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Everything posted by prideful

  1. I think you are right about clenching vs inclenching. I do identify as incontinent anyway but I had oab. The clenching is what I avoid as it triggers painful spasms. To answer your question, yeah it took a little bit to train my body but I'm pretty much relaxed all the time now. Nowadays if I'm not dribbling, I just notice I'm peeing and I don't remember feeling anything, lol.
  2. you don't really need any fancy tools or alcohol. If you simply just focus on deep breathing in for 4 out for 8. It will help you relax. Personally alcohol does increase my incontinence, but it is still working muscles uncontiously when you do that. I personally smoke weed and feel it has helped me to relax. The thing that really helped me was deep breathing and forcing myself to relax constantly. E.G. stand up. Relax, sit down relax. in the car, relax, drink something, relax. etc. the trick is to asociate certain tasks with wetting yourself. It worked great for me, i constaly am doing one of the few things i meantioned. for example, i will go get a drink after my morning shower and feel my diaper start getting warm. or i'll come home from work change and sit on the couch then feel warmth. just listen to the 12 month program and be patient.
  3. In my area a good doctor is hard to find. I know what the problem is. I have nerve damage from a car accident, I don't care to get a diagnosis for what I already know. I'm content with diapers now.
  4. It is called Dstash. It can be kinda buggy, but works good enough.
  5. ping The app is free. I found a nice one that has a timer going in the back ground. I wanted to have actualy HARD numbers and graphs. After digging around i found a good one, that does it all for me. I can put in how wet it was. I also need the app because the whole reason i started wearing 24/7 was to forget about the bathroom entirely. I need the reminders now of when i should change and be able to keep track of what timeframes i am leaking the most.
  6. Quick question here, What android apps can u use to track the number of changes and how wet the diaper is? I have a bedwetting chart but it only has wet or dry. (always wet) Just wanna know if there is a better app that can track my changes so i can budget acordingly.
  7. I am right there with u. I was dealing with a similar problem and nowadays I feel so much more stress free.
  8. Nightly, doesn't bother me. 24/7 anyway. Used too, lol.
  9. My symtoms were minor leaks and drips, easy to manage ended up just wearing a poise pad most the time. I could never hold it more than 2 hours, only time i have is overnight, occasional bedweeting ( 2 or 3 times a year). The pain was bad though, doctor said it sounded like oab since i had to go all the time. I read through most the comments, I was deffinitely incon.. Just mild leakage, Poise amount, and now i don't even notice anymore.
  10. First part of your question, I started to develop OAB, later in my teens. I always dribble a little here and there. My mother was aware that I was interested in diapers for a while. She was a hard-core conservative religious nut so she convinced herself it was some kinda sex thing. I managed to get into Goodnights a little later on at a foster parents house. I did have a love hate relationship for a while but mostly because I was ashamed. Later on I got in a REALLY bad car accident. Woke up in the hospital being prepped for surgery. I had half my face ripped off, glass logged everywhere. And a bruised vertibre. After witch my incontinence got worse. I am fine nowadays wearing diapers all the time. I used to just get tight fitting panties and bladder pads. I tried abdl diapers after a couple poor experiences with over counter brands. I fell in love. I started wearing those, more and more. I didn't have horrible floods constantly but I would have the occasional accident 😕. Usually just leaking a little, I do have keyhole incontinence. Several times have I been pulling into my driveway and flooded my pads. Usually leaked a little. I started wearing the abdl diapers in the house just to expirament. I got to liking them. I started wearing more and more. I ended up getting lazy making it to the bathroom, just kept using the diapers because I didn't want to change out of them. Eventually I noticed my pads being soaked regularly. I would get home and it was pretty damp down there. I started getting nervous and started wearing diapers outside instead. I naturally don't like public toilets so I started just using the diapers to capacity while out and about. In the end I think laziness and fear of leaking everywhere just made me wear diapers more and make my incontinence worse. I was a little tired of wearing them for a while so I stopped. Ended up with wet patches a couple or times. I think after I had a noticeable wet patch at my friends house. I gave up. Even "she" said I should just wear diapers. Nowadays I kinda like it. It is super convenient and I don't have to care anymore. I'm gonna leak anyway so why not just give up. What's the point if only some of it ends up in the toilet. Might as well just let go and forget about it.
  11. It is past time I made an update. I had some seriously shit luck the last month or so. I got wrongfully evicted by my landlord, Lost my job, my car, and my house all in the same week. I had to move in with my mother. I am now back on my feet and recovering from my HORRIBBLE depression. I am working again, and I got a new car. (On loan from my mother). during all this I almost wavered. while i was moving in I almost stopped wearing diapers. I had switched to pull-ups and pads. I was just gonna let my diapers run out and wasn't going to renew my subscription. Then things changed. I had to live with my adopted family for a couple days, while my bio mum got her extra room ready. Adopted families house was full of clutter and had my sister,, brother, 4 dogs, and my niece and nephew. There was literally no privacy or area for me to be "little". I was gonna just stop wearing diapers when my sister said something. We had a serious conversation on the phone, she told me to move in to the family house till i could find a place and i kept declining and beating around the bush then she just asked me strait up, "What are you so afraid of?" I finally cracked and told her that I wanted an area for privacy so i could go change my diapers. I didn't want everyone to see my stuff all the time. In the end she took over the project and called mum and pops and talked to them one on one about the problem. I did not know!!!!!! She came over and helped me pack and we got a spot in the garage for my boxes and they told me to clear out the bathroom cubbards and put my big trash can and suplies in there. I didn't really stay long since i finally convinced my wealthier mother to help me out. In the end "everyone" found out. I am not sure how to feel honestly. I am moved in completely at my bio mums house now and have $300 worth of diapers ordered. I kinda feel a little guilty, I forced myself into the identity of being incontinent, now i have to live like it wether i like it or not. I woke up having completely pissed myself overnight last night. Diaper almost leaked. As far as bedwetting goes I am certain i will always need sleep diapers. the day time the last few days i gave up completely. I was wearing pullups cause i kinda wanted to passively test myself. I leaked in every pull-up. I still get the feeling of having to pee sometimes. It doesn't hurt anymore at all and i am getting the weird tingly spasm more and more. When i get the slight urge to pee it is usually just cause i was sitting weird and got clogged, but by the time i notice I seem to either be already wetting or just about too. I still sometimes have to give it a little push but it is diminishing so fast it is scary. I was doing paperwork and playing video games earlier today and i was at my desk for a couple hours, when i got up I was SHOCKED! My dip was SOAKED. I truely have NO idea when I pee'd myself. My bio mum even bought me a pack of emergency diapers when I was about to run out. I think the biggest thing in all, my mother and I had a long discussion. She finally told me she wished she would have just let me wear diapers as a kid. She is a COMPLETELY new person nowdays. She teases me a little but it is funnier than mean. We went on a day trip and she kept teasing me saying not everyone can go hours and hours between bathroom visits. She even mentioned that she wants to see my tykables order. I told her about the subscription box being a suprize and cute patterns and she showed genuine intrest. The biggest thing of all now, I am not allowed to go undiapered now at her house. She is worried i will mess up the furniture. In the end I dont think I can go back to undies now if i wanted too. If there was anything i could change is I would get rid of having to feel ANY kind of urge at all whatsoever. For the most part im not really aware most the time, I am convinced I will eventually hit that point. There are times when I know I could hold it for a short burst. I am just kinda "over" even trying, I am stuck in diapers now so I might as well give in completely. I have been purposely trying to piss and leak anytime i dont have a diaper on. I know i could hold it for maybe a few min, I just think that if i keep telling myself the whole world is my diaper it will get rid of what little feeling i have. If i am gonna be stuck in diapers, might as well act like it. I only use the toilet once in the morning and once at night for stinky's. I used to only poop once a day but I know i am making progress because, I have been going like 2 or 3 times a day. I keep getting brown streaks when i change and I have already had a few close calls with the brown stuff. I had a few poo accidents about a week ago, I just think it shows how weak my sphincters are getting. I really don't like stinky diapers, but I tend to be quick about cleanup anyway. I am not looking forward to being 100%, at the same time i think it would be kind of convienent, and I seem to be getting weaker and weaker down there by the week. I am not torn up about it thou. If it happens, oh well.
  12. I untrained super fast, after I learned how to pee sitting/walking/standing, etc. My next step was to relax at all times. Bit tricky at first but keep focused and you'll see success. Don't force anything out even if it starts to hurt. Let it cone out naturally, then keep relaxed when u flood. That is my main advice.
  13. My family is prone to OAB. I would ALWAYS have the need to go. I did dribble a few drops after going potty. But the worst of it was having to hold it for mire than an hour at a time. It would hurt SO bad. Like try lifting a weight and holding it up in the air ALL DAY. That is the kind of pain it felt like. I eventually just gave in to wearing 247 gradually and I don't even have to think about it anymore. It is freeing.
  14. I have OAB. Trust me it is horrible. The need to pee never fades and you have the feeling of needing to go constantly. If you ever try to hold it in for more than an hour it WILL hurt, like your bladder is filling with a 1000 rusty razors. I only got out by going 24/7. I mean NEVER holding it back. Only then did the pain stop. If you are interested in being diaper dependent just wear diapers and keep relaxed. Follow the 12 month program. Trust me when I say having absolutely no control of needing to pee, just being relaxed has changed my life. OAB under normal circumstances is HORRIBLE. I am still a stranger on the internet to you. so if u don't listen to my advice, please just be careful. There are ways to achieve OAB. Just remember you will probably be in constant pain if it gets bad enough.
  15. LOL, this is a good one @Enthusi. 1. Severe 2. leaky faucet 3. no awareness 4. Heavy wetting-frequent "good" dreams 5. irriversible obv XD 6 ocastional mishaps with bowels, not frequent. 7. No, not a huge fan of messes. I do like having a genuine accident of that variety sometimes. Just to tell me how little control I have. Pretty much there already. I still have some vauge awareness but it is slipping day by day.
  16. I like dreams of any kind. I have gown fond of the dreams where I'm aware I'm peeing and don't care. Usually diapered in the dream or naked.
  17. Just a quick bump, aslo wanted to post my dream last night. I was running around somewhere wet. It was kind of dark and I realised I needed to pee. In the dream I was naked. For some reason thou I felt safe and convinced myself. " It doesn't matter If i need to pee the sand will soak it up. I think I was at a beach at night or something? Well anyway the feeling was there but then it just gradually faded. In the dream I was really confused? I was thinking, why are my legs not getting all wet that is weird. then I laid down and enjoyed a cool breeze under a tree I think. Obviously I woke up with a Completly soaked diaper. LOL
  18. that does tend to happen. My sister is a tad snoopy. We took a day trip to a turist trap to get out of town. I had the big bag so I held everything. Come change time. We were at the bar. She started going through it just as I was about to go change. (wanted something like water or something) I just said I needed the bag but she had already grabbed it. LOL as soon as she opened it she apologised and handed it back too me. Nice moment but a little awkward. Didn't say anything afterwards.
  19. I am excited to see some of these stories too. I have always had weird dreams. That last dream you said made me chuckle a little too. 🤣 "Oh my gosh, I made it to the toilet, YAY"! "Wakes up having totally pissed yourself". That one is great. 🤣 I have had pee and diaper dreams my whole life, here are some good ones. 1. I was at a childhood home both inside and outside at the same time. I had to pee so I somehow peed from my yard and arched it perfectly into the toilet several meters away. LOL 2. I would dream this a lot as a kid. I got put into pull-ups. Then and I ran around the world for some reason? Converting people to pull-ups or dry nights almost religiously. It was weird, usually ended when the world evolved around diapers lol. 3. One recurring one is I get some kind of serious injury. It can differ. Then wake up in the hospital telling me my body changed in some way. Usually I change genders, get incon or both. As for others I get those same weird dreams where I have to expose myself somehow, like what @Little Sherri said.
  20. I feel I am incontinent. I have been wearing protection when I leave the house for a long time. I genuinely believe if I left my house without a diaper I WILL have an accident. I could never, not wear one now. I'm too scared.
  21. Got this idea from one of @Enthusi posts. Just wanna hear some funny or intresting dreams. Go crazy.
  22. I have weird dreams too. I don't really wake up anymore but couple nights ago I had a funny dream. In it, I was wearing a long shirt that "kind of" covered my big ol diaper. In the dream I was going about my day, only difference was in the dream I was constantly peeing full power stream. The diaper in the dream kept getting warmer and warmer. At some point I went to the office and idk why but I bent down and had my diaper on full display. One person laughed and every one else just glared at them. I feel like it is mostly because I don't feel intimidated anymore 😕
  23. I might try a real test, soon. I don't know why but I feel.super I intimidated actually trying to hold it at all. Maybe in a few days or even a week I'll give it a shot. I have made amazing progress and I don't wanna mess that up now by delaying my release. Just a little bit longer of not holding back. I feel like I am on the verge of "too far gone" Even if I'm already past that I don't wanna take the chance.
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