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I remember a thread, about a year ago, about this subject but I don't recall a significant response. I do, however, receive a number of hits at my website from military posts, throughout the known world. Could it be that the fate of civilization, is in the hands of a bunch of crazed, diaper wearing weirdos?

I hope so.



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Im sure there are people who wear diapers in the military just like every profession but the vast majority of the military couldnt wear diapers if you were stationed anywhere etc. Most likely you would be discharged if they found out you had to wear diapers for medical reasons during the day atleast.

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I've not served with the US Troops...

but from other places I've spent some quiality time in, I've so far seen only one soldier with a diaper - and mind you that was at the emergency "makeshift, stay-alive-hospital"... other than that? wew... I guess no, also supply would be a problem at least from what I know.

and frankly speaking, when in a theater somewhere on this globe on "active duty", I have had quite a bit of different things on my mind than my interest in diapers.

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not sure how sneaky the soldiers would be if they had crinkling plastic under their digital camouflage... on second thought they would be good for defensive soldiering.... soldiers could remain at post longer without break... but as mentioned supply would be an issue disposal too... reminds me of another post regarding "no child left behind" requiring students to wear diapers...lol

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There is a story that the soldiers on guard duty outside some of London's royal residences have to wear Diapers as they are expected to remain "on station" for the duration of their shift ! Phew, that sure is some stint !

Not wishing to rain on the military's parade and no offence intended but-

Would any Guardsman care to confirm of deny I wonder? :ninja:

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There is a story that the soldiers on guard duty outside some of London's royal residences have to wear Diapers as they are expected to remain "on station" for the duration of their shift ! Phew, that sure is some stint !

Not wishing to rain on the military's parade and no offence intended but-

Would any Guardsman care to confirm of deny I wonder? :ninja:

"Phew, that sure is some stint !"

Just checking, here. Was that a typo? Did you mean to say stink, or stint? :lol:


--heidilynn ;)

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I wore in The Marines all the time, never was discovered..I can't remember anyone ever telling us to drop our drawers after boot camp that is.. :P

P.s. Being from the UK I believe Stint was what he was after, but could be wrong.

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I wore in The Marines all the time, never was discovered..I can't remember anyone ever telling us to drop our drawers after boot camp that is.. :P

P.s. Being from the UK I believe Stint was what he was after, but could be wrong.

Semper Fi and gung ho to you, Marine. Ayooorah!


--heidilynn ;)

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You can't get in (unless the rules changed) if you were a bedwetter past the age of 12.

*huggies* baby eddie

Thought I read somewhere that they changed that rule after Nam due to a sudden increase in bedwetting when the draft kicked in :)

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Thought I read somewhere that they changed that rule after Nam due to a sudden increase in bedwetting when the draft kicked in :)

I went in as Nam was winding down and my recruiter ripped up my honest application of admitting bedwetting saying I

would not get in. In boot camp there were several times recruits were caught in a wet bed so it is not that unusual for 18

year olds to still have problems.

*huggies* baby eddie

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I wear but never on the ship. i have benn in the Navy for over 8 years and been to a couple of different continents. I can guarantee you if someone "needs" to wear diapers, or is found to wear diapers publicly they will be discharged. The only exceptions that I know of is female pilots who can be issued Diapers because it is extremely difficult for them to use piddle packs, not to mention sometimes very public on certain airplanes. I even read a "safety article" in one of the Aircrew magazines urging the females to use the diapers because "tactical dehydration" (not drinking prior to, and during flying) could have negative side effects in the short and long term.

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Thought I read somewhere that they changed that rule after Nam due to a sudden increase in bedwetting when the draft kicked in :)

I was in Navy boot camp in early 1966. WE did have some real bed wetters and a couple of fakes. When someone claimed to have a bed wetting problem, they would ship them off to a "holding company", which was where they sent recruits that had medical problems, and put them on meds which made them sleep through the night. Those who still wet the bed were discharged. The others had disciplinary action taken against them. My company had one real bed wetter.

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I have met ABDLS in the Navy and in the Marines and even shipped my hypnosis systems to service men in IRAQ. They are out there.

Im sure there are people who wear diapers in the military just like every profession but the vast majority of the military couldnt wear diapers if you were stationed anywhere etc. Most likely you would be discharged if they found out you had to wear diapers for medical reasons during the day atleast.

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When I was on duty, again not with the us troops though, I didn't have too much free time, neither did we have very private internet connection (letter writing was the favoured method for me... and I usually carried a notebook with rip-away pages where I jotted down letters to home... when I didn't have anything else to do...)...

Thus I have a hard time believing that anyone on real duty does actually surf the internet for DL/AB stuff when he in the army/navy/...

Not only would we have been thrown out quickly, but there would have been most likely other consequences too...

don't know... I mean once in a while you saw some of the usual suspects jerking off over some porn... sure - no big deal... but most were discrete enough even with that to do this on the toilet or when they were alone at least.

now about diapers... well if you're out in the field with only some makeshift shelter or whatever I imagine it would be VERY Difficult to actually hide something like diapers well.. especially the used ones.

if you're stationed at fixed location, ok, it could work... if you are a high ranking guy, you might be entitled to private rooms too, which would make it absolutely possible.

Besides... I'm a diaper lover and have been so since I'm 5 or 6... it's over 20 years thus... yet when I served a couple of years I had off time after a while, free to go "home" or visit family or whatever.... this was the only time then when I actually had a good chance to use diapers conveniently...

for me it's the same with any desire... if I can't hold it back until it's convenient it has become an addiction... and I hate addictions.

Depending on the unit / job of yours in the service you might "get away" with it... but I wonder if it is worth taking the risk... I mean most of us who have served signed up willingly... especially if it was a long stay...

Sharing your space constantly with others could be considered "bad enough" not to sign up... it was the one single thing bothering me daily - not having enough "privacy"... not for my diapers... I really had other stuff on mind than diapers... but mostly just the "quiet" moments on my own, whereas today I enjoy sometimes in complete loneliness to sit dow, put in some opera and just close my eyes for two hours not having to worry about anything else or being pestered by some other dudes or whomever else..

Back in the mil. I preffered the times out in the field with our small unit doing recon... sleeping outside and having just a handful of men around. It wasn't always easy... but overall I liked the experience... but I was glad too when my term was over and I was a civilian once more. Teached me a few things about freedom and choices too.

but back to the diaper issue... I believe that there are a few out there who wear diapers on duty... but again, within a few years the only diapered soldier I HAVE SEEN WITH MY OWN SET OF EYES was at a medic station - and that was for good medical reason too.

Other than that one time, never one has talked about wanting to wear diapers (neither have I), never one had something "bulky" or crinkly beneath whatever he was wearing to sleep at least not with those I've shared quarters... never one had something like a cloth diaper and plastic pants visible anywhere I spent time...

I am sure, there were a few diaper lovers like myself... hell it's quite possible... but to risk getting "caught" is just different than some 14yr. old kiddo at home being afraid of momma and daddy finding out about his lil' secret.

At one point I hope that all those wishes and rumors about "professionals" who have to wear diapers will tune down...

common it's no big secret that in some - very rare - jobs in certain situations diapers can/should be worn.

but what's all the fuss about it - I don't think that every damn astronaut is a diaper lover... and I believe some find it rather "uncool" but a "necessity".

and for most situtation like in the military there are MORE CONVENIENT Solutions out there... from chalked, air tight zip-lock bags to shit into when you're sitting in a hole doing some silly long term recon to pee-bottles... Urinary Condoms exist too...

Changing a wet diaper in the field is not really going to happen... changing a messy diaper ? forget it.

maybe if you've got an office-like military job you could get away... but out in the field? hell no way I'm going to wear a diaper.

and about bed wetters, pants-peeing and what not. yes, I've seen some guys pissing their pants when they have their first real fucked up encounter with explosives, dangerous situations and what not... and you know what? no fucking big deal... it happens.

Wetting the bed however I have not often... maybe seen twice in a couple of years... one I know was damn sick anyways and half delirious... so I guess it didn't count... the other one was stress I believe and got sent home quite quickly... but it wasn't his first "break down" of sorts, besides beeing a bit overly trigger happy too... so I guess the bedwetting was just the final "drop".

I've never seen a professional cyclist wearing diapers... nor have I met a diver doing so... I've got a fully fledged technical diving training, having done well over 1000 dives so far... if you're in a "dry suit", sure you can't pee in the sea like you'd do while wet-suit diving... however even with two bottles your time underwater is usually limited also due to other reasons (nitrogen,...)... and most healthy guys if they take a leak before the dive will have not much problem holding it for that time...... besides most who have to work underwater for prolongued time use urinary condoms or even suits with a special tube installed to pee (albeit very rare thing to see... not sure if it was a custom request). Race-track drivers the same....

For most people out there wearing a diaper is a "no-no" thing... most would be very grossed out... most would prefer a bottle to pee in...

and about having to shit... if you work in an environment where you for sure can not conveniently take a shit, check your diet... take immodium during those situations or take an quick- throwaway enema before.

as sitting and working in a shit-filled diaper is actually VERY Unconfortable... and SMELLY unless you take nullo or something, but it still is inconvenient... so what? carry a load of changing diapers underwater? on your bike? to war? hell... it's an illusion...

sorry for the long rant... but that topic ticks me off a little...

why do so many diaper lovers & ABs just WANT TO BELIEVE that our beloved diapers are "welcome" in certain situations?

I myself choose to wear diapers on long bus trips (public buses without toilets or even with, but these are so gross sometimes you really don't want to see) and on long car trips too for convenience... but hell I can change in my own car, I don't shit in the diapers unless I'm literally "bursting" (I hate to do that). and I "SIT DOWN"... damn, wearing a diaper while doing sports is at least imho not comfy either.

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