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Long time listener, first time caller.

My entry to the 4th Kasarberang Non-Contest: 

Thanks to @kasarberang for the push to take the elaborate tales that I've been creating in my head for decades and finally putting pen to paper.

I'll be posting a few chapters a day all week to get everything in before the deadline next weekend. 




"Jack, hurry up. We're going to be late."

Julia hated waiting for her husband, but damn if he wasn't always worth the wait. Her toes echoed across the hardwood floors as she tapped her feet in her uncomfortable heels and crossed her arms before giving herself a quick glance in the full length mirror. 

In her late 30s, age should be starting to take a toll on her but hours in the gym, a great diet, and plenty of self care seemed to hold Father Time away. At least for now. 

Her honey blonde hair had a slight curl to it in a way that was made to look effortlessly flouncy but actually took a lot of time and mastery to pull off. Her makeup showed a similar attention to detail; understated, while drawing attention to her big blue eyes and full lips. She wore a sleeveless dress that showed off her toned arms and stopped at mid-thigh. She certainly hadn't skipped leg day. A few pieces of designer jewelry and a quick twirl to make sure her ass looked great and she again found herself yelling for her husband. 


She turned around to see him coming down the stairs. She hated how effortless it was for him. He wore dark blue chinos and a tight fitted button shirt with the top two buttons open. He looked strong and she briefly considered that they should maybe just cancel their plans and head up to the bedroom instead. Oh, the things I would do to him. 

She sighed and smiled as he walked over to greet her. "Stunning as always." He kissed her deeply. "I'm a lucky man."

They shared a long hug and he smiled at her. "Maybe a quick drink before we begin the festivities tonight?"

Their sprawling home was gorgeous as Julia kept everything immaculate. Well, her housekeeper kept everything immaculate. I should probably give her a raise. 

The power couple walked to their home bar and Jack made quick work of their drinks. An old-fashioned for him. Simple, understated, strong. A man's drink. A glass of sparkling red wine for the lady. Classy, with just a bit of bounce. They sipped and stared into each other's eyes for a few moments before they were interrupted by a knock at the door.

The couple squeezed hands tightly and Jack smiled and excused himself as he headed helplessly towards his impending fate. 

He opened the door and was immediately pounced upon by three women dressed in all black. Though he was strong, he was taken by surprise and quickly wrestled to a nearby chair where his arms were bound behind his back and he was gagged with a simple, black ball gag.

One of the intruders smiled. He looked classy, even through angry, pleading eyes and a gag. 

"Jack? Is everything okay?"

Julia walked into the room and found herself similarly swarmed by the trio of ladies in black. She was gagged with a pink gag and her hands were cuffed in front of her while she stared wide eyed at her husband and fought to push the gag out of her mouth. Ugh, I hate pink. 

"Mrs. Purple, can you drop this rope from the top banister for me?"

There was an audible sigh. "Are you really doing this shit again, Mrs. Pink? Can't we just do the job and go? Mrs. Black, back me up on this one."

Wait...are they really doing the Reservoir Dogs thing? Who are these people?

Mrs. Black stared them both down as Jack and Julia both deduced the hierarchy of the trio. She turned her gaze to Mrs. Purple. "Do it, so you and I can get to work."

"Ughh...this is ridiculous, Pink. I swear, we're going to find another driver. Why do you do this??"

"In your dreams. You keep me here because I'm the best. If you want in and out of a job, you know that there's only one set of perfectly manicured hands that you trust."

The rope was dropped from the upper banister and Mrs. Pink tugged on it a few times to make sure it was secure before attaching it to the agitated housewife's cuffed hands and raising them above her head. 

Who were these people? What did they want with her?

Mrs. Pink looked hungrily at her two captives as her two accomplices grabbed their supplies and headed upstairs. 

Mrs. Pink's golden blonde hair was several shades lighter than Julia's and pulled back in a tight ponytail. She wasn't dressed for a night on the town. She was here to work and everything from her tight ponytail to her un-embellished makeup and black, form fitting clothes stated it in no uncertain terms. 

"Ok, you two...let's have some fun."



Julia recoiled as Mrs. Pink's fingers traced her midsection before pausing to lay her head against her captive's shoulder. She was shorter than Julia but had a commanding presence nonetheless. This was someone that knew what she wanted and knew how to get it. 

"I think we'll start with...you." She pointed to Jack who struggled against his bonds. "But to do that, you'll need to know that I mean business." 

Her hand wandered south to Julia's well-toned bottom. 


Julia was no stranger to being spanked. She and Jack liked to play rough sometimes and she could take it as well as dish it out. She stared wide-eyed at Jack as her captor rubbed her butt. 


Being spanked by your husband during some naughty roleplay was fun. She loved to be his inept secretary or disobedient schoolgirl as his firm hands warmed her bottom before continuing to roam her body until they were both moaning in pleasure. 

This was not that. 

She felt cold air on her ass as her dress was raised. 


Despite wanting to appear tough she found herself wincing slightly as Mrs. Pink rubbed her bottom through her black lace panties. They were mesh in the back and Mrs. Pink smiled as she saw the woman's buns slowly starting to change color. Oh, I'm going for have fun with these two. 

"There's a lot more where that came from and all it takes is a push of this button for the rest of my team to be back here in an instant. But they typically leave me alone for my playtime while they get the job done. You will do as I say or your wife will pay for it."


She walked towards Jack, before changing her mind and heading to the front door to grab her supplies. She had two large black duffel bags and what looked to be a portable massage table. 

Jack continued to struggle as she tousled his short, black hair. She opened her bag and grabbed a black spreader bar that was quickly attached to his ankles, assuring he could do no more than hobble before setting up her table next to him. 

"Jack, I need you to be a good boy for me, ok? We're going to stand you up and I'm going to bend you over this table so we can have some fun."

He stared down his blonde jailer, showing that he was not afraid of her before glancing back to his disheveled wife with her dress still bunched around her hips. They locked eyes as Mrs. Pink reached down to uncuff his left hand. 

Jack began struggling again as Mrs. Pink stood back and sighed before taking her place behind his wife again. 


"Ughhhhh!! Nooo....." 


Julia stomped her foot but it was over as soon as it began. 

"I can do this all night, Jack. How long can she last?"


Mrs. Pink winked at Julia as she strolled back to her husband. 

"Ready to behave for me? I know you're trying to be the big strong man but the sooner we get you to the table, the sooner I can shift my focus to you instead of our hot little piece of ass over there."

He turned his gaze to his wife again before looking Mrs. Pink in the eyes and quietly nodding. 

"Good boy."

Jack allowed himself to be uncuffed from the chair and maneuvered to the table. A few awkward moments later and he found himself staring at his wife as the lady in black rubbed his ass through his tight chino pants. 

He was bent over the table with legs spread and arms stretched out. Mrs. Pink gave a few playful spanks as she continued taunting him and massaging his ass. Her eyes never left Julia's watchful eye. 

"Much better. Now, Julia wore some extra sexy panties for you tonight, Jack. Did you have a hot date planned? Were you planning on getting some action tonight? Let's see what you're packing under here."

She reached underneath to cup his manhood before unbuckling his belt and pants and lowering them to his ankles to reveal tight, silk black boxers. Classic. 


Jack winced. His ass was also no stranger to a firm hand, but he preferred to be the aggressor. As tough as his outward appearance was, he actually had a pretty low pain tolerance and knew that Julia could take a much tougher beating than he could. 

Mrs. Pink however, was not privy to their dynamic and was determined to show Jack who was boss. 


She continued to eyefuck his wife while giving Jack the hardest spanking he had ever endured. 


Jack was determined not to break in front of his wife. He lightly groaned, inaudible over the sound of the stinging spanks. 

"I think we're getting the point across." She grabbed the waistband of his boxers and he froze. "Let's see who has the redder bottom!"

He closed his eyes and bared the indignity as the back of his underpants were pulled upwards and he had his bottom checked like a naughty toddler who couldn't be trusted to keep his pants clean. 

"Oh, that's a red bottom, Mister!"

She let go and let the boxers snap back against his skin as she stalked towards his wife.

"And how about your little bottom?"

One more firm spank and his wife also had her bottom checked by the lady in black. 

"Hmmm...I believe it's a tie. I HATE ties."


Julia groaned into her gag as she tried to twist away and they both stopped as they heard the commotion from the table behind them. 

Jack was banging his hands against the padding, desperate to draw the attention back to himself. 

"Is that our knight in shining armor coming to save the poor defenseless little princess?"

Julia pleaded with her eyes as Mrs. Pink again turned her attention to the pantsless man of the house. 

"Well, let's give you a chance to really prove your valor then."

She reached beneath Jack and slowly slid the belt from his pants, popping it together with a loud crack as she folded it in half and looked menacingly at her captive. 



There was no hiding this one. No trying to be brave. That fucking hurt. 


Jack groaned again and slammed his cuffed hand against the padded table. 

"Is that it? I thought you came to save the princess? I guess I'll have to give the other 3 to her!"

"No!" He met her eye and motioned her back towards him with a head nod as he took a deep breath. 

She let the belt ride down his back as she slowly patted his sore butt. She pulled the belt away and he braced himself. 

He felt her hands on his waist again and then felt the cool breeze hit his reddened ass. It was a welcomed change of temperature but he knew it wasn't going to last long. 

"Awwww, look at that smooth little bottom! I love a man who grooms well and takes care of himself. Princess, you've got quite the catch here!"

THWACK. Ok, that one really hurt. 

THWACK. I'm going to make that bitch regret this. 

THWACK! "Owww....FUCK!"

Mrs. Pink giggled. Some words were unmistakable even when they were gagged.

She gave Jack a moment to recover as she strolled over to Julia to lightly caress her bottom as they watched the bare bottomed man breathe heavily with his eyes closed.

"He must really love you. That's nice."

She looked at him longingly for a moment before clapping her hands together and heading back to Jack. 

"Now Jack, I'm going to pull you forward with your cuffs and you're going to lie face down on the table for me." She gave him a firm spank with her hand and he winced. "You're going to be a good boy for me, yes?"

He put his head down and nodded. She had won. For now. 

He climbed onto the table as best he could with the spreader bar. "Just scoot a little back for me... A little more... Perfect!"

She strapped him down to the table at his shoulders, waist, knees, and ankles. He put up a token struggle but he wasn't going anywhere. Jack's pants and silk boxers were still around his ankles and his shirt was pushed harshly up his torso to allow his red bottom to shine in all of its glory. 

But that's not what Jack needed to be worried about. 

Mrs. Pink disappeared from view and he heard her rumbling around under the table. "Ah, there we go!"

He suddenly felt cool air on his manhood as it dropped through the table and through the small hole that Mrs. Pink opened in the table. He felt her lightly graze his cock and balls with her manicured nails and twitched.

What the hell just happened?

She gave a light tug and then stood up to address the class for her Villainess Monologue. 

"You are not my first couple to play with. Far from it, actually. My two companions put up with my shenanigans because I'm a damn good driver. So they let me have my little...playtime. I keep the couples occupied while they are free to do what they came for."

She paced back and forth as she spoke. 

"The wife I can always handle. And I've got special plans for you princess. But the husband... he's always a problem."

She snapped on pink gloves and walked towards Jack to continue. 

"You see, the husband has his manhood to protect. He needs to be brave and strong. Not just for himself, but also in front of his woman. How silly! Once they are confronted with true power it doesn't take much to have them sniffling before me like little Jacky here."

"But a spanking just wasn't doing it. Sure, it tamed them initially but the anger just grew and they always tried to lash out again. So I found something to do with that anger."

She reached under the table to stroke Jack again. 

"I don't know about you, honey, but after I really give it to a man all he wants to do is sleep! The house could be on fire and he would barely move."

Jack struggled as she continued to stroke him and he rose to the occasion. 

"And once we get him all nice and sleepy, then you and me get to play!"

He let out a soft moan as she let go and went to her bag. Julia watched her grab a small bag and bring it back to the table.

Jack felt a slick hand glide around him again. "A little lube never hurt, right Jack?"

Jack moaned. He couldn't help it now.

Mrs. Pink toyed with him for a few more minutes as Julia watched on helplessly. 

One last luxuriously long stroke and she disappeared above the table. 

"Now, it's important that we don't let our men experience that kind of explosive joy right away. We need to keep them wanting. Desperate."

Jack felt a gloved hand at his backdoor. 

no. not that. 

He began to thrash but the spreader on his legs made it impossible to get away as Mrs. Pink gently fingered his puckered hole while occasionally reaching underneath to give Little Jack a few tugs. Once he was good and lubed he felt something bigger pushing on his entrance. 

He groaned and Julia's eyes grew wide. 

"And there. We. GO."

Mrs. Pink grinned to herself as the butt plug popped into place and Jack continued to groan. 

A few tickles to his dangling manhood was all it took to turn those groans back into moans. And then the vibrations started from deep within as her hands continued to lightly stroke him. 

She slapped him on the ass as she stood up. "How does that feel? Still the big strong man? Hmm....not quite there yet. Maybe you need a show?"

She walked to his field of view and stood directly in front of his bewildered wife. She paused for effect and then began to dance seductively in her tight black activewear. 

Jack closed his eyes as the vibrations continued to ravage him and he twitched uncontrollably. 

"No? Not what you're after?" She sighed. "It never is. Let's see if we can find you something else to look at."

Julia felt her dress unzip slightly before it was cut from her body leaving her dangling from the ceiling in just her lacy black bra and panties. 

Bitch. That was a $600 dress. 

Julia glared at her captor as Mrs. Pink grabbed her by the chin and guided her eyeline to her man who lay moaning and twitching on the table. "You see, we can't beat them by force. Look at his leg muscles twitch. He is just so strong. So much stronger than little ol' me or you."

"Sure, spanking is fun but we will never overpower them. We have to drain their power from them. One drop at a time."

She let her hands fall slowly and trace Julia's body over her breasts to the front of her panties. 

"And then you and I get to have some fun. Like Samson, we are going to take away his power and then you are going to be my little plaything. And we are going to have so much fun." She let her fingers linger between Julia's legs. 

"He's getting close, but not there yet. Let's continue the show."

Two quick snips and Julia's bra lay twisted around her ankles and her breasts were exposed. Mrs. Pink traced them slowly, moving towards her hardened nipples. 

Julia struggled but allowed a small moan that was quickly overshadowed by a long moan from Jack as Mrs. Pink pressed the button in her pocket to dial up the intensity in his butt plug. 

"Is this what you like, Jack?"

She smacked Julia on the ass. "Dance for him. Give him a little show."

Julia jumped and stomped her feet in protest as her breasts swayed back and forth. 

"Maybe you need a little extra motivation? Do you need some fun too? I have just the thing." Mrs. Pink fished around in her bag for a bit and dropped a vibrator into the front of Julia's panties and watched her squirm in sync with her husband.

She stood behind her and massaged Julia's small breasts with both of her hands as Julia squeezed her legs together and moaned.  

"Ugh...Mmmm" The girls were rudely interrupted as Jack's moans increased in both volume and intensity. 

"See?" She pinched Julia's nipple as she squeezed. "Boys are easy. I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere!"

She turned both vibrators up a notch as she walked back to Jack and positioned herself under the table and gently stroked Jack's twitching manhood. "Unghhh....Mmmmm....." Jack's mind melted as the deep vibrations combined with Mrs. Pink's gentle strokes and his wife's squirming practically nude body. Jack was beginning to drip as Mrs. Pink increased her speed. 

"Ok, I think it's time we brought this rousing game to it's natural conclusion." The moans were louder as Julia twisted sensually and Jack began to thrust into the air beneath the table. 

"Let's see how many strokes you can handle. I'll tell you what. If you can get to ten, I'll let you both go and you and your lovely wife can spank me until my friends are done!"

Jack and Julia locked eyes in quiet desperation.

ONE. Her hand grasped his manhood and moved up and down. 

TWO. Another stroke and she lightly tickled his balls. 

THREE. She reached up to work his plug in and out for a few thrusts. 

"Unh...unh....uhhh!" Jack was practically screaming now. 

She smacked him on the ass. "C'mon, you can do better than that! You have no idea what else I have in store for you and my cute little dolly over there. Just hold on and all of this can go away."

FOUR. FIVE. Two quick strokes in rapid succession. She held tightly and pushed her hand into his groin. 

...and SIX. She gave one more squeeze and his ruined orgasm dripped below him as he continued to thrust and moan.

Mrs. Pink gave him a minute and then continued to milk him as he continued breathing heavily and came to a rest on the padded table with a despondent sigh. 

Both of the vibrators were turned off and she grabbed a baby wipe to clean off Jack's shriveling manhood. 

"And now for the final coupe de gras." Jack felt something cold and metal around his balls and groaned. He didn't have the energy to fight anymore and looked at his wife in defeat as his manhood was locked away. 

With one final click, Mrs. Pink held up the key and tucked it into her pocket. "For safe keeping. It's hard for a man to feel manly when I have the key to his junk. Between your little butt buddy.." She turned the vibrator on and off quickly as Jack let out a low moan. "..and this key..." she paused and tickled his balls and watched him groan as his penis hit the front of his chastity cage. "you are going to be a very good boy while I have some fun with your wife, ok?"

She paused and he turned his head away, defeated and humbled. A sharp smack on his ass brought him back to the present. "OK?"

He turned his head back to his wife. He had failed her. He had an opportunity to save her. To save himself. And he let them both down. Now they would have to play along. 

Jack nodded and she patted him on the bare bum. "Good Boy". 

She turned her attention back to Julia and smiled. "How about a little girl time?"



Julia studied Mrs. Pink as she made her way around the table, her hands tracing lines over her husband's listless bound body. 

"Let's just take care of our little boy toy first. You may even find you like him better like this!"

Jack was unstrapped and uncuffed from the table and helped to his feet where the spreader bar was also removed. Mrs. Pink quickly stripped him off his shirt and had him step out of his discarded pants until he stood before them completely nude. Except for his stainless steel chastity cage and butt plug. He was walked to the chair where he sat gingerly on his sore ass and plug as his ankles and wrists were strapped back down to the chair. 

"There. Now you can enjoy the show." She tapped his chastity cage. "But not too much."

She moved the table behind Julia and smiled. God, I love this part.  

The husbands were always entertaining. They amused her. It was fun to watch them squirm and to seize control so that she had the power. But once she had broken them and locked them away it was time for the real fun. 

"Ok sweetie. Let's see what we're working with."

She slowly lowered Julia's panties to the ground, exposing her reddened ass and her well trimmed fuzz to the room. Hmm...we'll have to deal with that soon. 

Jack stared at his exposed wife and felt his manhood twitch painfully against it's new steel prison. She really was beautiful, even if it was in this heightened vulnerable state. 

Mrs. Pink circled the nude wife like a lioness stalking her prey. Julia felt her eyes on every inch of her exposed body as she stood there in nothing but her designer heals, willing herself to continue staring straight ahead. 

First, she grabbed the spreader bar from the table and attached it to Julia's legs leaving her even more exposed and vulnerable. She scooted the table forward until it rested against Julia's roasted backside. 

Julia watched as her captor reached above her head to unhook her cuffs and considered pushing her over and making a run for it. But then she eyed Jack's cage and knew she wouldn't be able to overpower the girl in this stupid spreader bars, free Jack, and make a run for it. She sighed in resignation and realized that, at least for now, she was completely at the mercy of the woman she only knew as Mrs. Pink. 

A slight shove and Julia found herself staring up at the ceiling with an 'oof!'. Mrs. Pink worked quickly to fasten the spreader bar to the rope that had previously held the wife's arms before moving to the other end of the table to secure her hands. 

Julia had never felt so exposed in her life as her arms were held firmly over her head and her legs completely opened up to Mrs. Pink and her husband. She heard her husband groan from across the room. Well, at least someone is enjoying the view. 

Mrs. Pink grabbed one of her duffle bags and set it in the center room and began pacing as she spoke. "My partners and I have robbed many homes in this town. Always couples and we always do it when the couples are home. Mrs. Black and Mrs. Purple are after your loot. They only care about the money. But I'm the one that actually selects our targets. And I'm in it for far more than your money."

Is she really monologuing again? God, this is exhausting.. 

"I have watched you drive your expensive cars to your dinner parties. Julia, I have seen your fancy shopping sprees. I watched as you left your house vacant to go on extravagant vacations. What have you done to deserve this? What makes you better than me and my friends?

The three of us came to the same conclusions and they decided that taking your money was the way to settle the score. But me? I want your pride. I want your dignity. I want to strip you of all of the things that make you who you are, so that we can see who you really are. You, my dear Julia, are just a pampered princess. And I think it's time that you look the part."

With this strange assertion, she reached into her bag and held up a giant pink diaper and waved it around to make sure that Jack and Julia could bask in all of it's glory. 

"For you see, tonight you find yourself in the company of...The Baby Bandits!"

"Ugh..noooo!!" Julia whined and was suddenly very aware of who her captor was. They robbed the houses of wealthy couples and then left the couples behind in diapers to wait for the police (or their housekeepers) to show up and set them free. 

At least, that's how it started. The first couple was found tied to their bed, wearing diapers. It seemed like the Baby Bandits wanted to humiliate them or were just being practical and didn't want to make a mess or have to untie the captives. 

But then it kept getting weirder. The next couple that was found also had bibs and pacifiers found next to them. Then there were the pacifier gags on the next couple. Sometimes there were empty jars of baby food or empty bottles nearby. Once there were even used diapers balled up near the victims, showing that they had been used and changed. 

Then they robbed her friend Heather and her husband Matt and it became real. 

When Julia asked her about it later over drinks, Heather shared the whole story. Matt was tied down and spanked before some crazy lady jacked him off. Then Heather was stripped and shaved before being powdered and diapered. She too was spanked and treated like a baby for an hour or so before she was left in nothing but a wet diaper for her maid to find the next morning. 

And now it was happening to her. 

Jack wrestled against the bonds in his chair, not wanting to see his wife turned into a giant toddler in front of him. "Oh, quiet you" Mrs. Pink dismissed him easily and pressed the button to turn on his vibrator. "It's time to pamper your princess!"

Julia also wriggled helplessly in her bonds, but it was no use. She was going to become this crazy woman's plaything and there was nothing she could do about it. 

Mrs. Pink took a small bag from her larger duffel bag and walked towards the exposed girl. Julia felt the woman run her hand through her trimmed pubes. She had spent the better part of an hour carefully grooming herself for a special date with her husband tonight. And in less than 5 minutes all of that hard work was gone. 

Julia winced as the cool shaving cream hit her mound and was spread liberally from front to back. She was admonished to not move as Mrs. Pink ran the sharp razor over her most intimate parts before grabbing a baby wipe to wash away the last remnant of Julia's adulthood. 

She smelled the sweet aroma of baby oil before it touched her skin. Mrs. Pink took her time to liberally rub oil into every nook and crevice. She paid special attention to her freshly shorn princess parts and her twitching back door before reaching up to rub her breasts and tweak each nipple. 

"Now we are starting to look and smell like a real pampered princess! Let's make sure that baby is feeling okay and didn't get too worked up during all the commotion here."

Jack watched as their captor reached into her Mary Poppins bag and came out with a large thermometer and some Vaseline. At least I'm not going to be the only one with something in my ass. 

Julia could not see the bag clearly from her vantage point so did not have the benefit of prior knowledge as she felt the cool intruder knocking at her back door. Ooooh, Heather did NOT mention this!

She clenched her fists and took deep breaths as Mrs. Pink took her time, gently twisting the thermometer back and forth in her bottom before popping it out with a smile. 

"All clear! I give you a clean bill of health to continue!"

Julia sighed as the fluffy pink diaper was placed on her belly and she saw baby powder placed on her right side. Mrs. Pink grabbed the diaper and began gently fluffing it, somehow making it even bigger than before. Her bottom was lifted slightly before coming back down on the cushiony cloud. She watched the powder disappear from view and felt its light sprinkle on her freshly shaven loins and red bottom. 

She braced herself for her final disgrace as the diaper was lifted between her legs and sealed in place, one tape at a time. Mrs. Pink patted her on the front of her diaper, seemingly pleased with her work. 

"Awww, you look so pretty!" Julia blushed and looked away. "But, we are not done with your makeover. In the beginning, I was happy to leave you spoiled bitches trussed up in your new padded panties and call it a day. But you would not believe the kind of crazy shit you can find online these days!"

Mrs. Pink walked over to Julia with her duffel bag, wanting to make sure that she could savor every delicious detail on her face as she presented her humiliating attire one by one. 

"First, we need to switch out your ball gag with a Pink pacifier. If you're a good girl, we can leave out the pacifier gag and you can just keep it in your mouth for me!"

"Next, would you look at these darling mittens and booties!" She held up a pair of locking pink mittens and booties designed to keep her hands completely useless. And adorable. 

Mrs. Pink showed her the next piece and she racked her brain to try to process exactly what she was seeing. 

"Is this not the most adorable thing you have ever seen in your entire life?? It's a Teddy Bear onesie! See? It's an adorable shade of pink to match your little booties and pacifier....I kind of have a thing for pink if you haven't noticed...and it has these cute little bear ears on top and....ahhhhhh! You're going to be SO stinking cute!"

Julia glared at Mrs. Pink. Fuck this. The diaper was enough but she was not going to be dressed like a fucking care bear in front of her husband. 

Her husband that was currently sitting in a chastity cage with a vibrating butt plug up his ass. 

Ugh...so I guess this is happening. 

She welcomed the removal of the gag and Mrs. Pink graciously gave her a moment to stretch her jaw before replacing it with a pacifier. "Now, you are not allowed to remove this unless it is taken out by Mrs. Pink, ok honey?"

Julia resumed her angry glare. But an angry glare behind a pacifier is just an adorable pout. 

She received a few swats on her diapered behind for that one. It didn't hurt nearly as much as being spanked on the bare ass but the humiliation of being spanked in a diaper in front of her husband while sucking on a pacifier was humbling enough to urge her compliance. 

She took a page from her husband's notebook and nodded in agreement for her captivated captor. 

Mrs. Pink next released the spreader bar and replaced Julia's designer heals with some soft pink booties that were locked into place. Her hands were uncuffed and replaced with matching Pink mittens. She sat up on the table and allowed the onesie to be pulled over her head. It seemed a little too long until she remembered that she was a fucking toddler now as Mrs. Pink reached between her legs and snapped her in. 

"Stand up for me. Let's have a look at you!"

Julia sighed and stood on shaky legs as she got used to the cushioned booties on her feet. 

"Ahhh.....you have to see this! Come! Come!"

She held Julia's hand as the pair waddled over to the full length mirror near the front door. Less than an hour ago she had stood in this exact spot waiting on Jack and checking herself out. And now?

Her designer heels were gone. She was locked into these oversized pink booties. She held up her hands so that she could take in the matching set. Her perfectly manicured nails dug in slightly to her palms as she clenched her fists in these useless pink balls where her hands used to be. 

She felt the powder sliding around her forcibly shaved pussy and ass and thought of all the time she had spent making sure everything looked perfect for Jack and she had felt sexy as hell. Had

That bitch had ripped off her expensive dress and left it in shreds. She looked over her shoulder and saw it still crumpled on the ground and sighed. She wasn't sure if she was more pissed off about the dress or this adorable monstrosity she was forced to wear. But she was definitely pissed.

She looked to her face and immediately stopped sucking on the pacifier. How long had she been doing that?

Her luscious locks that she had spent so much time primping and curling and cutting to look just right were tucked away carelessly into this pink hood that framed her face, stole her peripheral vision, and...were those ears on top??

Muscle memory kicked in and Julia turned around to check out her ass, just as she always did in this mirror before she left her house. Gone was the shapely ass that she worked so hard on every day in the gym. Now it was just a pampered monstrosity. She saw her diaper poking out around the onesie that hugged every curve of her body. 

She had watched with pity earlier as Jack had his manhood stripped from him and was locked away. And now, as her adulthood was stripped away, she couldn't decide who had it worse. 

  • Like 7


"Jack, you just have to see this!"

Julia was paraded again through her fancy foyer and this time was parked in front of her husband instead of their mirror. She looked down to his cage and back up as their eyes met. 

There was fear, confusion, anger, and...

"Ungh..." Jack groaned. 

Yep, still horny. 

"Well Jack, I didn't know you would be so into this! I'll be sure to leave behind a big stack of diapers for this cute little wifey of yours!" Julia was forcibly spun around and bent over as she was again spanked on her padded posterior. 

"Of course, I don't know if you'll still be turned on later when we're cleaning this messy little bottom of hers." Julia looked back with wide, concerned eyes. "Oh yes, princess. I left the others in wet diapers, but you are special. You are my crowning achievement. You will be my first messy baby!"

Julia saw red. It was one thing to be spanked and forced into this admittedly adorable ensemble. But that was a line she was not willing to cross. 

She turned around and lunged at Mrs. Pink knocking her to the ground. She pounced on her and started reigning down hellfire as she landed punches left and right. She didn't stop until she heard shuffling upstairs and looked down to see Mrs. Pink doubled over in laughter. 

"Your cute little face! Oh. SO. Angry!! Bwahahaha! And all of those little punches in your padded mittens. Haha!! Awww.... you are SO cute when you're mad. But now it's my turn." She turned from hysterical laughter to crazy eyes in an instant and Julia's body may have chosen that exact moment to test out the absorbency of her new padding. 

Mrs. Purple yelled down, "Yo! You good?" She looked over the railing at the scene that had unfurled in the hour since she had last seen the couple. 

"What the fuck is this? Why do you always do this, Pink?" She walked down the stairs towards the victims. "Did you lock his cock away? Why is she dressed like a fucking care bear?"

"Just get her off of me and help me get her back to the table!"

The embattled housewife was pulled off of Mrs. Pink and dragged back to the table. She again found herself staring up at the same ceiling with her arms and legs bound as she cursed herself for acting impulsively and wondered what it would cost her. 

Julia felt the snaps on her onesie pop open as she watched Mrs. Purple disappear back up the stairway mumbling to herself about how 'fucking weird' Mrs. Pink was. She didn't disagree. 

Her onesie was scooted up to her breasts and the tapes of her diaper were opened one by one as the diaper was discarded and thrown to the side. She was exposed to the room again with her legs held up by the now familiar spreader bars and her smooth powdered pussy and ass on full display. 

She felt the first spank and squealed in surprise. "I cannot believe that you would try something like that, Princess. And so early in our night together. I just got your little bottom wrapped up in that diaper and now I'm going to have to give you a spanking that will make Jack's look like patty-cake."


Mrs. Pink was relentless and thorough as she covered every inch of Julia's squirming backside and sit spots. Julia had a much higher pain tolerance than Jack but Mrs. Pink was determined to turn her into the blubbering baby that she was dressed as. 


Julia groaned and clenched her fists, not ready to admit defeat. This position hurt so much more than the standing position used for her first spanking. Blow after blow, spank after spank, landed on her well-toned tushy for several minutes as Mrs. Pink's hand grew tired and the game of cat and mouse continued, neither wanting to admit defeat. 

Jack was the first one to cry out as his manhood again struggled in its tiny prison. 

Mrs Pink stopped. "Really, Jack? There's something wrong with you."

She appreciated the break and shook out her hand as it was beginning to tingle. Julia's red fanny stared back at her, daring her to try again. 


"Noo.....owww!!!" Julia groaned and Mrs. Pink knew she was close. She found her second wind and continued her assault with renewed vigor.  


She dialed up the speed and intensity in a fury of blows that finally left Julia begging as her pacifier fell out. "No! Please!! I'm sorry!! Ohhhh......." and Mrs. Pink listened to the beautiful symphony of sniffles that she had orchestrated. 

Mrs. Pink walked over and lightly wiped the tears from Julia's face as she replaced the pacifier. "There. There. Did we spank all of the naughtiness out of you? Are you ready to be a good girl?"

Julia quickly nodded as Mrs. Pink removed the pacifier and stared down menacingly at her prey. "Then let me hear you say it."

Julia started at her wide eyed before sighing and mumbling, "..I'llbeagoodgirl.."


"What was that honey? I couldn't hear you?"


"oh God... I'll be a good girl! I'll be a good girl!"

"That's better." Mrs. Pink replaced the pacifier, wiped away a few more tears, and brushed the matted hair out of Julia's face before heading back to her mystery bag and coming back with another much thicker diaper.

"Now, as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, you will be my first messy baby.  And because of your little tantrum,  I'm now going to make you beg me for the privilege." The icy words matched the soothing feel of wipes and baby lotion against her red hot bottom.

Julia moaned, despite herself, as her captor continued rubbing the pink lotion up from her bottom and through her princess parts. Soon she was feeling tingly and relaxed as the sweet smell of baby lotion filled the air. 

She heard the pink glove snap into place again and raised her head to see a greased up hand heading towards her bottom hole for the second time today. She squeaked as Mrs. Pink gently circled her hole before inserting one finger s-l-o-w-l-y into her waiting bottom. 

Her finger was removed and then replaced as she felt something pushed inside. She felt another intruder enter her back passage as she looked at Mrs. Pink to explain. "That was the key for those cute little cuffs on your hands and feet. We'll just put them here for safe keeping. And this...she held up the tiny key to Jack's cage before sealing it in a small pink, egg shaped object...this is the key to unlock your little boy toy over there."

Jack and Julia groaned in unison as they watched the key disappear. Mrs. Pink pulled out a small pink plug and slowly inserted it into Julia's quivering bottom. "And this...well, this is just to hold everything in until you're ready. Whenever you're ready, all you need to do is ask!"

Julia felt full and groaned, knowing that this crazy bitch had beaten her again. She was again powdered and diapered and gingerly helped to her feet to have the onesie refashioned. They walked towards Jack but she couldn't bring herself to look him in the eye this time. 

"Pink! Get up here! Holy shit. You've got to see this!"


Julia straddled her husband, a position they had been in countless times over the years. She liked being on top as it gave her a feeling of power and control. But now, as her padded hands were cuffed behind Jack's back in a loving embrace and her bootied feet shackled to the back of the chair she didn't feel in control at all. 

Julia decided to risk it and turned her head to carefully spit her pacifier out and let it rest on her shoulder as she looked her humbled husband in the eye. 

"Some night, huh?"

Jack grumbled and tried to speak but it was useless with the ball gag in place.

"Why don't you just let me talk for a bit?" Jack rolled his eyes and nodded.

"Ok, we clearly underestimated this bitch. I thought that Heather was just weak but she really bested us here. Respect where it's due."

"That being said, I don't plan on staying this lady's pampered pet for much longer and well...we obviously need little Jack back, don't we?"

She smiled at him and he groaned as they were interrupted by a rumbling from her tummy. 

"I'm going to have to do some pretty terrible things here to get us out of this mess. I think we both know what the other two found up there so we're going to have to play along for just a little while longer."

She gave her husband a kind smile. "Then, this bitch is going down."


Mrs. Pink struggled to take in all that she was seeing. Had her mind somehow created this? Had she manifested it from sheer desire? This was her Disney World. 

She stood in the middle of the pastel pink room and twirled around slowly. It was a nursery. But with adult sized furniture.

There was a giant crib. And a high chair. And a fully stocked changing table! And So. Much. More. 

Mrs. Black addressed the room. "Look, I don't know what the fuck this is but it seemed like it was custom made for you and your weird shit. Enjoy yourself. We're almost done up here and then we'll just need a little while downstairs."

"Oh, take your time!" Mrs. Pink beamed. She was home. She just needed to bring in her new roommates. 


Julia groaned again as the next set of cramps hit. They both jumped as Mrs. Pink bounded down the stairs and practically pranced over to the couple. 

"You two will NEVER guess what I found upstairs! I think you have some explaining to do!"

They were both quickly uncuffed and she prodded them up the stairs. She wanted to spend as much time in this room as she possibly could!

Mrs. Pink was mesmerized by the padded bottom of her little princess and the bare, well-tone ass of her boy toy with the little plug sticking out. Yes, this was definitely her favorite couple yet! Maybe she could convince the other two to let her stay for a while and have some more fun. 

The couple soon found themselves in the middle of their pink prison and Mrs. Pink popped out Julia's pacifier. "Explain. Did I misread you entirely? Are you two into this?? Or is it HIM that likes to have his little tushy wrapped in diapers!" She pondered what it would be like to have two pretty little princesses to play with and chuckled to herself. 

"Umm. No. It's nothing like that at all. I'm a photographer. That's it. I started with portraits for some friends that used to be models and then moved into boudoir shoots. All of the girls on our block have been over here. I make them feel beautiful."

"You take pictures of them HERE?" She gestured around vaguely at the entire room. 

"No, of course not. We have another room set up as my main photography studio. I guess your friends just weren't as interested in that one. A few of my friends had, let's say, more extreme tastes and we also built a small dungeon with some bondage equipment so they could feel like the sexy damsel in distress."

Mrs. Pink's jaw dropped. "You have a dungeon too?? I may never leave!"

"Well, we've never really used it. I've been told that it's all very real but we just use it as props to make my friends and their friends feel fun and sexy."

"And this?"

"We haven't even used this room yet. Our dungeon loving friends introduced us to the world of fetish photography and it pays WAY better than portraits or boudoir shoots. Honestly, it's more fun too. I don't have to tell you what this room will primarily be used for but we've even got a few things for petplay tucked away in the corner there."

All three heads turned and Mrs. Pink walked over to see a plush pillow big enough for any of them, two bowls, some leashes and collars, hairbrushes and bows, and everything else a cute little puppy could need.  

"Now, THAT... I haven't even considered that yet. I may have to swipe a few of your toys for the future. Damn..."

Mrs. Pink stood silently and tried to take everything in. She was standing in the giant nursery of her dreams. There was a whole pile of stuff to turn people into adorable pets. Somewhere nearby there was a fully stocked dungeon. 

"Why didn't you tell me about this earlier, princess??"

This was all just too much to take in and she felt a heat growing in her loins as she shifted her plan to take all of these new toys into account. 

She grabbed Jack by his man cage and he cried out as she pulled him towards the corner. "Let's see... oh yes, I think this will do nicely. Down on your knees, Mr. Wiggles."

Wiggles? Why does she even have that one?

Jack rolled his eyes but what could he do? She literally had him by the balls. 

He knelt down and allowed the plush collar to be placed around his neck followed by a short leash. "Come here Wiggles! Come!"

She walked Jack around on a leash giving him a very different vantage point of the room that he helped to design and build. She looked excitedly to Julia. "Do you think he can do tricks?"

After the sixth round of fetch, Mrs. Pink settled into a plush oversized chair and admired the view of her two captives. Jack, on all fours and a leash. His manhood still locked tightly away with the butt plug firmly in place. She had heard no excitable groans from him once they entered this pink palace. His penis seemed completely comfortable in its smallest, resting form. 

Julia stood awkwardly, the adorable pink bear cub that she was, shifting uncomfortably from side to side as the suppositories did their job and she tried to get used to the full feeling in her bum. 

"Come here silly girl. I think that's enough dancing for now. Although.."

Mrs. Pink beckoned Julia to her lap and looked over to the humbled husband on all fours as he watched his wife's padded bottom walk by. He groaned. There it was. 

"Bad Mr. Wiggles. We shouldn't be looking at naughty bottoms that we can't have. Do I need to put you in your cage?"

Jack glanced over at the large cage in the corner and quickly shook his head back and forth. "Then turn around for me, Mr. Wiggles. If we're going to be looking at bottoms, let us see yours!"

Jack sighed and turned around and bent over, presenting himself to the two ladies present. "Just look at this pathetic thing." She walked over to fondle his caged manhood from behind. "Completely useless." She gave him a few quick spanks so that he would remember who was boss and he groaned quietly. "You stay just like that, Mr. Wiggles. This is not for naughty little pups to see."

Jack buried his face into the carpet and arched his back to display his red bottom. He heard unzipping but chose to remain still as Mrs. Pink pulled off her black jumpsuit. 

Julia shouldn't have been surprised at the cute, lacy pink bra and panty combo that was unveiled but she chuckled lightly to herself. The tough Mrs. Pink was just a cutesy little thing underneath her whole formidable facade. 

She was guided awkwardly onto Mrs. Pink's nearly nude lap as she cradled the mystified milf. This is definitely not where she saw their evening going, though Jack did look cute with his little bottom in the air. 

After a few moments, Julia made herself relax and settle in as Mrs. Pink gently patted her padded bottom with her right hand. It wasn't until she heard a small moan that she realized where Mrs. Pink's left hand was as she watched her captor pleasure herself with her eyes closed. 

Mrs. Pink's eyes popped open quickly and made eye contact with Julia. "I bet you're thirsty, little one."

Julia was confused as Mrs. Pink unhooked the front clasp of her bra and her large breasts spilled out. She took a moment to study them. Large and perky, they were nothing like the cute little B cups that she had. She was studying her erect nipples as the pacifier was pulled from her mouth and she was forced into Mrs. Pink's breast with both hands. 

"Mmmph! Noo!" Julia protested as Jack decided to steal a quick glance. He did not have 'Watching wife get forcibly breast fed in a diaper and onesie' on his bingo card for the evening. Despite himself, he felt a twinge against his cage and turned back around so as not to get himself in any further trouble. 

"Shhh....Shh...there you go." Julia realized she had no choice and settled in with the woman's nipple in her mouth and sighed. But she wasn't going to suck. Fuck that. 

"Maybe you just need a little motivation?" Deep, pleasurable vibrations joined the rumblings from her tummy as she moaned, "Ohhhh! Oh...."

"Sometimes we just need a little extra push." She tapped Julia firmly on the bottom as the humiliated wife reluctantly began to suckle. "Don't worry, Mr. Wiggles! I didn't forget about you!" 

Jack groaned loudly as his plug came to life. "That's it Mr. Wiggles! Give us a show. Dance side to side for us. Wiggle that little bottom!" He sighed and buried his face into the carpet as he wiggled his ass back and forth, somehow hoping that his compliance would make things easier for his wife. 

For a moment, the three of them sat like that. In relative silence, with moans and vibrations filling the room. 

"Oomph! Unh!" Julia tried to pull away as the first trickles of warm milk hit the back of her throat but was held firmly in place by Mrs. Pink who continued to moan loudly. What the hell?

"Oh, fuck yeah! I didn't know if you'd get any but I've been working on a little secret for our future targets. I've been pumping for months and was hoping I would be ready soon. How lucky you are! You get to be the first!"

Julia groaned and moaned as she was forced to suckle as her bottom vibrated and her innards churned. Soon she could take no more and gently pulled away. "Please.."

"What was that, little one?"

"Please... I can't take any more. Please take the plug out!"

"Silly girl. Why would I do that?"

"Because it hurts! I need to go!"

"Go where? Are you going on a trip? Shall I call your driver?"

"Noooo..... ugh.... please!"

Mrs. Pink continued to firmly pat Julia's bottom as she looked down at the distressed girl in her lap that was at least ten years her senior. 

"I need to poop! Please take out the plug! Please!" Julia blushed at her unladylike outburst, but she was becoming desperate. 

"Oh, does my pretty little princess need to make a messy diaper for her Nanny Pink? Beg me."

Julia didn't hesitate. "Please let me mess my diaper! Please! Ohh...."

Mrs. Pink continued to pat her bottom and then paused. "Ok, little one. Let's position you next to your submissive husband down there and you can give us a show."

Julia was helped off of her captor's lap and guided to her hands and knees where she crawled forward until she was shoulder to shoulder with her husband. They turned to face each other and their eyes met, both shrouded in complete humiliation as their bottoms vibrated in unison. 

The pampered princess felt three pops as her fluffy diaper spilled out of her soft, pink onesie. She felt the onesie slide up her back before Mrs. Pink's hand slid down her diaper and lightly cupped each cheek with a few light pats. The vibration stopped suddenly and she felt the pressure in her bum release as the plug was pulled out. 

"I need you to hold it until the count of ten, ok? Show me that you can be a big girl and hold in your stinkies!" Mrs. Pink rubbed herself through her thin pink panties and moaned, absolutely getting off on the control that she held over this formerly power couple. 

ONE. She grabbed Mr. Wiggles leash and pulled him towards the chair. 
TWO. She slid her panties down and sat in the chair. 
THREE. She reached behind his head to unclip the gag. 
FOUR. She gripped Jack's short hair and pulled his face towards her waiting pussy. 
FIVE. She moaned as Jack groaned and tried to pull away as he was pulled into her hairy muff. 
SIX. She turned up Jack's vibrator and listened to both of her toys moan and groan. 
SEVEN. Jack began to lick and suck, utterly disgusted by his own lust and desire. 
EIGHT. Moans and groans and vibrations arose in a mighty chorus.

NINE. Julia cries out, "Nooo!!!"
TEN. Mrs. Pink climaxes as Julia fills her diaper and moans. 


All three are breathing heavily as they turn to the door to see Mrs. Black and Mrs. Purple staring at them with their mouths wide open. 

"You two. Over here."

Husband and wife were quickly cuffed to the rails of the crib and Jack's plug was turned off, as Mrs. Purple crossed the room and found the source of the vibrating sound in the room. 

Mrs. Pink's eyes were wide as her two accomplices crossed the room with fire in their eyes. "Don't you fucking move!"  Mrs. Pink's gaze was completely transfixed on her angry boss as she came down from perhaps the most explosive orgasm in her life. 

She had really messed up this time. She would have to pull back next time as this one had, admittedly, gotten a little bit away from her. She should probably at least keep her pants on and save that part for later and maybe...

Her mind was still racing as she felt the sharp prick in the side of her neck and looked to meet Mrs. Purple's disappointed eyes as she drifted off to sleep. 

  • Like 7
  • blahblahwriter changed the title to A Change Would Do You Good: 4th Kasarberang Story Contest (UPDATED Aug 5th, Chapters 4-5)

Well done, although B&E's in upscale neighborhoods with private security supplementing the local police presence don't exactly play out this way.  To put it mildly, time is always of the essence-- and the amount of DNA this lady is leaving all over the place is off the charts.  Oh, and thanks for the play on Reservoir Dogs.  

9 hours ago, Babypants said:

Well done, although B&E's in upscale neighborhoods with private security supplementing the local police presence don't exactly play out this way.  To put it mildly, time is always of the essence-- and the amount of DNA this lady is leaving all over the place is off the charts.  Oh, and thanks for the play on Reservoir Dogs.  

There seemed to be a real lack of Tarantino references in ageplay stories. I'm here to single-handedly change that.  

  • Like 1


Her eyes opened slowly, eyelids heavy with the weight of her previous transgressions. She blinked and took in a light shade of pink as far as her eyes could see. Where am I?

She realized that her lips weren't touching and her mouth was dry before it dawned on her that she was gagged. She reached for her mouth only to find that her arms wouldn't move. As her eyes slowly traced their way down her toned arms they ended abruptly at a set of padded pink mittens that she instantly recognized.

Oh shit.  

She tested the rest of her limbs and found them similarly bound and didn't even bother looking. She knew that each of her hands and feet would be neatly tucked away and rendered completely useless. 

She turned her head and stared through the white slats of what she now recognized as the giant crib and saw husband and wife seated on the chair where she had taken advantage of them earlier. They were dressed in casual clothes. Well, the kind of stuff that wealthy people wore when they weren't off boating or attending business meetings or fancy balls or whatever other fancy shit they do. He wore comfortable jeans and a polo shirt and she looked effortlessly beautiful in a flowy sundress. 

Julia sat perched on her husband's lap and he was lightly rubbing her back. They were whispering to each other and hadn't yet noticed that she was awake. She slowly turned her head back to the ceiling and tried to use her peripheral vision to take stock of her situation. 

Her light blonde hair tickled the sides of her face instead of resting gently on her shoulders. She now recognized the pacifier gag that was in her mouth as her eyes continued downward to a pink crop top that stopped at the edge of her ample breasts. Even upside down she could make out the simple word staring back at her: B-A-B-Y. 

The white, puffy diaper below confirmed her new infantile status. Her legs were spread and bare and she noted that they were indeed cuffed to the corners of the crib and ended in soft, pink booties. She wiggled her bottom gently and felt the oil and powder against her skin. 

She turned her head slowly to the side to take another peak and was surprised to come face to face with two crotches that she was intimately familiar with; one she had teased and locked away and the other she had pampered, much like her current state. 

Despite her unusual proclivities, she had never worn a diaper herself. Her small stature had led to a lifetime of overcompensation and she loved power dynamics in relationships. She exclusively dated strong, strappy meatheads or rich and powerful men of stature. And she delighted in taking both of them, stripping them to the bare, and rebuilding them to her liking. They were absolute putty in her hands. And that, she realized, was her new fate. 

She looked up to see the happy couple smiling down at her. 

"Awww look, our new baby girl is awake!"

She knew it was pointless, but she thrashed in her bonds. She succeeded in nothing more than giving them an adorable show as her boobs bounced back and forth and her diaper crinkled loudly while she groaned behind her pacifier. Julia reached in and tickled her bare belly as she continued to squirm. 

"Look at how adorable she is, babe. Just wait until I have the chance to really give her a makeover and get to work on her. Though she already isn't looking so tough. I bet you're wondering how you ended up here...Ella"

Ella stared at the couple in bewilderment. How the fuck do they know my name? My real name.

Mrs. Black and Mrs. Purple didn't even know her name and she didn't know theirs. That was the deal! And now these two somehow had the drop on her?

The side of the crib was lowered and Julia set on the edge of the bed, letting her fingers wander over the pacified pilferer's nearly nude body. 

"A few months ago you robbed my friend Heather. Short brunette?"

The girl shrugged. How could she possibly remember them all? She came in, had her fun, and then got ready for the next one. They were all nameless, faceless pleasure pets to her to use for her own sick, twisted fantasies. 

"You don't even remember her? Wow. How many times have you done this?"

She knew the question was rhetorical but she thought back through the 14 couples that she and her partners had robbed and toyed with. Of course, not all of them ended up in diapers or were attributed to the Baby Bandits. That started after she had gotten comfortable in her new role as the team's driver and researcher. She would compile info on possible targets and study them as she drove around town. 

She felt like a private investigator, sleuthing around and gathering info and she loved it. Like a cat stalking its prey she enjoyed playing with each little mouse before she was on to the next one. She gathered info on their wealth, resources, and schedules, of course, but she really enjoyed taking pictures that she would take back to her apartment for...other reasons...as she imagined what she would do with them as they were whimpering before her. The were all wealthy as hell, so she just picked the couple that she was infatuated with at the moment to present to Mrs. Black. 

Wait...where was Mrs. Black and Mrs Purple? Were they babies now too? Had she made them pets? Dungeon??

She lifted her head and searched around the room and then eyed the door. 

Jack stepped in and grabbed her frantic, curious face in his hand. "Looking for your friends? They are long gone. See, this wasn't even a robbery. We chose you. We bought you."

She stared blankly at him. This was a setup. Her team had set her up? Why?

Sure, she had unusual desires but she was a hell of a driver and did all the work to find new couples for them to rob and torment. She stayed out of their way and they stayed out of hers. What the hell happened?

"We didn't speak to them much, but it seems that they grew tired of you and your whole... thing. They were trying to be serious thieves and fly under the radar but you just had to keep bringing attention to yourselves until the press grabbed a hold of it and named you the Baby Bandits. Of course, no one knew anything about any of you as you were always so careful to not leave a trace but they knew that it was just a matter of time and decided to take matters into their own hands."

She thought back to meetings with her team. Mrs. Black was the leader and was quiet and serious. Always cool and collected. She always knew what to do and was a woman of few words but when she spoke, she meant it. She had the undying loyalty and respect of her crew. Mrs. Purple was constantly agitated at her and played more of an annoyed big sister role. She was the safe cracker, lock picker, and tech genius of the team. She could get them in and out of anywhere and anything. She was meticulous and careful and Mrs. Pink's unhinged shenanigans drove her insane. 

"The great thing about nearly unlimited resources is that we can find anyone. We found Mrs. Black with some evidence of who they were and let's just say that we came to an understanding. As long as they moved onto another area, we would leave her and her crew alone in exchange for something we desired." 

Julia interrupted, still sitting beside the scared girl and continuing to rub her soothingly. "You see, I'm not a photographer and this room isn't for photos. It's for you." With this pronouncement, she booped Ella on the nose. 


"Oh yes, sweet girl. The dungeon actually is for us. We aren't new to being tied up and spanked, though I'll admit, you've really got some skills. My ass is still sore and your devious mind thought of things we never even considered!" Both of them rubbed their sore butts before looking back at their captor turned captive. 

"When you have as much power as we have, it's nice to get some relief through either completely submitting to someone else or reducing them and taking their power until they are helpless putty in your hands."

Despite herself she felt her blonde pigtails bouncing along the side of her face as she nodded in agreement. 

"So Jack and I play with each other and sometimes with other friends. We each tried to dom, but found that switching suits us best. But we felt like it was time to try something new. And then you rob Heather and fall right into our lap. Though we had no idea you would be such a cutie!"

Is this what it sounds like when I monologue? God, it IS exhausting..

"We don't have kids, but let's just say that on top of our more dominant desires I also found myself with some newly acquired maternal instincts. We both have younger apprentices at the office that we enjoy working with and molding but they are already so well put together and so hungry to succeed. They already knew what they wanted and were going after it. We wanted someone that didn't even know that she needed our help."

Jack cut in. "We wanted someone that was so lost in her own desires and habits that she had lost all direction and needed a firm, guiding hand. We are going to start you at the beginning and re-raise you, little one. We're going to help you to become a strong and productive member of society. One day, you will look back on your time with us with gratitude as the turning point in a very successful life."

"But that definitely won't be today. Or tomorrow. Or next week. Or next month. No, little one. I can already tell that it's going to take some time to break you down and build you back up. You are our first project and we cannot wait to get started."

Julia arose and stood next to her husband as they looked down at her and smiled like proud parents. 


She glared at them in utter disbelief and confusion. They were going to reraise her? Make her into a productive member of society? She just came here looking for a little fun before she took her generous share of the profits and moved on to the next set of victims. She liked her life. I mean, sure, there was no real direction but what were your 20s for if not having fun?

"But before we can build you back up, we need to break you. And you definitely need to be punished for last night."

They both looked down at her with a hungry look in their eyes that she hadn't seen before. She had underestimated this couple and now she was going to pay the price. 

"Hmm...where should we start, babe? Take her to the dungeon? Leave her here in diapers all morning? Spankings? Shall we grab the vibrators? Tickle torture?"

Julia reached over and tickled the girl forcefully for a few moments as she squirmed and squealed behind her pacifier. "Nooo......stop!!....Hahaha......Please.....Oh....Nooooooo"

She carried on for a few moments before stepping back and letting her try to catch her breath. 

"Oh that was fun. This one is going to be SO much fun!"

"Let's start simple and see how tough she really is. I think a spanking is in order."

Jack pulled a simple straight back chair to the middle of the room as Julia climbed into the crib and straddled the suddenly fearful girl. 

"Here's what is going to happen. I am going to uncuff you and we're going to walk over to that chair over there. I'm going to pull your diaper down and spank that cute little bottom of yours until it turns red and you are begging for me to stop."

"You canvassed our house and are good at what you do. You know that there is nowhere to run and no one to hear you call for help." Jack ungagged the nervous girl. "And, unlike you, we think gags are silly. How else can we hear your sad little pleadings to be a good girl for us?" He smiled down at her menacingly. "It's time to pay the piper."

"No, please." She pleaded, desperately and with no shame. "Look, I'm sorry things got out of hand last night. It was just business. No hard feelings, right? You can just let me go and we can just pretend this whole thing never happened. You'll never see me again."

Julia uncuffed her hands as Jack stood beind with powerful, folded arms. She hopped down and moved to uncuff Ella's legs and helped the girl to her feet. 

She stood before them in her diminished state. Though she was shorter than both of them, her perceived power made her feel bigger the night before. Plus, they were both on their knees or her lap for most of the night. 

But now she realized just how small she was. At a hair over five feet tall she realized the Julia easily had a few inches on her as she was already intimately familiar with every inch of her perfectly toned body. She swallowed hard as she realized that she would be no match for Julia in a one on one. And now she had these stupid locking mittens and booties on. It wouldn't even be a fair fight. 

Jack walked up next to her and she turned her head to look at him and found herself staring directly into his chest. She looked up. And then she looked up some more. Fuck, he's tall. 

Over six feet tall with a lean, athletic build she certainly wasn't any match for this perfectly crafted specimen of a man. Having spent the entire previous night on his knees or tied to a chair, she had actually never seen him fully erect...well, she had seen part of him fully erect...and marveled at his height and strength. 

She looked down at herself in her tiny crop top and oversized diaper. She was no match for these two. She shouldn't even try. 

But her legs had other plans as she pushed past them and bolted towards the door. Jack's long arms grabbed her and spun her around and she squeaked as she was scooped up and overturned over Julia's waiting lap. Fuck, he's strong too. And fast. 

"Nooo!!!" Jack reached down to cuff her padded mittens to a waiting hook on the underside of the chair as Julia softly patted the diapered butt on her lap. 

"Well well well, how the turn tables.. I recall myself in a very similar situation not too long ago, Jack. Though I think this little one is much better suited to it."

The futile struggle continued as the sound of four ripping tapes filled the air and the demoted driver felt the cool air on her bare cheeks before Julia began rubbing and lightly patting them. 

She sighed and braced herself for what was about to happen. She had put dozens of people in this exact same position. And now it was her turn. 


Julia gave no warm up. No warning. No rubs. No practice shots. She took no time between blows to give the girl a chance to breathe or protest. Just unrelenting fury. 


Left. Left. Right. Right. Middle. Right. Right. Left. Right. Middle. 


It happened so quickly that it took the troubled thief by surprise and she couldn't even cry out. The blows were relentless and random. She couldn't brace herself for which cheek would be next and couldn't catch her breath. 


"Nooo.... oh god.... please... nooo!!!"

She found her breath and used it to cry out. It was in this moment that she realized that she had never been spanked before. For all of the devious things she had done to these people she had never worn a diaper and never been spanked. 

And now she was crying out with a diaper peeled back to expose her powdered and quickly reddening bottom as it was played like a drum. And it fucking hurt!


SHE was the dominant one.
SHE was the one who turned powerful men and women into sniveling little babies. 
SHE was the one that was now beginning to cry over the lap of a woman that she had spanked and diapered only hours before. 


"Owww....Puh....Please....I'm sorry! I'm sorry!!!!"

Julia finally paused after several minutes of unrelenting and unyielding blows to a now very red bottom and surveyed the scene. Their former captor sat whimpering on her lap as she lightly patted, rubbed, and squeezed her bottom. 

"She seemed to really like to play counting games with us, didn't she Jack? Making us count to ten before using my diaper and giving you release. I think we should play a little game with her."

"No, please.... I...."


She got the lesson and remained quiet. 

"Ten more for you. Jack is going to count them for you and I'm going to give you something to repeat after each one. Show us that you can be a good girl and this will be over."

"First, tell us that you're sorry. "

ONE. "Ugh....I'm sorry!"

"You're sorry for spanking Jack and locking up Little Jack."

TWO. "I'm sorry for spanking you and locking up Little Jack!!"

"I mean, honestly. Did you get a look at that thing? His manhood should never be locked away. It's like a crime against humanity."

"You are very sorry for spanking me."

THREE. "I'm sorry for spanking you!"

"..and shaving me.."

FOUR. "And shaving you!"

"..and putting me in diapers..."

FIVE. "And diapering you!"

"And fucking nursing me! Are you lactating? What the hell was that??"

SIX. "I'm sorry for making you suck on my boob!! Oww!!!"

Julia paused to rub and study the red bottom in front of her. It wasn't firm and toned like hers. This one obviously hadn't spent hours in the gym. And at...what? 24?...she didn't need to. She had a deliciously plump and perky little bottom that she was going to have a lot of fun with now. 

"You are going to to be our good little girl."

SEVEN. "I'll be a good girl!"

"You are going to be the BEST girl and listen to everything that Jack and I say."

EIGHT. "FUCK! I'll be your best good girl and listen to everything you say!"

"You're sorry for pretending to be a big strong girl who took advantage of other people."

NINE. "Ughh.... I'm sorry for pretending to be a big girl!!"

"And I will NEVER do it again"


A pause. Never? I mean, who can really say what the future holds? They can't keep me here forever and a girl's got to make a living...


"And I will NEVER do it again! I'm sorry! Please!!"

Julia continued rubbing her bottom. Her hand hurt and was tingling so she knew the girl's ass had to be on fire. "What do you think, Jack? Has she learned her lesson?"

He bent down and lifted the girls chin so that they were looking eye to eye. His dominant stare bore right through her soul. She thought she was dominant. She thought she was in charge. But looking into his unrelenting eyes showed her who she really was: Just a little girl playing pretend. 

She sniffled and her eyes were wet with tears. "Yeah, I think your message got through to her."

The girl was uncuffed and helped to stand on her feet as the diaper hung loosely between her legs. She looked down at the ground as Julia stood in front of her and held her by the shoulders. "I am very proud of you for taking your spanking like a good girl and owning up to your mistakes. Now you're going to spend some time in the Quiet Corner so that we can make sure the message really sank in, ok?"

She nodded and was shuffled to a nearby corner where her hands were placed on her head. "We're going to leave the diaper here just in case you have any accidents, ok sweetie?" Julia could hear the girl rolling her eyes as she sighed. 

Julia grabbed her face gently and pushed the pacifier back in between her pouty lips. "This stays in to remind you to be our good girl. You are to stay right here in the corner until we return for you. Do not move." Julia turned her back towards the wall and stepped back into Jack's embrace as they admired their work. 

Just hours before she had been in a disgustingly filthy diaper and he, leashed on all fours. Now they stood back in their rightful places of power and looked at their new project. She was still sniffling and her butt was red down to her upper thighs. Putting her hair up in pigtails already was a nice touch, even if it was mostly practical, and the cute little top was the icing on the cake. She was absolutely adorable and they were only just beginning. 

They smiled at each other as they held hands and left the nursery, shutting the door behind them on their way out. 



Speed. She absolutely lived for speed. Fast cars. One night stands. Hell, she even loved fast food. Her world moved fast and she loved it that way. 

Standing in the corner with a red bottom, her entire world ground to a complete standstill. There was nothing. Just her steady breathing and sore ass. 

Had it been minutes? hours? Had the world moved on and forgotten about her?

She risked a glance around the room before dropping her hands and rubbing her throbbing backside. 

The door was opened in a flash as Jack made his way across the huge room in just a few steps. Her hands shot back to her head and she tried to act like nothing happened. 

His giant hands were an entirely different instrument of communication. His palm easily covered her entire cheek and four or five quick, hard swats were enough to have her dancing and squirming in place while screaming out apologies and promising to be a good girl. 

"If we can't trust you to follow simple instruction, it's clear that we are going to have to go back to the very beginning with you. I thought that we could maybe start your journey as a toddler but it is quite clear that you are going to need to be our little baby for a while with us making all of your choices for you. There are cameras in this room and we will always be able to see what our little one is getting up to. No more sneaking around for you. Now stay here and be a good girl. Let's see if you can prove me wrong." 

She heard the door close and realized she had been holding her breath. She let out a long breath and committed herself to not moving a muscle until they returned. 

Jack and Julia sat on the terrace, sipping mimosas, and looking out over their perfectly manicured lawn. The baby monitor was between them as they watched the demoted driver stand in the corner. Jack tapped the screen to make sure that it hadn't froze. 

"I guess you got your point across. She hasn't moved an inch!" Julia sipped her mimosa and smiled at her husband. "Speaking of which, how's your ass? Mine still stings!"

"Yeah, it's still a little sore. Small as she is, she really knew how to pack a punch. Do you think here's some kind of special technique she uses to get that much power out of her small frame?"

Julia chuckled. "You're such a baby, Jack. I have you crying over my lap all the time. She's nothing special."

Jack scoffed at the attack on his manhood. "Well, I'm not the one that needed my dirty diaper changed last night.."

"She really is a devious one, isn't she? Heather mentioned being shaved and having to pee in a diaper, but Mrs. Pink really took it up a notch with us. I'm scared to think of where her little mind may have taken us if her partners had left her alone with us in our little playroom for much longer."

"What do you think happened to them? We paid them well enough. Think they are smart enough to take the money and run?"

"I would hope so. There's got to be plenty of places to go with cash like that. I doubt that we will be seeing Mrs. Black or Mrs. Purple again."

"Good. They were pretty ruthless. And now Mrs. Pink is all ours...our little Ella...to play with and mold as we please."

There eyes were both brought to the screen as the heard a small whine and saw her rocking her legs back and forth. "Awww...looks like our little princess may be ready for her first diaper change soon."

The nursery door opened as husband and wife strolled in to find their red bottomed Baby just where they left her. She let out another small whimper as they approached. 

She felt a firm grasp on her forearm as her arms were lowered and she spun around to face them. Her diaper finally fell to the ground and she pouted behind her pacifier in her adorable Porky the Pig style in nothing but her short crop top and pleading eyes. 

Julia removed her pacifier and immediately started rambling, "Look, I'm really sorry and I learned my lesson. I was a good girl in the corner for you and I really have to pee. You've had your fun and I think we're probably even now. Can I go now?"

They stared at the girl who had her hands on her nude hips and was tapping her bootied foot at them. At least she wasn't shy and definitely wasn't afraid to speak her mind and ask for what she wanted. 

Julia popped the pacifier back in and booped her on the nose, completely ignoring her little speech. "Let's get you up on the changing table so that we can take care of a few things." Her hands nestled into the driver's thick bush before giving her mound a few soft pats. "Jack, can you get her set up while I get some supplies?"

"What? Noooo!!!"

Jack grabbed her and pulled her towards the changing table, leaving her discarded diaper behind. They both knew that he could just pick her up and carry her over but, if he was being honest, he enjoyed watching her struggle. 

He easily lifted her onto the changing table and secured her padded hands and feet to the corners of the table. She continued her token struggle but it was clear that she was beaten. 

She heard a buzz from a cross the room and her pussy moistened instantly as she pushed her thighs together, despite her current predicament. Her horniness had gotten her into this mess and it looked as though she hadn't learned her lesson. She sighed as she saw the electric trimmer that Julia was holding. 

Yeah, that's fair. 

Julia made quick work of trimming her thick blonde bush to a short stubble, before slapping her thighs to encourage her to spread wide. Jack attached thick cuffs to her lower thighs as her legs were held widely apart as the thief showed her crowned jewels to the room. 

The shaving cream was cold and Ella continued to sigh dramatically as she watched her womanhood be taken from her one strip at a time. It wasn't wise to struggle when someone held a sharp object to your lady bits so she let her mind wander as she listened to Julia hum a happy little tune. 

When she was the one holding the razor, this had always been one of her favorite parts. It was so simple and left no real lasting damage. It would grow back in a matter of weeks. But there was something exhilarating about shaving a woman and watching the fear and pleading in her eyes. They were always so proud of their well-trimmed mound. Most of them bore a similar style and opted for a small tuft of hair or a simple landing strip. Every now and then she would find a full bush like hers, but most women in power liked to keep things neat and in order. And that included their lady parts. 

She was no different and always took pride in her soft mound of hair. It made her feel mature, like the real adult in the room, as she reduced the powerful women to sniffling babies. 

She looked down as her freshly shaven mound was thrust towards her face as Jack held up her legs and split them wide for his wife to finish the hair removal job on her reddened rump. He had her folded like a pretzel and she marveled at how smooth she was now that all of her mature hairs had been removed. Baby smooth. 

She felt the razor slide between her cheeks and then it was finished. Julia grabbed the cool wipes and removed any excess hair, shaving cream, or baby powder that remained. She was lowered back down onto a fresh diaper. Though they had the pleasure of changing her into a diaper earlier, this was the first time that she was awake and aware. 

And she fucking hated it.

As soon as her ass touched the plush diaper she began thrashing again and spit out her pacifier. "You can't do this! I'm the one in charge. I spanked you! I diapered you! No one does this to me. No one!!!"

They stood back and watched her writhe and struggle for a few more minutes until she ran out of words and let out a long sigh, like a train pulling into the station.

"Finished? That was quite the tantrum."

Julia snapped on some gloves and began rubbing the sweet smelling baby lotion over her freshly shaven mound. She purposefully avoided her eager lower lips as she worked through her upper thighs. She moaned and thrust her hips forward, feeling humiliated in her situation and betrayed by her body's response. As the first fingertips grazed her princess parts, she moaned heavily and pushed into Julia's hand. 

"Well, we have a needy little one here, Jack! Looks like someone is going to really like getting her diapers changed multiple times every day." She continued her teasing and torment as she lathered up the girl's loins before having Jack raise her legs so she could continue the sensual assault on her still reddened bottom. 

The lotion felt amazing on her stinging ass and she couldn't help but continue to moan in pleasure. She was no stranger to back door play and almost lost it when Julia started slowly circling her bottom hole. "Seems like you're getting a little too hot for an accurate temperature reading right now, so we'll have to check you later." She continued to tease her bottom hole before moving her full palm up and pressing down on her eager mound. She gave a few firm, sensual rubs and then stopped, pulling off her gloves and tossing them into the waiting bin. 

"Nooo..... please, I'm so close." She continued to thrust into the air as baby powder rained down onto her desperate pussy. Julia grabbed her ankles in one hand and exposed her bottom as she continued her thorough dusting of powder until she was completely covered. 

Ella watched as the front of her diaper was lifted to her tummy and she was taped her into the padded prison, horny as she could ever remember being. Julia gave a few hard pats to the front of her diaper, letting her hand linger and push down as she continued to moan. 

"There. All done. Now, I bet you probably worked up quite a thirst. Let's get you to the chair for a nice bottle."

She moaned and let herself be carried again by Jack to the chair. It was humiliating, but she was already getting used to being in his strong arms. 

And then she found herself exactly where she had been just 12 hours before. One grown woman forcefully nursing another in an oversized diaper.  Except this time it was her that was being force fed. 

Jack walked over, shaking a bottle of white liquid before handing it to his wife. As soon as she opened her mouth to protest, Julia took advantage of the opportunity and forced the bottle in and held it in place. She had no choice but to suck as she started to drain the bottle. It tasted...sweet? She couldn't place it. 

"It's just a protein shake. It will be your diet for the next few days during your Baby Phase. Every few hours you and I will sit here just like this. You'll drink your little baba and I'll sit here and hold you and play with your hair and pat your little padded bottom. And you're going to be a good girl for me."

She glanced at Jack and then the door. For now, they had her. She couldn't outrun or overpower them and they always keep the door shut (and presumably locked) when they were in the room. Until they let her out of here, she just had to play along. Then maybe she could find a way to break free. 

Like her former victim, she eventually made herself settle in. Once she got past the innate weirdness of the experience of sitting in a practical stranger's lap in a diaper and drinking a bottle it was almost nice. She couldn't remember the last time she snuggled with someone or had her hair played with. The soft pats on her padded bottom were also soothing and welcomed. 

Within a few minutes, the bottle was dry and she looked up at Julia. "There's my good girl." Her hand moved to the front of her diaper and into the leg bands. "Still dry. Looks like we may need another bottle, Jack. I saw your little pee pee dance in the corner earlier. You aren't leaving my lap until your diaper is wet, little one."

She stared up at Julia. She did have to pee but had conveniently forgotten that they likely expected her to actually use this diaper. She sighed and stared up at the ceiling as Julia continued to caress her inner thighs. 

Jack was soon back with another bottle and they continued their routine. She was feeling full with half a bottle to go but Julia's firm hand made it clear that she wasn't going anywhere until this bottle was drained and her diaper was wet. 

The demoted driver could be fierce. She could be crude. She could be stubborn. She could be cunning and devious. But she was also a pragmatist at heart and realized that she was needed to play the long game. 

She closed her eyes and tried to release her bladder. Nothing. 
She tried to imagine herself sitting on a toilet, anywhere but here. Nothing. 

Julia continued to stroke her hair and hold the bottle firmly as she continued to drain it. Almost done. C'mon just go already!

She looked around the room for something to occupy her mind so that she could relax and focus. The changing table stood directly across from them and she could now see that it was completely stocked with diapers of all sizes, colors, and patterns. Lotions and powders and oils abounded. They were planning for the long game too. 

She glanced to her left and saw a massive high chair and noticed the eyelets for her cuffs around the edges. In all of her crazy Baby Bandit dreams she could never have imagined a room like this and she was disappointed that she couldn't be the one in charge here. She imagined herself standing over Julia with her messy face as she brought in spoonful after spoonful of food to her disinterested and pleading face. Ugh, it was so much more fun on the other side. 

She couldn't quite make out the rest of the room but one glance into Jack's eyes and she knew that he and Julia were already five steps ahead of her and were excited about what would come next. She had to get out of here. And she knew that came one step at a time. She was in a high stakes game of chess and had to lay into their plan and set them at ease until she was ready to make her own move. 

So, for now, she had to sacrifice a pawn. She took a deep breath and let a trickle flow into the thirsty padding. Her eyes grew wide and her breathing stopped. She expected to be sitting in a puddle and was surprised as she felt the wetness pulled from her skin. She gave another tentative push. Same results and it was growing warm.

In for a penny in for a pound.
 She held her breath again and opened the floodgates allowing herself to completely soak her first diaper in two decades. She felt the wetness and warmth spreading and thought of all of the mighty women she had forced into a similar position. She loved looking into their eyes as they broke down and piddled themselves like the pampered princesses they were. 

She looked into Julia's eyes and was faced with the same hungry, predatory glee that was on her face the night before. She blushed and looked away as her stream stopped and she realized she had also drained her bottle. 

The bottle was removed and quickly replaced with her pacifier as Julia's hungry eyes beamed down at her. "Jack, can you believe that we let this little one take control of us yesterday? She couldn't even keep her diaper dry for 30 minutes. This is who we let humiliate us yesterday?"

"Well, it was all part of the plan. We had to go along with her silly schemes and make her feel like she was powerful and in charge. But we knew who she really was. We knew what was hiding under that tough exterior."

Ella glared up at him behind her pacifier, pouting willfully as she prepared herself to spit venom at him. If verbal sparring was what he wanted this morning she would make him rue the day that he...

She was immediately brought back to her present reality when she felt cool air on her hips as the legbands of her sodden diaper were pulled up for a wetness check. She felt the thick, warm padding press into her pussy and closed her eyes. They had won. Again. 

She was suddenly feet above the ground as Jack lifted her and began carrying her to the changing table to get out of her soggy diaper. At least that's where she thought he should be going. But she saw the changing table pass her by and was soon on her back in the crib as she felt her limbs stretched out and the cuffs click into place. 

"What.. No! You have to change me! Get me out of this thing!"

She heard a camera shutter sound and looked over to see Julia smiling with her phone out. "Oh no...you aren't getting out of that diaper quite yet. Remember my friend, Heather? She said that she was left in her diaper for hours after you left. She had diaper rash! At 37 years old!"

"You'll be staying in here until we're ready to let you out. And I think Heather would love to see what happened to her big, bad captor. Smile!"

As she suffered through the indignity of her first infantile photo shoot, she found herself questioning her life choices and if maybe she should have gone easier on Julia's wealthy pals. 

Nah. Those rich bitches got what was coming to them. And once I take my licks I'll do it again. 

She felt the wet padding push deeply into her waiting pussy and looked down to see a vibrator being attached to her inner thigh and chuckled to herself. 

These fuckers were devious. Why hadn't she thought of that? She imagined Heather, laying topless with her pacifier gag and wet diaper being tormented with a vibrator for hours and smiled. She would definitely ramp it up next time.

"Oh Jack, I think she likes it. What are you smiling at, little one?"

Her eyes popped open as her pacifier was replaced. Heather wasn't the one lying here in a wet diaper about to be vibed. She glanced down at herself again, taking in how far she had fallen in such a short time. 

"Good girls get treats. We expect to see a wet diaper at every bottle feeding. And bad girls... well, you've already seen what happens to bad girls. For your bottom's sake, let's just hope that you choose to be a good girl for the foreseeable future."

The vibrator turned on and her world came to life as she moaned. She could see sounds. Hear colors. She moaned obscenely and thrust her hips into the air. 

And then it stopped. She looked up at Julia and Jack and they smiled. 

Then it started again. 


She moaned and met their eyes. And it stopped. 

"Oh, did we not mention that part? You don't get any orgasms during this phase of your training. You're much too little for that sweetie." Julia's words were absolutely dripping with condescension. 

Buzz. Buzz. BUZZZZZZZ. Buzz. Buzz. BUZZZZZZ.

The pattern changed and continued to torment and tease her.

And then it stopped. 

"Aghhhh!!!" She screamed behind her pacifier in frustration. 

Julia reached in to pat the front of her wet diaper and tweaked her erect nipple as she leaned in for a sultry whisper into the frustrated girl's ear, "We let you have your fun last night, but we are going to show you what absolute control looks like. You were a child playing a child's game. The grownups are in charge now."

The buzzing continued and she closed her eyes. When she looked up they were gone. 


She continued to groan and thrust into maddening nothingness as she was tormented and teased. 

ON. Pleasure like she had never experienced. 
OFF. Frustration that made her want to gnaw off her own hand. 
ON. A thousand tiny fairies were bringing her the utmost pleasure. 
OFF. Deafening, quiet stillness. 

She didn't know how long she was going to be here but they were absolutely right. The game had just begun and they had already proven themselves to be more skilled and cunning than she could have ever imagined. And they were just getting started. 

"Oh, look at her squirm Jack. This is fun." He was lightly rubbing her feet in their den as they watched her on the big screen in front of them. "I think we have her horny and desperate right now and she'll mostly be a good girl for us. I don't expect her to act out much more today or try to escape while we have her in that room. She's not as smart as she thinks she is, but she's smarter than that. I'm sure she's working on a plan right now so we've just go to stay ahead of her."

BUZZZZ.... Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. BUZZZZZZ.............

She was stuck in pleasure purgatory. It wasn't quite enough to take her to the good place but I guess it was preferable to the alternative. She had always been more of a 'Wham Bam, Thank You Ma'am' type. She was always on top as she rode whatever boy toy flavor of the week she was tormenting and took what she wanted from them. Being teased endlessly? This was new and it was pushing her to higher heights than she thought possible before stopping and stealing orgasms from her time and time again. 

She would definitely need to remember this little trick when she got out of here. It was fun to give a little tease and then watch them squirm as she commanded orgasm after orgasm from her victims but this was going to add a whole new skill set to her repertoire. 

It was odd to be on the other side of things and, though she hated every minute of it....BUZZZZZ...or almost every minute of it, she had to admit that she was appreciating getting a front row seat to how it felt to be forcibly babified and tormented. The helplessness was intense. There was absolutely nothing she could do besides lay here and take it. When she did get the opportunity to fight she was punished instantly by a duo that was bigger, smarter, and faster than her. She could work on all of those things as she continued scheming what she would do to her next victims. 

But, first, she had to get out of here. The buzzing stopped.

They can't keep me in this room forever, so I'll need to wait until they leave the door open or take me outside. I hate going in blind so I'll need to canvas the house first. I already know the outside and neighborhood, but need to figure out the lay of the land here and look for any openings. I should probably steal some of her clothes while I'm at it. Can't be roaming the streets in diapers...



She couldn't think straight while being teased and tormented so she lay back and closed her eyes and waited for the buzzing to stop. 

"Oh, you're right. This is fun!" Jack looked at he app on his phone. "And it's not just on/off or intensity. I can make these swirly patterns, there's preset patterns here..oh! We can even sync it to music." While most people probably listened to R&B or something fast and fun he thought about how devious it would be to tease her to silly nursery tunes like Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. 

"So when do you think she'll make her move?"

Jack was the techy one. He had gotten lost in his own thoughts and the features of the app. But Julia, she was the one that was really in charge. They had tried it both ways and technically they were probably switches but it was only because Julia liked to let him feel like he was in charge sometime. She felt all the more powerful when she took it from him next time when he had some time feeling cocky and like he held some power and control over her. It was all an act and elaborate game of cat and mouse, but she was pretty sure that he didn't know that. And besides, sometimes it was fun to be hunted and chased. 

"Hmm? Oh, I don't know. You seem to be more in her head."

And in her head she was. They understood each other. Sure, Julia was more successful and had more to show for it. But she was impressed with what she had seen of her so far. Ella was sloppy, inexperienced, and a little too eager and horny for her own good, but there was undeniable skill in there. And Julia looked forward to bringing it out of her. 

"I think she'll wait until she's out of her nursery before she tries to make another move. She was the scout for her team so she probably won't try to make a break for it instantly. She'll want to subtly scope the place out first and try to put a plan together. OH!! Jack, I've got it. Oh...this is perfect."

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Sounds great."

She sighed and smiled at him. He was probably only mildly interested in what was happening to their girl in the other room and was mostly transfixed on all of the cool tech and what it could do. What a lovable oaf. 



Her limbs were tied from pulling against her bonds. Her hips were tired from thrusting into nothing. Her mind was just..tired. In short, she was completely exhausted both mentally and physically. 

She was barely aware as she awoke in Jack's arms as he carried her to the table. He looked down at her and smiled while she lay flopped in his arms. "And you said that men were tired and useless after a little playtime. Look at you now."

Ella was still disoriented as she found herself fastened to the changing table yet again. She could feel the heat still radiating from her diaper and was sure that she had probably wet herself at least another time or two while she was being teased. Had anyone ever been vibrated to death? I'm sure there are worse ways to go. 

The cool air and harsh ripping of tapes finally brought her back to reality as she sucked on her pacifier and looked up at Jack. This would be his first time changing her. He was just as skilled as Julia but immeasurably stronger as he grabbed wipes and lifted her legs effortlessly in the air.

He wasn't as gentle (or sensual) as Julia, but he wasn't harsh with her. It was a bit more methodical. He looked at her technically, like she was an equation to solve as he laid out his tools and continued to work. 

Remove diaper. Check. 
Clean sticky, soiled area. Check
Choose and fluff new diaper. 

Jack started at the seemingly endless options laid before him. Pink, White, designs, shapes. Ella stared at him as he froze in bewilderment. She was beginning to see who wore the pants in this family. She looked down past her pastel pink crop top to her smooth pussy and bare legs. Well, it certainly isn't me. And this guy doesn't look like a strong candidate.

He decided on a pink one (that appeared to have little hearts all over it...ugh) and began the job of fluffing and preparing it for her waiting buns. "I figured pink was still fitting, given your previous nomenclature. Big Tarantino fan, huh? That one wasn't my favorite but I have to say you are WAY cuter than Steve Buscemi."

Despite her predicament she shared a little laugh and blush with the man that was now sprinkling baby powder over her exposed bits, before effortlessly lifting her legs high off the table to dust her backside as well. Showoff.

She was laid gently back down and the diaper was quickly refastened in more or less the same way as before. Jack gave her a few quick pats and checked the leg openings and waistline before giving her an awkward thumbs up before ducking away from the table again. Real strong middle-aged dad vibe from this one.  

He returned with a bottle and an offer she couldn't refuse. 

"Here's a chance to show me you can be a good girl and earn a little more freedom. I'm not sure how Julia would feel about this, so this will be between you and me for now, ok?"

Ella gave a small, apprehensive nod as she waited for him to finish. 

"I'm going to uncuff your hands and let you feed yourself this bottle. You need to stay lying down and don't leave the table, ok?"

He's going to free my hands already? Is he that naive or am I that weak?

She nodded and Jack reached down to uncuff her.

It was a little awkward having to balance the bottle between her gloved mitts and she lost it a few times while he patiently caught it for her and helped her to steady it. This was going to take more concentration than she realized if she didn't want to get smacked in the face with a baby bottle. How many times had she done that with her phone while doom scrolling at 2am?

Ella turned her head to study him. She had, of course, studied him for weeks as she built a file on him and Julia. She learned his schedule, habits, and routines. She had even sat near him in a cafe once to get a feel for his mannerisms and the way he spoke and treated people. Jack seemed to be a kind, gentle soul that treated people with respect. And, for some reason, that made her hate him all the more while she built her file. Good looking, endlessly wealthy, AND kind? Man, fuck this guy. 

He seemed to be straightening up around the nursery and gathering things. She recalled him being meticulous and organized. She could probably chalk up his indecision and general frazzledness to just being in an entirely new environment with new supplies and items. Like a new dad. 

She felt the bottle slipping as she realized she had almost sucked it dry. The near empty bottle was a lot lighter and harder to balance than the full one and she had to bite on the nipple to keep it from rolling out of her grasp. 

Jack noticed and came to her rescue. "Good job, Ella. Looks like we may be able to trust you with a little more freedom. I thought it would be a little harder to break someone of your expertise and skill level. The Baby Bandits were infamous!"

She didn't know whether to smile that her plan was working and she had some newfound freedom, be offended that he thought he had broken her will so easily, or be saddened by the fact that he referred to her team in the past tense. 

"Let's go ahead and get you back into your crib. We're going to let you hang out in there without restraints, though we are going to leave the mittens and booties on for now."

She held up her padded hands and whined at him. "Keep being a good girl and we'll see about taking those off later. Can you be a good girl for me?"

Good girl. That's not something that she heard very often in her life. She had always been a fuck up and it seemed like her latest 'occupation' hadn't been much better. She had learned to fight for scraps and thought she had finally found a way to make it on her own. Sure, it was a not exactly legal and there was a pretty big risk if she got caught but she was actually good at it. Or at least she thought she was. 

Before all of the weird stuff got into it, she was holding her own as a driver and recon unit. Mrs. Black was never one to hand out compliments. Or smile. Or show any emotion at all. But she seemed to be at least indifferent to the job she did and that was probably the best you could hope for with someone like that. She had no problem coming down hard on her, or Mrs. Purple, or other members of the team that had come and gone but she never handed out compliments. 

Good girl. The words rang in her ears as she was helped down from the table and walked with Jack back to her crib. She was helped to climb in and watched Jack pulled up the bars, never letting her eyes leave his. 

Jack pulled away first and disappeared from her line of sight as she sat in the crib for the first time with her limbs unbound. Ella bounced a bit. It was a nice, plush mattress and it was huge. Probably at least a full-sized mattress. Certainly the biggest crib she had ever seen and much more comfortable than the couch she had been crashing on lately. 

Jack returned with his hands full, looking like he had just won first prize at all of the carnival games. He launched a huge Teddy Bear over the top railing before bending down to straighten him up and lean him against the side in the corner furthest from her. 

"This is Mr. Bear. I've asked him to keep an eye on you while we're gone. He's also really soft if you'd like a snuggle or need a hug." The padded pilferer side eyed Jack and the giant bear. Hard pass. 

"And these are a few of his friends..." He gently placed a whale, a bunny, and a stuffed piglet inside of her crib and lined them up to look at her. "We don't want you to get lonely in here and we know you like to work with a team so we want you to select one of these as your new sidekick and name it. Julia will be back in a couple of hours to change and feed you and we expect to meet your new friend. Can you do that and be a good girl for me, Ella?"

Good girl. There it was again. 

What mystical power did these words hold? 

Was it something about the words or the way that he said them? 

Would any compliment or word of affirmation do? 

Or maybe it was just anything kind coming from him?


She nodded and looked down as he gave a friendly smile before turning away and shutting the door. And just like that, she had her new crew. 

She leaned against the back of the railing and put as much space between her fellow prisoners as possible. For the first few minutes she refused to even look at them. She was a grown ass woman. She didn't need stuffed animals to keep her company. She had... and there it was. 

She had nobody. 

Ella recalled her life as though it were a montage. 

Dropping out of school and leaving home at 17. 

Bouncing from job to job and place to place before learning how to fully use the power she had over men. 

Using dozens of men for food, shelter, and more as she turned them into her little playthings with a few bats of her eye and shakes of her bottom. 

She reached down and felt the newest diaper. They were so thick and she hated not being able to feel the curves of her ass. Her body had always been a weapon and she knew how to use it. 

They had taken that from her too. 


Ella had been sipping coffee and watching her latest man of the minute walk away when a mysterious brunette slipped in and sat across from her. She was so quick and stealthy that Ella wasn't sure where she came from. One minute she was sitting alone. The next she was staring into the vivid blue eyes of this dark haired minx. 


"You may call me Mrs. Black." They started at each other for a long moment. 

"Yeah, I'm good. I don't remember calling for a psycho dominatrix lady."

"We've been watching you." Another staring contest.

"Okay... that's creepy as hell. Are you just going to keep dropping these menacing one-liners or get to the point?"

"I want to offer you a job." She slid a card across the table. Ella picked it up to study it and when she looked up she was gone. 

Damn. She's good.  

She pocketed the card and forgot about it for days as she struggled to find her newest target. She wasn't sure if she had used up most of the guys in this area or was just getting bored with her game of cat and mouse but none of her usual targets interested her. She could only think about the elusive Mrs. Black. 


Ella stared across the crib at the trio of plushies before her. 

She had never had friends. Not really. Just people that she had learned how to use to get what she wanted. Even as a kid she had learned how to use her big doe eyes to manipulate grownups and bend them to her will. And the other kids hated her for it. 

She looked at the small stuffed pig. Soft and pink with a big nose and beady little eyes. It was just too fucking cute. In her new life she didn't need the competition or reminders of how sickeningly adorable everything here was. Piglet was out.  

Ella didn't mean to isolate the other kids. As an only child, she wasn't used to group dynamics and learned early the power she had to influence and control people with her cuteness. That worked on grownups. And men. It did not work on other kids. 

She studied the whale for a few moments. It was simple and cute, but mostly just a big blue blob with eyes. There was no connection to it. Whale, there goes that one.. Ok, maybe I should keep him just for the pun potential? 

It didn't get any better as a teen. She learned new tricks and had even more people bending to her will. But she did it alone. Of course, she made it look like she was aloof and didn't need anyone. But deep down she knew that she did. We all do. 

She stared at the stuffed bunny. Nibbles. In an effort to give her something else to focus on and get her out of their hair, her parents had bought her a rabbit. She wasn't allowed to take him out of the cage much so she would squeeze her little fingers through the cage to pet him and, in return, he would nibble lightly at her fingers. 

She crawled across the crib and studied the rabbit with her padded bottom pointed into the air. He was a bastardized version of the real thing, for sure. Almost cartoon-like with big eyes and long, floppy ears. Her rabbit had shorter, pointy ears but she supposed they could have larger floppy ears too. The big pleading eyes reminded her more of herself than the dark round eyes of her only childhood friend. 

She reached out to touch him. He was certainly softer than her pet rabbit. She so rarely got to hold her friend Nibbles that she couldn't even really remember how he felt. Like so many others, he was kept at a distance. But this fluffy little guy...

With a powdered poof she was on her bottom and picked up the bunny. But it was a moot point by now. The decision was made. The whale and atrociously cute porker were subsequently tossed over the railing as she sat with her back against the rail for a few moments before deciding that Mr. Bear was probably a lot more comfy and leaning into him as she snuggled up with Nibbles. 

She closed her eyes and allowed herself a few minutes of rest after such a hard afternoon of decision making. She didn't have a choice, she told herself. She just had to keep playing along until she found a way out of this place. If she needed an adorable reminder of one of the few bright spots of her childhood then so be it. 


"Jack, look at her." Julia sipped from her glass as they enjoyed a pre-dinner cocktail. "This is the girl that overpowered us and beat our asses raw? This cutesy little thing?" 

Jack chuckled. "I'm sure she's still got some fight in her and it's hard to resist Mr. Bear."

"He is pretty snuggly. But, seriously, are we this good or did she just need this? She was a force to be reckoned with last night. Do you think it will always be this easy?"

"Well, my dear, you are certainly great at anything that you put your mind to." They shared a deep kiss as they watched little Ella snooze against her new friends. 



Ella awoke with a start as she felt a soft touch graze her inner thighs and sneak their way into her leg bands. "Well, Hello there, little one...did we have a nice nap? And who is this little guy?"

Ella yawned and stretched before remembering where she was and what she was wearing. She dropped the rabbit and let her pacifier fall out of her mouth as she tried to back away to gain some kind of advantage, but there isn't much room for running or posturing when your entire world is a 30 square foot padded prison. 

Julia chuckled at her show of adorable machismo. "Okay, okay... let's get you changed and fill that tummy and you can introduce me to your new friend. You do have a wet diaper, right?"


Had she gotten so caught up with her plush pals that she had forgotten the ONE thing that she had to do? Damn you, Mr. Bear and your plush, cushiony goodness!

"No, please. I'm sorry! I fell asleep and I didn't even really have to go!"

"Oh... well, we'll have to make sure that you get an extra bottle after your spanking. It's ok, Ella. Even good girls need reminders sometimes."

There was that phrase again. She could rule out it being something magical about Jack. Julia's words had the same power over her. She wanted to be a good girl. 

She allowed herself to be helped/dragged out of the crib as they headed towards the dreaded chair. Julia paused to pull Nibbles from her hands and toss him over to the changing table before she was placed over Julia's lap.

"I'm glad that you made a new friend and he'll be waiting for you right over there when you're ready for a new diaper. But that fuzzy little rabbit didn't do anything wrong, did he? So we don't have our stuffed friends with us for punishments, but they will always be there to comfort us after we've paid the price."

Ella sniffled and mumbled something, surprisingly sad to have her new friend leave so suddenly. 

"What was that, sweetie?"


"What? You'll have to speak up."

"Nibbles...his name is Nibbles...Jack said I had to name him..."

"Awww, that is such a sweet name and you are such a good girl for remembering that. I'll be sure to let Jack know about your new friend! We'll get you back to Nibbles in just a minute, ok?"

She knew that there was no getting out of this one and was still determined to keep gaining little pieces of freedom as she put together a plan to get out of there. And sometimes that meant that you found yourself facedown with your diapered bottom in the air to get reminder spankings from a powerful woman that was over your lap the day before. My life is weird.  

Julia gave a few soft pats to her padded butt and saw little poofs of powder escape over the waistband. "How much powder did Jack use on you?" She continued her light assault with a few harder smacks and chuckled as soft powder filled the air. 

She heard the now familiar peel of tapes being removed and felt the cool air on her bare ass again. Julia continued giving a few playful pats and rubs as she amused herself at how much powder her clueless husband used on this adorable little tushy. 

The taps became harder and harder as her bottom was gradually warmed up until it was sporting a light pink shade again. Ella sighed and stared at the plush carpeting beneath her as the blows continued raining down. She looked over at the plushies that didn't make the cut, tossed aside like she had been so many times in her life. She felt a little sad as she looked over at the whale and pig and decided she would take care of them and put them away later, even if they weren't for her. Everyone deserves kindness. 


The warmup had concluded and the first real spank brought a small gasp from Ella's lips as she made tight little fists in her padded mitts. 



She wasn't sure if her ass was just more tender now or if she just had a low pain tolerance to start with but it didn't take much to make her regret whatever decision landed her in this position. 


And then there was just rubbing. She heard sniffling before realizing that it was her and letting out a deep breath to regain her composure. That was it? 

"Make no mistake. I can still bring the heat when I need to, but there is a difference between these lighter, maintenance type spankings and a true punishment spanking. Let's get you over to the changing table and see if Jack left any powder for us."

Ella was helped to her feet and climbed onto the changing table as her hands were again fastened over her head and her legs were attached to a spreader bar and lifted into the air. Julia paused to nestle in Nibbles into Ella's chest. "I'm not as strong as Jack and, though it looks like we're giving you a little freedom in the crib, you haven't earned that on the changing table yet."

Ella sighed and nodded as her pacifier was replaced with a boop. 

Though there was nothing to clean during this diaper change, Julia still went through three wipes to clear all of the excess baby powder. She was just reaching for a new diaper when the door opened. 

Ella's jaw dropped as her pacifier fell out and she moved her restrained limbs to try to cover herself.

This wasn't Jack. 

  • Like 5
  • blahblahwriter changed the title to A Change Would Do You Good: 4th Kasarberang Story Contest (DOUBLE UPDATE Aug 5th, Chapters 4-5 and 6-9)
34 minutes ago, blahblahwriter said:

There seemed to be a real lack of Tarantino references in ageplay stories. I'm here to single-handedly change that.  

Many thanks!  In Reservoir Dogs, at the rendezvous point there is considerable pressure to get out of Dodge applied by one bad guy to another.  I really, really like the betrayal at the end of chapter 5.  Classic QT way of doing things.  Reminds me of Samuel Jackson whacking Robert DeNiro near the end of Jackie Brown.  

  • Like 1


Miss Matthews stood at the doorway as a firm and menacing presence. Her dark brown hair was straight and came to an end just before the collar of her midi length black dress. She had a simple, no frills look about her while being prim and proper. Ella looked at her and could tell in an instant: this is not someone that you fuck with. 

Ella's eyes darted back and forth between silently pleading with Julia and looking at this new stranger in fear. Her bottom half was still completely exposed and she couldn't move to cover herself no matter how hard she strained against her bonds. This was the first person to see her since her imprisonment and she was in the middle of a freaking diaper change!

Miss Matthews elegantly crossed the room like a shark circling its prey as she was greeted by Julia. "Good afternoon, Miss Matthews! I haven't seen you today. I trust you are well?"

"I have had my hands quite busy this morning cleaning up after our unexpected visitors last night. Is this naughty little bottom here responsible for my excessive workload?"

All eyes were on Ella's bottom as her face went through 50 Shades of Red. She looked at the wall. She was suddenly extremely fascinated by the shade of Pink on the wall. Is that champagne pink or more of a bubble gum pink, Nibbles? 

"I'm afraid so. But don't you worry, Miss Matthews. She was whimpering over my lap just moments before you walked in and will be under our care for quite some time. If she isn't a very sorry girl yet, she will be."

"Hmph. We are punished by our sins, not for them. It seems like this little one is getting just what she deserves."

"Precisely. I'm sure you'll have the opportunity to take this one over your knee before her time with us is complete. Actually, would you care to finish up this diaper change for me?"

oh...god. Please no. 

"Oh, Heavens no. I still have my normal daily schedule to attend to, my dear. Just because we find ourselves with extra, unexpected work, it doesn't mean that we should shirk on our normal chores and responsibilities. I'm sure I'll have my hands full of dirty diapers soon enough."

Julia chuckled as she fluffed the new diaper. They both watched as Miss Matthews busied herself cleaning the nursery and making various harrumph noises as she clicked her tongue at the stuffed animals thrown about the floor before tucking them away on the shelf and heading towards the door with the trash. 

Ella let out a quiet sigh of relief and stole a glance towards the matronly housekeeper in retreat as the fluffy diaper was laid under her bottom. 

"Miss Julia, might I borrow her tomorrow for an hour or two? I would like to teach little Ella here a lesson about taking responsibility for one's actions, either at the end of a feather duster or the end of my hairbrush."

"Absolutely, Miss Matthews. I will be sure to have her prepared and ready for you. I'm sure she will learn much under your care. Thank you."

Miss Matthews caught Ella's eye in her firm gaze as she shut the door behind her and was gone. 

Ella was not even aware that she had been powdered until she noticed the container of baby powder being set down and the front of yet another diaper being sealed around her midsection. There was no playtime or lingering sensual fingers this time. No treats. Those were only for good girls. 

"So, that's Miss Matthews, our Housekeeper. I'm sure you'll be seeing more of her around. In addition to Jack and I, she also has full disciplinary privilege over you and may also help us with your day to day care as needed. Sounds like you two have a fun little date planned for tomorrow. Just a tip. Stay on her good side. Even though she works for us, I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little afraid of her."

Julia continued to chuckle to herself as she thought of Ella trying to stand up to Miss Matthews. Poor girl doesn't stand a chance. 

She lowered the Ella's legs and they made their way to the chair. "I think someone here needs two bottles, right?" This one seemed rhetorical so Emma settled in to her lap and looked up expectantly. She tried to think of something to say, some question to ask, some snarky comment to make...something. But the events of the last few hours had rendered her silent as her lips were again parted for another round of drinks at the hands of the world's most overbearing bartender. 

They both laid for a few moments and rocked; Ella gently sucking away at her infantilized protein shake and Julia quietly stroking her hair and patting her bottom. 

"Hard to imagine that 24 hours ago you were packing your little duffle bags and getting ready for another night of fun, and soon you'll just be packing your little pampers."

"Oooomph!" Ella tried to protest. Surely they weren't going to go there. And then she remembered last night and Julia's pert bottom pointed into the air as she noisily filled her own pampers before Mrs. Pink's world went dark. 

Yeah, this was going to suck.  

"Oh yes, little one. I wasn't sure how I would feel about having messy diapers on our hands when we put this plan into motion weeks ago, but after being forced into it last night I feel like it's something you simply must experience." She smiled a devious smile as Ella continued to suck until she drained her first bottle and it was quickly exchanged for another. 

"But with me, I had no choice but to defile myself. And I understand. You have to work quickly because there is SO much that you want to do with your victims and you're pressed for time. But Jack and I...we aren't bound by time. We have all the time we need." 

Julia stopped rubbing her hair but continued to firmly pat her diapered bottom as she leaned in to whisper her little secret. "So when you inevitably shit your little baby pants you are going to do it with the full knowledge that it is all you. Nothing in these bottles or pushed into your ass are forcing you into it. Just you, uncontrollably filling your diaper like the big baby that you are."

She paused for effect before continuing to stroke Ella's hair. Ella could only stare at her with eyes as big as saucers. 

Yep. I definitely picked the wrong house this time. 

A small gurgle from her belly as she finished the bottle felt serendipitous. Julia smiled down at her with that overly sweet "Bless Your Heart" type of smile that really means "Fuck you, bitch. I win." 

And Ella could tell that she had a lot of practice sharing this expression with those around her as she graced her way through every social situation. 

Having drained two bottles, Ella was feeling quite full as she dismounted Julia's lap and waited awkwardly for her captor to stand. She hadn't spent much time on her feet since this whole ordeal started and was surprised at how far apart her legs needed to be. She tried to push her legs together just to feel the thick bulky padding refuse to give. Ok, waddling it is. 

Julia expanded to her full height and, with the benefit of her strappy heels, was easily a head taller than Ella. Ella was accustomed to being a demanding presence in any room that she entered and it had nothing to do with her height. In her current infantile situation, she had never felt smaller or more diminished. 

"Let's continue your little freedom tour, Ella. You did well and your crib alone earlier so we are going to allow you and Waddles to have the run of the room."

"Nibbles." Ella sighed through her pacifier and rolled her eyes. 

"Ha! Oh yes, Nibbles. I'm sorry! You and Mr. Nibbles can explore your new nursery. You can play with your toys and see what other fun surprises we have in store for you. Don't make a mess and we'll be back before you know it for another diaper change and bottle. Oh and, Ella?"

Ella looked up and matched her gaze. "I trust that we will find a very wet diaper this time. You're probably about due for a messy diaper too. Be a good girl and we'll see you soon."

Julia shut and locked the door and Ella again found herself alone in this strange new environment. Well, at least she had Nibbles this time. 



"Well Nibbles, it's me and you." It was a little weird talking to a stuffed rabbit. Ella would be the first to admit that. But, let's be honest. It's not like real rabbits bring much to the table either. She had spent many days and nights hanging out with her pet rabbit and never once did he utter a word. She never really even got to take him out of his cage or hold him. Nibbles 2.0 was shaping up to be better in every way. 

She turned around to get a feel for the room. Some of it she had seen. Some of it she was intimately familiar with. Much of it she had never been able to make out from her vantage points locked in the crib, face up on the changing table, face down getting spanked, or nestled into Julia's lap in the chair. Time to explore. 

Ella started with the changing table. 7-8-9 different types of diapers. And each stack held 6 diapers. That's a LOT of diapers. Were they all for her? She picked up and studied a few of them. They were huge. She had grabbed a couple of packs online after figuring out that drug store brands were mostly worthless, but they had gone much further down the rabbit hole.  

She glanced through the other shelves at the various powders, lotions, creams, and wipes that were available. A shelf tucked along the back held suppositories, single use enemas, thermometers, and Vaseline. The shelf above was butt plugs, vibrators, and a few things she had never seen before. Ella thought that she was devious, but like Julia said, she was bound by time and money. This is what unlimited resources look like. 

Turning around, she glanced at the two chairs. Already plenty familiar with those, no thank you. 

She walked past the crib and to the door. She knew the door would be locked but she tried the handle anyway. I could really use Mrs. Purple right about now. A few more seconds studying the handle and latches and she was positive that the only way she was getting out of this room was if someone let her out. For better or worse, this was her home for the foreseeable future. 

She studied her crib. Pretty standard, albeit huge. White slats all the way around and a railing that goes up and down to lock her in. There were white straps attached to each corner that connected to her mittens and booties. She held up her hands and tried to pry one off. Nope. That's staying on till someone takes it off too.

Glancing to her left she saw rows of cubbies with her rejected pals, whale and piggie sitting on top. She waddled over, holding Nibbles in her right arm as she approached what appeared to be her new activity center. Each cubbyhole was filled with toys, stuffed animals, coloring books, art supplies...everything that a toddler could ever want. Did they expect her to play with this stuff? Was this supposed to hold her attention? She missed her phone. She missed video games. She never had much but what she had was hers and was perfectly suited to her. This was an adorable nightmare.   

There was a small table and chair tucked against the wall, presumably for her to color and do activities. She rounded a corner and came face to face with the cutest oversized toddler she had ever seen. The girl had light blonde pigtails done up in bunches and a was sucking a pink pacifier with wide eyes. She had a tight pink crop top that read B-A-B-Y in a simple font that stopped just below her breasts and left a little tummy exposed. Underneath that was a giant purple and pink diaper. She held a padded first up to her face, not believing that the girl was her. But there, in the girl's other hand, was Nibbles. 

She stumbled backwards before tripping over her padded booties and landing on her fluffy bottom and continued to study herself. Where was the badass from last night? Where was her tight black bodysuit and tight ponytail? She was a caricature of herself. Mrs. Pink, indeed. 

She knew it was no use but she tried to paw at the tapes of her diaper with her padded fists. "Ughh!!!" She tossed her stuffed rabbit across the room as it came to a rest at the foot of a tall chair with a metal base. She laid on her back in exasperation and screamed behind her pacifier. She stomped her little hands and feet and thrashed in frustration at how far she had already sunk...and how far she still had to go. 

Okay. They won this battle. I won the last one. I'm still in this. We're playing chess. I've just got to keep thinking a few moves ahead and let them think they've beaten me. I can do this. 

It wouldn't be her first time playing a role. 

She had done the sugar baby thing for a while, but got bored with it. It was nice to be taken care of and pampered but she needed a challenge. 

When picking up her meathead gym rats she was the Workout Queen, sporting the cutest workout gear, learning the lingo, and inadvertently working up a pretty killer bod while she was at it. But she got bored of the bros and wanted a challenge. She wanted someone with a brain. 

So she played as an educated professional for a while. Of course, she never really worked anywhere but a few sharp business suits, some fuck me heels, and a no nonsense attitude had a variety of wealthy businessmen ready to make a real lady out of her. That is, until she flipped the script and had them crying over her lap before she cleaned out their wallets and left them sniffling in the corner with their bare asses on display. Money doesn't count for much when you're bare bottomed over someone's lap. 

And that led her to her last job where she pretended to be a sleuth and part of a heist team. Mrs. Black had noticed her talents and thought that she could be useful. She also faked her way into being their driver. Apparently hundreds of hours of Gran Turismo and Mario Kart were enough to build a solid fake resume these days. 

Now it was time for her to be a toddler. Time to be someone else's plaything for a change. She had some experience on the other side from her time in the Baby Bandits. She apparently had the look for it. So far she had played right into their hands as the impulsive, petulant child that they wanted her to be. She was a natural. This might not be so hard after all. She just had to keep at it and wait for her opportunity. 

But it didn't mean she had to like it. 

She located her furry companion at the foot of what she now recognized to be a salon chair with a mirror and lights. Makeup was never really her thing but she had watched enough YouTube videos to be able to passably pull off the different looks she needed. She glanced at all of the makeup and beauty supplies and wasn't even sure what half of it was. 

On the wall next to her was a sickening display of bows, ribbons, bonnets, and other infantile headgear. Just play the part. She didn't need to know what it was. She just had to be cute. And there was certainly enough here to make her the cutest oversized toddler on the planet. 

Her eyes continued to scan the room as a giant wardrobe came into view. She opened the door and gasped, almost dropping her pacifier in the process. There was more clothes here than she had ever owned in her entire life. Combined. 

Dresses. Onesies. Shorts. Shirts. Overalls. Stockings. Socks. Shoes. SO many shoes!

She had always been one to keep it simple. For whatever role she needed to play, she had 2-3 outfits and liked to mix and match where she could. There were dozens and dozens of outfits here. She could stay here for months and never wear the same outfit twice. She didn't know whether to be grateful or terrified as she realized how much work they put into this. Into her

They said they were going to re-raise me? Make me a productive member of society? It's going to be pretty hard to do that in diapers and frilly dresses!

She shut the closet door and turned, shaking her head. A few paces forward and she was standing in front of the biggest highchair she had ever seen. She could barely see above the tray table and realized it would have no problem seating her. Or Julia. Or Jack. Or those bitches that sold me out. 

There were straps along the sides and back, presumably for her hands and feet. I'm getting pretty sick of bottles on Julia's lap but this might be worse. She walked behind the highchair to see shelves and shelves fully stocked for anything a baby or toddler could need. Hundreds of jars of baby food and snacks. Empty bottles and a small fridge filled with protein shakes, yogurt, pudding, and who knows what else. Yep. This is worse. SO much worse. Maybe I should have just stayed a Sugar Baby. At least I wasn't treated like an actual baby then!

Tucked behind the chair that she shared with Julia was an adult sized rocking horse. Of course, it also had straps ready to hold down any wiggly princess that dared to ride but it was the small hole in the center of the seat that grabbed her attention. What was that for?

She felt a twinge in her bladder as she looked over to the changing table and realized she was back where she started. Her initial instinct was to hold it (25 years worth of potty training will do that) but then remembered the long talk she just had with herself. And the spanking and threats of further punishment she had just endured. There was no way to know when the door would open again.

She held up her stuffed bunny and looked him in the eye. Time to play the part, Nibbles.

It was harder to make herself go this time.  The last time she was perched on Julia's lap, being lightly stroked under the threat of further punishment. This time? Well, it was just her in a giant fucking nursery with a stuffed rabbit for company. It somehow felt sillier for her to do it alone with no one forcing her into it, no matter how humiliating it had been doing it in front of Jack and Julia. 

She tried to think of the best way to do it. Standing felt weird. She couldn't do it lying down. Should she sit on something? She decided a simple squat might be best. She squatted down and tried to breathe but she just couldn't make herself do it. Maybe I just need to get my body moving..

She thought of the prison movies she had seen and how they kept themselves in shape in their cells. No use letting all of that gym knowledge go to waste and if she was going to mount an escape she had to stay in good shape. 

Squats were good so she started there. Lunges were near impossible with the added bulk between her legs so she passed on those. She was never great at pushups, but was forced to do them on her knees anyway as her diaper hit the ground long before the rest of her. She ended with some core work, opting for some simple crunches. 

It was during her second set of crunches, that a tiny little poot escaped her bottom and was muffled by her diaper. She was embarrassed but it didn't look like Nibbles was offended so she kept at it. On her third set she felt her first trickle and was thrilled before the disgust hit her. She felt the wetness roll down to her bottom before being soaked up by the padding. Nope. Not doing that. 

She sat up and decided that squats may have been her best idea after all. She closed her eyes and tried to focus. She decided that it was rude for Nibbles to watch so turned him to face the wall. After wiggling for a bit in a sumo squat she was finally able to release a few dribbles before doubling down to unleash the flood. She felt the warmth spread as most of it was consumed by the thirsty padding in front of her as some of the remnants again trickled down and tickled her bum before ultimately being soaked in as well. 

Ella lost her balance and collapsed onto her bottom and felt the wet squelch as she sat and panted. She found herself reaching for toilet paper out of habit before taking her padded hands to the front of her diaper to poke around. She couldn't get inside but poked as best she could at the front, amazed by how heavy and solid it felt compared to the loose, cloud feeling she felt moments before. 

As the clammy coldness set in, she decided to find something to occupy her time and headed to her activity station. She managed to pull out a coloring book and crayons before bopping herself on the head in frustration as it became obvious that she couldn't hold a crayon or turn pages. Ugh. 

She spent a few minutes frustratingly looking through all of the toys that wouldn't work for her in her current state before deciding on a set of pink cars with cartoony eyes drawn onto their windshields. 

Play the part.

And so she did. Ella slowly eased her soggy bottom onto the chair in her activity station with a few cars and rolled them back and forth between her hands. After a few passes, she realized that they were wind-up cars as she pulled them back and watched them go. She decided to occupy herself by seeing how close she could come to the edge of the table without them falling off. 

She pouted and got frustrated with the first few cars before finding a strategy that worked and was able to start getting most of them right on the edge. She smiled.

It had been decades since she had let herself enjoy such a simple pleasure. She spent all of her time plugged into her phone or console. Or out canvasing targets or behind the wheel for a job. It was relaxing to just sit and play for a change. To let herself be completely captivated by something so simple.

It was nice. 



Jack and Julia stood near the crib for a moment, watching her get lost in her little game. It was as Ella was picking up one of her crashed cars that she noticed her audience and stood up quickly. 

"Why, hello there little one. It's good to see you settling into your nursery. Enjoying your new toys?"

Ella was embarrassed and looked down at her feet as she saw Julia stroll past the chair and out of her line of sight. Though she didn't know if she was more embarrassed about how into the cars she had gotten or the sodden diaper hanging between her legs. 

"And who is this little guy?" Jack started to walk towards the table where her stuffed rabbit was seated to watch her daring car show. 


"Oh, what a great name, Ella. Thank you for sharing that with me." He smiled kindly at her and she blushed. 

Ugh. Why does he have to be SO fucking nice all the time?

"It's time to start getting you ready for bed. Looks like someone needs to have her wet diaper changed. And then it's time for your nighttime spanking."

Ella pulled the pacifier from her mouth. "What?! I peed in this thing like you told me too. Good girls get treats, not spankings!"

She immediately realized how ridiculous she sounded as she lodged her complaint with upper management and popped her pacifier back into her mouth before she could say anything else that she would regret. 

"You were a very good girl for us, Ella. But you will be spanked every night before bed as a reminder to be good. You will also get one each morning. These are not punishment spankings."

Ella sulked behind her pacifier as Julia came up behind her with a changing mat and wipes. She felt her whole body tense as the waistband of her diaper was pulled back to expose her mostly dry (and clean!) bottom. 

Her body had just considered loosening the tension when she felt a hand reach up and grab the front of her diaper from between her legs. She looked up and rolled her eyes as Julia looked to her husband.  "No poopies yet, but this is a very wet diaper, Jack. Let me go ahead and get her cleaned up right here and then you can get started."

The changing mat was laid across her table as Jack busied himself putting her cars away and she was soon face up and bare from the waist down again, though this time she had a slightly different vantage point of the room. Julia made quick work of cleaning her with the wipes before standing her back up. 

There is something strange about wearing shoes while your privates are exposed. Though she had just been changed out of a wet diaper, this somehow had her feeling even more like a toddler. She rocked lightly on her padded booties and clenched her fists as Jack came back onto the scene and reached for her hand. 

He led her to the now familiar spanking chair and pulled her over his lap. Besides the few quick smacks in the corner earlier, she hadn't been spanked by Jack yet. And she certainly hadn't been over his knee. Though he had changed her diaper earlier, this was the closest she had felt to him yet. 

Having never been over a lap before today she took a moment to ponder the difference. Julia was soft, but small. She wouldn't say that she enjoyed her time over the fellow blonde's lap, but it was a little cozier if a bit cramped. 

But Jack was strong and there was plenty of room for her across his lap. He had the ability to truly make her feel small, like an errant little girl that was getting what was coming to her. His firm grip kept her safe from falling and she knew there was no way that she would be able to wiggle away from this one.

For the first time, she was also aware of the show that she was giving him as she lay there on display. She didn't think about that with Julia but, as she thought of the many women she had over her lap, she wondered if he could see her pussy or if her little rosebud was peaking out.

The demoted driver squirmed anxiously in his sturdy lap as she felt him gently rubbing her bottom. 

She watched Julia's feet pass by from her upside-down position as she paused to hand something to Jack. His hand lifted from her bottom and she braced herself for impact and was surprised to feel him parting her cheeks before she felt a cool sensation on her bottom hole for the second time today. 

Ugh. Not again.

She tried to clench but one sharp slap was all it took for her to release and allow the thermometer to violate her yet again. "It is important that we make sure you stay healthy during your stay with us so we will do this morning and night as part of your maintenance spankings." 

He didn't twirl the thermometer like Julia but simply rested his hands on her back and upper thigh. She wasn't sure if it was better to feel the icy twist of the instrument in her hole or to just have it sticking out as a humiliating flag reminding the world of her descent into toddlerhood as she sat there motionless on Jack's lap. 

She saw Julia's shoes again and realized that at some point she had changed from her strappy heels into something a little more comfortable. The thermometer was removed and handed to Julia as she was once again pronounced healthy and felt Jack's hand tapping her bottom. 

smack.. rub. 
Smack.. rub. 

He seemed more tentative. Like he was afraid to unleash his full strength and was trying to find the balance point between getting his point across and causing destruction to her tender flesh. 

His large hand covered her entire cheek as he continued to rub in large circles between strokes. Julia was relentless. Jack was slow and methodical. 

SMACK... rub. 
SMACK... rub. 
SMACK... rub. 

Ella was definitely able to feel it as Jack increased the intensity but this wasn't the blistering punishment spanking she had received earlier from his beloved. This was gentle yet firm and she felt herself melting into his lap. 

A girl could get used to this. 

He covered the entirety of her ass while continuing to rub between each stroke. She didn't feel punished or beaten, but she felt small. She felt owned. There was no doubt who was in charge here as the smacks continued to rain down but she wasn't frantic and screaming like previous spankings. She wasn't even desperate to leave. Jack had her in his grip and she relented and let him take charge. No fighting. At least not for now.

The spanks became small taps and the rubs became longer. It was practically a massage at this point as he rubbed and kneaded her sore bottom. 

"I think I can take it from here, Jack."

Ella was lowered from Jack's lap as Julia took both of her hands and raised them over her head. Her little pink top was removed and she stood completely naked for the first time today as Jack quietly shut the door behind him on his way out. She was led by Julia's hand over to the changing table where her wrists were again fastened over her head. 

"I thought we could have a little girl time. But first, let's get you nice and cleaned up!"

Julia removed Ella's padded booties and grabbed a cold wipe to began cleaning her feet and legs. It was cold, but felt more refreshing than chilling as the wipes were rubbed up and down her legs, always stopping at mid-thigh. Wipes were discarded and Julia rearmed herself with two fresh wipes as her hands skipped Ella's diaper area and headed north to her belly and towards her breasts. She took her time as she slowly traced each breast, making sure to cover every curve before slowly teasing her nipples. 

Ella sighed and let out a small moan as the wipes were discarded and Julia began a light massage through Ella's outstretched arms and tired muscles all the way to the edges of her padded mittens. Julia let her hand trace back down towards Ella's breasts and lightly grabbed a nipple between her fingers as she purred into her ear, "Will you be a good girl for me if we remove your mittens? A very good girl?"

"Mmmmm. MmmHmm." Ella made agreeable noises through low moans. Julia allowed her to catch her breath as she removed the mittens and quickly washed her hands and fingers as Ella stretched them out for the first time since she was in charge almost a full day ago. 

"Well that is one clean girl. But we can't let your skin get dry, can we?"

Ella shook her head back and forth letting her little pigtails brush her face as she answered Julia's question.

The lotion was cool and Ella closed her eyes as Julia began to slowly massage it into her skin starting at the top this time. Her cramped hands and fingers were rubbed before Julia made her way down each arm with long strokes.  She paused to reload with baby lotion as she continued downwards to her chest. Julia reached over the girl letting her own breasts sway back and forth as she rubbed her neck and shoulders before splitting between her breasts and heading down to her tummy. 

Ella looked up past the swaying breasts to Julia's eyes and moaned, pleadingly. "Don't worry, sweet girl. I won't forget those little funbags."

A thick layer of pink lotion was laid across the top of each breast as Julia continued to tease her younger charge. "I cannot believe that you breastfed me yesterday! You've got to be, what? A decade younger than me. Look at you. There's no way you've had kids. You are a kinky little thing, aren't you?"

Ella could only moan in response as both breasts were now being groped and rubbed. With a flick of the nipple, Julia lifted her hands to reposition herself at the other side of the table and continued her massage starting with her feet and legs this time. 

Again, long, luxurious strokes glided up and down her legs as the sweet smelling lotion filled the room, stopping just before her hips each time. Each stroke was a tease as Julia's fingers lingered closer and longer before eventually sliding back down. 

Julia's guided the bottoms of Ella's feet together until they were touching and her pussy was open and glistening under the soft nursery lights. She lotioned her hands again and began to lightly rub her inner thighs before working towards her clean shaven mound. "Doesn't this feel better without all of that yucky hair down there? I took those from you because I know what is best for you. You aren't a big girl any more and you don't need any more of those big girl hairs. Just my sweet, smooth girl. We're going to make all of your decisions for a while and you just need to be a good girl for us."

Ella continued moaning and started to lightly thrust her hips as Julia continued to inch closer with her fingers. Just as her fingers finally found their intended target she pulled her hands away before lifting Ella's legs into the air and rubbing lotion on to her bottom and upper thighs. 

Ella had completely forgotten where she was and was on the verge of forgetting her name when she felt her bottom lowered onto a soft, waiting diaper and pouted a protest behind her pacifier. 

"Good girls get treats. But little girls like you do not get cummies. You are far too little for that."

Powder rained like snow upon her twitching loins before she was sealed into yet another diaper. Julia pressed firmly into her princess parts with a slight rub as Ella moaned. She stopped suddenly. "Yep. Definitely too little for that."

Ella's bare feet touched the plush carpet for the first time and she wiggled her toes a bit before pouting all the way to the waiting rocking chair as Julia led her frustrated captive by the hand. Julia looked down at the defeated girl and marveled again at how cute she was and thought of how they were much better suited for their current roles than the silly games they played the night before. 

The pacifier was pulled out with a pop and quickly replaced with a bottle which Ella hungrily attacked. She hadn't even realized she was thirsty but the cool shake was a welcomed treat and she allowed herself to relax into Julia's arms again. 

Julia continued to trace Ella's body, including her naked breasts and thighs, as the bottle was drained and pacifier was replaced. They lay there for a few moments in quiet reflection. 

Ella sucked on her pacifier with conflicting thoughts: If this is their idea of 'reraising me' then maybe I can fake this for a while after all while I find a way out. I've definitely been treated worse. That was the best massage that I've ever had, even if it did end with me in a diaper. 

Julia looked down at her and smiled: Oh, little one. If you had any idea of the plans we still have for you.

Ella was helped to her feet and taken by the hand to her new closet on the other side of the nursery. She marveled again at the size of her captive home. This is bigger than most apartments I've had. 

The closet door was opened and Ella was captivated by the assortment of clothes before her. She had no idea how she would ever be able to choose between so many items of clothing and, luckily for her, Julia and Jack would make sure that she never had to. Julia quickly made her selection and shut the door. 

"These are just perfect for you to sleep in tonight!"

Ella remembered being dragged from store to store by her stepmom as a tween. Her stepmom would hold up absolutely hideous outfits and she would be forced to try them on. This was like that, but if she was in hell. 

A nauseating display of pink fluff was held in front of her and she sighed as she was helped into the full length footie pajamas and zipped in. She was walked towards the mirror and glanced downward, suddenly sad that her bare feet had been taken from her again so soon. 

She thought shopping with her stepmom was bad. 

She thought looking at herself in this mirror as an overgrown toddler was bad. 

As she stared at herself in her soft pink footie pajamas she thought that she realized that she was lacking the proper vocabulary for what she was feeling. Hate wasn't strong enough. Detest didn't quite do it. 

She was turned around so that she could see the little white poof on her bottom and that these were actually drop bottom pajamas "so that we can get to that naughty little bottom anytime we need". 

Despise was getting pretty close. Abhor?

She was again turned and made to stand still as Julia reached behind her to pull a fuzzy hood over her head. "Awww.....look at you!"

She glanced up and saw an adorable bunny rabbit. With Pink fluffy ears. She turned around to study her bottom again. And a fucking tail. 


Julia ran across the room and came back with Nibbles. Despite her current predicament, she was glad to see the fuzzy little guy as he was thrust into her hand. 

"Perfect. Now I wish I actually was a photographer." Julia beamed at her like a proud parent. 

LOATHE. The word was loathe. 

Julia reached out her hand and Ella latched on as they made their way back into the crib. 

Ella rolled onto her side with Nibbles and was pleased to see a pillow brought out for her and laid under her head. "Now you be a good girl for us tonight, Ella. We've got a full day planned tomorrow. Mr. Bear is in charge, ok?"

She raised her head to look at the giant bear. Ugh. 

Julia was at the door and peaked her head through while it was shutting. "Goodnight, Ella."

Ella sat up as soon as the door closed and leaned against the railing. Just one giant fluffy bunny looking at a giant stuffed bear. Nothing to see here. 

Ella sat there for what seemed like hours dressed in her fluffy bunny suit in her crib. She surveyed her nursery. It was still. Calm. There was a faint night light that illuminated the room and it was just enough for her to make out all of the different areas she had visited that day.

The changing table with restraints. The hard spanking chair. The plush rocking chair where Julia fed her bottles. She turned and looked over her shoulder to where she played with her cars and the closet and salon area that she knew were around the corner. She hadn't visited the high chair yet, but she figured that was coming soon. 

She took out her pacifier and looked at Nibbles. "Well, what do we do now?"

Boredom set in quickly and her eyes felt heavy. Before she knew it, she was fast asleep. 

"Look at how peaceful she looks, Julia."

"Well, a little melatonin in her bottle certainly didn't hurt."

"Julia! We said we weren't going to spike her bottles with anything!"

"Oh hush, Jack. Just a little something to help her sleep. She's had a long day. And we could use a little time to ourselves.."

  • Like 6
  • blahblahwriter changed the title to A Change Would Do You Good: 4th Kasarberang Story Contest (NEW UPDATE Aug 6th, Chapters 10-12)

Great read.  It surprises me how rare inversion stories are around here.  I hope that this inspires other writers around here to have a go.

5 hours ago, littlebopeeper said:

Great read.  It surprises me how rare inversion stories are around here.  I hope that this inspires other writers around here to have a go.

Yes! I would love to read more inversion stories. Here's hoping it catches on! You'll definitely see more of it in my stories. Stay tuned..



She awoke with a start. Was that a scream?


She sat up and grabbed onto the railings of the crib. Had her team come back for her? Had someone else broken into the house? Was there a fire?

"Oh Jack!....Fuck yeah!"


Ella laid there and listened to Jack and Julia's primal lovemaking and tried to will herself to go back to sleep. She was no stranger to rough sex, but it was their stamina that was truly impressive.

Thankful for the newfound freedom of her bare hands without padded mittens, she let her hands wander towards her crotch and was stopped by the giant pillow between her legs. Ugh.

She listened to them moan in pleasure as she tried to touch herself in any way. The padding around her crotch was just too thick but Julia had worked her up so good before she locked her into this padded prison. She was so close before she sealed the tapes. So. Close.


She tried to think of other things. This was the perfect time to work on her escape plan. But, she had no idea what lay outside of this room or when she would ever get out. She laid on her back and stared at the ceiling.

Jack groaned loudly through the shared wall. She thought of his strong arms and being held against his lap. How good it felt to be there. How it felt to have someone else in charge of her for a while. How she had absolutely no control and he could do whatever he wanted with her.

Julia joined the chorus and started moaning loudly. She thought of her soft hands and how she knew how to touch her in just the right places. How she teased her mercilessly until she was on the very edge of orgasm just to take it away from her.

She pushed into her diaper with her hands again, desperate to feel something. If she pushed really hard she could just barely feel the slightest bit of pressure.

Jack and Julia's voices rang out together, moaning louder through the walls.

Rolling onto her stomach she thought about Jack smacking her ass and pushing into his thigh while she was on his lap. She tried to thrust into the crib mattress but the padding around her crotch was just too strong. She moved her hands to her breasts, but that only served to make her more desperate.

She looked at her stuffed rabbit. "What do I do, Nibbles??" She followed his big eyes across the crib to Mr. Bear.

"No, Nibbles...C'mon..."

Julia's voice rose "Yes, YES, YES!!!"

Ella crawled towards the giant stuffed bear, hornier that she could remember being in her entire life. She pushed him to his side and straddled him as she imagined Julia riding Jack only feet away from her on the other side of the wall. They were mirror images of each other. Women that could take what they wanted.

She thrust into the bear and began to feel the smallest embers of a flame starting to build. She needed to fan that flame. She thought of all of the couples that she had bent to her will. All of the bottoms she had spanked. The pussies she had shaved. The spoiled little princesses that she had pampered against their will. The pleading eyes. The quiet whimpers.

The embers grew into a small flame in her loins. Time to stroke the flame.

She began to thrust and hump the bear beneath her, shamelessly riding as her thoughts began to turn. It was no longer her in charge. Her mind thought more and more of Jack and Julia and their power over her. They had taken her and made her into their little plaything. Stripped her. Shaved her. Spanked her. Diapered her. Rubbed her.

Jack and Julia began moaning louder, closer and closer to climax. Ella began to moan as the small flame began to grow and she joined their chorus.

"Ungh... yes! YEAH!! OOOOH....! Mmmmmm....."

She closed her eyes and rode harder and harder, pushing down as she continued to grind into the giant stuffed bear. She had never felt this good. She had never felt so alive. "FUCK yeah!! Ooooh....."

She was so close. SO close. Just a little more, Mr. Bear.

The lights turned on suddenly and Jack and Julia stood at the doorway as Ella stopped. Suddenly aware of herself and her surroundings.

She was diapered and dressed in a pink bunny costume...

...humping a stuffed teddy bear almost as big as she was...

...in a giant crib...

...in her nursery prison...

...with her stuffed rabbit Nibbles watching...

...and the wardens just walked in and caught her red handed...

...and she STILL wasn't able to climax!


"Yes. You fucked up, Ella. Jack, get her ready. I'll prepare the room. Ella, I am very disappointed in you."

And with those few words, Julia was gone leaving Ella still frozen straddling Mr. Bear. Jack walked towards her, his eyes a mixture of pity and hunger.

Ella's mind flashed to some documentary that she watched while up at 2am preparing for a job. Little known fact about Fight or Flight. There is actually a third response: Freeze. 

When confronted, the human body has three automatic responses. 

You can fight. Ella always thought this would be her response and, in the past, she thought this had been her response in stressful situations. It turns out she didn't know what a stressful situation was.

The second response is flight. She could just run. She had done that earlier when they uncuffed her from the crib and she had done it multiple times in her life when she was in a fight she couldn't win or when a job went sideways. But she couldn't will her body to move.

Freeze is exactly how she would describe her body's response. She remembered watching the documentary and not understanding why the animals wouldn't put up a fight or run. Some were stronger than their predator and many were faster, but they stood still. Completely frozen in place, eyes darting around. They looked like prey, ready for the taking.

And that is exactly how she felt as Jack approached her and grabbed her around the waist. Like prey.

She dismounted Mr. Bear and watched her crib and Nibbles pull further and further away as she was pulled towards the spanking chair.

"No, please! I'm SORRY!! Please, no spanking! I'll just go back to sleep!"

"Oh...Ella...." He looked at her with sadness, like a disappointed father. He flipped down her hood and looked her in the eyes before reaching behind her to begin removing her bunny pajamas. "A spanking should be the least of your worries once you see what she has planned for you tonight. You messed up, kiddo."

There was a fuzzy pink mess of fabric at her ankles as Jack reached for the tapes on her diaper and pulled them off forcefully. This wasn't delicate and methodical like a diaper change. It wasn't even firm and calculating like the spanking she had over his lap hours ago. This was something different.

He ripped the diaper off and had her step out of her pajamas. She was completely naked now with only a dusting of powder and pigtails as a reminder of the regression she had received at their hands. She was just a naked, scared girl standing in front of a strong, powerful man.

"Please, Jack..."

"Let's go."

He couldn't even look at her as he took her by the arm and led her out of the Nursery for the first time since she had entered it yesterday at the top of her game. It felt very different now as she crossed the threshold and was firmly held in place as Jack led her down the hallway to a locked door. He held up his finger for a scan and the door unlocked and she was led inside, with Jack still holding her firmly around the arm.

The Dungeon had a very different feel than the Nursery. The Nursery had its own way of teasing and torment, but it was wrapped in an array of cuteness. That cuteness was diabolical in itself as it was forced upon her time and time again.

But this...this was actually scary. She tried to look around and take it in but was quickly pulled towards what she recognized from late night internet browsing as a pillory. The top was lifted and her arms and head were placed through the holes before being lowered again. She heard a click and realized that she wasn't going anywhere.

She tested her bonds to prove her hypothesis and found her assertions to be correct. She was bent at a 90 degree angle at the waist with her powdered ass sticking out behind her. Ella felt her legs being spread before they were also locked in place, leaving her open and vulnerable.

Ella looked down at the ground as she watched two sets of bare feet circle her before coming to a rest in front of her. She looked up to see not the faces of anger or lust, but pure disappointment. Like they expected better from her.

"Ella, we gave you simple rules today. We took care of you. And you let us down. You stole from us and you gave into your impulses. In time, you will learn to control yourself. For now, we will do it for you."

"Jack." She nodded in the distance towards something she couldn't see and Jack obediently followed her silent command. Ella imagined that the two of them had spent many nights here and he looked like he was conditioned to submit to her whims.

There was a silent pause as they heard him walk across the room and return. Julia nodded at him and her ass exploded. Ella screamed. This was not his hand. She didn't know what this was but it hurt and she was already instantly sorry and ready to obey again.

The room was silent except for her sniffling. Julia nodded.

No. NO!


The paddle exploded against her ass again as she squealed. This was such a different feeling than a spanking. There was no intimacy. No skin on skin contact. No rubbing. No feeling the heavy breathing as you lay on their lap. Just pain. Searing pain.

Julia paused to grab Ella's chin in her hand and look into her eyes that were already filling with tears. "You let your impulses get the better of you yesterday. You went too far and your team gladly sold you out to be rid of you. It wasn't because you weren't great at your job or because they didn't like you. You are impulsive and not thinking with your head. You were thinking with this."

Julia grazed her powdered pussy and listened to Ella moan before she gave it a sharp spank and took her breath away. It wasn't truly enough to cause any pain but the shock value had Ella's full attention on Julia as she again found her chin in the strong woman's hands and felt her warm breath as she looked into her icy eyes.

"In time, we are going to help you to control these impulses. For now, they belong to me."

Julia nodded to Jack.


"Ahhh!!!! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!! Please!!!"

"You will be. You stole from me. You tried to take what does not belong to you."

"No! That was Mrs. Black and Mrs. Purple! They're who you want! And...and I can get your stuff back! Is that what you want? Give me 12 hours and I'll get back everything they took."


"Silly, petulant child. We do not care about what your team took from our house last night. We have insurance. All of that is replaceable. What you attempted to steal is much more valuable than that."


Ella cried out and tried to decipher what Julia was talking about through her pain and tears. She felt Jack rub the paddle against her tender backside.

"Who do your orgasms belong to, Ella?"


There was a pause as Ella continued to breathe heavily.


"You! Oh god.....no more.....they belong to you."

"Correct. I will decide if and when you orgasm again. Have I not shown myself to be particularly skilled in bringing you pleasure?"

This was a different side of Julia that Ella had not seen. She had known her to be playful and devious but she was also loving and nurturing when they were in the Nursery. The Dungeon brought out an entirely new side of her. She could see now why Jack was so quick to obey her without question.

"You tried to steal an orgasm from me tonight, Ella. I will not allow that. So we are going to work on your impulses."

She let go of Ella's face and knelt down in front of her so that they could make eye contact while her head hung towards the ground. Jack handed Julia a small vibrator that she turned on and off in front of Ella's widened eyes.

"I am going to bring you to the very edge of orgasm. And then Jack is going to remind you who those orgasms belong to. We will do this for one hour."

Ella's eyes almost jumped out of her head and she tried pleading but no words would come out as the vibrator was turned on and thrust into her needy pussy.


It didn't take long. Her eyes rolled back as she closed them and moaned.


Before she had a chance to catch her breath the vibrator was back on and she was moaning.


They played back and forth for a few minutes as Ella whimpered and sniffled. She had never encountered this amount of pain or pleasure before. And together they were bringing her to a world she didn't know existed. She closed her eyes and continued to breathe heavily.

Julia paused to let her fingers do the work. Ella was dripping and Julia used her juices to continue playing with her and reach around and underneath her to moisten her twitching back door.

"Jack, we need to make sure that she doesn't have any accidents."

He understood the assignment and Ella soon felt a small plug worked into her bottom. "Ugh....Noooo...."


The feelings were even more intense with the plug in. She felt so full and the crack of the paddle hit different with something inside of her. Julia's hands continued to play with her, massaging her and dancing around her most intimate places. Ella moaned lightly.


Fingers. Vibrator. Paddle. Her world melted away to just sensations as she felt like she couldn't take anymore.

And then the vibrator in her ass turned on. Ella groaned as Jack and Julia stood back to admire their work.

"Who do your orgasms belong to, Ella?"

"YOU!! They belong to you!" There was no hesitation in her voice. Julia's fingers slowly traced circles between her legs. "This is your no-no place. It is not for you to touch. Ever. Do you understand me?"


Julia reached down to caress the girl’s dangling breasts and Ella moaned at the combination of butt plug and nipple play. "These must be very sensitive. For all of our kinks, I had never considered lactation. But I had this sent over as soon as we found out about your...unusual proclivities."

Jack wheeled out a large silver canister with two tubes attached. Ella didn't know what it was but it looked menacing. As she studied the two tubes and felt Julia's hands on her two hanging breasts, she didn't like where this was heading.

"This is a milking machine. It is primarily used on goats, but apparently it is also VERY effective on human breasts." She pinched Ella's nipple and she squealed. The butt plug stopped.

"I want you to look at it and see where your impulses have taken you." Ella raised her head, obediently.


Ella was so close to orgasm. She had been so close many times today only to have it taken from her time and time again. Each time the feelings increased, taking her to places she didn't know existed.

She was still catching her breath as she felt cold water being applied to each of her nipples and gasped. Julia's fingers went back and forth from the ice cold bowl to her nipples to her aroused and heated pussy. Once her nipples were painfully erect she heard a loud sound like a vacuum cleaner or jet engine as her eyes made the way to the two pumps.

No. Oh god...no. 

"Jack wanted to be sure that he wasn't the only one getting milked around here."

Each tube was attached to one of her nipples and began their work. Ella thought back to the months of late nights with a small breast pump to help induce lactation. It was a lot of work, but she was so excited to add a new level of humiliation to her pampered princesses. She had no idea that it would work soon enough to be used on Julia but was thrilled with the results and decided on the spot that it was well worth the effort. Even with Julia on her breast she had been thumbing through her mental Rolodex for her next couples and thinking of one or both of them in a similar spot.

But this? This was beyond her wildest dreams. Or nightmares. She had seen women getting milked like this online, but never pictured herself in this situation. This was supposed to be about her exuding control and dominance, not the other way around.

The pull on each nipple was so much stronger than the tiny breast pump she used at home and her nipples were already overly sensitive. She was so incredibly aroused and turned-on despite the pain Jack had inflicted on her sore bottom. Mercifully, that had ceased...at least for now.

Julia stood back and watched her for a few minutes watching drop after drop steadily fill the mason jar. She added the vibrator back into the mix for a few seconds at a time, carefully watching Ella's body for signs of orgasm and always stopping just before she reached it. 

Ella's moans and groans could be heard over the loud whirring of the machine until she started to sound like the farm animal they were treating her as.

And then it was done. The suction cups were removed and her sore nipples were exposed to the air again. Ella breathed deeply as Julia lightly rubbed her breasts and let her hands wander up and down the rest of her trembling body.




The entire process was repeated twice more, with buzzing, vibrating, dancing fingers, and an industrial goat milker until Ella was a frustrated, limp mess, barely able to stand. She still moaned softly to herself.

Jack took her down and carried her back to the Nursery where she was laid on the changing table, double diapered, and put into a simple onesie before being put back into her crib for the night. 

She drifted off to sleep as two conflicting thoughts battled in her head: she would obey and be Jack and Julia's good girl and she had to find a way out of here. And fast.




The sunlight was beginning to peek into her room as Ella stretched her aching body and yawned. She looked down at the pale pink onesie she was wearing as her fingers lazily traced the three buttons between her legs.

Her hands quickly shot to her sides. That is not for me to touch. That is my no-no space. 

Ella shook her head, marveling at how quickly this new thought process had been drilled into her. She thought that she was devious but she had clearly continued to underestimate Jack and Julia.

No stranger to rough nights, Ella turned to her side and felt the thick diaper between her legs pushing her legs apart when she heard the door open.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

Ella closed her eyes and forced herself to let her bladder go in this awkward new position. She breathed deeply as she felt the wetness soak into the padding around her. There was no way that she could handle another punishment spanking so soon. The set of approaching footsteps masked the hissing sound and Ella finished just in time to see Julia standing over her.

"Good morning, Ella. I trust that you slept well. Looks like someone has a very wet diaper for me this morning! Why don't we go ahead and start with a diaper change?"

Ella remained silent and nodded her head. Julia seemed so sweet and cheery this morning. Where was the crazed dominatrix from the night before?

Julia helped Ella towards the changing table, watching her waddle awkwardly and unsure if it was her soggy diaper or soreness from the previous night's punishment. She guided Ella onto the changing table but did not secure her hands or feet. Ella looked at her confused.

"I trust that Jack and I got our point across last night. Know that we will be firm with you but once your punishment is complete, you are forgiven and we move forward. We are going to continue to allow you more freedom but know that you are on a very short leash. We're going to chalk up last night to you just being a hungry, horny girl that needed some help controlling her urges."

Julia pressed her hand firmly on the front of Ella's diaper before pausing and walking back towards the crib. She returned with a pacifier that was quickly restored to its rightful home and Nibbles who she placed into Ella's waiting grabby hands. "I'm going to leave your hands uncuffed but they need to stay up here, ok? We're going to let Nibbles help keep your hands busy so they don't get you into trouble again."

Ella nodded and held her stuffed rabbit firmly to her chest as Julia popped the three snaps on her onesie and pulled it up over her tummy. She heard the tapes ripping but chose to remain focused on Nibbles as she turned him over and carefully studied his fur.

The wipes were cool, but refreshing as Julia made quick work of wiping her diaper area moving her legs up and down as needed to clean her bottom. Ella was rewarded for her good behavior with cool, baby lotion that was applied to her still sore backside and rubbed lightly into her thighs.

"That paddle really packs a punch, huh? I swear, no matter how many times it gets used on me it still manages to catch me off guard every single time. And Jack can really swing it!"

Ella looked around Nibbles to catch Julia's eye as the rubbing continued. "Of course, I much prefer to be the one wielding it. Despite your current situation, I swear, Jack is the real baby when it comes to stuff like that. Poor little guy has no pain tolerance. But you found that out already, didn't you?"

She winked down at Ella as the girl continued to stare and chose to suck her pacifier and remain silent.

Julia continued to rub the lotion all over Ella's tender princess parts and backside. But it wasn't sensual this morning. She wasn't trying to tease or coax out an orgasm. This was a tender massage meant to relax.

Ella laid her head back down and allowed herself to enjoy the moment as Julia's nimble fingers danced and filled every crevice between her knees and her belly button. This nurturing version of Julia was much preferred to the twisted version of her that she was in the presence of just hours ago.

"Normally, we would do your morning spanking and temp check now and we were ready to move you to the high chair but I think you might need a little extra snuggle time today."

Ella was helped down from the changing table and a few moments later she found herself in the now familiar spot of laying face up across Julia's lap.  Nibbles was gently laid on her side and Julia guided her hands up towards the bottle. "Can you be a big girl for me and hold your bottle? Should be a little easier with your hands free!"

With her own hands free, Julia carefully let Ella's pigtails down and began to lightly stroke her hair. She and Jack had chosen years ago to not have kids but it didn't mean that she didn't still have maternal urges from time to time. Jack was so damn independent and they had a housekeeper and assistants to take care of all of the day to day things they needed. She loved their life, but it would be nice to be needed sometimes. 

Ella quickly drained her bottle and wasn't surprised to see it replaced with a second, though this one looked different. She took a cautious sip before her eyes lit up and she started sucking voraciously. "Looks like someone likes her juice?"

Ella nodded happily and continued to drink. After more than 24 hours of only protein shakes through a bottle, juice felt like finding an oasis in a dessert. Cold and refreshing and delicious. She greedily sucked through the nipple as Julia continued to play with her hair. They stayed there for a few moments once Ella was finished and Julia replaced her bottle with her pacifier and restored Nibbles to her hands. Julia basking in the feeling of taking care of someone and Ella relaxing into the feeling of having her basic needs met for the first time that she could remember.

Eventually it was time to move on with the day and Julia led Ella by the hand towards the closet and salon section of the nursery where Ella's onesie was removed and tossed into the hamper, leaving her naked except for her clean, white diaper. She was still a little sore from the night before but was surprised at what a night of rest and some TLC did for her. Even with the crazy circumstances, she had gotten two pretty great nights of sleep in a row, something she couldn't remember doing in years.

Julia picked a cute onesie/skirt combo with some striped knee socks and Ella again found herself staring at an adorably cute toddler in the mirror, though this time from the seat of the salon chair. Julia brushed out her hair and chose a high ponytail with a bow before applying some makeup to complete the look. Ella was used to a mostly understated look (depending on what role she was playing that day) but even she had to admit that she was ridiculously cute this morning. 

She was helped down from the chair and brought back to the center of the Nursery. "You look absolutely adorable. I'm going to let you and Nibbles play in the nursery until lunch. We expect to see another wet diaper and we'll try out the highchair then. Be a good girl and keep those hands away from your no-no places ok?"

Ella again nodded in the affirmative and watched as Julia left the room. She hadn't spoken since last night and couldn't remember the last time that she was in someone's presence without launching snarky remarks. 

Being on her own wasn't new for her. In many ways she preferred it. She didn't have to put on an act or try to be the person that people needed her to be in each situation. She could just be herself. But, now she was starting to wonder who that self was.

She wandered back to her cars and absent-mindedly picked up her car game where she left off after placing Nibbles in the spectator seat. When she was alone, she typically found herself gaming or doom scrolling on her phone, neither of which really led to any sort of fulfillment or joy. She mostly just existed, letting the excitement of each job mask the sad reality that her life was mostly meaningless.

Ella spent the last year or so couchsurfing or sleeping in her car. It's not that she couldn't afford her own place. It's that she didn't really want to be alone. Bouncing from guy to guy or from friend's couch to friend's couch allowed her to be near people without ever actually letting them in. She could be whatever they needed her to be for a while and then just coexist near them as she plodded on from day to day.

She decided that the purple car had better stability than the white one, which always seemed to veer to the left. I wonder if there are some blocks or something, so I can build an obstacle course?



Jack and Julia again sat on their veranda with mimosas and a light breakfast. Their mornings, like most of their days, had become fairly predictable. A life of luxury will do that to you.

They both had high-paying jobs. The kind of consulting work that bores you to death when you hear about it but you assume pays well and must be worth it. They were smart with their money and invested well and an inheritance from Julia's uncle meant that they would never want for anything.

Well, almost anything.

The power couple was bored. Having achieved so much at a relatively young age they looked out onto their future and saw decades of the same. Or they could just retire, but then they would have even less to do. No, they needed a new challenge.

And they felt as though they were missing something on a more personal level. They had a very fulfilling marriage and sex life, filled with adventure. They enjoyed the dom/sub dynamic that they traded at will and had fun inviting kink minded friends into their fold to enjoy their playrooms. But they came and they went.

Ella was already proving to be everything they thought she could be and then some. She certainly was a challenge and, though they had mostly broken her, they could tell she would continue to be a handful. She had a mischievous air about her. As though she wasn't pushing boundaries to learn the rules but because she simply had an impish nature. She enjoyed it.

Jack sighed and looked at his beautiful wife. She had big plans for Ella and he hoped that she would trust them both through the process. He would do anything to make her happy. 



Hours passed in what felt like minutes and Jack and Julia again found themselves watching Ella play with her little cars. She was startled to see them, though this time it wasn't as much about embarrassment as a genuine surprise that enough time had passed for them to be in her presence again. She had wet her diaper sometime after building the second iteration of her obstacle course, pausing for a moment to release her bladder into the thirsty padding before continuing.

She was again changed quickly on her activity table before being passed off to Jack for her late morning maintenance spanking and temp check. As the day before, he was firm and gentle with her and it was more of a massage with some playful smacks and rubbing than any version of punishment that she had seen at their hands. She was beginning to understand that this was more about her obedience and a reminder of what would happen if she was naughty than them punishing her regularly.

Still, that thermometer was cold and just felt weird. She could do without that part.

Another diaper was fastened in place and she was surprised to have her onesie and skirt removed before she made her way to the high chair in just knee socks and a dry diaper. She had deliberately stayed away from this area, after browsing through the baby food selection the day before and knowing what was likely coming for her today. It would be nice to get something besides a bottle though.

Ella was helped into the high chair and sat on her fluffy bottom as the tray was secured into place. A pink bib was secured around her neck and she struggled to read it upside down. "It says 'Feed Me and Tell Me I'm Pretty'" Ella blushed behind her pacifier and looked away as Jack continued. "And you are, little one. You can be a handful, but I think your cuteness makes up for it. I really like what Julia has done with your hair today. Look at this little bow!"

Julia returned with multiple jars of baby food and laid them on the tray. Ella was fairly confident that her bottles had been adult protein shakes. They tasted similar to meal replacement shakes that she often had when she was out gathering intel on her latest targets.

But this was actual baby food. For babies. Which she was not.

Ella knew this was coming but couldn't help but turn her face in disgust as her meal selection was laid out before her. Julia popped the top of the first one and stirred it slowly with the pink plastic spoon.

"Let's start with something simple. You really liked your apple juice this morning. This jar is basically apple sauce. After that we can wash it down with a bottle of apple juice. Jack, would you grab one?"

Jack disappeared behind her as Julia popped the pacifier out of her mouth and laid it on the tray. "Ok, open up!"

Ella told her mouth to open but the message must have gotten lost in route. She furrowed her brow and pulled her chin back to her chest as she pulled her hands up towards the spoon.

"Ella, I know you saw the restraints on the chair. You've been such a good girl for us this morning. Do we need to restrain your arms and little kicky legs?"

She looked down, unaware that she had been dramatically stomping her feet against the chair as another sign of protest.

One overly dramatic sigh and eye-roll later and Ella opened her mouth compliantly to continue her dissent into toddlerhood. The first bite landed on her tongue and....well, it wasn't so bad. Applesauce was never really her favorite, but it was sweet and she swallowed it down without complaint.

"Good girl! Ok, here comes the next one!"

Ella inwardly beamed at being called a good girl again. What was it about those words that warmed her from the inside out?

Jack returned with a bottle just as Ella was finishing her last bites from her first jar and eagerly accepted the liquid salvation that he offered. Ella was finding it easier to drink through a baby bottle after getting in some solid practice reps over the last 24 hours. Yeah, it was weird but she broke into people's houses and babied them professionally against their will. This was nothing she hadn't done to plenty of other couples, though she wasn't as kind and patient as Julia and Jack.

The next jar up was sweet potato and it had never been a dish that Ella particularly enjoyed. She recalled all of the holiday dinners with her family and it always seemed to be the last thing on her plate that she was forced to eat before getting up from the table.

Ella turned her head as the spoon was led to her mouth. "Umm, maybe we could do the apple one again? Or something else? Sweet potato isn't really my favor.....umphh!"

Julia smiled at her, obviously proud of her devious maneuver, while Ella pondered this betrayal. Would she stand for this? Would she allow for her will to be subverted in such a manner?

Her ponderings were cut short as another spoonful was forced past her lips and deposited onto rows and rows of tastebuds reporting for duty. Ella stuck out her tongue and moved her hands in protest towards her face as some of the orange mush trailed down her chin. Before her arms even reached the tray, Jack had her hands cuffed to the sides of the tray while Julia took care of her feet in front.

"Noooo!!! C'mon, do we have to do this? Can't we at least eat foods that I actually like?"

"Hmmm.... I don't know Jack. What do you think?"

"Well, I found these in her bag from last night. Maybe these are the ones she likes!"

Ella groaned as the offending jars were laid on the tray in front of her.  

Chicken and Gravy. 

Vegetable and Beef.  

Pea, Carrot, Spinach. 


"This is what you were going to feed me last night, right baby? I assume that you would only bring your favorites to share with us. Hmm... let's see. Vegetable and Beef. Yum!"

Ella closed her mouth tightly in a pout and turned her head away but she was no match for Julia. Her cheeks were pinched until her mouth was forced open and the first offending spoonful was turned upside down onto her tongue.

There was a moment of still, silence before the brown mush was forced out of the same hole and onto Julia's hand. "Ella!"

She held up her hand for Jack who dutifully cleaned it before they both turned their attention towards the overgrown toddler with baby food smeared across her face.

"You are going to eat every single bite from these jars so that you know what it feels like from the other side. Heather said the meat flavored ones were terrible but the one with peas was the one that was really gross! Wait...do you use the same combos for all of your victims? Did you dial in the worst ones?"

Ella looked past Julia's head towards the corner of the room. Probably best if I don't answer this one.

Julia took the opportunity she was given to squeeze another spoonful past her lips and hold it in place this time while Ella was forced to swallow behind wide, pleading eyes.

"Blah...gross.." She flicked her tongue out of her mouth to try to rid herself of the taste and was again caught off guard as another spoonful of mush passed her gums.

Oh Heather...

Of course she remembered Heather. She remembered all of them, but it was fun to toy with them and let them think they were all just nameless and faceless to her. Heather had been one of the brattiest by far. Most of the wives were shocked and then quietly resigned to their fate as they were spoonfed the mushy food or had the perfect little bottoms powdered. 

She remembered how indignant Heather was throughout the whole process. Pouting. Whining. Stamping her little feet. God, she looked so cute with her angry eyes behind that pacifier when she was first sealed into her diaper. Ella had never felt more powerful and in charge.

And to see that perfect, spoiled little bitch with a kaleidoscope of pureed mush splattered across her face and bare breasts... Her fond memories were paused as she felt the spoon scrape her chin before being pushed back in.

Just like me. 

Ella looked into Julia's eyes as she scraped out the last of the vegetable and beef and Jack opened the peas. She saw the same smug look in her eyes. This bitch is finally getting what she deserves. But there was a depth behind the smugness, as Ella continued to study her face while she forced herself to swallow. 

There was a look of patience. Of caring and concern. There was no doubt that Julia was enjoying this. As she gleefully filled spoonful after spoonful there was no faking that kind of enthusiasm. But, when Ella searched her own soul, she realized that there was no added depth within her. She was one-dimensional. She inflicted pain and humiliation on these couples because she felt like they deserved it. And because she really enjoyed it.

There was no deeper meaning with her. No deeper purpose. Just have fun with them for a night and then take her paycheck and move on to the next job. She got paid while living out fantasies that other people only dreamed of. But she always left feeling empty. And alone.

Because she was.

"Time for some peas!"

Ella tabled her melancholy for the more pressing emotion of disgust. She pulled against the bonds holding her arms to her sides but it was no use. This is happening. She remembered Heather really hating this one and the cute, pouty look behind her multicolored splattered face. Most of it was green.

The first spoonful took her off-guard. Her mouth was slightly ajar as she stared into the abyss flipping through her mental Rolodex at the pictures of all of the demoted socialites that had been in her very position. She was now inclined to agree with them. Peas were the fucking worst.

The green mush came out of her mouth as quickly as it went in. But Julia was ready and scooped it back in. Thus became the most unsavory and uncouth game of tug of war ever. In the end, Julia sacrificed her clean hand to reach over and hold it over Ella's mouth.

Ella spit it out anyway as Julia revolted at the texture of mush and the brat's tongue pushing against her. But she held firm until Ella was forced to swallow.

Julia: 1
Ella: 0

Not wanting to play that game again, Julia grabbed her cheeks until her lips puckered out and scooped the entire jar of peas, carrots, and spinach in before holding her mouth shut and playing the waiting game.

Julia stared down at the most adorable chipmunk cheeked brat as Ella moaned and pleaded with her eyes. Julia's eyes were firm and in command. It was clear who was going to win this battle. Ella shook her head back and forth in frustration and groaned before looking up to the ceiling and swallowing.


She suddenly didn't know what to do with her tongue. She knew that she wanted it out of her mouth as she remembered a TikTok video explaining the location of tastebuds but when the tip of her tongue came into contact with the green mush smeared across her lips and face she was in limbo as she held her mouth opened and grimaced with her tongue hanging out. Her expression was clear. "Help me." ...and also fuck you.

Jack held Julia around the waist as they looked down at her for a few moments, remembering the humiliating ordeal she had put them through. They both were excited about the actual plans that they had in store for her future and hoped she would go along with it. 

But they were also really enjoying this part.

Ella groaned awkwardly, still unsure of what to do with her tongue and feeling the cold goop dripping on her cheeks and bare breasts was a lot more evident when she wasn't being fed a continual stream of pureed mush.

"Ok, Julia. I think she's learned her lesson. Clean her up and I'll get her another bottle."

Julia cooed and chided her for being such a messy little baby as the wipe slid across her breasts. "How did you ever manage to get it all the way down here?" She rubbed the wipe across her nipple before grabbing a fresh wipe and meticulously cleaning her face. Julia was kind and gentle with a playful sparkle in her eye as she finished the job.

Jack returned with the bottle and pulled it to her clean lips as he held her head back in his strong arms and the trio shared a moment of silence. It was hard to believe that Emma would find being bottle fed by a near stranger as something she longed for but, after the chaos that just ensued, she found herself longing for a warm embrace and gentle rocking.

"Now, it won't always be like this, Ella." She opened her eyes to try to locate the sound of Julia's voice and found her right beside her. "We had a little fun with you this time because we wanted you to get a taste of what you put all of those other women through."

Yeah, I had a taste. Bleh. 

"In the future, we'll find some foods that you like a little better. They won't always be your favorite but, as long as you're good, we'll try to stay away from those foods again."

Ella nodded, appreciative for whatever advantage she could get. As her bottle emptied, Jack let her down from the highchair where she suffered the indignity of another diaper check and was declared dry and clean. With a pat on her bottom she was led towards the crib for naptime.

Ugh... I'm still a grown ass woman. I don't need naps. 

But as she felt her head hit the pillow, she realized that a nap may not be such a bad idea after all. Her pacifier was replaced and Julia brought over another bottle of juice and her stuffed bunny.

"Sleep well. We'll get you dressed and ready after your nap. Remember, you get to help Mrs. Matthews around the house this afternoon!"

Ella's eyes grew wide around her pacifier. 

Oh shit…

  • Like 5
  • blahblahwriter changed the title to A Change Would Do You Good: 4th Kasarberang Story Contest (DOUBLE UPDATE Aug 6th, Chapters 10-12 and 13-14))


Despite the feeling of impending doom, Ella found herself quickly whisked away to dreamland. And there she remained, with Nibbles to stand guard and protect her slumber. 

Her eyes fluttered open as she brushed Nibbles' floppy ears out of her face. She saw the bottle in the corner and reached for it, quickly replacing her pacifier with the sweet juice. She felt a small twinge in her bladder and just let go, knowing it was inevitable at this point. There was no flooding, just a small gush. Hopefully enough to meet Jack and Julia's satisfaction.

She spent a few moments sitting in the crib and hanging out with Nibbles before the door opened and Julia greeted her with a smile.

"Looks like you had a good nap! Let's get you changed and ready for your time with Mrs. Matthews. She has quite the day planned for you."

Ella sighed as she was led to the changing table in nothing but her diaper and striped socks. She wouldn't say that she liked it here but it had at least become somewhat predictable. Julia and Jack would tease and torment her, but they also seemed to genuinely care about her for some reason. But Mrs. Matthews...she wasn't so sure about that one.

Nibbles kept her company through a mostly routine diaper change with Julia giving her some special attention and new lotion for being a good girl. She was getting used to being in a near constant state of arousal and felt like it was messing with her head.

As she was being led towards her changing area, Ella stopped and dug her feet in as they passed the large chair. "Umm...could I have a bottle? I'm pretty thirsty."

"Oh, sure Ella! We'll grab one on the way to get you dressed."

"No, ummm...could I have a bottle here, with you?"

Julia studied her young charge. She wasn't sure what game she was playing, but wasn't ready to give in to a cute pout and those big doe eyes just yet. But when she studied Ella, she found no signs of deception. She seemed genuine. She seemed like she needed this.

"Ok, little one. Wait here."

Julia returned moments later with a protein bottle and they climbed into the now familiar position, with Ella lying across Julia's lap and holding her own bottle. With Ella's hair up in a ponytail, Julia was unable to play with her hair and decided to let her fingers wander up and down her nearly naked body, slowly tracing up and down her legs before circling her breasts. There was nothing sexual about it. Not really. But it was tender and calming for both of them.

Ella finished her bottle and kept it in her mouth, not ready to let this moment go and move to the next one. Julia gave her a few minutes before taking the bottle and smiling down at her. "Umm...do I have to go with Mrs. Matthews?"

Julia gave the girl a kind smile. She marveled at the calm, meek girl that laid in her lap. There was no fire or anger here. No sass. She looked scared and shy. Mrs. Matthews has that effect on people.

"Yes, Ella. Mrs. Matthews is firm, but you are here to learn to be a good girl and she has some methods to help with that. If you are on your very best behavior, you have nothing to fear."

Ella continued to stare up at her as Julia replaced her pacifier and shuffled them both out of the chair. They held hands and walked over to her dressing area. She again found herself in a small crop top, though this time it was a simple white. She was helped into a pink checkered overall dress with 'B-A-B-Y' written across the front and her long, knee socks were exchanged for frilly white socks and a pair of pink Mary Janes.

"Adorable. Dressing you up may be one of my favorite parts of the day." Julia beamed as Ella rolled her eyes.

They heard the Nursery door close and looked around the corner to see Mrs. Matthews walking towards them.

"Oh, Mrs. Matthews! You're right on time. I just got this little one dressed and ready for you."

Mrs. Matthews looked her over from head to toe. Ella wasn't sure if this was a normal thing for her or if this was her first time seeing a grown woman dressed as an oversized toddler. She certainly didn't seem to bat an eye when she barged into the middle of her diaper change yesterday. Wait...have Jack and Julia done this before? Is this normal here?

"You look quite cute, dear. Now...come with me."

Ella was led by the hand through the Nursery as Julia followed behind. Julia grabbed her hand as they approached the door. "Ella, you are to obey everything that Mrs. Matthews says. She has full disciplinary authority over you and will not hesitate to use it. Can you be a good girl?"

The demoted driver turned giant infant nodded her head and agreed to their terms. "Can Nibbles come?"

"Of course." She looked to Mrs. Matthews who tapped her foot impatiently. "Nibbles is her stuffed rabbit."

With Nibbles back in her arms, the door was opened and Ella was outside of her nursery prison. She considered immediately making a break for it but knew she wouldn't get far waddling in a diaper and these silly shoes. They turned and walked down the stairs together before Ella stopped on the last step and stared.

Are you freaking kidding me? Where do they find this stuff? 

As though the giant crib and high chair weren't enough, Ella was face to face with an enormous stroller, clearly made for her. She was helped into the stroller and buckled in using straps over her shoulders and crotch. She looked down and saw that her diaper was clearly visible and no straightening of her little dress would help. 

Ella had never considered how similar the 5 point racing harness that she used in kart racing was to the crotch strapped harness of a carseat or stroller. Though she definitely didn't have a giant diaper the last time she buckled herself in to work on honing her driving skills. Oh god...do they have a car seat for me too? 

"Julia tells me your wandering hands have been better behaved since last night but I got you this to keep your hands busy until you are needed." Ella was handed a pink plastic steering wheel which she looked at with utter confusion and distaste.

"Miss Julia tells me that you are some kind of fancy driver, dear. I thought you might like to play pretend while I drive you through their lovely home."

Ella looked up at Julia who shrugged and mouthed be good.

And with that, they were off. Mrs. Matthews made sure that Ella made all of the turns with her steering wheel as the rode through the house and had her pause and use the toy horn in the center to announce their presence whenever they came into the entryway to a new room. 

Ella rolled her eyes and kept her head down. This was like making Babe Ruth play wiffle ball. Yet another humiliating reminder of how far she had fallen.

After some time had passed with Ella pretending to drive as Mrs. Matthews tidied up around the house the boredom began to set in and Ella felt her old tendencies rise to the surface. She began to case the joint and look at the windows and doors for a place to escape. She remembered that Jack and Julia used fingerprint scanners to get into the Dungeon. Would Mrs. Matthews use the same?

Her question was answered as they approached a new room and Mrs. Matthews pulled out a key card, which she scanned and laid on the table near the door. As they approached the threshold, Ella beeped her toy horn as required. This also gave her enough cover to discreetly swipe the key and put it in the top pocket of her overalls. I'll need to find a better place for this later.

Mrs. Matthews busied herself tidying up and grabbed a few things to take with her back to the main area of the house. As they crossed the threshold (BEEP! BEEP!), Mrs. Matthews reached down for the key and Ella froze. She stared straight ahead and sucked her pacifier. Nothing to see here. 

"Child, do you know what happened to my key?"

The housekeeper began a frantic search for the key on the table, her pockets, the floor...anywhere she could look. She reached into the stroller and felt around the edges of Ella's dress to see if the card had fallen in by mistake.

"Oh dear.. Jack and Julia will be very upset with me if I have lost their key."

Ella cracked a small smile at that. Would they spank their strict housekeeper? Would Mrs. Matthews find her old ass paddled and powdered next to hers?

She suddenly found herself eye to eye with a very stern Mrs. Matthews.

"Where have you hidden the key? I know that you took it. Wipe that smile off of your face this instant."


Given her career choice, one might assume that Ella was great at deception. This was not the case. In fact, Ella was one of the worst liars in existence. And she didn't do well when confronted. It's why she was the driver. She could be cool under pressure as long as there weren't people in her face that needed her to say something. 

It's also the reason that she excelled in her role of scoping at new targets. She could study them from afar but never actually have to talk to anyone. Even in her Mrs. Pink role, she was in charge and they typically got the husband and wife gagged quickly so she could talk at them. 

Monologues were her forte. Not conversation. And especially not interrogation.

Her eyes darted back and forth. And then down to her pocket. And then up to Mrs. Matthews. And then down to her pocket. Mrs. Matthews followed her eyes down to the pocket on the front of her overalls.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Ummm....look somewhere else, fast!

Ella tried to draw the irate housekeeper's attention somewhere else. She finally caught her eye and looked....directly into her pocket again.

Curses! What the hell is wrong with me?

Her goose was cooked.
Her sheep was shorn.
Her duck was...fucked.

She looked to her bunny for comfort, but this one was even out of his league. Dammit Nibbles.

Mrs. Matthews waved the key in front of her face. "And how did this get in there?"

The great thing about pacifiers is that they absolve you of all need for speaking. The diapers and baby food she could definitely do without, but she might need to adopt a pacifier in the real world if she ever got out of here. Yep. She would just keep sucking. She did her best impersonation of Maggie Simpson.

Mrs. Matthews waved the key and her pacifier in front of her face. Witch! How did she do that?

"What do you have to say for yourself?"



Ella dangled in the foyer of the large home in the exact spot that she had previously had Julia bound when their whole adventure started. At the time, Ella thought that she was the Queen of Humiliation and Retribution as she slowly stripped Julia one piece at a time until she was standing before her naked and bound with her red little bottom on display.

Now, as she struggled on her tiptoes in a giant baby bouncer she was beginning to realize that she was just a child playing a child's game. Her bottom was again sore, but this time from Mrs. Matthew's hairbrush.

She had no answer for the displeased housekeeper when asked about the key and her silence was taken as a guilty plea. Ella could only silently accept her fate as she was rolled into the front room and stripped down to just her diaper. She could feel the ghost of her previous self in the room, strutting around arrogant and haughty as she monologued and disciplined the couple that had since flipped her life upside down. 

She knew what true power was now. Jack and Julia had shown her that. And Mrs. Matthews was just another extension of their reach.

She had been allowed to keep her frilly little socks on but that only proved to be another act of their deviousness as the socks were slippery against the floor and never let her get a solid grip.


The hairbrush spanking that she received made her wish that she had heeded Julia's warning about staying on Mrs. Matthews' good side. After she had been stripped down to her diaper, Ella had been made to walk to the front of the stairway and bend over with her legs spread and hands on the second step. Her diaper was harshly torn off as she stood there with her powdered bottom on display in agonizing silence with the suckle of her pacifier and the nervous clicks of her Mary Jane shoes as the only sounds reverberating through the giant room.

The silence was broken as the paddle pummeled her powdered bottom and Ella began to cry out.

Her cries started as surprised noises and grunts as this pain was new and different. She was beginning to see herself as a bit of a spanking connoisseur as she experienced a variety of angles, implements, positions, and persecutors.

The cries turned to a few choice words that she soon learned to regret. Although her sore buns appreciated the reprieve she did not relish the bitter burn of soap in her mouth as Ella learned that she was not to use 'such naughty inappropriate language in this home'.

She bit down into the soap as the blows continued and now pondered if she would use such naughty language in any home or location in the future. Mrs. Matthews' aim was so convincing that Ella began to consider other expletives of choice: Oh Fudge! Cheese and Crackers! Zoinks!

Yes, the pain was so real that Ella even considered adopting language from the lanky pal of Scooby Doo. She continued to groan and let her mind invent new curse words so that she could focus on being anywhere but this moment with her powdered red ass...or umm fanny...pointed towards the front door in a mansion where she was being hairbrush spanked by a housekeeper while her captors busied themselves with god knows what before she was inevitably re-diapered and sent back to her nursery.

How would she ever explain this to...to who?

As the tears started to flow, Ella was again reminded of her loner status. How she could play a role and be people-adjacent but never actually let people in to see the real her. Did she even know the real her? Or was her entire life a carefully crafted act designed to propel her forward. But forwards towards what?

Ella was learning that spankings were a great time to completely revisit your life choices.


Once the spanking had concluded, Ella was made to stand in the corner and stick out her red bottom while she continued to sniffle around the bar of soap. Her hands were planted firmly behind her back with nothing but her frilly socks and dainty, pink Mary Janes to protect her modesty.

She learned that Mrs. Matthews wasn't just the housekeeper but seemed to work as more of a house manager as the gardener and chef came through to ask her questions and snicker at her current predicament. None of them seemed to be shocked or repulsed by a spanked, naked girl in the corner and she again wondered what kind of crazy shenanigans Jack and Julia had gotten up to in this house to leave their staff so unfazed by such a display.

Once Mrs. Matthews had prepared her latest instrument of infantile torment, Ella was removed from the corner and taken to a small entryway table where a changing pad and supplies had been laid out for her. The housekeeper made quick and efficient work of her diapering and she was led past the stairs and helped into the giant baby bouncer where she now sat.


It seemed to somehow be programmed to triple bounce her every few minutes so that she was never allowed to just hang. She was encouraged to bounce on her own but her dainty socks provided no grip on the pristine and shining floors and all she managed to do was slide around on her tiptoes between bounces. Her hands were bound over her head and her bare breasts were on display as the gardener and chef seemed to have a suspicious amount of questions for the housekeeper on this particular afternoon. Thankfully the bitter soap had been removed and replaced with her pacifier, though the taste lingered.

Ella thought that riding around in her stroller with the steering wheel or standing in the corner or lying in her crib or playing with toy cars had been childish and boring. But an hour bouncing awkwardly in this contraption on full display was enough to have her longing for the safety of her nursery again.

She heard footsteps approaching and braced herself for another round of gawking eyes from the gardener only to see Jack and Julia approach with looks of disappointment with just a hint of a smirk and 'i told you so' from Julia.

"Ella, Ella... what have you gotten yourself into this time?"


Her pleading eyes made it clear that she was sorry but she didn't dare try to speak as she wasn't able to locate the vile Mrs. Matthews and didn't want to risk anything worse.

"This naughty little thing stole my key card, presumably to use later in an escape attempt. I have used the tools at my disposal to attempt to cure her of her rebellious and errant ways. If she is going to endeavor to pilfer from you, I suggest that she be kept in the nude for the present time to limit the amount of hiding spaces she has available. I found the key card in the front pocket of her dress, ma'am. "

Ella averted her eyes and looked to the ground. Busted.

In all of her years as a thief and in her various roles before she had never gotten caught. Not once. There had been close calls, of course, but she had always managed to somehow find a way out. This house was like her kryptonite and none of her powers seemed to work here.

She was let down from the dreadful bouncer and helped up the stairs by Jack and Julia. They paused at a small half-bath to let her rinse her mouth out before replacing her pacifier with a fresh one. While Mrs. Matthews seemed like an overly strict governess, the couple continued to show that they truly cared for her.

The trio walked into her nursery and immediately felt relief wash over her. What had previously been a prison cell had grown into a place where she felt safe and comfortable. It was still really weird, sure, but it was mostly predictable here. She had her comfy crib, her toy cars, her stuffed rabbit.... "Nibbles!"

Ella turned frantically for the door, afraid of what terrible fate had befouled her plush friend in the hands of that dubious housekeeper to see Jack presenting Nibbles to her with a kind smile. She secured her fuzzy friend and wrapped her arms around Jack in a big hug. She wasn't even sure what she was doing until she found her face buried into his strong chest and held on tightly. Ella could feel his tenseness and apprehension for a few seconds before he relaxed and began to gently rub her back in return.

For the first time in a long time, Ella felt safe.

Jack continued the embrace for as long as Ella needed it and when she finally let him go they walked over to her favorite chair where Julia was waiting with a bottle. She climbed onto Julia's lap and settled in for her bottle as her pacifier was removed.

But the bottle didn't come. Instead she looked into the eyes of two caring, yet concerned parents as Julia questioned her. "What were you planning with the key card, Ella?"

Ella averted her eyes again and was disappointed to not have her pacifier to hide behind.

"Ella?" Jack joined the inquisition. She wasn't going to get out of this one.

"I don't know. I just like to have my options open, I guess. I'm the one that always has multiple escape routes and plans available. I always have a way out."

"Where are you trying to go?"

"Home. Out of here. I don't know. I'm just used to running and being in motion."

"Ella, do you think that you were the only one doing your research? We studied you while you were studying us. You have nowhere to go. No home. No family. No friends. Your team sold you out."

She sniffled and looked up at them. "But, my life. Maybe Mrs. Black will take me back if I let all of this stuff go. Or I can find a new team. I can..."

"Ella, that life is behind you now. It is in the past."

Jack cut in. "After you were finished with our friends Heather and Matt, we used our resources to find your team to make sure it wouldn't happen again to anyone else we knew. Mrs. Black was ready to set you up to take the fall and we bought your freedom. She was going to pin all of the Baby Bandit stuff on you and you made it easy for them. You have all of the research on the victims, you used your car at all of the crime scenes, you have all of the incriminating evidence of baby supplies and I'm assuming a vivid search history that would back up their assertions."

Ella's eyes darted back and forth from Julia and Jack. Julia spoke first. "They were going to put you away for a long time. We came to an agreement with Mrs. Black. She agreed to leave our town and never work here again and, in exchange, we keep you out of jail and give you a chance at a new life. Letting them rob us and letting you have your fun was just a way for us to put the plan in motion and get to see you in action. You are very good at what you do." 

Ella sniffled and Julia reached down to wipe away tears. This was a lot to take in. Not only had her team tired of her and sold her out, but they were going to pin their entire crime spree on her. She would be in prison for decades. While they just got to go free? And toss her aside as though she never mattered?

Jack knelt down beside her and gently rubbed her arm. Ella looked at him with tear-stained eyes. "What do you want with me? Am I just going to be your pet? Your weird little slave? Why are you doing this?"

"You have so much potential and are so smart and talented and you don't even see it. You have been absolutely wasting your life and skills with those lowlifes in some kind of Robin Hood scheme, but you weren't really helping anyone. You were just hurting people for fun and because you felt like they deserved it."

Ella lowered her chin to chest and closed her eyes. They were right. But what choice did she have? Things had never been easy for her. She had to fight for scraps and was doing the best with the cards she had been dealt. There was never anyone to look out for her and make sure she was taken care of.

"We think that you can be so much more but we need to see that you have the ability to learn and humble yourself. To see that there is more to life than just vengeance and retribution. You saw a lot wrong with the world and wanted to flip the scales and make things right. We can teach you to do it the right way."

Julia continued, "Right now we are having our fun, but I promise you, this is part of something bigger. You aren't our slave or our pet. This isn't forever. You are in training right now. And when we're done with you, we will give you a choice."

"But, why all of this? Why do it this way?"

Jack laughed. "I mean, you saw our dungeon. Julia and I are no strangers to having a little kinky fun and you are far from our first playmate. Heather was in the same pillory that you were in last night just a few weeks ago!"

"When Heather told us what you did to her and we got more intel on you and your team it sounded like an interesting way to give you a taste of your own medicine while also achieving our purpose of breaking you down and building you back up. It definitely beats spending weeks in the dungeon."

Julia traced her fingertips up and down Ella's legs before patting the front of her diaper. "I can't say that we were really into any of this before, but it has definitely grown on me. I get the appeal. It has all of the dominance that I get to show off in the Dungeon but with a softer, cuter side. The teasing and humiliation add so much to the mix. I'm glad that you were here to show us how it was done!"

Ella held eye contact with Julia as she spoke before looking down at her diaper. She had stumbled into this weird kink in a similar way and continued to fall down the rabbit hole. Julia got it.

"This nursery is yours. We built it specifically for you and you are the first and only occupant. Jack and I decided long ago that we didn't want kids but, as we've gotten a little older, I do find myself with some maternal urges. They apparently just have a bit of a kinky twist on them."

She paused to look Ella directly in the eyes. "I have really enjoyed my time here with you. It has been fun to get a little revenge but our time snuggling in this chair may be my favorite part."

Ella sniffled. "I thought you said that dressing me in silly outfits was your favorite part."

Julia laughed. "Ok! So, maybe I have a lot of favorite parts. But we can tell that you need this too. Or at least it seems like you do."

"I mean, I could do without the diapers. And the outfits. And the gross baby food. And most of the spankings. But I guess some of this stuff is ok. And Nibbles...he can stay."

Ella held up Nibbles as Julia guided the bottle of juice into her mouth. She could finally get the bitter, soapy taste from her mouth. Ugh...that was the worst. Ella pulled away from the bottle. "Do I have to see Mrs. Matthews again?"

The couple chuckled. "I told you to be on your best behavior! Mrs. Matthews does not play around does she?"

Ella shook her head as the bottle was replaced. Julia continued to let her hands gently glide across Ella's skin. "Let's get some extra snuggles in as we get this bottle finished up and then we can move to my other fun part and get you dressed again." Julia smiled mischievously as Ella playfully rolled her eyes.

They sat there for a few moments as Ella drained the bottle. Ella snuggled into Julia's lap and Jack standing behind Julia lightly rubbing her hair as they both looked down at their nearly nude troublemaker. Julia's fingers eventually made their way into the leg openings of Ella's diaper as she performed a discreet diaper check. Ella's enlarged eyes showed her that it was maybe not quite as discreet as she thought it was.

Jack helped them both out of the chair and after a quick wardrobe change, Ella again studied herself in the mirror as Julia beamed behind her. She was in a simple purple dress that did little to hide her diaper and a fresh pair of purple shoes with velcro.

"How about we go outside for a bit?"



Ella stepped out onto the veranda and surveyed the massive property that Jack and Julia owned. The wind blew her skirt up a little and she tried to hold it down with one hand. It seemed as though Nibbles had taken up permanent occupancy in her other hand. Never one to wear skirts or dresses if she had a say in it, she grew quickly agitated at the constant need to protect her modesty. Her...diapered modesty. Okay, maybe it didn't matter so much after all.

She was led to a plush baby blanket on the ground while Julia sat above her at a small table. Jack returned with a trio of drinks, before passing out a cocktail to his wife and a baby bottle of juice to Ella.

"Cheers!" Jack held out his glass towards Ella and Julia who both rolled their eyes at him and clinked their respective glass and baby bottle to his. They sipped cocktails and juice and shared an afternoon in the sun.The weather was perfect with a light breeze and they all enjoyed the quiet break in the warm sun.

Ella entertained herself with Nibbles for a bit and then let her mind wander as she finished her bottle. I guess we're doing this. I mean, I don't really have a choice but there's nowhere to go even if I did get out of here. And do I really want to go back to that life?

If she was being honest with herself, she didn't. She was tired of bouncing through life with no purpose. It was working for her in her mid 20s but how long would that last? Ella wasn't sure what Jack and Julia had in mind for her but she had already gone through quite the transformation under their firm, yet caring hands. And she didn't hate all of it. Some of it was kind of growing on her.

She shifted to her hands and knees and felt the diaper warm under her as she released her previous two bottles. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the growing warmth against her princess parts against the cool breeze blowing up her legs and skirt. She knew better than to reach her hand down to her diaper but the bulky padding pushing into her bits sure didn't feel terrible..

Ella opened her eyes to see Jack and Julia smiling down at her as she blushed and eased herself back to a seated position. "Yes, can you please bring the diaper bag up to the veranda? Thank you!"

Julia placed her phone down and joined Ella on the blanket. "Looks like someone has a wet diaper. It would be a pity to waste this beautiful day. Let's get you changed right here!"

Ella's eyes darted around as she clutched Nibbles. They were definitely secluded out here but something about doing this outside made it feel a lot more real. She got that anxious feeling that often occurred to her just before she left for a job.

Mrs. Matthews walked onto the veranda and silently placed the diaper bag onto the blanket before returning to her duties. Ella studied the large bag as Julia pulled it closer. It was white and pink and she was trying to make out what was on the side. There, in large embroidered letters, spelled out her fate: Baby Ella.

Ella sighed dramatically. "Really?"

"Of course! Nothing but the best for our little cutie. Now, get on your knees for me again. It sounds like someone was a very good girl for us!"

Ella was on all fours feeling very much like the pet that they claimed she wouldn't be as she was poked and prodded and had fingers pushed into her diaper to confirm what all three of them already knew. Julia pushed her head and shoulders down until her arms were stretched in front of her and her diapered bottom was pointed straight into the sky. She enjoyed the opportunity to stretch her body and leaned into it as she heard Julia ruffling around in her diaper bag.

She felt something firm press against her damp padding and let out a small moan. She was already feeling relaxed and was surprised at how quickly she rose to a state of arousal when she wasn't allowed to release it and was constantly being teased.



Ella wriggled her bottom back and forth with absolutely no shame, putting on a lewd show for Jack and Julia. She moaned and thrust her hips down into the vibrator as Julia moved it back and forth looking for the perfect spot. Ella continued to spread her legs and felt her body tense up.

She moaned louder, no longer caring who heard it or what she looked like out in the open. Was the gardener still around? WHO CARES?

"Someone was a good girl and wet her diaper right here in the open for us. And what do good girls get?"

"Mmmmm.... Good girls get treats!!"

"And who is our good girl?"

"Ohh... Me! I'm your good girl! Imma good girl!"

"Yes you are. And good girls do get treats..."

"Mmm...yes....good girl..."

"But what do they not get?"

The buzzing stopped and Ella's eyes shot open.

NO. No, c'mon!

"Noooooo! Please, I'm a good girl! PLEASE!!"

Ella continued to shake her desperate diapered bottom in the air and tried to thrust down towards the vibrator that Julia was already putting back into the bag.

Julia lifted her head and rolled Ella onto her back where she continued to thrust into the air and wiggle. But she did NOT move her hands from the spot where Julia had placed them above her head. Even in her horny fever she knew better than that.

"Yes, you are our very good girl. But you are far too little for cummies. Those are for big girls."

Julia pressed the bulky padding into her princess parts and rubbed. "No cummies for Baby Ella. Maybe we'll let you be a big girl again soon. We'll see..."

Ella moaned and whined into her pacifier as the heat died down and the tapes were removed, exposing her to the open air. The cool wipes felt amazing as Julia carefully traced every inch of her, continuing to tease as she went along. Her legs were raised and she felt the wipes across her buns.


"See? We can still make you feel good without those silly cummies. I think too many cummies have clouded your judgment. We're going to help with that."

Ella continued to softly moan as baby lotion was rubbed onto her bottom and carefully around her thighs and mound. Julia only lightly traced her princess parts, knowing how close Ella was to the edge.

Then came the powder. Ella's legs were raised and lowered before everything stopped and was silent. Ella raised her head to see what was happening.

Julia held a diaper in each hand, moving them up and down for Ella to see. One pink and white with rattles and other baby items. The other was purple with rocking horses and balloons. Ella remembered the rocking horse that she saw behind the chair in her nursery. "Umm, that one."

"Oh, good choice! These will match your little purple dress and shoes!"

She hadn't even thought of that. Ugh.

The diaper was quickly fluffed and her powdered bottom once again found itself neatly tucked away for later. Jack saw that as their opportunity to transition back inside and the girls followed his lead back to the nursery.

Ella was stripped down to her diapers and led to the high chair where she managed to get through her second helping of baby food for the day. True to her word, Julia seemed to find slightly better flavors this time but she still ended her mealtime with mushy baby food all over her face, bib, and bare breasts. 

She was cleaned meticulously with wipes and had her purple dress pulled back over her head before being led back to her activity table with a bottle of juice. "Jack and I are going to enjoy dinner while you get some time to play with your toys. Keep being a good girl and we can see about setting up a high chair in the dining room for you also so that we can all eat together. We'll be back soon!"

Ella sighed as she watched them leave. She wasn't sure if she was sad to see them go or glad to get a little alone time but she knew that she wanted to be good so that she could get a little more freedom. And cummies. She definitely wanted that.

She headed straight for her cars but was bored with them before she even reached the table. She looked at the art station and tried a stack of coloring books. "What?! Lilo and Stitch? Monsters Inc? Hannah Montana!!"

She was grinning like an idiot and she didn't care. She hadn't thought of these characters in years but she spent so much time in front of the TV as a kid as an only child with neglectful parents. These characters were her family.

She grabbed the Hannah Montana book and settled on a picture of Hannah on stage and got to work. Oh, these are the nice colored pencils. We always had the cheap stuff!

Jack and Julia enjoyed their lavish meal in their quiet dining space. It was nice, but always felt too big when it was just the two of them. "What do you think, Jack?"

"Hmmm....oh. I think she's settling in nicely. I mean, what is she, two days removed from being part of a crime syndicate? I think the transformation has been remarkable."

"Yeah. She's still going to be a handful, I can tell. But I think giving her a little more of the story definitely helped. She looked so hurt and broken. I wonder what the rest of her story is. I think we can help her if she'll let us.."

Jack and Julia walked in to find Ella sprawled out on the floor with her diapered bottom peaking out and her little legs kicking as she worked studiously on one of her coloring books. Jack knelt down beside her and she smiled when she saw him. "Thank you for my coloring books! I haven't seen these movies in years. I loved them so much! I....eeep!"

Ella was interrupted as Julia flipped up her dress and pulled up the back of her diaper to peak inside. "Still clean!" She reached down and cupped the front of Ella's diaper. "And dry!"

"Oh no... did I need to go again? I'm sorry! I just went and got so caught up with these that I didn't even think about it!"

"Shhh... it's ok. You're good. How about we go downstairs for a movie?"

  • Like 4
  • blahblahwriter changed the title to A Change Would Do You Good: 4th Kasarberang Story Contest (NEW UPDATE Aug 7th, Chapters 15-17))

Loving it.  Payback's a bitch, especially at the hands of a couple of bored sadists.  What happens when the thrill is gone, and they decide to move on?


5 hours ago, mushy bottom said:

Loving it.  Payback's a bitch, especially at the hands of a couple of bored sadists.  What happens when the thrill is gone, and they decide to move on?


I'm not vibing bored sadists here.  I think her as a reclamation project is what is engaging their interest.  And Julia sure seems to be having mommy vibes.  She might not want to let Ella grow up after all.  At least not so much that she doesn't need diapers and bottle feedings. 

18 hours ago, mushy bottom said:

Loving it.  Payback's a bitch, especially at the hands of a couple of bored sadists.  What happens when the thrill is gone, and they decide to move on?


13 hours ago, WBDaddy said:

I'm not vibing bored sadists here.  I think her as a reclamation project is what is engaging their interest.  And Julia sure seems to be having mommy vibes.  She might not want to let Ella grow up after all.  At least not so much that she doesn't need diapers and bottle feedings. 

The fun is just beginning for Ella, Julia, and Jack. We still have a ways to go down the rabbit hole for this trio. 


Twenty minutes later and they were all giggling at the antics of failed experiment 626 trampling through the Hawaiian coast. Julia was snuggled onto Jack's lap on their couch while Ella lay on her belly resting her head in her hands as her legs kicked behind her and she watched the movie. She casually sipped from the baby bottle near her as she thought about it. The couple saw Ella suddenly pause a few minutes into the movie as she wet herself before kicking her feet again.

Around the time Stitch was running away from home, there was a muffled toot as Ella froze again. She remained motionless for a few moments before her legs slowly started to kick again a few minutes later and the room was greeted with a low rumble and another small toot. Ella froze before rolling to her side and then sitting up with her legs splayed in front of her.

Julia nudged Jack as she rocked from side to side. "She's getting close." Jack shifted his gaze. He'd seen the movie before and had a more enthralling show right in front of him. He rubbed Julia firmly on her thigh. 

Ella climbed to her knees with her feet splayed out on either side and leaned forward to continue watching the movie but at least two days of no bowel movements and a seemingly endless trail of protein shakes, juice, and baby food were finally catching up to her. 

An additional fluffer doodle from her padded backside and Ella decided to risk a glance over her shoulder to see if anyone else had noticed her discomfort and unladylike noises. Julia made immediate eye contact with her and paused the movie. "Do you need something, Ella?"

"Umm... no, I'm fine. Thank you."

"Ella, honey.. look at me. You will not be leaving your little blankie down there in a clean diaper tonight. Do you understand me?"

Ella grunted again. She didn't have much longer at this point. She should have known it was inevitable but was originally holding out hope that they would get bored of her in a day or two. Now, it was looking like she was going to be here for the foreseeable future and her fate was sealed. She only wished her asshole would also stay sealed.

"Ugh...please?" She looked back in one more desperate plea.

"Are you asking nicely if you can make a messy diaper for me?" Julia leaned forward with a smug smile. "The answer is yes."

Ugh. Ella doubled over. Stitch would have to wait. Sorry Lilo. You don't want to see this. 

From her hands and knees she looked back one more time hoping for signs of pity or compassion but she only found a captive audience awaiting the big show.

As the cramps hit again she put her head down and held onto Nibbles with both hands. When she was in this position earlier, she was in absolute bliss as Julia took her closer and closer to the throws of an untouchable orgasm. Now, she was in absolute humiliation as she pointed her diapered bottom in the air and prepared to do the unimaginable. 

She whimpered and released as the warm mush filled the back of her diaper. No point holding back now.  She squeezed Nibbles and continued to push as a series of toots and grunts filled the room. Then the room was quiet. Ella stayed perfectly still in her first messy diaper in more than two decades.

And then she started peeing as her body completely relaxed and added to the muck. Ugh. Of course. 

Julia moved behind her and began rubbing her back. "What a good girl!" She cupped the seat of her diaper and leaned forward to whisper into her ear. "Aww, this is nothing. You should have seen the loaded diaper that you left me with!" Julia gave a few firm pats as Ella closed her eyes and whimpered.

"Ok, sweet girl. Let's get you cleaned up."

Ella opened her eyes to see Jack with her personalized diaper bag and laying out a changing mat for her. She had never been more happy to see him. While she was learning that she greatly preferred the comfort of the changing table in her nursery, she was grateful to get out of this mess as soon as possible. Ella carefully rolled over and laid down on her back and looked up at Jack and Julia with pleading eyes.

"Thank you Jack. We've got quite the messy baby on our hands here!"

Ella hid her face behind Nibbles and pouted. She heard the tapes on her diaper and then felt the cool air as the diaper was peeled back from her skin and her shame was exposed.

Julia's face disappeared as Ella's legs were raised high into the air and the front of the diaper was used to clean off her bottom before Julia grabbed a few wipes to finish the job. Julia made quick and methodical work of cleaning her mess, clearly not comfortable or familiar with messy diapers just yet.

Ella LOVED changing the diapers of the pampered princesses that ended up under her care. Whether they were quiet and resigned or bratty and pouty it always made for a good time as she basked in their complete and utter humiliation.

As Ella sat with her knees to her chest, her legs spread wide, and a dirty diaper beneath her as Julia ran the last of the wipes across her bottom, she was not having as good of a time. The diaper was sealed and handed to Jack for disposal while Ella remained motionless, staring at the ceiling.

"You were a very good girl during your first messy diaper change, Ella. How about we get you into the bath and make sure you're really clean?"

Ella looked over at Julia, unsure of whether to be pleased or terrified.

The walk from the living room to the master bedroom was brief and Ella actually felt a little weird going commando under her dress. It had only been a couple of days, but she was already starting to get used to the bulk and the waddles. 

Nibbles was placed on the bathroom counter as Ella waited to be undressed. Julia turned on the water and dropped in enough bubbles for a party and got back to the task at hand. Ella obediently raised her arms to allow Julia to remove her purple dress and stood in the luxorious bathroom completely naked except for her little purple sneakers and frilly socks. 

Julia bent down and allowed Ella to rest her hands on her shoulders as the shoes and then socks were removed one at a time. Ella had never been one to be embarrassed about nudity or her body, but standing naked next to a fully clothed successful, attractive woman made her feel small and awkward. Even if the same woman had just cleaned her messy bottom.

As she slid beneath the bubbles, Ella realized that she had never been in a tub this big or opulent in her life. She settled into the warm water and Julia gave her a few minutes to enjoy herself and relax. Julia looked down and saw a girl that was completely at peace, a far cry from the troubled girl that had given them so much trouble as of late. She bent down and placed two baby washcloths on her hands like puppets before holding them over the side of the tub.

"Would you like Mr. Duck or Mr. Whale to do the honors?"

Ella smirked and scoffed like a teenager forced to hear their parents telling a joke. Lame, but lovable.

"Duck Norris it is."

Julia laughed a bit too hard at that one and promptly discarded the whale and got to work. She allowed Ella to remain lying down as she lathered up the duck cloth and began softly scrubbing each leg. Ella sighed and smiled. Had she ever had a spa day before? A day where she was pampered? She decided to enjoy herself.

Each leg was traced before Julia moved onto her arms in a similar indulgent fashion. She slowly coaxed Ella into a seating position and began to rub and scrub her back, pausing to tickle under her arms.

"Ok, Ella. I need you on your hands and knees. Time to make sure you're clean down under." She used a terrible Australian accent for the last two words which again made Ella sigh as she flipped over and pointed her sudsy bottom to the sky.

In truth, her butt was already immaculate. Julia made sure of that during every diaper change. But she would miss no opportunity to tease and humiliate her and running her hands across Ella's bubble butt was always a plus. She made sure to be very thorough with the wash cloth, even venturing a soapy finger into Ella's backdoor which elicited a cute little squeak.

She reached her hand through her legs to clean the rest of her diaper area and tummy and couldn't resist soaping up and teasing each hanging udder as Ella stayed obediently in position. Ella was then asked to sit up in the tub as her ponytail was removed and her light, blonde hair fell to her shoulders for the first time in days. Ella shook her head back and forth as Julia returned with a small container to rinse her hair.

Ella had never been to a spa or a salon before. She was instantly mad at every friend and acquaintance in her life that didn't tell her how amazing it was to have your hair washed by someone else. She breathed deeply and let herself enjoy the moment as Julia massaged her scalp and worked the baby shampoo through her hair.

In truth, this was all new to Julia too. Having her hands on a naked woman wasn't. Nor was commanding a woman into various humiliating positions to spank or tease. But the nurturing side, that was new. She was surprised at how dominant she still felt. It was still abundantly clear who was in charge here. Dominance didn't need to be all leather and whips and bondage gear. Dominance could look like a bubble bath and massaging a cute girl's scalp while she laid obediently still in the bath. She wondered what this would do to her other kinky play sessions with Jack and friends.

Ella pouted as her hair was rinsed and it was time to leave the tub. She decided that was going to like bath time. Much of this new life was super weird. Ok, all of it was. But there were parts that she was enjoying. Sure, it felt amazing to be teased and toyed with until an orgasm was ready to erupt from your body like a volcano. It was nice to not really have any responsibilities or pressing concerns other than what was in front of her. But it was these still, quiet moments of cuddling and submission that she was growing to really enjoy. She had never felt safe enough to let her guard down and let someone else in, but was finding herself able to do that with Jack and Julia.

She stepped out of the tub and Julia wiped away all of the bubbles before wrapping her in a large duck towel with hood and guiding her back to the nursery. She was laid on the changing table where she was given another sensual full body baby lotion massage designed to take her to the very brink of orgasm. Ella learned what a diaper position spanking felt like before she was on the very edge of arousal and again felt the cold, twisting teasing motion of Julia's hand on the thermometer before she was powdered and diapered.

Julia led the diapered girl to her salon station where her hair was gently blow dried and left loose for the night before being dressed in a cute yellow sleeveless top and shorts combo with a picture of a duckling that said "I'm Ducking Tired". Ella again sighed her overly dramatic exasperated sigh through a smirk and let herself be led back to their chair for a night bottle.

As she was gently rocked in Julia's lap, she realized that she had no concerns for her future. No worries. No anxieties. For the first time ever, she felt secure and was living entirely in the moment. She existed to be a good girl for Jack and Julia and knew they would take care of her needs. She closed her eyes as Julia continued to play with her hair as she held her bottle.

She awoke moments later from gentle nudges from Julia. "C'mon sleepyhead. Let's get you to bed." Ella stretched and waddled to her crib where she was tucked in with Nibbles and her pacifier. "Sweet dreams."

  • Like 4
  • blahblahwriter changed the title to A Change Would Do You Good: 4th Kasarberang Story Contest (NEW UPDATE Aug 8th, Chapter 18)
On 8/6/2024 at 3:54 PM, littlebopeeper said:

Great read.  It surprises me how rare inversion stories are around here.  I hope that this inspires other writers around here to have a go.

Ok, I've been thinking about this a lot since you said it. Can you think of any other inversion stories, where the diaperer becomes the diaperee?

The only ones that come to mind are Wrestling with Regression by @Elfy and "Demoted to the Mechanical Nursery" by @Parker Longabaugh but I'm sure there are more. 

I didn't connect the dots at the time, but I think the inversion (and that's a great term for it) is a big part of why I really loved both of those stories. 

I've always been a big fan of demotion stories and it seems like the diaperer becoming the diaperee is one of the biggest demotions of all. It's definitely something that will be featured in a lot of my stories going forward in some capacity. 


Your story reminded me of a movie called Pet that came out a few years ago.  Guy keeps a female serial killer in a cage, but she manages to reverse their roles at the end of the film.  I don't remember reading any narrative inversion stories here.  For some reason, writers around here like to get someone into diapers in a hurry, and then charge straight ahead.  How many alpha males do you see being diapered in these pages?  My sense is that the beta male is thriving here.

I might add that your plot could be twisted yet again.  Let the thief have some martial arts skills, or combat training, and said thief could take her captors and turn them back into victims again.  Let her learn from Julia, and then put her hard earned knowledge to work to prove that she was a good student.      

  • Like 2


34 diaper changes. 

84 jars of baby food. 

17 spankings.

97 bottles. 

0 orgasms. 

It had been 5 days since Ella had begun this new life and she kept track the only way she knew how; with her Rain Man like ability to remember numbers and events. It had served her well as she gathered intel on her targets and here it helped her to keep a running total of her time, like hash marks on a prison wall.

She stretched and felt her wet diaper shift under her as she sucked on her pacifier and held Nibbles up in front of her face. She didn't know what the day would hold, but that was okay. She knew that Jack and Julia had today figured out. And the next day. And the one after that.

Ella knew that they had some kind of plan for her that they were all working towards together and, for now, that was enough for her. At some point, she decided to treat this little experiment as an extended vacation and a way to examine her life to decide what she wanted the rest of it to look like. Surely, she wouldn't spend the rest of it in diapers but for now  it had become her uniform in this strange new land.

Wet diapers were becoming more of a constant as she learned there was no point trying to hold it. Diaper changes came frequently and she was able to stay away from punishment spankings for the most part. She still hated making messy diapers but Jack and Julia seemed content with one each day and she tried to time those a little more strategically.

Jack and Julia were efficient and predictable and she appreciated the consistency for once in her life. She knew that she would wake up and have some time to herself each morning before her morning diaper change. She knew to expect a quick maintenance spanking (that was really more like a massage with a few well placed smacks) and getting her temperature taken in her bottom when she woke up and before she went to bed each day. She got fed in her high chair and still enjoyed bottles in Julia's lap. Of course, she still got into a little mischief and was spanked and punished accordingly but, if she was being honest, it seemed like they all wanted it that way. She was left alone to play and color, enjoy their beautiful backyard, and some fun movie nights as a trio.

So Ella was quite surprised to learn that her predictable schedule was going to be interrupted as Julia explained during her morning diaper change. "Jack and I have some business to attend to in the city, so we have a babysitter coming in to stay with you this afternoon for a few hours. You'll need to be a good girl for her."

"A babysitter?? Can't one of you stay? Maybe I can just play in my room until you get back. I'm not an actual baby, you know.."

"Hmmm.... well, I suppose I could get Mrs. Matthews to keep an eye on you while we're gone.."

"A babysitter is fine. Thank you." Nope. Absolutely not.

Ella would take her chances with an unknown stranger before being placed into the care of that crazed woman again. She had twice more been tasked with 'helping' Mrs. Matthews clean the house and they even had a cute little maid uniform onesie and skirt that she had to wear now. The housekeeper seemed to always find a way to get her in trouble and she liked her odds with anyone but her. Literally anyone.

The rest of the morning and lunch went as planned and Ella was put down for a nap after lunch. When she awoke, Jack and Julia were standing over her crib dressed like the cover story of Forbes magazine. Jack was in a well fitted suit and Julia, a sleek dress and heels. There was still an air of dominance to them and they were sexy as hell but this time it resonated differently. This was a couple that commanded a room and it looked as though they were ready to get down to business.

"Ella, your babysitter is downstairs and we need you to be on your best behavior. Do you need a spanking to remind you to be a good girl for her?"

"No ma'am. I'll be a good girl."

She wasn't sure what awaited her downstairs but she didn't want her first impression to be made with a red bottom and the sounds of her pleading and crying. Her diaper was changed and they made their way down the stairs, hand in hand.

Jack had excused himself during the diaper change and they found him downstairs chatting with the babysitter. Ella tried to look around him, but his broad shoulders and that power suit shielded most of her new caretaker from view. She could see the edges of a sundress and some strappy heels. Not exactly playwear. This one seems prissy.

As they rounded the corner, Jack stood to the side and she looked into brown eyes and a sinister smile. "Hello, little Ella. Look at how cute you are!"

Heather. FUCK. fuck. fuck. fuck. fuck. FUCK!!

"Oh, don't be shy Ella. Surely you remember my friend, Heather?"

Heather stared her down like the cat who had finally caught the mouse. Ella shrunk and tried to hide behind Julia.

"Come here, you. Let me get a good look at you!"

Julia grabbed her arm firmly and Ella was forced to present herself to her former victim.

Ella was dressed in her cutest outfit yet. Two blonde pigtails bounced on either side of her face. Julia had really outdone herself on the makeup and her wide eyes blinked rapidly around the pacifier that was firmly planted in her mouth. She wore a white onesie with pink ruffles and a pink skirt that did nothing to hide her giant diaper. Her knee length socks held in her feet that were trying their hardest to run for the door.

As she was held firmly in place by Julia, she studied Heather. Perfect hair. A tight, flowy sundress that hugged her curves in all the right places with legs for days and expensive, designer shoes. Gone was the angry, blubbering toddler that she left in a wet diaper months ago. This was Heather as she chose to present herself to the world.

"Oh, you and I are going to have so much fun together." Heather purred to her and circled her with a devious smile. Ella remembered doing a similar circle in this exact spot as she studied and tormented a bound and nearly nude Julia only days before. She swallowed hard and looked at the ground.

"Ella has been a very good girl for us this week so she shouldn't give you much trouble. Do you remember the rules?" Heather nodded enthusiastically while eyeing Ella like a prime steak.

Julia turned Ella around to face her. "Heather has full disciplinary privileges over you and will take care of you while we are gone this afternoon. Be a good girl, ok?"

Ella pleaded silently behind the pacifier with big doe eyes up at Julia. Julia sighed and bent down to whisper in her ear. "You fucked with my best friend. She's going to have her fun with you and you've got that coming. But then we're going to put this behind us and move forward. Be a good girl and I'll have treats for you tonight when I return, ok?"

Ella sighed and nodded. Julia was right. Of course she was. She had done the crime and now it was time to do the time. The door closed and she was alone with the girl that she had formerly babied. The one that set this entire plan in motion.

She reached for her pacifier. "Heather, I'm sorry..."

Heather popped the pacifier back in and booped her on the nose. "Oh no, baby girl...but you will be."



"Let's go up and see your nursery. I'm dying to see what they've done with the place. Why don't you give me a little tour?"

Ella hesitated and felt the first of what she was sure would be many smacks on her bottom. They headed up the stairs with Heather giggling and playing with Ella's little skirt the whole way up.

Heather used a key card to open the door and Ella took her first step inside before being stopped by her tormentor. "Uh-uh...I think a little baby like you needs to crawl into her nursery. Hands and knees, Ella. NOW."

Ella stared back at Heather and tried to match her intensity. She couldn't give in this easily and this early. She was ready to stand her ground when Heather busted into a villainous laugh. "Oh, look how cute and pouty you are! Just...adorable. There is only one bottom that is getting spanked and powdered today and it is not mine. Shall we?"

This was not a fight she was going to win. Ella stamped her foot as one last show of protest before prostrating herself before her former charge and crawling forward towards her inevitable fate.

"Wow... I mean, just...wow. Julia has really outdone herself with this one. I tried to picture this...picture YOU...but this whole thing is so much better than I ever imagined. Ok girl, give me the grand tour!"

Ella crawled forward, unsure of which way to go, before heading towards her crib. She paused and sat on her knees and padded bottom in front of the crib before deciding on waving her arms around like the host of a game show with the big prize. Heather giggled.

"Adorable, but no. I want to hear it from your mouth each time. Tell me what it is and what you use it for." She popped the pacifier out of Ella's mouth.

Dramatic sigh. 

"This is the crib where I sleep."

"I'm sorry...who's crib is it?"

DOUBLE Dramatic Sigh, now with included eyeroll for extra impact!

"This is MY crib, where I sleep."

"Oh yes, I can see that now. And you take naps here too? Do you have a bedtime?"

Ella continued to roll her eyes and nodded.

"I see some restraints. Do they have to tie you down when you're being a naughty little girl?"


Heather grabbed her by the chin as she shook her head back and forth. 'That's MRS. HEATHER to you, little one. Do you get tied down in your crib when you're a naughty little thing?"

Ella tried to form the words while her chin was still firmly in her temporary caretaker's hand and wondered if she could still be sarcastic through pursed lips. "Yes, Mrs. Heather."

Heather smiled. "This is fun. We're going to have fun. Come along."

The tour continued. 

Heather squealed with absolutely glee at the sheer size of her wardrobe. "Oh. my. god. I can't wait to do a fashion show later!"

The highchair and baby food assortment seemed particularly interesting to her as she pulled out a familiar assortment of terrible mush and laid it on the tray of the highchair. "For later." She smiled and pranced forward.

"This is the chair where Julia feeds me bottles...and we snuggle."

"Oh, you snuggle! How cute!"

She bowed her head and continued the shameful crawl towards her changing table. "This is my changing table where I get my diapers changed."

"Oh, you actually use those things! Well... we should probably check you, right? What kind of babysitter would I be if I let you sit in wet and messy diapers?"

Ella was pushed forward onto her hands and knees and remained motionless as Heather flipped up her little skirt and fondled her diaper. She gave it a few hard pats before popping the three snaps on her ruffled onesie to expose a pastel covered diaper covered with cute little animals. "What. Is. This???"

"It's my diaper Mrs. Heather."

"Well, I can see that silly! But look at this thing. The one you put me in was nothing like this! It was just a plain, white one like you can find in stores....OH...wow...there are more....tell me all about them!"

Ella crawled towards the shelving under her changing table and was forced to explain every diaper in detail. She was surprised at how much knowledge she had learned and retained over the last few days.

"...and this is the Little Kings. It has a lion here on the butt and is cloth backed. Umm...it's one of the thicker ones. This is the Rebel diaper. It comes in black and pink. Julia sometimes puts me in this one to help me remember that I used to be a bad girl."

"You certainly were a bad girl, Ella. Now let's check that diaper."

As she suffered through the indignity of a diaper check from someone that she had previously diapered she pondered the way that bad girl made her feel. Good girl filled her with joy and pride as it came from the lips of people she admired and respected. Bad girl made her feel bullied and small coming from the mouth of someone who was only here to torment her.

"Hmm.... all clean and dry. We'll have to see what we can do about that. Have you made a messy diaper yet?"

"Yes, Mrs. Heather."

"How many times have they changed your messy little bottom?"

She bit her lip to stop herself from screaming. "Four."

She received a few swats on her padded backside. "What was that?"

"Four times. Four messy diapers, Mrs. Heather."

"Oh, I see... and do you like having your poopy little bottom changed?"

She really was enjoying this. "NO, Mrs. Heather."

"Ok, so Little Ella here prefers to sit in her stinky little diapers instead of having her bottom changed. Got it. We'll have to see what we can do about that."

"No, Mrs. Heather! I...uuumph!"

Her protest was cut short as the pacifier was forced back into her mouth. "And what is this?"

She crawled towards the center of the room and settled back into a seated position on her knees, dreading the inevitability of what was certainly coming next.

"This is my spanking chair where I get spanked."

"You? You get your little bottom spanked? By who?"

Sigh. Can we just get on with it?

"Jack and Julia"

"Anyone else?"

"Mrs. Matthews."

"Oh, hahaa! That mean old bird. I bet she can really pack a wallop!"

"Yes, Mrs. Heather."

"Do you know who else is going to spank you?"

"You, Mrs. Heather."

"Exactly right. And there is no time like the present. Hmm.... I think you’re going to have to have you walk me through it. How do they spank your little bottom? Do they do it over the diaper?"

"No, Mrs. Heather. They take my diaper off when they spank me."

"Oh, I see... well, we should probably do that then. Stand up for me. Up. UP!"

Ella rolled her eyes at being commanded like a dog...and then quickly glanced towards the petplay corner. She hadn't used any of that since Mr. Wiggles and hoped that Heather was too preoccupied with other things to get distracted by a little puppy play.

She stood before Heather and was made to hold up her onesie to her chest as her skirt was slid down her legs. "You look positively adorable in this one but we have so many fun diapers to choose from!!"

The tapes were removed one at a time and her diaper fell to the ground. "Would you just look at that smooth little powdered pussy!" Her long painted nails ran up and down Ella's mound. "I prefer a more grown-up look with a little hair there myself, but this is such a cute look for you!"

Ella couldn't help herself. "I seem to remember having to reapply powder over and over because of how wet your pussy was after I shaved every last hair from your snatch. Seems like somebody really liked being all bare down there."

They stared at each other before Ella looked away. She popped her pacifier back into her mouth and risked another glance at Heather whose disbelieving stare had turned into a wide Cheshire cat smile.

Fuck. Shit. Shitfuck.

She found herself face to face with her discarded diaper as Heather turned the suddenly regretful girl over her lap and started lightly tapping her bottom.


"Know what really gets my pussy wet?"


"Watching bad girls like you learn their place."


"Normally Julia gets to have all of the fun at our little parties and I just have to watch."


"Ugh... I heard that you were getting your ass spanked in the pillory not too long ago!"




"Oww....oh god........nooo......"


"I'm sorry! Please!! Nooo......"


Ella cried openly, tears flowing, as the spanking continued. Heather showed no mercy and no restraint. This was worse than the punishment spankings from Jack or Mrs. Matthews. They were both skilled spankers that knew how to get their point across but also knew her limits and how far to push. Heather was absolutely relentless in her rage. 




Heather stopped. Not because she was done, but because her arm was tired and her hand was stinging. Hours in the gym had given her a firm, tone figure but apparently those arm workouts were more for looks than practical use. She made a note to discuss this with her personal trainer and tapped Ella's glowing red bottom as she pondered her next move. 


"Ella, I don't believe you showed me that corner.."


Oh god... not the petplay, not the petplay, not the petplay...


Her chin was lifted and pointed at the corner near her crib. She continued to sniffle, but was relieved. "Snif..that's my naughty corner...snif...sometimes I have to go there after a spanking.."




"Then let's go!"


Ella was dragged to the corner and put on her knees with her hands behind her back and her nose in the carpet with her bright red bottom sticking up into the room. Heather didn't say anything but the intent was clear. Ella wasn't going to move or make a sound until Heather came back to torment her again. 


She heard the familiar squeak of the chair that she shared with Julia and a soft moan a few minutes later.


Was that bitch getting off on this? Of course she was. And desecrating my favorite chair. 


Ella could recognize someone drunk with power and horniness when she saw it. It was her own similar actions in the exact same chair that had led her to this moment as she remembered forcing Jack into her pussy while Julia filled her diaper. That seemed like so long ago. A different lifetime. 

She snuck a peak and saw Heather with her eyes closed and one  hand down her thin panties. God, how she missed panties. She had almost forgotten.

Her ass was still on fire when Heather finally came to release her. "Mmmm.....wow, I really did a number on you. Better get you diapered before you make a mess everywhere."

Her onesie was roughly pulled over her head and she was rolled onto the changing table where Heather made quick use of the waiting cuffs until Ella was completely immobilized. She had been in similar vulnerable positions before but not in the presence of someone so unhinged. 

There was no calming lotion or sensual massage this time. Ella wasn't even wiped. She watched Heather disappear behind the table as she came up with the most humiliating and infantile diaper in the entire collection. It was pastel and bulky and had cute little animals in a parade and B-A-B-Y spelled out in blocks on the back. Her curiosity had gotten the best of her during her extended solo stays locked in her nursery so she was familiar with all of them but this particular diaper had yet to grace her powdered bottom.

She was pondering this as she felt something cold at her backdoor and jerked her head up to see a devious smile on Heather's face. Of course she wants to take my temperature too. Ugh.

While Ella didn't have all of the baby supplies that Julia got to experience, Heather did have the distinction of being the first to get a thermometer up her poop chute. She smiled slightly as she remembered the cute little noises and squeaks Heather made when she inserted it and the moans and pouting as she slowly rolled it back and forth in her finger while she watched the socialite squirm. 

Ella prepared herself for a similar experience when she was taken by something unexpected. A cold stream of liquid shot up her bum before she was hastily diapered by a frazzled Heather. She obviously had even less experience with diapers than she did with spanking people.

"There we go. I can’t wait to see what your cute little bottom looks like in a messy diaper!"

An enema. She had seen them on the shelf but Jack and Julia seemed content to let her mess herself without needing any help in that department. 

Heather smiled deviously at her and patted the front of the diaper when the doorbell rang. "Oh! That will be my friends. Don't go anywhere!"



Ella frantically struggled on the table. She fought harder than she had when she first awoke in the crib and was being pulled over Julia’s lap for her first spanking. This wasn't the caring, yet firm guidance of Jack and Julia. This was Mean Girls, high school hazing level shit. And Heather was the Queen Bitch. And she was bringing in the rest of her group to join her. She needed to get out of here.

She continued to struggle until she heard the door open and froze in position. Hands stretched above her head, above the pigtails that framed her face. Naked except for a ridiculously adorable diaper with her legs still held up high by the spreader bar. She stared up at the ceiling not even wanting to see the fresh hell that Heather was bringing into her safe space.

"OMG....look at this room!"
"Ahh...look at her!!"

The chorus of squealing women got closer and closer until her vision was filled with the exact type of woman that she loved to get over her lap. She studied their faces as they cooed and teased her. Were these former victims?

A perfect cookie-cutter blonde goddess that looked like she could pass as Julia's sister. Nope, I'd remember that one.

She made eye contact with the second girl and stared into her sapphire blue eyes with long red locks cascading down her face. Ella was struck by such a rare combination of beauty. She was gorgeous. Her perfect fingers reached down to tickle her sides and tweaked her exposed nipple. How could someone so beautiful be so sadistic? This one wasn't on my list either...but I wish she was.  

The last girl was a tiny brunette with a pixie cut. Even in her current infantilized state, she was pretty sure that this girl was even cuter than she was. I would've had fun with that one.

Nope. I certainly would have remembered these three. Maybe it's better that they won't also be looking out for revenge?

"Ok, ladies...ladies! Bring it down. We have much to do and little time to do it. I'm going to let each of you pick an activity here for our adorable little pet this afternoon."

"Oh, can I feed her a bottle? I need to see those pouty little lips in action."

"Of course, Jess! She has a bunch of bottles in her fridge over there. Why don't you pick a couple out?"

Ella struggled as she was released from her bonds and forced towards her chair. 

No. Please not in that chair. Not OUR chair.

But her silent pleas were ignored as Jess returned and she was forced into the blonde’s lap and a protein bottle was placed in her mouth. "Oh, wait!

The bottle was pulled from her lips as Heather ran back with a pink bib that was placed around her neck, though it did nothing to cover her breasts. Ella looked down. Little Stinker... Ugh.

"Ok little stinker, let's get you your baba!"

She stared up into one of the most beautiful faces she had ever seen as the bottle was again led to her lips. The nipple tapped her lips and was removed, leaving her wide-eyed and open mouthed. The game was repeated again and she was allowed one suck before the nipple was removed. She swallowed and the nipple was replaced. Their eyes met as she tried a few experimental sucks and the nipple was removed again.

Oh, fuck this. 

"She's so hungry. Looks like you've had a lot of practice sucking things huh?"

The girls giggled as the nipple was again replaced for a few sucks and then removed.

Ella rolled her eyes and sighed.

"If you want more, you're going to have to show me how bad you want it. I think Rose here could use a little sucking tutorial from such a pro."

Ella shut her lips tightly and glared at the waiting audience as the pixie girl blushed deeply.

Heather reached down to tickle her sides and the nipple was replaced as she opened her mouth in laughter. Ella stared at the ceiling, refusing to suck until Jess softly rubbed her nipple before giving it a twist.


"Show us what you've got unless you want another." Her manicured fingers continued to twist and tease her nipple and her body showed signs of arousal despite everything in her brain telling her to shut it down.

The bottle was pulled from her mouth and she reached up with her tongue to give it a small flick. She thought back to her Sugar Baby days where she learned that a handjob or blowjob was normally enough to stop the guys from taking her to bed. She could pretend that it would lead to more, but if she got them to blow their load early then she could go home and sleep in her own bed. So, yeah... she was pretty good at this.

Ella used her tongue to toy with the nipple as Jess continued to play with her nipple. Almost a week without an orgasm was a record for her and her body was starved for attention. She graphically took the nipple into her mouth. In and out. In and out. She slowly made circles around the entire nipple with her tongue. Then she took the entire nipple in and sucked for a few seconds. The nipple was pulled out again and she licked her lips seductively.

"Damn girl, I was joking! But look at you... keep it up!"

Ella blushed but continued to suck. If they wanted a show, she would give it to them. She had done worse things for money.

Jessica continued to rub her breasts as the scene got more and more graphic with her bullies hooting and hollering like they were at a private showing of Magic Mike. Eventually the bottle was drained and Ella laid her head down to rest.

This wasn't her first time being bullied. She was a weird loner kid that went to public school. Of course she had dealt with bullies. At first she tried to ignore them, but that never works. She learned that only two methods would genuinely work with a bully. 

First, you could stand up for yourself. Most bullies backed down and went looking for an easier target when they found out that you weren't going to play their game. Outnumbered 4 to 1 and nude except for a diaper, she didn't like her odds in a fight.

Secondly, you could confuse and confound them so extravagantly that you either impressed them and they accepted you into their circle or repulsed them and they moved on out of disgust. She didn't have her tough girl demeanor back in high school so had mostly relied on the second option. It's hard to make fun of someone when they are actively playing along.

Looking at the laughs and wide eyes surrounding her, it seemed like they were impressed with her show. But Heather wasn't done with her just yet.

"Ok girls, I think our little blowjob queen worked up an appetite. Who wants to feed her?"

Ella was dragged to the highchair and forced inside as the tray was replaced. Heather was quick to add the straps to her arms and legs to make sure Ella stayed compliant. Or at least out of the way.

Heather flashed back to her time being forced to eat baby food. Being stripped by a stranger was embarrassing but she was proud of her body. Being forcibly shaved wasn't her first choice, but she was no stranger to a Brazilian wax studio. The diaper was just fucking weird and being forced to pee in it and wait for her maid to discover her hours later made for a long night.

But being force fed baby food and having it smeared all over her face and naked chest was the absolute worst. She worked hard on how she presented herself to the world and what she put into her body. She had never felt more bloated and disgusted and humiliated than when she looked into her husband's eyes with baby food smeared all over her. Heather valued the way she looked and the elegant image she portrayed more than anything in the world. And it was time to show Ella who was boss.

"The first container is mine and then...Victoria, why don't you do the honors?"

Julia's doppelganger stared menacingly at her as she smiled and Heather opened the first container.

"Of all of the disgusting things you fed me, do you know what the worst was? It wasn't beef and vegeta...."

"It was peas."

Heather paused. She had an entire monologue planned and this little tart had just fast forwarded to the end.

"I already did this with Jack and Julia. They said that the peas one was the one you hated the most. And then they made me eat them all." She paused to look Heather in the eye and winked at her. "You looked so cute with it smeared all over your face. Did you leave a little present for me in your diaper when I left?"

"UGHHH!!!" Heather stomped her feet and threw a little princess tantrum before storming off behind the highchair. Ella smiled smugly at the rest of the group that looked at her with awe. No one bested Heather. No one. 

Heather returned with a bowl and began mixing all of the baby foods into the container as she announced their contents: "Beef and Vegetables. Prunes. Peas, Carrots, and Spinach. Chicken Pot Pie. Apricots. Brocolli. Banana. Hmmm.....maybe one more jar of Peas and Prunes."

Ella looked at the large bowl and it was at that moment that she knew she had fucked up. 

"Hey, please....I'm sorry....I..."

She was interrupted as the first spoonful hit her lips and was smeared across her cheeks. 


The second spoonful and the third hit her face in quick succession. Heather didn't care whether the food made it into her mouth or not, she just wanted to see the girl covered in it.

The fourth spoonful was a direct hit as Heather scooped up all of the mush from her cheeks and flipped the spoon over in her mouth and held it firmly in place. From experience she knew that even if she spit the food out that the taste would still linger. And feeling it drip down your face and onto your exposed breasts while being unable to use your hands and wipe it away might be even worse than the taste.

She removed the spoon slowly and watched as Ella spit the food out. But the look on her face said it all.

Heather smiled and twirled a small victory lap as she handed off the spoon to Victoria.

Victoria was a prissy little thing that was probably not well suited for the task at hand. She continued to shovel spoonful after spoonful into Ella's mouth but seemed genuinely disgusted the entire time.

Several minutes later and it wasn't clear whether any of the food had actually made it into her mouth. Her face, bib, and chest were covered in soft mush that continued to slowly drip downward as Ella made faces to try to get the taste out of her mouth. Victoria turned up her nose at the girl and put down the spoon. She was used to people serving her, not having to serve them.

"Vickie, you come with me. You two, clean our little princess up and meet us over here."

"Ugh, she always makes us do the grunt work." Jess mumbled under her breath at Rose.

"I don't mind. I used to babysit and this little stinker is nothing I haven't seen before. Let's get you cleaned up."

Jess grumbled and pouted while Rose took on the brunt of cleanup duty. She was gentle and smiled at Ella as she used wipe after wipe to get her clean. Once the food was removed from her face and hair, they removed the tray and bib so that Rose could clean her chest.

The wipes were cold but Rose made quick work of it until Ella was the cleanest baby in the land. A gurgle from her stomach turned a few eyebrows as the girls made their way towards Ella's closet.

"How about a little fashion show, girls? I thought that baby Ella here could be our little doll that we could dress up!"

Ugh..I'd rather just stay naked.

The girls ran towards the closet with unbridled enthusiasm as Ella stood and stared at herself in the mirror. She had always been pretty petite and was surprised at her girth as she poked at her little belly that was slightly protruding over the waistband of her diaper. The enema churned as it was joined by the contents of her afternoon snack and Ella winced and looked herself in the eyes.

Don't do it. Not here. Not in front of them. 

Victoria was the first back on the scene. Apparently shopping was more her thing than feeding gruel to slobbering infants and Ella was spun around as her eyes were overcome with an array of pink.

A few moments later and Ella was turned around and made to look at herself in the girliest princess dress she had ever seen. It was 8% fabric and 92% poof. She looked like Princess Peach and a ballerina had a love child.

"Oh, look how pretty you are Ella!"
"Turn around and show us. Do a little dance for us!"

Ella was forced to prance around and do a little curtsy before she was again stripped down to her infantile diaper.

This time she was dressed in a fuzzy pink onesie. She turned around to face the mirror as the hood was pulled up and was forced to look at herself dressed as a giant pink care bear. The exact same outfit that she had forced Julia into when this whole adventure started.

She remembered how cute and pouty Julia was. Looking back, it was obvious that they knew she was coming but they were not prepared for her to step up her game in such a big way. Julia was in no way prepared to face herself in this cuteness overload and now, as Ella stared at herself in a similar state, she wasn't ready either.

This was worse than the bunny costume for sure. She suddenly missed Nibbles but was glad that he was safe in the crib and didn't have to see her like this.

They made her shake her little bottom and crawl around for them for a few minutes before the cool air was again on her nearly nude skin. This continued for a while, with outfit after outfit being applied and then removed. It was clear that this was where the ladies were the most comfortable. She imagined them sipping wine while trying on expensive dresses in a fancy boutique. Probably just another Tuesday afternoon for them. Ugh.

After all the fuss and costume changes, they eventually settled on a cute onesie and knee socks. She had certainly been in worse and was thankful for small mercies.

They made her crawl towards the center of the nursery as they decided what other games they wanted to play with her. "Rose, I do believe it is your turn to decide. What should we have this little cutie patootie do next?"

Rose studied the room and looked at the crib, her activity station, and the chairs and changing table. "Umm...what's that?"

She pointed behind the chair to a wooden rocking horse. "Oooh! I don't know. Let's find out!"

This was one of the few things that Ella had not experienced in her nursery. Sure, she had been curious, but there always seemed to be something else to do. It seemed like maybe Jack and Julia were saving it for something.

The girls made their way over and studied the contraption silently. Jess gave it a tentative push and they all watched it rock back and forth.

The horse was mostly white with a pink tail and mane. The large rockers underneath were connected by pink slats holding them together. It was tall, coming up to the shoulders of most of the girls. There were two small footrests and a saddle on top and two handle bars that jutted out from either side of the horse's kind face.

More concerning to Ella were the cuffs sitting ominously on the chair and the waiting attachment points for her hands and feet. This would be a ride she couldn't get off of.

"What's this for?" Victoria pointed to a small hole in the middle of the seat.

"No idea. Let's get this little cutie strapped down." Heather helped to hoist Ella's diapered bottom onto the seat while the other girls made quick work of attaching and tightening the straps. They made sure that she wasn't going anywhere.

Heather gave a small push and Ella's eyes lit up as the thick padding was pushed into her crotch. "Oh...it looks like someone likes her new toy!"

Heather rocked a few more times and Ella closed her eyes and moaned. She knew the girls were there. She knew they were watching. She knew they were probably laughing at her. She did not care.

The horse came to a standstill and Ella let out a small involuntary whine before blushing and looking down at the girls. She gave the horse a small test nudge on her own and felt the tingling sensations in her diaper start to build. Heather rocked her again and she shut her eyes. "Mmmmm..."

"Okay, little Ella. You can play on your new toy. Let's see you ride your horsey."

Ella was embarrassed but sometimes you needed to take what you could get. She started to rock.

The girls watched and teased her for a few minutes before the boredom set in. "So..Heather, what are you wearing to the gala this weekend?"

Ella tried to drown out the inane rambling of socialite life as she slowly rocked back and forth. It felt good but the diaper was just so thick. Couldn't Heather have left me in my thin diaper? Ella paused. What a weird thing to wish for. Ugh!

She started rocking harder. She peaked down at the gaggle of girls. They had grown bored with her and may have forgotten that she even existed as they prattled on.

She continued rocking. It felt good and she needed that right now. It felt good to have a little bit of control over her body again.

The moments passed and the good feelings grew. She got lost in herself and was startled when Rose grazed her leg on the back of the horse. "Umm...I think I know what that hole is for."


It's always the quiet ones.

Rose had proven to be a little more devious than they imagined as she reached down and grabbed the vibrator. "See? It just pops into the hole right here against her diaper."

Ella's eyes grew wide. Did she want this? Here? Like this?

The choice was taken from her and she moaned as the vibrator was pushed deeply into her padded pussy and turned on.

"oh god...."

And then the rocking started. The girls surrounded the rocker and continued to torment and tease her, rocking her back and forth. Ella added to the mix by thrusting and pushing into the vibrator.

Days of being teased. Days of being vibed and touched and rubbed. She was so close.

And unlike the previous times there was no one there to pull her back from the edge. The girls continued to tease and rock as their taunts joined her moans and the squeak of the rocking horse in a glorious crescendo.

Ella screamed out as she experienced her first orgasm since her captivity. 

"Oh yeah! Ride 'em cowgirl!" The girls continued to cheer and jeer.

Ella continued to pant as she came down from her high but the rocking and vibrations continued.

"Nooo....." She felt the first squirts from her bottom as the enema reached its final destination. She tried to squeeze her buttcheeks together and close her legs but the rocking horse was too wide and her diapers were too thick.

The room stopped as the horse slowly stopped rocking. The only sounds were the strong vibrator against the front of Ella's diaper and the sound of her loudly filling her diaper. Ella could only moan and groan as the enema did its job as she laid limply against the front of her horsie companion.

The vibrator continued to sing the song of its people and Ella was disgusted as she felt her body begin to slowly thrust into the vibrator while feeling the mush in the back of her diaper.

The opportunity to torment Ella overwhelmed the prissy attitudes of the socialites as they continued to rock and tease her to a second disgusting orgasm.

It was as the girls were building poor Ella to a third orgasm that Jack and Julia opened the door of the nursery and everyone froze. 

"Heather, what. the. FUCK?"

Julia's best friend was stunned speechless as the couple entered the room.

"Julia, I..."

"Not a damn word. Text your husband and tell him you aren't coming home tonight. You'll be spending the night with us."

"Yes, Mistress."

"No, not Mistress. Tonight you will call me Mommy."

Heather looked to the ground and mumbled, "Yes..Mommy."

  • Like 6
  • blahblahwriter changed the title to A Change Would Do You Good: 4th Kasarberang Story Contest (DOUBLE UPDATE! Aug 8th, Chapter 18, 19-21)


The three girls laughed as Heather was put into her place. Everyone in the room knew that Julia was the one that was really in charge, but Heather always liked to try to assume small windows of authority when she could. 

"You three. Get the fuck out of here. I will deal with each of you later. You will not enjoy it."

The three girls scampered away as Julia tried to get a hold of the situation before springing into action. Ella continued to moan quietly and watch the scene unfold as the vibrator continued to hum into the otherwise silent room. 

"Jack, can you take care of Ella? I'm going to have a chat with Heather.."

Heather was immediately taken to the corner with Julia hissing into her ear for the entire trip. Her hands were placed firmly on her head and her sundress was flipped towards her shoulders and tucked into the top of her dress to reveal a tiny lace thong. Julia wasted no time admiring the view and yanked Heather's skimpy panties to her knees. From her posture and quick change of attitude, Ella could tell that this wasn't their first time in these roles or Heather's first time pouting in a corner. Oh, I'm going to enjoy this.

Ella watched Julia issue a quick set of reminder spankings to the bare bottom of a girl that had been over her lap only months before and began to thrust harder into the horsie, as the vibrations continued.

"Ella, we need to... Ella? Ella!"

She turned to face Jack in her overly aroused haze. "Hmmm?"

"Let's get you out of here before you get yourself in trouble too. I'm inclined to chalk this up to you being overwhelmed by a bunch of bullies and not you sneaking in cummies when you aren't supposed to. But if you don't stop wiggling around on that horse, I may have to reconsider my assessment."

Ella pouted but grinded to a halt and looked at Jack with expectancy. He'll know how to fix this.

Jack did not share Ella's confidence in him. He wasn't as quick to act as Julia, as he crossed his arms and rubbed his chin, while trying to assess the messy situation before him. His eyes had been focused on the rear of her messy diaper when the sound of vibration and crinkles pulled him out of it and he got to work.

Reaching over Ella’s leg he turned off the vibrator and the room was quiet. Ella looked down at him like a sad, baby bird with a broken wing. As her arousal wore off and she came down from her orgasm high she felt the mush in the back of her diaper and felt disgust and shame.

“Hey, it’s ok…I’ve got you now.”

Ella was uncuffed from the rocking horse and allowed Jack to carry her to the changing table. She looked over Jack’s shoulder to see Heather peeking her head out and glaring at her from her spot in the corner. Ella smiled.

Ella winced as she was carefully laid down onto her changing table. “Umm, Jack? Heather doesn’t have her nose in the corner.”

Jack looked over to see Heather’s hair in motion as she quickly snapped her head back into the corner. “Oh really?”

Ella bent her head and rolled onto her side to watch the show.

“Heather, I believe my wife told you to not move from this spot. Were you watching us?”

Heather breathed deeply and stared into the corner.



“No! No, I wasn’t watching you. god…She’s lying!”




“Okay! Okay, fine… I was looking. Happy?”


“Thank you for telling the truth. Do NOT move unless you want the hairbrush next time.”

Ella carefully rolled onto her back with a smile as she watched Jack make his way back to the table. She noted that he also had a smirk on his face.

She let her mind wander back to her previous time with Heather as she looked for a way to take her mind off of the smelly mess caked to her bottom while Jack gathered supplies. She was the brattiest target by far and Ella now regretted keeping her gagged with the pacifier for most of the night. As cute as she was pouting behind a pacifier she realized that she would have really enjoyed verbally sparring with the girl.

The sound of ripping tape filled the room and Ella looked to Jack. He had a look of deep contemplation, like he was about to dismantle a bomb. He took a deep breath and lowered the front of her diaper.

Ella stared up at the ceiling, not very eager to get a look at the destruction below. She pulled her head up when she heard Jack popping on a pair of gloves and mumbling to himself. Yeah, that’s fair. Don’t blame the guy.

It’s part of the reason that she didn’t previously do messy diapers and always left her victims in their wet diapers. While it was fun to tease them about what they would do in their diapers, she was pretty sure that cleanup wasn’t something she was very interested in.

She felt her legs being raised as Jack took the front of her diaper and did the best he could to wipe her bottom and contain the damage. The desecration of her diaper area was vast and she winced as the cool wipes began to wipe away the tough feelings of the day.

Ella could normally hold her own against bullies and often had in the past. But maybe it was better to have a protector. Someone else to swoop in and defend your honor and save you when you needed it most. 

She looked to Jack as he singled-mindedly focused on the task at hand. He was literally cleaning her ass. He and Julia hadn’t been scared off by her messes, both literal and emotional. As messy as her bottom was, she was quite sure that she was emotionally even more of a mess as she worked through putting together the pieces of her shattered life. And they were there to clean it all up. To make it better. To take care of her in every way.

The sound of crinkles and gloves popping brought her back to the present and she smiled at Jack, who still looked a little frazzled from his recent traumatic experience. “Thank you.”

He seemed a bit taken aback by the unexpected show of gratitude and simply offered a shy smile. Jack gave her a few options for a fresh diaper and she chose a plain pink diaper. She wanted to keep it simple and not too babyish considering the pouty princess in the corner of the room. Speaking of which..

“Jack, is Heather going to wear diapers too?”

She heard Heather groan and stomp her foot in the corner and smiled. 

“Well…that’s for Julia to decide. She knew that Heather would have a little fun at your expense but she crossed a few lines today. And we know what happens when we break rules around here, right?”


“And, hey… if she does end up in diapers again, I think you should pick it out for her since you were such a good girl during your diaper change.”

Heather whined loudly this time, clearly not liking being discussed like this by someone that she deemed so far beneath her but it was nothing that a few quick swats from Jack’s outstretched hand couldn’t handle. Ella sighed and smiled as she looked up at the ceiling and awaited her fresh diaper.

She heard Jack popping on gloves again and saw a tube of something she didn’t recognize. “It’s diaper rash cream. You were pretty messy and we need to protect this cute little bottom.”

Ella winced slightly as the thick cream was applied between her cheeks and waited obediently with her legs in the air while he discarded the gloves and fluffed out her diaper. A thorough dusting of powder and a few tapes later and she was as good as new.

Julia rejoined the party with a handful of clothes and supplies.

“Let’s get you out of that silly onesie. I need you to be my helper and we’ll need to get you dressed a little more appropriately.”

Ella smiled at the idea of helping them punish Heather. She already had all of the qualifications and would be glad to assist in any way. I think I’m going to like being on this team. 

The next few minutes were a series of shirts flying and buttons buttoning and velcro velcroing before Julia stood back to look at the more grown up girl in front of her. Ella wore a white shirt with the Hannah Montana logo under a pair of simple denim shortalls with frilly socks and purple velcro shoes that matched the Hannah Montana color scheme.

She clipped a purple pacifier to the pocket on the front of her overalls. “Can’t have you growing up too fast.” Julia popped the pacifier into Ella’s mouth and winked at her as she turned her attention back to Heather. 

Heather grumbled as she was dragged from the corner and began the awkward shuffle to the center of the room with her flimsy panties caught around her ankles. Ella stood back and enjoyed the view as Heather landed firmly over Julia’s lap and the spanking began immediately.


Similar to her own initial spanking at Julia’s hand, Heather received no warm-up or warning. Just the sweet sounds of hand against bottom and Heather’s groans and protests. Like music to my ears.


“Julia, STOP! Geez, I’m sorry, ok! That’s enough!”


“That is MOMMY to you, little girl!”


Julia paused to rub her best friend’s reddening bottom.

“Owww!! Come on Julia.. I am NOT calling you that. Especially in front of this little thief weirdo. Can’t we just handle this in the dungeon like normal?”


“Absolutely not. We are going to finish what this ‘little thief weirdo’ started. Sounds like she maybe had the right idea with you. Your spanking is over when you are ready to apologize to MOMMY and poor little Ella here.”

“What?! I….owwwww!!!”


Ella had never gotten to watch a spanking in real life and she was absolutely enthralled. Of course there were copious amount of time and energy spent on spanking porn but getting to experience it in real life was so much better. Especially when it came to a stuck up little bitch like Heather.

The spanking continued for several minutes as Heather cried and pleaded for it to stop. But Julia didn’t hear the magic words so she continued to pummel her friend’s ass.

“Mommy! I’m sorry Mommy!!! I’m sorry!!!”


“Oh, there we are…you broke down much sooner than our little Ella here. I really thought you would put up more of a fight. Are you ready to tell Ella you’re sorry?”

They listened to Heather sniffle and mumble incoherently for a few seconds.


“I’m sorry! I’m sorry Ella!”

“Hmmm… what do you think Ella? Has she learned her lesson?”

“What is she sorry for?” Ella smiled.

“Oh, that’s a good point. Heather, tell Ella why you’re sorry.”


“Okay! I’m uh…sorry for uh…everything?”


“Ugh!!! I’m sorry for the diapers and the baby food and tying you up!”


“You’re going to be even more sorry. I gave you two rules, Heather. No orgasms and no friends over. You’re just as bad as Ella was with following directions and controlling your impulses. See how well behaved Ella is now? We’ll get you there too, don’t worry!”

It was Ella’s turn to use the “Bless Your Heart’ smile as she smiled broadly around her pacifier with her big, innocent doe eyes.

“Do you think she’s learned her lesson now, Ella?”

“Well… I think this was a good start. But I was still pretty defiant after my first spanking. She’ll probably need a few more spankings before she’s really sorry. And diapers. And an enema. And more spankings. And….”

Julia chuckled as Heather seethed on her lap. “Okay, okay… I’m sure that Heather here will have a very different attitude in the morning. Do you want to help me get her out of these silly big girl clothes?”


Heather stared up at the ceiling. That little bitch had stripped her not once, but twice. She tested her bonds and groaned. She hated the feel of a pacifier on her lips again. She hated having her hands and feet wrapped up in these stupid locking padded contraptions. She hated the feeling of utter helplessness. She hated having her legs spread widely in the air and looking through her legs at not one, but two menacing faces. She hated that cute little bitch more than anything.

“Julia, I don’t think little babies like Heather are supposed to have hair here between their legs, are they?”

“Ugh! Nooooo!” Heather thrashed in her bonds before a quick SMACK brought her back to her senses as she stopped flailing and screamed through her pacifier.

“Very true. Looks like someone really let themselves go down here!”

It was true. After being forcibly shaved by Ella and waiting weeks for the hair to grow back, Heather decided to grow the fullest bush that she could. The little landing strip she had before was more her style but she felt that she had something to prove now.

“Yeah, it was nothing like this when I took care of her.”

The two girls continued chatting like they would in a normal salon for a haircut as Julia trimmed, creamed, and shaved her best friend one strip at a time. They made sure to continue to coo at her and tell her what a cutie she was and Ella was proving to be a very good helper.

“She looks pretty red.. Do you think she’s sick?”

Heather dug her nails into her balled up fists as the cool thermometer was again slid into her bottom. She hated anal play of any sort and Ella and Julia seemed content to take their time and be extremely thorough. After the third round, Julia announced that she did seem to have a small temperature and it was decided that an enema would probably be helpful.

That announcement required a 3 minute pause for a full-on spanking break in the diaper position. It was funny when Ella fought against the enema, but there was NO WAY that Heather was going to allow herself to be put in that position. Fortunately, Julia can be very persuasive and they soon came to an understanding.

The enema was placed on the side as they began to collect diapering supplies. Ella was allowed to choose the diaper and chose a big white and pink one with cute designs. “Julia, what are these?”

“Oh, those are stuffers! We haven’t needed to use them with you yet, but I bet this messy girl could definitely use them. Grab one!”

Heather could not believe that she was about to be diapered again. The last time had been utterly humiliating and a huge blow to her pride and ego. This time it was happening in an actual nursery with actual baby diapers and supplies. She was on a fucking changing table!

But disbelief is not enough to stop something from happening. Her bottom was raised and she felt the soft, absorbent cloth on her smooth skin once again. She was again lifted as the stuffer was situated before she felt powder being sprinkled all over her. Her body tensed and she began to shake uncontrollably in a fit of incredulous rage.

Julia pulled up the diaper before Ella stopped her and whispered in her ear. “Oh, you’re right Ella! We did almost forget the enema. Silly me!”

Heather groaned and beat her little mittens on the table above her. She screamed as her bottom hole was opened by the tip of the enema and was horrified to look down and see Ella’s devious smile holding the bottle.

Ella squeezed slowly at first and listened to the fun noises that Heather was making. Even though she was currently diapered and sucking on a pacifier, it felt good to be in a dominant role again. Ella tried a harder squeeze and was pleased with the results so did it a few more times before letting the last of it out in a slow, trickle that seemed to go on forever.

“Umm…do you think one is enough or should we do another? She seems to be extra naughty!”

Julia chuckled. “No, I think one is just fine, silly girl. Ok, let’s get this one all diapered.”

Ella sighed as she spoke. She spent her time listening to Julia talk while slowly working the nozzle  in and out of Heather’s bottom hole and turning it slowly while making eye contact. Julia couldn’t see any of this of course and Ella found herself really enjoying the mean, older sister role that she never got to experience as a child.

The front of the diaper was pulled up and settled firmly in place with tapes and Ella poked at the front of the diaper. “I bet she can’t feel anything through this thing. It’s so thick!”

The deflated socialite was uncuffed from the table and attempted to stand with the added bulk between her legs. She tried to waddle a bit, but between the thick diaper and padded booties she reached out to Julia for help. “Okay, I got you. This is a little thicker than the last one you were in, huh? I bet there’s a lot here that you didn’t get to experience last time. Actually, I think it’s probably best if you crawl so you don’t fall and hurt yourself.”

Ella smiled broadly at that one and Heather leaped towards her, padded mittens flying, only to stumble and end up hitting the floor on her fluffy bottom.

“Perfect. Good job, Heather!”

Heather continued to seethe as Ella tried to direct the flow of events. “Can we dress her now? She’s probably getting cold and I think I know of some really cute outfits that could probably still fit over those super thick diapers!”

Julia again laughed at Ella’s eagerness. “Well, it’s actually dinnertime so I think we should get some food for you two first.” There was some shuffling outside of the nursery door as Jack appeared with an identical highchair. “Didn’t think we would need this one quite yet!”

The trio of ladies watched Jack effortlessly carry the highchair in his strong arms before making their way towards the highchairs. It took a little prodding for Heather to start crawling but Ella was more than happy to give her a few spanks on her cute, padded bottom to help move her along. 

Jack helped get both of the girls situated in their high chairs and Julia was strapping Heather down when Jack’s phone buzzed and he excused himself to take the call. “Guess it’s just us girls again.”

Julia stepped behind them to grab their dinner and Ella took the opportunity to wiggle her fingers in a teasing wave at Heather, showcasing that her arms were not tied down.

Heather spit out her pacifier and hissed a menacing whisper at Ella, “When we get out of here, I’m going to…”

“Oh! It looks like someone dropped her pacifier. Boop!” Heather pouted and stared daggers at Ella but knew better than to disobey Julia again.

“Okay, we’ve got a fun assortment here. Ella, can you help me pick some out for Heather?”

“I would be glad to!!”

Ella busied herself sorting through the jars of baby food while Julia grabbed bibs for both of the girls and attached them. “Oh, great job Ella. I’m sure that little Heather will love these!”

Heather stared down at the infantile assortment. Ugh.

“Ella, I need to feed Baby Heather here. Do you think you can be a big girl and feed yourself?”

Ella’s eyes lit up with pure, unbridled joy. “Really??”

“Absolutely. You’ve been such a good girl for us and I think I’m going to have my hands full over here.”

Ella dipped her spoon into the first jar of applesauce and seductively licked the spoon clean while never letting her eyes leave Heather. Julia grabbed Heather’s chin to point back towards her and spooned in the first bite of carrots. “Bleh…please…..ugh….”

Heather shook her head as spoonful after spoonful was forced through her lips and landed on her chin, bib, and breasts. Feeling the mush slowly trickle down her face she looked over at Ella who was perfectly clean and working on her second jar. Ella winked at her.

Heather roared….actually roared…like an adorable godzilla as Julia stepped back to let her work out her anger. After a few seconds she approached dismissively with another spoonful. “You are just too cute.”

Dozens of spoonfuls headed through her lips. Some were airplanes. Some made train noises. Some came in frustratingly slow. Some seemed to purposefully miss the mark. Others were rushed into her pouty mouth when she wasn’t paying attention. But soon, both highchairs were full of empty jars of baby food and the juxtaposition of the sweet and cleanl Ella with the furious and messy Heather could not have been more clear.

Heather’s stomach rumbled ominously as Julia cleaned her. “What was that, Heather? Oh, was that just your little belly talking?” Heather took the time to poke her midsection, normally toned and flat; it was now bloated and hanging over her big, fluffy diaper. 

The girls were both helped down and Ella giggled as Heather tried again to stand on her own. Heather’s eyes only saw red as she leapt at Ella, tackling her to the ground and began throwing furious punches with her padded mittens.

Julia rushed over but found Ella laughing underneath her. “Remember when you tried the same move, Julia? Bwahahahaa! You two are just so stinking cute when you’re pouty and mad with your little pink mittens. I don’t know who was cuter!”

Ella continued laughing as Julia reached down to pull Heather off of her. The pressure on her stomach was too much and Heather felt her first wet release into the back of her diaper. “Nooo….”

Julia either didn’t hear the first eruptions from Heather’s diapered volcano or chose to ignore them as she was pulled across the room and over Heather’s lap for spanking round two. Ella got herself up and pranced across the room to witness another spanking. Heather took the bait every single time. This was just too easy.

All three of the girls now knew from experience that a spanking over a diaper doesn’t hurt nearly as much as a spanking on the bare bottom. But that’s not the point. A spanking on the bare bottom is about punishment and getting the point across. It’s about breaking someone down physically until they release all of their naughtiness.

But a spanking over a diaper is about humiliation. It doesn’t really hurt the same way but every padded thump is a reminder of your current status. And it’s doubly humiliating if you have a messy diaper. Multiply that times infinity if you are currently pooping while being spanked.

The pain from the previous spankings only enraged Heather. Ella’s tauntings were like a warm breath, stroking the embers of her fire. Ella had never pushed her this far in their previous encounter. In truth, Julia had never pushed her this far in the dungeon either.
Heather lost all control as the spanks rained down and she uncontrollably filled her diaper. Each blow seemed to be met with another expulsion into her thick padding. Soon, Julia was aware of the situation but chose to keep going until Heather was crying freely beneath her and the muffled toots ceased.

Heather cried and continued to whimper and mumble apologies as she lay limply over Julia’s lap.

It was Ella’s hand who first reached out in comfort as Julia still held one arm firmly behind Heather’s back and was using another to lightly pat her bottom. Ella reached out to lightly stroke Heather on the back and rubbed her for a few minutes while she calmed down. She used her clean bib to wipe away tears and snot before gently tucking her hair behind her ear. Heather allowed the pacifier to be replaced and sucked on it, staring at Ella in grateful confusion.


Heather nodded as Julia released the broken girl from her lap. “I see two little girls that are in need of a bath. Follow me.”



Heather crawled behind Julia towards the door, sniffling and trying her best to not let the mess continue to spread.

“Umm, Julia?”

Julia paused with her hand on the nursery door.

“Can we change Heather in here? She doesn’t look very comfortable crawling with that messy diaper. I can go get supplies if that’s ok?”

Julia looked at Ella. She had been making teasing requests meant to punish and humiliate Heather since her tormentor found herself headed back towards diapers. But this wasn’t that. She studied Ella’s eyes and saw compassion. Had she really grown this much already?

“Of course. We’ll just need the wipes. No point diapering her up just to take it off in a few minutes. Think you can hold it until we get back, sweetie?”

Heather simply nodded, on all fours with her head still hanging near the floor. They had won and she was grateful for any acts of mercy.

Ella returned with wipes and a changing mat and was surprised to see that she was the first one face up on it. Her overalls were popped open and her diaper was removed for a quick wipe down. Having recently been changed there wasn’t much to remove with the exception of rash cream and copious amounts of powder. Her small shirt was pulled over her head until she found herself kneeling beside the changing mat in nothing but her little socks.

Heather took a bit more work. Friends for over a decade, Heather and Julia had shared many moments together over the years, from drinking on private beaches to living it up as lavish balls to some shared fun in the dungeon. But cleaning your bestie's poopy bottom just hits different.

Heather stared directly at the ceiling and did not blink through the entire change as she bit down on her pacifier. She didn’t see any way to come back from this. Heather would never see her the same again. She was ruined.

Several minutes and many wipes later, Heather was glad to see two clean bottoms that were ready for a bath. Ella rose to began their trek to the tub only to feel Julia’s firm hand on her shoulder forcing her back down.

“Little Heather here will be crawling during the duration of her stay with us. It was very kind of you to help her and I think it’s best if you show solidarity and join her.”

Ella started to protest but found her pacifier popped back into her mouth and a quick slap on her bottom. This was a lot more fun when I was the big sister watching the silly baby.

Julia decided to let the two babies lead the way so that she wouldn’t miss the optimal view of two cute little bottoms crawling down the hall. Outside of Jack, there weren’t two bottoms in the world that she was more familiar with and she was appreciative of their slow pace as she enjoyed the view.

Heather remained sullen and quiet as the girls sat on the bath mat and waited for the water to be run. “Okay Heather, let’s get you in first!”

Heather sighed and allowed herself to be helped into the tub. Getting hosed down after a night in the dungeon was one thing. Being given a childish bubble bath by your best friend was another.

She let herself slide into the warm water and sink beneath the bubbles and relax. If she closed her eyes, she could imagine that she was just at home having a spa day.

“Okay Ella! Let’s get those socks off and hope Heather saved some room for you!”

Ella stared up at Heather. Nope, not doing that.

“Come on Ella. It’s time for bathtime with your new friend!”

Heather was like a ninja as she somehow wrangled the long socks off of Ella and had the struggling girl to her feet with a nudge towards the tub. Ella pleaded with her eyes but it was no use. Soon Heather had two full grown women in her tub with nothing but pacifiers and embarrassed eyes staring up at her. Sometimes I really love my life.

“You two play nice. Let me get some stuff to get every inch of you clean!”

Ella tried to get comfortable in the tub. She tried finding a place for her legs or curling up into a ball. But Heather was simply taking up too much space. This was not the large, luxurious tub from the master suite. That’s for sure. 

Ella’s attempts to find space and Heather’s complete refusal to make eye contact or give even an inch resulted in an underwater kicking fight as bubbles began to splash over the sides of the tub.

“Hey! Both of you, on your feet. NOW!”

The girls glared at each other as they followed instructions. “Turn around and put your hands on the wall.” The two forced friends slowly complied, staring daggers at each other the whole time.

Ella’s bottom was the first to feel Julia’s wrath. “Ella, I do not know what has gotten into you. You were being so kind to little Heather earlier!”

Spankings hurt a lot more on an already sore and soaking wet bottom and it didn’t take much to have Ella screaming apologies and making promises that she probably wouldn’t keep.

She looked over at Heather who had a broad smile across her face. Ella stole the smile from her as soon as the first spank landed on Heather’s wet bottom and she began to squeal.

Soon there were two girls sitting on red bottoms, begrudgingly sharing space in a tub. Julia made quick work of scrubbing down every inch of them, as promised. Having them raise their arms and legs, bend over and show off their cute little bottoms, and taking her time to rub the breasts and princess parts with maybe a bit too much love and care until she had both of them moaning together. 

Moments later one large toweled duck and one large toweled rabbit stood in front of her as she dried them off and let them hold hands instead of crawling back to the nursery.

Oh, this is fun. Having one naughty little baby is one thing, but having two little brats that can’t help but get under each other’s skin? Absolutely priceless.

Julia was lost in her own thoughts as she led both girls to the changing table for fresh diapers. 

For Ella, this was becoming quite routine and she just tried to ignore the other presence in the room and focus on her time with Julia. For Heather, this was yet another humiliation served at the hands of her best friend as she was powdered and diapered again.

They were dressed in identical onesies and Julia looked down at her two babies on the floor and beamed. “I see two little girls that need some bottles before bed.”

They dutifully crawled towards the chair while Julia fetched some bottles. Heather continued to be aloof and refused to make eye contact with Ella, who was fine to be in her own space and wait to be snuggled into Julia’s lap again.

Julia returned with two bottles and Ella began to crawl toward the chair before being stopped with a hand on her shoulder. “Ella, I need you to be a big girl again and drink your bottle for me. Heather can’t do it with those cute little mittens on her hands.”

Both girls pouted for different reasons as Ella sat on the floor and sucked down her bottle and Heather snuggled into her friend’s lap to be bottle fed. Heather could tell that Ella was jealous of her but she was too humiliated in her current position to properly take advantage and flaunt it.

Ella didn’t realize how possessive she had become of her nursery and her time with Julia. She absolutely hated watching someone else sharing her most special time of the day. And not only sharing, but stealing from her, as it became clear that Ella was not even to get a turn to snuggle on Julia’s lap tonight.

The two pouty girls were led to Ella’s crib where they were both tucked in. Julia made sure that Nibbles was snuggled in next to Ella and found a cute stuffed otter for Heather, who accepted it begrudgingly.

“Otis!” Ella cried out and then immediately moved her hands to her face as she looked down at the pillow and hoped that no one heard her humiliating cry over having to share one of her plush friends.

Julia chuckled and patted both girls on the head. “I’m sure that Heather here will take great care of Otis tonight, okay? You two be good and we’ll see you in the morning. Heather, like always, you will be heading home after lunch…as long as you’re a good girl. If not, we may have to make you a more permanent resident here like your new friend. Sleep good!”

The two girls laid next to each other for several minutes after Julia had left the room without moving or making a sound. Heather was the first to break with a loud, exasperated sigh. Ella continued to lay on her back and let Nibbles sit on her chest while she recapped the events of the day.

Heather sighed again and began to shuffle around as she spit out her pacifier. “Do you like this stuff? I mean, what the fuck is wrong with you?”

With a little more nursery experience under her belt, Ella knew better than to engage and make noise when she was supposed to be sleeping.

Heather kicked her legs. “I mean, how do you even sleep in this thing? The diaper is so fucking bulky and the onesie is pulling it up between my legs. The powder and rash cream feel so gross. Ugh!”

Ella continued to stare at the ceiling. Do not engage. Do not engage. 

She was staring up at the ceiling as she saw her friend Otis the Otter launched from one side of the crib to the other. Bitch. Otters are an endangered species.

Ella pulled out her pacifier and whispered harshly to her sullen crib mate. “Did you ever consider that maybe you need this? That maybe you deserve this? I did some crazy things to you but you and your friends have a lot of pent up anger you should probably deal with. That was some real Mean Girls shit back there.”

Heather couldn’t help herself and rolled on top of the girl, spitting her pacifier out at her.. “Bitch!”

Ella pushed Heather and was ready to throw punches but Jack and Julia were back in the room and separating them before they were able to launch their first Baby Girl Fight Club.

Moments later, Jack and Julia sat with their backs against the edge of the crib looking down at two very sorry girls. Each girl had her diaper pulled down to her knees and they were made to reach out and hold hands (well…Ella had to hold Heather’s padded mittens) and look each other in their eyes as they were spanked into submission. Both girls were soon crying and pleading for mercy and humiliated to be punished together.

But Julia wasn’t done.

She had both girls kneel in the center of the crib and hug each other, pacifier to pacifier and powdered pussy to powdered pussy. She made them hug tightly and let them linger like that for a few moments, staring into each other’s tear-filled eyes and sniffling.

Then Jack and Julia added 10 more spanks for each girl in their snuggled kneeling positions, forcing them to push into each other as they tried to run away from the powerful hands that brought them again to tears. The girls were completely humiliated as they were forced to thrust into each other with every blow.

Jack stood behind Julia, wrapping her into a tight hug, as they watched the two enemies sniffle and hug each other. “I see two very sorry little girls. Now apologize to each other.” The two spanked girls couldn’t make eye contact as the mumbled apologies through their still touching pacifiers.

”If we hear one more peep from you, we will be back with enemas for both of you will sleep bound together. Is that what you want?”

Both girls shook their heads from side to side, their pacifiers clicking against the others.

Ella and Heather lay side by side as they were rediapered and tucked back into bed. Neither girl looked at the other or said a word as Jack and Julia again left the room. 

Ella turned over to her side and managed to drift off into a fitful sleep. She hated sharing a bed with anyone, but Heather was a particularly horrible bedmate who pouted and groaned the entire night. 


When Ella awoke the next morning she was surprised to not see her crib mate forcibly snuggled up next to her. She took a moment to stretch and say good morning to Nibbles before she heard sighing from the other side of the crib.

She sat up with a start and looked across to see a nearly naked Heather hugging her knees on the other side of the crib. “I wasn’t going to wear that shit anymore. I couldn’t sleep with that stupid fucking diaper and I am DONE with this.”

Ella looked beyond the bars of her crib to see her onesie tossed onto the ground, with her stuffed otter tossed out flippantly on top. Otis.

Wait. How the FUCK did she manage to remove her onesie with those padded mittens on? Props where it’s due. That’s some serious dedication. 

A hissing sound filled the room as Ella wet her diaper like the good girl she was trained to be. She wasn’t even really thinking about it until she made eye contact with Heather. “Are you peeing in that thing? Right now? For real? UGH!!!”

The door opened to find a cheery Jack and Julia approaching them. That is until they tripped on Heather’s discarded night time wear.

“Oh, Heather…”

Julia lowered the crib rail while Heather pushed herself backwards as far as she could.

“Do we need another messy diaper and a spanking on your little mush tush this morning? That seemed to set you straight yesterday..” 

Heather shook her head quickly, realizing how badly she had messed up as she stared at the two people she knew had absolute control over her. Their dungeon time was mostly fun, but they also knew exactly how to make her a compliant and sorry little girl. She was not pleased that they had added forced babyhood into their bag of tricks.

Jack sighed. “This one is always trouble. Our little Ella used to be that way too. Maybe Heather needs to spend a week with us to learn how to be a well behaved girl like Ella?”

Ella was conflicted. She loved it when Jack called her a good girl but she was also not ready to concede to this life. She felt herself come alive as she teased and tormented Heather the night before, even if she was wearing diapers while doing it. She wasn’t just a good girl.

She also had shown mercy and compassion to Heather as she wiped away her tears and tried for a truce. That was very unlike her. She was always someone that looked out for herself, often at the expense of others who got in her way. Perhaps there was some complexity to her after all. 

Heather was not conflicted at all. The idea of another week of this was enough to scare her into absolute compliance as she was spanked soundly over Jack’s lap until she was crying like the sniveling infant she was being treated as before having her red bottom again powdered and diapered with a stuffer until she could only crawl.

Ella was treated to a soothing diaper change with some good girl rubs from Julia as she watched the show unfold with Heather screaming over Jack’s lap. Last night she felt bad for her and tried to help. Today? Meh, she can go fuck herself.

Ella moaned as Julia rubbed lotion deep into her princess parts and bottom as she made eye contact and winked at Heather as she was shuffled into the Naughty Corner with tears in her eyes and buns ablaze.

When both girls were diapered they had another humiliating meal in identical high chairs with Heather putting up a fuss and making a mess with Julia while Ella was mostly a good girl while Jack fed her. The girls were cleaned up and taken to choose outfits for the day.

Ella was again given a mostly grown up outfit with a simple crop top and a pair of purple shorts that tightly hugged her diaper. Heather was not as fortunate and was dressed as a true baby for the remainder of her stay with a big bonnet and bib and a diaper cover with ruffles. Julia stood back and admired her work as she made the girls hold hands in the mirror.

Heather spent the remainder of her morning alternating between bottles and the most boring thing that had ever been invented, a little something Julia called Tummy Time. Heather was made to lay on her belly with nothing but stuffed animals and soft baby blocks to occupy herself until she wet herself. It was simple enough. All she had to do was pee and she would be free to go and leave this life of babyhood behind. Something that Ella couldn’t say for herself.

But Heather didn’t. She wouldn’t. She couldn’t.

So Heather continued to lay on her belly as the boredom rolled on. A few well spanked smacks encouraged her to at least pretend to play with her blocks but the boredom lingered on. And then the boredom turned into something else. As Heather examined this new feeling she found that it was actually still just boredom. She was in a boredom desert with boredom as far as the eye could see. 

As someone that was used to living a high paced life and getting everything she wanted as soon as she wanted it, this was absolute torture for Heather as the minutes rolled on. Her only reprieve was when Julia would come in every 30 minutes or so to sit down next to her and feed her a bottle. 

The teasing and torment had ceased after her spanking, diapering, and feeding this morning. Julia had since been only kind and compassionate as she softly rubbed her friend and told her how proud she was of her and that she was being such a good girl now. Heather continued to pout and suck down her bottles.

It was during her fourth bottle that it became too much and Heather began to make faces and try to pull away from the bottle as she was made to wet her diaper for the first time since Ella had forced her into one. This time was different as she felt herself just keep peeing and peeing and the overly thick diaper and stuffer combo was much more absorbent than the relatively thin padding she had experienced the first time.

Heather expected to leak and could only wonder where all the pee was going as she felt her shaven parts grow warmer and warmer. She finally ended with a sigh and looked up at Julia with pleading eyes.

“There’s my good girl. Okay, let’s get you changed. Crawl over to the changing table.”

Ella sat at her activity table as she watched Heather crawl her soggy bottom away from her. She started to follow, but Julia quietly told her to stay and she obeyed. Heather was helped onto the changing table and Ella was surprised not to see her strapped down but supposed that she wasn’t going to put up much of a fight in her current state.

Heather stared up at the ceiling again, knowing that her ordeal was almost over and imagining how good a warm shower would feel. She was already planning a spa day for herself as she knew she needed to feel a very different kind of pampering to feel normal again.

Her diaper was removed and Julia delicately wiped her diaper area. Ella heard her groan from across the room as the thermometer was inserted one final time. The greased intruder was removed after a few moments and Julia took a few moments to wipe down her friend’s greasy bottom before running a few wipes across her entire body.

Her mittens and booties were removed and Julia wiped down her hands and feet. Ella saw the baby lotion and smiled and heard a dramatic sigh and pleading as Heather was covered head to toe in the sweet smelling lotion. A little memento.

Julia helped her friend to her feet as she helped to remove Heather’s soiled bib and bonnet and helped to brush her hair. Soon, Heather was feeling a little more normal as she stood naked in front of her best friend.

Julia helped her back into her flowy dress as Heather realized she would be doing the walk of shame. She waited for her panties to be revealed and was thoroughly disappointed to be helped into a pair of training pants instead before her dress was fluffed out and she was helped into her heels with a pout. Ella smiled. Walk of shame indeed.

As Heather prepared to leave, Julia led her back to Ella for their goodbyes. They were made to hug and each had the opportunity to whisper into the other’s ear.

 “I hope you enjoy your little nursery land here. I’m sure I’ll see you again soon…baby.” 

“Try not to wet yourself on the way home. Tell your husband I said hello.”

The two girls forced a smile at each other as they shot daggers at the other through their eyes before Julia led Heather out of the room and Ella allowed herself to breathe for the first time in almost 24 hours. She walked over and picked up Heather’s blanket and baby toys, wanting to see no further reminders of that pampered bitch.

Julia returned after a few minutes and grabbed a bottle before beckoning Ella to their chair. As they resumed their familiar positions and Ella they both sighed deeply.

“She is exhausting.” Ella accepted the bottle into her mouth.
“You have no idea.” Julia reached down to stroke her hair.

  • Like 4
  • blahblahwriter changed the title to A Change Would Do You Good: 4th Kasarberang Story Contest (NEW UPDATE! Aug 9th, Chapters 22-23)

Having a cribmate was an interesting interlude. 

You might want to review some of the sections where it was the three women together, because I saw a lot of interpolating of names, to the point where it got a little tough to follow.  (One in particular featured Heather doing things to Heather while Heather watched, I think, which really got weird)

  • Like 1
16 hours ago, WBDaddy said:

Having a cribmate was an interesting interlude. 

You might want to review some of the sections where it was the three women together, because I saw a lot of interpolating of names, to the point where it got a little tough to follow.  (One in particular featured Heather doing things to Heather while Heather watched, I think, which really got weird)

Thanks! It was a fun dynamic to write. 


I appreciate the critique. I'll be sure to take care with characters and pronouns and keeping everything easy to follow. 


Thanks for the read. I've enjoyed your stories for years! 

On 8/7/2024 at 6:18 PM, WBDaddy said:

I'm not vibing bored sadists here.  I think her as a reclamation project is what is engaging their interest.

Right now, this looks like an intervention story, but keeping in mind that the author has been sneaky enough to deploy narrative inversion, we might want to suspend judgment.  I always come back to what Thucydides wrote in the Melian Dialogue (5.105).  An Athenian is speaking: "But with regard to your views about Sparta and your confidence that she, out of a sense of honor will come to your aid, we must say that we congratulate you on your simplicity but do not envy you your folly.  In matters that concern themselves or their own constitution the Spartans are quite remarkably good; as for their relations with others, that is a long story but it can be expressed shortly and clearly by saying that of all people we know the Spartans are most conspicuous for believing that what they like doing is honorable, and what suits their interests is just."

On a side note, WB: have you noticed that wealth is a narrative device controlling the plot in 7 of the 13 entries?  Reading all of the entries side by side makes it clear that money opens a lot of narrative possibilities in the same way that the big/little motif does by discarding the laws of physics.  Above all, money frees up time, which is rather important if one is trying to indulge a fantasy.  


We're in the home stretch. I'm working on the final chapter and epilogue now and will have it up in the next 12 hours. 



Weeks passed as Ella settled in her role. As more and more space was put between her and her old life, she was starting to see the person she could have become if she had been properly raised and nurtured instead of neglected and bullied. 

As she lay awake and awaited her morning change she thought back on her last month and all of the diaper changes, snuggling on Julia’s lap, and firm spankings over Jack’s lap. In her previous life, she had always been the one in charge and struggled to follow orders but it was becoming easier and easier to obey Jack and Julia. Because she could tell that they wanted what was best for her.

Ella sighed and snuggled with Nibbles. He had become a trustworthy sidekick and she had grown to enjoy the company of this fuzzy yet inanimate object more than she ever had with the caged pet from her childhood that was his namesake.

She also let her mind wander to when she was allowed to be more devious. Like when Heather’s three friends arrived for their sentencing... 


It was about a week after Heather left. Julia and Ella were finishing up their morning bottle and snuggle when Jack entered the room. “They’re here.”

Ella looked up at Julia with a confused look. “Oh, you’ll see. We have a little surprise for you.”

Ella stood in the center of the room in denim overalls and a cute top with her hair in a simple ponytail. She was still in diapers, but Julia had been letting her clothing age up just a bit.

The door opened and three girls walked in. Ella recognized them instantly as they were led to the center of the room. “I think these three have something they would like to say to you.” 

Victoria and Jessica both looked down and mumbled apologies before Rose stepped forward and looked Ella in the eye, “I’m sorry, Ella. What we did was wrong and I hope you’ll forgive us.” 

Ella stared at the girl as the other two snickered at their friend’s meekness. Ok, I like this one. The other two can go fuck themselves.

“I’m afraid a simple apology won’t be enough this time girls.”

Victoria was the first to offer a scoffing response, “Ugh.. you said we needed to come over here and make it right. We told her we were sorry. What more does the diapered freak deserve?”

Ooh.. The snoot was strong with this one.

Ella wasn’t about to be bullied again, but this time she had Jack and Julia to do her fighting for her.

“Oh, this little one here deserves the world and is worth more than the three of you combined. You will see that before you leave today. Ella, we’re going to need your help, ok?”

Ella smiled widely as Victoria rolled her eyes and Jessica sighed. Rose offered an awkward timid smile.

Each of the girls had spent a night or two in the Dungeon or at one of Jack and Julia’s play parties but were not accustomed to being the center of attention. At least not like this.

One at a time, piece by piece, each girl was stripped down until there were three naked girls in the nursery. They didn’t like it, but knew enough to not fight or question Julia in her domain.

“You found it appropriate to torment Ella as a group and you will be punished as a group. I’m sure you remember what happened to Heather?” The three girls stared with wide eyes before looking downward to the floor.

“Well, we have something a little different planned for the three of you. Ella, do you remember telling me that you always wished you had a real pet growing up?”

Ella flashed a confused look on her face before it morphed into a wide, devious smile behind her pacifier.

“On your knees girls.”

Moments later Ella had not one, but three puppies to play with. After their hair had been put into big, bushy pigtails with ribbons, Ella was allowed to pick out their new names and collars.

Jessica became Trixxi, the adorable little bimbo that she was. 

Victoria was now Fifi, the stuck-up little princess. 

Rose had been given an adorable headband with ears to compliment her pixie cut and Ella picked out a collar with the appropriately named ‘Rosie’ for her.

The girls looked up at Julia and Ella from their position on all fours.

“Do they know any tricks?” Ella smiled up at Julia.

“Not yet, we’ll have to teach them. What trick should they learn first, Ella?”

“Hmm… can we teach them to sit?”

“That sounds like a great idea. Okay, my adorable little puppies…SIT!”

Each girl tried some version of what they thought that could look like as Julia and Ella giggled. Julia walked off to grab some supplies as Ella was encouraged to help them.

“Silly little pups, let me help you. You have to spread your legs WIDE open and then put your little paws up like this…like you’re begging. That’s it, Rose! And then open your mouth and stick your tongue out.”

Rose followed orders and complied while the other two offered half-assed attempts and looked bored. They were not going to be bossed around by some loser in a diaper. Ella was growing frustrated until she saw them suddenly perform much better and give solid efforts. I still got it.

She was disheartened, but not surprised, to see that their sudden compliance came not from her own firm stares but Julia approaching with a paddle. Julia moved behind the girls and began to apply the paddle to some naughty little puppy behinds.

“No, Trixxi…she said Sit! Fifi, spread your legs! Wider!” Julia continued to spank them and bark orders as the girls were more willing to comply with a little extra incentive. Rosie only needed slight adjustments and was the first to earn a treat, which Ella learned were the same puffy toddler snacks that she often ate in her high chair.

Ella was given the box of treats and patted Rosie on the head while giving her a treat. “Very good girl, Rosie!” Rosie smiled as she chomped down and even wagged her bottom a bit to show her appreciation.

Trixxi and Fifi took a bit more prodding with Julia offering encouragement with her paddle from behind and Ella offering treats and orders from up front.

“Who’s a good girl? Is Trixxi a good girl?” Jess sighed and rolled her eyes but held the position as a treat was placed into her mouth and she chewed obediently. Ella patted her on the head. “Trixxi is such a good girl!”

Ella stood back and studied her three former tormentors who were all now cute, obedient petgirls for her amusement. She knew that she didn’t have the power for this kind of transformation and obedience on her own…not anymore…but she felt confident and in control with Julia on her team.

As she looked each girl in the eye, she realized that they were not as pleased as her with being called good girls. Rosie seemed to still bask in it, but the other two silently seethed as they were talked down to by a giant toddler.

“They’re so quiet and pouty. Can they speak?”

“Hmmm… I dunno, Ella. Let’s find out”

“Speak! Trixxi, Speak!”

Jessica sighed. Already bored of this game. She offered a lackluster attempt: “Arf.”

Julia used the paddle to set her ass on fire. “What was that Trixxi? I couldn’t hear you..”

“Arf. Arf! Arf!!’ Jessica remembered her own little Bella at home and tried to emulate the prissy dog’s high pitched bark as best she could.

“Good girl, Trixxi!! Ella gave her a treat and tickled her under the chin.

Rosie needed no prodding and was promptly given a treat as she continued wagging her bottom and making cute noises.

“Speak, Fifi!”

“..bift! ..bitch.. bicht!” Victoria tried…unsuccessfully…to be clever and weave the word ‘bitch’ into her muffled bark. But Victoria was known for being pretty and rich…not clever.


“No! Bad Fifi!” Victoria was pushed forward onto her hands and knees while Julia released an endless torrent of spankings onto the spoiled princess.

“Shall we try again? Speak, Fifi! Speak!”

“Woof! Woof! Woof!”

“That’s a good girl. Good girl, Fifi!” 

Victoria was utterly humiliated to be treated like this by someone so far below her. And what was in those treats? Ugh.They better be vegan.

The three puppy girls were then taught to roll over, each laying on their back and spreading their legs to present their toned bodies fully. They were given belly rubs and also had their breasts and pussies teased as they stared at the ceiling and took it, not wanting to cross Julia again.

Julia and Ella made their way over to their favorite chair to snuggle as the three pups obediently followed behind. Julia sent the girls over one by one to pick out a dog toy from the petplay corner and Ella again marveled at the power that Julia had over people. She didn’t have to tie them up and gag them. She had a commanding enough presence that demanded compliance. She was also pretty damn good with that paddle.

And there Ella sat. In her favorite chair. With her favorite person. Doing one of her new favorite things. “Fetch Trixxi!”

She launched the toy across the room and watched as Trixxi slowly plodded across the room on all fours to retrieve the plastic bone in her teeth. Surely, she had servants to fetch things for her at home. If only they could see her now.

They soon found it more interesting to have the girls compete to see who could bring the toy back first. The winner would get a treat and the other would be made to bend over with her bottom in the air for a spanking from Ella.

Julia watched Ella play with her puppies for quite a while. She still had a domineering cruelty about her that enjoyed watching these girls get what was coming to them. It wasn’t quite sadism. Ella didn’t really seem to enjoy inflicting pain and never spanked them too hard. It was more about the humiliation that it caused. Ella seemed to really enjoy that part.

But she had also learned compassion and restraint over the last few weeks. It started with her showing mercy to Heather and, as she watched her command, pet, and spank the girls she saw a different side of Ella that had emerged. One that enjoyed the teasing, but also had empathy and understanding.

Ella decided that the girls looked hungry and it was determined that they could eat their treats from bowls on the floor but these particular pups needed to be bottle fed.

Fifi and Rosie were on the floor slowly nibbling at the toddler snacks in their bowls with their bottoms held high while Trixxi was on her knees looking up at Ella who held her bottle. She let her suckle for a moment before pulling it away and smiling down at Jessica before teasing her with it. Jessica was confused and annoyed before remembering the similar game she had played with Ella weeks ago. Oh no…

“Little Trixxi here, back when she was Jessica, made me put on quite a show while she fed me a bottle. Did you know that, Julia?”

“Oh, did she? Well you should know that Jessica absolutely HATES giving blowjobs. Her poor husband. He only gets one once a year on his birthday.”

“That is just terrible. It sounds like little Trixxi here needs some practice. Open up, Trixxi!”

Jessica groaned as she was toyed with and then made to fellate the rubber nipple. “No, no Trixxi… more tongue. You have to really tease it. We can get you another bottle if you need more practice?”

Trixxi doubled her effort and put on a show that made even Ella blush. “Oh, I think she’s ready for her husband now! Shall we send him a video with your new tricks, Trixxi?”

Jessica’s eyes grew wide as she finished her bottle and Ella and Julia laughed. The girls switched spots twice more as all three girls had the chance to drink from a bottle and show off their skills. And then there were three obedient, if annoyed, puppy girls laying on their backs for belly rubs after their treats and bottles.

“Julia… do you think these pups need a trim? Don’t they look a little shaggy?”

Julia left Trixxi’s tummy to bounce her fluffy, red pigtails in each hand. “Hmmm…maybe you’re right.” Jessica stared up at Julia shaking her head and pleading while her pigtails bounced from side to side.

“No silly… down here!”

Ella stroked her hand through Jessica’s fiery red pubes as Jessica sighed in relief. The trimmer was fired up and Ella was thrilled to trim and then shave each girl completely bare. “A little parting gift to remember us by.”

Julia and Ella bent down to rub the freshly shaven girls, who moaned despite the humiliating circumstance. “I think it’s time that we let these girls have a little fun. They’ve mostly been good little puppy girls for us, right?”

“Yeah…mostly. What did you have in mind?”

“Oh.. you will LOVE this. I have been dying to try it. I call it the Love Triangle. Trixxi, lay right there. Don’t move!”

Ella stood back and looked at the pile of human origami in front of her as Julia carefully positioned each girl. Trixxi lay on her back with her legs spread and arms over her head. Tiny Rosie had her head buried in Trixxi’s pussy and was facing her feet with her ass straight up in the air. Fifi shook her head and groaned as she was lowered down as the final piece of the puzzle, kneeling with her pussy on her friend’s face while burying her own face into Rosie’s freshly shaven parts.

Julia made a few small adjustments and stood back and held Ella’s hand as she beamed at perhaps her greatest accomplishment. “The Love Triangle!”

All three girls groaned as Julia encouraged them to show off the new licking and sucking skills they had acquired on the bottle. Julia took a few laps with the paddle and soon the groaning had turned into moans as each girl gave in and pleasured their attached friends. They had never been closer. Julia sat down and let Ella lean against her as they both enjoyed the show.

Ten minutes later and Trixxi, Rosie, and Fifi were untangled and each lay on the floor in their ‘Roll Over’ position while Julia and Ella thoroughly cleaned off their dripping mouths and pussies. It was now time for their final humiliation.

“Julia, are these puppies housetrained?”

“Why, No Ella, I don’t believe they are.”

Each girl groaned as they imagined having to be led outside or having to pee on puppy pads for the amusement of their hosts. But they shouldn’t have been surprised to see three changing pads and diapers being carried over by Ella.

“Nooo! We’re puppies, not babies! We don’t need diapers too!”

Fifi defiantly pouted at them before realizing what she had done. “Umm…woof?”

The three noisy pups were quickly pacified and each had her red bottom powdered and put into adorable, crinkly diapers. They continued to pout as they were ogled and made to crawl around.

“Okay puppies, little Ella here would be the first to tell you that we don’t waste diapers in this house.” Ella blushed and whined. “We expect to see three wet diapers and then you will be allowed to leave.”

The girls groaned behind their pacifiers but a hissing sound was heard instantly. They all looked over to Rosie who simply shrugged and offered a weak smile.

“Good girl, Rosie! See, that wasn’t so bad. Let’s get you changed!”

Rosie was wiped and redressed as the other two continued to sit and pout, neither wanting to relent and debase herself any further. Julia allowed Ella to spank them. They were teased. They were poked and prodded and tickled. But neither spoiled girl’s body would allow themself to debase themselves in such a demeaning way. They both scoffed at Rosie, who stood before them fully dressed.

Eventually, Julia had had enough as she sat down and pulled Trixxi over her lap while encouraging Ella to do the same with Fifi while Rose giggled behind her hands.

“That is it, you naughty little puppies! We are going to spank you and you are going to wet your diapers right here on our laps. If our arms get tired and stop before you fill your little diapers, you will be spending the rest of your weekend here for additional training.”

And with that, Ella started spanking the naughty little bottom in her lap. She smiled at Julia and was glad to get to share this moment with her. The Baby Bandits had made her feel weird and different. And she was weird and different, but she shouldn’t have been shamed for it.

Julia and Jack were into some weirder shit than she was. Ella could be herself here. Even if it did mean wearing diapers to do it.

The duo’s tough exterior didn’t last long and within a few minutes Trixxi and Fifi were leaking from both ends as they wet their diapers through their tears, pleading for everything to stop.

Ella and Julia gave them thorough diaper checks, putting the girls through even more embarrassment before laying them down for diaper changes. Both pampered puppies were wiped clean and had sweet smelling baby lotion applied to their freshly shaven bits before finding themselves wrapped in pull-ups instead of the slinky panties that they arrived in.

Jessica and Victoria groaned and sighed, but knew better than to make a fuss as the pull-ups were adjusted and they were redressed. “Maybe next time you two will remember to be good girls and follow instructions like your cute friend, Rosie.”

The trio of humbled girls stood in front of Julia and the most confident oversized toddler they had ever seen.

Ella broke the silence. “I accept your apology.”

Julia smiled like a proud parent. “Okay girls, you may leave.”

“But..umm…what about these?” Jessica pointed to their collars, which remained attached.

“They are locked in place and I have mailed the keys to your homes. They should arrive tomorrow. Just a little reminder to be good girls out there!”

Each girl reached up to her neck and swallowed hard before turning to leave. Rose and Ella shared a smile as the door to the nursery shut and the room went back to normal. 


Ella smiled as she wet her morning diaper and finished basking in her memories. She still got in trouble often, but preferred not to start her day with a punishment spanking.

When she awoke tied to the crib during her first morning, all that she could think about was how she was going to get out of there and back to her old life. She now realized that there was no old life to return to. No one missed her or likely even realized she was gone. 

Now she thought more about when she would be forced to leave her new home and what life would look like on the other side for her. Free from having to look over her shoulder she was finally able to rest and hit the reset button on her life. But what would she do now?

The door opened and Ella sat up in her crib to greet Julia and get ready for her morning change and snuggle only to see Jack’s smiling face.

“Good morning, Ella! I have someone here that would like to play with you today, if that’s ok?”

Ella crawled over to the other side of her crib near the door with her soggy diaper drooping below her and Nibbles in hand as she peered between the slats of the crib.

As the door continued to open, she studied the girl attached to Jack’s hand and was currently being dragged into the room. Frilly little ankle socks and long, bare legs. A thick, fluffy diaper and exposed midriff. A tight little pink shirt with an embroidered sun with a big smile. Big, bushy pigtails and an adorable pout behind the pacifier.

“Can Baby Julia play with you this morning?”



Ella didn’t know what to do with her face.

Her mouth hung open and her pacifier fell out. Then she giggled. Then she stared in amazement again. Then she tilted her head to the side and smiled at how cute Julia was.

“Let’s just get you two situated and then she can tell you all about it. Looks like I have at least one wet diaper to change. How about little Julia here?”

Julia pulled out her pacifier. “Come on, Jack. You just put me in this thing.”

Jack replaced the pacifier and booped his wife on the nose. Ugh. Man boops are somehow so much worse than lady boops. 

Ella was helped down from the crib and waddled over to the changing table while Jack gathered supplies. Jack made Julia spin around to give Ella the full view of his demoted wife and she glanced just a hint of red peeking out of the edges of Julia’s diaper.

“Someone was a very naughty girl.” Jack opened Ella’s diaper and began to methodically wipe her down before raising her legs to wipe her bottom. “Maybe you can help her learn to be a good girl for me if you two spend a little time together, Ella?”

Ella looked at Julia’s adorable pout and giggled while Jack continued to powder and diaper her to start the day. “For being such a good girl, we’re going to skip your morning temperature check. Maybe Julia isn’t feeling well and that is what has gotten into her lately. Let’s go check.”

Julia was dragged over to the naughty chair and pulled face down over Jack’s lap. It was interesting for Ella to see him in charge for a change. She hadn’t been privy to their personal bedroom or dungeon antics but, while they were both able to be dominant, it seemed clear that Julia was the one that normally was in control. But Jack showed no hesitation and didn’t seem like he was new to this reversal as he lowered his wife’s diaper and began to grease up her back door.

Jack must have picked up on Ella’s thoughts and decided to share his own mini-monologue while Julia groaned underneath him as he slowly twirled the thermometer in her bottom. “I think Julia would say that I’m the baby when it comes to punishments because I have such a low pain tolerance. But, I think you would agree Ella, it’s not always about pain when someone needs to learn a lesson. I mean, she’s still going to be sniffling over my lap in a few moments here either way. Rules are meant to be followed.”

Eh. He’s not great at this monologue thing. Solid C+ so far.

“Julia and I have our fun together but there are also rules that we each agree to and punishments that apply if those rules are broken. Isn’t that right, honey?”

Julia winced as the thermometer was removed and stayed silent.


“Yes, dear.”

Jack spent a few moments rubbing his wife’s perfectly toned bottom and applying light smacks here and there. Ella glanced down at Julia and they made eye contact as she rolled her eyes and grinned at how easy it was to distract her husband.


A light moan escaped Julia’s lips as she was spanked and rubbed. His hand reached deeper between her legs and her moans increased. Ella looked as Jack’s glistening fingers as they were removed from his wife’s pussy and presented to Julia.

“And what is THIS?”


“You aren’t supposed to be enjoying this!” He glanced at Ella and smirked. “See what I mean? What am I supposed to do with this one?”


Jack continued spanking her for a few moments as Ella watched Julia’s bottom turn from pink to red. When she had originally met Julia, she absolutely loved watching her squirm and cry out as her bottom was spanked. But now, she was conflicted.

Julia was still extremely attractive and was obviously getting off on this. And so did Ella. But she didn’t like seeing her primary nurturer and protector in pain. Ella had no doubt that Julia would regain control (and likely make Jack pay dearly for this) but she couldn’t shake the feeling of watching someone she now cared for in such a position. Ugh, gross. Do I have feelings now?

Jack finished up the spanking with a few extra minutes of rubbing his wife’s reddened bottom. Julia was obviously ready to move on to whatever was next but Jack was basking in his time in the sun while it lasted.

“Ella, can you grab a couple of bottles while I get this naughty little thing rediapered?”

Ella obediently bounded off to get a pair of bottles and also grabbed a couple of fairly generic bibs while she was at it. Gotta stay clean!

She returned to Jack sitting on the floor with Julia resting her head on the right side of his lap. He thanked Ella for the bibs and bottles and beckoned Ella to his left side and made it clear he would be bottle feeding both of them at the same time.

Jack held the two bottles and looked down at the two girls. One, a mostly reformed burglar who he had grown to deeply care for. The other, his wife who he loved more than the sun and the stars. He allowed himself a quiet smile and looked down at both of them. I’m a lucky man.

Once their bottles were drained, they were taken to choose outfits for the day. Jack was not known for his fashion sense and picked the frilliest, poofiest dress he could find for his wife. He smiled at her as he pulled the pile of pink poof over her head before finishing it with white stockings and pink shoes.

He stood back to admire his work. “Hmmm… oh!”

Jack grabbed two pink ribbons from the wall and tied them to her two pigtails and attached a pink pacifier to the front of her dress.


He smiled at his wife and cupped her face in his hands as he planted a kiss firmly on her pacifier.

Ella recognized the dress from her fashion show with Heather and company and wondered what Jack had in store for her. It seemed that his attention was on his wife as he allowed her to choose her own outfit. She could wear one of her more grownup outfits with shorts or overalls. She could wear a simple dress or just a t-shirt or diaper. Or…

She moved hangers to the back of the closet and sighed, and then smiled.

Moments later she stood next to Julia in matching outfits, right down to the ribbons and pacifier clips. Ella in blue and Julia in pink, but otherwise identical. And they really did look similar. Being in pigtails with a pacifier and frills tend to take a few years off of your age and Julia and Ella looked like they could be sisters. Perfectly adorable, overgrown toddler sisters.

“Well, now I don’t know which one of you to call Mrs. Pink!” Jack laughed way too hard at his own dad joke as Ella and Julia sighed and rolled their eyes.

They were led by the hand to Ella’s activity area where Jack bid them adieu with a stern warning for them to be good while he was gone. The two babified blondes stared at each other behind their pacifiers as Jack walked to the door and closed it behind them.

As soon as the door clicked shut both girls reached for their pacifiers and began talking over each other before collapsing into an awkward giggling fit.

“Okay, okay….what happened? What is this?”

“Cute right? Bet you didn’t think you’d see me like this again!”

“Of course. You’re adorable. What. Is. Happening?”

“Oh, don’t get your diapers in a bunch. This is no big deal. Before you got here, Jack and I would trade off regularly with things like this when one of us broke a rule. Mostly just spankings or sometimes he’d make me wear a little maid uniform or be a naughty schoolgirl. Once I made him wear the little maid uniform. You should’ve seen that!”

Ella tried to wrap her mind around all of that and leaned in as Julia continued.

“So, we have rules for basic things just to keep us at the top of our game. We both need to work out every day, have spending limits, basic cleanliness…we even get to punish the other if we catch them with porn or masturbating. We don’t care about what the other does, but it makes it fun when I can just punish Jack for it instead of making it weird and awkward.”

“That’s….actually kind of cute and wholesome.”

“Yeah. We just took most of the little annoyances in life and attached rules and punishments to them. We fit the crime to the punishment. Jack used to always leave the cap off of the toothpaste and it drove me nuts. It’s been months since that happened, but he could always expect to drop his pants and be spanked on the spot for that one. Once he had a bunch of friends over to watch the game and they left our den absolutely destroyed. He woke up the next morning with a hell of a hangover and that’s when he spent the morning in my maid uniform cleaning up his mess.”

“Ha! I can’t even imagine that. He must’ve been so cute. So…what did you do?”

“Well, I kind of went on a shopping spree a few weeks ago and the credit card bill came in today.”

“What the heck did you buy? It doesn’t look like you guys are hurting for money.”

“Well….remember that dress you ripped off of me? I may have overreacted a bit and spent like $7000 on new dresses and shoes. I treated Heather to a few things too. Jack didn’t find it as cute or humorous as I did and…well, here we are.”

Ella chuckled awkwardly. “So, you just keep ending up in diapers because of me huh?”

“YES! Girl, you’ve got to stop!”

They laughed and teased each other for a while before Ella grabbed a few of her coloring books and crayons while Julia grabbed some toddler snacks and bottles for them. They sat for over an hour, a strange juxtaposition of two adult women gossipping and catching up like old friends while dressed like they were ready for a toddler pageant sipping on bottles and coloring in their Disney coloring books.

This was also one of the first times they really got to talk peer to peer. Julia really let her guard down and Ella found herself opening up and sharing things that Julia hadn’t learned in her research.

“So, you really didn’t have any friends? Any people that cared about you? Surely there must have been someone, Ella.” The conversation had gotten real and turned a little more serious as the girls slowly drained their bottles.

Ella looked down and pulled NIbbles into her lap. “No, there was no one. I was neglected and invisible and then I either used people or they used me. I felt like I didn’t deserve love.”


She looked at Julia. “Okay, you guys are weird. I mean…look at us. But I’m weird too. And I feel like I belong here. I mean…not HERE.” Ella gestured at the nursery around her. “I just mean that you and Jack make me feel comfortable and safe. Like I matter and have value. And not just because of what I offer. Mrs. Black gave me a little of that but it turns out that it was just because she needed my skills. Then she threw me away…like everyone else did…”

Julia dropped her crayons to hurry around the table and embrace Ella while she sobbed openly. “Shh…hey, it’s ok now. We’ve got you.”

Ella continued to cry and tried to squeeze a few words out. “You’re just… so…. nice to me.” She broke down into big tears again. “I mean….the diapers are weird….but you care about me…. No one has ever cared about me before..”

Julia continued to hold Ella tightly through all of the poofiness of their ridiculous princess dresses as she slowly allowed herself to breathe and release her emotions. It felt good to be able to share how she was feeling and have a friend listen and comfort her with no judgment and no gaslighting. Is this what it feels like to have a friend?

“Okay sweet girl. Jack and I have you now and we’re going to take care of you. We were lucky enough to have people in our lives that helped us and supported us and made us who we are. Obviously it looks a little different with you, but we meant what we said. This is what reraising you looks like. We wanted to help tear down all of the lies and falsehoods and bullshit that you’ve been telling yourself and help you see who you really are. Who you were meant to be.”

The two friends smiled at each other through tears. And then laughed as they realized how absurd they looked as they worked through childhood trauma in diapers and princess dresses.

“Okay, time to get out of these silly dresses.”


“Girl, this thing is driving me crazy. Jack will still get me in diapers like he wanted. Get my zipper and let’s change into something a little more comfortable.”

Ella and Julia left dresses and tights and shoes and bows scattered through the middle of the nursery as they made their way back to the closet and decided on a couple of simple white cap sleeve shirts that stopped just before their diapers.

“I think these have to go too. Are you wet?”

“What are you…. Well, no. But we can’t just take our diapers off!”

“Why? Do I sound like a…rebel?” Julia tossed Ella a mysterious look and then laughed at her own joke. “We aren’t getting rid of the diapers. Just changing into something a little more fitting for the bad girls that we are. We might get a little spanking but Jack will think we’re funny and cute.”

Ella chuckled nervously. “Are you sure?”

“Of course, let’s go! We’ll change each other!”

Julia led Ella by the hand to her changing table and selected the pink Rebel diaper, leaving Ella with the black one. As Julia peeled back the tapes of her diaper, Ella again reflected on how much she had changed. 

She was always the rebellious one. Always the one to follow a bad influence and do something risky. She was definitely not the one that followed the rules when there was something more fun and precarious she could get into. Yet here she was, literally looking over her shoulder while she was changed from one diaper to the other because she wanted to be a good girl.

The girls switched places and Ella made quick work of changing Julia’s diaper into the pink rebel, not wanting to be caught in the act.

“Perfect. Come see!” Julia grabbed her hand as they bounded across the nursery to check themselves out in the mirror. “Much better.”

They stepped over their discarded princess attire and Ella glanced over at the diapers and wipes left open and tossed all over the changing table. Julia tickled her side as they approached the table. “Stop worrying! We’re babies, right? We’re supposed to get in trouble and babies don’t clean up messes. They make messes!” Julia spilled the crayons over the table before selecting the perfect shade of blue.

Ella picked up a crayon and made eye contact with Julia before extending her arm and dropping it onto the ground. Julia smiled. “There’s that rebel that I know and love.”

Ella smiled and grabbed a crayon to start coloring when her arm was grabbed by Julia. “Hey. You are a badass. You are a rebel. And you are also our good girl. You can be multiple things and you don’t have to sacrifice one for the other. We love all of the different parts of you.”

They shared a smile and then colored silently together for a while, each lost in her own thoughts. A hissing sound filled the room as Julia looked up and Ella broke into a broad grin as she continued to fill her diaper. “There’s our good girl.”

Ella held up a crayon and dropped it onto the floor dramatically. “I’m not just a good girl.”

Julia chuckled. “I should probably go too.” One hissing sound stopped as another began. “No use making Jack even more angry.”

The pampered pals continued to color in their wet diapers for a few moments before they heard the door opening.

Ella felt an eerie sense of deja vu. 

This wasn’t Jack.



Julia couldn’t see the door from her seat at the table but could tell from the blank stare and ghost white complexion on her friend’s face that something was wrong. Very wrong. 


She continued to stare forward as footsteps approached and she tried to steal a glance from her peripheral vision.

“And what might we have here?”

Mrs. Matthews. Shit.

Ella looked over at Julia and saw that she was absolutely frozen in place. She wasn’t joking about being terrified of this woman. 

Julia snapped back into reality as she felt Ella squeeze her hand and whisper, I got this.

Ella stood up and looked straight ahead. “I am Spartacus.”

Julia watched as her friend made an absolute fool of herself in front of the stern housekeeper. “Pssst….what are you doing?”

Ella looked back at her bewildered friend and whispered. “Be cool. I saw this in a movie once.”

Julia continued to stare forward as she whispered back to her friend, not yet making eye contact with her housekeeper. “You’re an idiot.”

“I can hear you.” Both of the girls froze. “Come with me…Spartacus.”

Ella squealed as Mrs. Matthews pulled her ear and she was dragged to the corner. “I will deal with you when I am done with your little friend over there.”

Ella stared into the corner and didn’t dare to move. She had already suffered at the hands of Mrs. Matthews on multiple occasions and Julia told her that she had Jack crying  like a baby in his maid’s uniform when he hadn’t finished cleaning up his mess in time. 

Julia had been lucky to thus far escape Mrs. Matthews’ wrath but knew it was within her housekeeper’s rights to discipline her as needed when she was under punishment from Jack. She had seen Jack and Ella suffer as their naughty bottoms were spanked for breaking the rules.

And now it was her turn. 

“Noooo!!!!!! No, I’m sorry! Please…. Please, Mrs. Matthews…Noooo!!”

Ella listened as Julia was dragged to the naughty chair. She was already screaming and they hadn’t even begun. She heard tape ripping and the spanking begin as Julia continued to scream and squeal.


“Please, Mrs. Matthews….Nooo!!”


“There is only one way to tend to naughty little bottoms in this home..”


“And I do not care if it is naughty little Ella over there or either of my employers. Mr. Jack knows better than to make a mess out of this home and soon you will too.”



“Oh, not yet child. That was just the warmup. It’s time for you to meet my hairbrush. You and your husband can swap stories about it later.”

“oh god…please….no…”


Ella listened in fear from the corner as Julia crumbled into unintelligible ramblings and continued to sob and wail. Julia was the toughest of them by far. Everyone in the house had broken Jack easily and watched him cry. It had been proven over weeks that Ella’s toughness was mostly a facade. But Julia? Ella still wasn’t sure how much of their initial encounter had been an act. She certainly hadn’t been able to strike the kind of fear that Mrs. Matthews was able to bring out with only a stern look and a few flicks of a hairbrush.

Ella had been a good girl long enough and decided to embrace her inner rebel and risk a glance. She saw Julia laying limply over Mrs. Matthews lap and openly sobbing as the housekeeper lightly patted her rosy red bottom. “I trust that we have spanked all of the naughtiness out of you, Mrs Julia.”

Julia was still softly whimpering as she was led to the corner to trade places with Ella. The girls briefly shared eye contact as Julia took her place in the corner and Ella saw a broken and very sorry little girl.

Ella allowed herself to be led to the chair, feeling like she was on death row. She stood perfectly still as her white diaper with black skull and crossbones was removed.  Ella no longer felt like a rebel.

She took the familiar position on the naughty chair but realized that this was her first time over Mrs. Matthews’ lap. She had been spanked over stairs, tables, even over some sort of fancy chaise lounge chair thing once…but never here. Her lap wasn’t quite as firm as Jack’s and wasn’t quite as soft as Julia’s. It was somewhere in between, but wasn’t better. She would have greatly preferred being over either Jack or Julia’s lap.

The spanking began with no warning as the housekeeper’s hand bounced off of Ella’s already sorry bottom. The spanking intensified and she looked up from the ground to see Julia with her red bottom still on display and her hands firmly behind her back. She had not moved a single muscle.


It hurt, but being spanked over Mrs. Matthews lap didn’t hurt nearly as bad as being bent over various pieces of furniture or having to bend over and grab her ankles.


Ella began to groan, but she was getting used to being spanked and she could take it. Poor Julia was tough but just wasn’t used to this kind of treatment.


And then Mrs. Matthews was rubbing her bottom. Ella braced herself for the hairbrush, but it never came. She stood up from the naughty chair and was helped over to her changing table, looking at her friend’s glowing red bottom the whole time. Julia still hadn’t moved an inch. 

Mrs. Matthews offered a quick dusting of powder before her legs were lowered onto one of her more babyish diapers. The front of her diaper was raised before it was lowered to the table and she waited in suspense as Mrs. Matthews fished around for something under the table.

Enema? Suppository? Thermometer? None of those options sounded good to Ella.

And for the second time this afternoon she found herself completely surprised as Mrs. Matthews appeared with none of those things. Her bottom hole was safe and a thick stuffer was placed in the middle of her diaper before it was taped into place and she was helped from the table.

She stood awkwardly with her legs spread out as Julia was fetched from the corner. She offered a small smile as she was marched past Ella and made her way onto the table. Julia was not offered any lotion or soothing as she received the same quick dusting and Mrs. Matthews reached her hand towards Ella.

“Hand me a diaper, please.”

Ella looked down at her own diaper. Simple and white with B-A-B-Y spelled out in pastel baby blocks across the front. She grabbed an identical diaper for Julia and handed it to Mrs. Matthews before deciding to anticipate her needs and also passed her a stuffer. Julia had a pink pacifier attached to her plain white shirt to match Ella’s blue one.

The two sorry babies were led to Ella’s crib and crawled in. They sulked behind their pacifiers as they watched Mrs. Matthews cross the nursery and return with a handful of bottles. “Two for each of you. Mr. Jack will still expect wet diapers when he returns.”

Mrs. Matthews grumbled under her breath but otherwise made quick work of cleaning the mess left by two silly girls who fancied themselves rebels. Ella and Julia watched from the crib as they sat on sore bottoms and nursed from their bottles.

Mrs. Matthews paused at the door to study the now immaculate nursery and looked over to the crib. She didn’t speak a word to them, only raised one eyebrow and then turned and left. No words were needed and the girls continued to drink their bottles in silence and stillness for a few moments after she left.

Ella spoke first. “Are you ok?”

Julia lowered her bottle and nodded with a small smile. “Yeah, I will be. That old bag can really swing a paddle. DId I tell you that she used to be a nanny in England? Mary Poppins she is not!”

Ella offered a small smile. “She really tore into you with the hairbrush. You certainly weren’t crying like that when I had you over my lap. I wonder why she let me off so easy?”

Julia looked down and blushed. “I told her it was my fault and my idea.” Her smile broadened as she looked across the crib and met Ella’s eyes. “I am Spartacus.”

They spent the rest of the morning lounging in the crib and finishing their bottles. They each let go and wet their diapers at some point. Julia poked at her fluffy midsection. “These stuffers really do add a lot of bulk. I see why Heather had to crawl!”

Ella finished her bottle and reached for Nibbles, tossing Otis over to Julia. Not one to normally play with toys or stuffed animals, Julia was grateful for the gesture and the otter was pretty cute. They sat and leaned against the back of the crib with Ella’s head resting on Julia’s shoulder while they held tightly to their stuffed friends. 


Jack smiled down at the pair and decided to let them sleep as he made preparations for them at the changing table. The sleeping duo was awoken a few minutes later as Jack lowered the railing to the crib.

Julia opened her eyes first to find a smirking Jack looking back at her. “Looks like a couple of little rebels met their match this morning. Ready to be my pretty princess again?”

Julia rolled her eyes but nodded at Jack and lightly nudged Ella awake. He had the girls crawl in their thick pampers and let himself enjoy the view as they made their way to the changing table. Julia glanced back and even gave him some extra wiggle with a playful wink.

Ella was changed and was thankful for both the cool wipes and soothing lotion that was applied to her skin before Jack applied way too much powder and sealed her back into a regular diaper.

The girls switched places and Jack helped his wife onto the table. “Hmmm…this is pretty thick. I think we could probably leave this on for the rest of the day. What do you think?”

Julia pouted and batted her big beautiful doe eyes at Jack. “Okay, you win. Let’s get you cleaned up.”

He took a little more time with his wife, making sure that she was thoroughly clean (even inserting a wipe covered finger into her little bottom hole) before slowly lotioning up her red buns. “Wow, she really let you have it, Julia. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Ella here this red and I don’t think she even went this hard on me.”

Julia removed her pacifier. “Of course she didn’t go that hard on you, Jack. You’re such a baby. She had you crying long before you were anywhere near this red.”

“That’s some big talk for someone just minutes out of her second wet diaper of the morning. Maybe you need another diaper? An enema? We can see who the real baby is when you’re covered in some of Ella’s favorite mushy foods this afternoon…” He let his words sink in and then leaned forward on his strong arms and smiled. Julia offered a seductive smile in return. 

“Tell me that you’ll be my good girl.”
“I’ll be your good girl…daddy.”

Jack couldn’t reach her face so settled on her lower lips as he planted a series of kisses and licks to reward his good girl. Julia purred and moaned as Jack pulled back and gave her a light tap on the bottom. 

Ella blushed as she watched this couple that was so in love. So committed to each other. Their love was so deep and refreshing.

Jack and Julia both turned to look at her. 

“You two are so weird..”

  • Like 2
7 hours ago, Babypants said:

On a side note, WB: have you noticed that wealth is a narrative device controlling the plot in 7 of the 13 entries?  Reading all of the entries side by side makes it clear that money opens a lot of narrative possibilities in the same way that the big/little motif does by discarding the laws of physics.  Above all, money frees up time, which is rather important if one is trying to indulge a fantasy.  

Makes me want to write a story that would speak to my experience with my 3rd wife, DD/bg on a poor person's budget.  Oh wait, I already did that, and everyone hated it because it was so sad. 

  • Like 1


Weeks turned to months as Ella’s training progressed. She only wore diapers to sleep now and had graduated to pull-ups during the day. She was being trusted with more and more privileges and found herself out of the nursery more than she was in it.

Ella now ate most of her meals with Julia and Jack in their dining room, even if it was still in a high chair. Sometimes she ate toddler food like Mac ‘n’ Cheese or Chicken Nuggets but most of the time she was given the same food that was prepared for Jack and Julia, only cut into smaller pieces and on cuter plates. And normally with a side of fruit and a sippy cup. 

Jack and Julia still had friends over once a week or so as Julia always seemed to have someone in her life that needed some extra discipline or nurture. Ella had a variety of playmates and pets and did well in her big sister role, helping out wherever she could with diaper changes, training, feeding, spanking, and other creative punishments.

Jack and Julia were still undeniably in charge and she was still punished and played with often, but the dynamic was changing and shifting. Julia invited her to practice daily meditation and yoga with her as they grew their minds and bodies together.

She even started going to ‘school’ a few days each week. In a makeshift classroom that they put together, she got to trade her toddler and preschool clothes for a skimpy schoolgirl uniform and spent at least a few hours of each week back in nice, cotton panties. That is, when they weren’t at her ankles with her bent over a desk or in corner time.

The uniform and spankings made it a little more fun, but the school part was very real. Jack was helping her to work on her GED and was proving to be quite the formidable headmaster. She wasn’t sure if she was going to continue to do any college work or not, but finishing her high school diploma (or at least its equivalency) was one of the first goals that she made with Jack in one of their goal setting sessions. And she was close. Just a few more weeks until she was ready to take the test.

These goal setting sessions with Jack turned into weekly maintenance sessions where he helped her to assess her habits and practices and compare them to the goals she wanted to reach. Of course, she was spanked each week as a reminder to be a good girl and as needed based on her performance. She was mostly a good girl for him.

Ella was feeling better than she had felt in her entire life. She had people that genuinely cared about her and were helping her to better herself in every way. She had a decent amount of money saved from her previous jobs, but Jack and Julia didn’t let her touch that and hinted that she could start helping them in their business soon. 


During a fairly normal Tuesday morning, Ella was getting ready for a playdate. She wasn’t quite sure who it would be, but most of the time she didn’t know and she had grown to like the surprise. Jack and Julia seemed particularly on edge and all that Ella was able to suss out was that Heather was coming. Heather had dropped in fairly regularly and, while the two of them weren’t the best of friends, they had learned to get along amicably. At least most of the time.

She wasn’t sure if Heather was bringing a friend that needed a little extra discipline or if maybe Heather would find herself back in diapers again. She certainly wouldn’t mind seeing Rosie, as the two of them had played together a few more times since the puppy punishment and got along well.

Julia found diapers and regression to be a quite compelling punishment for her best friend and had used it a few more times with improved results each time. Heather still hated it, but that just made it more fun for Ella and Julia.

Where Ella used to get nervous when people came into their home and upset the routine, she was now getting used to the revolving cast of characters that made up Jack and Julia’s life. 


The doorbell rang as Ella was already headed down the stairs to help Julia with any last minute preparations. Julia opened the door to greet Heather and they hugged and greeted each other before Heather pushed another woman through the door.

Her short black hair was up in small pigtails that poked out from the sides of her head with dainty yellow bows in her hair. She wore an adorable white and yellow romper dress with little daisies all over it. The chest was plain white with a few big yellow daisies and a particularly sassy looking black sheep in the middle. The flowy yellow cap sleeves and collar matched the attached skirt that flared out at her hip to allow most of her diaper to show. Her legs were bare with cute little frilly socks and yellow velcro shoes at the bottom. She kept her head down, but the yellow pacifier was clearly visible.

“Oh, don’t be shy, Stacy. Say hello!”

The infantilized woman looked Ella straight in the eye.

“Mrs. Black?!”

Ella was in complete disbelief. She hadn’t thought of Mrs. Black in months and her old life had slowly faded like a movie reel in her head. It seemed so distant and strange that she was ever desperate enough for love, attention, and acceptance that she had fallen in with a bunch of thieves.

But Mrs. Black’s pointed stare still sent chills down her spine and pushed her right back to the subservient days under her vile control. Mrs. Black’s cold stare pierced just as strongly in adorable toddler attire as it did in her black jumpsuits or black t-shirts or black business suits… Have I ever seen her wear anything but black?

This was a woman that was used to being in complete control of every situation and every person. She never showed weakness or fear. And now she was under Heather’s care and angrily pouting behind a pacifier?

“Well, are you coming down stairs or not, Ella? Come and give your new friend a hug!”

Heather spoke with authority and Mrs. Black’s eyes never left Ella’s. Ella looked to Julia for confirmation and help. There was care and concern in Julia’s eyes, but she nodded at Ella to continue.

Ella slowly walked down the stairs until she was face to face with the former boss that had sold her out and started her on this crazy journey. They continue to stare at each other until Ella was prodded into wrapping her arms around her. Mrs. Black leaned into her ear and whispered around her pacifier, “I’ll fucking kill you for this.”

Heather smiled, completely oblivious to the wicked threat that lingered in the air. “Okay you two, we’ll have plenty of time to catch up. Julia, can we borrow some changing supplies? This little one decided to be stubborn this morning and made a messy diaper in the car instead of in her crib like she was supposed to.”

Ella released her embrace and stepped back as Heather patted Mrs. Black on her messy diapered bottom for emphasis. She saw the slightest wince in Mrs. Black’s face. The first time she had ever seen the normally grave woman crack. She’s human.

The group of ladies and babies made their way into the living room where Julia grabbed Ella’s diaper bag and changing mat. Mrs. Black smirked as she saw Ella’s name embroidered across the side. “Oh Julia, this is too cute! We’ll have to get one for little Stacy here.”

Mrs. Black moved her glare from Ella to Heather for a moment. “Oh hush, you.” Heather booped the girl on the nose as she was lowered onto the changing mat.

“Stacy?” Ella was so confused at the events that were unfolding.

“Oh, yes. This little troublemaker likes to act all tough as the elusive Mrs. Black but her real name is Stacy Johnson. Julia will apparently tell us all about it once we clean her little bottom. Do you want to help, Ella?”

Mrs. Black turned her head to glare at Ella as Julia handed Heather the needed changing supplies. “Ummm….no, that’s ok.” How can she still be so intimidating in messy diapers?

“Oh, don’t be silly! Here you can be my helper and hand me supplies. Julia says you’re a great helper!”

Stacy’s little skirt was flipped up to reveal the onesie beneath. Three pops and her messy diaper was revealed to the room as she moved her death stare from Ella to the ceiling and breathed deeply through her yellow pacifier. Even the elusive and commanding Mrs. Black was unable to show dominance while having her poopy bottom wiped.

The tapes were removed and Ella saw a side of her former boss that she had never seen. Now that she was thinking about it, she wasn’t sure that she had seen any exposed skin besides her hands and face before. She was always completely covered and in complete control.

Now she was completely exposed with her soggy, shaven pussy on display as the front of her thick diaper hit the ground with a thud and her mess was revealed to the room.

“Oh, that’s quite the mess for such a cute little thing.” Julia had found her footing and was reclaiming her dominant teasing role.

“Girl, this little stinker has me changing messy diapers two or three times A DAY. I’m not sure if it’s the fiber in her bottles and baby food or if she’s just a little turd machine but I am constantly cleaning her messy little bottom.”

Mrs. Black kept her gaze firmly on the ceiling as her bottom was wiped and the diaper was rolled up and placed to the side. “Ella, would you hand me some powder and a new diaper please? The thickest one you can find in there.”

Ella did as she was told and Julia said what she was thinking. “Stacy is a lot more compliant than I expected. How did you get her to be such a good girl so quickly, Heather?”

Heather laid out the thick diaper and stuffer. “Oh, she’s far from being a good girl but she knows when she has been beaten. And look at this red butt! She was beaten this morning before we arrived.” She paused to fiddle with the powder before Ella reached over to help her open it. 

“As tough as she may have been before all of this, she is even more of a baby than Jack. Little Stacy has absolutely no pain tolerance and is crying and pleading over my knee after just a few spanks. She’s learned that if she wants to act all tough, it’s easier to pout and be obedient. It’s hard to be tough with a bright red bottom isn’t it, Stacy?”

The room was silent as Julia and Ella tried to ascertain if the question was rhetorical or not.

Heather split the woman’s legs and was careful not to get powder all over her expensive dress as she bent forward to remove her pacifier. “Stacy?”

“Yes…mommy.” Mrs. Black’s eyes never left the ceiling, though she closed her eyes as her pacifier was replaced and Ella saw her toned arms flexing as she likely made tight fists within her little yellow mittens.

“Good girl. I would have hated to have had to spank your cute little bottom again right after entering Julia’s lovely home. I mean, we already had to change your stinky diaper. What kind of guests are we being right now? Sorry, Julia!”

The diaper was pulled up between her legs and poppers were snapped back into place and the three women looked down at an adorably angry woman. “I do really think yellow is her color. We tried pink, blue, purple, green….she did look very pretty in green…but I think yellow is just perfect for her cheery little disposition.”

“Well Heather, you have done an amazing job with her over the last couple of weeks. I know I dropped this on you without much notice but I didn’t know who else I could trust. It’s probably time I fill you in on the rest of the story.”

Stacy was helped into a playpen in the center of the room while Julia, Ella, and Heather took their seats around the couch. The mood changed and was suddenly more serious, despite the pouty little adult baby sitting in her playpen surrounded by plush toys.

“Okay, let me just start at the beginning. You know that the Baby Bandits broke into your home and mine and a bunch of others. After they broke into your home, we used our resources to find Mrs. Black and struck a deal with her. We found out that they were already planning to sell out Ella…Mrs. Pink…and blame all of the robberies on her. They had all of the evidence they needed to put her away. We needed Mrs. Black and her crew gone and Jack and I were also looking for a new project. So, we allowed them to rob us and take whatever they wanted in exchange for two things. One, we got to keep Ella. Two, they were to disappear. We didn’t want to see or hear from her again and didn’t want any more of our friends getting hurt.”

Heather leaned in, absolutely enthralled at the drama.

“Well, Mrs. Black over there is not a woman of her word. Things did get quiet for a few weeks, but then we started seeing reports of break-ins again. But this time they were worse. It seems that whoever she got to replace Mrs. Pink had a habit of hurting the victims. Ella would diaper them and have a little fun, as you know, but she would never actually hurt anyone. Her new team was leaving victims behind that were bloodied, broken bones, you name it. The husbands just kept fighting back and it was only a matter of time before they killed someone.”

Ella also leaned in now, interested at what was happening with her old team.

“Mrs. Purple, the third member of the team that robbed our houses, did not like the direction the team was headed and reached out to us for help. She was in over her head and wanted an out. I think she originally thought that we could help her like we did Ella, but after detailing little Ella’s life she was much more keen to run and give Mrs. Black the opportunity to try diapers for a while. From what we can tell so far, Mrs. Purple is much more true to her word than Mrs. Black. After she delivered Mrs. Black to us, we haven’t seen or heard from her again.”

“So…what are we doing with her? You told me to get her into diapers and start her training and even I was surprised at how quickly she became a compliant, if sulky, little girl. But, I can’t keep her forever. Is she coming to stay with you?”

Ella shot a concerned look to Julia and they heard rustling as Stacy poked her head up over the playpen.

Julia broke the tension. “No, of course not. But she is too dangerous to be let out into the wild again.”

Ella spoke up, “Can’t we like… I don’t know… call the cops?”

“Well, for one, she would likely still pin all of the Baby Bandit robberies on you. Maybe even the newer ones where people got hurt. We can’t risk that for you, Ella. But, more importantly, Mrs. Black isn’t who she seems.”

All eyes turned to Stacy and she stared each one of them down, one by one. Diapered or not, she wasn’t backing down.

“We don’t have all of the details, but it seems like she is likely part of some larger crime syndicate. Drugs, blackmail, maybe murders? We honestly aren’t sure and she has been very good at hiding her tracks. But we have the resources to keep digging and we’re close. Regardless, we don’t know who all of her connections are or who we can trust. We can’t just turn her over to the police. There’s someone else that I trust that I know can handle her.”

Stacy was on her knees with both gloved hands on the edge of the playpen. Even she couldn’t pretend to not be interested in where this story was heading.

“I know a Judge a few states over. He has this new idea for a gated community where felons are treated just like little Stacy here. It’s a prison alternative where they are placed with families who will treat them like they deserve. Mrs. Black could still run her operation from prison but she won’t be able to hurt anyone else where I’m sending her.”

This was the final straw for Mrs. Black who finally broke character. She pushed over the playpen and made a run for the door, waddling as fast as she could. It didn’t take much for the trio to overpower her and lead her to the couch where she found herself over Julia’s lap as she continued to struggle and curse as her onesie was opened and her diaper was pulled down.

“Oh, Stacy…the Judge is going to have his hands full with you, isn’t he?”



“So, is he coming today? The Judge?”

Ella, Julia, and Heather sipped tea while they watched Mrs. Black struggle in the baby bouncer that Ella had learned to dread. Heather had even taken a turn in it during a particularly naughty sleepover. Mrs. Black seemed to concur that it was the absolute worst.


Stacy’s shoes were removed so that her cute little socks would slip on the ground and she would be forced to rest her weight on her sore bottom and wet diaper. Not only had she begun to cry and plead after only a few spanks, but she wet her diaper over Julia’s lap before it was resealed and she was forced into her bouncy prison.

Julia smiled, lost in her own world and imagining all of the fun that Stacy would have at the hands of the Judge and his wife in this new community. She was to be the first new occupant and their test subject and he assured her that he would send photos and videos of her new baby life.

“Oh…sorry. Well, she is leaving today but the Judge won’t be coming to pick her up. We’re going to send one of our drivers to deliver her. We’ll need to grab her car seat from your car of course.”

“Of course. I brought a few of her other toys and some of her favorites. She has a stuffed lion that she adores. It’s just like her. Looks all tough and intimidating from afar but just a soft, cute little thing up close. I can’t say that I’ll miss changing all of those messy diapers, but I get why you enjoy this, Julia. Maybe we should plug her up before she leaves so that your driver doesn’t have to suffer?”

The girls laughed as Stacy seethed in her bouncer. “Yeah, we may have to do just that!”


Ella laid on the couch and stared at the ceiling. 

Mrs. Black…Stacy…had left them an hour or two earlier. She needed to be changed again and Heather enjoyed giving her one final spanking for the road. Stacy continued to fight through this spanking, which was pretty out of character for her, so it was decided that she probably needed to have her temperature taken. Once the thermometer was removed, Stacy  was found to be well and was given a butt plug for the road after all, tucked into her large overnight diaper and stuffer.

Ella and Julia stood at the door and watched as Stacy was rolled off in her stroller to be tucked into her carseat and taken to her new life. At least she would have Leo the Lion to keep her company.

Julia busied herself around the house once Heather left and Ella found herself with a head full of thoughts and nothing to do. Thus her place on the couch where Julia found her.

Ella lifted her head for Julia to sit down and then laid her head on Julia’s lap. Julia stroked her hair and the two enjoyed a nice, quiet moment.



“Jack and I are very proud of you. You have exceeded all of our expectations and we are excited to see what life has in store for you. I don’t think either of us really knew what we were getting into when we started this little experiment, but Jack and I have both grown quite fond of you.” 

Ella smiled up at her. The feeling was mutual.

“But we don’t want to keep you here if you are ready to take what you have learned and go. There is a great big world out there and we feel like you are now equipped to explore it and thrive.”

Ella didn’t even try to fight it as the tears rolled down her cheeks. She felt a drop from above and realized that Julia was also crying.

“But, if you would like to stay…we would like to offer you a job.”



Ella adjusted the temperature controls as she cruised down the road. She tapped her fingers along the top of the steering wheel and smiled as the road opened up before her, brimming with possibility. This is a much nicer ride than anything I was driving before. 

An entire calendar year had passed since she had committed her last robbery and kidnapping. No one could have predicted how much her life would have changed in that time. Or how many of her own diapers would have been changed in that time. 

She now had friends and people that loved and cared about her. She had a purpose, and it wasn’t just hurting people for her own pleasure. 

Ella continued to thrive and grow under the care and tutelage of Jack and Julia. She spent most of her time working and pursuing new hobbies, but still found herself in diapers or pull-ups on a somewhat regular basis. Sometimes she would mess up at work or be a little too bratty. Sometimes she just wanted the extra snuggles. Either way, the three of them were happy with the new arrangement.

Ella used her former sleuthing skills to help them acquire new targets. Not rich families to rob, but cute criminals that needed a firm, guiding hand like she once did.

“Are you comfy back there? You are going to love Jack and Julia. They’re the best.” She looked into the rear view mirror at the pouting girl in the backseat. 


Jack and Julia used their contacts to set up a sort of off-the-books rehab with some local precincts. They had their pick of girls that were arrested for petty charges and the girls were given the choice between jail time or nursery time. Some stayed for a few days or weeks. Some longer.

And every now and then, Ella was allowed to find targets on her own. Like the cute girl that continued to pout in the back seat. She has no idea what’s coming for her. I wonder if Julia will let me do the intake this time. I need that adorable little bottom to spank and diaper.

The girls weren’t told much about the process. Just enough to give them a vague idea that they would be treated as a child instead of going to prison, that they would receive a reduced sentence based on their behavior, and that the current crimes would not be on their record.

Making careful and well thought out decisions wasn’t the strong suit of most of the girls that fell into their care, so it was no surprise that they did with a lot of pleading, bratty, insolent behavior with regular cries of how it ‘just wasn’t fair!’. 

Ella sighed and caught the eye of the girl in her rearview mirror.  I love my job.

But life wasn’t all roses. Jack received a call the next morning from the Judge who was set to begin her stay under his care and be the first in his new community. He put the phone down in shock and came to break the news to Julia and Ella. 

“It seems that Mrs. Black never made it to her new home.”

They were never entirely sure what happened but the car never arrived and Mrs. Black disappeared into the wind. A week later, Julia opened the front door to see their driver swaddled and diapered in a large moses basket on her doorstep with a note: 

Julia, Jack, and Mrs. Pink, 

You will pay for this. 

- Mrs. Black

Jack ramped up his search but it appeared that Mrs. Black had dialed up her efforts to make sure that she was never found again. But that doesn’t mean that she stopped doing business. 

The girl in the backseat was part of her new crew. Mrs. Black had either moved on or didn’t do jobs in person anymore but it wasn’t hard to piece together a new string of robberies and connect the dots. 


This new girl reminded her a lot of herself. So young, so naive. So much to learn.

Jack and Julia considered Ella proof of concept that their little theory worked and Ella was glad to help them continue to refine that theory. 

As she pulled into the large circle driveway, Jack and Julia stood at the door ready to greet their newest guest. Ella smiled at them and offered a small wave.

There are a lot of girls that need help out there and we're going to help them. 

Whether they want it or not. 


Our story continues in The Baby Bandits: Book 2. Stay tuned. 

  • Like 10
  • blahblahwriter changed the title to A Change Would Do You Good: 4th Kasarberang Story Contest (NEW UPDATE! Aug 10th, Final Chapter + Epilogue)

Nice finish.  The program reminds me of what CCApril has been doing with BBs Nursery and Daycare, but it's great to have two stories that are open-ended and upbeat.  Thanks for sharing this with us. 

  • Like 2

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