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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

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Author’s Note

This story takes place in the Diaper Dimension, a fictional world similar to our own but with giants known as Amazons. To them, we, Littles, are the size of babies or toddlers, and with their powerful parental instincts and low birth rates, they have found a love to care for and baby us. This story explores that world from the perspective of Hannah, an ABDL who has gained the opportunity to make the jump to the world of Amazons. 

While the world contains Amazon children, I chose to neglect to add them to the story in any capacity due to concerns regarding kink and age of consent. In other stories, Amazon children are trained to torment Littles from a young age, but I felt that was treading a fine line between kink and involving children. As such, there are no characters, even background people, in this story that are younger than 18 despite what they may appear like. I have gone to lengths to ensure that it’s obvious each character is over this age, even stating an age each time Hannah focuses on them, but it’s a delicate balance to keep. I felt this would better ensure anyone reading can have a safe and happy time exploring the Diaper Dimension without worry.

Many stories I’ve read in the kink space often rush activities, emotions, and dialogue. I have crafted this story to delve deep into the psychological feelings of being in this world, as well as showcasing extensive world-building to create a vibrant environment for my characters to interact with. I love feeling attached to the characters I read, and I hope I can invoke such feelings within you. I have a genuine fondness for my main characters within this story, and I shed many tears over several scenes I’ve written.

I have grown a lot as an author since I began the journey of writing this. I have learned just how much work it takes to write, proofread, edit, publish, and manage a story such as this across multiple sites. I venture forward because this is something I genuinely enjoy doing, and I love sharing it with you, the reader. While not everything will be posted to sites like Reddit, DailyDiapers, or published to Kindle, all my stories and more will be posted to my website, solarascott.com. If you’d like to support my work, consider purchasing a copy of this book on my website, or, on Kindle. This story was truly a labor of love to bring to you, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did telling it, 

  • Solarascott

End of Author’s Note


Book 1, Part 1

Chapter 1: A Welcoming

The doors swung closed behind him, and a young man, no older than 22, stepped towards Hannah with a smile and open arms. “Hannah!” he exclaimed as Hannah returned his grin, stepping up and embracing the young man. 


“Evan, it’s so good to meet you in person finally,” Hannah responded. 


Evan was precisely as he looked in photos: shaggy brown hair, soft dimples, and a kind, rounded face that hadn't seen the horrors of adulthood. He stepped back, several inches taller than Hannah, dressed in blue overalls, a brown teddy bear across the chest, colorful Velcro shoes, and an unmistakable bulge around the crotch. 


Evan glanced around behind her; there wasn’t much in the small waiting room at the transfer station, several chairs, a few posters of advertisements for different services, and a window with a grouchy-looking clerk perched behind it. “Is it just you? Your Mommy and Daddy around as well?” he asked curiously.


“My parents?” Hannah asked, “They are back home waiting for us.”


“You mean, you are here by yourself?” Evan asked, his eyes nearly bulging from his head in shock.


Hannah laughed, nodding, “Yes, of course, you have much to learn about Earth.” She turned towards the doors, leaving the station, “Come on, I’ll show you.” 


Hannah started for the door, opened it, and turned when she noticed Evan wasn’t following. His hand was out to the side as if trying to take someone's hand, his eyes darting around the room, none of the other occupants giving him a second glance. She shook her head, stepped over, took his hand, and guided him from the station. Hannah guided Evan through the bustling parking lot to her small sedan, Evan’s eyes gawking at everyone and everything around him. “Everyone is so small; they don’t tower above me here, and no one is checking me or asking where my Mommy is.” he trailed off, shaking his head, “What is this place?” 


Hannah couldn’t help but giggle, letting go of his hand, taking his colorful backpack, and placing it in the trunk before she climbed into the driver's seat, “You have a lot to learn; we only got a day. I’m going to be in your shoes tomorrow; come on! Dinner is waiting!”


Evan stood awkwardly beside the back door. Hannah sighed, reaching across, opening the passenger door, and beckoning him in. She thought his brain was going to explode trying to process all this. He climbed in, and, realizing she would have to, she helped him buckle in before starting the car and leaving the hub.


“Wait, you are driving? The car is so small, with no car seat and…” he trailed off, looking out the window, seeing the sidewalks crowded with people carrying on about their day, the gloomy weather only adding to the place's mystique. “They're all just people.” he mumbled, “But, their littles too, but they aren’t…” he trailed off again, glancing down at his outfit, his legs shifting nervously, his undergarments rustling with a distinct plastic sound. 


“What exactly did they tell you before you came here?” Hannah asked curiously, “Surely you had a good idea what you were getting into.”


“This world is full of littles pretending they are big and adults,” Evan said quickly, a well-rehearsed response. “Mommy said there would be lots of littles with no Mommies or Daddies, and I can help-” 


Hannah interrupted, her eyes rolling even though he couldn’t see them. “Did they tell you anything about our culture? What society is like? What is life is like? Anything other than propaganda?” 


Evan opened his mouth, about to ramble off what Mommy had told him, but thought better of it, shaking his head and glancing out the window.


“Life is far different here, at least from what I’ve been able to gather about your dimension.” Hannah started. Communication between the two dimensions was still in its infancy, and no pun was intended. “We don’t have littles or bigs or inbetweeners or anything like that. People age and become adults as they grow older; there isn’t any testing to prove you are an adult; you just *are* an adult once you grow old enough.”


Hannah wasn’t confident she could explain it well. How does one describe being an adult to someone who has never been treated differently based on his physical age? She knew a portion of what classified people in his dimension was the physical size, but that certainly wasn’t the case here; the largest giant person in the room certainly wasn’t also the most mature.


Evan’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion, “But how do you determine who is and isn’t an adult?” he asked, “Surely there has to be some kind of test to prove you are what you are.”


“The law here states you are an adult when you reach the age of 18, regardless of physical or mental capacity. Although, I suppose, from a social view, adults are typically seen as individuals capable of holding a job, paying bills, living on their own, and taking care of themselves without the intervention of others.” Hannah added, turning the car into her neighborhood. 


“So, there are people over 18 who aren’t adults?” Evan asked. 


“Well, I mean, sort of.” Hannah tried to explain, “By law, they are adults, but some people don’t see them that way until they move out.”


Evan shook his head, befuddled, “But 18 is just a number; it doesn’t depict your capabilities at all! That sounds silly.”


Hannah couldn’t help but agree on some level. The system seemed odd when viewed in that way. “I suppose so; you have to prove it from your world?” she asked curiously; cursory research could only take you so far. The law in the Amazon world was deep and complex; people from Earth, or littles as they were called there, still had no firm grasp.


He nodded, “Of course, one can’t just go from being a baby to a tweener or an adult just willy-nilly.” Evan giggled, “What if a baby were to become your caregiver? That doesn’t make any sense!” 


Hannah pulled the car into her driveway, parked it, and climbed from the driver's seat. On a philosophical level, checking and validating people's understanding of the world around them made sense. Schooling only partially accomplished this; there was no adult test to ensure you understood taxes, bills, jobs, relationships, or any other complication you might encounter that a child doesn’t need to deal with. She was forced to consider it like this, which made her nervous. How many people were walking around without that basic understanding, voting, and making nuisances of themselves? Perhaps there was something in Amazon’s ways that had some merit.


 Hannah retrieved Evan’s pack from the trunk, ready to continue their conversation, when she realized he had not moved from his chair, glancing around. This guy wasn’t used to doing anything for himself. She opened his door and undid the seatbelt, offering a hand as he climbed from the car. He held onto her hand as she stepped up to the front of the house and pulled open the door. 


Evan’s eyes were wide, his mouth agape as he entered the house and the living room. “It’s all my size,” he said, shaking his head in confusion.


Hannah couldn’t help but grin as he finally released her hand, “Mom, Dad! We are here!” 


A woman dressed in a simple dress stepped from the kitchen, drying her hands on her apron. She had brown hair with the first signs of gray, which stretched to the middle of her back when it wasn’t done in a bun as it was now. Her kind face had the beginnings of wrinkles as someone whose daughter was already in her early 20s. 


“You must be Evan. I’m Mrs.Greyson, but you can call me Susan.” she opened her arms and embraced him.


“I am. It’s nice to meet you, Mrs.Greyson. Thank you for hosting me. My Mommy told me to be on my best behavior for you,” Evan said with a smile.


Hannah had prepared her parents well for this encounter, and she could see her mother's eyes dancing across Evan, studying his outfit and his choice of words. “Of course, sweetheart, a friend of Hannah’s is as good as family.” She turned to Hannah and hugged her as well, “Everything in order, sweetie?” she asked.


Hannah nodded, “All the paperwork has been submitted for my transfer tomorrow, 1 pm sharp. You and Dad can drop us off, right?”


“We wouldn’t miss it.” Mrs. Greyson said with a smile, an affectionate squeeze of Hannah’s shoulders as they turned towards the dining room, leaving Hannah’s discarded shoes by the door. “We hope you are hungry, Evan; we didn’t pull any stops, and we are honored to have you here.” She glanced at his outfit again, looking towards his midsection and choice of underwear, “If you need to change before dinner, Hannah can show you your room.”


Evan seemed taken aback. He was being asked for his opinion on when he should change. His Mommy had tried to prepare him for this, but it was still a shock. It was real! People did treat him like an adult! The thought made him squirm. He was being given so much freedom so many choices and decisions he had to make. It was uncomfortable, but it was for only one night. “I, uh, think I’ll be okay until after.” he finally said, blushing. He had no clue if the statement was true, but Mommy had told him he should be, and he trusted her. 


Mrs. Greyson smiled and nodded, noticing Evan wasn’t taking off his shoes, “You can just leave your shoes at the door, hun, don’t want to track mud over the clean floors!” 


Evan blushed again, nodding, “Of course.” she stooped quickly, as if he were on a time crunch, rushing to obey the woman. He realized now why Mommy had kept him in clothing he could undo himself, and he quickly undid the velcro and left his shoes next to Hannah’s before following the two into the dining room.


The table was set, and Hannah sat beside her father; her sister, Rose, sat opposite her. The two looked up at the newcomer as Evan entered. Hannah had prepared them as best she could for this, and while her father could maintain his expression, Rose stifled a giggle as she hid her grin behind her hand.  Mrs. Greyson took Evan’s shoulders, smiling to the group, “Dear, this is Evan, Evan, this is Mr. Greyson, or you may also call him Todd, and this is Rose, Hannah’s older sister.” 


Evan smiled weekly, offering a wave to both. Mr. Greyson stood, smiling, and offered a hand, “Nice to meet you, son; Hannah here was telling me all about your world, a fascinating place.” 


Evan stood there, staring at Mr. Greyson’s hand, unaware it was an offer to shake hands. “It is wonderful to meet you all; thank you for having me,” Evan said with a smile as Mr. Greyson dropped his hand awkwardly, returning to his seat. 


Mrs. Greyson helped Evan into his chair, staring at the plate of steaming food before him. It took him several moments to remember that he had to feed himself, his unpracticed fingers awkwardly holding the spoon and trying to pick up a solid chunk of steak. Mrs. Greyson wisely leaned over and helped cut Evan’s food for him, removing the knife from his possession entirely. 


“So, you are a part of this school Hannah will be exploring?” Mr. Greyson finally asked, trying to break the tension.


Evan smiled and nodded, “Yes, Havenridge Academy.” 


Not offering much more detail, Mr. Greyson asked, “What kind of school is it? Why would they offer an exchange program?”


Not missing a beat, Evan continued, “It’s an academy aimed at welcoming new Littles into the Amazon community. They sponsored several exchanges for their opening week.”


“According to their advertisements.” Hannah said, taking a swig of milk, “This is the latest academy to open specializing in Little acclimation and naturalization. They sponsored over 200 students in an exchange program with Little’s from their world and us to help spread the word. They offer both students financial incentives and free tuition to permanent students should they decide to attend full-time. I think their idea is that we see how amazing it is and tell all of our friends and families.”


“These Little’s, they are us if I recall, right?” Mrs. Greyson asked. 


Hannah nodded, “In their world, their people are called Amazons. When the portal was first discovered, and humans transferred to their dimension, we seemed too small by comparison; they called us Littles. The name stuck, and it's been that way ever since.”


“But they are just regular people, right?” Mr. Greyson asked.


“Yeah, except they are treated like babies!” Rose giggled.


“That’s because we are.” Evan pipped up immediately, almost seeming scared by the line of dialogue he was hearing. The comment quieted the table, eyes turning towards him as he blushed. “I mean, we are; you don’t understand, I suppose. Mommy said you have been pretending your whole life, and it’s just become part of who you are.”


Eating slowed to a stop, Mr. Greyson clearing his throat and turning towards Evan, “Son, I can only imagine how your life has been, but I assure you things are different here.” he stated firmly and clearly.


Even realizing he had been insulting several adults, he blushed and nodded quickly, “Of course, I keep forgetting where I am. I’m sorry.”


“Apology accepted; it’s okay; we don’t understand your world; it’s very different from our own.” Mrs. Greyson said, trying to ease the tension at the table as she stood, “Now, who would like ice cream for dessert?” 


“Ohh! Me! Me! Me!” Evan said, squealing with joy, earning a chuckle from Mrs. Greyson.


Hannah nodded as Mrs. Greyson looked at her, and Rose nodded. “None for me, thank you, dear.” Mr. Greyson voiced.


“So, you’re a baby?” Rose asked with a grin.


“Rose! He’s a guest, don’t be rude.” Mr. Greyson chastised the girl, shrinking in her seat as Mrs. Greyson returned with small silver bowls of ice cream, dulling them out.


“Rude? Why was that rude?” To both their surprise, Evan asked, “It’s true, I am, I always have been, and if I’m lucky, I may grow up someday, but Mommy said that isn’t likely.”


Rose seemed unsure of herself, not trusting her tongue. Instead, she focused on devouring her ice cream before collecting her plate ware and turning to the kitchen. “I’m going to head to my room; I got homework; thanks for dinner, Mom,” she said, disappearing through the doorway.


Evan seemed almost as eager as Rose, getting half the ice cream on his face; his childlike joy was palpable, and the two parents watched him curiously. They had never seen a young man such as him, so happy, dressed in kids' clothing. Mr. Greyson stood, stretching, “Hannah dear, could you grab my plate as well so we can start a load of dishes?” he asked.


Hannah nodded, standing and collecting the dishes before following him into the kitchen, Mrs. Greyson entertaining Evan. Out of earshot, her father turned to her with a look of concern in his eyes. “Are you sure about this, hun?” he asked softly, “It isn’t too late to back out.” 


Hannah nodded weakly; he wasn’t the first person to have second thoughts about this adventure. “I am, Dad, thank you. It is a lot of money, and he does seem nice. From our conversations, I have seen that his family is a good, loving home.”


Mr. Greyson grimaced, helping his daughter wash the dishes and stow them away in the washer. “I’m worried their definition of a loving family and ours may differ. Do you truly want to go there where they treat adults like that?”


Hannah blushed madly; this had been something she never told either of her folks about. She had been an ABDL ever since she could remember, playing as the baby in their games of the house as kids, enjoying cute clothing over more mature outfits, wanting pacifiers and diapers over silly boys. She nodded again, unable to meet his eyes, “I am; I haven’t been entirely honest with either of you. I… enjoy that sort of thing. I like stuff like that; I enjoy the childlike joy, wonder, and freedom that age gives you.”


Her father chuckled, grinning as her mother entered with Evan in tow. “Hah! You owe me 20 dollars!” her mother snorted, smiling as she passed them.


Hannah looked confused, her father chuckling as he explained, “Hun, we know.”


“You do?” Hannah asked hesitantly.


“Sweetheart, you would ask to borrow your cousin's diapers so you could better play house; you kept your pacifier long after all your pears gave them up; you asked for bottles when everyone else wanted sippy cups. When we removed the bins, we’d find your used diapers in the trash. We were betting on whether you would have the guts to tell us.” He handed Mrs. Greyson $20, which she deftly pocketed into her apron.


“Oh,” Hannah mumbled, blushing head to toe as Mrs. Greyson hugged her daughter, kissing her forehead.


“No matter your life choices, dear, you will always be our little girl; we love you. We only want what’s best for you and to ensure you have truly thought this trip through.” Mrs. Greyson said with a smile. 


Hannah blushed but nodded, “I have thought about it a lot and want to do this. It’s only for a week. I can’t get it out of my head that I might be missing something, an experience of a lifetime, and I couldn’t live with myself if I passed up this opportunity. This trip will help satiate that desire I feel, and if I hate it, well, no harm, no foul, I’ll still get paid.” she said firmly, taking a deep breath. 


Her parents nodded, hugging her. “Well, in that case, why don’t you show Evan to his room, sweetheart? You've got a long, busy day ahead of you,” Mr. Greyson said with a smile.

End of Chapter 1


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6 minutes ago, codsterc10@msn.com said:

Amazing job 

I appreciate the kind words! Thank you! 

Chapter 2: A Restless Night

Hannah plopped down on her bed across Evan’s as he studied her room. It had been her and Rose’s room, but Rose elected to sleep on the couch to give him some privacy. “There’s no crib?” Evan asked, running his hand across the surface of the second bed and glancing at Hannah.


Hannah giggled and shook her head, “Of course not silly, why would there be?” But, of course, this was her world, not his, “We don’t have nurseries for anyone older than 2 or 3.” Hannah clarified. 


“Fascinating,” Evan said, opening his pack and riffling through it before plopping onto the bed with a grin. “I can’t believe this room is all yours, and not even a lock to keep you in! No restraints, no paddle, nothing, just, wow,” he exclaimed, admiring the posters on the wall.


Hannah grinned, “Yeah, pretty fantastic, isn’t it?”


Evan nodded, glancing at her, “Where do you change your diapers?”


Hannah nearly choked, caught completely off guard by his question; he didn’t even seem ashamed! Why would he be? Littles were expected to wear diapers, and diapers needed to be changed. Hannah blushed madly, “Well, uhm, if I do wear, I’ll just change on my bed.” 


Evan nodded, “Who changes you? Your mommy?”


Hannah blushed even further, unable to meet his eyes, imagining her mother changing her momentarily. “Oh gosh, no, I change myself.”


Evan’s mouth went slack, and he openly gawked at her. “You, CHANGE, your own diapers?” he squeaked. “You don’t get in trouble? Only bad boys and girls touch their diapers!” he went on.


Hannah had to change the topic to distract the attention from herself; this was heading in a direction that she was uncomfortable explaining to Evan. “Do you need to be changed?” she asked, her face as flush as a tomato.


Evan poked at his crotch and shrugged, “I don’t know, but probably. Mommy put me in diapers. Little’s could take on and off. She said that possibly your Mommy could help change me.” he added.


“It’s okay, I’ll do it,” Hannah said quickly, blushing as she realized what she had just offered. The idea of him going to her mother to be changed made her queasy; she did not want her mother to have to deal with that.


“Really? Okay!” Evan said, popping his thumb in his mouth as he laid back on the bed.


Hannah stood, approaching the boy. He seemed innocent as if this was normal. He gave no sign of embarrassment as she undid the buttons on his overalls and let them drop, his soggy diaper coming into view. Besides being big enough to fit him and much thicker, it seemed modeled after Pampers. She felt her face flushing bright as she pulled open the oversized tabs and opened his diaper. She had never been with a boy before, and this was her first experience? Luckily, she knew the basics, finding changing supplies in his bag; she worked quickly to get him changed, completely mortified the whole time. 


“Did your Mommy already change you?” Evan asked as Hannah closed up his fresh diaper, electing to pull his overalls completely off in exchange for some pajamas. 


Hadn’t she just said that she changed herself? “Huh? Oh, no, she hasn’t.” 


“Do you need to be changed?” he asked, a perfectly innocent-sounding question, and yet, her kink laid bare like this in a boring conversation; it seemed somehow different. 


“No, I’m fine, thank you. I’ll use the restroom before bed.” Hannah reported, helping him into the fleece pajamas. They were covered in little trains and zipped up the back.


“The restroom? Do you mean the bathroom?” He asked, to which she nodded, “But… That’s only for big kids and adults!” 


“Remember how everyone here is an adult?” Hannah asked hesitantly.


Evan nodded, “Oh! So that means you all use the bathroom?” 


“Yes,” Hannah responded, glad the boy was dressed again. “Most people here don’t want to use diapers; they prefer the bathroom.” 


He cocked his head to the side, climbing under the blankets, “That’s weird, what if they don’t make it? Or they potty go during the night?” 


Hannah’s face hadn’t stopped blushing at his line of questioning as she helped him get tucked in, “They hold it and go to the bathroom, simple as that.” 


Evan’s face scrunched up, clearly confused as Hannah stood, “Your world is weird.” he said with a giggle, eyelids already drooping, his thumb going to his mouth, seeming to fall asleep almost as soon as his eyes closed.


Hannah shook her head, stood, left the room, shut the light off, and headed to the bathroom. She shut the door, leaning on the vanity and staring at herself in the mirror for a long moment. What was she getting herself into? Could she go through with this? Could she go to his world? The thought both terrified and thrilled her. From what she knew, it was the stuff of her dreams; the idea her lewd fantasies could turn into her nightmare made her chuckle; there was no way! 


Hannah shook her head, relieving herself, before stripping and showering. She contemplated as the warm waters enveloped her, steam misting the shower’s glass. It didn’t seem real this was happening. She half expected to return to her room to find Rose back in her bed, the strange boy gone, his dimension a fever dream of her delusions. Yet, as she dried herself off, pulling on pajamas of her own and returning to her room, he lay there, curled up under the covers and snoozing. 


Hannah stood there, watching him; he seemed so at peace as if nothing could bother him. Could she experience such simple joy? Could she ever be as carefree as him? She couldn’t lie; the prospect of having the most prominent decision she made daily was which stuffy to cuddle at night deeply allured her. Adulthood had not been kind to her, going to college, having a job, paying taxes and bills. 


Crouching down and looking through his bag, Hannah stopped on the many diapers he had, far more than enough for the day until he returned. Her fingers ran across their surface; they felt like baby diapers, a soft cloth exterior, but more giant. She couldn’t lie to herself; she nearly took one for herself, but there would be time for that soon enough. Just as she was about to leave, she noticed the pacifier. She pulled it out, inspecting it and its brother. They looked just like the ones she found through the ABDL community. One of them had a sun on it and was yellow, the other a blue color with a mood. She almost stuck one in her mouth but resisted, putting the yellow one back and gently replacing the boy's thumb with the pacifier. He mumbled something in his sleep, the paci bobbing, his body relaxing further.


Hannah returned to her bed, staring at the bag before forcing herself to lie down, her fingers thumbing her underwear. This may be the last pair she wore a pair for the week; the idea thrilled her, yet she had only worn it a handful of times and changed immediately after going. 


Hannah pulled the covers over her, pulling her stuffed bear into her arms as she clicked out the nightstand’s light, tossing and turning for several hours as her doubts troubled her before falling into a restless slumber.

End of Chapter 2

Chapter 3: A Restless Night

Hannah woke early the following day, rolling out of bed and immediately heading to the bathroom. Freshly relieved, she returned to her room, forgetting that Rose wasn’t there. She was momentarily startled by the boy in her bed, the pacifier still between his lips, bobbing gently. Just as quickly, adrenaline flooded her veins as she remembered what today was. She headed through the portal today and joined the Amazon world. She grabbed the bag she had set out and began stuffing it. The contract specified that she wouldn’t need to bring anything, but Evan had; why shouldn’t she?

Hannah added a few clothing changes, such as her toothbrush and favorite stuffed animal. She retrieved the bear from her bed; a dark brown, its head slumped after years of loving had aged his filling. The bear wore a bright red bow, and Hannah dressed him in a pampers of his own and a cute pink sleeper. “We are going on a trip, Teddy,” she said with a grin, setting him in the bag reverently. She neglected to add anything else that might indicate her status as a baby; she knew Evan’s world would have plenty of that. 

Her bag was packed, and Hannah glanced at Evan, who was still sound asleep. She quickly dressed herself for the day in jeans and a T-shirt. Although she wore plain white panties, she added a white bra to the outfit before stepping over to Evan. She realized with a start that he would need to change and blushed. She opened her mouth to wake him but realized that he likely was used to just being changed and decided to get to work.

Hannah pulled back the covers just as Evan was yawning and stretching, the pacifier still in his mouth. He opened his eyes and glanced at her as she pulled open his pajamas. “Morning, Hannah!” he mumbled around the paci, barely coherent. He grinned at her as she pulled open his diaper and began the changing process.

She smiled back, “Morning sleepyhead, you sleep okay?”

Evan nodded, laying back as Hannah mercifully got him into a fresh diaper before helping him sit up to get dressed. She glanced up at him, the pacifier still in place. She took it gently and deposited it back into his bag. “You may want to wait until we return to your world for that.” 

Evan blushed, “Oh, right, you are all adults.” he giggled. 

Hannah wanted to correct him, but it wasn’t her place. He genuinely thought of himself as a baby; there was technically nothing wrong with that, and why would she try to change his mind? They were leaving today, after all. She glanced through his bag, pulling out another outfit for him. Before grabbing the matching shirt, she produced a pair of baby blue shorts with a small emblem of a smiling cartoon boy and girl. The shirt had the same characters on it across the front, along with the cartoon names “Naomi and Oliver.” emblazoned above them. 

Hannah looked at them curiously; they looked nothing like any cartoon character she recognized from Earth. Then again, why would they have the same cartoons as her? Of course, they were different! She got Evan dressed, who glanced down and smiled. “Naomi and Oliver!” he squealed, squirming on the bed. They are my best friends.” 

Chuckling, Hannah helped Evan to his feet before zipping up his bag and setting it on the bed, tossing the rolled diaper into the trash. “They are, huh? We may have some time to watch a few cartoons from this world if you are interested.”

“They are my best friends.” Even grinned, “Cartoons would be great!”

Hannah guided him towards the door. Pulling it open, the sounds and smells of breakfast washed over them, leaving her mouth-watering. Her mother was pulling no stops this morning. She entered the kitchen, her mother working hard as she produced waffles, bacon, eggs, cut fruit, and toast and set everything on the table. “It smells amazing,” Hannah said.

Her mother turned to Hannah and smiled, hugging her, “Good morning, sweetheart. Did you two sleep okay? If this is Evan's only meal on Earth, I want it to be good! Go ahead and have a seat.” 

“Thanks, Mom. We did; we slept well. It took me a while to pass out last night; I had a lot on my mind,” Hannah said as she and Evan took their seats. Evan only took a partial hint before remembering where he sat last night. 

Mrs. Greyson smiled, giving Hannah a long, knowing look as she served her a large cup of orange juice, “I would be restless as well in your shoes.”

“Mrs. Greyson, do you have a bottle or at least a sippy?” Evan asked politely, “Good boys, don’t drink from glasses.”

The comment seemed to take Hannah’s mother entirely by surprise as she froze, Evan’s glass of orange juice still between her fingers as she set it before him. “I don’t think we do, sweetie, but let me see what I can do,” she said slowly. 

To her credit, Mrs. Greyson didn’t let the comment derail her for long. She quickly produced a travel lid and straw before affixing them to his cup. He smiled, seeming pacified, and nodded, “Thank you, Mrs. Greyson.” 

His politeness, despite his oddities, seemed to help smooth over Mrs. Greyson’s worries as she smiled. “You are very welcome, young man,” she replied. She was struggling internally, seeing a full-grown man in youth clothing sitting at her table with his makeshift sippy cup. However, simply imagining that he was a toddler was helping, even if the visuals didn’t match what she was used to. “Please dig in before it gets cold!” she added, smiling, waving them towards the food dishes.

Hannah nodded as she began serving herself; Evan grabbed a small handful of eggs and started eating directly out of his hand, making a mess, much as a young child would. Mrs. Greyson gave her daughter a knowing look and a deep breath. It was as if she were saying, ‘You want this sort of life? Are you sure?’

Hannah blushed, taking Evan’s plate and serving him everywhere on the table, adding syrup and whipped cream to a waffle before setting it before him. Evan didn’t realize he broke any social norm as he ate from his plate, getting more food on himself than in him. Hannah took a moment to eat her plate, quickly finishing before turning to Evan as he finished. Her mother stepped over with some paper towels she had wetted, and Hannah promptly cleaned the boy's face, hands, and clothes. The clothes seemed to resist staining from the syrup and fruit droppings, wiping entirely cleanly. “You goober, you are supposed to eat your food, not wear it.” Hannah teased, shaking her head.

Evan giggled, licking his fingers before Hannah cleaned them, his feet kicking idly. “The food was super tasty. Thank you, Mrs. Greyson!” 

Hannah’s mother smiled, “You are certainly welcome; I’m glad you enjoyed it.” She took the paper towels from Hannah and disposed of them.

Hannah handed her plate to her mother, and Mrs. Greyson took their plates and went to wash them. “Thanks, Mom, this was a great meal,” she said.

“There’s my two sweethearts!” Mr. Greyson stated as he entered the room, kissing his wife before hugging Hannah. Good morning.

“Good morning, Dad,” Hannah said, hugging her father.

“It smells wonderful in here, " her father said, taking a seat. “Good morning, bud. Did you sleep well? It’s always difficult to fall asleep in a new place.” 

Evan smiled, “Good morning! I slept very well, thank you.” He stood and joined Hannah by the counter.

“We got an hour or so before we must leave, Hannah. Are you all packed? What are you two going to be up to until then?” Mr. Greyson asked, setting himself a plate as Mrs. Greyson joined them. Rose was still nowhere to be seen.

“I’m all packed and ready!” Hannah reported, “Evan was curious to watch some of our cartoons.”

Mr. Greyson took in the boy's childish outfit and chuckled, “Well, enjoy. I don’t think we have that particular one, but you certainly should be able to find something to your liking.” 

Hannah nodded, and the two left, entering the living room. Hannah flopped down on the couch, and to her surprise, Evan took up residence on the floor, sitting crisscross, eyes already glued to the blank TV screen. “You can sit up here if you’d like.” Hannah offered as she flicked on the TV, patting the couch beside her.

Evan glanced at her and seemed embarrassed! “Oh, thank you, but I shouldn’t, just in case my diaper leaks; bad boys get furniture wet.”

Hannah also blushed, deciding on SpongeBob as she clicked through the channels; Evan had already turned his attention back. He seemed overly excited about this, but she could also see through his body language he wasn’t as enthralled as he anticipated, seemingly almost disappointed as the show continued in earnest. Evan certainly didn’t seem to mind, but he was expecting more. 

Hannah wondered what kind of cartoons were in his world and enjoyed them! As SpongeBob ended, Bluey came on next, a queue she had set up. Once again, Evan got very excited, anticipation building, and then, over the next 10 minutes, he relaxed, looking disappointed again. She wasn’t sure what to make of that; it hadn’t been the expected reaction. Thankfully, though, as the show ended, her father joined them, “Ready to go, kids?” he asked.

“Yup! Let us grab our bags, and we can go.” Hannah responded, clicking off the TV and guiding Evan back to her room. 

Bags in hand, they joined Hannah’s parents out at the car, climbing into the back of their suburban as they took the short drive to the station. The vehicle was painfully quiet, and the parents acted as if they were delivering their daughter to her funeral. They kept telling themselves that wasn’t the case, and the return statistics for the dimension continuously bounced around their heads. 

Arriving at the station, Mr. Greyson took Hannah’s and Evan’s bags as the two entered the hub, beginning the check-in formalities. They were seated at a desk, a woman behind it taping away on her keyboard, only half paying attention as she handed over paperwork for Hannah to fill out. Evan needed precious little as he was a returning Amazon citizen. Each form Hannah signed continued to drive home her worries; these waivers left her with zero protections as a US citizen while she was in the Amazon’s world; she would be subjected to their rules and laws and subject to the terms and conditions of her contract with the school. The school's contract provided Hannah with protections and rights that otherwise would not have been provided. 

Hannah nearly backed out; waiver after waiver had worn her down, her anxiety through the roof. She sat up, glancing at Evan, who was sitting there, kicking his feet, nursing his thumb, and seemingly perfectly content. He looked so peaceful, so happy, so carefree. He didn’t even need to worry about using the restroom. Hannah so desperately wanted that; she wanted that blissful serenity. She hadn’t even realized she had signed the last document until the woman took her IDs, replacing them with an Amazon-issued identification. She took it, cocking her head and studying it. 

Like Hannah’s ID, this one had her face, age, sex, and address, which reflected her family’s address. This ID also indicated she was a Little and, on the back, contained contact information for her new parents, Laura Ashford and Welby Ashford, along with small photos of their smiling faces. She ran her thumb across them, her heart racing. It was happening; there was nearly no backing out now. 

“Miss, why does this ID card state Ashford as my last name?” Hannah asked curiously.

The clerk shot her a look of surprise and amusement, “You didn’t read the contract?”

“Of course I did!” Hannah said defensively, “It was just dense and had a lot of confusing jargon.”

The woman muttered something under her breath that sounded like ‘You foolish child,’ before responding, “Any little traveling to the Amazon world must have parental ownership for your visit as you are not an adult by Amazon standards.” 

“But I-” Hannah began as the woman cut her off.

By Amazon Standards,” she reiterated, shutting Hannah up, “As such, there were two options available to you: wardship at the school or an exchange program. You both elected the former option, so young Evan is standing here now. He took your family’s last name for his visit, and you will be taking him for your visit. Please make no mistake: while you are there, you are their child until you return. Do you understand now?” 

Hannah blushed and nodded, “Yes, I understand.” she responded, fingering her new ID card.

The woman grunted, nodding,  “Well, Miss Ashford? Are you ready? Say your goodbyes; your transfer window is approaching fast.”

Hannah nodded, stood, and turned to her parents, flinging herself into their arms. They wrapped her in a tight hug, holding her close.

“We love you so much, Hannah.” her mother said.

“We will be thinking of you the whole time.” her father added.

Hannah found tears in her eyes, her mother brushing them away. “I love you both; I’ll be back soon; it’ll be over before you even know it.” She sniffled. Oh, and we’ll be twenty thousand dollars richer, too.” She chuckled. 

Hannah’s father handed her hers and Evan’s bag. She turned from her parents, wiping her eyes, and gave Evan his as the clerk ushered them beyond her desk. Hannah glanced behind her, seeing her parents just as the doors closed. She hoped it would not be for the last time. The clerk stepped up to the transfer room door, the glowing, swirling blue portal inside. “Well, Miss Ashford, this is your first time across, isn’t it?” the clerk asked.

“How did you know?” Hannah asked.

The clerk chuckled, shaking her head, “The portal is all yours, children; may they have mercy on your souls.” she said, ushering them inside.

Hannah found Evan’s hand holding hers, a warm, comforting smile on his lips, “Come on, sis, let me show you my home now.” He gently but firmly pulled them both in and through the portal, swallowing them whole. 

End of Chapter 3

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  • SolaraScott changed the title to Crossing Worlds: Chapters 1 - 3
1 hour ago, spankpaul_uk said:

Really enjoying this so far, can’t wait for another chapter. 

I appreciate the kind words! If you'd like to read the entire story, it's available for free on my site ^_^  Story Directory

  • Like 1
13 minutes ago, SolaraScott said:

I appreciate the kind words! If you'd like to read the entire story, it's available for free on my site ^_^ 

But you will also be publishing it here, right? It's a very long story; digesting it slowly might be easier.

I like it so far. It seems a more benign version of the DD than some others (though a few comments here and there make me understand that it won't all be easy).


Just now, kerry said:

But you will also be publishing it here, right? It's a very long story; digesting it slowly might be easier.

I like it so far. It seems a more benign version of the DD than some others (though a few comments here and there make me understand that it won't all be easy).


Hey Kerry!


Yes I will be :) I'll publish the story here as well! I'll probably do it in chapter incriminates daily. 

  • SolaraScott changed the title to Crossing Worlds: Chapters 1 - 4

Chapter 4: A New Family

Hannah could feel herself stretching as she entered the portal, the cool blue light swirling around her, her body twisting and writhing. The lights swirled around her playfully; Evan floated beside her, their hands still intertwined. He had taken this trip already and grinned at her, letting go of her hand. “Wait!” she cried, flailing as they soared.


Evan grinned and giggled, doing a summersault and twirling playfully in the current. It was now Hannah who could see beyond; the blue lights of the portal had faded, and out beyond them were hundreds, no, thousands of stars flying by them at seemingly impossible speeds. She wasn’t just seeing stars but galaxies, nebulae, and entire solar systems gone before she could blink. Yet, despite their incredible speed, the warm current of air they traveled on was utterly still, their little pocket of safety in the vast emptiness of space. 


She hadn’t even noticed Evan float beside her, gazing out in wonder. “Incredible isn’t it? I always thought my world was big; the city seems so big, and yet it’s tiny compared to the state and the country, but this?” he gestured out as they soared past an entire galaxy, shaking his head, “I had no idea.”


“We learn in school how big the universe truly is, and yet, we can’t comprehend it; we are stuck within the four walls surrounding us. This is beyond anything I could even imagine; it’s infinite, or as close to it as I will ever get. How long is the journey?” Hannah asked, their voices carried well in this pocket of warmth. 


Evan turned to look forward, “We are nearly there, look.” he pointed, and Hannah followed his gaze to a particular star fast approaching.


The star expanded into a small, well, relative to their new perspective, into a solar system broken into several planets she did not recognize. Their speed had slowed considerably, and they passed well within astronomical units of a gas giant. It looked substantially like Saturn, except its rings crisscrossed, and the planet's surface churned and flowed. Bright reds, deep yellows, a spattering of blue, and just like that, it was gone. Barely a blink later. A new planet inhabited their view, and a blue marble lush green continent dominated the equator, with crystalline white snow caps on either side. The planet raced up before them, and Hannah felt a sense of vertigo despite not feeling any movement.


The blue lights returned, surrounding them, and she felt the current of air gently deposit her back on her feet as she left the other side of the portal. Before she could even get her bearings, she felt a pair of arms wrapping around her, pulling her up and into a tight hug, earning them a squeak of surprise as Hannah felt her body being crushed. The arms seemed so big! Whoever was holding her was massive.


“You must be Hannah!” a warm voice said. Hannah’s vision still swam and blurred from the transfer, but she could feel herself being hugged and rocking. “Oh my gosh, I can’t believe you finally made it; you have no idea how excited we are that you are here.” 


It was a female voice, soft and excited. Hannah’s vision finally cleared enough to get a sense of who this person was as she let Hannah go, returning her to unsteady feet. What she saw caused her to yelp in surprise, taking a step back as she gazed up at the massive woman who stood before her. The woman was nearly three times Hannah’s height; she wore a flowery sundress that left little to the imagination; her cleavage relieved massive breasts that caused Hannah to blush. Thankfully, the dress hem extended well beyond the woman's knees. She had long, dark brown hair that was done up in a tight bun, her face that of a kind mother, one you could easily trust with anything. 


The woman chuckled, stepping back and kneeling so the height difference wasn’t so extreme, “Sorry dear, I forgot you haven’t been here before.”


Hannah glanced over at Evan, who was in the arms of a man taller than the woman. He had a rugged look and a well-kept beard that was just graying at the edges. He wore a simple platted shirt and jeans, a pair of sunglasses propped atop his head. He stood, Evan in his arms as he joined the woman, chuckling, “Dear, you’re going to scare the poor thing before we’ve even left the station!” He shook his head in amusement.


Hannah had been so overwhelmed that she had forgotten where she was. It all came rushing back to her in a moment; the dimension, the Amazons, it was *real!* She wanted to scream for joy, bounce up and down excitedly! Some of her thought the stories had all been an elaborate ruse to make fun of unwitting travels; yet, she was, standing in what she had believed was a fictional story, staring up at two authentic people. She remembered her identification card, clutched in a white-knuckled hand that she slowly unclenched, working to loosen her tongue as she remembered their names; these had to be her new parents. 


She swallowed, taking a breath and smiling, “You must be Laura and Welby if I’m not mistaken?” she asked.


Evan giggled, “I told you she was smart, Mommy!” he exclaimed.


“That you did, buddy!” Laura said to him, grinning before turning to Hannah once more. She knelt closer to Hannah, sensing the girl's fear dissipating. “This is your first time here, correct?”


Hannah nodded, “Yes, ma’am, if I’m not mistaken, I’ll stay with you during my visit.” 


“You hear that, dear? Ma’am! Such a polite young lady!” Laura said with a grin to Welby, who returned her smile. “Yes, that is correct, my dear. We are going to be your parents for your stay. Laura and Welby are our legal names, but to you, we are Mommy and Daddy, understand?” she asked.

Hannah felt an undercurrent in the woman's words. They had been warm and kind, but they also had a sturdiness. This was not a woman to be tested. Hannah nodded eagerly, “Yes, of course… Mommy.” She added, blushing. She had never had a caregiver to call her own back home, and within 60 seconds of arriving here, she had two!


Mommy beamed happily, opening her arms to Hannah. “You are just precious. Come to Mommy, hun, and let’s get you to your new home.”


Hannah’s grip on her bag tightened, pulling the straps tight. She knew that even if she were to turn around right now, she couldn’t just go home; the portal was no longer active, and she was effectively trapped until it was time to return. Yet, somehow, she felt in control; she was still an adult traveling abroad. She wasn’t Miss Ashford; she was Miss Greyson. Staring at those open arms and that broad smile, Hannah knew the second she took that step that her life as an adult was over, and she was here to stay.


It was with held breath that Hannah took that step. Feeling Mommy’s arms wrap around her, reality came crashing down as she was effortlessly hauled into the air, cradled in the nook of her new Mommy’s arm, the giant woman smiling down at her newborn baby girl. She felt so small; she had no idea how tall she was here or if these people were this large. Hannah turned to see Evan cradled in his Daddy’s arms. No, not just his Daddy, *her* Daddy as well. 


Mommy and Daddy stepped up to each other, Hannah and Evan facing each other only inches away. He gave Hannah a goofy grin. “You’re officially my baby sister!” he squealed with excitement. 


Daddy chuckled, smoothing a gentle hand across Hannah’s hair. “You may be right, Evan; she’s smaller than you. You’ll be a good brother to her, won’t you?”


Evan nodded vigorously, “Yes, Daddy! I’m going to be the best big brother there ever was.” 


Daddy chuckled just as Hannah felt a hand on her leg. She glanced down to see Mommy’s hand working its way toward Hannah’s crotch, “I know it was a long trip, honey, just checking to see if you need a change already.” 


Hannah froze, blushing madly at the woman's fingers tapping her crotch in several places, the smile on her face turning to a frown as she glanced down at Hannah, “Did your parents forget to dress you, hun, or did you sneak out of your diaper before you left?” 


Hannah blushed madly as the woman gently but firmly pulled open the fly of Hannah’s jeans, revealing the soft white cotton panties she had on underneath. “I’m fully potty trained, ma’am; I haven’t worn diapers since I was a little girl.”


Mommy frowned more deeply, glancing at her, “You’ll do best to remember my name; it’s not ma’am, it’s Mommy.” she corrected. “As for this, you do realize where you are, right? Surely you know what’s coming.” 


Hannah nodded sheepishly, “I had been expecting it, Mommy. I didn’t know the process. I wasn’t sure if I should have worn something different coming here or if this was okay…” Her words faltered as Mommy turned, carrying her into a connected bathroom. 


Even here, the bathroom was massive! The toilet looked 4 or 5 feet off the ground, and its bowl was several times larger. The sink would be well above her head, but what immediately caught Hannah’s attention was the large, padded changing table Mommy was heading for. She felt her heart racing, beating well over her resting heart rate, its pulse thumping in her ear as she felt the cool, soft mat of the changing table embrace her, almost like a memory foam mat. She barely had time to process what she was lying on before Mommy pulled a strap across Hannah’s belly, keeping her from falling.


Mommy smiled warmly at her, “It’s okay, pumpkin. Mommy is here. She’s got you now, and she will keep you safe.” Her fingers expertly undid the laces of Hannah’s shoes, removing them before her fingers wrapped gently and firmly over the hem of Hannah’s pants and undies. Her eyes met Mommy’s gaze up at her, her mouth agape in surprise and shock at the speed at which this all was happening. Yet, she didn’t see malice in those eyes. She didn’t see someone who saw her as an object to sexualize. No, she saw kindness. She saw love. She saw a woman who saw Hannah as the little girl she always dreamed of being when she was regressed. She felt understood.


Hannah’s pants and undies came off swiftly, leaving her in her shirt and socks. Mommy took several wet wipes from a bag she had on and held them between her hands, warming them before turning and pressing them to Hannah’s crotch. She couldn’t stop the reaction; she tried to push her legs together, shame boiling up and over, filling her body, redness illuminating her in the white light of the bathroom. Mommy didn’t miss a beat, smiling down at Hannah again, but her fingers stopped where they were, resting just above Hannah’s sex atop her lips.


This was her dream, to be diapered, to be forced into diapers even against her will. Yet, having it happen, the giant hand between Hannah’s legs as she was lovingly cleaned up was nearly too much for her. But Mommy didn’t seem to mind Hannah’s shyness; she had started humming softly, using a soothing tone and a nursery rhyme. The woman's authenticity was palpable, her genuine kindness evident on her face as she leaned down toward Hannah’s tummy. Hannah felt a moment of panic; what was this woman doing? Was she about to bite her? That was a silly thought, but she had no clue what she was doing.


Mommy leaned down, her lips meeting Hannah’s exposed tummy where her shirt had ridden up, and suddenly and violently blew a raspberry. Hannah giggled, flailing about and squirming beneath the giant lips as she blew again. “Stop it! Stop it! I’m ticklish!” Hannah squealed for all she was worth, pushing uselessly against the woman's head. 


Mommy leaned back, grinning madly, “You want the tickle monster to stop?” she asked, the fingers of one hand now on Hannah’s side as she lightly began to tickle her there. 


“Yes! Stop!” Hannah squealed with laughter, barely even aware of the fact the woman had been turning Hannah’s body in just the right ways as the wet wipe worked Hannah’s skin completely clean, body hair and all, before leaving her laying there, exhausted, panting and giggling.


“That wasn’t so bad, was it?” Mommy asked with a grin.


Hannah blushed, realizing how easily she had been duped, and shook her head. “Sorry, I’m just shy.” 


Mommy nodded, rummaging through her bag, bringing a diaper, and turning to Hannah. “I know you are, honey; I promise you will get over it quickly. Here, take a look, feel it,” she ordered, handing Hannah the diaper. “These will be your new, permanent underwear while you are here. You are the baby of the family and will be treated as such. I realize this will shock you and take some getting used to, but we promise to make the transition as easy as possible.”


Hannah’s hands took the diaper; it was broader and thicker than anything she had ever felt before. The front was a soft, cloth-like fabric decorated in cute colors. She realized there were cartoon characters on the front and back, Naomi and Oliver, just like Evan’s clothing! A series of items ran down the center of the diaper: small images of bottles, pacifiers, diapers, and onesies that seemed to serve as a wetness indicator. Unfolding it, the inside seemed heavenly soft, a cloud of fluff yet firm, a sound, strong barrier to keep her clothing clean and dry. 


Mommy smiled and gently took the diaper from Hannah’s hand, unfolding it entirely before collecting the girl's ankles in her hand and lifting Hannah’s bum off the table, sliding the diaper underneath. Hannah had nearly forgotten she was naked and blushed at how easily she was manipulated. Her rear made contact first, the pillowy soft fluff enveloping her like the most comfortable bed she had ever laid in. The diaper reached up high on her back, several inches above her hips, as Mommy released her ankles. A generous layer of powder came next, enveloping Hannah’s midsection. A tingling sensation followed; it was not unpleasant and was gone as quickly as it had arrived. Hannah wasn’t even sure if she had felt it or if it was just the powder playing tricks on her.


Finally, Mommy began pulling the front of Hannah’s new diaper up and over her crotch. The intoxicating softness slowly began to envelop her, gently but firmly pushing Hannah’s legs to the side as it made complete contact with her crotch, Mommy’s expert fingers placing the large tabs into place before she was fully diapered. 


“How does that feel, pumpkin?” Mommy asked.


Hannah ran her hands across the diaper surface, feeling it, pressing in, and testing. The diaper was thicker than anything she had worn before, and she could barely feel her touch through the material. The diaper was adorable and comfortable, the cartoon characters smiling up at her. She could almost hear their voices, even though she had never seen the show, telling her what a good girl she had been, and this was far better than any pair of panties ever could be. Hannah must have been imagining things, of course. She had never seen the show, heard their voices, and was excited to be here. 


Hannah grinned, looking up at the woman, “It’s incredible; it’s so much better than anything I’ve worn before.” 


Mommy smiled warmly back, leaning down and hugging the small girl. “I’m so glad you think so. You are such an adorable baby, and I know you will fit in so well at home.” 


Hannah was so engrossed in their hug that she hadn’t even felt the woman's fingers undoing her bra before she pulled it and her shirt clean off. Hannah blushed madly and went to cross an arm over her breasts before stopping and staring. She had no breasts. She hadn’t been well endowed before the transfer, but now she was tiny. Her shame fled her instantly and was replaced with wonder as she glanced back up at Mommy, who had been preparing a dress of some kind. “What happened to my body?” she asked hesitantly.


“When you transferred over, your body shrunk, and it became its true self. Babies don’t have breasts; they have cute cheeks and pinchable thighs!” Mommy said, playfully pinching Hannah’s thigh as she worked the dress over Hannah’s head, releasing the strap and pulling the dress entirely down. There was a built-in onesie that Mommy snapped closed between Hannah’s legs as she sat back up, gazing down in wonder at her new body.


The dress was pink and glittery, with ruffled edges and a hem that ran around her. A princess was plastered across her chest in colorful ink. Not just any princess, she realized. Naomi dressed as a princess, and, to her surprise, Naomi was in a thick diaper of her own, bulging beneath a similar dress to what Hannah wore now. Mommy quickly worked Hannah’s hair into pigtails before adding small pink bows and finally scooped her into her arms, carrying her to the sink, her discarded clothing still strewn across the table.


The sink had a large mirror behind it, and Hannah finally got a good look at herself. She gasped, her hand going to her lips; the little girl who stared back at her mimicked her expression. The hair, the dress, the thick diaper that splayed the girl's legs, this was no adult; this wasn’t Hannah Greyson; this was Hannah Ashford, a baby. Her utter shock left her stunned as she looked at herself. Her cheeks, arms, and legs seemed more chubby, and her face was more rounded. Her hair only reached her shoulders now. She looked like a completely different person.


Mommy leaned down next to her face, kissing her cheek and looking at Hannah in the mirror. She gently took Hannah’s arm and forced her to wave at herself. “Say hi, Hannah, say hi to my new baby girl.”

End of Chapter 4

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I like the beginning and the premise.

I'm excited to see where it goes. 

6 minutes ago, Moon3ye said:

I like the beginning and the premise.

I'm excited to see where it goes. 

Glad to hear you are enjoying the story! You are in for a ride 😊

  • SolaraScott changed the title to Crossing Worlds: Chapters 1 - 5

Chapter 5: Hyperion City

Mommy turned to the door, Hannah still in her arms, slinging Hannah and her bag over her shoulder as she pushed out into the station. The station stretched like a sprawling giant, its towering arches and sweeping corridors dwarfing Hannah at each turn. Welby walked beside them, holding Evan’s hand as they traversed the grand space. Each beam of sunlight that filtered through the grand, crystalline skylights above bathed the space in a warm, golden glow, emphasizing the grandeur of its design. The ceilings were so high they seemed to merge with the sky, their intricate carvings and luminous patterns almost beyond view. Massive columns, wide enough for several Amazons to sit side by side, lined the pathways like ancient guardians, their surfaces etched with symbols and reliefs that shimmered faintly in the light.

The station pulsed with life, a bustling center of activity where every sound echoed endlessly in the vast space. Amazons and Littles scurried through, their footsteps thunderous as they passed, casting shadows over Hannah that felt like passing clouds. Platforms floated above and below, connected by enormous bridges that spanned the station like webs of silver, each platform a hub of its own, where travelers embarked and disembarked in a constant flow. The sound of conversations, announcements, and the hum of machinery blended into a symphony of motion, creating a sense of organized chaos that seemed to envelop Hannah within it.

Despite its size, there was natural elegance to the station, with vines and greenery woven into its architecture, climbing the towering walls and cascading from hanging gardens suspended in the air. Fountains of crystal-clear water flowed from oversized basins, their soft splashes contrasting the bustling energy around. Every detail, from the carved marble steps to the enormous benches and kiosks, was designed with a scale that made Hannah truly grow to appreciate the scale of the Amazon world. Everything was beyond reach in this place, physically and metaphorically. And yet, the beauty of the hub, a combination of nature and advanced design, left her in awe, even as they navigated its intimidating expanse. 

Hannah absorbed the views, her mouth slack-jawed, yet an underlying dread coursed through her. The Littles she saw weren’t allowed to walk around of their own accord. Many were in the arms of Amazons, some holding their hands and yet others strapped tightly into strollers. Each wore a thick, bulky diaper with outfits that varied in their success in providing the Little with any sense of decency. While most were quiet, Hannah noticed not one but two Littles who were gagged with pacifiers, crying, and over the laps of their Amazon caregivers, with a spanking being administered. 

Hannah should have felt embarrassed being stuck in the arms of her new Mommy, dressed as she was, and yet she didn’t. It wasn’t that she wasn’t ashamed of her outfit; she knew that she looked nothing like her natural, usual self. It felt like she was in someone else's body; this wasn’t her. More than one Amazon saw her and smiled, cooing as they passed, but they didn’t see Hannah; they saw the baby she was pretending to be. Mommy held her proudly as if she were a trophy, happily showing her award to anyone who wanted to see it. Despite her tolerance of the treatment, it didn’t stop a flush from forming on Hannah’s cheeks as they moved through the station and left through a series of bustling doors.

As they stepped out of the station, the world beyond unfolded before her like a dream brought to life, a vast cityscape that seemed too grand, too magnificent to be accurate. Hannah’s breath caught as she gazed upward, the city's sheer scale overwhelming, time seeming to slow for that instant of wonder. Towering skyscrapers, impossibly tall, rose from the ground like ancient monoliths, their gleaming surfaces shimmering in the daylight. Each building seemed to pierce the very clouds, vanishing into the misty heights far above as if they were reaching for the heavens themselves. The scale of everything overwhelmed her senses, making her feel minuscule in a way the stories could never capture.

The city was alive with motion. Massive streets sprawled out in every direction, filled with vehicles that glided smoothly through the air on invisible currents, their metallic surfaces reflecting the brilliance of the towering structures around them. Bridges the size of entire neighborhoods arched overhead, connecting the skyscrapers like delicate threats in a vast, interconnected web. Hannah could hear the hum of machinery, the faint roar of distant engines, and the low murmur of voices carried on the wind, blending into a constant, vibrant chorus that filled the city with life.

The architecture was nothing short of breathtaking. The buildings were adorned with steep, intricate designs that made them look almost organic as if they had come from the earth rather than been constructed. Vast windows and balconies jutted out at impossible heights, adorned with hanging gardens cascading down the buildings' sides in vibrant shades of green and gold. Some of the skyscrapers were crowned with massive observatories, domes of glass that reflected the sky like mirrors, while others were topped with spires that seemed to crackle with energy, sending pulses of light through the clouds above.

The air itself was thick with awe. Hannah could feel the weight of it pressing against her skin, not in an oppressive way, but as if the city itself was alive, breathing, and welcoming her into its grand, mysterious embrace. She craned her neck, her eyes tracing the vertical lines of the buildings that stretched impossibly high, and for a moment, she felt as though she might lose herself in their grandeur. The sky above was painted with swirling clouds, pierced by the towering spires, creating an ever-changing canvas of light and shadow that danced across the city in a rhythm only it seemed to understand.

Hannah’s heart raced as she took it all in, the enormity of it, the beauty, the sheer overwhelming vastness of this place. She had never seen anything like it or imagined a vast and intricate city. Everything around her was larger than life, from the colossal stairways that led to platforms high above to the oversized signs and billboards that towered over the streets, their messages offering different products, some of which made Hannah blush. And yet, despite its size, the city had a strange, undeniable allure. It was a place of possibilities, of dreams as tall as the skyscrapers that pierced the clouds. For the first time, Hannah felt incredibly small and profoundly connected to something significant, something magnificent, as if the city welcomed her and challenged her to see how deep she could dive into its mysteries. 

Mommy leaned in, her voice soft, full of wonder, “Amazing, isn’t it? Your cities aren’t like this back home, are they?” she asked.

Hannah shook her head, closing her gaping mouth and swallowing before answering, “No, nothing like this.” she responded in awe, Mommies hand shifting under her bum as they walked down a shallow flight of stairs to the parking lot, a sleek red suburban sitting idle beside the sidewalk.

The car looked standard, more aerodynamic, and crucially missing any wheels. Yet, it hung there a foot off the ground. The Amazon society was several decades ahead of Earth in technology; their city's streets were lined with electromagnets that lifted their vehicles off the ground and gave them power. Daddy was already rounding the car, the doors opening as Mommy carried Hannah toward them. The car was far more significant than anything she had seen before, and she immediately noticed the car seat in the back, which Mommy was heading directly for. 

Hannah was torn; she had dreamed of having a car seat someday, yet the prospect of being forced into one set her nerves on edge. Then again, with the sheer scale of Amazons, she would never be able to fit in their seatbelts properly. On top of that, in the event of an accident, the g-forces would be extreme for a body of her size; like it or not, the car seat was the safest place for her. Before she knew it, Mommy had set her in the seat, pulling the shoulder straps down and clicking them into the buckle between Hannah’s legs, pulling the straps tight. The chair was comfortable and seemed to mold to her body, holding her firmly. She didn’t feel claustrophobic; she felt secure, almost as if this were a bucket seat in a race car. 

She glanced to the side where Evan was strapped into a seat of his own, a pale green compared to her pink, and there was another car seat between them, a purple color. She briefly wondered who that was intended for but didn’t get time to wonder as Mommy and Daddy climbed into the front. The car glided away from the station with a few pressing buttons, wholly and utterly smooth and silent. Hannah hadn’t even noticed before, but screens were built into the seats in front of her. As the car glided down endless streets, the screen came to life, a musical melody filling the vehicle, intoxicating sweet. 

Evan squealed and clapped, “Naomi and Oliver!” he exclaimed.

With a start, Hannah realized she would finally get to see what this show was all about that he seemed to enjoy so much. The screen dissolved into a mixture of colors, the words ‘Naomi and Oliver’ written across in a cutesy font. Hannah found her attention drawn to the screen as two characters danced across the scene, the title card floating away. One was a girl dressed in a short skirt that did little to hide the massive diaper that ballooned beneath it and a ruffled blouse, her hair done in pigtails with bows not unlike her own. The other character, a boy, is dressed in a t-shirt and a bulging disposable diaper covered in cute designs. 

Both characters skipped to the middle of the screen, turning to face Hannah as they waved happily, “Hi, boys and girls! It’s Naomi!”

“And Oliver!” the boy proclaimed.

“And welcome to Naomi and Oliver!” Naomi added, beaming as they danced with one another.

Evan squealed and clapped for joy, and Hannah felt a tugging to do the same. Her eyes were glued to the screen, and her excitement to see the city wholly dissolved as she became utterly entranced by the dancing cartoons. 

Oliver turned towards her again, “You want to be a good girl. You should always have something to nurse! Good girls love suckling what they are given, and hey, even when you have nothing, you always got your thumb!” He giggled, popping his thumb in his mouth as the camera panned to Naomi. Hannah didn’t stop to think of the statement's absurdity or that they only addressed girls, not boys. It was as if the show were in tune with whoever was watching it.  

“Don’t you love how comfortable your diaper is? Isn’t it so soft? My Mommy makes sure, no matter what, that I’m always safe, secure, and snug in my diaper, just like your Mommy and Daddy do for you! I love the feeling of my diaper, but do you know what makes it even better?” Naomi asked.

Evan shook his head, staring at the screen. Hannah even found herself wondering where Naomi was going with this reasoning. A piece of her knew there was something deeply wrong with this show; she could tell it was doing something to her that, in her rational mind, would never come to accept. For the moment, though, the show’s intoxicating colors, music, and characters completely enthralled her, her mind utterly occupied by the character's dialogue; she hadn’t even noticed her thumb bobbing between her lips.

“Filling it, of course!” Naomi said with a giggle, lifting her skirt. 

Hannah watched in wonder as the front of Naomi’s diaper began to swell and sag, turning a faint yellow before she turned her bum towards the camera.

“Remember, don’t hold it, don’t hold back, just let it go!” Oliver said, “Good girls, don’t hold it.” he instructed Naomi, who sighed in relief as the rear of her diaper swelled.

Naomi finished going, turning back to the camera as Oliver began the same ritual, soaking his diaper and messing it, “You don’t need to worry about a thing with Mommy and Daddy around; be a good girl and use your diaper.” 

Hannah’s subconscious fought the desire to do exactly as the characters were telling them to, her bladder and bowels seemingly full at the moment, eager and willing to fill her diaper. Hannah’s adult mind somehow won the fight, and the pressure relaxed, and her diaper was still clean.

The show dissolved into a song and dance, the characters praising one another for being good girls and good boys for using their diapers and nursing their thumbs or pacifiers when they weren’t singing. The song seemed to pulse within Hannah, drawing her in, her lips fumbling to form the words around her thumb. Yet, a deeper portion of Hannah was able to maintain her face, pulling her back from completely giving into the show like Evan, who clapped and sang along. 

The melody continued to play after the song ended, but the credits rolled. Naomi and Oliver made one last appearance at the end of the credits to wave goodbye to Hannah. Hannah caught her hand midway up, trying to wave back, the fog that had settled over her mind gently lifting. Every so slowly, Hannah’s thoughts began to return to normal, her thumb falling from her mouth as she realized what had happened. 

What on Earth was that show? Why couldn’t she stop thinking about it? Why hadn’t she been able to look away? In the back of her mind, she felt as if Naomi and Oliver were still there, dancing, their words lingering far longer than she would have otherwise liked. She glanced at her thumb, covered in saliva, and fought the urge to pop it back into her mouth. She enjoyed a pacifier back home, but this seemed different; it seemed wrong. She glanced down at the bulging diaper between her legs and realized now, with a start, that she needed to pee. How long had it been since she went? 

She almost relaxed momentarily, letting it go, Naomi’s words echoing in her head, telling her good girls to use their diapers. Hannah shook her head, trying to clear it of silly thoughts as she voiced her need: “Mommy? I need to use the bathroom.” she said, flushing at the humiliation of telling such an infantile sentence.

Mommy giggled, turning in her seat towards her, “Weren’t you listening to the show, silly goose? Good girls use their diapers! You may go potty whenever you desire to be Mommy’s good girl.”

Hannah quivered under those words, ‘good girl’ reverberating around her head like a drug. Hannah’s desire to give in and accept it was almost too much for her. But, she held onto the semblance of her adult thoughts long enough to prevent an accident. She nodded, blushing and turning away, “Okay, Mommy.”

Mommy cocked her head to the side but said nothing, turning back to the front as she and Daddy chatted. Hannah sat there, fighting a losing battle. She knew from the stories the longer you just let yourself go whenever you felt the need, the quicker you’d lose control over your bladder, and Hannah had no plans to negate years of potty training before returning. Hannah’s fight was dramatically more challenging; Naomi and Oliver’s words bounced around her head as if they were there right now, asking her why she bothered holding it. After all, she was in diapers and was expecting to use them for her stay here. Mercifully, after what felt like minutes but was only seconds later, Hannah gave in, letting her bladder soak into the thirsty padding between her legs.

End of Chapter 5

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I'm glad I finally have a free evening to read. I think you have a really intriguing start here, and can't wait to see what the 'baby of the family' gets to do when they make it home! Looking forward to more!

One comment: the grey that's coming through in the formatting is a little irksome. To each their own, but it's a bit jarring on the formatting with the site to me. 


And... I just now re-read the post, checked out your website, and realized the whole thing is already on Kindle Unlimited. Going to go start reading the rest! (FYI I've got it set to add in the next update I'll do to my directory of dimension stories. Which site would you prefer I link it to since it's completed elsewhere?)

2 hours ago, BabySofia said:

I'm glad I finally have a free evening to read. I think you have a really intriguing start here, and can't wait to see what the 'baby of the family' gets to do when they make it home! Looking forward to more!

One comment: the grey that's coming through in the formatting is a little irksome. To each their own, but it's a bit jarring on the formatting with the site to me. 

Hopefully you enjoy! I believe the DD forums is copying the rich text value from my site in regards to the color 😕

39 minutes ago, BabySofia said:

And... I just now re-read the post, checked out your website, and realized the whole thing is already on Kindle Unlimited. Going to go start reading the rest! (FYI I've got it set to add in the next update I'll do to my directory of dimension stories. Which site would you prefer I link it to since it's completed elsewhere?)

I realized I had left out the daily diapers site on this story and wanted to share 😝 I hope you enjoy, it's a good sized read! In terms of linking, here, reddit, or my site are all fine, it's free regardless but I genuinely appreciate those who do end up supporting my work! 

Cheers! - Amanda


Edit. I realized you were the author of Exchanged! It was one of the first stories I read that introduced me to the diaper dimension, you have great stories!

16 minutes ago, SolaraScott said:

Hopefully you enjoy! I believe the DD forums is copying the rich text value from my site in regards to the color

Just as a pointer, I find if I paste into Google Docs, then download a .rtf file, then paste that text into the site it tends to behave better. The software behind this forum has weird quirks.

17 minutes ago, SolaraScott said:

I hope you enjoy, it's a good sized read!

I can see that. Working my way through it right now. Early morning tomorrow, so it'll be a couple days before I get time to finish it. I'll let you know my thoughts at the end! 

18 minutes ago, SolaraScott said:

you have great stories!

Thanks! 🙂

Just now, BabySofia said:

Just as a pointer, I find if I paste into Google Docs, then download a .rtf file, then paste that text into the site it tends to behave better. The software behind this forum has weird quirks.

I can see that. Working my way through it right now. Early morning tomorrow, so it'll be a couple days before I get time to finish it. I'll let you know my thoughts at the end! 

Thanks! 🙂

I appreciate the pointers! I'll try that on my next chapter posting, every site has quirks it seems haha. 

No rush! 😊 I'm always looking for feedback on my work, it isn't going anywhere. 


I can't even describe it, but the end of chapter 4 and chapter 5 gave me such a fascinating tingling sensation.

I think our little Portal Little will soon be nursing at mom's breasts and experiencing even more motivational hypnosis.

30 minutes ago, Moon3ye said:

I can't even describe it, but the end of chapter 4 and chapter 5 gave me such a fascinating tingling sensation.

I think our little Portal Little will soon be nursing at mom's breasts and experiencing even more motivational hypnosis.

I think you'll be pleasantly surprised... 🤭


Chapter 6: A New Home

It was not the first time Hannah had wet herself, and yet, the prospect of having no choice as she did now made her squirm. She felt her bladder slowly draining, her crotch growing warm, running between her legs and soaking into the diaper. The belts and buckles held her diaper firmly against her, letting her feel it growing warm. It swelled a bit, and she stared at it, waiting for it to leak. Of course, it never did; she could hardly tell it had happened. The only way she had been able to tell was a few of the icons for the wetness indicator fading away. To her, it felt like a full bladder, and yet, either this diaper was incredibly absorbent, or her bladder had shrunk. It is likely a combination of the two. Her bladder ran empty, and she was surprised: the diaper whisked the dampness away, leaving her feeling completely dry.


“Doesn’t that feel better? You are a good girl.” Mommy said from the front of the car, having watched the entire thing, making Hannah blush.


As soon as Mommy said, 'You are a good girl,’ Hannah felt a quiver move through her body. It felt as if Naomi were sitting there with her, grinning and telling her what a good job she did for going potty in her diaper. The praise made Hannah grin, reveling in it. “Thank you, Mommy,” she said, earning her a big smile. 


Hannah realized she would need to be very careful whatever was happening to her. She could think of a hundred ways Mommy or Daddy or heck, anyone, could abuse such mental solid influences. She hoped if it were going to stick around, that trigger would only be used for good. She knew that if it came to it, she would struggle to resist its intoxicating embrace, a warm hug that made her ecstatic. 


Hannah’s contemplation ended as the car stopped beside a massive skyscraper. She thought at first they were going to get out here, yet suddenly she felt the car rise rapidly, quickly ascending faster than any elevator she had ever been on. Her hands found the armrest and gripped it tightly as she stared out the window, sucking in a breath as the car began to slow, leaving her weightless. Evan giggled, “You get used to it, I promise.”


Hannah nodded meekly as a garage-style door opened on the side of the building. The car floated inside and came to a stop. Mommy and Daddy climbed out of the car, and Hannah found Daddy opening her door with a smile, undoing the straps, and lifting her into his arms. “Hi pumpkin, did you enjoy the ride? How are cartoons here compared to Earth?” he asked, nestling her in his arms. 


“The ride was super smooth.” Hannah admitted as Mommy worked to set Evan down on his feet, his thumb still in his mouth, “The cartoons were… captivating. They had some odd messaging, nothing like what we have at home.”


Daddy chuckled, his fingers finding her crotch and feeling her soggy padding, “It’s to help you become a good girl, and it feels like you are already well on your way.”


She had been about to say something, but once again, as Daddy said the magical words, Hannah felt a shudder of pleasure coursing through her, like heat radiating from a furnace. She could only nod weakly as he carried her inside the house. She did notice that this time, the feeling hadn’t been nearly as strong as the first time; she hoped it only lasted a while before fading, whatever it was.


As they stepped into Hannah’s new home, the doors sliding automatically and silently, Hannah’s eyes widened. Inside revealed a breathtaking expanse that felt more like an observation deck than a typical living space. The first thing that caught her attention was the view, an unobstructed panorama of the sprawling city below, with the clouds drifting lazily around the building’s towering height. Massive, floor-to-ceiling windows lined the entire far wall, making it feel like the apartment was suspended in the sky. The skyline stretched before her like a shimmering sea of glass and steel, the skyscrapers rising and falling in the distance, their tips vanishing into the thick clouds. The sun, now lower in the sky, cast a warm, golden hue across the city, turning the metallic surfaces of the building into radiant beacons of light.


The living room was vast, sleepy, and open, with every inch designed to blend luxury with futuristic technology. The floors were made of polished, dark material that gleamed under the soft glow of the recessed lighting in the ceiling, which was arranged in geometric patterns that shifted subtly to create a calming, almost hypnotic ambiance. A large sectional sofa, minimalist in design but plus in comfort, stretched across one side of the room, facing a floating entertainment system embedded directly into the wall. The system’s holographic interface shimmered as it awaited commands, ready to display anything for new updates to immersive virtual environments. A baby gate, built with the same sleep metallic design as the rest of the apartment, seamlessly integrated into the living room’s architecture, ensuring the area remained secure without detracting from the room’s modern aesthetic.


Ian, in the corner of the living room, a large, cushioned armchair perfect for rocking a Little one to sleep sat near a futuristic-looking toy chest. The chest itself was designed to fit the room’s aesthetic, its smooth surface able to illuminate at night with soft, colorful lights that would pulse gently to soothe any anxious Little one.


The furniture was minimal but stylish, with smooth, metallic surfaces and sharp lines that reflected the apartment’s advanced aesthetic. In the center of the room, a low, transparent table seemed to hover just above the floor, its surface displaying a soft, pulsing light that responded to touch. Beyond the living area, the kitchen is seamlessly integrated into the open floor plan, and its design is clean and ultramodern. A long, sleek countertop of pristine white curved along the far wall, embedded with invisible controls that would light up with the brush of a hand, activating everything from the induction stovetop to the hidden fridge. The cabinets, faced with a reflective black material, opened with a whisper at the touch of a finger, revealing neatly organized, advanced appliances; everything here was built for efficiency, elegance, and ease. 


The dining area was also adjusted for family life, with a few additional high chairs around the table. These chairs were designed with the same floating technology but with added straps and cushions for safety. Despite the apartment's futuristic vibe, the space still felt warm, thanks to the soft light emanating from the pendant orbs above the table, which could adjust to a calming glow during mealtime. 


“Welcome home, baby girl,” Daddy said as Hannah took everything in.


Daddy carried Hannah to the massive panorama window to allow her to see out. From her perspective, everything outside the window was overwhelming, like gazing out into a world meant for giants. Daddy held her securely in his strong hands, the warmth of his embrace grounding her as she stared wide-eyed at the expanse before them. The city stretched endlessly beneath her, a vast sea of towering skyscrapers that made her feel even smaller than she already was. From this height, the streets below looked like narrow rivers winding through canyons of steel and glass, and the people down there were nothing more than tiny specs moving in synchronized chaos. 


The view was breathtaking and terrifying all at once. Skyscrapers rose like colossal sentinels, their sleek exteriors reflecting the glow of the setting sun in sharp, blinding bursts. Some of them disappeared into the clouds, their tops lost in the mist that swirled around their peaks, making it impossible to see where they ended. The city below was alive with movement; hovering vehicles whizzed through the air like insects, weaving effortlessly between the buildings, while massive bridges arched across the sky, connecting towers that seemed to defy gravity. Far below, she could faintly make out the crisscrossing stress and platforms, busy with life, but from her tiny perspective, it all felt so distant and surreal.


The wind outside gently stirred the clouds, creating an ever-shifting canvas of light and shadow that danced across the city. She could see towering cranes moving along the tops of some buildings, their size so immense that she had to remind herself they weren’t slow but simply massive. Everything looked impossibly large, even more so from this high vantage point. The scale was dizzying; Hannah’s heart fluttered as she realized how far above the world they were, nestled in this immense skyscraper like birds perched on a ledge.


Despite its splendor, Hannah felt dread, a realization that sickened and frightened her. Even if she wanted to get back home, she couldn’t, not without the help of her Mommy and Daddy or some other adult. She had no clue where the station was or even how she could get down, and then she went all the way there without being picked up by some stranger, who was reported as a lost child. 


“Who is hungry?” Mommy asked in a sing-song voice as she stepped into the kitchen. 


“Ohh! Me! Me!” Evan reported with glee as he followed her into the kitchen just as another figure appeared from further down the hall.


A young woman dressed in a blouse and skirt smiled warmly as she saw them. “Oh, Mr. and Mrs. Ashford, you are back. I was just getting Emily up from her nap; she’s playing now.”


Hannah realized she would barely reach Mommy's chest while this woman was an adult or dressed like one. She cocked her head at the woman, studying her curiously, just as the woman stepped up to her with a smile. Being in Daddy’s arms, she had to look down to meet her gaze. “Who is this little cutie?” she asked, shaking Hannah’s foot.


“This here is the newest family member, Hannah,” Daddy said with a grin, holding Hannah out to the woman.


It all happened so fast that Hannah didn’t have time to react. She was plopped into the woman's arms, and despite being more significant than Hannah, she still felt a little more ridiculous being held like this. The woman seemed to realize this as she shifted Hannah to her hip; the ridiculously thick diaper provided a convenient cushion for her to sit upon. “Gosh, you are just the cutest little thing!” the woman said, having still not offered a name for herself before returning to Daddy and continuing their conversation as if Hannah weren’t there. “Emily was good today; she did throw a fit twice. I already punished her once, but you wanted to take care of her if there was a second time. She was trying to get into the cabinet again, so he’s in time-out mittens. On top of that, she’s having an enjoyable time trying to play in there.” The woman chuckled, shaking her head.


“Thank you, Ash; I’ll take care of her,” Daddy sighed.


The woman, Ash, turned back to Hannah. “And if you need me to watch her two, I’m more than happy to!” She pinched Hannah with her free hand as Hannah tried to pull away. 


Ash deposited Hannah on her feet before leaving the house. Where did that front door lead? All she could see were windows beyond, perhaps a hallway. The conversation had so much information that it took her several moments to process what she heard. There was another Little here, likely the source of the third car seat, and they were punishing her. What had she done? 


“Want to meet your new sister?” Daddy asked, beginning down the hallway Ash had just come from. 


With little else she could do, Hannah reluctantly followed. She knew her diaper was thick, but she hadn’t realized how thick it was until she began walking. She almost immediately tripped and fell, realizing it would be waddling or crawling if she wanted to get anywhere. Daddy smiled back at her as she struggled to comprehend her predicament, trying to walk again, half toddle, half waddle. She managed it, although she could only imagine how much more difficult it would be as her diaper swelled even more. A floor-to-ceiling window at the end of the hall let in the warm afternoon sun. The last door on the right was where Daddy was heading, pushing it open. The door had a bright pink sign stating “Princess Pampers Nursery.” Hannah approached the door as Daddy opened it, leaving her to explore the room.


When Hannah crossed the room's threshold, she was enveloped in an atmosphere of comfort and warmth, where every detail seemed designed just for her. The walls were clad in soft pastel pink, their hue soothing and gentle, a perfect contrast to the high-tech sheen of the rest of the apartment. The room was softly lit by recessed lighting curved along the ceiling in delicate arcs, casting a gentle glow over everything. Though modern and streamlined, the furniture had an inviting softness, with rounded edges and plush upholstery that made the space feel warm and safe. 


A pristine white toy chest stood to one side, its glossy surface catching the soft light. It was perfectly sized for her, and the thought of what treasures might be inside made her heart race. The chest was designed to open with the lightest touch, revealing a bounty of soft toys, blocks, and stuffed animals, all neatly arranged for the next play session, several of which already occupied the floor. A white rocking chair sat, its sleep curves modern yet inviting, with a plush cushion the color of fresh snow. It swayed gently with the slightest push, offering a smooth place for quiet moments, whether Mommy rocked a Little to sleep or simply enjoying the peaceful afternoon together.


Near the center of the room stood a white crib, its design minimal but elegant, adorned with high protective sides that gleamed in the soft light. The crib was lined with pink and white bedding, with little white clouds and stars decorating the sheets, perfectly coordinated with the rest of the room. Above the crib, a mobile spun lazily, its delicate shapes of crescent moons and twinkling stars moving in a gentle dace, casting soft shadows on the ceiling above.


Across from the crib, a sleepy white changing table was positioned against the wall. The op was padded with a plush pink mat and underneath were neatly organized compartments full of diapers, wipes, and lotion. Though modern, the changing table had a touch of whimsy, with tiny engraved hearts along the sides, adding a subtle sweetness. On the far wall, a bookshelf stood, packed full of colorful nursery stories, their spines neatly arranged in a rainbow of pastel hues. The books looked worn with love, their pages ready to be read and re-read for bedtime. Above the bookshelf, a series of framed pictures hung, each one showcasing soft watercolor illustrations of baby animals, fluffy lambs, wide-eyed kittens, and playful bunnies, all clad in thick diapers, adding to the room’s innocent charm.


The centerpiece of the room was the padded play area, an ample, cushioned space with mats in shades of pink and cream. Their surfaces were adorned with simple but sweet patterns of clouds and stars. The thick mats provided a perfect spot for crawling, tumbling, and exploring without worry. Inside the play area sat a Little girl, her brown hair braided, a pastel onesie covering her body with a purple pacifier clipped to the collar, her legs heavily splayed by the bulky diaper she wore. 


The girl glanced up at Hannah, standing on obviously wobbly legs. She offered a small smile, “You must be the new girl; I’m Emily.” her smile slipped as she grunted, “Curse that babysitter; she timed it well.” Hannah watched as Emily stuck her bum out, grunted again, and began filling the seat of her diaper.

End of Chapter 6

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Chapter 7: A Bad Baby

Hannah immediately began blushing as Emily’s face contorted, scrunching up and grunting, her mittened hands going to the bars of the play area to support her. Hannah quickly glanced away, entirely embarrassed for having caught Emily in such an intimate moment, yet her eyes kept darting back to her.


“You might as well watch.” Emily grumbled, “Something you’ll learn very quickly about being a baby is having no privacy.” 


Hannah’s eyes returned to the squirming girl, and she tried to keep her eyes on Emily’s face this time. “I… I’m sorry, I’m Hannah.” She finally mumbled, still blushing.


Emily grinned, which turned into a grimace as she pushed, “Nice to meet you, Hannah; I wish it were under better circumstances. That stupid babysitter decided I was acting too mature and wanted to knock me down a few pegs. She must have added something to my bottle.” She shook her head, starting to return to standing. Her bum had swollen considerably, and yet Hannah couldn’t smell anything. “I assume from your reaction you haven’t been here before.” 


Hannah shook her head, earning her a chuckle, the corners of Emily’s mouth turning up in a grin as she gestured to herself, her hand cupping her ass as she turned it towards Hannah, “Welcome to your new life. Hope you enjoy.”


Before Hannah could react, she heard footsteps approaching behind her, stopping at the doorway. Hannah glanced over to see Mommy, who smiled, gasping, her hands gripping her knees as she gazed at Emily. “Where are you trying to be a big girl?” she asked singly. Emily whimpered, backing away as Mommy approached her, holding out her arms, “Were you trying to be a big girl? A bad girl?” she asked again, scooping Emily into her arms.


“I-I-I wasn’t trying to, Mommy, but she was picking on me! She kept forcing me to my tummy and-” Emily began, but Mommy cut her off.


“Are you allowed to talk back to an adult, honey? Even a Tweener?” 


Emily gulped and shook her head, tears glistening, “Please, Mommy, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.”


Mommy just shook her head, glancing at Hannah and pointing to the side of the changing table, “Hannah, dear, would you grab Mommy your bad girl paddle?” she asked, turning back to Emily, who was whimpering in her arms. “You didn’t think your babysitter would tell us all about how you were backtalking her? Telling her what an adult you were? How unfair her treatment of you was? Those are not nice things to say to an adult. You are a bad baby girl,”  Mommy scolded.


Hannah stood frozen as Emily let out a pitiful whimper, shuttering in Mommy’s arms. Still, Hannah saw the shock on Emily’s face and wondered if the inverse of the good girl was what Emily was feeling, “No! I didn’t! I’m good-” She was again cut off as Mommy flipped her over onto her tummy, pulling the squirming girl across her lap so her bum was angled up.


“Are you calling Mommy a liar?” Mommy said, her voice stern and commanding before the first of many spankings began to land on Emily’s exposed rear. Hannah could tell the woman was purposely aiming for Emily’s messy bum, squishing it about and making the girl as uncomfortable as possible, periodically smacking her upper thighs with a sounding Smack!


Mommy glanced over at Hannah, still standing stock, her eyes as wide as saucers. The woman smiled; she freaking smiled at Hannah! “Hannah dear, do you want to be next? Get. Mommy. The paddle.” she said firmly, her voice like ice.


Hannah yelped, “Yes, Mommy.” She hurried over to the changing table where the woman had indicated. She immediately found the paddle hanging on the side of the table; it was white with teddy bears across it. The paddle itself had a series of holes, and etched into the wood, it said, “Naughty Baby.”


Hannah’s fingers trembled, the sound of Emily’s spanking ringing in her ears as she gingerly took the paddle, knowing she was delivering a weapon to the woman that would make her new sister's life even worse. She felt terrible but also felt as if she had little choice. With downcast eyes, she offered the paddle to Mommy, who took it with a smile, “That’s a good girl, such a good baby girl.” she praised, “Now stand there and watch what happens to naughty babies.”


Hannah felt that shiver traveling through her, her eyes glazing over for just a moment, yet again, weaker than last time but still enough to make her shudder at the words, her knees quivering. Emily’s pathetic whimpering had turned to tears as she sobbed over the woman's lap; Mommy rubbed the paddle against her rear before snapping it down, a whistle and then a CRACK! As the paddle made contact. Emily yelped, squirming, but Mommy pinned her down quickly, “Please, Mommy! I’ll be a good girl!” she begged as Mommy brought down the paddle again.


“Ohh, sweetheart, I know you will. But Mommy has to chase away all the naughty girl thoughts first!” Mommy said, landing ten successive blows, Emily laying limp over her lap and bawling her eyes out. 


Hannah had taken a few steps back, her eyes wide in fear. Mommy stood, holding Emily, rocking her, soothing her as she stepped over to the changing table. She added a sticker from the shelf to one of the two calendars hanging above the changing table. Hannah hadn’t noticed these before; both calendars were cute and covered in cartoon characters, and one read “Emily’s Baby Chart.” And the other one, “Hannah’s Baby Chart.” Hannah felt a shiver go through her as Mommy stuck a frowny face on the next available day for Emily, the stickers filling the rest of the month; it was still early, so she only had a few. Mommy pursed her lips, shaking her head as Emily cried in her arms, “Gosh, we were doing so well on your training too; it’s okay, pumpkin; you are still on track for your one-month step-down program! Isn’t that good news?” She glanced at Hannah and smiled, “Keep up the good behavior, and you’ll get a smiley face for today, hun; how does that sound? I would give you one already since you used it for your diaper, but you asked for the potty beforehand, which is a no-no. Now, why don’t we get you two some num-nums?” she asked, walking towards the door.


Emily’s crying had turned to gentle sobs as they left the nursery, Hannah trailing behind. What had she gotten herself into? The first few hours here in this world were of wonder for Hannah; the occasional concern flickered to her mind, the cartoons, the Little’s being spanked, but nothing like what she had just witnessed. The others had seemed tame compared to this, and for what good reason? Hannah had pieced together the likelihood that the babysitter was gaslighting poor Emily; what had Emily done to her that would invoke such wrath? Or did the babysitter just genuinely enjoy punishing Little because she could? Mommy didn’t seem any different, but Hannah had felt that heat of her gaze; that intensity could melt steel. She wore a comforting, kind face that lured you in, but make no mistake; Mommy had a dark, sadistic side that hid just below the surface.


Furthermore, what was that thing about the step-down program? What did that mean? Would Hannah apply to the same program?


Hannah wrung her hands nervously as they entered the dining room. Daddy had just finished setting the table, Evan was sitting in a booster seat, and Mommy was fitting Emily into one of the high chairs; Emily winced as her rear made contact. Daddy saw Hannah and stooped down, scooping her into his arms, “Ohh, you poor thing, did Mommy scare you?” he asked, “I’m sorry, baby.” 


“But, she has to learn what naughty girls get; she has to understand that she needs to be a good girl,” Mommy said, strapping Emily in.


Daddy smiled softly, meeting Hannah’s eyes and not offering anything further; it was clear he didn’t entirely agree with the woman as he sat Hannah into her highchair, pulling the shoulder straps into place. The high chairs table clicked into place around Hannah, and portions of the table were sectioned off, containing several piles of food, including a baby bottle, a cute yellow one with cartoons on the side. She was initially taken aback at the scale of the bottle, but it did fit with the size of everything so far in this world. Before Hannah, there were chicken nuggets, macaroni and cheese, apple slices, and baby carrots. Of course, baby carrots here were practically the size of regular carrots back home. There were no dipping sauces nor silverware of any kind, which puzzled her. She glanced at Mommy questioningly, “Mommy? Can I get a spoon?” she asked.


Mommy smiled, “You have everything you need, dear.”


Hannah sat back, surprised, glancing at her plate again, “But-” Mommy cut off any further argument with a sharp stare, daring her to continue. Hannah gulped nervously and picked up a chicken nugget, biting into it. To her surprise, the nugget was perfect! It was succulent, juicy, and flavorful despite being plain. The fruit was ripe, fresh, and sweet, the carrots had a sharp, delightful snap, and even the macaroni and cheese were savory, cheesy, and delicious! Hannah found she could use her fingers as a makeshift spoon, although it did get over her bottle as she tried to nurse it. The bottle was massive, and it took both hands for her to tilt it back far enough to drink, sweet apple juice filling her mouth.


Evan had been explaining Earth to Mommy and Daddy, who kept shooting looks at Hannah, making her squirm and offering several “Oh, really now?” that made her nervous. Halfway through her meal, Hannah felt a sudden cramp, her tummy groaning. Her hand went to it, wincing as she realized she would need to use the bathroom soon. She glanced at Mommy, who smiled, “How’s your food, sweetheart?” she asked innocently.


“It’s good, but I think there’s something that my tummy doesn’t agree with,” Hannah said, blushing.


“Oh honey, that’s okay; Mommy just wants to help ensure you are a good girl; you want to be one, right? Go ahead and go potty; bathtime is after dinner.” Mommy said.


Emily cast her a comforting glance as Hannah fought back the impending mess. As she did, she heard Naomi suddenly invading her head, asking why she bothered holding it. ‘Because I’m a big girl!’ Hannah thought defiantly, earning her a giggle.


‘You aren’t, silly baby!’ Naomi thought, ‘Don’t hold it, good girls. Don’t hold it; your diaper will keep you safe. Mommy will change you and clean you up! Just let it go!’


Hannah gritted her teeth, Mommy and Daddy studying her as she battled her internal mental battle. Finally, the food mixed with her turmoil; Hannah gave in, lifting her bum off the high chair seat and giving a gentle but firm push. Hannah immediately felt the warm, wet mush pressing into the confines of her tight-fitting diaper, ballooning outward as much as it could before squishing against the seat and forcing its way between her legs and up the back of her diaper. Hannah groaned, her hand going to her tummy as she grunted, her cheeks blazing red in shame as the family sat there, pausing to watch the show. 


“Such a good girl, Hannah, you are such a good baby girl for your Mommy,” Mommy said suddenly, that wave of nostalgia washing across Hannah, her eyes rolling back as she felt more mush rushing to fill the remaining room in her diaper. “Doesn’t that feel so much better? This is what good girls do, Hannah; they fill their diapers for their Mommy and Daddy; we are so proud of you.” she continued praising Hannah, the euphoria of praise mixing with her internal shame that left Hannah confused and unsure how to react as her tummy emptied it’s contents. 


Mercifully, she finished; Hannah was left squatting in the high chair, the straps holding her so she couldn’t go far, but she refused to sit. “Hannah, baby, sit like a good girl.” Mommy ordered.


Hannah couldn’t; she stayed in that position, her ass just off the seat, tears leaking from her eyes. She hadn’t even seen Mommy stand and step over to her, taking the shoulder straps and suddenly tightening them, forcing Hannah to sit in her filth, squishing further between her legs. Hannah felt utter shame, humiliation flushing her face as tears dripped down her cheeks. The rest of the table resumed their conversation and dinner as if nothing had happened; Hannah wasn’t even sure if Evan had stopped his story during her ordeal as if this were just another day. She couldn’t bring herself to move; she had never pooped herself before, and being forced to in front of her new family was mortifying. Given what it may do to her tummy, Hannah had no desire to finish her food.


“Hannah, good girls finish their food.” Mommy piped up as she realized Hannah wasn’t eating. 


Hannah couldn’t meet the woman's eyes, still beyond humiliated. “I’m not hungry anymore, Mommy, " she said softly, Emily glancing at her with panic.


Mommy shook her head, “Hannah, finish your food.” Her voice was cold, and her fork was set down as she prepared to stand.


Hesitantly, Hannah continued to eat despite her twisting guts, which told her not to. Mommy relaxed, resuming eating but watching her closely. There wasn’t much left of her food anything, thankfully. The juice bottle had to be well over a liter; it was massive! Hannah’s tummy swelled uncomfortable as she finally got the last drops of juice, groaning. Her hands, face, bottle, and tray were covered in cheese despite her best attempts to stay clean. She felt a twinge in her bladder; Naomi appeared again and smiled; ‘just let it go, silly! There is no reason to hold; good girls don’t hold it.’ She giggled, and Hannah could picture the girl wetting herself. Hannah sighed; she didn’t have a good reason to hold it anyway, so she relaxed, letting her bladder soak into her padding again. As it had before, she could feel it swirling between her legs, running between them, mixing before being soaked up by her thirsty diaper. ‘Such a good baby.’ Naomi thought, giggling.


Having finished dinner, Mommy stood, smiling down at Hannah. “It looks like someone enjoyed her food! You got more of it on you than in you!” She giggled, taking wet wipes and cleaning Hannah’s face and hands. 


Hannah wanted to point out to her that it was Mommy’s fault that she was this messy, but didn’t think it best to torment the woman further as Mommy turned and repeated the process with Emily. “I’m going to get the girls a bath if you want to watch some cartoons with Evan,” Mommy said to Daddy, who nodded, Evan squealing with joy. 


Mommy undid the straps and lifted Hannah into her arm, purposely supporting her with her now full diaper and squishing the mess. She made Hannah squirm as Emily joined her in Mommy’s other arm. Mommy hummed softly as she carried the two girls down the hall, pushing open a door nearly halfway down and entering the bathroom.


As Mommy carried Hannah and Emily into the bathroom, the door slid open with a soft switch, revealing a room just as sleepy and polished as the rest of the apartment yet thoughtfully designed. The soft, warm lighting reflected off the smooth, glossy surfaces, giving the space a calming glow. The walls were a silky, creamy white, their polished texture reflecting the light in a subtle, soothing fashion, while the floor was made of cool, smooth stone tiles, their pale gray surface offering a soft contrast to the rest of the room.


To the left, the large tub immediately caught Hannah’s attention. It was deep and wide; its curved edges sleep and modern, with a control panel embedded into the side to regular temperature and water flow. Above the tub, a frosted window let in diffused natural light, its surface casting soft shadows across the room, bathing everything in a serene, dreamlike glow. Though obscured for privacy, the window hinted at the towering cityscape outside, making the room feel like a peaceful oasis in the sky. The tub had a few adorable touches: a soft pastel-colored bath mat sat beside it, and a row of colorful, floating bath toys hung from the side. 


On the opposite wall, a sleep vanity stretched along the side, its surface pristine and minimalist. A wide mirror was framed with soft, glowing light, making the space feel expansive. The countertop was smooth and seamless, with only a few baby-sized essentials neatly arranged in one corner. A white stool, perfectly placed at the vanity, was big enough for a tall little to sit at the sink or reach the potty without assistance from Mommy or Daddy. Beneath the vanity, drawers glided smoothly, storing everything from lotions and creams to towels and bath toys.


To the side of the vanity, the toilet sat in its sleep, compact design, but what made it special was the small, pastel potty seat attached on top. The seat was soft, with gentle padding for comfort, and its cute, simple design felt ideally suited to Hannah’s tiny form. It made the otherwise modern, futuristic room feel warm and personal. Next to the toilet was the changing table, its design matching the rest of the apartment, sleek, efficient, and elegant. The table was padded with a soft, pastel-colored mat, and just beneath it were neatly organized drawers filled with diapers, wipes, and baby essentials. Everything was within easy reach, and the layout was designed for easy access. Above the changing table, a soft nightlight glowed gently. It was a warm, comforting light that cut off as the overhead lights came on.


Hannah found herself neatly deposited on the changing table, sitting against the wall as Mommy laid Emily down, strapping her in place and immediately tending to her diaper, pulling it open, and setting it to work with wet wipes. Hannah blushed and turned away, but Mommy once again said, “It’s okay, baby girl. Take a look. This is what a good girl looks like.” 


Hannah felt shame and a mild curiosity and desire as she glanced back at Emily, staring up at the ceiling with a thumb in her mouth. Hannah felt a stirring within her, seeing the girl like this, her diaper open for all to see, for Hannah to see just how much it had been filled, her ABDL side stirring and turning her on despite her desire to stay in control. Mommy had expert fingers and quickly had Emily cleaned up, removing the soiled diaper before stripping her completely naked, her tiny tits coming into view as she was sat up, there on the table. Hannah squirmed, trying to contain herself and forcing her eyes away in shame as she felt Mommy lifting her and laying her in Emily’s spot.


At this point, Hannah realized that Mommy had meant to bathe both simultaneously. She felt a flush fill her face, amplified by the shame that filled her as her wet and messy diaper was pulled open. Mommy grinned, “Such a big present you made for Mommy! I’m very proud of you, baby. You were a good girl.” 


Hannah shuttered, her eyes fogging before refocusing. She felt Mommy begin to work her clean with the wet wipes. She kept her eyes staring at the ceiling as she thought the mess was being cleaned away. Mommy was an expert, getting every nook and cranny to ensure Hannah didn’t get a rash, double-checking her work. Hannah felt a finger sliding between her lips, making sure there was nothing left of her accident. Despite having been humiliated, she was still a bit turned on at the whole ordeal, seeing Emily change, her naked form just above her, watching Hannah have herself changed, Mommy’s fingers working her clean. As her fingers passed through her slit, she heard a gasp, “Baby girl!” Mommy stated, bringing forth her fingers, which were slick with Hannah’s juices.


Mommy shook her head, glaring, “Babies do NOT have naughty thoughts, bad baby! I was already going to spank you for not listening to Mommy earlier, but now you earned even more spankings.”


Before Hannah could even process this, she felt Mommy flip her over onto her tummy, the strap now going across her back, pinning her down, and suddenly Mommy’s hand began spanking her exposed rear. Hannah yelped in surprise, squirming and jumping from the first few smacks; it hurt! The woman’s hands were so big, and it stung! She targeted Hannah’s rear and upper thighs, alternating in rapid succession. It didn’t take long for Hannah to begin crying out, begging for mercy, tears leaking from her eyes. It wasn’t a long spanking, not for a first-time offense, but it left Hannah drained and crying from both shame and pain as she was turned back over onto her back, her outfit stripped, and leaving her naked.


“Now, what do you say to Mommy?” Mommy asked, leaving Hannah buck naked on the table.


“I’m sorry, Mommy,” Hannah said between sobs.


“You’re sorry, and thank me for correcting your behavior.” Mommy added.


Hannah was too numb and shocked to say otherwise. “I’m sorry, Mommy. Thank you for correcting me.” 


Mommy smiled, her thumb wiping Hannah’s tears away, “You are very welcome, pumpkin; Mommy will teach you to be the best baby you can be.”


Mommy pressed a button on a panel behind Hannah, and the tub began filling immediately, warm water gushing like a waterfall. “Now, would you two like some bubbles?” she asked.


Emily nodded, allowing Hannah to regain her senses again. She sniffled, “Yes, please, Mommy!”


A second button was pressed, and suds formed on the tub's surface as it filled. It rapidly reached the target fill level, allowing both girls to sit comfortably without worrying about slipping underneath. Mommy scooped them up, one at a time, depositing both girls into the sudsy water.


Hannah was still sniffling but had to admit that the water felt fantastic; a warm, soothing embrace enveloped and relaxed her. The suds tingled, almost tickling her, making her want to squirm and giggle as Emily had the moment she was added to the water. Mommy put a few bath toys into the water: a bucket, a mill, a few ducks, and a boat, all in cute pastel colors. Emily giggled, took a toy, and began playing in the suds; she glanced at Hannah, a pointed look, and looked at the toys. It was clear what she was trying to tell Hannah, and she could feel Mommy looming overhead, staring her down. Hannah reluctantly scooped up the boat and began to play. The suds did feel good, and playing only amplified this, making her want to play more. The tension in Mommy relaxed as she set to work sudsing Emily’s hair, working the baby-safe shampoo into it, and rinsing it before repeating the process with Hannah.


The warm waters, combined with the playful nature of the bubbles, let Hannah relax a bit, trying desperately to forget the redness of her rear. The bath didn’t take long; Mommy finished with their hair and scrubbed both girls clean with a wash rag, the shame of which burned Hannah’s cheeks significantly as Mommy plunged the rag between Hannah’s legs. With that, Mommy hit a button, and the bath began to drain; she took Emily’s hands and helped her stand, letting the girl lean against her arm as she took a handheld nozzle and washed the suds from Emily’s body. She stood, leaving Hannah in a now nearly empty bath. She wrapped Emily in a towel and set her on the floor before turning to Hannah.


Hannah felt Mommy stand her up, letting her lean against her arm as Emily had done and felt the warm waters washing the suds away. As much as the bubbles had been lovely, it felt good to feel their ticklish fingers drain away. Moments later, she was nestled in Mommy’s arm, wrapped in a thick cloth towel. In Mommy’s other arm, the two girls were carried back to the nursery; Emily sat down in the play area as Hannah was laid on the changing table, the towel removed, and the strap pulled across her chest. 


“Normally, I would give you a frowny face sticker for the day, but it was your first day, and you did very well in training, baby girl,” Mommy said, holding up a sticker and handing it to Hannah. It wasn’t a frowny face or a smiley, a neutral expression. “Add it to your chart, hun.” Even from this perspective, Hannah could reach up and press it into place, mimicking the day Mommy had put for Emily. “Don’t worry, honey; Mommy has special diapers for you to keep those naughty thoughts away,” Mommy said, holding up a diaper she had removed from the shelves below.


This diaper was pale purple. Small locks ran down the center that served as wetness indicators but were otherwise blank. Hannah studied the garment curiously but only had moments to ponder as Mommy pinned her ankles together, lifted her bum, and slid the diaper underneath. Hannah did NOT want any diaper that would effectively serve as a chastity device if that was what Mommy intended. “Please, Mommy, I’ll be good; I don’t need that diaper,” she whined.


Mommy smiled, “I know you’ll be good, baby, because this diaper will make certain of it!” she pinched Hannah’s cheek playfully, adding a healthy layer of baby powder before pinning the diaper over Hannah’s crotch.


As the diaper came up between her legs, Hannah felt it was somehow even thicker than the one she had been wearing before. The warmth of her spanking radiated within the diaper, reminding her of her punishment. The most curious part was that as Mommy pinned the tapes, she felt the diaper harden. What in the world? Mommy stood there like a proud parent, letting Hannah explore this new sensation. As she squirmed, the diaper followed suit, just as you would expect, but when Hannah ran her fingers across its surface, all she could feel was a hard plastic, her skin below utterly oblivious to her touch. Even the hem of the diaper around her legs and over her tummy seemed to mold to her form, completely cutting off access for Hannah to get a hand inside. Hannah realized that no matter how hard she tried, she would never be able to get off in this thing, and the shame burned her cheeks.


Having let Hannah explore, Mommy unclipped the strap holding Hannah and sat the girl up, working a onesie over her head and into place. The onesie was blue, with little moons and sheep dancing across its surface. Mommy laid Hannah back, connecting the buttons between her legs before pulling the girl into her lap. “Don’t worry, Mommy’s got you!” she chirped, her fingers going to Hannah’s nipples, to her surprise.


But, as Mommy tried to play with them, she felt the onesie rebuff her advances, that same hard plastic forming around Hannah’s breasts, protecting her from any pleasure she may feel. Hannah felt a shard of panic as she realized just how much control this woman had over her; that knowing grin chased Hannah as she was deposited in the crib, and she returned to dress Emily for the night.


The crib mattress was softer than she expected, molding to her form and cradling her with the perfect firmness. The crib blankets were also incredibly smooth, and Hannah had to resist the urge to wrap herself in one immediately. Hannah continued to explore the crib, feeling its surface, enjoying the feeling as Emily was deposited next to her, Mommy holding something towards Hannah.


She glanced up to see her Teddy being held towards her. Its friendly face instantly brought her comfort, a sort of anchor back to reality. Teddy seemed to have grown a bit, or instead, Hannah shrunk as she grabbed the stuffed bear, pulling it into a long hug, “Teddy!” she exclaimed, burrowing her face into its fur, enjoying the familiar scent of home. 


Mommy smiled warmly, “I think you two have some chatting to do before bed; why don’t you catch Hannah up on what it means to be a good girl, Em?” 


“Okay, Mommy,” Emily replied, but the woman was already leaving the room.


Hannah glanced up from her bear to see Emily in a similar outfit to hers: a purple onesie, a purple diaper bulging around her crotch, and her hands no longer encased in mittens. “Was it everything you dreamed of?” Emily asked, sarcasm dripping from her words.


Hannah shook her head, sitting up, “I knew it was going to be a lot, but I hoped, I dreamed, it would be easier, less intense, I didn’t know…” Hannah trailed off.


“Just how far they would go?” Emily gently added, earning her a nod, “I didn’t either; I thought it was going to be fun, you know? Live out my wildest dreams; the first time I wet and pooped, I freaking orgasmed and then ended up in those diapers for over a week. She didn’t even spank me; she just put me on a liquid diet until I just became numb to both and didn’t associate pleasure anymore with either.” she glanced away, seemingly ashamed.


“How long have you been here?” Hannah asked.


Emily glanced at the calendar, squinting, “Just over three weeks now; it feels like a lifetime.” 


Three whole weeks?! Hannah could see it in Emily’s eyes, just how long those weeks had been to her, “Why did you come here?” Hannah asked curiously.


Emily chuckled, “Judging from your reaction, same as you, I was, err, am, an ABDL, thought this place was going to be a dream come true, and now I’m freaking trapped here.”


“Trapped, what do you mean?” Hannah asked curiously.


It had been as if Mommy was listening, for as soon as she voiced the question, the woman came in. “Alrighty, my babies, time for nini time!” she cooed, leaning over the railing and pulling back the blankets, ushering both girls under them as she tucked Hannah and Emily in for the night. She produced a pacifier for each girl, deftly placing it between her lips as Hannah was forced to nurse it.


The pacifier’s bulb was more significant than anything she had back home, comfortably filling her mouth; she felt a tingling as she nursed. She wanted to spit it out but waited until Mommy left the room. Mommy leaned down, tucking Teddy into Hannah’s arms before kissing her goodnight and Emily. “You two sleep well, okay?” she said, leaving and turning out the lights and shutting the door behind her, a nightlight’s soft glow illuminating the room.


Hannah lay there momentarily, listening to the woman's footsteps retreat before pulling the pacifier out and letting it drop to the crib. “What do you mean?” she tried to ask again. Still, it was as if her tongue had gone numb, uncoordinated, as if she had been filled with novocaine. All that came out was a mumbled mess, sounding like babble more than anything. 


Hannah yelped, her fingers going to her mouth in a panic. She felt Emily behind her, patting her back and mumbling words herself, saying, ‘It’s okay.’ But Hannah could have been just guessing. 


Hannah began to cry softly, “I don’t want this! I don’t want to become a genuine baby!” she whimpered, her words wholly unrecognizable and mumbled as she turned, holding Teddy and curling into Emily.


Emily wrapped an arm around Hannah, holding and patting her back as the two girls drifted asleep. The day's events finally caught up to her and knocked Hannah out, nestled in Emily’s arms.


End of Chapter 7

  • Like 12
  • Thanks 3

This chapter was... wow just wow.


It had this feeling, this certainty that our protagonist had no real idea what she was getting herself into.


Everything that happened slowly made her realize that.


And in the end the realization.


Simply brilliant.


I'm going to read it all again as soon as I get home.


I hope you stay on the ball and can finish the story 


Especially a second Portal Little which is there for the same reason and with the same background and the realization it will be different from what she thought.


I have to ask since English is not my native language under what condition exactly did our protagonists come to this dimension?


Did she know she was going to be a baby (or what she thought it would be) or what was the actual?

5 hours ago, Moon3ye said:

This chapter was... wow just wow.


It had this feeling, this certainty that our protagonist had no real idea what she was getting herself into.


Everything that happened slowly made her realize that.


And in the end the realization.


Simply brilliant.


I'm going to read it all again as soon as I get home.


I hope you stay on the ball and can finish the story 


Especially a second Portal Little which is there for the same reason and with the same background and the realization it will be different from what she thought.


I have to ask since English is not my native language under what condition exactly did our protagonists come to this dimension?


Did she know she was going to be a baby (or what she thought it would be) or what was the actual?

I truly appreciate the kind words! 

In terms of finishing, shouldn't be a problem! You have another 45 chapters to look forward to in this book haha.

In terms of Hannah's desires and understanding coming to the Diaper Dimension (DD), she understood that Little's were treated like babies and was under the false illusion that she would get to live out her ABDL fantasies. She likely cherry picked information on the DD that suited what she was looking for, and/or, read Amazon propaganda that enticed Little's like her :) 

30 minutes ago, SolaraScott said:

I truly appreciate the kind words! 

In terms of finishing, shouldn't be a problem! You have another 45 chapters to look forward to in this book haha.

In terms of Hannah's desires and understanding coming to the Diaper Dimension (DD), she understood that Little's were treated like babies and was under the false illusion that she would get to live out her ABDL fantasies. She likely cherry picked information on the DD that suited what she was looking for, and/or, read Amazon propaganda that enticed Little's like her :) 

and what is this program she has signed up for, which is why this exchange is taking place at all

Will that be explained?

I haven't quite understood that yet?

And yes, definitely only Amazon propagandists.

I'm sure they run sites like Daily Diapers and have people writing stories that portray DD in a positive light

I suspect @BabySofia

1 hour ago, Moon3ye said:

and what is this program she has signed up for, which is why this exchange is taking place at all

Will that be explained?

I haven't quite understood that yet?

And yes, definitely only Amazon propagandists.

I'm sure they run sites like Daily Diapers and have people writing stories that portray DD in a positive light

I suspect @BabySofia

The basic premise of the exchange program is for Littles to get an insight into what both sides of the portal is like. On the DD side, they have a school setup to help 'educate' Littles. 


I will not spoil the story further, but that's what's been explained so far 😊


Chapter 8: A Nightmare

Hannah’s dreams were plagued with nightmares that night. Her mind flashed back and forth between being beaten by various Amazons and forced into thicker and thicker diapers for their amusement. They continued to mock her, teasing her as they force-fed Hannah a tasteless mush that filled her to the core, forcing its way through her system and into the seat of her diaper, ever swelling outward until she could no longer stand. The Amazon's laughter filled her ears, her tears dripping past the pacifier that fed her, attached to a feeding tube. 


Hannah must have been tossing something fierce, for she felt someone gently waking her. She cried out as she sat up straight, surrounded by the bars of the crib, her pulse beating in her ears, her body covered in a cold sweat, soaking the onesie she wore. She blinked several times, the memories of yesterday flooding her as she recalled where she was. She glanced up at who had woken her to see Daddy, his kind, concerned face looking down at her. He wore simple pajama pants and a shirt, “Hey, sweetheart, are you okay? The monitors were indicating you were in distress.” 


It took Hannah a moment to collect her breath before she sheepishly nodded, “Just a nightmare,” she admitted, leaning back against the crib bars, the lisp from whatever drugs she had been given having faded.


Daddy leaned down and scooped her up, holding her in his arms, “Oh, you poor thing, you soaked through your onesie; let me at least get you into something dry.”

Hannah was too tired to argue as he laid her on the changing table, stripping her of the onesie. He grimaced as he saw the diaper she was wearing, glancing at her face and shaking his head. “I’m sorry, pumpkin. That is a point your Mommy and I disagree on. What was your nightmare about?” he asked, pulling another onesie from the shelves below, similar to Emilies'.


She recounted her nightmare events as Daddy worked the onesie into place, clipping the buttons together. Hannah could see a genuine pain in his face as he sat down in the rocking chair, cradling her, rocking gently. “I’ll talk with her baby, but you need to understand that she is far from the cruelest Amazon out there; she’s rather lenient than most.” 


Hannah felt a stab of fear, her eyes reflecting this. Daddy quickly continued, “But you need to listen to us; we will protect you from them, baby girl. This world is cruel, but you're safe as long as you are with us.” She nodded in understanding but still felt unease. 


Daddy stood, still holding her, and walked to the kitchen, tapping a clock within the wall, its hands glowing softly in the dimness of the hall. “It’s only 2 in the morning, but it’s also been a while since dinner. I will fix you a warm bottle to help relax you, okay?”


It took Hannah a moment to realize something was off with the clock; instead of 12 hours, the topmost hour read 15. If hours were broken up into A.M. and P.M. here as they were back home, that would indicate days here were 30 hours long! She blinked in surprise, trying to comprehend this; she hadn’t even realized this was a possibility. Although this planet was entirely different, she probably shouldn’t have been surprised. She nodded in response to Daddy’s question before realizing something, “It… Will not have anything in it, will it?”


Daddy chuckled, shaking his head, “No pumpkin. Mommy enjoys that stuff, but I prefer the natural approach.” 


He hit a few buttons, and a blue bottle was produced in a moment, a creamy white liquid filling it. Daddy took it and began back towards the nursery, seating himself in the rocking chair. He nestled Hannah in the crook of his arm, her head back in the perfect feeding position as he brought the bottle to her lips. Hannah hesitantly opened her mouth, trusting the man until he proved he couldn’t be trusted. The silicone nipple was big, much like her pacifier, and comfortably filled her mouth; she could feel the warmth of its contents inside and gave a gentle suckle. Instantly, a warm, sweet-tasting liquid filled her. It had a faintly vanilla taste and was thick, almost like a warm vanilla milkshake. She visibly relaxed and began to nurse; she was a bit hungry, she found.


Daddy smiled down at her, kissing her forehead before launching into a story, “Once upon a time…” he started. The story was silly, of a princess in a beautiful town caring for the villagers. Hannah found that her bladder was whole again; it had been many hours since she had fallen asleep. She struggled to, but after a few moments, was able to relax her bladder enough to soak into her diaper. Daddy didn’t indicate if he noticed; he continued rocking and telling her the story. Naomi, however, didn’t miss a beat, instantly filling her head with praise for not holding it and just letting it go. Hannah was too tired to argue with her at the moment. Between his soothing words, the gentle swaying, and the warm formula filling her tummy, Hannah soon found her eyes drifting close and falling asleep in his arms, off to much sweeter dreams this time.


Hannah awoke sometime in the morning, light streaming in through the window. Its gentle warmth caressed and pulled her from her slumber. The light filtered through the bars of the crib, enveloping her. She found Teddy clutched to her chest, Emily beside her still asleep, the pacifier bobbing between her lips contently, Hannah’s own having been removed by Daddy during the early morning hours. Hannah sat up, yawning and stretching as she glanced around the nursery. She still felt uneasy about her situation; her dream turned into a nightmare, but Daddy’s kind words helped ease some of her tension last night. What his words didn’t do, however, was help the sudden cramp that struck Hannah.


Hannah groaned, clutching her tummy and aching bladder. Hannah was on the brink of bursting between whatever she was fed for dinner and the ridiculous amount of drink she had been forced to consume. 


‘Remember, babies don’t hold it! Letting go and using your diaper is okay; that’s what it's for! Besides, Mommy and Daddy love it when you use your diaper; you want to be their good girl, right?’ Naomi said in her mind. 


Hannah gritted her teeth, ‘Shut up! Get out of my head! I’ll go when I want to!’ she thought back angrily. Naomi, to her credit, stayed quiet this time, perhaps realizing that Hannah was fighting a losing battle. She glanced outside of the crib; the door to the nursery closed. She quickly realized there was no way to get out of the crib, nor the room, herself without help, and so far, help wasn’t arriving. Mommy’s words regarding using her diaper flashed through her mind, and she groaned, realizing even if she did catch someone's attention, she wouldn’t be able to use the restroom.


A tired voice spoke behind her, making Hannah jump for a moment. “Just get on your knees and go. I promise it’ll be less embarrassing than asking one of them to let you use the potty. They will make you regret it,” Emily said. “There is no reason to hurt yourself trying to hold it.”


Hannah flushed, realizing that Emily had noticed what was going on immediately. She gritted her teeth, climbed to her knees, and pulled the blanket over herself for some sense of privacy from Emily as she lost control. A warm, wet muck rushed to fill the seat of her diaper, squishing and filling her diaper. The tight confines of the diaper and the onesie left little space for her mess as it forced itself between her legs and up her bum. Hannah groaned, her face crimson as she pushed, her bladder giving way somewhere in her struggle as well, soaking her mess before being absorbed by the diaper. 


Just as Hannah thought it couldn’t get any worse, Naomi returned. ‘There we go! Such a good girl! Doesn’t that feel so much better? You are nice and empty now. Your Mommy and Daddy will be so proud when they find the present you made them!’ 


 ‘Why are you in my head?’ Hannah demanded angrily, ‘Get out! This is MY head!’ Of course, the girl didn’t answer, and as much as Hannah hated it, the girl's words had some merit. She did feel much better now that she had gone, even with her mess caking her ass. 


Hannah sighed, sitting back on her legs, letting the blanket go, as she felt Emily stir and sit up, patting her back, “If it makes you feel any better, at least you woke up to go; I went sometime during the night apparently.” she said, grimacing.


Hannah felt her face grow red as she realized what Emily meant; she, too, was wet and messy. She couldn’t even smell the girl! Or herself, she realized. These diapers, indeed, were magical in some regards. She was desperate to change the topic to anything else, “Did you sleep okay?” she asked curiously.


Emily nodded, “Of course, always do with whatever she puts on these.” she said, holding the pacifier, “Knocks ya out cold, no dreams, no nothing.”


Hannah started, a shock of realization hitting her, “They were… drugged?” she asked hesitantly, earning her a laugh.


“Did you think you just magically forgot how to speak yesterday? Or were you tired enough to fall asleep so early in the evening? Of course, Mommy uses it to help regulate our sleep; it’s okay, though, it helps prevent the nightmares.” Emily paused, looking at Hannah’s outfit, “That isn’t the same onesie from last night.” 


Hannah shook her head, “No, it’s not nightmares. Daddy noticed I sweated through that onesie, and he changed me before helping me get back to sleep.” 


Emily nodded, “He’s a nice guy. Hopefully, we get him this morning and not Mommy.”


As if in response, Hannah could hear footsteps approaching the nursery before Evan’s face appeared in the doorway, flanked by Daddy. Evan grinned, giggling, shuffling up to them in race car-themed pajamas, “You are awake! Daddy said he thought you both were.”


Emily smiled, “Morning Evan, you sleep well?” she asked.


Evan grinned and nodded, “Like a baby! Well, a toddler, you two slept like babies!” he giggled. He didn’t mean it as an insult but as something he genuinely believed.


Hannah was scooped up as Daddy stepped over to the crib; he smiled at her, kissing her head. “Morning, sweetheart. Are you feeling better?” He placed her in his arms, immediately noticing her squishy bum. “Daddy is very proud of you, pumpkin. I know this is all a lot to get used to, but you are doing so well going potty in your diapers. You are a good girl.”


Hannah felt just the slightest shimmer of pleasure coursing through her at the words, barely even noticeable. Whatever had triggered it yesterday had all but worn off. Realizing she was being praised for using her diaper, she blushed madly, nodding to his question, “Yes, I did, thank you.”


She plopped down next to Evan, who wrapped his arms around her in a hug and giggled, “My baby sister! Good morning!” 


It wasn’t until now that Hannah realized how much bigger Evan was than her. Not by a lot, but he comfortably rested his chin atop her head as she gingerly returned his hug, Daddy working to retrieve Emily from the crib. “Morning, Evan,” Hannah replied, chuckling as Emily deposited herself on her feet, yawning and stretching.


Daddy turned to the door and headed towards it as Evan hugged Emily. “Are you two hungry? Mommy is making a good breakfast this morning!” he smiled, ushering the group down the hall.


Hannah stopped, realizing he had no intent on changing her, “Erm… Can I get… uhh..” she glanced at the changing table.


Daddy stopped, put his hands on his hips, and looked at her. “I may be more lenient than Mommy, but make no mistake. You still have to adhere to the rules, young lady. No, asking for changes. Don’t let me catch you asking again. We’ll get fresh changes after breakfast.” With that, he turned and left.


Hannah blushed fiercely as Emily stepped up beside her, patting her back. Evan was already shuffling down the hall. “The less you ask, the more likely they will change you; they never do before breakfast.” 


Hannah sighed, not relishing the idea of being stuck in this diaper for longer, but had little choice. She gingerly began to shuffle after Emily as they made their way to the dining room. As they left the nursery, the smells of breakfast washed over Hannah, making her mouth water. The dining table was already set, and Mommy placed the last finishing touches as she noticed them. She grinned, leaning down and scooping Hannah up into her arms, “Baby girl, how are you? It feels like you were a good girl for Mommy! I’m very proud of you, pumpkin.” she said, her hand cupping Hannah’s ass, feeling the mess there, squishing it slightly before depositing Hannah in the high chair and strapping her in.


The woman wasn’t expecting a response as she had already moved on doing the same with Emily, setting her in the high chair next to Hannah. Hannah realized that one benefit to these diapers, as she sat, was that the hard plastic kept a protective cushion between herself and the firm chair below, meaning she didn’t squish her mess too severely. Set before her was another large bottle filled with an orange liquid, hopefully, orange juice, a small pile of eggs, hash brown disks, sausage, bacon, and a giant waffle! The waffle was piled with syrup, butter, whipped cream, and fresh strawberries; Hannah’s mouth watered just looking at it. 


Much to her dismay, she realized, once again, they had been offered no silverware of any kind. Daddy had to step around her to get to his seat, and he leaned down, whispering, “This is why we don’t charge you before; you’re about to get all messy.” he said with a chuckle. 


Hannah nodded, sighing and resigning herself to her fate as the rest of the table sat down to eat. As she picked up a chunk of the waffle, which had been cut for her, her fingers were already getting sticky with syrup, and she noticed Evan had been given silverware. Granted, it was designed for children, but regardless, it made her envious. The same could be said for his cup as well; instead of a bottle, he had been given a sippy cup. Given the lack of silverware, it was no surprise to anyone that the bottle she had been given was quickly covered in food, her onesie accumulating droppings, and her entire face sticky, making Hannah feel and look much like a baby. She felt embarrassed, but honestly, what did they expect? Hannah turned her attention to the conversation as she ate the delicious food.


“Daddy is taking you to the park, sweetie, " Mommy told Evan, who had asked about the day's events. Meanwhile, Mommy is going back-to-school shopping with the girls; we have a lot of stuff to pick up before Monday!” 


Hannah’s mind flashed back to the calendar in the nursery, trying to remember the day. If she recalled, the calendars here were the same as they were back home; it was Sunday today. Having been caught up in all the excitement, Hannah had nearly forgotten the entire purpose of her trip here. That would mean she would have one whole school week before returning home on Saturday. Something irked her, though, a thought she had been having. If days here were more extended than back home, would she go home at the end of her week Earth time or Amazon time? 


Research has been done on Earth time compared to Amazon time. The days on the Amazon home world are nearly 25% longer than on Earth. The Amazon planet spun more slowly, profoundly impacting the timescale between the two planets. Perhaps it’s this, along with the fact both planets lie in the Goldilocks zone of their respective solar system on nearly opposite sides of the universe, that allowed a rift to be open, connecting the two planets. Hannah knew nothing about time dilation between their worlds, and the concerns of her week-long stay would continue to plague her. 


Hannah’s mind drifted back to mundane topics, like the realization that she would be shopping with Mommy all day. The thought twisted her, and she wanted nothing more than to ask if Daddy would take them. However, she knew how that might come off and didn’t want to provoke Mommy further. Instead, she asked, "Is Emily attending the same school as me?”


Mommy turned to her and smiled, “Why yes, dear, she is. She’s a part of the same exchange program but missed the last trial period deadline, so she’s going with you!”


Something about the woman's words set Hannah on edge. There was far more to her statement than met the eye, and Emily's look seemed to confirm this, only furthered Hannah’s discomfort. Questioning this woman on such topics would likely get her in hot water, so she tried a different tactic: “What do you mean, trial period? What’s the school like?”


“You two have to meet the criteria set forth by the school to attend. As for classes, I suppose it’s like any school; it’s broken up into different grades, and all Littles start at the bottom and work their way up! Isn’t that exciting?” Mommy asked.


Hannah squirmed, feeling the contents of her diaper shift with her; she couldn’t help but feel as if there were things Mommy was purposely not telling her about. Hannah had no proof, but the woman had done little to inspire her trust and confidence thus far. “What kind of stuff will we need for school?”


“We need to get you mostly clothes and some art supplies. The school provides most of what you’ll need there.” Mommy responded, standing and stepping over to Emily, who had finished eating, cleaning her up with wet wipes.


Hannan felt Mommy’s gaze as she saw the last remnants of Hannah’s meal, and Hannah quickly finished it; she had no intent on giving Mommy any more ammo. Mommy tickled Emily playfully, earning her a giggle as she carried the squirming girl down to the nursery, “Welby, hun, can you get Hannah cleaned up and changed while I get Emily?” she asked.


“Of course, dear,” Daddy said with a smile. With Mommy out of earshot, he glanced at Hannah, “I know you already went, but a piece of advice: try to go again during breakfast. Otherwise, you’ll be stuck in a messy diaper for much longer.”


Hannah blushed, realizing that this meal would likely upset her tummy as dinner had. As she focused on it, she found that while it wasn’t urgent, she did need to go. Had he not warned her, she would have blissfully been changed and immediately fallen victim to breakfast. She nodded sheepishly, “Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind.”


Evan giggled, “Daddy? Is that why I stay in my nini diaper till after breakfast?”


Daddy chuckled, nodding, “Yes, buddy. I know you can sometimes hold it till potty time afterward, but it’s easier this way if you don’t!”


Evan nodded, looking away as Daddy stood, wiping Hannah’s hands and face clean. Once again, she felt Naomi stirring deep within her. ‘What are you doing, silly girl? You got to go potty! Just relax and push; you want to be a good girl. Daddy likes it when you use your diaper.’


Hannah blushed madly at the words, realizing even more that she would have to abide by them, feeling Daddy undo the straps holding her into the high chair. With a groan, and as Daddy lifted her from the seat, she pushed; the contents of breakfast immediately began filling the seat of her diaper, swelling noticeably. To his credit, Daddy must have realized what was happening and made sure not to put pressure on her rear, kissing the top of her head, “There we go, such a good girl; Daddy is proud of you, pumpkin.” he said.


Hannah swelled at the praise, realizing with a start that the pleasure she felt yesterday was gone entirely now, and yet, she still enjoyed being called a good girl. ‘Well, of course, you do, silly! Every baby wants to be a good girl, and you were a very good girl using your diaper.’ Naomi pipped up.


Hannah gritted her teeth. 'Get out of my head!’ she thought angrily at the girl, who giggled and retreated. Hannah could feel Naomi’s presence still lingering, but her voice had quieted for the moment. Daddy carried Hannah to the nursery, where Mommy had already finished changing Emily and was getting her dressed for the day. Hannah found herself on her back, lying on the changing table as Daddy popped the buttons of her onesie, pulling it over her head. She felt her arm involuntarily cover her chest, but Daddy gently pulled her arm away. She didn’t have anything to cover anyway. Before proceeding with the change, Daddy produced a pacifier and offered it to Hannah.


 He immediately noticed her hesitation, “It doesn’t have anything on it, and I wouldn’t hesitate around Mommy; I promise; she’ll make it worse,” he said as she gingerly accepted the pacifier.


Thankfully, Hannah didn’t feel any tingling this time, so she nursed it as Daddy popped open the tabs of her diaper and began cleaning her up. She felt shame flushing her whole body, being seen like this, but Daddy just continued to praise her for being such a good girl, making quick work of the filth, and began placing her in another diaper. This one, thankfully, didn’t seem to be a chastity diaper. It was a soft pink with princess across the front and back, with helpful messages like ‘Don’t hold it!’ and ‘Good girls use their diapers!’ printed on the front, the letters turned so she could read them.


As Daddy applied a bit of rash cream and powder, he tapped her pacifier, “You’re going to encounter stuff today that will not make you happy. Whenever you encounter one of those moments, before you start yelling or cursing, nurse this instead: I promise you, it’ll make things easier.” 


Hannah blushed even more at his comment; the idea of nursing a pacifier in public both thrilled her and embarrassed her. Daddy did have solid advice. However, she had read more than one horror story about what happened to naughty Little, who acted out. She nodded, feeling his fingers pulling the fresh diaper into place, adjusting the leak guards, and fixing the tabs into place. Much like her diaper from yesterday, Hannah found this one absurdly thick, not as much as her nighttime one, but still. She wondered if they had diapers that didn’t force you to shuffle. 


With that, Daddy sat her up, pulling a cute, graphic t-shirt over her head and a pair of shorts over her legs. The shirt came down to the waistband of her diaper, but no more. Hannah’s stomach twisted as she realized the shirt had Naomi on it, smiling at her. The shorts were plain, thankfully, but did nothing to cover the bulge of her undergarments. She looked adorable, and yet, felt ridiculous. Daddy fitted her with ruffled white socks but offered no shoes. She gave him a questioning look, and he returned a sheepish one, “No boots to help prevent you from running away; either that or I have to put you in the training shoes that’ll prevent you from walking altogether.”


Hannah sucked in the pacifier hard, the look of fear in her eyes all he needed to see as she shook her head. Daddy smiled softly and nodded, “I told you we will protect you as best as possible, but you are still subject to the step-down program, and we will ensure you meet those standards.” 


There it was again, mentioning this mysterious program. What did it mean? What did it entail? Hannah had no clue but continued to ponder it as Daddy clipped the pacifier to her shift, fixing bows into her hair; just as Mommy came over, Emily, sitting on her hip, said, “Oh, aren’t you just precious!” Mommy said with a smile as she pulled Hannah onto her other hip. Emily was dressed similarly to Hannah and even had her pacifier. If anyone saw them, they would think they were at least sisters, if not twins, dressed like this. 


As it had yesterday, Hannah's current diaper provided an excellent cushion to sit on as she was carried through the house. Evan was in the living room, watching cartoons. Hannah immediately felt her gaze pulled to the screen, Oliver dancing across it, but Mommy turned away. “Evan, honey, have a good day with Daddy!” 


Evan didn’t respond, wholly engrossed in his show as Mommy kissed Daddy goodbye. They entered the garage, Hannah and Emily being added to their respective car seats. Hannah felt Mommy pull the straps tight, holding her in place, the soft cushion of the car seat cradling Hannah’s body as the car door was shut behind her. The girls settled; Mommy took the driver's seat, and the garage opened. Sunlight spewed into the garage as the car pulled out, hovering high in the clouds above the city.


End of Chapter 8

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