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Spanking An Baby/little Girl

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I've never been spanked as my 'little' but as a kid it was over the knee with my pants down. If that wasn't feasible, then a swat on my rear was reasonably effective. It was serious when a belt was used.

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My little girl is very naughty and often needs a spanking to remind her to be good. She usually goes over my knee, i pull her nappy down and spank her with my bare hand. Ive never used anything else to spank my girls as im quite strong with big hands. I usually tell my little girl how many smacks she has earnt but im too kind and often dont get to the end before pleading and apologies tug at my heart strings

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  • 11 months later...

I have spanked bare bottom and over the diaper to littles. It all depends what I and the little decide on prior to any spanking or paddling session to take place. It is all negotiated so that limits and boundries are determined ahead of time to make the event and relationship the best it can be. Part of the negotiation is where to spank specifically such as only on the "sit spot" or how far down on the thighs. If the relationship goes on you can always revisit the previously set parameters to make adjustments. You want to discuss how to be

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest diaperboykcmo

My xgf/mommy used to spank me on my thigh or what ever part of my body was exposed.. She even told me if I spanked you on your diaper you wouldn't feel it!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm a spanko and an ABDL so sometimes I feel really conflicted on spanking. On one hand there is nothing cuter, sexier, or ohhhhh hot #$%@ than watching a bum squirm under my gaze. On the other hand I've had littles where spanking isn't something possible either due to history of spanking, preference, or wasn't appropriate with that little. I have spanked in every way from a single swat with the hand over a diaper to tying my little down and then spanking with a paddle or a cane. I think what's more important than the severity of the spanking is how you spank. I like to start off by taking my little by the hand and get them looking at me. After that we talk about what they did that deserves a spanking then I take them for their spanking. Afterwards I think it's extremely important to get my little to talk to me no matter how angry, upset, or sad she may be (sometimes they just wanna run away). Once we can start talking I wait for her to calm down by herself, and once she has come to terms with the spanking I'll hug her and ask if she wants to be held for a while. Cuddling soon to ensue.

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Yeah, I don't handle spankings too well. When I was a kid I cried for hours and received constant threats of being put back in diapers. That only made me cry more.

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  • 11 months later...

I am spanked as a little, it's a long story but the basics of it were I was finding my behaviour and attitudes which had never been good, getting more out of control which was getting in the way of what I wanted and causing lots of problems for people who I'm close to and little else was working. The only thing that had worked in the past although it had been infrequent was spanking or the threat thereof so after getting to know someone, spanking reentered my life together with one on one guidance around behaviour and attitudes as well coping with stressful situations.

I felt as painful as I knew this might be it was worth trying.

This is working out very well for me as my attitude has improved significantly and my behaviour while still needing some correction is better.

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  • 8 years later...
On 5/15/2013 at 6:54 PM, babygirl87 said:

how do you spank your baby/little girls when they are bad? or

How have you been spanked when you was bad and did a nono

Over the knee 10 swats with a paddle hard

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  • 1 month later...

As a real little boy I was never just spanked. It was always a good whipping with a thick leather belt and it was done with me completey naked on my bare butt. Also, it was not just a single lash or two. It was at least 10 lashes and could be as many as 30 lashes. Yes, it did hurt and it did bring tears to my eyes. It was very difficult to sit down for a few hours after it was all over. However, I never said that I did not want it. I knew I deserved it and took it with no complaints.

As an adult, I do not like being spanked or whipped. However, if someone wants me to spank or whip them as an adult, I will do it to them. If they want to act like a little when I do this to them, that is fine with me. I will do it only to the point of making it hard for them to sit down for an hour or two and there wil be no permanent damage to their butts.

They can be either a or a .

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23 hours ago, Albert-1701 said:

As a real little boy I was never just spanked. It was always a good whipping with a thick leather belt and it was done with me completey naked on my bare butt. Also, it was not just a single lash or two. It was at least 10 lashes and could be as many as 30 lashes. Yes, it did hurt and it did bring tears to my eyes. It was very difficult to sit down for a few hours after it was all over. However, I never said that I did not want it. I knew I deserved it and took it with no complaints.

As an adult, I do not like being spanked or whipped. However, if someone wants me to spank or whip them as an adult, I will do it to them. If they want to act like a little when I do this to them, that is fine with me. I will do it only to the point of making it hard for them to sit down for an hour or two and there wil be no permanent damage to their butts.

They can be either a or a .

That's the way they dished out spankings back in the day.  We're much better for it. We learned that there are real consequences for our actions. 

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On 5/9/2024 at 6:17 PM, lollygagger said:

I enjoy spanking in/with layers. Panties--wedgied and pulled down a bit. I've never had the opportunity to try with diapers. I want to try in the wheelbarrow position sometime.

Wow, never knew about the wheelbarrow position.  Had to look it up. Very interesting. 

I'm still more interested in bending over a desk or grabbing my ankles.  A good old fashioned school paddling. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

You do need to consider if it's a "you crossed that line Little One" spanking where it may happen. In the moment wherever it might be or deferred "until we get home" in say the bedroom and not just to spare you blushes.

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5 hours ago, TammyG said:

You do need to consider if it's a "you crossed that line Little One" spanking where it may happen. In the moment wherever it might be or deferred "until we get home" in say the bedroom and not just to spare you blushes.

That's a good point. I remember those "Just wait until we get home " spankings.  Just as bad as the "Wait until your father gets home " spankings.  Made it even worse waiting for the inevitable. 

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