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A Weekend in the Mechanical Nursery (COMPLETE! Epilogue Added 12/28)

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Still working on sequels to A Change Would Do You Good and The Academy at Red Hills

In the meantime, I've been working on a few short stories to share!

Here's a fun Mechanical Nursery story with a pair of snooping friends and an evil stepmother. 



“So, what do you think is in here, Kayla?”

“I honestly have no idea. Rebecca is so weird. She hides out in here a lot while my dad is away for business. I swear, I thought she just married him to be a trophy wife but she’s just…so weird.”

Kayla turned on the light to the large building that Rebecca had erected behind their estate. She had originally pitched it as a she-shed but the finished product was closer in size to a guest house.

Eventually, curiosity had gotten the best of Kayla and she convinced Jenna to sneak in one night to explore. The two friends weren’t quite sure what they were looking at. Some sort of conveyor belt took up the middle of the space and fed into a giant plexiglass cage that took up the majority of the room. There looked to be a big control panel on a raised platform overlooking everything else.

It looked clean…sterile…boring.

“Is she making something? There’s nothing here. I don’t get it.” Jenna walked towards the enclosure and tapped on the glass as she looked inside. It was empty, like a giant aquarium waiting to be filled.

“This part definitely looks to be the controls. Maybe we can turn it on and see what happens?”

Jenna and Kayla climbed the small set of stairs to the control panel and looked for a way to turn the machine on. Jenna noticed a small key towards the top and tentatively twisted it while shrugging at Kayla with a sly smile.

The conveyor belt sprang to life and started slowly chugging along. Kayla and Jenna winced and prepared for the worst but nothing else happened. So far this whole thing had been a bit of a letdown.

As Jenna descended the stairs to continue exploring, Kayla followed close behind while looking over her shoulder to make sure that her stepmother hadn’t returned to catch them in the act. The bumbling blonde didn’t notice that her friend paused at the bottom and the momentum of their collision carried them forward as they both tumbled onto the moving belt.

“Oof! Watch where you’re going, Kayla!”

“Occupants Detected. Initiating Safety Protocol.”

Jenna was dazed from being launched onto the belt and looked to see where the robotic voice was coming from. As she moved to a seated position she felt Kayla grab her arm and turned to push her away. But when she looked down, it wasn’t Kayla’s arm at all.

Strange robotic arms had risen from below the belt and now had a grip on both of her arms. Turning behind her, she saw that Kayla was also fighting to free herself from their tight mechanical grip.

“Hey! Stop it! Kayla, what is this?!”

Jenna thrashed and was flipped head first onto the belt to face her fearful friend. Within seconds both girls were forced to lay on their backs as the conveyor belt continued its maddeningly slow crawl through the room.

“Occupants Secure. Initiating Garment Removal Process.”

“Wait…what?!” Kayla began to thrash and lifted her head to see what all the fuss was about and was surprised to see that Jenna had been spun around to face her. A small container was placed between their feet and Kayla watched as both of Jenna’s shoes landed in the container and watched her fight as her tight jeans were peeled off of her legs. Jenna’s legs were lifted straight into the air as her black panties were removed and Kayla saw a side of her friend that she had never seen before.

Jenna was bare from the waist down and too shocked to make a sound. Kayla made up for it as she screamed and continued to pull against the strict hold of the mechanical arms not wanting to meet a similar fate as her friend.

As Jenna was pulled into a seated position for her top to be lifted over her head, she was given a clear view of her friend’s disgrace until they were both completely naked and sitting toe to toe.

They each took a moment to briefly study the other’s nude form before making awkward eye contact and looking away. “Jen, what are we going to do?!”

“Don’t ask me! What the fuck is you’re crazy stepmom up to in here?!”

“Scan complete. Beginning cleansing and hair removal process.”

“I don’t like the sound of that!”

Both girls had their arms lifted into the air as they were given an unwanted spongebath by sentient robot hands. They giggled and shouted as their underarms were washed and moaned and looked away from each other as each breast was carefully and meticulously scrubbed.

Their arms were pulled and held down over their heads as they were both forced to lay on their backs on the conveyor belt before their legs were lifted high into the air for the cleansing process to continue. The mechanical hands proved to be very nimble and thorough as the two lifelong friends bore the indignity of having their nethers cleaned in front of each other.

Through clenched fists, Kayla and Jenna squealed as the sponges were exchanged for cool shaving cream and screamed indignantly as each had her womanhood shaved away one strip at a time until they were both completely bare.

“Commencing health check.”

Kayla raised her head to look at her friend through her raised legs. “What does THAT mean?”

“No, no, no, no, Nooooo!!!”

Jenna squealed as the thermometer entered her smooth bottom without warning. She looked up to see an identical thermometer poking out of her friend’s bare ass. “Ugh!!!”

Thermometers removed, both girls were given a clean bill of health as the conveyor belt inched forward.

“I’m going to fucking kill you Jenna! Why do I let you talk me into this stuff?”

“Me?! This was YOUR idea, bitch!”

“Inappropriate language detected. Initiating Pacification Protocol.”

“Pacification protocol? What the…mmmph!”

Kayla raised her head to check on her friend and was met with a pacifier aimed directly towards her mouth. She tried to duck away but was no match for the machine and both friends found themselves pacified and fuming.

As soon as the mechanical hands released their grip, both girls spit out the pacifiers and raised their heads to look at each other through their raised legs. Jenna was about to speak when she was interrupted by the voice of their mechanical overlord.

“Pacification rejected. Disciplinary Action required.”

Jenna’s eyes grew wide as she saw the wooden paddle being raised behind Kayla’s head. Seeing Kayla’s shaking head and wide eyes, she correctly assumed that a similar paddle was heading in her direction.

“No! Please! No!!!”


The paddles alternated from one girl to the other, as both girl’s smooth bottoms were spanked for the first time in their privileged lives.


“Owww!!! Oh god… stop…please!!!”

The paddles retreated and pacifiers were lifted back to each girl’s bewildered face. Kayla looked to Jenna who had already accepted hers and decided it wasn’t worth risking another spanking as she begrudgingly accepted the rubber bulb into her mouth. They stared at each other for a moment, tear filled eyes behind plastic mouthguards designed to keep them quiet and compliant.

Kayla laid her head back down first, resigned to whatever would come next. Jenna saw the box of supplies coming over her head before it was announced.

“Pacification complete. Initiate Dressing Protocol.”

Jenna laid her head down and stared at the ceiling as the box of supplies was pulled over her head and landed between the two pacified and exposed girls. She closed her eyes and tried to remember some of the deep breathing exercises she had learned during a yoga retreat in Bali.

The rustling and crinkling noise pulled her from her trance and no amount of breathing exercises prepared her for what she saw next. Two sets of hands were rubbing large diapers back and forth, fluffing them to invite more and more poof. Though she had never seen a diaper that big before she somehow knew that they would inevitably fit her and her involuntarily infantile playmate.

Kayla looked up and sighed. With the pacifier in her mouth she guessed that she shouldn’t have been surprised and her sore bottom was a reminder that there was no use trying to fight this machine. If this crazy gadget wanted her and her friend in diapers, then they were going to find themselves with padded bottoms sooner rather than later.

Their toned bottoms were raised simultaneously as the thick padding was placed beneath them. Soft sweet-smelling powder fluttered down onto their freshly shaven bodies and the familiar ripping sounds of tape let them know that their degradation was almost complete.

Once the girls were firmly taped into their first diaper in decades, they were pulled to a seating position to face each other. Each looked down at her own diaper before looking across to her friend and blushing. Their arms were pulled skyward as they were finally given a bit of modesty in almost identical tops: pink for Jenna and purple for Kayla. The obscenely adorable tops barely came down to the bottom of their breasts leaving their full midriff exposed.

The friends pouted at each other behind their pacifiers as their hair was brushed and pulled into braided pigtails with matching ribbons. As they neared the end of the conveyor belt, each girl was also fitted with matching padded mittens and booties, ensuring that they would be unable to remove any of their new wardrobe or get into any trouble.

Jenna and Kayla were lifted under the arms from the end of the conveyor belt and placed into the empty glass prison. They stared at each other in utter confusion and disbelief as the mechanical arms rescinded and they were left alone where they didn’t dare move for several minutes.

Kayla decided to risk it first as she spit out her pacifier and let it dangle from the clip attached to her purple top. Both girls froze in place as they waited to see if they would be punished again for disobeying. After a few moments of nervous silence, Jenna also spit out her pacifier.

“What are we going to do?”

Kalya prodded at her diaper with her locking mitts and shrugged.

“Hello girls! Are we having fun?”

Both girls struggled to their feet and fought to maintain their balance in padded booties as they looked towards the control panel.

“Rebecca! What the fuck is this place? Why are you doing this?!”

“Oh, I’m not doing anything…at least not yet…you brought all of this on yourselves by snooping around where you don’t belong.”

“Let us out of here!”

“Yeah, this is weird! Come on!”

Rebecca cackled, glad to finally put these two brats in their proper place. “I’ve been looking for a way to further my experiments and then you two fall directly into my lap. Kayla, I’ve been wanting to take your bratty ass over my knee since I married your father and Jenna has been such a bad influence on you that I think a weekend in puffy diapers is exactly what her cute little bottom needs.”

“You bitch!”

“Did she say a weekend?”

The evil stepmother leaned back in her chair and put her hands behind her head before leaning forward to press the microphone button again. “The cube you find yourself in is perfectly sealed with a locking timer to ensure proper protocol is followed. It will not release for 72 hours and the only way in or out is via that conveyor belt with my mechanical friends.”

Rebecca looked down at the two friends and tried to decipher if their pouty expressions leaned more toward fear or indignation. Either way, she was going to enjoy the hell out of this. 

“Yes, the three of us are going to have a lot of fun together. I have so many fun surprises in store for you!”

  • Like 13
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OK, mechanical nursery stories are a tired trope, but this one seems a cut above the average. Slightly more plausible set-up than usual and good pacing with a very nicely timed entry of the villain. I’m looking forward to the continuation!

  • Like 2
31 minutes ago, Bluebird67 said:

OK, mechanical nursery stories are a tired trope, but this one seems a cut above the average. Slightly more plausible set-up than usual and good pacing with a very nicely timed entry of the villain. I’m looking forward to the continuation!


I would agree:  while mechanical nursery stories may be a "tired trope". this one is cool, because we have an "evil stepmother" angle, and I think it adds a unique angle, because the antagonist will make sure that the girls get punished and taught a valuable lesson about sneaking around in a place that she should not have been.  Looking forward to the next installment :)


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Please label the Chapters or Parts

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On 10/24/2024 at 12:01 PM, Bluebird67 said:

OK, mechanical nursery stories are a tired trope

Don't overlook the evil stepmom.  This reads like a satiric take on two of the most overworked tropes around here, but we'll know for sure that our author is having fun when a psychopathic robot pops out of a closet.  

  • Like 2
  • 1 month later...

And we're back with another new installment...

Thanks for all the comments! The mechanical nursery is a trope I've always enjoyed and, once I started writing, I knew I needed to put my own spin on it. 

Apologies for the delay in posting but I've been busy with new stories! Check out some new exclusive stories HERE

Sequels to A Change Would Do You Good and Academy at Red Hills are coming along nicely and Red Hills should be ready in the next month or so. 



“You can’t keep us locked in here!” Kayla looked pleadingly to her diapered friend for support.

“Umm…yeah! We’ll starve!” Jenna offered the only excuse she could think of at the moment. And, truth be told, she was feeling a little peckish. 

Rebecca smiled mischievously and cracked her knuckles as she leaned forward to test out the full capabilities of her machine.

“Well, I certainly can’t leave you two hungry, can I? What kind of step-mommy would I be then?”

The girls turned around in time to see two high chairs, properly upsized to fit even their enlarged diapered bottoms.

“Where the fuck did those even come from?!” 

Jenna didn’t have enough time to mount an investigation before being scooped under her arms and carried to the waiting chair. 

The mechanical hands held her arms firmly to her sides as her mittens were shackled to the sides of the chair. Jenna pulled at her wrists and looked down at her bonds just in time to see Kayla deposited and buckled into an identical high chair.

Jenna and Kayla pouted and fidgeted as the trays were put into place and cute bibs were strapped behind their necks. One metallic arm gently pulled their chins back as another filled their protesting lips with the rubber nipples of large baby bottles.

“Drink up, girls! After your bottle, it’s time for din-dins!”

Rebecca sat back and enjoyed the show. Being only a decade older than her two charges, she hadn’t had kids of her own and wasn’t sure she wanted any. But she was definitely having fun with her two new bratty baby playmates.


“Oh, are you hungry, Kayla? Thank you for using your manners. I’ve got something special in store for you!”

Trails of milk hung from the corners of the feisty friends’ mouths that they were unable to wipe away with their hands pinned helplessly to their sides. This minor annoyance was nothing compared to what was coming.

Jars upon jars of healthy, nutritious baby food were stacked on each of their trays as the girls looked down with dread and disgust. “You did say that you were hungry, right? Let’s make sure you get taken care of!”

“Oh god…no! Come on, Rebecca!”

Kayla wasn’t even sure what the flavors were, but the green one was definitely the worst. She wore most of it on her face and bib. Looking at Jenna, she guessed that her friend probably detested orange as she was completely covered, looking every bit the naughty toddler she was being treated as.

The girls sat back in their highchairs to continue their ongoing pout as their faces were wiped and were left to ponder what else the evil bitch had in store for them.

“Well, I certainly see two very messy girls. Perhaps it’s time for a bath?”

The humiliated friends hung limply from their underarms and glared at Rebecca as the highchairs were removed, and a large claw-foot tub appeared behind them. 

“Seriously…how are you doing this??”

“Let’s see…who should go first?”

The girls looked at each other with wide eyes and shook their heads back and forth, neither wanting to embark on the aquatic adventure Rebecca had in store for them.

“Jenna, you are absolutely filthy. Such a dirty little girl. I think we’ll let you go first.” The giddy redhead leaned forward and pushed a button. She smiled at Jenna and offered a playful wink as the distraught diaper girl was whisked off toward the tub.

“Nooo….Kayla, help!”

But Kayla could only look on in terror as the diaper was ripped off of her friend before she was lowered into the tub. Jenna’s top was pulled over her head at the last second before she slid into the warm, soapy water. 

“Oh, hey…this part actually isn’t so bad.” Jenna leaned back in the tub and tried to imagine that she was at home preparing for a date instead of whatever the hell this place was.

Kayla squealed and screamed as her diaper was removed to showcase her powdered pussy. “NO! Rebecca, No! This whole thing is crazy enough. I’m not going to take a fucking bubble bath with my best friend!”

“Hmmm… let’s see if we can change your mind. When you’re ready to listen, I just need to hear you beg me for a bath with your friend.” Rebecca cooed menacingly into the microphone and leaned forward with her face resting in her hands to enjoy what was coming next.


“What?! No!!! Oh, god…”


The paddle hit just as hard as before, and no amount of kicking her dangling legs seemed to help.

“You BITCH! Stop this! Fuck Youuuuu!!”


Rebecca sipped her latte and smiled, watching the spoiled little brat finally get what was coming to her. Didn’t the silly girl know how hard she and her father labored to give her this amazing life? Of course, Rebecca had only been here for a few years, and she didn’t actually do any work, per se, but she believed in a team effort. It takes a village, right?

“Oww!! Please, Rebecca! Please!”

Rebecca leaned forward and cleared her throat into the microphone. “Please, what?”


“Ughh!!!! Please let me take a bath with Jenna!”


“Well, since you asked so nicely, I suppose we can find some room in there for two. Scooch on over, Jenna!”

Jenna wrapped her arms around her legs and tried to move as far to one side as possible, not wanting any part of this and afraid of any further punishment as Kayla’s red tushy was lowered into the bubbles.


There is no getting around the awkwardness and humiliation of being bathed with your best friend as an adult. Thus far, Kayla considered herself lucky to not have taken part in such a humiliating and demeaning spectacle. But that streak ended today.

Jenna squealed and turned her head back and forth like a disapproving toddler as her face was scrubbed clean until she was finally clear from all the disgusting baby food. She scrunched her face and saw Kayla moaning as her breasts were cleaned at a maddeningly slow pace. Kayla tried to push her thighs together as she moaned obscenely, but the robotic hands held firm, keeping her legs spread wide and her hands far away from her bare body. Jenna sighed. Ugh, why does she get all the fun?

The girls were forced to stand and face each other, so close they were almost touching. Their arms were held over their heads and their legs were spread widely as the thorough cleaning continued. Blushing and looking away with no way to cover her exposed body, Kayla turned her head to see Rebecca through the viewing window. Her wicked stepmother winked and slowly moved her hand towards one of the buttons.

From her standing starfish position, Kayla watched as two of the gloved hands dipped below the sudsy water and vanished from sight. The menacing grin on Rebecca’s face and the disappearing gloves concerned her, and she turned to Jenna with alarm.

“Jenna, are you…eeeep!”

Jenna looked over to see what the commotion was about before joining her friend in a symphony of squeaking noises. Rebecca laughed and watched with glee as the soapy fingers continued their unwelcome poke into the two girl’s puckered entrances.

“Nooooo…..oh god…..why?!”

Rebecca leaned into the mic, her voice syrupy smooth, “Got to make sure that my girls are clean. Inside and out!”

Kayla closed her eyes and breathed deeply as the uninvited intruder continued thrusting in and out, determined to make sure her bottom was the cleanest in all the land. She watched her friend groan and writhe under similar treatment. Well, maybe tied for cleanest in all the land. Kayla locked eyes with Jenna, and the two girls shared their mutual humiliation in relative silence, resigned to their current fate as they waited for Rebecca to move on to something else. 

The fingers slinked out at a glacially slow pace, and there was a shared sigh of relief from the two degraded friends. Jenna turned to Kayla and whispered what they were both thinking. “That was so much worse than the thermometers!”

“Okay, you’ve had your fun! Can we go now?”

“Silly, silly little girls… speaking of which. We can’t have you two running around all nakey bottoms. You’ll make a mess!”

The mechanical hands appeared again, and the dripping pair were carried away towards the conveyor belt. The space above the belt opened, and the two dangling girls found themselves right back where everything had started.

Thus began a similar and familiar process, skipping the unnecessary steps. Jenna and Kayla were pacified immediately, as Rebecca was quite tired of their endless whining. There was no need for stripping or shaving, and the disgraced duo were instead rubbed from head to toe with sweet-smelling lotion. Laying flat on their backs again with their legs held high into the air, they both turned to see Rebecca descending the stairs.

Two thermometers raced toward their puckered destinations and stopped just inches from the desired targets. “I think I’ll take this one. Let’s make sure you’re healthy!”

All the grumbles and moans in the world couldn’t stop Rebecca from gleefully inserting the two cold cylinders into the girl’s cute little bottoms and slowly twisting them back and forth as the girls squirmed.

“Isn’t this fun? Well, I know I’m having fun.”

The girls continued to seethe and stare at the ceiling until the thermometers were removed. Somehow, knowing that the thermometers were connected to an actual person who was inflicting her perverse will on them was worse than being defiled by giant mechanical robot fingers. 

Rebecca chose not to take part in the diapering process (having never changed a diaper in her life and with no desire to even touch one) but enjoyed the front-row seat to the bratty girls’ continued disgrace, leaning over the machine to make sure to get the best view as they were powdered and pampered.

Rebecca opted to have her mechanical hands dress the girls in matching onesies this time with cute little frills along their bottoms and pinched each one on the cheek as they were whisked down the belt and back to their new nursery.

Two cribs awaited them as Jenna and Kayla were swaddled tightly and had their bottoms patted before being given one last bottle of milk for the night. They saw no use in fighting it, so each girl relented and swallowed the cool liquid as they felt their eyelids grow heavier until they could barely stay awake.

Melatonin in the bottles for the win. Rebecca scribbled some notes into her binder before reaching forward towards the microphone.

“Sleep tight, girls. Mommy will see you in the morning.”


Rebecca enjoyed a luxurious night of slumber inside of her palatial abode. She missed having her husband around, but the girls weren’t wrong on the gold digger, trophy-wife front. John was handsome enough and treated her well, but she definitely let herself enjoy all the perks of their age-gap marriage. And she supposed she would let John have his fun from time to time too. After all, he did give her an expense account and always made sure that she was pampered and treated to a life of ease.

Kayla and Jenna, however, did not have a pleasant night. The melatonin and hours of fighting crazy mechanized hands had completely worn them out, but it was not to last. Jenna woke up first with a desperate need to pee and was not fond of her current options.

“Hey Kayla, are you up? Pssst…Kayla…”

Jenna struggled against the tightly swaddled blanket, but there was nothing she could do. She grumbled and settled in with a pout. “Kayla!”

“Ugh… what? Oh….fuck.”

“Yeah, good morning to you, too. I have to pee! How about you? Maybe she’ll come and let us out soon?”

“Umm…I don’t have to pee.”

“What do you mean? She gave us two bottles and….oh….gross, Kayla!”

“I couldn’t help it! And it’s not like she’s going to give us any other options. You might as well just go..”

“I’m going to get you for this. The worst my mom ever did to us was take our phones..”

The girls lay quietly and stared up at the ceiling for several minutes until they were interrupted by a hissing sound that could only mean one thing. “I hate you. Like, literally…hate you.”

Rebecca chose that moment to burst into the room, looking well-rested and ready to start the day. She sat at the controls with her coffee and got to work. “Good morning, my pretty babies! Did you sleep well? Do we need to use the potty?”

The girls were lifted from their cribs and watched as two training potties were scooted next to the cribs.

“Ugh!! Kayla! You said she wouldn’t let us go!”

“Oh. my. god…did you two actually use those things? Did you go pee-pee in your little diapers? Ahhh!!! I have to see!”

Rebecca skipped down the stairs and met the girls at the beginning of the conveyor belt as they began the undressing process. She stared down at both girls, who continued to rage at her in their newly pacified state, as the tapes of their soggy diapers were peeled back one by one and the cool morning air hit their warm princess parts.

She continued to tease the girls as they were wiped and cleaned before leaning down to whisper into Kayla’s ear: “You are getting exactly what you deserve, and I’m glad to help you face the consequences of your spoiled little life. You’ve always been a pampered little princess, and now you look the part.”

Rebecca ended her proclamation with a delightful boop on the end of Kayla’s cute little nose.

With strength normally reserved for mothers lifting cars off of injured children, Kayla used all of her might to pull her arms free and knock Rebecca backward and onto the belt. She suckled her pacifier and listened with glee as her stepmother let out a startled gasp and landed with an unladylike thump.

“Occupant Detected. Initiating Safety Protocol.”

  • Like 8
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  • Haha 4
  • blahblahwriter changed the title to A Weekend in the Mechanical Nursery (UPDATED! Chapter Two: 11/27)

Hmm, 3 babies all trapped in the nursery with nobody to initiate release protocol,Kayla may not have thought this one all the way through

  • Like 1

Glad to see an evil stepmother getting her due.  A nice twist on what would otherwise be a very stale story.  There are a lot of absentee, workaholic fathers in stories around here who also need to land on the belt.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm having fun with this one and have a few more chapters to post. Hope to keep everyone on their toes and reinvigorate this trope a bit!

I have a new Christmas-themed Spanking and Diaper Discipline story out right now that's exclusively on Amazon. You can read it for FREE with Kindle Unlimited HERE and I'll be posting a preview here next week. One of my favorites so far, for sure. It has a little of everything. 


“Occupant Secure. Initiating Garment Removal Process.”

Jenna and Kayla watched with elation from inside of their glass prison as Rebecca was strapped down and began her way down the belt. The redhead struggled against the machine but knew it would be of little use. She had looked on with glee as the two girls had been stripped, spanked, and diapered and now it seemed she was destined for a similar fate

“No, stop! Not in front of them! Please!”

Rebecca grunted and pleaded as her legs were lifted high into the air and her tight yoga pants and sports bra were effortlessly removed. She tried in vain to fight against the mechanical arms that had no problem stripping her bare in front of her bratty stepdaughter and meddlesome friend, only managing to give them an alluring show in the process.

“Anomaly detected. Pausing for inspection.”

Rebecca closed her eyes and sighed as she was flipped onto all fours with her toned bottom pointing into the air. A mechanized hand reached down to peel a small sticker from her lower back.

“No! Wait! There’s been a mistake! Stop! Disengage! Please…oh, god no…”

She screamed and begged as her lower back was scanned and she heard the mechanical ding. The spoiled stepmother lowered her head, all too aware of what was coming next.

“Welcome: Baby Becca. Initiating Bad Baby Sequence.”

“No, not that one! Please, not the Bad Baby Sequence! Abort! Cancel! Anything but that one…Please!!! I’ll be good! Nooooo…”


The alluring target of Rebecca’s bottom frantically wiggling in the air was met by dual paddles that seemed intent on punishing her severely.


Rebecca whined and begged for mercy as the paddles did their job until her bottom bore a shade similar to her tousled red hair.

The two friends sucked on their pacifiers and continued to watch the show, content that they would get their questions answered soon enough.

Rebecca’s spanking concluded, and she was flipped to her back and stretched out on the belt as she continued to tread slowly toward her fate. She was crying and pleading, but the machine was relentless in the application of its directive.

A pastel pink pacifier was held in front of her pouting lips and Rebecca reached her head up to accept, knowing that she had no choice. She took a moment to collect herself and practice her deep breathing as she stared up at the ceiling and used the gentle sucking of the pacifier to calm her nerves, knowing that this was only a moment of calm before the storm.

Rebecca watched with dread as the mechanical hands grabbed her ankles and inched her legs further and further apart, until she was spreadeagled on the conveyor belt. The soft red hair on her mound and lower lips stood in stark contrast to her milky white skin and she whined and pouted as the cool shaving cream was spread between her legs and her adulthood was whisked away slowly and deliberately one strip at a time.

The mechanical arms lifted her legs slowly towards the sky. She knew that they were capable of moving much faster and hated that the machine seemed to be moving at a deliberately slow pace to further increase her humiliation and discomfort. Rebecca sighed as her legs reached their final destination with the soles of her feet pointing directly to the ceiling and was surprised as the machine kept going.

She watched as her feet were pulled towards her head and spread around her shoulders before her shins came to a rest on either side of her face in the plow pose she was so intimately familiar with from the morning class she was currently missing. Taking a moment to curse her own flexibility as the shaving cream was spread between her cheeks, Rebecca wondered if she would ever be able to look at yoga the same way.

Having been through this humiliating treatment before, she marveled at how adaptive the system seemed and how it always found new ways to humiliate. Her freshly shaved pussy was forced into a position only inches from her face and Rebecca now had an intimate view as she watched the robotic arms slide the blades between her cheeks until she was completely smooth. Baby smooth, she realized, with a sigh.

Pink baby lotion drizzled down from above and, despite her predicament, she closed her eyes and moaned as the hands gently massaged the cool cream into her well-spanked skin. As she was unfolded, the lotion was rubbed into the rest of her body and she squirmed and thrusted obscenely into the air as the machine seemed to spend an inordinate amount of time on her breasts and between her legs.

Rebecca slowly blinked her eyes open as the sensual rub concluded and locked eyes with Kayla, who was slowly waddling on her side of the glass as she followed Rebecca down the machine. Kayla used her middle finger to reach up and remove her pacifier before slowly and carefully enunciating the word ‘bitch’ with a wry smile and waving to her spoiled stepmother, glad to see the bitch finally get what was coming to her.

With legs still spread wide, Rebecca shook her head violently in protest as the large tube snaked from the ceiling towards her nethers. Jenna and Kayla looked on in alarm, glad that they didn’t have to face a similar fate.

The tube stopped inches from Rebecca’s bottom and she trembled in anticipation of what came next as a large mechanical finger spread lube around her bottom and slowly worked its way inside and out as Rebecca winced and groaned at the unwelcomed intrusion.

Jenna and Kayla banged on the glass to make sure that Rebecca was aware that they were bearing witness to her intimate disgrace as the gloved finger continued to work its way in and out of her tight hole until she was well lubricated and completely humiliated. The lubed finger was s-l-o-w-l-y removed and replaced with the long nozzle.

“Commencing punishment enema.”

Rebecca lay motionless for several minutes as the liquid filled her and began its work. Her flat belly took on a round shape as she was filled to capacity by the soapy liquid. She continued to groan and began to wiggle uncomfortably as the water ceased.

“Punishment Enema Complete. Initiating Dressing Protocol.”

Rebecca balled her fists and pounded onto the belt as the inevitable diaper was pulled out and her bottom was lowered onto it. She was powdered and sealed, and Jenna noted that it seemed much larger than the diaper that she was wearing.

A few feet further down Rebecca’s painted nails were clipped short and scrubbed clean, and her makeup was washed away. Rebecca sat up to look at the brush and scissors that she had been dreading.


She cried as her shoulder-length red hair was trimmed to a short bob just past her ears and put into two spunky ponytails with pink ribbons. 
Rebecca was taken to the final station, where she was put into a frilly pink top that stopped far short of her diaper, which remained on full display as she finished her time on the belt and was plopped onto the floor with the two girls she had been tormenting only minutes before.

Jenna and Kayla approached carefully, as though the woman was a wild animal. Rebecca was in the midst of a full-out tantrum. Kicking and banging her fists and screaming. “No, no noooo!! It’s not fair. Nooo!!”

Kayla held out her hand to stop Jenna as they let Rebecca tire herself out until she was only sniffling. The blonde approached first.

“Rebecca, what the hell is going on? Are you okay?”

“Ugh… no. It’s fine. I’m sorry I dragged you into this. I’m just SO sick of being treated this way, and it was fun to see someone else get babied for a change.”

“What is this place? What’s going on?”

Rebecca sighed. “This was part of the deal when your dad and I got married. We knew he was going to travel often, and he was concerned about leaving me alone with access to his house and money. I assured him that I was capable of handling myself as an adult and…well, he thought otherwise.”

Jenna toddled forward, and they all paused as Rebecca’s stomach gurgled. The redhead groaned and continued her story.

“So, I agreed to certain rules and consequences if I broke those rules. I mean, how was he ever going to know what I really did and I’ve always been able to bat my eyes and get away with anything. I’ve always had your daddy wrapped around my finger and didn’t think anything would change just because he put a ring on it.”

Kayla rolled her eyes and whispered to her friend. “She sounds more like a spoiled teen princess than we ever were and she’s old...like, at least thirty.”

“I was given an allowance and that’s the rule that I break the most often. It’s hard to control myself when I’m out with all my girlfriends and see something cute that I need. And, honestly, sometimes it’s a calculated risk. I’ll decide that it’s worth it in the moment and then wind up regretting it later.”

Jenna dropped her pacifier and let it dangle from the clip attached to her shirt. “You’ve been here before. We thought that you built this place and were just in here doing some kind of weird science stuff.”

“Yeah, I heard you two talking, and honestly it was kinda flattering to think that you thought I was capable of something like that, so I just went with it. In reality, I was spending all of my time here just like this.”

Kayla tried to process all that she was hearing. Maybe that’s why she’s always such a bitch to me?

She was afraid to ask but knew that she had to. “And…the Bad Baby Protocol?”

“Oh god…it’s the worst. In the beginning, there wasn’t even all of this weird baby stuff. This was just a time-out space for me since he wasn’t home to handle it himself. Sure, I would be spanked, but I was more or less left to my own devices here.”

Rebecca paused to cradle her gurgling belly, and the nodding approval of the two girls told her to finish her story.

“Then it progressed into like a classroom setting, I guess? There would be a desk and I would be dressed like a schoolgirl and have to write lines and essays about my behavior and…well, yeah there were still a lot of spankings. I guess he thought that I could learn from my past behavior if I was faced with it.”

“So, how did you get to this?”

“After a few months in the classroom, I think he saw that it was no use. And ugh…that’s when I got worse.”

“Rebecca! What did you do?!”

“I cheated on him. Look, I’m young, and I like to be social, and he’s always out of town and kinda old. I mean, I love him and all, but a girl’s got to live, right?”

Rebecca looked to her two diapered companions for approval and found none. Only disgust and judgment.

“Ugh…fine. So, when he found out that I cheated on him…that’s when the conveyor belt and all of this, baby stuff came in. He said that if I couldn’t be trusted to act like an adult, then he would treat me like a child. Now he puts me in here for babysitting while he’s gone.”

Rebecca paused to groan and hold her belly as a series of cute little poots resounded against her waiting diaper.

“Ungh… the Bad Baby Protocol is for when I’ve been a really bad girl. I umm…might have slept with a guy from the club a couple of nights ago. Typically, I just get treated like the two of you did. That’s probably why the machine just put you through the normal procedure.”

Jenna and Kayla looked at themselves in their current infantilized state and then back to Rebecca, urging her to continue.

“But during the Bad Baby Protocol, things are different. He makes the machine cut my hair shorter each time. Do you remember how long and beautiful it used to be?”

Rebecca reached up for her hair and felt the choppy pigtails jutting out from either side of her head and gave a panicked whine.

“He cuts my hair, so I’ll have a daily reminder every time I look in the mirror of what I’ve done. He trims my nails short and shaves off my body hair for the same reasons. Even when I’m not in this place, he wants me to remember to be his good girl.”

The girls prodded at their thick diapers, remembering their own hair removal process and suddenly grateful for the long hair remaining on their heads, even if it was in silly pigtails.

“He somehow encoded my tattoo with the machine so he can leave it with specific commands while he’s gone. Sometimes I try to hide it or cover it up, but it never works.”

Rebecca stopped suddenly and moved to her hands and knees. She looked at the concerned girls and then put her head down to do what needed to be done.

A faint rose scent permeated the room as Rebecca continued to wipe away tears and find a way to position herself in her filled diaper. “I have to sit in my mess and think about what a mess I’ve made of my life. At least it doesn’t smell. I get fed formula and baby food non-stop when I’m in the Bad Baby Protocol. I feel so bloated and gross when I get out that I can’t even think about going out anywhere or having any fun for days.”

Kayla pulled Jenna to the side. “Can you believe all of this? I almost feel bad for her, but it’s like she brings it all on herself.”

“Yeah, and then brings it on us too! We have to find a way out of here.”


Want more? Check out some of my exclusive stories HERE

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  • blahblahwriter changed the title to A Weekend in the Mechanical Nursery (UPDATED! Chapter Three: 12/7)

Love it! Nice twist on the development of the nursery!


I like the twist,  I was thinking Daddy was going to find them there and decide it suited them, little did I know he built it


One more chapter and a fun epilogue to go after this update!

If you'd like to read the entire story right now, I have the completed version HERE

This has been a fun story and we're not done with twists and fun adventures for our diapered trio just yet!



“So, how does this thing work? When there’s not someone behind the controls?”


“Rebecca! Come on, how many times have you been here? Tell us about what happens so we can figure a way out of this. We are not staying here until we end up like…that.”

Kayla watched as Rebecca blushed and was alarmed at how comfortable her prissy bitch of a stepmother seemed to be in a loaded diaper. This was the same woman that wouldn’t touch her dainty bare feet to any floor of our home?

“17 times since the conveyor belt thing started.”

“What…that was rhetorical…okay, wow…let’s try something more direct. When does the machine change you?”

“Look, you can’t get out of here, okay? I’ve tried, believe me.”

“When does the machine change you? Do you have to do something? Is it on a schedule?”

“It doesn’t matter. If you try to get out, it just makes everything worse.”

Rebecca replaced her pacifier and pouted while Jenna waddled away, pacing back and forth in her diaper while popping her pacifier in and out of her mouth, like an old British detective with a tobacco pipe. Kayla gave her friend a moment to gather her thoughts, before waddling over in a show of solidarity when Jenna launched into her current thought process.

“Okay, now that we don’t have to deal with Rebecca, we just have to outsmart this machine. You already did it once, when you flipped Rebecca onto the conveyor belt. There’s not a way out of this freaking human aquarium besides the belt, so that has to be our way out.”

“It seems like the only time we go out to the belt is when we get changed and go through that whole weird process. And the only way we get changed is…”

“Ew, Kayla. Come on…again?”

Kayla shrugged. “Any other ideas?”

Jenna had at least twelve other ideas that didn’t involve soiling herself for the second time in one morning that she planned to share with her friend, but was rudely interrupted by a set of mechanical hands under her armpits, gently lifting her off the floor. Turning to her left and right, Jenna saw she wasn’t alone as the three women dangled helplessly in the air.

Rebecca spit out her pacifier and sighed. “Breakfast time.”

The trio was lowered into matching high chairs where Kayla and Jenna immediately renewed their struggle, not wanting a repeat of the previous night’s meal. Their tops were removed before their arms and legs were strapped into place. Pastel bibs matching each woman’s designated color scheme blinded their fields of view as they were pulled into place and tied behind their necks.


Rebecca didn’t even try to fight as she opened her mouth for the disgusting slop, with only the slightest wince. Kayla and Jenna, lacking Rebecca’s extended robotic nursery experience, continued to fight and whine as they twisted their faces away from the mushy food, but only succeeded in wearing most of it. Despite being the only one in a messy diaper, Rebecca somehow managed to look like the most mature one in the room.

As Rebecca neared the end of her meal, she groaned and accepted the rubber nipple of what would be her first of many bottles throughout her extended stay. She watched as the two girls continued to fight as the mechanical hands scooped the food from their chins and bare breasts and continued to force-feed them like two unruly toddlers. With nothing else to occupy her time, Rebecca waited for the inevitable, never one for deep introspection. Ah, there it is..

An extra hand was called into duty for Jenna and Kayla, as their cheeks were squeezed open and the fruit and vegetable purees found a new home. With no further choice in the matter, both girls relented and were fed their baby breakfast and bottles.

The trio bore the indignity of having their faces and bare chests wiped clean, until they were mostly back to their normal state, if their normal state included standing around topless in a diaper.

Rebecca was whisked back into the machine to finally have her messy diaper changed and Jenna and Kayla watched on with renewed, if disgusted, interest, looking for any way they could infiltrate the system.

Jenna was about to share an idea with her friend when she was picked up and taken through the door, where she landed on the belt with a thump. “I think we have to come out here not just for diaper changes but also to have our clothes changed, Kayla! We can strip down or wait until the next mealtime. See what you can learn this time through!”

Kayla listened as best she could to her friends frantic yelling, but there wasn’t much to learn. After a quick diaper check, they sped through most of the stations until being dressed in simple white t-shirts and redeposited on the floor.

As soon as she landed, Jenna ripped her top off and winked at the other two, ready to put her hypothesis to the test. Within moments, the hands descended upon her, but not in the way she was hoping.

After a thorough spanking, Jenna faced the nearest glass corner where her pacifier was pushed past her lips and her hands placed firmly on her head. She shuffled her feet with her diaper bunched around her ankles but knew better than to move until the machine released her.

Jenna took her turn back through the conveyor belt, where Kayla and Rebecca watched as she received another humiliating diaper change, including having her temperature taken, until she was dumped onto the floor between them in a pile of pink poof.

“What the fuck is this?”

Jenna spat out her pacifier and tried to reach her arms behind her back.

“Locking onesie. Been there. Done that.”

Rebecca replaced her pacifier and sat down on the ground, seemingly content to run out the clock.

“Ugh.. FUCK this place! And FUCK you! I’m going to FUCKING kill BOTH OF YOU!”

The three women froze as lights and sirens went off and the hands descended. Rebecca shook her head back and forth like an exasperated parent.

“You shouldn’t have done that, Jenna. This place doesn’t like potty mouths.”

Twenty minutes later, Jenna was fighting to get the taste of soap out of her mouth. Another trip to the corner with an even redder bottom and a bar of soap had only caused her anger at the unfairness of her entire situation to grow and the pacifier strapped in kept the soapy taste and rendered her powers of speech useless.


With no other way to express her growing distaste for the situation, Jenna stuck with the tried-and-true method used by toddlers for generations; she stomped around and groaned in a full-out tantrum. Jenna raged and seethed in the most adorable display of aggression that either woman had ever seen until, finally, she tired herself out and flumped onto her diapered bottom.

The three women spent the better part of the morning alone, each contemplating their thoughts and next moves.

Rebecca, embarrassed to have her secret shame discovered and to have been outmaneuvered by her stepdaughter and friend, knew that there was no use fighting. She settled in to ride out whatever was coming next. Planning ahead and thinking about the consequences of her actions wasn’t really her strong suit as she preferred a life of comfort.

Kayla looked at her stepmother. Were the two of them so different? It was embarrassing to see a woman of Rebecca’s age prance around like a spoiled teen when she wasn’t in diapers, but Kayla realized she was on a path that would lead her somewhere very similar. Kayla looked at where years of being spoiled and taking daddy’s money would lead her and wondered if it was too late to change. 

Jenna glared at the two women, deciding which to kill first. She still had a few thoughts around outsmarting the machine, but decided it was prudent to allow her bottom a chance to rest in case her hypotheses were once again proven wrong. But her time would come. Looking down at herself, Jenna shook her head in disgust. She fucking hated pink.

After another humiliating lunchtime, the diapered trio made their way down the belt. Rebecca was the first to have her diaper changed and Kayla knew she wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer as she passed her diaper check and moved onto the next station.

Kayla was surprised to hear the tapes ripping on Jenna’s diaper from the position behind her on the belt. Finally free of the disgusting soapy pacifier, Jenna was ready to try again. “Watch this!”

Jenna unleashed her bladder and her plan to short-circuit the machine, or at least put it out of commission for a while, was officially underway. She laid back and squeezed her abdominal muscles as she released multiple bottles' worth of juice and waited for the right time to make her move.

That time never came as the machine continued to chug on as though nothing happened. Jenna was lifted into the air, where she was wiped down and squeaked in disgust as the thermometer probed her yet again. Rebecca turned towards the commotion before laying her head back down to let the machine work, hoping that the resulting punishment for Jenna would be enough to get her to accept her fate so she could at least have some peace.

“Initiating Bad Baby Sequence.”

“What? Nooo! No. Fuck this!!! Ugh!!!”

Rebecca smiled to herself as she was dressed in a soft green onesie and was able to watch the rest of the proceedings through her spot safely on the other side of the glass.

Paddling complete, Jenna was truly broken for the first time since the experience began and ready for everything to end. She was ready to be good and just bide her time. But actions have consequences.

The cool lotion drizzled onto Jenna’s warmed skin and the formerly rebellious girl relaxed immediately as she closed her eyes and let the mechanical hands rub at least some of her worries away. But the robotic hands seemed to have something more than simple relaxation in mind as Jenna was teased and tormented and taken to the very brink of orgasm multiple times. The hands would relax her during a cool-down period before starting again, taking her higher and higher each time until she was increasingly frustrated and desperately horny.

By the time the enema nozzle entered her, Jenna was practically ready to climax from even the slightest touch from the unwelcome intruder. As soon as the water rushed through her back passage, all tingly feelings were immediately replaced by discomfort and concern as Jenna returned to her disturbing reality.

As her bottom landed on the soft diaper, Jenna could immediately sense that something felt off, and hated that as a college-aged girl she had intimate enough firsthand knowledge of diaper changes to discern a difference in sensation. The overly thick diaper was fastened and Jenna realized her legs would be forced wide with no hope of bringing them together. Her stomach churned as Jenna was pulled into a seated position and felt like she was sitting on a pillow.

It was as her nails were being clipped that Jenna remembered the ultimate humiliation of the Bad Baby Protocol. Too stunned and broken to fight back, Jenna simply lowered her head and sobbed quietly as the loose braids were removed from her jet black hair. She closed her eyes until she heard the scissors' harsh clip.

Glancing at the discarded clump of hair, she saw the purple streaks standing out against the dark strands. Never really one for fashion, the purple highlights were the one thing about her appearance that Jenna was really proud of. The giant pink bow on her high ponytail obliterated any badass feelings as she waited to see what other adorableness would be forced upon her.

The onesie was tight and as the snaps were closed Jenna felt the thick diaper pushed into her sensitive parts that only moments before were on the very brink of orgasm. But that seemed so long ago now.

Kayla noticed the delicate lace ruffles across the cap sleeves and bottom of her friend’s onesie that was in such stark contrast to her normally understated and jaded appearance as Jenna was lowered into her crib for naptime.

Rebecca and Kayla gently nursed their bottles and watched as Jenna was tightly swaddled before accepting the bottle into her mouth. It wasn’t until Jenna’s crib started gently rocking that Kayla realized that her friend was drifting off to sleep in an adult-sized bassinet.

As Kayla’s eyes grew heavy and she headed off to dreamland, she wondered what else the deranged nursery had in store for them.

Read the rest of the story RIGHT NOW

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  • blahblahwriter changed the title to A Weekend in the Mechanical Nursery (UPDATED! Chapter Four: 12/13)

Naughty girls get punished but rebellion is common and must be tested I guess! 


If you thought the "Bad Baby Protocol" was harsh, wait till you see what is in store for our trio on Day 2. The main story ends here, but stay tuned for a fun epilogue!

Remember, you can read the full story HERE right now and check out other exclusive stories that aren't on DD that feature spanking, pet play, chastity, and whole lot of naughty fun along those themes. 



The three women sat listlessly in their highchairs as each opened their mouths and mindlessly accepted their mushy morning rations. After Jenna’s outbursts and a very uncomfortable nap, the rest of the day had gone relatively smoothly. The girls were changed when needed, fed too often, and humiliatingly bathed together before being tucked in for an early bedtime. Despite the circumstances, each slept well and were mentally gearing up for another day of the same before gaining their freedom later that night.

Kayla looked at her best friend and her twisted stepmother and was glad she had somehow managed to keep herself mostly out of trouble. The whole thing was bizarre but, in the right headspace, Kayla allowed herself to relax and think of it as a very weird spa trip as she let the machines do their work and carried on with no responsibilities. It was nice to unplug for a while.

After being changed and dressed for the day, Jenna and Kayla sat in a large playpen filled with stuffed animals and stared at Rebecca, who was mumbling something to herself.

“Don’t look at me. I don’t know what this is.”

Kayla and Jenna sighed and rolled their eyes.

“What? I have no idea. I’ve never even seen this stuff before.”

Jenna got onto her hands and knees and crawled over, trying to look as menacing as possible in her pampered position.

“Are you always this bad at lying? It’s no wonder John always knows what you’re up to and keeps you in here.”

Rebecca stared back at Jenna, not ready to back down without a fight. But, alas, there was no fight left in her, and she knew she would likely need to conserve her energy for what was coming next.

“Ugh…fine. So, I may have had a date lined up last night. I planned to spend some time having fun with you two, and then head off for…well, you know…I wasn’t sure how the night would end, so I set the machine for ‘Nanny Mode’ to keep you two occupied until I got back.”

“What the fuck is Nanny Mode?”

“Honestly, I’m not even sure. The normal setting is pretty passive and just waits until we do something that requires attention. The Nanny Mode is… more direct.”

Kayla jumped as a stuffed sheep rocked back and forth in front of her face. Not in the mood to be taunted by her robot overlords just yet, she swatted it away, but her respite was brief as she again found herself face to face with the fuzzy adversary. Tentatively taking it from the robotic fingers, Kayla studied the stuffed toy briefly before nonchalantly launching it beyond the walls of the playpen and urging Rebecca to continue.

Moments later, when Kayla was bent over the side of the playpen with her diaper yanked down, she found herself deeply regretting that decision.


“Owww….please!...no more…I’ll play with the sheep!...please!....”


As the three diapered women begrudgingly played with their stuffed animals, each realized that the previous day's experiences would pale in comparison to actively taking part in their own humiliation.

Any time they stopped playing, the hands would come down from above and wave a paddle menacingly. After an hour, Jenna could no longer tolerate her forced playtime and tossed her stuffed panda over the railing, standing up boldly as Kayla and Rebecca stared wide-eyed in alarm.

“I would rather get my ass beat than be forced to play these stupid games any more. I’m not doing it. Fuck this pla...”

The arms descended on the diapered rebel before she could finish her thought. Jenna was held up with two of the mechanical hands supporting each of her arms and lifted above the playpen, where she saw Rebecca and Kayla holding their stuffed animals tightly. Another set of hands attacked her from behind, before she had a chance to brace herself.

“Ahh…ahahaha…stop it……stop….ahhh…..please!...”

Kayla and Rebecca were forced to witness something far more sinister than a spanking.

“Ohhh…..ahh…..puh…please…..ahaaa…..stop….no more……ahaaaa…”

The hands were relentless. Jenna struggled to catch her breath and continued her brief spurts into the thirsty padding of her diaper as the onslaught of tickles continued. She thrashed wildly, kicking and squealing, but she had openly challenged the machines to a duel and was now paying the price.

“Please…ahaha….no more….ahah…….pleeeeeeeease….”

Tears streamed down Jenna’s face as her forced laughter continued until she lay on the floor of the playpen. She winced as her stuffed panda was placed on her bare belly and the hands retreated...at least for the moment. Breathing heavily, Jenna watched the arms retract into the ceiling and hugged her panda tightly.

Looking to Kayla, the friends shared a moment, both speaking without speaking and knowing that they had the same thoughts.

They needed to get out of here. And Rebecca needed to pay. In that order. 


This was worse than being tickled. Jenna couldn’t move her neck, but glanced from side to side to see her friends in similar positions. Held down on barber’s chairs, all three girls feared the worst.

“Why are they cutting our hair?!”

The girls could hear the hands behind them gathering supplies, but couldn’t see what they were preparing. As the cart wheeled in front of them, Jenna renewed her struggle anew.

The diapers were bad enough. The tickling. Cutting her hair. The baby food and the baths.

But…a makeover? Ugh..

Jenna was able to mostly keep her sense of self as she was put through a series of unfortunate events in front of her friend. She was a badass that just happened to be wearing a diaper. Or a rebel with baby food smeared across her face and breasts. She took her spankings with pride to prove how tough she was in the face of danger.

These things happened to her, but Jenna still felt like herself.

As the mirror was held up to her face, Jenna wasn’t sure whether to marvel at the dexterity and precision of the mechanical hands or scream. She certainly didn’t recognize the adorable face in front of her. 

Her lips were full and pink. So pink. The lip gloss sparkled and tasted like fake strawberry as she pouted at the strange-looking adult toddler in the mirror. The blush on her cheeks gave Jenna a distinct childlike appearance, with wide eyes surrounded by colorful, sparkling eyeshadow. Her lashes were long and full and she suspected they were fake, but the whole makeover had been such a tornado of feminine activity that she couldn’t be sure. What was left of her hair, after her previous haircut, was styled in high pigtails that framed either side of her face with big pink ribbons flowing through her dark hair.

But the makeover from hell didn’t end there. Each woman was carefully stripped to just her diaper before being fitted with white tights and shiny Mary Jane shoes. A dress composed of at least 83% poofs and frills was pulled over their heads until the three perplexed women stood before a mirror in awe of the adorable toddlers standing before them.

And then the music started. The girls weren’t sure what to do as the nursery rhyme played, but the sight of paddles and taunting, tickling fingers had them flailing and trying anything to protect themselves.

Two hands descended in front of them and acted as dance instructors, giving the frustrated princesses silly dance moves to mimic. Jenna had never felt so ridiculous in her life, but knew better than to stop and even faked smiles like her other two dance partners as she lept and pranced about.

Any time they showed signs of slowing, a petticoated dress would be raised so that a diapered bottom could be spanked or nimble fingers would tickle mercilessly under their arms until all three women enthusiastically danced and pranced around like the adorable toddlers the machine wanted them to be.

Through forced smiles, Jenna made eye contact with Rebecca in the mirror. The redheaded socialite waved her hands back and forth and shook her diapered bottom in time to the music, like she was in a deranged Zumba class. 

When the music finally stopped, the three women collapsed on the floor where they remained until the hands beckoned them back for more.


Kayla’s legs dangled as the vibrations started up again.


The mechanized hands pulled on her legs and sent her bouncing towards the ceiling again until she settled back into place. Meanwhile, the vibrator packed into the seat of the oversized baby bouncer continued to buzz. Any time that she got close, any time any of them got close, all the vibrators would turn off in sync.

Kayla was wearing nothing but her diaper. They had all been stripped to only their diapers for lunch, but instead of moving to the conveyor belt for well-needed diaper changes, they were deposited here for ‘playtime’.

Her small breasts jiggled with every bounce as Kayla closed her eyes and waited for the vibrations. She looked down at Jenna, cuffed to the pink plastic horse.

The rocking horse swayed back and forth, teasing Jenna with every motion as she thrusted into the saddle. She had long since given up any semblance of modesty or decency and could only focus on one thing, the thing that she couldn’t have. The vibrations started anew, and Jenna thrusted obscenely into the saddle, rocking back and forth and tensing every muscle in her twitching legs. She was so close. So. Close. So….ugh!!

The vibration stopped, and Jenna leaned forward against the rocking horse and panted. To her right, Rebecca lay on her tummy, straddling a large stuffed bear. This was not what Rebecca had in mind when she planned her hot date once she found out about John’s travel plans for the month. She planned to be off with Antonio and…as the vibrations started again, Rebecca humped the oversized teddy bear with reckless abandon, imagining it to be her Latin lover.

The vibration stopped and the three women looked at each other as the mechanical hands lifted them all into the air. They dangled for a moment, panting and glassy-eyed, before being led to the next station in their masturbatory circuit like some fucked up version of musical chairs.

Jenna eyed Mr. Bear hungrily, ready to make him her bitch. Kayla collapsed and hugged the front of the horse, grateful to have solid ground under her again. Rebecca settled into the bouncer and moaned as the wet padding was forced into her and bit her lip while she waited for another round of vibrations.


Playtime was over and the girls were wrapped snugly in their cribs, where no wandering hands could get into trouble. The girls had all been mostly silent for the day as they were led from one degrading event to another, content to suck on their pacifiers and run out the clock until the day was over and they could put this behind them.

Jenna spit out her pacifier, needing to know that she wasn’t alone in this strange hell.

“Rebecca, this place is fucked up.”

The redhead grunted and whined, equally frustrated but not ready to accept blame for anything. “It wasn’t my fault!”

Kayla could take no more and struggled against her swaddling so that she could break free and inflict as much bodily harm on Rebecca as possible. Enough was enough.

But the swaddling held firm and Kayla settled for grumbling and frustrated animal sounds until, like any other angry toddler, she tuckered herself out and settled into a restful slumber.

The other two soon followed her journey to slumberland, where they all appreciated the rest and the stillness. Even a tightly swaddled nap in a wet diaper when she wanted nothing more than to let wandering hands soothe her sexual itch was better than a day of adorable automated activities in a mechanical nursery.


Kayla laid on the belt for what she prayed would be the last time and closed her eyes as her diaper opened and the cool air danced across her exposed skin. The wipes were chilly, but felt refreshing this time, as though something was truly being wiped away from her for good.

She moved down the belt, completely naked, and bypassed all the stations that had caused her so much havoc for the last two days. Rebecca and Jenna stood pressing their fingers against the glass as Kayla neared the end and the mechanical hands placed a basket with her clothes into her trembling hands. Kayla got dressed, marveling at how foreign and thin her clothing felt against her skin, and climbed to the control panel to wait for the others.

Jenna joined her moments later, and the two shared an awkward smile. This is something that they would talk about for the rest of their lives over drinks in codewords and sly glances, never telling another soul about their encounter behind the glass wall.

The friends watched as Rebecca was placed on the belt and had her top removed. The heavy diaper opened and landed on the belt with a thud as Rebecca let the wipes wash away her sins and basked in the feeling of being naked and free. Soon this would all be over and she looked forward to calling some of her girls for drinks. It was time to trade baby bottles for Bacardi.

Jenna ran her hands through her shortened dark hair and leaned forward with a smirk. Kayla’s eyes grew wide. She wanted to tell Jenna to stop. To tell her that Rebecca had suffered enough and that this would surely not be her last time in diapers.

But she didn’t. Kayla sat back in the chair with a quiet smile as Jenna pushed the button.

“Initiating Bad Baby Sequence.”

“What?! Nooo!! Noooo!!!”

Kayla and Jenna turned and walked down the stairs as they heard the familiar sound of paddle against flesh. Rebecca’s desperate pleading as the enema filled her from within kept them company as they crossed the room and headed for the door.

The sound of hair clippers and infantile wailing was the last thing they heard as Kayla and Jenna walked into the cool night air, savoring the feeling of freedom on their skin.

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  • blahblahwriter changed the title to A Weekend in the Mechanical Nursery (UPDATED! Chapter Five: 12/21)

Here's the end of our story!

Thanks for the comments and likes along the way. Your comments, especially the first few, helped to flesh out this story from the original 3 chapters that I planned on posting to 5 chapters and an epilogue. I cannot overstate how much likes and comments help writers through the process and we appreciate your support and thoughts!

If you'd like to check out more of my stories, I have a few exclusive stories HERE and focus mainly on diaper discipline, spanking, and pet play though all have the same themes and vibe as the writings here on DD. 


Kayla walked upstairs, pausing at the threshold of her new favorite room to hold her ear up to the door before she entered.


“Owww….I’ll be good…please….I’ll be a good girl….”

She opened the door to see her red-bottomed stepmother shuffled off to the nearest corner. The fluffy diaper, white with colorful stars and a squashed cartoon lion, lay perched just under Rebecca’s reddened rump. A light green top with pink ruffled edges left most of her back on display, which meant Kayla could see her cute little belly when Rebecca was allowed out of the corner. The top wouldn’t last long; none of them did, as Kayla enjoyed playing dress up with her infantilized stepmother.

Rebecca’s hands were planted firmly on her head, getting lost amongst her wavy red hair. Kayla noted it had grown a bit since the last time she was home and it looked familiar, almost resembling the short bob that Rebecca sported during their time in the mechanical nursery.

Kayla could only assume that her stepmother was pacified, but Rebecca normally knew better than to speak out of turn these days. Kayla listened to the quiet sniffles from the doorway as she made her way to the woman that Rebecca only knew as Nanny.

As she walked to the matronly woman, Kayla realized that she didn’t actually know her name either. Stern and stout, it was clear from even a cursory glance that Nanny was a woman that was not to be fucked with.

“Oh, Miss Kayla. Your father said that you would be coming. You look well.”

“Hello, Nanny. Has Becca been giving you trouble?”

The firm woman laughed, the type that bellows from within, at the thought that the sniffling redhead in the corner could cause trouble for anyone these days.

“Oh no, Miss Kayla. She can be quite a handful, ‌as you know, but nothing we can’t handle. I do appreciate you giving me some time away. I haven’t had a moment to myself in weeks, since her friend Brittany stopped by to babysit.”

“I’m sure they had fun.”

“Oh, that they did! Little Becca is always so excited to see her old friends. Brittany just loves to do the most adorable photo shoots and I'm not quite sure what she and Tiffany get up to, but Rebecca is always a very well-behaved little girl after their visits. Maddie is stopping by tomorrow. I trust you can handle her?”

“Awwww! Of course. I love when Maddie has a sleepover with us. What did she do this time?”

“More of the same, I’m afraid. It seems we get to spend a little time with our friend Maddie every month when the credit card statement comes in. Not all of her friends come to see Becca anymore, but I do appreciate the husbands that find what we do amusing enough to send their wives over for playdates.”

“Rebecca and her friends are certainly easier to tolerate when I can put them over my lap at any time. You should have seen them before.”

“Now, Miss Kayla, we’ve talked about this. She won’t be Rebecca again for quite some time and it’s important that we use proper names.”

Kayla smirked and nodded along, offering an apology and marveling at how calm the house was now that Nanny was in charge.

“Your father told me about your new internship. He’s very proud of you.”

“Really? He doesn’t always tell me things like that so that’s good to hear. I decided it was time that I stand on my own. Can’t end up like Baby Becca over there!”

“Oh, heavens no! I think one big baby around this house is all we can handle!”

Rebecca stomped her foot from her perch in the corner as the two women shared a laugh. It was a small sign of protest, but it was all she had. 

“Well, I should get going. I’ll leave you to it.”

“Thank you for taking such good care of her, Nanny. Jenna is on her way and I think we’ll just have a quiet girl’s night; order some pizza, drink some wine. Becca’s food is still in the same place?”

“Of course. She gets two bottles with each meal now, and I believe that chicken and gravy is on the menu for tonight. You’ll find the jars on the shelf and be sure to pick out at least two veggies as well. We’ve been doing a lot of peas and sweet potatoes lately. If she’s a very good girl, you can let her pick out one of her favorite fruit purees for dessert. Make sure to use a bib and keep the wipes handy. She can get messy! I actually find it best to strip her down to just her diaper for meal time these days.”

Kayla smiled. “That sounds perfect. Thank you, Nanny.”

Crossing the room, Kayla noted the care and detail that went into every aspect of Becca’s nursery. Large wooden crib and matching changing table. Comfortable chair for bottle feedings and snuggles. Hard-backed chair for spankings. Stacks and stacks of fluffy diapers in more colors and patterns than she could count.

Kayla let her fingertips dance over the small of her stepmother’s back and felt the heat radiating from Rebecca’s bottom as she rubbed and patted it gently. “Come on. Let’s get you changed.”


Rebecca stared up at the ceiling as her step-daughter ran a cool wipe across what was now commonly referred to as her ‘princess parts’. It wasn’t her fault that she wet herself during her spanking, but she was at least thankful that Nanny hadn’t seemed to notice and embarrass her any further.

She chose the plain white diaper. When offered a choice, Rebecca tried to choose the most mature option but her choices were limited these days. 

Choice, or the illusion of choice, seemed to make everything much worse. When she was trapped alone with the machine, Rebecca had no choices. She could only go along with whatever was done to her or act defiantly and be punished and then go along with whatever was done to her.

Now she was routinely given choices, and they only caused her humiliation to grow with each passing day. Which terrible baby mush did she want to eat for lunch? What diaper did she want to wear? Did she want pink or green ribbons in her hair? Which stuffed animal did she want to sleep with?

Rebecca reached for Thomas, her stuffed tiger, and used it to hide her face from Kayla as her bottom was lifted and she felt the infuriatingly soft diaper caress her cheeks. All of her stuffed animals were secretly named after men she had slept with after marrying John. That was her own little silent rebellion. 

She smiled for a moment, until she felt the soft powder against her princess parts. Rebecca hated the feel of it gliding between her cheeks, but she didn’t get a say in things like that anymore.

The personal touch and the patronizing smiles and the adorable cooing made her forced babyhood that much worse. As yet another fluffy diaper sealed around her waist, Rebecca pouted and peaked around Thomas’ stripes to meet the eyes of her least favorite babysitter.

But even Kayla was preferable to Nanny. With Kayla, or Brittany, or even Jenna, Rebecca could still tell herself that she was just a woman who was just trapped in a silly game for a while. But Nanny never broke character and seemed to see Becca as nothing more than the pouty, disobedient little toddler that she was being treated as. 

Kayla helped Rebecca to sit up and, with one final, humiliating boop on the nose, she smiled broadly at her demoted stepmother, who sulked adorably behind her pacifier.

“Hey, don’t look at me. You wanted to be a Sugar Baby.”


Thanks so much for following along. You can support me and read more of my stories HERE

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  • blahblahwriter changed the title to A Weekend in the Mechanical Nursery (COMPLETE! Epilogue Added 12/28)

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