can be done without it being sexual.
  3. Often times minor characters are frowned upon in ABDL stories because ABDL is a fetish. But if you wish to write underage characters, then the story must not be sexual and it has to be an ordinary story using a diaper or ABDL theme. Look at The baby for example, the movie that was made in 1973 or when Rugrats had a couple ABDL themed episodes. Stu has amnesia so he regressed into a baby and the other where Angelica was now 3 and didn't want to be a big girl. That is doing it right. I think that is what the OP is doing.
  4. So this was written out of a fetish and kink? I thought it was written out of a ordinary story but using the ABDL theme to justify underage characters.
  5. I am sure ordinary parents have treated their kid like a baby as reverse psychology to get them to quit wearing diapers. Like they would do something like "Oh no, you have to go to bed because you're a baby, big girls stay up later. babies have to be in bed sooner than big girls because they get cranky if they stay up too late." "Oh no, Sarah is a baby, she can't play with that toy, it has too many little pieces because babies can choke on it, only big girls can play with it." Then the kid decides to go back to wearing underwear again and being a big girl again. You know how little kids will sometimes want to regress and be a baby again when they are jealous of their baby sibling or a baby that is over their parents are baby sitting. But context is all that matters. There is no humiliation involved. Just the kid seeing how limited choices are when you are a baby and they drop the baby act and go back to being a big kid again. They got to make that choice.
  6. Emotional and psychological is child abuse. You don't need to starve or beat your child or refuse them proper bathing and clothing to be abusive. Sadly this situation would be very hard to prove to social workers. These sort of parents wonder why their kids don't see them or ever talk to them.
  7. You mean in October. I want more to the story. This has been well written. Also the mom is clearly abusive. I wonder where the dad is in this? I also think Emelia told on her for revenge because she has made her have accidents in her pull ups causing her to be a baby. It's also not uncommon for kids to not tell anyone about their abusive parent.
  8. I have had people doubt my blog but what i always tell myself is does it matter if they think my stories are real or not? if they enjoy my blog, that is all that matters. When people say "stories" it implies fiction. So whenever I get 'I like your stories" I don't take it personal, all it matters is they enjoy my content. That is how I see Adrian Surley. Does it matter if she is real? If you like her content and are willing to pay to see more, why does it matter? I know she has changed her character several times and the year she was born. But anyway, it is a shame how some people have to pretend to be someone they are not by having a persona on forums or blogs than just writing their own story about their character and their life. There is Titania McGrath but it's always clear she is not a real person and the person behind her is Andrew Doyle. There is a difference between Titania and Adrian.
  9. She seems to be back or she was hacked. She even made a blog post again but all I get is this: But I saw her blog post in my email because I am subscribed, but I just can't access her website and the blog seemed to be titled as Avada Sports. This is what her latest blog post read: Where I Have Been – Update on Adrian Surley and MORE DIAPER STUFF by Adrian Surley I am sure many of you have wondered where I have been lately. So, as we all know life happens and even those that are mainstream online have significant life events that pop up and cause us take some time away. I appreciate all the support every one has given me. I have received hundreds of emails over this time period of support and questions. Again, I appreciate all the support. Some of the times were very difficult. Without going into too much detail, it was a multitude of things including my own personal health scare (maybe more on this later down the road, right now just want to forget it), some extended family health issues, job transition and moving. YES WE MOVED. So, now with the majority of that behind me I am getting back to what I have been meaning to do for myself and the ABDL community for a long time. I will and have redesigned my site Adriansurley.com. I want a cleaner look and I want to expand my site to include more. I am still going to be offering premium content that will be updated A LOT more frequently with photos and Diaper Videos! Yes, I am expanding into videos as well. But, I want Adrian Surley to be more than just that because any one can offer that to their fans and supporters. But, I want this site to be an exclusive place to interact, learn and center for resources. My blog is going to really become more active and really try to give people a peak into my life and how I manage being diapered 24/7 but also make it a huge enjoyable part of my life rather than a burden. I have always had a life mission to make the Adult Baby and Diaper Lover community have a more positive perspective to general public. Maybe that goal seems trivial to some but of all the kinks and fetishes out there I feel this one is so benign and innocent while also providing so much comfort and cuteness that really if more people engaged and learned about the ABDL community they may find more positives than negatives. So, in the end I want Adrian Surley to be a center-piece website with lots of content and exclusive access to some great features that members can gain access to while also providing support to keep the site up and running. Believe it or not this site receives a lot of traffic and does require a fair amount of upkeep and money to keep going. So, I really appreciate all the support from everyone out there. So, keep an eye out for new features to come including MORE DIAPER PHOTOS, DIAPER VIDEOS, STORIES, FORUMS, MEMBER DIRECTORY, CENTRALIZED LINK DATABASE and more. And as always more fresh blog content! So, give me a follow and as always I really appreciate all the support from everyone! Stay diapered.
  10. I am female and I mess. I use my diapers for everything, no toilets.
  11. I don't get why parents need to know about your lifestyle. If they know you wear diapers, they don't need to know when you are wearing them and when you have peed or pood in them. They don't need to know what you do in your bedroom. I can understand why you would tell them you make diapers now for a living. That is different than saying you are ABDL. You could be crafting them for special needs or for babies or for people with medical issues. Also put it this way, do parents need to know what underwear we have on or what panties or boxers or briefs we wear? That is how diapers should be treated since they are a form of underwear.
  12. I do not like the layout of the site and it's hard to navigate.
  13. I remember her blog also and then she went premium and it became disappointing. I wonder if everything went there.
  14. Any NOS label is another way of saying "I don't know what is wrong with you but you clearly fall on this spectrum but fit in neither diagnoses." And ASD was a term made up by my psychiatrist because it was his way of saying I am somewhere on it but don't fit into the autistic diagnoses or Asperger's diagnoses. The problem with the DSM is they try to put people into boxes and not everyone is going to fit into it perfectly.
  15. Let's see what can happen if you were outed as ABDL: Lose your job Lose custody to your ex Humiliation and losing your partner Being disowned by family Being kicked out Being forced into therapy by your parents thinking you can get over this It all due to ignorance of ABDL.
  16. I have some form of Asperger's. Psychiatrist didn't know where to put me on the ASD so it was AS. This was back in 1997 and back then autistic spectrum disorder wasn't a legitimate diagnoses back then. For some reason he couldn't do PDD-NOS but that isn't a real diagnoses either.
  17. People shouldn't have to pay hundreds a month for medical insurance. Maybe if it weren't so expensive, then more people would have it. If all our taxes went towards that too, then everyone would have it. We pay for libraries and police stations and public schools, the roads, etc. so why not medical? I pay nearly $700 every six months for mine because some idiot hit me because he didn't yield to me and instead of waiting in the center lane to get on the road, he cutted over 3 lanes and into mine from a parking lot and he expected me to stop. Now I get nervous every time I see a car pulling onto the road because I don't know if they are staying in that lane or going to cut into mine. Plus I have full coverage because people don't always have car insurance. To afford car insurance, we went all month not doing anything. No eating out, no buying anything, nothing except for groceries and stuff we need. I even waited till I got paid to have enough for it and have $200 left over again after car insurance and I paid online because no way would my payment have been received in time by mail.
  18. Well this story was about child abuse and Alfie got Stockholm syndrome and learned helplessness. His development was stunted.
  19. If you work in Oregon, I think it's fine to shop down there too before coming home from work. You kill two birds with one stone. Same as if you are at 1/4 of a tank, fill it up down here. My family used to come into Portland for Costco because Vancouver didn't have one. If a Washingtonian wants to go to IKEA, they will go into Portland, I see nothing wrong with it. I can remember the big hype when it first opened here. Even my work had it marked on their calendar for its grand opening. I of course never went there until 3 years after it opened. Of course men in our family hate it lol. I like to crack jokes about men not going to IKEA.
  20. Sounds like communism. My ex was against taxes so I told him how do I get my Social Security money, taxes. How do people get food stamps? Taxes. Who pays for the schools, the roads, libraries, the police? Taxes. If there were no taxes, we would be poor and kids wouldn't get their education because parents wouldn't be able to afford it. I wouldn't get my social security, roads would go bad and get all beaten up. People would commit more crimes because of no police. Yeah my ex was an idiot. I know Alaska has no income or sales tax so how do they support their police and schools and roads? I suppose they have county taxes or city taxes and stuff? Montana has no sales tax but some places in that state may have sales tax. They call it resort tax because it's a resort town. But they do have income tax, same as Oregon. That also pissed my ex off because he hated working only to not get all his money so I told him "So would you rather spend more on stuff than have them keep some of your money you make?" If you live in Oregon, you still gotta pay income tax if you work in Washington. If you live in Washington and buy a car in Oregon, you still gotta pay sales tax on your car if you are a Washington resident. There is no way around it. The law is there to avoid tax evasion. Fun fact: It's illegal to drive into Oregon to shop to avoid paying sales tax. But here is the funny thing, it's been encouraged for Washingtonians to drive into Oregon to shop and enjoy their sales free tax shopping so that was why Janzten Beach shopping center had been built. But that became a dead mall 20 years later and now it's all boxed development and the mall itself is gone. In the 2000's they built another shopping center near I-205 and called it Cascade shopping center and it's also for Washingtonians to shop there to enjoy sales free tax shopping. So there you have it, the city of Portland is encouraging Washingtonians to come shop down here and enjoy sales tax free shopping which is a crime in the state of Washington. But yet Portland is encouraging it. But it's an easy crime to get away with because how are they going to know? Now I don't think anyone is going to drive 14 miles or 25 miles into Oregon just to shop here due to the cost of gas. It's just not worth it.
  21. Lot of people seem to hate capitalism but lot of people are for it which is why we still run on capitalism. I believe there is a balance so it doesn't turn out like this which is already is. Lot of businesses run on greed. That is why we see all these petty charges. Now Nintendo charges for online service. It used to be free, now you pay. People complained and I notice they don't charge much for their online service like Sony and Microsoft do for xbox. I don't know if the complaining did it. Even online games are rigged and you can tell they are forcing you to spend real money. That was how a online game shut down because a company got too greedy. I think it was some Marvel mobile app game. When they got too greedy, people rage quit. Even Gameloft was heading that direction with Disney magical Kingdom and then players were rage quitting and I have noticed for the last two game events, they have laid back a bit and not been so greedy. Like no one wants to spend real money to finish an event and if it's impossible to finish without buying anything, people rage quit. Nothing wrong with asking for money and nothing wrong with in store purchases, it's when they go too far with it and try and force people to buy and rig events or rig stages is when it gets bad and it becomes greed and people quit. I get it, businesses need their money but yet if they try and get more of it, they lose players/customers so the get even less money so it's a double edge sword. That is why stores in malls have went out of business people they charged too much for their products but yet they had a high lease they had to pay so they had to charge more to compensate but then people didn't shop there. That is also another reason why other businesses have went bankrupt and are not nonexistent. Why go to a store and spend 20 bucks on a toy set when you can get it at target for 12 bucks? I remember when Super Mario Run was released, many people complained and wrote to Nintendo in anger because the game release was basically a demo because you could only play the first 4 stages and then you had to pay 10 bucks to unlock the rest of the courses so people were mad. Now Nintendo does free games but does in store purchases so that worked well. Basically Super Mario Run was just a demo and not a free game so it was misleading what they did and I think that was why people were mad. I also noticed they changed their free games in their eshop to "free to start." No one likes misleading stuff. Doesn't matter if it was free to be mislead lol. Remember when Netflex decided to raise their price? They lost 8,000,000 subscribers. Now Netflex never did that again but instead decided to charge per screen. Their prices are still about the same for 1 screen. I remember when parents still ranted about about to pay for more screens and I thought "It's no different than when kids had to share a TV set or a VCR" and I guess they don't want to share. Parents were concerned that all four of their children wouldn't be able to watch Netflix on their phones or tablets at once and I thought "why are kids sitting with their phones and tablets instead of playing outside or doing something else?" So yeah, the parents were just whining in that sense. It used to be unlimited to watch it on but with the sharing, Netflix installed the how many screen you can stream on at once. You can thank the freeloaders. Me and my husband share a Amazon account. I use his account because he has Prime. Why should I have to pay for Prime when he has it? We're both married and share the same bank account so I don't see the reason why I should pay for it twice. Same reason why I cancelled McAfree when I can use my husbands subscription account for AVG he uses. With capitalism, people will also try to save money. Because business also want to save money, they will downsize or cheapen their products. Just recently ABU has done that with their diapers and people are raging about it on Twitter. But if they raise their prices, they lose customers but yet cheapen their product, they still lose customers, double edge sword. It makes me steer more away from them. I go to llmedico because they offer free shipping and they have a rewards program. I will not use XP medical because I can save money at llmedico. With capitalism, you compete with other businesses. People want to save money. But however, if you make so much, you can just throw your money around like candy because it doesn't matter so that is how some smaller businesses stay in business despite their high shipping costs or how much they charge for their diapers or how they lack rewards program. Private schools are also expensive. If you can't affords to adopt, how will you afford private school? The cheapest adoption is through foster care (costs around several thousand), in some states it's free if you are the foster parent and want to adopt the foster child.
  22. I have lowered the tier to $2 a month and Tier 2 to $5 a month.
  23. If you have a used diaper fetish or like watching women change their diapers or even like photos of women in diapers in general, here is my Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/lifediapered All of me in them. Photos and videos. Price starting at $5 and highest $10 per month.
  24. Maybe if I wanted some extra money but I have kids so that makes it harder and I already have a part time job. Plus I hear they treat their employees bad. Just google it's horrific. If it is free shipping, why complain? That is my motto. I know shipping isn't truly free and it's included in the price. I would but in shopping malls if prices were not so expensive. It has come to a point now where I am starting to find regular stores at malls I could find anywhere else such as Ross or Barnes and Noble and Gamestop. Malls will even do sales now as a way to stay in business so that explains all the sale prices I am always seeing, they are competing with Amazon and other stores. Heck even some malls will now have a gym. The one near me has a Home Depot as an anchor and Target but lot of people don't even know the actual mall exists on the inside because it looks like a strip mall on the outside. The inside of the mall itself is dead but all the anchors are booming despite that is has a DMV inside the mall.
  25. He sounds very creepy and clingy, everyone should understand no one is entitled to a conversation. It's fine to send someone a PM but if they don't answer, move on. It is nothing personal. Maybe they are too busy with their lives or they don't do online chats. Some people are not good having a conversation. I would just put him on ignore and move on.
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