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Everything posted by loopy

  1. Yes. And its not from what they remeber from being a baby, its what they saw when they were growing up.....
  2. loopy


    why hello there.
  3. Meh, if they do the first three well enough, most men aren't bothered about that one....
  4. loopy


    Welcome to the beards
  5. Seriously? use AOL or Yahoo over gmail for security? You've got to be joking right?
  6. YEA BAN HIM FOR BEING HACKED! Or you know, actually read whats happening? DLashlee: someones got your passwords and is fecking with you . You need to change em pronto.
  7. Of course they buy in bulk, thats how companies make money. Buying over a certian amount of a product means they're making more profit which means they can offer things like free shipping over x amount. Don't stare a gift horse in the mouth
  8. Just do it, don't ask for permision or nothing :X. I've already thrown up a couple reviews of abena's and molicares, it always good to hear other peoples views .
  9. I think you mistook the meaning in my post :X. I was refering to tris's assumption that because they share the same kink the brother is now going to want to have "relations" with his sister. Amongst most people this would be extremly squicky :X. And I agree with the siblings being best friends, I'm still close to my sister . I guess I just don't see it like that. I see it in the same way as a good friend saying he wears nappies then me showing him the one I'm wearing. The suggestion that all of a sudden he wants to have sex with his sister just because of this one thing.....
  10. It doesn't really matter. We're right and the Yanks are wrong, how many different ways you're wrong doesn't interest me. And the thing about gravy... wtf?!
  11. I think its easier if you are totally relaxed, any "big" problems have the annoying habit of jumping into my head at times like that. I only really do it when I'm in bed, all cuddly and warm, just seems to be the easiest time for me. Sometimes when I regress I do feel an incredible lonelyness , I think I really need a "mummy" to be able to regress fully... Oh and don't worry about the size thing, it goes sooon enough ;P. I'm pretty much the same, 6'4 and about 280-300lbs :X I just have to be careful not to throw a temper tantrum :S (also its a bit boring having a temper tantrum by your self )
  12. Not really in public so much, I can suppress it pretty well :X. I do some times fall into the trap of acting like a 6 year old, pretending I'm a giant robot, jumping down stairs, running about, and just being silly. But that seems acceptable to most people :X.
  13. Just be careful. I have one issue with abenas. They soak up so much that I always seem to push my luck and make them leak. 4 big floods will make anything leak through....
  14. Tendercare are ok, not great like Fluff said, but that price is pretty cool :X. For abena's I use http://www.bambonature.co.uk/ Cheapest I've seen so far, and free delivery on orders over £50. www.blushingbuyer.co.uk also has very good prices for tenas. http://www.dorset-nursing.co.uk/ do molicares, and other brands. Don't know how competitive they are. Also I suggest getting the tendercares from http://www.tender-care.com/products.php?cat=21 they're the night time thickness ones
  15. for lounging, well lounge pants/pj bottoms and t-shirt. I'd go pantsless but unexpected visitors are annoying enough.... When I know I'm not going to be disturbed I'll get me footie jammies out .
  16. Do you have a sister? Because believe me, in a normal family that just wouldn't happen in any way at all.....
  17. I thought it was a bit of a con my self, it was still a good ending, but I just wanted to see the CGI effects for the giant squid :X.
  18. Someone posted this in another thread, Thought I'd add it to the collection
  19. I think the thing to do is start off slow, don't start with a full baby weekend, if it doesn't work out it will be annoying for both of you. Start off with an hour or two of baby time, and just do small basic things first. Trying everything at once will cause a strain I think :X
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