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  1. I have unearthed an early edit of the entire near 200000 word book. I am working on putting it back together. Keep hounding me so ill carve out the time!
  2. The Woes of Maddison Page Chapter 11 – There’s no distraction from a dirty diaper in an MRI… ‘I don’t mind wearing these diapers anymore. Besides, momma is convinced that I shouldn’t worry about the stuff I can’t change. So, I’ll just have to take her advice. I can’t change my situation, so I’m not going to worry about them. Not right now anyway. Still, I really don’t want to have a bowel movement in this thing. Better than the bedpan though! A bed pan sounds even more degrading, and I’m positive it would be more painful. Rock meet fucking hard place!’ I whined internally. I was snarling at the unfairness of my reality while poking at the soggy front of my diaper. ‘Taking a shit should not be this complicated for a seventeen year old!’ I worked on mom’s computer for the next few hours while she flittered in and out of my hospital room doing god-only-knows what. I’m not even sure she stayed inside the hospital. She could have been running around town or something for all I knew. She didn’t tell, and I didn’t ask. Suspiciously, she kept carrying a plastic bag from one store or the other while crinkling everywhere she went. Merry napped on and off playing on her phone occasionally. She kept texting me while laying the hospital bed with me. I was really zoned out. I was still stuck in the same position I had been in since I was admitted. My legs laid open gently like a butterfly while my diaper was on display. But, I rested with my legs propped on a new stack of pillows. <M> gawd I’m sooooo board! <D> I’m working. Essays don’t write themselves. <M> But… I’m board. <M> Do you love me? O yes or no I blushed like a… well, like a schoolgirl. <D> O YES! <D> Now let me work. <M> But I’m board. <D> I still know. I needed to redirect her or I’d never get anything done. <D> How’s my diaper doing? (*^_^*) <M> On it capin… She poked and tugged at my crotch, and then she ran a finger under my leg gathers. Her finger traveled under the plastic all the way up the side of my ass. Suddenly, she wiped her finger on her shorts and typed. <M> She canna take much more ciptin <D> K… will you change me then? (*^_^*)!!! <M> Eye I was pretty sure that wasn’t the way to type that, but it caused me to giggle anyway. Why she was an Irish starship engineer on text, I’d never know, but it was fun. I couldn’t remember Kirk well enough to type him back though. I’ve only seen the original Star Trek a few times. Opportunities missed I guess, but she boldly accomplished her mission of making me smile. We continued the unspoken silence rule for a while continuing to type back and forth on our phones. I failed my concentrate check on my admittance essay that I was outlining, but I did make some progress. Like a professional, Merry kept me distracted. A very young doctor came in with some cast setting equipment. Before I knew it, Merry picked out a dark purple color that she decided would look ok on me. Apparently, it wouldn’t show dirt as much either. Mom cut down the monster sock I was wearing on my now casted foot. She left a bit of material longer than my toes, and Merry weaseled it under my cast covering my little piggies. “Purple cast! Purple monster claws. Classes that shit right up!” Merry smiled down at their handy work. “Merry Selvage!” My mom piped up out of reflex, but with no real conviction. Then we all laughed. It looked goofy and cool as hell at the same time. It wasn’t long before mom was gone again leaving Merry and I alone. The day just continued on with us texting and mom bouncing in and out of my room. The only time I got any work done was the rare moments that Merry drifted off in a catnap being too board to stay awake. Of course, boredom only ruled when mom was out of the room. Merry changed me several more times that afternoon including right after four pm, just before mom came back from her latest run. She stayed put after that waiting on my MRI. Merry was trying to have me in a dry diaper right before the MRI was due. It was a sweet thought. I had continued wetting the whole day, but had opted not to worry over it anymore. After all, it was out of my hands at the time. It seemed like I’d have a heavy wetting an hour or so after I drank something, but the only info I got on the situation was from my skin when it grew warm and wet. That wasn’t anything new at that point, so status quo maintained! I didn’t mind Merry changing my wet diapers, but I just couldn’t stomach the thought of her changing a messy one. Frankly, I’d rather never mess my diapers again no matter how long I was stuck in them. Toilets were just fine for messes thank you very much! Unfortunately, I could feel my baconator from lunch getting ready to make the rounds. Food in. Food out. Dirty diapers were an inevitable part of my near future. ‘Surely I can hold out for another hour or so. I held it for like six hours last night. I’ll be fine.’ I thought selling myself swamp land in New Mexico. I didn’t really need to go yet, and I wasn’t “holding” anything back either. I just felt sort of full low in my abdomen. It was my body’s early warning system firing off. Used to, I’d have had hours to take care of it. If I went now, I’d have to push and I wasn’t doing that for damn sure! So, I decided to wait and thread that perfect needle between pressure and push. It wasn’t long after mom got back that the orderlies were wheeling me to the MRI room. Our anxiety levels ratcheted up in synchronization. It seemed like I’d been hovering in an eternal dream world waiting on this test, and suddenly everything was moving in a hurry. It was more than a little disorienting. I was instantly afraid to find out if I needed surgery. ‘Thursdays suck!’ I decided in a huff. After a long hallway ride in terrible pain laying on my back with my fucking diapers exposed, we made it to the MRI room. Mom was a wreck and even the ever bubbly unflappable Merry was beginning to show signs of stress. They tried to recreate my hospital bed setup on the MRI table, but the table wasn’t wide enough and they didn’t have enough pillows. The whole castle of pillows was super unstable. It left me holding on for dear life while trying not to teeter off the table. I had to flex my core muscles to keep from rolling off it’s sides! Of course that hurt like a bitch. They stripped me of my Power Puff nightgown and splints leaving me in a freshly laundered hospital gown and that nasty looking green hospital diaper. The MRI Tech ended up strapping me down so I wasn’t hurting myself trying to stay on the exam table. Who likes to be strapped down? Well, not me either!!! I wasn’t as comfortable as I had been in my hospital bed, but it wasn’t as bad as it could have been with the straps doing the work for me. I’d endure. “Ok, so I have some head phones here for you, and we get all the local radio stations. You need to be as still as possible for the duration of this test. If you move to much we may have to start over. You’ll be in there around forty-five minutes to an hour for this study, if you stay still.” The MRI tech told me. I told him my favorite hits station, while mom continued to wring her hands nervously. They were making her and Merry stay in the testing waiting area after the study started. That certainly didn’t lower their stress levels! “This thing is super loud and protocal has us empty this room. So you ladies will have to wait out in the waiting area. Maddison, we can hear you clearly in the control room so just speak up if something goes wrong or if your pain increases over a six on a scale of ten.” He concluded his instructions. Mom exited as the terrifying tube began to suck me in. ‘I think I might be a bit claustrophobic.’ I decided as the machine swallowwed me. ‘Wow this kind of hurts. I don’t think my legs are up as high as they were in my bed.’ I squirmed a bit trying to get my legs closer to a ninety degree angle. “Maddison, we are going to need you to stop wiggling ok?” Came the technician’s voice over the headphones. *clunk* The table landed in the start position inside the MRI. I was strapped in around the waist and above my chest under my armpits. The interior walls of the MRI were so close I could reach out and touch everything. It felt like the tube was slowly constricting on me. Logically, I knew I could simply exit from the ends of the machine, should I have to, but logic wasn’t fully in control. After all, phobia can be defined as irrational fear. It doesn’t need a cause. It just is. ‘Breathe ya pussy! You aren’t strapped in where you can’t get free. It’s just Velcro for God’s sake. Your hands aren’t tied down. Good. Now, flatten out your spine as best you can.’ I told myself trying to maintain control and not freak the fuck out. “Just a second please. I need to get a little more comfortable.” I spoke louder and more hysterical than the situation called for. “Alright. Please let me know when you are ready to start.” He asked. I tucked my hands each under my butt cheeks. I wanted to stabilize my center and make it easier on my core to hold still. It also gave me something to do with my hands. Once I wiggled to as much comfort as I could find, I gave him the go ahead while playing with the backside of my diaper with my fingers. ‘Yep definitely claustrophobic. OMG!’ I start to panic. Then familiar music began pumping through my headphones calming me down. I closed my eyes as Maroon 5 began howling like an animal. The music was almost uncomfortably loud, but it wasn’t uncomfortable for long! Even with that direct input, I could still hear the MRI once it started. ‘I don’t know how this machine works, but it sounds like being inside of a washing machine that’s tumbling inside of a gigantic dryer. Mental Note: Look up MRIs.’ I thought. The noise was so loud that I could physically feel it thudding through my chest like a heavy base beat. I was getting sensation overload from the tight space, noise, vibration, being strapped in, and all the emotions raging through me. I tensed up so much that my chest was pushing against the fabric of my hospital gown while my fingers dug into the padding covering my ass. My teeth ground tightly while I sucked fear filled air through my clenched teeth. I was coiled up like a spring ready to blow. Eventually, the sound faded into a sort of white noise. I’d endured it long enough that it wasn’t a direct source of stress like all my emotions were. I still heard it, you couldn’t help that, but it wasn’t an overwhelming force like it had been. I can’t even imagine how loud it would have been without the headphones and music! My hands went numb from sitting on them and clenching at my diaper so hard. My back was hurting from trying to stay still. All the sudden, I was worried I had punctured the diaper’s shell with my fingernails. What would happen when I filled it like I had been? Would it leak? Plus, I was afraid I’d end up with a foot cramp because I couldn’t quit curling my toes. Time slowed down to the intense pain filled breaths and the thudding noise of the machinery. I wasn’t going to move though! I wouldn’t chance it. I’d endure. I never wanted to do this again! I wasn’t positive they could get me back in this machine without knocking me out. I had to deal with this torture. I had to have the results. This wasn’t going to just go away. I would be strong! Pain filled moments passed, and eventually fatigue took over. I started to slump against the pillows despite the increasing pain, and my arms sagged to the sides only held by my body weight. Under strain, my legs started to lose their ninety degree angle as my muscles fatigued. That hurt, a lot. As my legs tried to lower and fully support their weight on the pillows, everything escalated. I was in a painful catch twenty-two. So, I tried to pull my feet back to my core and find some purchase on the pillows to hold my legs in place. “Maddison, please keep still. We only have about eighteen more minutes to go here.” The tech pleaded. He probably hated it when people moved this late in the test. “Fine.” I huffed out with tears beginning to form. I took a slow deep breath and flexed my abs. That was a mistake. I flexed and it took some of the tension off my butt which allowed the stool softener to do its duty. My diaper began to fill with a mushy excrement about the consistency of cake batter. “Sorry, I’m hurting.” I told them honestly trying my best to remain still as I continued to dirty my diaper. The problem with trying to be still is it makes you want to move. My back was killing me. Then, my fucking nose started itching, cause why the fuck not? The angrier I got, the more that damn noise irritated me, and the easier tears flowed. It was all so much the worse with the dirty diaper that I was diligently trying to ignore. In the end, it didn’t work. I began to cry. Tiny sniffles escaped as tears rolled down my face. ‘I can’t tell if I’m crying over a dirty diaper, the fucking pain, or that damn noise!’ I thought incredulously. I decided it was all three. I couldn’t deal with the pain so I just let things happen in my diaper, and cried about it in the observed privacy of the MRI chamber. I could feel the waste escaping into the seat of my diaper spreading across my ass. Once it started, there was no holding it back. I pushed gently instead of trying to hold it back. Just playing with those muscles was excruciating. I slowly soiled myself with nothing to do but think and antagonize over every damn moment of my humiliation. There is no distraction from a dirty diaper in an MRI… By the time the MRI tray started back toward its original position, large tears were streaming from my eyes. I’d thoroughly cussed everything I could think of for the horrible time I’d had stuck in that MRI machine in a dirty diaper. My back was in excruciating pain, and the smell was just the icing on the suck-ass cake! “I understand your situation Maddison. The orderlies will get you to your room and the nurses will get that taken care of right away.” The tech told me coming into the room to remove the straps immediately comprehending the dirty diaper. How could he not. I smelled like an outhouse! We wheeled past the waiting room in route to my room and picked up my girls. Merry immediately tried to fluff my legs and wipe my tears. She didn’t like seeing me in this kind of pain, or this humiliated. She managed not to say anything about the state of my dirty diaper, but mom did not. Good ole mom… “Oh baby, we’ll get that diaper taken care of as soon as we get back to your room. No need to cry dear.” Mom reassured me patting me on the leg in concern. It felt like condescension though, and I admit to it pissing me off. “I’ll run ahead and grab the nurse Dee.” Merry told me bounding off ahead of us. ‘I fucking love you M!’ I sent my girlfriend telepathically. Merry turned and jogged backwards throwing me a kiss. ‘Do a cartwheel.’ I sent. She didn’t. ‘Meh. was worth a try.’ I chuckled at my thoughts. Strange how the right person can change your mood so fast. We got to my room and the nurse I hadn’t caught the name of was working the B shift this evening. She was waiting in the room as they transferred me to the hospital bed. “I’m Sam. I’ll help you out with that Maddie. Dr. Hadi will be by in about ten minutes, he’s trying to get out of here.” She told me with a board detachment. Sam didn’t tickle my admiration like Peggy had, but she wasn’t mean either. She made fast efficient work of my mess. I was cleaned back up and re-braced before Dr. Hadi made it in. I had avoided another full on diaper change from mom, and I was glad of it. But, I knew it was coming, and I was dreading it. “Evening ladies.” Dr. Hadi greeted us. “Howdy Doc.” Merry chimed on reflex. Merry and I shared a giggle because sometimes it’s laugh or cry, and I chose laugh. He still didn’t look right speaking with his southern accent. “MRI’s in the bag. Did it give you much trouble?” He asked me. “I’m in a lot of pain. They had to strap me down to hold me still. Then a number two happened. All in all, it was shitty.” I admitted huffing out a pain filled smile at my own pun. “Ha! I imagine was. I’ll come by tomorrow mid-day and have some results for ya, but that puts us firmly on the Friday footing, and maybe Saturday early worst case. You’d be surprised how much paperwork and bureaucratic stuff it takes to get discharged! Most likely we’ll send you home tomorrow evening though. Everyone recovers better in their own space ya know! I only want to keep you to make sure you aren’t going to paralyze yourself. I want you two home and happy as much as you do.” He chuckled and looked over at mom. I couldn’t find any humor in me to join him in laughing though. I wanted the hell out of the hospital. One or two more days were fucking terrible news, and I was sort of crushed. My soft tears had returned. I was tired and exhausted emotionally. Then pain meds Peggy had hit me with before the MRI started overcoming all of my waking aggravation and pressing me to rest. Dr. Hadi smiled at me patting my non-caste bound foot. He turned to speak to mom standing close to the door. I let the tears ramp up on their own, and shot some desperate give-me hands at Merry. “Baby girl. I think your mom has it bad for that good lookin doctor.” She said motioning toward the door. Mom’s right leg was off the ground playing with her left calf. She definitely had it bad. Then she laughed and put her hand on his chest. “What the hell is Mrs. P wearing? Her ass is huge.” I laughed a soft exhausted laugh, but I still needed a cuddle and a good sleep in the worst way. She could handle that for me, I was confident. I needed out of this place, but we had nowhere to go. It’s not like the hotel would be any more familiar. I don’t know why, but I had a sort of break down as Merry climbed in bed next to me. I couldn’t roll over and curl up with her like I had at the hotel, and I needed that closeness severely. I’m going to call it a medication induced random cry. Mom would probably call it a hissy fit. You know, whichever… Merry cuddled me like a pro. Every piece of her that she could find a way to snuggle up was pressed against me. It was almost like she was adhered to me. Her head was on my chest, and I had my face in her hair. I smelled her hair. She smelt like home. Then I just threw my arm around her and cried into her hair. Merry just held me shushing me like a toddler. “It’s over now baby girl. I’ve got you. Just breathe baby. Breathe and sleep for me ok? Shhh. Off you go now…” She cooed over and over. I finally gave up my hold on consciousness and passed smooth the fuck out. I told you Thursday’s suck!
  3. Sorry... Sorrry... Teenagers suck. Daughter's getting married. DIY bathroom remodel...
  4. The Woes of Maddison Page Chapter 10 – I want to get her a cape so bad! “Alright, I’ve been the center of attention long enough. Aren’t you supposed to be studying or some shit? When is your test again?” I asked her. “I’ve got the early session so I’ll have to be there before nine.” She told me. “Good. You study. I’m going to lay here and die from embarrassment.” I told her. “You knew what your options were, and you knew what you had to do. I know you wanted to use the toilet or wait till you’re mom got here, but that didn’t work out now did it? We’ll get your injuries sorted out, and you’ll be back on the porcelain throne with the rest of us! You know I still love you baby girl, right?” She pleaded. “You’re not going to last long anyway. Those pain pills will knock you out.” She leaned down and kissed my forehead tracing my chin with her fingers. I reached up and took her hand in mine. I tugged at her with the strength of an exhausted mouse. She got the message though, and we shared a chaste morning breath kiss. I pulled the table back over and started at a couple lists I had typed up on mom’s computer. I created them in Google docs so I’d have access to them on my PC when it came in. Disaster Recovery was a whole new school of thought for me after the fire. Just as I really got into listing out all our bills with their approximate amounts, mom showed up. She walked straight over to me where I was sitting up at just enough of an angle to see the her laptop on the table. Merry was still snuggled up against my side. She was rolled up on her side tucked in close to me facing away from me while working through her notes for her final later that morning. Mom must have picked up some new clothes last night, she looked really great that morning. My Mom had on a nice white blouse and a loose skirt with tights. She looked ready for the office or a power lunch somewhere. I didn’t spend a lot of time around this side of mom. It was startling, but it was kind of fun to see her “adulting”. She beamed me a beautiful smile lighting up her pretty face, “Morning Sunshine. How was your night?” She flicked her eyes toward Merry smiling. “I slept pretty good Momma. No grandbabies yet, but I had a great snuggle buddy!” I teased them both. “I’m really glad Merry was here to keep you company. Good thing on the grandbabies though.” She teased us. “Mrs. P, I can assure you, my intentions are strictly honorable.” Merry giggled. She sucked at delivering lines she thought were funny. She always ends up cracking up before she finished her joke. “Dee and I had a movie quote thing going last night.” Merry shrugged. “Sounds familiar.” Mom intoned thoughtfully. I got it first, “You always were a cunning linguist, Merry. James Bond!” “I think so…” Merry looked puzzled like she’d recalled the line, but not where it had come from. We all cracked up laughing. That was a much better start to my day than my tortuously painful dirty diaper had been. Merry got up, leaving me a cold spot, so my mom could sit on the hospital bed. She wandered off toward the bathroom to freshen up for school. Mom sat up in my bed watching me mess around on her computer for a little while. It was a comfortable silence, but it looked weird to me. This wasn’t how my mom looked when she was relaxing at home, but she didn’t seem very tense beside me. I just wasn’t used to her looking like an adult. It was a little jarring, but we really didn’t have a home to relax in anymore. ‘I wonder if Momma will ever be able to relax like that again. I’ve worked so hard so she could, and now it seems fate is preventing it.’ I thought angrily. She’d clearly slept well though. We talked a bit about her computer, and I told her I’d ordered mine for delivery to Merry’s house. Since it was a custom build from Lenovo, it’d take a few days to put together and ship. I’d have it between Christmas and New Year’s. “We’ll just have to fight over this one till then. Better yet we’ll race. Probably the only time in your life I’ll be able to outrun you.” Mom belly laughed at her own joke ruining it for Merry and I. I smiled anyway. She never could keep her laughs, even for her own comedy. “Alright ladies. I want to cram a bit before this final and you two are too distracting. They are opening the doors at seven today, so I’m going to hit the Arches for coffee and a breakfast wrap. I love you both, and Dee I’ll be back before lunch! Maybe with some lunch.” She told me slinking over to me to hug me goodbye. ‘So yummy. I swear she moves like a cat!’ I enjoyed watching her approach. ‘I know I don’t move like that!’ She embraced me and kissed the top of my head. She reached across me to hug mom. As she was standing I grabbed her shirt and pulled her down to me. I gave her a chaste lover’s kiss on the lips and let my hand trail down her face as she rose. The move told her everything I was uncomfortable voicing in front of my mom, and told my mom where my heart was at the same time. “No way I can fail now. Bye Baby Girl!” She waved a cute little half-hand wave then threw her hand over her mouth covering her slip. ‘Guess that was meant to be a pet name not for public consumption. Sorry mom.’ I thought and shrugged. “I take it that’s going well?” Mom hedged pointing to an exiting Merry. “As can be here in this hospital and wrapped up in this crinkly thing.” I sighed. “Good things are worth waiting for baby.” Mom voiced sagely. “I was lucky with your Daddy. I didn’t have to wait long. We fell in love when we were young and grew into who we wanted to be together. It was a true treat to grow up with him.” She sighed wistfully with a single tear in her eye. The pain was so much better with fresh meds. I could think around the pain when they kicked in. I could see how people that dealt with this all the time could get addicted. Admittedly, I was a bit of a pain newbie. Until this hospital visit, I’d never had anything worse than a tooth pulled, and maybe like 4 stitches over my lifetime. I had quite a bit more than that in my right leg alone! I knew my threshold for dealing with that new level of pain was improving. I was learning quickly to “deal” with the constant pressure pains and the hollow pain associated with the “dead” spots on my leg and foot. Sometimes, a muscle would knot up or a nerve would misfire and I felt white hot burning pain. Those eruptions of my nerve endings were truly breathtaking in the worst way. The pain meds knocked the top off of that just fine, when they were fresh anyway. I smiled a lot that morning. I had a computer. I had a quarter million lists started and my hyper organized brain started to settle around our new situation. I pinned Mom down and we built back most of the information on the bills while I fought off the drowsiness the pain medication brought me. It was liberating to have that back together. I was able to pull several passwords from the Chrome add-on I used to manage them. I spent the hours Merry was gone regaining some control over our life situation while fighting back the yawns. It was the most household stuff that I had shared with mom since dad died. It was very strange sharing these things with her. I’ll be honest. It was easier with her in her professional dress than her normal lounging wear. I didn’t feel like I was burdening her this way. It felt like she wanted to be involved. It was... nice. ‘I guess clothes really do make the girl. What the fuck does that make me?’ I thought poking my diaper. I had accepted the temporary need for diapers and the possibility of surgery in my future. Now I had a leg up on recovering the house stuff. I was compartmentalizing the active traumas in my life. All in All, things were starting to look up! I still had the control in my relationship with mom. She never challenged me there. She just wanted to know what was going on. Like a CEO getting a briefing from management. She smiled and nodded at the right times. She was more than satisfied with my grip on the situation, and content to let me do my job. Despite laying there in a hospital bed in an “absorbency garment” waiting on tests to determine my injury levels, I was quite possibly as happy as I had been since our house burnt down. I had a text from Merry confirming she was coming back to me, with some Wendy’s to boot. She’d promised something with bacon on it. WooHoo! Mom was smiling and fussing over my health and diapered state eventually tiring of the house talk, and leaving the financial stuff to me. I had reigned in some anxiety over the fire by getting organized. Now I just needed a diagnosis, and to get the hell out of this hospital! “Hey Babe.” Merry says coming in the room and kissing me lightly on the lips. I’d have swooned, but I was already lying down. Thank God! “OMG! Fries!” I said clawing into the food she brought me with happy tears in my eyes from her and her food gifts. The hospital breakfast kind of sucked, like school lunch ladies who were pissed at the kids. Apparently, pain meds make me emotional. HA! Mom and Merry chuckled at my enthusiasm. “Mrs. P. How’s she doing?” Merry talked over me to mom who was still nested in my bed with me. “She’s had a couple diaper changes while you were gone. I honestly don’t think she has much control over that anymore.” They talked like I wasn’t there. In fairness, there was a baconator and fries in front of me. I wasn’t really paying them much attention anyway, but I did hear them. It was something we had talked about while Merry was gone. I had decided not to worry about my diapers. They didn’t bother Merry, and Mom seemed strangely excited about them for some reason. “So no more messes though?” Merry asked. “M’hm on a shtool toffiner doe.” I slurped around the greasy burger. “Uh, they put her on a stool softener. I don’t think it’s supposed to induce anything just makes it easier when it happens. Sounds like most of that was in her mind this morning though. Stubborn thing! Should have just gone when she needed to. Waiting didn’t change anything did it baby.” Mom huffed patting my leg. I was mortified that Merry had to live through that with me, but I had decided throughout the morning that I was ok with Mom not having been there. She may have forced her hand and changed me herself! ‘My life keeps getting stranger and stranger.’ “She has her MRI in a little while. I asked the nurse, just a bit ago, if they were running on time. She’s calling around to find out.” Merry told us. I couldn’t get over how happy my girls seemed to be while taking care of me. The one thing I have worked the hardest for, is their happiness. Seeing them all excited and smiling about taking care of me was surreal, but I was feeding off their happiness, and right then that was good enough for me. Nurse Peggy came in knocking on my door, “Ladies is everyone decent.” She chimed from the door. “Oh Peggy, come in dear.” My mom beamed like a kid at daycare when their mom shows up. ‘Guess I’m not the only one taken with this mature woman whose kindness and good humor radiates happiness in its wake.’ Sigh, I was genuinely happy Peggy was here to see me. “Heard you gave the C-Shift girls a scare this morning.” Peggy eyed me with mock suspicion. “Well, it was an ordeal for sure. Not my finest moment. Nor one I’m looking forward to repeating.” I told her with Wendy’s crumbs all over my nightgown. Crumbs get everywhere when you eat horizontally. Nowhere for the mess to go I guess. Lesson learned. I started trying to knock them off me to the floor, but I was just making a mess on the bed. I must have cut peculiar look. I looked around at the bed and wondered what Merry saw. I was lying flat of my back in a day old Blossom nightgown, wearing two purple monster toed sock, and a very visibly wet hospital green diaper. Oh yeah, and now I’m covered in fry crumbs and bacon bits! “The MRI techs are running late. There was a pretty bad car wreck a little while ago. It pushed you back. Your three o’clock is looking more like a five. They will do it this evening, but it definitely won’t be in time to get you out of here tonight. Friday at the earliest now.” She apologized. ‘Well, it’s official. Thursday’s suck!’ I thought turning fickelly on my previous good mood. She pulled the curtain, but didn’t ask my girls to step out this time. She changed my wet diaper and gave me a thorough cleaning. I appreciated the sentiment, but she didn’t get me anywhere near as clean as Merry had. “So, here’s your pills. Take em now and sleep while you can. On second thought, don’t sleep. This will work out pretty good. I should be able to give you your other dose just before I leave and you get in the MRI. Might help if you sleep in there. So, I’d try to stay up if I were you.” She told me patting my thigh officially ending the diaper change. Peggy puttered around my room tidying up after pulling the curtain back insisting that my cave get some sunlight. Merry crawled up on the bed with me while Mom got up and helped Peggy put the room to rights. Between the two experienced women, they had the room back in shape in moments. Mom even used some disinfectant wipes to clean off most of the surfaces and the chair arms. ‘Mom looks at home puttering around cleaning up and helping me. I wonder if she ever wanted to be a nurse. Why does her butt look so big?’ I pondered noticing it for the first time. Peggy smiled and withdrew from the room wishing us a good day. She told me to call her if I needed anything that they were normally staffed today. She apologized for last night too. “No problem Mrs. Peggy! Dee has been taking care of me for years. I love this chance to help her out. It’s like a dream for me.” Merry gushed. “Alright Maddie, you seem to be in good hands. Mandy, I’ll check on the doctor rounds for mid-day. I think Dr. Flores will be by about her x-rays. I gave our flying girl her stool softener just now. I don’t want her to go through that kind of pain again today.” Peggy said. Merry snuggled up beside the length of my body. I sighed and nestled back into her snuggle. The thought of mom’s overly round ass evaporated with the intake of Merry’s scent. She rested her head on my shoulder and I rested my head against hers. I finished off my food with my left hand unable to hold back the smile on my face. Mom couldn’t keep the smile off her face either. It was really great to have a smile worthy thing to hold onto in all this chaos. I sighed in contentment and motioned for my table and mom’s laptop. Merry settled into a shallow sleep as her breathing evened out. I longed to drape my right arm around her shoulder and hug her in tightly, but the splint wouldn’t let me. I turned my head and kissed her forehead before plowing back into recovering our lives from the fire. An hour later, Merry surfaced from her nap yawning and pawing at her face as a guy in a white coat came in my door. My girl drools. It’s a fact. She pawed at her face with the back of her hand rubbing the back of her hand on the bed. Then, I kid you not, she yawned super wide open-mouthed and her tongue curled and released. It was like watching a panther stir from a nap on a nature TV show. “I shall call you Kitty and you shall be mine.” I whispered to her. She tilted her head looking at me while her eyes and brain focused, “Did you just lay claim on me with a line from a fish movie?” “Sounded like it.” I chuckled. Before she thought, she reached up and kissed me possessively on the lips. Mom cleared her throat with a loving smile on her face and looked toward the new entry. “That’s enough of that ladies. Kissing leads to grandbabies!” She giggled. The absurdity left us all laughing merrily. Merry sat up on my bed and stretched her sinuous body distracting me totally from whatever I had been thinking about. It seemed that once I gave myself permission to find Merry attractive, that everything she did turned me on. I don’t remember feeling this way about any boyfriend I had ever had. “Can I come in ladies?” I heard my Dr. ask. “You may.” My mom invited. “Maddison, I have some good news and bad news as a result of your x-rays.” The doctor me. “I’m Dr. Flores by the way.” He told us nodding at mom and sliding the rolling chair up next to the bed. He had my chart and flipped through it a bit. “Well, good news first, your wrist isn’t broken.” He told me and mom clapped. “Bad news, the sprain will take longer to recover from than a break. Course you get to trade that off with no cast and the splint is removable. You’ll wear it for about four weeks and…” He reviewed the chart. “Dr. Chu will let you out of it, but you’ll be sleeping in it for six to eight weeks.” He nodded and thumped the clipboard. I startled, “Alright, I can live with that. What about my leg?” I asked. “Yeah, you broke that for sure. Good news there is that I don’t think I need to reset the bone before we cast it.” He smiled. “Where’s the break Doc?” Merry contributed. “Fibula.” He confirmed. Dr. Flores took the leg splint off leaving my leg up. Then he slowly rolled my monster sock down to the bottom of my ankle. Motioning for mom to come over he began to press on the outside of my leg. “You landed funny when you jumped out of that window. Your outer lower leg bone is fractured above the ankle right about here.” He touched my leg lightly. “We’ll cast her up to just below the knee. You’ll wear your splint like a walking boot over the cast since it has a rubber sole. Overkill for the cast, but will allow you more use of your leg. If you back allows walking anyway.” He chuckled. “Hey I just want to tell you, we all think you are super brave. I know it was a life or death choice and all, but most people couldn’t have jumped from the window like you did. That can be a fatal fall distance. I know you got cut up and several other injuries, but this is very close to best case scenario for a little thing like you trying to fly.” He laughed out right. “Right! That’s what I’ve been saying! I want to get her a cape so bad!” Merry told us emphatically. “In all seriousness, we get a lot of awful stories in here. Yours isn’t the worst by far, but all of the nurses and doctors took up a collection to help you and your daughter get on your feet. God will help you through this, and we were all happy to help.” Dr. Flores told my mom with a convicted sincerity. “Oh Doctor. I don’t… It’s just so… I can’t tha…” Mom faltered around her tears touched by their assistance as the doctor handed her a check for thirty-eight hundred dollars. “Dr. Flores, my mother and I are touched at the thoughtfulness and kindness. Whatever you all have collected is most appreciated. I can’t tell you how professional and caring your doctors and nurses are. You all have made this horrible week a little easier, and we really appreciate it.” I told him suddenly inspired by their outreach. Mom and Dr. Flores discussed the current situation with the MRI. Nothing new had come up to push me back from the now five-ish time frame I was looking at. It looked like I had a few more hours to go, and I’d be getting a cast between now and then. “Do I get to choose the color?” I asked suddenly curious. “Yeah. I’m going to have them do it in here. They’ll bring a cart and cast it up for you. You can pick the outer color when they get here.” “How about that stool softener I’m on. It won’t make me go will it?” I asked fearful of his answer. “No Maddie. It just keeps your stool well… softer so you won’t have to work so hard at emptying your colon. If you feel like you need to go you need to relax and try to let it happen. If you prefer you can always call for us and the nurses can get the bedpan.” He encouraged me. “I know. Holding it hurt. I pushed that one off way to long this morning. My back was hurting worse then than it has since all of that went on. I’m kind of afraid to move. I’ll do everything I can not to end up like that again. I just wish I could use the toilet for that.” I admitted. “Maybe tomorrow! Let’s see what you have going on back there first. We don’t want to make it worse!” He told me with confidence and conviction. “Nope worse, would not be good.” I conceded.
  5. This has a fun discomfort to it... playful almost. Like it.
  6. Amazing. I really enjoyed this.
  7. The Woes of Maddison Page Chapter 9 – Shit happens ya know! Mom was gone, and it was just Merry and I in my hospital room. She approached the door and shut it soundly. The nurses all seemed to be knocking and waiting on a reply before entering, unless my door was cracked. So we had relative alone time, and theoretical privacy. “Sit with me M.” I told her before she had time to make a decision of her own. “Sure thing Baby. I wouldn’t sit anywhere else, unless I was hurting you. I’m sorry you’re hurt honey, but I’d be lying if I didn’t admit I’d rather have you hurt than gone.” She told me bringing me into a close side hug. I could hear her sniffling in my shoulder. Merry was crying in relief that nothing critical was going on. She apparently didn’t give rat’s ass that I was laid up facing surgery and “absorbency products” for an undetermined amount of time. All she cared about was that I was going to live, and that I wouldn’t be leaving her. I reveled in her closeness for a few moments before craning my neck backwards being careful not to move my upper body. I wanted to look at my best friend. Her goofy flamboyant personality lit up my world and I knew I was blessed to have her around me, but I wanted to really look at her. I wanted to look at her like a potential lover. Merry was slender like me, but a few inches shorter. She stood a nice average five foot five inches tall. Her dark hair and olive colored skin gave her a Native American first impression, but her hippy parents had Chinese and Italian roots. She had a large chest on her tiny frame and a decent butt too. The combo worked well for her. She was beyond normally attractive to me, even before I thought of her as a potential girlfriend. All the guys wanted her exotic beauty. Apparently, I open to the idea too. ‘It’s a dangerous business, Maddison, going out of your door, you step into the Road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there is no knowing where you might be swept off to.’ I quoted my favorite book again. Tolkien really did have a quote for everything…lol I sniggered a little while I was reared back from her. Merry just looked up quizzically not offended. Our friendship was so strong, we were so much a part of each other, that I was fairly certain I could have taken her right there (sans hospital and diaper of course) and she’d have been ok with a relationship or just a friendship with benefits. I was certain I couldn’t destroy what we had. Change it sure, but destroy it. Nope. I never doubted that for a second. It’s a strange thing to be sort of drunk on medication, but thinking clearer than you have been in days. I still wasn’t at my best mind you, but with the pain pushed back I was at least clearer than I was. I paused for a bit to reflect internally. It was sort of like having a buzz. My guard was down and my inhibitions were impaired, but I didn’t feel like I was incapable of making rational decisions. ‘I feel free from all of the weight of my life. I’m stuck where I am. I’m stuck wearing my diapers. I’m alive though! M is right about that. But, I’m not stuck falling for this gorgeous young woman. Nope that, I believe, I’m doing by choice!’ I decided triumphantly. I’m not sure if I’d have ever followed this rabbit down its hole to Wonder Land if it had not been for Mom pointing out how much I cared for Merry, or if I hadn’t been less inhibited with the medications. Either way, perfect storm or inevitability, I resolved myself to the possibility of loving a woman, and I was happy for it. I felt at peace with the decision. “Ok, enough window shopping me, girl. I gots me some work to do.” Merry smiled. “OMG! M, this is so fucking embarrassing.” I flinched as she rolled over and stood up. ‘Mom may have had to peel my eyes back, but she’d gotten it right. I’m comfortable with Merry. I want her to see me sexually. I want her in my life helping me make decisions, pushing me forward, and yanking me around out of my comfort zones. I need her.’ Then it hit me. ‘GASP! What if she doesn’t feel the same way? What if I’m just getting the full brunt of her natural flirtiness? Not to mention she’s about to change my fucking diaper!’ I worried. Then I mastered my own concern. ‘She’ll love me anyway. Even if we can’t be together, she won’t pull away. I may be on this Road alone, but I’d walk it with my head held high.’ I decided sort of coming out to myself. Knowing something and Committing to something, those are different things than physically embracing a brand new point of view. I may have shifted internally, but it would take some time to physically embody that confidence. I shrank into myself and covered my face. Merry just started humming a tune. It cut in and out so I couldn’t figure out what she was humming, but it felt modern. I smiled behind my hands. She was always getting a song stuck in her head. She’d sing bits and pieces of it until she broke down and googled it. She had to hear the whole thing to banish the earworm. I didn’t spread my legs, dry hump her, or look at her with seductive bedroom eyes, but I thought about all of those things. Instead, I rolled around in the dirty sheets of my mind, and physically hid from my best friend and prospective lover. I moaned and tried my best to hold still. No matter what my libido was up to, I was still stuck in a hospital bed with a possible spinal cord injury. It still hurt to move, but by god it was hard to hold my hips still while she cleaned me. It sucked and was super embarrassing, but it was glorious, tender, and just shy of fulfilling. Her tune would stop and repeat. It wasn’t motherly. It wasn’t juvenile. It was distracting. Hell, even her voice was getting me going. She cleaned me everywhere. I especially loved it when she spread the skin cream over my shaved lady bits. I was probably cleaner after that diaper change than I ever got after a normal shower! ‘Thank god I shaved! Peggy or mom either one could have changed me several times just in the time she’s taking wiping me with those blanket sized hospital wipes. I’m loved every scandalized moment of my diaper change. I feel polished. It’s a wonder a genie didn’t pop up out of my “lamp”. HeHeHe’ I was so entranced with the diaper change and my friend’s sensuous hands, that I didn’t even realize that I was dry and she had her hand back on me over my diaper. I took a deep breath and tried to come out of my overstimulated state. I noticed the tiny gyrations my hips were making against her hands first. Even those tiny involuntary flexes hurt like hell though. ‘I need to back off. An orgasm might put me in the emergency room! Not Fucking Fair. An orgasm would have dealt with a lot of this stress. Dammit.’ “Dee, was that as bad as you thought it would be?” She teased pulling her hand away up my diaper. She traced her hand up the inside of my thigh leaving contact with me at the knee. “Of course not! I didn’t think it would be bad. Not with you doing it. I just hate for you to see me this way M! I’m embarrassed as hell.” I tried to be firm but failed in favor of a whiny tone. “Well, I don’t mind. I have wanted to take care of you for like ten years. TEN YEARS girl! I wouldn’t pass this up for anything. You have always had your shit together. You’ve always been more mature than I am. It was like having a big sister that I’m a couple months older than. That’s confusing as fuck for a thirteen year old girl. I wanted to hold you and try to fix your world when your dad died, but you didn’t even need me then. Do you have any idea how intimidating the rest of our class finds you? You were paying bills with your own checking account at fourteen Baby. You had a part-time job and still had like the best grades ever! You are one badass put together motherfucker! The ones who don’t look up to you steer clear. You move like an adult. You’re always going somewhere with a purpose. Your mom and I are afraid you don’t remember how to have fun. It hurts us to not be able to help you. I’m afraid you’re going to burn out like a light bulb. We feel lopsided. We feel like leeches or something. The only thing that makes this bad for us is your pain. I’m having the time of my life. I finally feel like a big girl taking care of you, Baby girl. And, I’m just so fucking happy you’re alive. I’d have died if you hadn’t made it Dee.” She told me washing her hands in the little bathroom sink wrapping up a speech she’d clearly rehearsed. Before I could get introspective on how the rest of my world saw me, or before I started trying to fix how upset she was, Merry gracefully and slowly walked over to the chairs where her bag was. She dug around in her bag and came up with a wad of clothes. I couldn’t see into the bathroom from my angle, but I could see her sexy shadow on the hospital room floor. It was like watching shadow porn. It was more than a little arousing I’ll tell you, and I was already more than a little aroused! ‘Can pain meds make you horney?’ I made a mental note to google it. She undressed and held each item of clothing out from the bathroom at shoulder level before letting it drop to the ground. When she was totally naked, her shadow danced a private show for the my eyes only. Probably to the tune of whatever song was stuck in her head. ‘Alright! I’m not on the Road alone!’ I shouted in my head doing a mental happy dance wishing we were at home and that I could jump up and join her in the bathroom. “Hey M, you big stud. Take me to bed or lose me forever!” I called finding our old repartee and my sexy beast at the same time. “Did you just successfully use a quote from Top Gun for a pickup line?” She sounded scandalized from the bathroom. “Let’s see.” I dared her. She came out of the bathroom in a set of flannel pajamas. Nothing sexy mind you, but it was still hot on her. She must have “forgot” to button a couple buttons here and there. And those short boy shorts. Damn. She padded over to me silently on thigh high black sock feet. ‘Well shitballs, that might be the sexiest thing I have ever seen. She’s got to be part cat.’ I smiled lustfully patting the bed. “Hey Dee?” “Yeah M?” Merry Selvage, my very best friend, dared to kiss me. She leaned up and over sucking heat out of my diaper through my mouth. It was exquisite. She needed her hands to support herself, but mine were free to roam up her side. I fought myself to keep them firmly in first date locations. It was not an easy battle with my own drug influenced will power, I assure you. “Hey M? Since the invention of the kiss, there have only been five kisses that were rated the most passionate, the most pure. That one left them all behind.” I told her with admiration in my eyes, and corny words on my lips. “Did you just successfully use a Princess Bride pickup line?” She looked at me with tears of joy in her eyes. “I believe I did.” I nodded. “Yup.” She nodded back kissing me again. “So since you’re all hospitaled up and everything, we have to keep this G rated. But, I swear to all that’s Holy we will revisit this when your ass can keep up! Until then, I’m just going to touch you a lot.” She giggled. “I just have to make sure this is real. Dee, I’ve wanted you for a very long time.” “It’s real M.” I promised. “Kiss me again. I need to make sure it wasn’t a medication induced hallucination.” I pleaded. She did. She kissed my socks off again. If I had been standing, my leg would have floated up like a romance comedy. I felt like Mary Jane kissing Spiderman. It was lovely, slow, and passionate. It was perfect. I already loved Merry as a friend and a sort of sister, but after freeing my anxiety, I found a new attraction. I found a new attraction to her that I intended to fully explore. ‘Sorry ladies and gentlemen. Maddie is off the market! Mental Note: Get Merry a spider girl costume.’ “Merry, that was fantastic. I loved every moment of it. Well, except you having to change me.” I told her caressing her face as she lay next to me on my pillow. “Can I get my Lesbian Card back now bitch?” She cackled in my face and punched my arm. “Only if you have one printed up for me too!” I joked back. Our giggles dissolved into some light touching, smiling, and light kisses. It wasn’t the declaration of intent the first kisses were. It was comfort and confirmation of feelings in physical form. I told her with my fingers and lips, I wanted this too. Hers told me she’d be here with me no matter what happened, and that she was totally willing to change my diapers. Eventually, we separated and lay beside each other watching whatever nonsense was on TV at midnight in the hospital. We held hands while she fought to stay awake. There was a knock at the door and Merry answered to come in. “Hello, I’m Sammy. I’ll be your nurse until the morning shift comes in. I have some pain meds and a muscle relaxer for you and…” She checked my chart. “I need to see how your absorbency products are doing.” “Hi Sammy, I’m Merry. I cleaned her up a little bit ago. She’s a little wet, but it’s been kind of a constant thing, so we better wait a bit.” She told Sammy. I probed my diaper, but couldn’t really check far enough down my crotch to tell how wet I was, “I’ll have to take M’s word for it. I can’t lean up far enough to check, but your welcome to verify if you need to.” I smiled at her trying for nonchalance, and probably failing miserably. Merry didn’t move from my side so Sammy had to approach from my good side. Well, my left side. I’m right hand dominant for sure, so these injuries added further insult. She handed me the little cup of pills and Merry handed me the hospital water jug. I took my pain medication and lay back against the bed grunting in pain. That left me with all the new toys in my bed, and my favorite new toy Merry. I hadn’t been thinking about my back, but after leaning up for my meds I was. All the sudden, I was in quite a bit of pain. I squeezed Merry’s hand as I settled back into the least painful configuration. As I tried to relax my muscles and nestle back in, I noticed another need. “So Sammy, what happens if I have to use the bathroom?” I asked. She checked the chart, “Well, looks like your orders are bed restriction. So you have two options. Bedpan or…” She eyed my diaper and nodded with her head. ‘Oh I don’t like this at all. OMG! This is not happening. I can’t imagine how awful it would be to use the bedpan. What a horrible ordeal that would be.’ I panicked. Merry sensed my panic and tried to help, “Sammy, I talked to Maddison’s mother before she left to rest. I was planning to help her tonight sense you all are shorthanded, but we may need some help if she has to number two.” “That’s what I’m here for. We are supposed to keep her spine as immobile as possible, but the bedpan takes a lot of wiggling. Her current option is probably the best, but I’m here to do whatever you want Maddison.” Sammy smiled at us. “Speaking of being short-handed, I better go.” She told us as her messenger started buzzing. “Merry Alice Selvage! you will not be involved in changing another diaper much less a number two!” I huffed as Sammy left. “Of course I will Baby girl. Your momma left me in charge of you silly.” She told me with a sing song voice full of certainty patting me on my diapered crotch. ‘Oh hell no!’ I thought with determination. ‘I’ll hold this shit until mom comes back in the morning no problem. It is early notice level anyway. I have time.’ “Aren’t you supposed to be studying you asshat?” I huffed. “Right you are Baby girl. You just take your mom’s computer and card. You get your new one ordered. She gave me her card.” She told me handing both over and settling the table where I could use it. Merry handed me the laptop and got up to plug it in on the other side of my bed. She nestled back in next to me on my bad side and started studying. She’d ask me an occasional question and I’d answer. I made it through my new pc order and had it delivered to Merry’s house. Somewhere around two AM I passed out. I was still holding the impending stool, but the meds were too strong and I was too tired. I remember Merry petting my face while I fell asleep and my head fell to her shoulder. I was safe and drugged and loved. I slept hard until about half past five. I woke up with some very serious pain in my back. Pain that radiated everywhere. Even with my legs up I could feel the sluggish numb flesh on my hip and in my foot. I slowly straighten up off of Merry’s shoulder and tried to figure out the source of the now excruciating pain. The small movement of getting off of Merry spiked that pain, and I grunted letting out an uncontrolled puff of noxious air from my covered ass. Which caused me to gasp in shock. The horrid smell caused my really intense gag reflex to kick in. I urked against the putrid air. “Oh baby, it’s ok.” Merry chimed patting my tummy. “Just let it out Baby girl.” “Get out M. I’ve been holding this back and it’s hurting so bad. I’m not going to make it until Momma gets here. ARGH God it smells so… Urk bad… Blech.” I grimaced. The abdomen jerks from the gagging were making it even harder to hold it all in. Merry pressed the call button on my bed/remote. I got my gagging under control by pulling my nightgown up over my face and filtering it threw the new shirt smell. Of course, that left my soggy diaper on full display, but I hurt too bad to give two fucks. The pain was terrible. Squeezing off the impending stool flexed all the muscles in my lower back. It didn’t hurt when I didn’t have to flex, but it hurt, like a lot, right then. ‘OMG! How fucking unfair is this! My potential girlfriend is in bed with me while I writhe in pain fighting back this horrible accident. I keep dry heaving and farting totally noxious air. So FUCKING UNFAIR!’ I wailed internally. Externally, I had started crying in pain. What was a normal function to hold back a number two is now full on panic stricken exercise in pain endurance. At this level of pressure I’d normally have roughly an hour to get to the bathroom, but the pain wasn’t going to allow that. It was fatiguing my muscles much faster than normal. My muscles were pushed to their edge of endurance. They flexed hard and I retracted in intense pain. When they relaxed another puff of air escaped audibly making itself known. I released a little scream of helplessness. I couldn’t fight it anymore the pain was too much. “Ulch, Oh God M. I’m so fucking sorry!” I wailed as I filled my diaper. The entire experience was painful. Every wave of excretion flexed muscles rooted in my current injury centers. It was straight-up fucking horrible. It felt like imagined labor would feel. So much pain just on a shorter duration. Thankfully, I was a pretty regular since I didn’t run near as much after season was over. It hadn’t lasted long. Under normal circumstances, I’d have been in and out of the toilet in no time. That day was far from normal circumstances. Shortly after the tremors in my body died down, my nurse Sammy came in. She looked worn out and tired, but mostly she looked spooked. She’d gotten to the room maybe six minutes after Merry had hit the call button, but I was still finishing up and I must have sounded terrifying. “What’s going on in here? We heard you screaming at the nurse’s station and over the intercom when you called. I got over here as quickly as I could. I’m so sorry it wasn’t faster.” She puffed from her jog. “Maddie here just had a little accident. Shit happens ya know! We knew it was coming, but we had no idea she’d be in this much pain.” Merry supplied. “Alright, your name again dear?” Sammy prompted. “Merry, ma’am.” She supplied. “Merry do you still have supplies from last night?” “Yes, ma’am. I only had to change her the once. Then we fell asleep.” “Good good. I’ll get right to work here ladies.” Merry eased my leg down into off the pillows and stepped back. Sammy smiled at the teenager and pulled the curtain. She sat out all of the supplies and started to work efficiently. I really appreciated the professional distance she put on the task. It helped me separate from the humiliation of the whole event. She finished up and changed out the bio-hazard trashcan leaving the room for a moment. “Oh M, I’m so sorry you had to smell that. My God, I’m so embarrassed. *Huff* it hurt so bad.” I blubbered. Nurse Sammy walked back in and addressed me directly, “Maddison, what was all the screaming?” “Well, it wasn’t about having to use the diaper. I didn’t even have time to think about that. I had to go before I passed out around two AM, but I didn’t want to go while Merry was here.” Merry took my hand. “Shhhh, it’s ok Dee. I’m here no matter what! I told you Shit Happens!” She soothed me. “Ha! That’s a dedicated friend right there Maddie. You better keep her around. So then what?” Sammy asked chuckling. “Well, I woke up a few minutes ago needing to go pretty bad. Normally, I’d still have some time left and Momma doesn’t sleep in well so I was hoping to wait for her to get here. So I concentrated on holding things until she got here.” I sighed. “That’s when the pain really started. Holding it in caused pain. Pain caused muscle spasms and I let a little loose. It embarrassed me and smelled awful and I started to gag. Then Merry woke up and I freaked out a bit. The pain was too much. I couldn’t hold it anymore. I mean I normally could have but I couldn’t flex down there anymore. Then I started the BM and it hurt with the contractions to push. It hurt holding it, and it hurt letting it go. It was awful.” I concluded. “Well, I’m so sorry you had to go through that. Maybe we can get you a stool softener or something. Hopefully you won’t have to go again for a while after that. Are you pretty regular?” She asked. I looked over at Merry who was smiling at me and texting one handed like a speed demon. She looked pleased with herself. “Your mom is on her way Dee. She’ll be about twenty minutes. I told her as much as I could over text.” I loved her for that. “Will you catch her in the hall and tell her what happened? I don’t want to talk about that again.” I pleaded. “My pleasure Baby girl!” She beamed with a job to do. “I’ll talk to Dr. Hadi’s staff and see what we can do. I’ll come back and let you know.” Sammy said retreating to the nurse’s station. I took my pills again right after the nurse left chunking the little paper cup at the trash can. I missed. Then I took a deep centering breath and looked over at my Merry. I said, “Well that’s a shitty way to start the day!” Merry giggled and that was good enough for me.
  8. The Woes of Maddison Page Chapter 8 – I’ve seen what you’re packing like a gazillion times! I stayed senseless when mom came back in. I stayed senseless while Peggy cleaned me up again. I missed most of the next couple of hours in that drug induced sleep. Just before seven pm Dr. Hadi made it to my room on his rounds. He wasn’t what I expected at all. “Hey y'all.” Dr. Hadi announced entering my room sticking his hand out to my mother. With a name and complexion like Dr. Hadi had, you’d expect him to sound something like the Simpon’s Apu from the Kwik-E Mart. Except Dr. Hadi liked to break stereotypes. First, he was taller than I was expecting at almost six foot. He was broader and more… “Corn-Fed” than I had assumed he’d be. His accent really threw me off. He must have gotten mom and Merry too. We all just sat there quietly waiting having trouble meshing what we were seeing and hearing with what we had expected. “HaHa. I love meeting new people, maybe not under these circumstances, but we have to take the good with the bad, ya know?” He charmed us with his strong southern accent sticking out his hand to my mom again. She took it this time and smiled a genuine smile at him. I tried not to let that bother me. Dad’s been gone a long time, and I’m a minor so he wouldn’t address me first naturally. I knew I wasn’t eighteen yet, but it still chapped. ‘I’m not a control freak, I’m not a control freak, I’m not a control freak.’ I chanted internally. “Delighted.” Merry offered her hand and giggled at my doctor. ‘I’m not a control freak, I’m not a control freak, I’m not a control freak.’ I chanted internally. ‘What the straight up fuck girl?!’ I seethed. If this doctor wasn’t so nice, I might not have kept my smile on my face and my scathing words tucked behind my lips. As it was, I barely managed. “I’m Mandy Page, this is my daughter Maddison and her bessstttt friend Merry.” Mom introduced us while gingerly shaking his hand over her hand bandages. I’m not sure if it was my imagination, but she seemed to really enunciate “best” there. Merry returned to my side, where she belonged, lying back against the gentle incline. The head of my hospital bed beside was inclined just enough for me to see over my chest. I noticed, however, that she inconspicuously tugged my Power Puff Girls night gown back over my diaper the best she could instead of continuing her subtle petting. ‘Bummer, and bless you, you sneaky bitch!’ I telepathically shot at her grinning with a loaded smile before returning my attention to my new specialist. Of course, Merry should probably have stopped that already, but definitely while we had company. “Yall have pretty good insurance, and since this injury is related to the fire I’m sure the home owners insurance will help too. Long story short I’d like to keep Maddison for a few more days.” He told mom as I interrupted him. “Maddie if you please.” I asked redirecting his attention to me. It was time to piss on some walls and establish my alpha status. Fast on the pickup, he wisely addressed me moving forward. “So Maddie, I have you scheduled for the MRI at 3:00 PM tomorrow. You’re a non-emergency case, at this time, so it may get bumped. They should get it done sometime tomorrow though. I couldn’t get you in any faster. You’ll be in the MRI for about forty-five minutes to an hour while they image your lumbar spine for me. This will give me a baseline to track in the future, and I can look for recent damage.” He listed aloud. While he was talking, he perched on the rolling stool and wheeled over beside me looking me in the eyes. Merry got out of his way softly leaving me in the bed alone and suddenly cold on one side. He started my exam by dropping my right leg off the mound of pillows adjusting the splint to the straight setting from the bent one. Then he unstrapped it and repeated a lot of the questions that Dr. Chu had asked me. He even performed the testing with a stainless steel poker. For whatever reason that really helped me build trust with him. The continuity brought some comfort. “I have quite a bit of homework for your mom Maddie. She’ll need to ask you a bunch of questions, but I don’t trust pill drunk young women to fill out their medical paperwork.” He chuckled trying not to offend my sense of self. “They have you on the good stuff. Hydrocodone! Good for you. I agree. I’ll leave orders for a muscle relaxer too. That should help with some of the muscle spasms.” He told me marking up my chart. “So, Dr. Chu called and said he talked to you. It’s the standard run down he gave you. I can’t really tell you much more without the MRI results, but the symptoms you are exhibiting indicate some nerve damage which speaks of some form of SCI. SCI being Spinal Cord Injury. I consider it serious enough that I want to keep you here until I know for sure.” He told us turning back to the room at large. “So is it too early to tell if the uh… enur…” I stuttered feeling the sudden impact of his concern. “Enuresis. Urinary Incontinence same thing” Dr. Hadi supplied. “yeah, that. So is it too early to tell if the problem with my back is causing the enuresis?” I asked wrapping my head around the new word. “Maddie, honestly it’s just too early to tell. I will tell you I’m currently treating it as a symptom of your fall.” He started again, but Merry cut him off. “She jumped out of a third story window Doc. We can go with fly I think.” She added. “Ok, you flew from a great height. You took some serious trauma to your back that they we’re hoping you have gotten lucky with. It appears you didn’t get off without some payment after all. Like I was saying, I’m listing it as a symptom right now, but until your back is healed I can’t really tell you if that’s the source or not. Honestly, we may never really know. All we can do is treat you for one issue at a time until we eliminate them all and pray something resolves it for you. Dr. Chu has orders for an Urologist to check in with you too, but he doesn’t have rounds. You may have to call his office to see if they set you up an appointment or not. Honestly, the Urologist will defer you to me until the MRI is done anyway. So we are all working toward the same goals and the first step is to check out your lower back.” He told me sincerely patting my leg. ‘Ah Monkey Balls. I’m back to hoping for the best while Dr. Chu is building a Maddie team. That’s kind of cool. I love that guy.’ “I was hoping for something more definitive in that regard.” I whispered back to him. “I understand. You have options with the catheters or the route you are already taking.” He nodded to my underwear choice speaking at full room volume presumably so Mom could hear. “I’ve spent the last two days in the bathroom only to trickle some small bit of urine randomly here and there. Today it’s been getting worse. In fact, I kind of just wet myself a few moments ago. I feel like I need to go all the time, like I’m about to burst. My muscles hurt like I have been holding a heavy weight for a long time. They quiver. It’s like a short in an electrical system or something. The only reason I know I went was I could feel the warmth exiting me and trickling down my butt.” I all but whispered the last part. “Well, that’s unfortunate. I’m truly sorry you’re having these problems. There’s a lot of literature out there about the different kinds of bladder control issues and their treatment. Technically that’s the Urologists domain, but since you haven’t been to him yet we are treating this as a symptom of the possible SCI.” He told me patting my bad leg. “Looks like you have some X-Rays this evening. Let’s figure out your leg and back. Until then, do you want to continue with the absorbency garments or try a catheter?” He asked me. Mom, in a rare display of dominance, piped up, “I’d prefer her current solution unless there’s a medical need for the catheter.” “Millions of people all over the world have to answer this question for themselves. It’s a little easier decision when the patient is mobile, but I don’t want Maddie on her feet until we know what’s going on here. As far as the catheter goes, she’ll have to have one during any procedures, but otherwise it’s your discretion at this facility.” He told us. ‘There went my shower….sigh.’ I sighed aloud. “Well, for now I’d like to stay with the diapers. Her. I’d like HER to stay with the diapers.” Mom clarified stuttering all over the place at her slip. She dictated this to the doctor like she had sole authority over the decision. ‘Shit. I guess she does. I wanted to be the one to make the choice though. I ruled me and no one else!’ I thought totally missing mom’s Freudian slip. “Yes. I’ll stay with the diapers since I can’t get up for the next few days. If there is surgery required, how long will I be in recovery?” I asked trying to feel out the duration of my diapered condition. I could almost feel mom shifting into Mommy-Mode like an atmospheric change before a low pressure front blew through. It was more than a little ominous, but I wanted to at least state it out loud. That way it would be my choice to wear them not mom’s. “Fine by me. Good choice even. Keep clean though! We have some pamphlets at the clinic on using adult absorbency products and a couple on possible surgical procedures, if it turns up you’ll need them. They’ll have expectations with them. I’ll bring some by later tomorrow evening. I’ll warn you though given the late timing of your MRI it may be Friday before I can get to you with the results.” He cautioned. We said our goodbyes to the Indian doctor with the powerful build and southern accent. I liked him. I realized that I felt better when the medical professionals shot straight with me. I’d rather have the information and then make a decision. I was less apt to dwell on my situation if I knew I had already addressed it the best I could. I liked the doctors that got straight to the point and treated me like the adult I would soon be. ‘I don’t like mom making my medical decisions though. It was kind of nice not to have a choice too.’ I made a mental note of the paradoxical relationship between those two core reactions. ‘That must be the meds talking! I am feeling much mellower than I did when I was stuck in the hotel bathroom. I’ll deal with these feelings later. I need to focus on my health right now, and not worry about my diapers. Still MY diapers. Curiouser and Curiouser.’ I pondered my own random thoughts as they trickled in. Abolishing all that anxiety cleared my head more than my medication clouded it. I felt sound in my decision about going with diapers for the time being. Sometimes an informed decision is all it really takes for me to compartmentalize a situation and move on. It was looking like my diapers were falling in that category. I was feeling the need to curtail mom’s mothering before it got out of my control. The best way to do that was to send her home, well the hotel, our home was ashes. A ball of anxiety attempted to well up in my stomach for our fresh loss, but I pushed it aside. It was time to start dealing with this stuff. Dr. Hadi’s visit had really driven home the idea that this was all medical, and like most medical things, was treatable. ‘God, I hope this is all medically treatable. On the other hand, diapers are better than being burnt alive.’ I conceded to my maker. “Momma, I’m going to be up a while playing on this new pc you got. Good choices by the way. The guy at Best Buy did good. You’ll like this for a long time. Anyway, why don’t you head back to the hotel and get some rest. I’ll probably turn into a vampire with my hours all messed up, and be up all night. M will be at school tomorrow so I’ll need some help while I nap the day away.” I offered a well-reasoned argument for her to bail. “Baby, I don’t want to leave you alone here.” She sounded tortured, but ready to leave for a bit of fresh air herself. “You won’t Mrs. P. My mom already said I could stay over as long as I was ready for Trig tomorrow. There’s not a better tutor than Maddie! Well, maybe Maddie with no pain meds, but we’ll struggle on!” Merry mock marched. “You need some rest anyway. It’s been a super long day and I have been napping on and off. My nurses are great. I’m not in any danger except from boredom and pain. Merry will take care of the boredom cause she’ll talk my ears off till she passes out.” I worked on her. “I’ll keep an eye on her Mrs. P. I’ll check her diapers too. I won’t let her sit in them too long. I promise.” She told mom conspiratorially holding up her hands in scouts honor. “Text me before I leave. I want to hear from you regularly even if you think I’m asleep. Both of you.” She eyed us. “Mrs. P, you should totally hit Wal-Mart up for some of this stuff for you. You’d look awesome with purple monster feet.” Merry told mom jokingly. Only mom didn’t seem to take it as a joke. She went instantly introspective. Her face was glassed over thinking on what Merry had said. I thought she was weighing her decision about not sleeping here, but that wasn’t it at all. She was standing there as still as a stone laboring with thought, and then she kind of melted from the inside out in excitement. Her face slowly lit up until her teeth were bared in a smile of potential. “You know, your right! I ought to have matching… stuff and socks!” Mom nodded and spoke mostly to herself. “Baby, do you want me to pick you up something for tomorrow, or will you just stay in the night gowns?” She asked. “I really want some larger sized running shorts mom. That’s what I’m used to lounging in. even though I’m… diapered, I feel kind of naked here. The doctor’s probably won’t tell me anything about my leg until after the x-rays anyway. No one else will likely come by tonight.” I told her. Being non-priority kind of sucked, but I’d never take services away from an emergency, so I didn’t complain. “I wouldn’t mind a shirt or two, but I’ll probably just wear the nightgown in the room. It’ll be easier for me and the nurses.” I told her again. “Oh, I forgot about the X-Rays. I won’t be leaving until you’ve had those, baby. I just wouldn’t be comfortable. Not that you aren’t capable dears.” She patted our arms. “Okay.” I told her knowing when to push and when to wait. The matter settled and some Mom-free time later was better than none! I would have preferred that she left right then, but I’d take the not staying all night as a golden second place prize! I’m pretty sure we both snore, so I might even sleep better in her absence. Merry doesn’t snore. So, that would be a plus. Ha… Poor Merry. It wasn’t long and a nurse came in with a gurney. I was transported, as gingerly as possible, to the X-Ray facilities and they snagged the pictures of my leg and arm they needed. I was returned to my room less than an hour after Dr. Hadi had left. It was getting kind of late and most of the family had cleared out of the hospital except those staying the night with a loved one. I suddenly felt bad about keeping the doctor so long realizing it was super nice of him to stay with us as long as he had. I felt even better about having him for my Neurologist for sure. Mom kissed me and hugged Merry goodbye. She had made a list waiting in the X-ray family room. She seemed sort of antsy to get out of the hospital once she decided not to worry about me leaving me in Merry’s care. She had a mission and she itched to move on with it. Adult ADD, no doubt in my mind! “Ok girls, I’m out of here. You have my number. I expect texts or I’ll be right back up here. I can worry at the hotel or worry all over you here. It’s your choice.” She smiled clearly knowing how to push our buttons too. “I got this Mrs. P. Dee always takes care of us. I’m happy to have the chance to take care of her.” Merry beamed with enthusiasm. Mom came over to the bed and bent low to hug me whispering her pre-date warning, “You be a good girl. Don’t make me any grandbabies!” “Mom!” I bellowed turning crimson from head to toe. Well, minus the sickly green hospital adult absorbency product. Mom had told me and my dates those same words before I left the house every time I’ve ever been out on a date. Worse things have happened to people I suppose, but it always seemed pretty horrible to me. Merry just pretended not to hear, and paid no attention to my incredulous tone. Mom just kissed my forehead and stood up to embrace Merry again. The night nurse came in just as Mom was leaving. I didn’t catch her name, and she was a new face to me. She talked to mom for a few moments at the door before Mom called out to take good care of both of her daughters. The nurse waved at me and took off too. ‘Great, now mom has us married off. Ambitious much? Crap, I forgot I needed a change.’ I sighed at her antics distracting me. “Hey M. I need to get this diaper changed. I wet it earlier, and may more have since then. I wasn’t paying too close of attention during the X-Rays.” I told her. Merry came over to me and lay against me on the bed trapping my right arm between her breasts and my side. I immediately flushed again. She reached over my injured leg and palmed my crotch. It felt wonderful. She squeezed and pulled and poked at it for a moment or two giggling to herself. Then she sat up and looked intently between my legs. “Dee your soaking wet! I need to get you changed baby.” She told me with unabashed happiness in her face. ‘Baby is Mom’s thing. M never calls me Baby. Must be the diapers. I’ll have to wait a bit to see if I care or not. Right now I just want her to look at me like that again!’ I thought. Merry disappeared for a few minutes before she came back with the night nurse. I still didn’t catch her name. She just smiled at me and waved again before heading back to the nurse’s station. ‘Where’s she going?’ I wondered. Merry’s arms were full of diapering supplies. There were some matts, those pea green diapers, and hospital wipes. Wipes for adults were friggin huge let me tell you! The little plastic package was about the same size, maybe a little longer. But, I bet it only held a third of the number of wipes! “So, I went to get the nurse and it turns out they are a little short handed tonight. Your mom volunteered slash drafted me as your night nurse for changes anyway. Apparently, since you aren’t being watched for intake or output yet they don’t have to weigh these things, so I’m eligible.” She smiled. “You’re going to change my diaper?” I stuttered. “Don’t look so scared Baby. I’ve seen what you’re packing like a gazillion times!” Merry’s chimed bouncing her eyebrows like a teenage boy telling a joke packed with innuendo. ‘Is that lust in her eyes? Is she excited to see my kitty or just a kitty in general? Since when did I care? Do I only feel this flustered cause Momma brought it up? I have never even really thought about being with another girl. Oh God! Look at her. Definitely lusty love in those eyes.’ I thought suddenly filled with fear and anticipation.
  9. The Woes of Maddison Page Chapter 7 - Was Mom actively trying to set me up with my best friend? - Late Wednesday - “First, something from Peggy.” Mom told me fishing something out of the bags at her feet. She held up a tee-shirt nightgown. It was a three quarter shirt sleeve with a pink collar and pink sleeves. My favorite childhood cartoon character was flying around in all her revisited Power Puff glory. Blossom was flying over Townsville on the front of my new nightly. Sure it was a little childish, but it was in an adult size so that had to make it ok right? Right? “Oh momma I love it! Can I put it on?” I told her earnestly. I also loved that Peggy was getting credit for it. I was really growing to care for her and it was terrific to have a token from meeting her. “At least you’re still pretty clean from that two hour shower you took this morning.” Mom teased. She slowly inclined my bed until the pain intensified. I stopped her and we slipped my hospital gown over my head delicately replacing it with the sponsored gift from my new favorite nurse. I was in purple clawed toe socks a sickly green diaper and a pink and white Blossom nightgown. I looked eclectically goofy, but strangely the look was kind of growing on me. I look ludicrous. I actually laughed out loud. “M, I look so weird.” I shook my head laughing for the first time in hours. “Well, it does take a special girl to pull it off, but I’d say you look great baby.” Mom cooed. “Okay, more goodies.” Merry beamed. She held up a matching Buttercup green nightshirt and a blue Bubbles one too. I couldn’t hold back my smile. Childish sleepwear was mom’s territory, but I had to admit to myself. I really liked what she picked out. I was wearing an F’n diaper for craps sake! I could enjoy me some adult sized little girl sleepwear! Next, she pulled out a Tigers branded duffel bag she’d picked out from the high school stuff at Wal-Mart. It was nice to have a place to stow my things again. It was super nice to have a new duffel with my High School mascot on it. Mom moved another two bags up onto the bed from the items she had at her feet. She had my favorite powder smelling deodorant, my favorite perfume, and my favorite lip gloss. I was addicted to Burt’s Bees strawberry. She dug out a bag of Starburst Jelly Beans from the bag too. They were and are my absolute favorite candies. Mom had all the brownie points in the world right then. I made give me hands for the lip gloss and the jellybeans. She handed them over with a smile after opening the candy for me. The other bag held a package of six hero themed boy short panties, my favorites. I sighed realizing it would be a while before I got to wear those again. Mom sensed my melancholy and pulled out six pairs of sort of matching superhero toe socks. Those I could enjoy for sure. I loved toe socks. She continued to pull out some things that would improve sense of normalcy. More things that we hadn’t replaced since the fire. Hair ties, some hair pins, and a few vials of nail polish. “Momma, I really want to take a shower and feel clean. My hair is a wreck and I’ve been laying here sweating in pain all day. Will you see if they’ll let me shower?” I asked. “I don’t think that would be a good idea dear, but if you want I’ll ask. But first, Merry and I picked out a few things to help you while you’re here. I know you hope it won’t be long, but I hope they do the MRI tomorrow and get you healthy as soon as possible.” Mom told me with tears in her eyes. I reached out and patted her arm. Mom slowly lay down beside me on the bed cuddling up to absorb some comfort from me. I’m sure she meant to give some, but I was more uplifted by comforting her than her trying to comfort me. It felt good to get some of my normal role back. Merry came back in with their Sonic stuff a few minutes later. “Mrs. P, your food’s cold, but so is your drink!” Merry chimed … well, merrily. It’s hard to get her spirits down. She’s indomitable. Mom sat up and they moved to the two chairs in the room taking my table to share their meal. We all chatted amiably as possible with them being sad and nervous, but trying to look optimistic, and me drugged up on painkillers. I wasn’t totally clear headed. I’d never been seriously injured before. Plus, I’d never had serious pain killers before. “Alright Dee! Man. I still have to concentrate to get that out M.” Molly rattles on. “Your mom and I had a long talk while we were out. We have decided you’ll get all lazy and shit if you don’t have stuff to do.” “Merry Selvage!” Mom interjected harshly, she was always doing that. “Pfft… Sorry Mrs. P! Anyway, we don’t want you to get behind in your school work, and I know you’ll want to get back on all that work you’re doing for college. Although, I don’t know why. You still haven’t decided what you want to do. You are way over qualified for the local community one, but you’d be with me a few more years if you did your general eds there. In fact, …” She went on for another ten minutes or so about the virtues of her plan to keep us close. I couldn’t help reflecting on what mom had said earlier about Merry being “good for me” while she rattled on. Mom had essentially said a version of “you could do worse”. Was mom actively trying to set me up with my best friend? Yet another in a long line of strange thoughts for a girl stuck in a hospital bed in a diaper. Speaking of my diaper. Huh? My Diaper…? That felt strongly possessive like “my dog” or something. Curiouser and Curiouser… I thought. In the end I just decided to roll with it being all hopped up on pain meds was making me mellow. While Merry was going on about community college and my mind was wandering over my strange attire, my hand crept down to my diaper. I couldn’t reach all the way to my crotch from this angle, and I didn’t want to roll to get my hand under myself. So I just left my hand where it was. For all the strangeness in my hospital setting, I was surprisingly comfortable. Which sparked another random train of thought about why it should feel that way to me. Then I thought about the surgery and how calm Dr. Chu was. I wanted rid of the pain, but I really didn’t want to try and recover from spine surgery in a hotel room. Wonder if there are any short term lease options close to our property. Then we’d be near when the building restarts. We could get some furniture and start rebuilding our lives while they rebuild the house. I added it to my mental to do list. “I really wish I had my phone. I keep thinking of stuff we need to do, or that I need to look into and I have no way to remember it all. I just keep circling back around the same thoughts. I need to make some lists. Hey Mom, is there any paper and stuff around?” I blurted out during Merry’s desperate attempt to say my college plans. Mom had tuned Merry out too. In fact, I’m pretty sure Merry was running on autopilot, because she startled at my sudden outburst. Mom turned to look around the room following my request at face value, but Merry just smiled and squealed. “I was so busy getting food and talking to Peggy and then eating that I forgot to show you the rest of the Wal-Mart stuff.” Merry said jumping up from the chair and bounding to my bed. I tried unsuccessfully to hold back the grunt of pain when Merry pounced on the bed, but I couldn’t quite keep it in. I swear to all that’s Holy. That girl is the poster child for functional ADD kids. Jesus. I chastised her internally. “OMG! I’m so sorry Dee.” She said leaning forward and kissing me quickly on the lips and then hugging tightly to my side. I was startled at the kiss and the pain, and I grunted into her face. I had expected the kiss, but I expected it on my cheek not my lips. My hand hadn’t left the cover of my diaper either. Apparently, I found it comforting to play with the smooth texture of the plastic backing, and Mom and Merry were kind enough to not mention it. After that kiss I was wishing I could reach lower. My arm was trapped between Merry and I, and I was all of the sudden blushingly aware of her breasts against my arm. Oh My God! I’m fucking blushing! I realized leaving myself totally stunned. “It’s ok M. It’s over now, but watch it. That hurt!” I scolded the top of her head. “Dee, what are you doing down there?” Merry whispered to me conspiratorially. “Perv, I’m not doing anything. My diaper is smooth and I was just fiddling with it.” I defended myself whispering back. “Hehe. I can feel your arm moving around. I kinda like it. It was funner when I thought you were messing around.” She goaded me. Her flirty comments replay the light kiss she’d given me moments before. I don’t know why I kept rubbing the diaper, but I did. I don’t know why I kept thinking of that brief peck on my lips, but I did. I rested my chin on Merry’s head and we just lay close for a few minutes until Peggy came in to check on me. “Alright ladies, nursing time. Hall please.” She told my mom and Merry. “Hey Maddie, how are you doing? Looks like you got some more water in ya. Between that and the soda you may be filling up.” Peggy’s smile was so comforting, but I didn’t want them to leave this time. “It’s ok Mrs. Peggy. They can stay.” I told her. “Do your old prudish nurse a favor and at least let me pull the curtain so I can change you ok?” She pleaded. “Sure.” I told her as Merry eased off the bed. Peggy turned and shooed my other girls out of the immediate area and back to their chairs. She pulled the curtain smiling at me. It was almost four in the evening, and it was about time for another dose of meds. She placed the little cup of pinkie finger sized pills on my bedside table and turned to grab my changing supplies they’d stowed in their nurse’s cart. “Hey, look who got some new toys.” Peggy beamed at me holding up Merry’s bags that were at the foot of my bed. “Well, Shit. Sorry Dee that’s what I was about to give you before I hurt you there.” Merry lamented from the other side of the curtain. “oomph, I mean sorry Dee. I’ll just tell you about them right now, and you can have them when General Peggy leaves.” We all shared a laugh with Merry as mom elbowed her for her mouth. “I’ve been called much worse by nicer people than you dear.” Peggy said not missing a beat. “Go ahead honey. Tell Maddison what we got her.” Mom prodded. I could hear the energy in her voice. She was excited. “Well, I know you’ll want to buy your own computer, but Mrs. P lost hers too. I don’t know as much about that stuff as you do, but I do know how to ask the sales guy the right questions. So, we bought your mom a computer that’ll do everything she wants. One that you can use it to order yourself one.” She explained like she was reading a brochure. “You did!” I squealed. “Steady dear, I’d like to finish this dry myself.” Peggy giggled. “Sorry.” I hung my head chastised. “Yep, that’s not all though.” Merry hinted. “Hold up on the good news girls. I’m trying to clean her up over here and all this excitement is making it difficult.” Peggy hedged. Was I just freaking leaking all the time? What the hell! I stressed. “Yes, ma’am.” Mom and Merry both chimed in unison like well-trained monkeys. Peggy finished up with the change and put the diaper in the bio-hazard bin. Then she smiled at me and restacked my pillows. She picked up my bags and turned her back to me. She rifled through the bags where I couldn’t see making affirmative noises all the while. She placed them back out of sight behind my pillows before opening the curtain. “I meant to ask if you need to use the bathroom while I was in here, but I forgot. Do you need to?” She asked the room. “That’s an odd thing to ask someone who’s wearing her… well, what I’m wearing.” I commented slightly confused. “I meant for a stool dear. Do you need the bathroom for a bowel movement?” Peggy clarified. “Uh… Oh, I don’t think so.” I whispered a reply. “You still know when that’s coming right? Well, just buzz me and I’ll be happy to help you with the bedpan dear.” Peggy smiled at me. She handed me the tiny paper cup of pills and my hospital mug of water. I guzzled a few more ounces and took the big non-gel coated pills. I popped my lips indicating I was all done. Peggy resettled items back in her cart and made for the door. “Peggy, Maddison asked if she could take a shower earlier. Can we help her in there to get cleaned up?” Mom asked for me. Good. I forgot to ask. Yay momma! I cheered internally. “Dr. Hadi is supposed to be bye here on rounds about six. Let’s wait till then ok? He may not want her on her feet. It’s just a little while it’ll be ok.” Peggy said patting my feet. “Ms. Selvage, you may chitter on about all the electronics in that bag now.” She said on her way out. I love that woman. I thought. “Yeah, so, we also got you a new phone. You were still using that Galaxy S4, but when the service guy heard about everything he called his corporate office and they made some exceptions and he got you a newer S6 for no money since the S7 is out!” She told me with utter joy on her face. “I wanted to get the S6 for you baby, and they worked with me on it like they did on the S4. After the computer, I was a little tapped out. Now the first thing I want you to do is order your dream computer on my credit card, and don’t worry about the cost. That’ll be a bit of early Christmas and some graduation in there too. Do it fast though, I want it here as soon as possible.” Mom told me patting my arm giving me her mock serious face. “Yes ma’am.” I saluted her. Merry handed me the box with my phone. I opened it and smelled the beautiful new device smell. I only just got it booted up when Merry took the phone and handed me the pc box. There was a Best Buy close to our Wal-Mart and the Lenovo box indicated they’d made a second stop after all. “Beggars and choosers here huh M?” I teased while she flew through the screens on my phone. “You know it. Get that PC up and running! Phones are my thing.” Merry teased sticking her tongue out. Why is that all the sudden hella sexy? It should have been playful not sexy? OMG! Her tongue is so cute. I thought. Mom moved her chair closer to the head of the bed so she could help me open the box and watch the screens while I set it up. “Hey Mrs. P, will you check with the nurses and see if there’s wifi she can use here?” Merry asked. “Yes ma’am I will.” Mom replied leaving the room. I was working through the loading screens for Windows 7 while my ringtones flitted through the air. A particularly loud one startled me while I was zoned in on mom’s computer. I suddenly jerked and inhaled. Then for the first time in a while I knew I was wetting myself. Sonic must be going right through me! This poor diaper didn’t last very long. Was my first thought. God that feels weird. All the sudden it’s warm down there. I can feel it running down my ass crack. Was the second. I reached down to touch my diaper underneath my still loading laptop. I flexed my abs trying to sit up a little bit. I just wanted to feel what had happened in my diaper. I could just barely reach the top of my kitty, but in this sitting position all the wetness was south of there. I must have grunted a bit trying to reach down without hurting myself because Merry noticed. “Dee, whatcha doin there little lady? Find something interesting on the computer?” She teased in a sing song childish voice. “I’m not friggin myself here. I think I just wet quite a bit. I was just trying to see how bad it was.” I said defiantly. Then the conversation caught up with me and I grew self-conscious, “Look, I’m… can you… uh… check me?” “Hell ya! I’ve been dying to play with that yucky green crinkly thing since they wrapped it around your sexy hips!” Merry beamed. She reached down my right side with her left hand slowly running her arm underneath my hand. I felt her forearm as her cupped my plastic covered kitty. She pressed a firm hand against me that rushed arousal to the area and flushed my cheeks. Her forearm flexed and she lifted her hand from my diaper and poked at it with the pad of her finger hitting me close to my entrance. Electricity jolted through me. “You, my love, are pretty squishy down here.” She giggled but didn’t stop playing with my diaper and me. Merry worked feverishly to set my phone up with her left hand. Her right just stayed where it had been while I got back to work on the laptop. She continued working on my phone, but her hand occasionally moved from my diaper to do things she needed to do with both hands. She even knew the Tetris shape I’d want to use as the screen lock. She saved me a lot of work when she was done. In my drug induced buzz, I was happy to let her setup my phone and rest her hand anywhere she thought was comfortable. If I wasn’t in blinding pain when I flexed my hips, I’m certain I’d have been rocking slowly against her hand. ‘Maybe I like girls too?’ I pondered before passing out with one of the Windows 7 launch screens waiting for my response. The pain meds had won the battle sending me into a deep sleep.
  10. Birch House Chapter 17 --- Molly --- I looked down at Becca who was in full on Super-Beagle mode and then back to Mr. “Indiana Jones” Andersen. Becca was totally furry and four-legged while Mr. Andersen was doing his best impersonation of old west gunslinger, except… well, he was slinging a sword? His duster blew away from his ankles leaving a clear path to draw his blade. My furry friend’s lips pulled back even further. Becca looked fully prepared to rend the flesh from his bones. The look on Captain Trench Coat told me he’d be making Steel Beagle kabobs if she rushed him. A growl started at the lowest end of my range of hearing amping up the noise level with each breath Becca pulled in. When I reached out to touch her shoulder, I saw all the muscles under her fur shift. Suddenly, she exploded springing toward our threatening intruder. I closed my eyes dripping with fear for Becca whether she survived or not, this would go bad for her. Only… I never heard them connect. I worked up the nerve to open my eyes after a few moments passed and I didn’t hear any horrible noises. Becca was stuck mid-jump sort of frozen in the air. Three of her four feet were off the couch and only her final paw was still in contact with the couch. My eyes went anime wide seeing her while I waited for her to fall while totally forgetting about Andersen. I waited another full minute and nothing happened. She didn’t move forward or fall. Still, I waited some more. Still nothing happened. I was terrified, but my brain was shifting gears. Nothing was happening so it was hard to maintain the adrenalin, but my fear was still tangible. “Becca!” I yelled in her ear waving my hand in front of her pissed off face. She didn't react. She looked like a stuffed animal posed for a museum exhibit. I stared at her confused and pushed against her head. She moved a bit, but not as much as I’d have expected, and it wasn’t enough to cause her to fall either. She just sort of hung there. I looked along her line of sight... She was looking just over Mr. Andersen’s left shoulder, and I suddenly remembered a four-legged Becca wasn’t my main problem. He was! I took the few steps over to Mr. Andersen and touched his hand. Like Becca, he moved, but not the way I was expecting. Still, it was more than Becca did. I slowly moved his hand away from the weapon he was reaching for in a crossbody draw. With his hand out of the way, I kicked him in the groin. Like an A.D.D kid in a forest full of squirrels, I got distracted when he didn’t react and then pulled out his sword knife thingy. Oh Poop! I flipping froze ‘em! I’ve never held a sword before. Dear Lord this thing is beautiful. I carried the sword back over to where I was standing. I swung it around a bit since my friend and home-invader clearly wouldn’t care right then. I felt a bit like a Jedi with a glowing sword only mine was made of metal. I won’t deny the sound effects played in my head as I swung the sword. I dropped my hand to my side holding the blade away from my leg and blew out a deep breath. The crisis was managed, well sort of. I needed to figure out how to let them go. If only I could figure out how… I wasn’t sure what I’d done, if it had really been me who froze reality, but I drew blanks. After cutting at the air some more I simply concentrated and yelled “Go!”, but it didn’t work. I tried to relax since I had disarmed the threat. I was safe and Becca was safe. I suppose Mr. Andersen wasn’t safe though, but before I could isolate the feelings and try to reverse what I’d done, I gave out and fell back into the couch. Then, a bunch of stuff happened at once… I dropped the sword which pierced the floor standing erect buried halfway to the hilt in Becca’s hardwood flooring. It was frighteningly sharp! Mr. Andersen actually ended up looking like he punched himself in the who-ha and doubled over accidentally saving his life. Becca’s paws caught him in the shoulder and they both rolled backwards finding Becca at his throat growling viciously. Mr. Andersen had managed to shove his leather covered arm in her mouth buying him life number two. Time shifted forward a frame or two and Mr. Andersen opened and closed his palm staring at it in confusion while I shouted for Becca to calm down. He muttered something and the sword yanked free of the floorboards racing toward his outstretched hand. He just Force-Pulled the sword! I freaked out while trying not to fan-girl all over myself. My thoughts caught up with the situation and I was suddenly certain someone was about to die. “Stop!” I yelled with all my might pushing my arms out to the sides. I felt physically exhausted and knew I had to move fast guessing that I didn’t release the last time freeze, I’d simply worn out. I didn’t have long this time. I pulled Becca from his throat tugged her back a few steps away from him. Then, I grabbed the sword and threw it out the front door closing and locking it. I collapsed in the foyer landing on the entry rug like I’d fainted, but I never lost consciousness. Time kicked back in and Becca was beside me licking my face in an instant. Mr. Andersen came around the couch and saw me exhausted on the floor. He said something like, “FlibberyBelh Come.” Holding out his hand, but I’d never heard the word before and was too tired to figure it out. Just then, a loud thud rocked the house and Birch House shook like a dog. The lights dimmed down everywhere but over the two of us. Mr. Andersen’s sword clanged against a window next, but the shades pulled closed followed quickly by the curtains. Holes opened up around Mr. Andersen and snakes and mice and other creepy crawlies scampered up surrounding him. They hissed and snapped as the wood beneath his feet blackened and started creaking. He shifted his weight and it sounded like he’d stepped out on a thousand year old swinging bridge. “I don’t think my house likes your attitude sir.” I smiled at him from the floor still not recovered. For the first time since everything went sideways, Mr. Andersen looked concerned. In fact, the more I smirked and the closer Birch House’s animal army got, the more unnerved he became. He danced over the line of mice and gained some less rotted floorboards. The floor seemed to heal itself where Tall-Dark-And-Creepy had been standing while rotting swiftly under his feet. He snatched up a rattlesnake as the floor beneath him started to give way. Our ceiling broke apart falling on him and so did some of eight legged monsters that would haunt my nightmares. This was good news for Becca and I, and bad news for Mr. Andersen. It appeared he had a touch of arachnophobia himself. Spiders rained down on him in a wave that I was terrified would splash against us too. “Holy Shit!” He bellowed and before I could blink an eye he was on the porch sans his fancy trench coat. Becca rose up and latched the front door with the chain and deadbolt moments later having regained her fingers and toes. --- Becca --- “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” I yelled banging my clawed fist on my door. I looked back to the dark places on the floor where Mr. Andersen had stood remembering the old guy’s words about dark magic. Dark magic or no, I’d flip my shit too if I had a waterfall of spiders down my neck. “What the Holy Fuck BH! That was awesome!” I said patting the door frame trying to exhale the willies. “Are they on me Becks? Get em off me! Help me up! Mommy!” Molly yelled reaching for me. Oh… We are doing that now too huh? I identified the state of Molly’s diaper immediately. She had her boobs back and her amazon height, but her baby parts were clearly here to stay. Poor kid. I helped her stand and shoved her pacifier in her hyperventilating mouth. Smells just weren’t the same to me anymore. There were smells I liked and those I didn’t, but they didn’t cause me to hurl in my mouth like they used too. I could smell her shitty ass, but I didn’t think she had noticed yet. We both watched the rotted places fade to nothing but my pristine livingroom floor. Birch House had went all House on a Haunted Hill on our visitor. Speak of the devil. There was his trenchcoat. I don’t know why, but I was in no hurry to rush over and pick it up. I smiled at Molly and hugged her before sauntering over to the coat anyway, cause fuck being scared. I have claws n’shit! I picked it up off the floor and was amazed at its weight. I walked back over to the windows framing the front door holding up his coat. He stood there holding his sword for a good three minutes before taking a big ass breath and sticking it back in its leather holder-thingy. He smoothed his hair and disappeared around the door. Molly was too frightened to watch from the other side of the door’s window and was watching through the peephole. “He’s gonna like knock.” Molly mumbled shorter and thinner than she had been at the couch having changed into her younger self again. “It’s ok sweety.” I told her as the doorbell rang. “Get behind me baby.” I told her feeling my hair stand in irritation. * Grandfather clock chimes rang as he pressed the doorbell impatiently. * “I don’t want no fucking girl scout cookies.” I yelled and smacked my hand on the door. I remembered the rotten places in the floor and the spider-fall, so I quickly rubbed the door with my palm in what I hoped was loving circles. I did not want to piss my house off! He rang the doorbell again so I took a turn at the peephole. He’d stepped back off the landing of the porch and stood there waiting with his hands behind his back looking like he was trying to pose for a Superman poster. Giggling I opened the door without undoing the chain and spoke the crack, “What do you want?” “I ma… It was… I mean… You shifted first and… Shit.” He stumbled around an apology that sounded like would end up coming out my fault anyway. “Wanna try that again bub?” I said trying for my best Hugh Jackman impression. “Yes. I do. The Office of Ether Affairs has received a notice of Awakened Wielders at this address. I was sent to verify and register the new Wielders. I confess, I’m not usually sent on these welcoming missions.” He remained still posing like the Man of Steel, but his shoulders had began to droop. “Yeah, well, we can see fucking why. Jackass.” Then I barked at him for good measure surprising myself at how deep and throaty my voice was. “Again… I apologize-” He started but didn’t get to finish. I was yanked back from the door by my supermodel best friend. I really wish she’d stick to one age! “Is there a form or ceremony we need to perform? Do you have any further business you terrible excuse for a man!” Molly went full Badass Business Lady on him. “There is a form Ma’am. Again… If I may come in, we can try this again.” He tried. “No sir. You have attempted to draw your weapon and, if I’m not mistaken, attempted to influence our minds for your own damned convenience. If you’ll kindly leave the documentation and a contact number for your supervisor on the porch, we’ll be happy to collect the forms and work with another representative from your office.” She told him brooking no argument. “That’s hardly necessary.” He huffed and stepped up toward the opening. Suddenly, Mr. Andersen fell through a rotted hole in the porch and was spit back out in a friggin dirt loogie about fifty feet from the house. We looked at eachother surprised again and growing even more appreciative of our new home. “I believe you can just leave the information right there and remove yourself from our property Mr. Andersen!” Molly yelled. “What about my coat, that’s from the Office.” He whined. “I’m sure we will have to remit those documents to someone… we’ll… uh… drop off your coat there. Good Day.” She told him slamming the door. “Becca, watch him and when he pulls away get the documents. We know the House has influence that far at least. I’m sure you’ll be safe. That man was just horrible!” She huffed leaning down on the back of the couch. I couldn’t be sure because the smell was already pretty strong, but I think my best friend was messing herself again and wanted some privacy to finish up. I simply turned and opened the door watching the black two door car move slowly down the driveway. I could just make out a gate at the front of the drive that wasn’t there before he’d arrived. Birch House was stepping up security. I shifted my head sideways in a very K9 like move and looked down by the door to see a new panel in the door glass sporting an intercom. I could only guess it was connected to our new front gate. Of course that made me wonder if we didn’t now have a fence around the whole property. “Good house. Remember to let Trent in honey.” I said patting the door frame lovingly. The song Good Vibrations started playing from the box as I slipped out to get the folder Mr. Andersen had left in the driveway. When I got back inside, Molly was standing up back in her teenage body nursing at her pacifier with tears streaming down her face. “All done Baby?” I asked with a sugary smile. “I fink so.” She said sniffling. “I’m dirty.” “I know Molls and it’s OK. We’ll get you sorted out. Upstairs though… Damn you’re stinking up the place!” I laughed taking her hand. “I like totally didn’t mean to!” She started wailing. “Crap sorry honey. I was just playing.” I told her, but my apology wasn’t any better than Andersen’s had been. The damage had been done. --- Molly --- “I jus wanna be done wid it. I wanna cleaned hiny.” I told her around my pacifier feeling small and frustrated at the verbalization of my own thoughts. “OK. Baby. Working on it.” Becca told me helping me up the stairs. I loved her for this. I could step up when I needed too, and I had, but I didn’t need to right now and what I wanted was cleaned and taken care of. I wanted to feel like someone else would deal with the dirty diaper around my waist. I didn’t want to be alone, and I didn’t want Becca to sleep downstairs either. I guess it was a good thing Trent isn’t coming home that night. “Becks. Trent like isn’t coming home right?” I asked with a little more control over my words. “No Baby, it’s just you and me tonight. Are we still going out to get snacks for Netflix?” She asked me. “We can. I’ll be totally scared though. You may have to hold my hand da whole time!” I shivered my control slipping a little. “He won’t get us. We’ll leave his nasty-ass coat here so we have a hostage!” She laughed. I laughed because she laughed, not because I thought it was funny. Becca helped me out of my skirt and up onto the changing table. I hardly ever messed myself and most of today’s accident happened when I exhausted myself that second time I… Oh EM GEEE! I spelled out in my head. I totally like froze time or whatever! My brain spiraled like a Chihuahua on crack. “Mommy! I freezed time!” I said getting excited slipping to a younger vernacular. “Oh shit! I can’t go out like this. Fuck Sticks! Let me text the study group…” Becca freaked. “Becks why are you freaking out?” I asked her while she wiped away at my bottom. “I can’t turn it off.” She full on puppy whined. “Can’t turn off what?” I asked her. “Can you act your age?” She asked me. “I’m twying!” I sniffled. I thought she was insulting me and started crying big snotty tears. Today had been freaky enough, but I’d saved everyone! She didn’t have to be such a… poop to me! “Your a poop!” I huffed at her. “Damn Babe, chill.” She told me. I did stop wailing, but I couldn’t turn off the water works. “I didn’t mean you were being a brat… least not till you threw a fucking fit there.” She told me with her WTF Eyebrow, as she called it. “Sorry Mommy.” I sniffled. “Let’s get this cleaned up and we’ll figure it out. Seriously though, I’ve seen your grownup boobs a couple times since Freaky McCoaty showed up. Can you do it on purpose?” Becca asked me. “No, but I can freeze time!” I said excitedly again. “What I thought you were teleporting or something.” Becca said looking at me in awe. “Nope. That’s why I fell. I like held it a super long time the first time. That second time I totally couldn’t hold it very long though.” I giggled. “And, it kicked my tush!” “Well, that’s not all it did to your ass Baby, and I think we both know you can’t hold much of anything anymore!” She laughed securing my fresh diaper. “I wan ice cream and oreos and a Kit-Kat and a Dr. Pepper and popcorn and -” I jabbered off a snacks list feeling very hungry after all the spent energy and... making room for more food. “Gah! I hate how you can eat so much and not get fat Bitch.” Becca yipped at me. I watched her face move around the short muzzle of her halfway-dog-face. It made me so happy. I reached up with my long arms and scratched her behind her new floppy ears. Happy tears started streaming down my face. “What’s wrong now Baby Girl?” Becca asked me her head cocking to the side waiting for an answer. “Like, I have totally always wanted a puppy. Like seriously... my whole life!” I smiled and ran a hand along her head petting her. She bent down and licked the side of my face, “Again… I’m Trent’s bitch if I’m anyone’s, but I’m sure he’ll let you Bitch-Sit for him!” She laughed. “Grah! Dog breath... !!!” I wailed only slightly offended and mostly amused. We headed back to the couch in my bedroom, but I was still jelly-legged with exhaustion, so Becca picked me up and carried me half the way. I scratched out a real snack list while I had enough breasts to make the decisions, then when we stood up to leave Becca gave out a loud bark. “Holy Poop Becks! I mean, that’s a real danger now, don’t scare me!” I gasped standing much taller than her at my full age.. “Pfft, I’m getting some stickers for your diapers. ‘Shit Happens’ would crack me the fuck up! I could put it on your ass like a bumper sticker!!!” She laughed. “Like what’s with all the barking Scoob?” I poked fun at her. “Gee Raggy” She said in her best Scoobie impression, “I can’t go in a store like this, and you can’t drive if you can’t keep your tits…”
  11. I Do have Ali. I would like to get the story back into the archive. I'm working on re-posting The Woes of Maddison Page and writing Birch House. I'm pitifully behind on updating the re-post and chapter 17 of Birch House. Had some serious AC issues during record heat in central US for weeks! Got a kid getting ready to head off to college, and building a new fish tank. Not to mention the daily grind of keeping a smile on my wife's face and bringing home a majority of the bacon. Because you asked I'll work on re-posting Ali too. But that creates a bit of a problem. I have a hard time not re-reading as I post legacy material, and while I'm not looking to change anything, all the flow and grammar errors blare at me begging to be addressed. I read many times before posting, but I always miss stuff. So, if I were to re-post Ali, it'd be a straight up copy/paste cause I already have too many irons in the fire.
  12. Well, good news for ya then! I'm posted to chapter 16 of the sequel!
  13. Birch House Chapter 16 --- Becca --- I felt my tail tuck itself firmly into the crevice of my ass. Only, I was fucking freaked out and my thighs were squeezed too tightly for my tail to curl around the front. It ended up pressed into my ass and nestled into the valley down the back of my thighs. I sniffed the air and felt bile rising at the back of my tongue. The hair on the nape of my neck began to rose in response to the danger. “What’s wrong with you?” I found myself asking him/it despite my fear. I had no idea what the fuck was going on. I just knew something was badly wrong with this old shit. He seemed sick just to my sight, but I could smell wafts of… wrong coming off him. I kept sniffing at the air and edging around his/my livingroom getting slowly closer to him. I was afraid for my safety. He didn’t look like he could do me any physical harm, but today hadn’t exactly been playing fair with the laws of nature and shit. I wanted answers, but the smell was causing feels that I didn’t know what to do with. The smells were making me feel… sympathy. “Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you?” I asked again. Creepy McCreepersen just kept smiling and waiting like old people do, all patient and shit. I took a tentative step closer to him as I neared his corner of the room. I sniffed wildly to try and address the unease the smell was causing. “I have smelled this before.” I told him confused. “I doubt you have my dear.” He said with his old patient whistley voice. His terrifying voice reminded me of a door in bad need of oil. It caused a shift in the hair on my back and I felt myself do a full body shiver like a dog after a bad sneeze. I huffed at him out of my nose a few times. His shriveled up arm lifted off the armrest of his chair. His age spot riddled hand made a welcoming gesture and offering me a seat on his footstool. It took like six days for him to make the movement and set his arm back down. I had plenty of time to decide his decrepid legs weren’t in any shape to allow sudden moves. In fact, I was fairly certain that his shins would snap in half if they tried to bare his weight. I gained a small measure of confidence. I tugged the footstool back out of arm's reach before I sat just incase something unexpected happened. Sitting down and fidgeted a minute still not used to my extra appendage. I took my eyes off Mr. Crypt Keeper long enough to look directly at my tail and scoot my ass back far enough it could comfortably lay against the back of the foot stool. Well, there’s some new weird shit for you to deal with! Sitting with a tail is more difficult than you’d think! There’s like bones and shit in there... “Now as to why your presence was requested.” He said slowly. I had time for a spare thought while he reloaded his lungs. OMG! If I could reach down his throat and pull out his words this would go a lot fucking faster! “Requested? You mean you’re gonna tell me how you dragged my ass here and where the fuck we are?” I barked at him. “That’s my intention.” He said calmly. “Hey Creepy! Speed this shit up or I’m gonna bail.” I tensed getting ready to stand. “No need young one. Sit Rest your mind.” He told me and the grey part of his eyes stormed with movement. I felt calmer immediately. My frizzled hair laid down against my back and my tail stilled it’s sweeping tempo. I felt my shoulders slump as my mouth gaped a bit letting my tongue lull to the side of my lower canines. I slurped up some saliva and said, “What did you do to me?” “I suggested that you Relax a tad.” He smiled the smile of someone who’s hiding things. I wanted to get upset and let that anger ignite me, but I couldn’t find that seed of fear I’d been nurturing. I just knew I should feel scared and angry, but I didn’t. I whimpered at the loss of control, “Fine. I’m relaxed... against my will.” “Quiet, I’d imagine. My apologies if you are offended.” He offered. “Just stay there and no sudden movements. No more suggesting anything either.” I growled. That was all the menace I could muster. “Talk then. I’m sure my friend is freaking out about now. It’s not been a normal day for us.” I told him coldly. “As you wish. I can unravel some of today’s mysteries. My Dear.” He told me slowly… Slowly but with total confidence. “Where’s Molly?” I asked needing to get that out of the way. “Can you promise me she’s safe?” “We are here between moments young one. My body is old and not long for this world, but my mind remains very sharp.” The Crypt Sloth told me. “Where’s Molly? You didn’t answer me.” I insisted as animatedly as his Relax would let me. “She is in the moment after. She may see you blink out and back into existence, but it will be so quick she will doubt herself. For now.” Creepy-Sloth-Talking dude told me. “I am a very old man and you are a very young woman. Though things are different now. You’ll find more years than anyone born your same year, should you not find yourself mortally wounded that is.” He nodded smiling like that should make me happy. Or, like it should make fucking sense! “Look, is Molly OK. Yes or no.” I told him simplifying my needs and feeling like i was writing a letter in grade school. “Circle it if you need too.” I mumbled unable to keep my sarcastic mouth closed. “She is and will be.” He smiled somehow slower than he talked. “Oh My Gawd Dude. You know how characters in movies confront the bad guy and get the vague scary asshle answers, and for some fucked up reason no one calls ‘em on it.” I huffed. “And you Dear?” He asked sounding like a dark lord of the Sith. I cocked my head sideways, “I fucking ask! You don’t make no damn sense. I woke up looking for Red Ridinghood and ate raw bacon and scent marked my friends floor! Then I finally find a bit of peace, and now I’m fucking here. You’re saying words and shit. I understand them, but they don’t fucking mean anything the way your putting ‘em together!” I barked at him finding myself less Relaxed. “Interesting. RELAX.” He said softly but with those swirly eyes of authority. I felt the tingles that stilled my tail and laid my hair down, but they didn’t stick. My hair bristled and my tail went rigid behind me. I flexed my claws on my knees and scooted my toes back against the footstool preparing to do… Something. “PEACE!” The ancient old bossy ass man said. I felt a blanket of calm radiate from him and lay across me like a fleece on a cold night. “I don’t want peace! I want out of here!” I mustered around his Peace. “You will leave here unharmed and unaltered in but a few moments. I can’t hold the space between moments long.” He acknowledged. “I’ll go back? Molly will be fine?” I asked. “I hope to send you back fine to a fine friend with more information Dear. That is all.” He smiled. “Fine, say your say.” I told him trying to wait patiently and failing catastrophically. “You are safe. I will not harm you. I am this way because I swore against harming another.” He looked convicted convincing me to actually relax a bit. “Ok. So picture touchy, then freaky old man, then super scary feelings. Now what?” I asked feeling more Peace since I accepted his vow not to harm me. “The flow of the Ether is strong here. I have made much magic in this place. Much I regret, but Much I have watched and appreciated. I will no longer be able to call anyone to the space between moments. My power will end when my body dies.” He told me. “Why me?” I asked. “Because you are you.” He said simply. “Look, I’m starting to think you’re sadistic and we don’t have the same definition of soon.” I arched an eyebrow challenging him. “I take no joy in others sorrow. No any longer.” He qualified. “Before you ask, I can’t extend this invitation long enough to tell you my story.” He held up his boney hand. “OK. Why am I here?” I simplified redirecting him. “You are here to learn.” He smiled again. “Learn what?” I sighed. Sadistic, I fucking swear! “There is more to Creation than you young ones believe.” I splayed my hands indicating everything around me, “I can see that.” “Ether or maybe you’d call it Magic, exists. You need only your reflection to confirm it. You, My Dear, have a talent for taking shapes. I am quite amused at the form you’ve chosen, and I’m quite satisfied that it is a good choice.” “I didn’t choose this! I fell asleep a woman and woke up a house pet!” I huffed. “Easy child. You are only what you want to be. The Living can channel the Ether, performing Magic. There is a Force that binds reality to all that Is. Magic is… reshaping those forms.” “Ok.” “I am the Grand Arch-Magus of the Bothers of the Apocalypse. We were young ones once too. So convinced we were the only ones who understood the Ether. That we Knew what was needed. We… No, I did many things in the name of my own Will. Foolish and Selfish things that warped me. I was lost to dark places and dark deeds for a few hundred years.” He coughed gasping for breath. “Hundreds…” I mumbled. “Easy there old man.” “I still claim the title to prevent other young ones from walking my path. I don’t speak my Will as I did in my youth, but I speak from wisdom. Magic can do many wonderful and terrible things Child.” He paused to breath. “Not long now.” He coughed. “You will find your form again. Be patient and smart. The world has lost magic on the whole. It’s hidden. So to should you stay hidden.” “Ok. No hairy main street stripping with tail bells. I can do that.” I chuffed a laugh. He smiled, “That would be… Unwise. You are powerful. Your magic is in your form. Your friend though her is different and terrifying. There is a reason her mind is a young adult and her form is a older child while her instincts and desires are from an even younger state.” “Do you have cameras in the house?” I freaked out. “No. This house has stood many long years serving me... absorbing power. I have watched it grow beyond me and take a primitive form of Awareness. It’s an artifact in its own right. If the house loves you, it will bring you favor. But, if you hate the house. Leave!” He coughed and wheezed. “Old dude. Easy. Don’t fucking die on me.” I said concerned. “Remember. The energy here that drives this place, not all of it is of a kind benevolent nature. Some of it remains dark. Guard your friend. She has much Power. Do not trust lightly Dear One. My power wanes our time is at an end. Quickly now. Touch the frame.” He told me raising his hand. I looked at him again rising. My tail twitched in a nervous pattern. I had to know. “What’s wrong with you?” I asked. “Age, bad choices, but mostly what you now call cancer. It is only the Ether and my considerable will that maintains this form. I will not last long after you return. Live. Find Happiness.” He told me as I walked back to the wall. “Uh… thanks. I’m sorry.” I told him reaching for the picture frame. “Guard her. Nothing magic does, magic can not undo.” He spoke as my finger touched the frame. I blinked my eyes trying to clear the double vision. I was back in my new livingroom. I was back in my Birch House. Molly was there too. Her eyes were enormous and her mouth hung open dropping her pacifier. “I…” she closed her mouth. --- Molly --- She disappeared. She was gone. It was fast, but she wasn’t there. She was talking to me and simply wasn’t there anymore. Did she fade out? Was there a glow? I was thinking about that moment and the next. It was a strange thing to hang my mind on, but I was stuck on the total lack of special effects. I couldn’t… I just couldn’t anything. It was like a bad edit. Literally there one moment gone the next. No special effects, just gone! “I… Can I???” I almost asked a full question reaching out to touch her yearning to touch my friend. I needed to feel that she was real. I cupped Becca’s smooth cheek and looked down on my best friend's platinum hair. Her eyes looked amazing. There were no holes from her many piercings, she was just perfect and smooth. * The doorbell rang like an old grandfather clock * “You better get that.” Becca told me. “I’m just in my diaper and a shirt! I can’t answer the door! Why can’t you get it?!?” I asked panicked. “Ok Diaper Butt, how do I explain the tail?” Becca asked and cocked her hip to the side? “What tail?” I asked her puzzled as the doorbell chimed again. Becca gasped and was pulled to the door in shock about who knows what, while I scampered up the inside stairs to my floor. I frantically searched for my skirt from yesterday. It didn’t match, but it’d cover my diaper. That’s all I was really worried about. Covered and finally feeling safe, I headed toward the door to the stairs sucking hard on my reclaimed binkie. I opened the door to the stairs and saw a man talking with Becca. He was wearing a full length trench coat… in the middle of the very hot summer. Bizarre, I thought. “My housemate, Molly, will be back down in a second. She wasn’t ready for company.” Becca said with a smile in her face. I saw her head tilt a bit and her chest expand. She turned to me and gave me a serious what-the-hell-Molly look. I looked at her confused and she tapped her lips. The man’s gaze traveled up the stairs finding me just as I, very conspicuously, palmed my pacifier tugging hard enough to snap it free from my shirt and drop it in my skirt pocket. “Molly. This is Mr. Anderson.” She told me introducing us. “Hewwo… *cough* Er, Hello Mr. Anderson. Are you a neighbor?” I asked the logical question. “No ma’am’s. I just came for a Peaceful talk.” I smiled reassured and followed the stranger to livingroom. Molly cocked her head and held her ground by the door. As I passed by her, she shook violently like a dog shaking off after a shower. Her rough hand reached out and grabbed my forearm bringing me to a complete stop as her nails dug into my arm. “WHAT!” I bellowed looking at my friend’s furry hand. That’s what was so wrong with her after touching that picture frame! She was back. All pink and pale and everything. Now she was all furry, toothy, and clawie again! “Hush Baby.” She told me smacking my diapered butt. It shocked me right out of my own screech. “Look at my eyes.” She whispered. I did and was drawn into her stare. As I focused on her eyes, I felt unease and distrust sink in and a blanket of lies lift. There was a rapey stranger in a freaking trench coat in the livingroom waiting for us! “There we go. I wasn’t sure that was going to work. Uh… don’t let go of me. Just in case.” Becca told me. “Yes, Mommy.” I told her sarcastically taking her hand and lacing our fingers. “Shhh… let Mo… me do the talking.” She told me trying not to giggle. We found him standing at a military type of attention with hands behind his back. His coat spread out and fluttered like a wind was driving it open… inside the house. Around his waist, he wore a leather belt with a stick in it and a very long hunting knife. Holy Moly Cow! That’s a stinking sword! “Mr. Anderson, to what do we owe the pleasure?” Molly asked. “The House.” He said waving his hand around. Molly and I both looked over at the picture frame that was back to it’s statement about love. I looked down at my flat chest and had a hard time conjuring Love until I thought about my room and all the work I’d done to get it just right. “Um… She’s a dog.” I said like a simpleton tilting my head at Becca pulling up our hands up to show him her furry arm. “That’s not what I’d call her, but she’s a supernatural being able to wield magic, yes.” Magic? My shattered mind found harmony with one word. Magic. The belief it was possible bridged my instincts, body, and mind. I nodded and stood up. I pulled out my pacifier and sat back down next to my furry friend. I wanted some very infintaile things, but my boobs were back and it was OK with me. I was my adult self again, but contentedly sucking on a pacifier in front of a stranger while holding my furry friends paw. Magical right? “What would you call her then sir?” I asked finding my professional persona settling in despite the binkie in my mouth. I let the pacifier fall from my mouth and dangle by my lanyard not bothering to tuck it away. “Your friend here, Rebecca, is a shifter-mage.” He smiled. “I’m here to-” “Your here to cause us trouble no doubt.” I cut him off challenging him. “I usually follow trouble, but I wasn’t expecting any today.” He smiled again. “I told you to let me talk.” Becca whispered. “Mommy. I got this.” I told her confidently. I turned back to the guy… Mr. Andersen, “Why are you here?” “I told you the House registered you. You are both wielders. I’m from the people who keep the rules.” He smiled. “Quit smiling.” I told him earnestly. “I’m told my smile is nice, and I like to keep things Relaxed.” He told me. My muscles began to lose their tension and my hand nearly dropped from Becca’s. A terrible growl rose up from my friend. Fear laced down my spine. I saw Mr. Andersen shudder and his hand dropped to that knife/sword thing. Becca’s hand dropped from mine. I looked down to see a full paw. My friend had shucked her human form entirely to become the biggest Beagle I’ve ever seen. The hair along her back stood high at attention. Her gums pulled back revealing various kinds of sharp tearing teeth. I was terrified she’d be hurt. I felt her flex her muscles to defend me. “Stop!” I yelled.
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