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A Sad Day For Me

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Hi everyone.

I've just had to make the awful decision to have my beloved cat Blaze put to sleep :(

She was 10 years old and had been my constant friend and companion and slept ever night at the side of me - purring quietly and biting my nose when she wanted to go out. Over the last couple of weeks, she lost a phenomenal amount of weight and today - I couldn't stand to see her suffer any more so I took her to the emergency vet who told me she had kidney failure and that the best course to take was to have her put to sleep.

So with tears streaming down my face, my baby cat Blaze cradled in my arms - she left me forever, as she slipped away she looked at me and gave a big loud purrrrrr - as if to say "thank you daddy......no more pain".

I am hurting a lot right now, I feel a part of me has gone and I definately won't replace her with another cat - there can only ever be one "super-blaze/princess/sausage/snooks" (just a few of her nicknames!)

I'm posting on here because a few in the chat room heard all about the brave adventures over the years - at least the local bird/mice population will be having a drink to celebrate.

So to Blaze - thank you for 10 years of fun and joy - my life feels horrible now you've gone - but I had to help you get rid of the pain.

R.I.P baby.

Dynamick x

P.S - Here's a good picture of her helping me fix a PC - she kept going after the mouse though!


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Guest Katharsys

****big warm and sad hugs for mick****

You have my utmost sympathy in this, and it is truly a time to grieve, but in the end you have done the right thing. It is hard to lose a constant companion in your life.

If there is a kitty heaven, I am sure that Blaze is thanking you and regaling all the other kitties of tales of the best human she has ever known.


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Sorry for the loss mate!

never lost a furry friend, but quite a number of beloved ones over the past years, some natural, some quite the opposite.

If you have truly loved someone a lot - it hurts, no matter who...

There's a passage of Tolkiens Lord of the Rings which I have found to be quite dear to me:

"I will not say: do not weep, for not all tears are an evil".

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Bless you for not being selfish. I know it was such a hard decision. Pets are really the only true friends there are. Always around when you need them. I set and think how sad it is at this time of year that you will have that memory with you on christmas for the years to come, but perhaps you can remember all the good times you had through the years, and remember what a special friend you had. Again my condolences.

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My Condolences too Mick! My heart is with u right now and I am very proud of u for putting the cats needs before ur own. That was a very wonderful unselfish thing for u to do. I know how bad ur hurting, as I had to do the same exact thing about 2 years ago and OMG it was horrible! I am here for u if u wanna talk at all but right now I think all u need is time. *HUGS REAL TIGHT* You did the right thing Mick! My thoughts are with u.



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-_- im sorry that you had to go through that, i know it's hard losing a friend like that but i'm so glad you didn't put it off for too long and that purr is proof that you did the right thing.

when i had to put my dog down due to lung cancer i left the vet's office in tears twice and put it off for few days each time because it felt like i was betraying him before i could let myself accept that it had to be done.

if you're feeling guilty at all for doing what was in blaze's best interest please forgive yourself, she lived a full happy life from what i can see. :thumbsup:

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I'm truly sorry that this had to happen. I understand completely. I'm afraid that sometime in the not too distant future, I'm going to have to go through the same thing with my Mom's cat, whom I dearly love. She's getting older, and moving to that time in her life too. I suspect that I will feel as bad as you do about losing Blaze.

My eyes well with tears thinking about how bad you must feel right about now. I'd reach out and hug you if I could.



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I know words can't make the pain of loss leave your heart...nothing will but know that i'm holding your hand as you learn to deal with the loss of your friend.

I remember the day i took my first cat "spaz" to the vet the last time......we sat outside in the sun in the grass for the last half hour of her life, she could never get enough outside time and i wanted her to remember the sun and the grass and our times togethr........when i finally took her in to the vets office...i kneeled in front of her and held her little face in my hands talking to her....looking into her eyes those last few minutes............i have to be honest.........despite losses in my life........it was truely the hardest thing i'd ever done....

That experience has never left me......the pain is less of course........but it never leaves......but neither do the memories of happy moments shared...

Many remember my ferret, spookie and then after spookie, luckie star.....too of the sweetest little fur angels ever to be in my life....when i lost both of them......i was already a part of the world wide web...i was able to find support and solace in several things/places/people i found online. Here is a poem that has helped me through their loss.......as well as the loss of snookie and simone (aka....monie)

Rainbow Bridge

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.

There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.

There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.

The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown...

Finally something that i found when i lost spookie was a website that had a ferret......rainbow bridge tribute page...i sent them letters and photos when i lost each of my fur angels......it helped a lot dealing with the loss...especially spookie's........she suffered excruciating pain at the end of her life and emotionallyi had a hard time dealing with her loss... here is the link.....there are entry for both of my ferrets there...somehow writing the tributes was cathartic....

i'm here mickie.......if ya need an ear or just a mental break from the sadness......

o and btw.....no pet ever takes the place of anothers..........they.. like people are all unique and different.....but.........i've learned that when you are ready........the next one that will hold your heart ..has a way of entering into your life.........*holds her skooter cat close..*......this little guy has added so much to my life...i am so lucky to have him......

love ya....jennie (aka boo)



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((((((((((((((((Mick))))))))))))))))))) Sorry to hear about your loss. It is definitely a tough decision, one that I don't want to ever have to face, but feel that I may too with my cat who is 16 yrs old. He has been a great companion and one who has been there through everything when it felt like I was all alone.

I know you will miss your best friend but know that they are in a better place and in no more pain. You will get through this, but give it time.

Again, I'm sorry to hear about your loss. If you need to talk you know myself and a few others wouldn't mind listening....

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Hi Everyone

I just wanted to say thank you so much for your words - so sweet and so beautiful. Jennie you are a little star, as are all of you and I thank you for taking the time to reply.

The last few days over Christmas have been absolute hell, trying my best to put on a smile at a time of year I dont like is hard at the best of times, but this year especially - I've had to force smiles etc.

I am normally a strong person, but I loved my Blaze so much that I just can't stop crying, I can't keep focussed and I just want her back and I know I can't!

I was told by my friend Hazel who went to the vets with me - that I would wake up thinking she was still here and I have done - even when I am awake I keep thinking she's on her favourite blanket or more likely dragging my Toronto Maple Leafs fleece to sleep on!

I imagine in time, I'll be back to my old self, but right now - I've never grieved so much for anything or anyone, that must sound crazy if you dont like pets but to us pet lovers its bloody agony? I loved both my grandads and grandma so much but I can't remember breaking down all the time like this.

Dynamick x

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I know that feeling mick im so sorry, i had to do the same with mine for a month ago, i got some advices from a cat board and i got two new kitties and it helped me a lot under the hard time when i didnt had a cat so i would suggest u to find a new kittie soon it would never replace the old cat but belive me mick it helps alot


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I'm so sorry you needed to put Blaze to sleep...I know how badly it hurts. Loss is a horrible thing to experience, but as you said...she's not in any more pain. Granting her freedom from it was the best thing you could have done. And you know, even though Blaze is physically gone, she still lives on in you. I know no words can truly lessen the pain you feel...but you did a good thing for her, my friend. I'm here if you need to talk.

*huge hugs*

~ C.J.

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Mick...hey, keep your chin up during these tough times. I know it can be hard, but you'll be alright. My condolences for the loss of Blaze. I know she was very special to you (and a very beautiful kitty too!). May you always remember the good times and keep her memory alive in your heart.

*big big hugs*


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