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From binge/purge to binge/meh


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When I first started wearing diapers, I went through the classic binge/purge cycle. When I purged, I would feel disgusted with myself, throw out my stash and swear I’d never touch a diaper again. Until of course, the urge returned.  

These days, I still binge. At some point during the binge (usually after a week or so), the desire to wear disappears and the binge ends. The difference now is that I know and accept I’ll want to wear again at some point, so I don’t throw out my stash. I also no longer feel disgusted with myself. In between binges, the thought of wearing is just… meh. So I’ve gone from binge/purge to binge/meh. 

Anyone else like that?

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The second half of the binge/... pattern is reaching and going beyond the point os satiation wherein the activitiy is seen as a negative. It is really just that you are sick of it. and want to run away from it. This can be with anything. This is augmented by the controversial nature of ABDL which introduces guilt/shame so the negative reaction is augmented. The oint at which this overcomes the binge phase is called "implosion" and is the central idea behind "implosion therapy", that puts this and the negative phase on steroids in your life with the hope being that you wil ll get so sick of whatever it is that you will not do it again

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I go through a similar binge/purge cycle. I go through a period of frequent wearing and intense desire to wear then go through a period of "yea, diapers are great, and I have a bunch, but I don't want to right now". There's no real rhyme or reason, no real trigger for either way, it just ebbs and flows, so to speak. I do find I tend to wear less during busy times, but the desire to wear can still be strong. When it's quieter, I can wear more often, but I don't always do... just don't feel like it. Other times, I'm in diapers every afternoon after work, for days and days on end, loving it and wishing it would never end. 

I can really say I never had a collect/dispose style of B/P cycle. I never threw out diapers or related stuff because of the cycle. I would toss stuff because of I no longer wanted it, no longer fit, broke, but not from a cycle POV. 

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On 11/24/2023 at 4:35 AM, Dyson said:

These days, I still binge. At some point during the binge (usually after a week or so), the desire to wear disappears and the binge ends. The difference now is that I know and accept I’ll want to wear again at some point, so I don’t throw out my stash. I also no longer feel disgusted with myself. In between binges, the thought of wearing is just… meh. So I’ve gone from binge/purge to binge/meh. 


Being that I am an IC DL, I have always liked diapers since the age of eight, and I went through those binge/purge cycles too.  When I was about 25, I wondered what it would feel like to wear again, and it was awesome to allow myself to do it, and I had the guilt and all that, went through a few "cycles" and now, because I NEED them, I don't throw product unless its defective, does not FIT, or I no longer want it, as @diaperguy85 says.  I no longer feel disgusted with myself, or think badly of it, because I NEED them now, and they serve my needs of incontinence, as  well as dealing with the feelings and urges I get:  and I don't have to feel guilty or like its WRONG, because I've made things better for myself:  I don't have as much to worry about, and my stress has gone WAAAAY down since I made the decision to go 24/7 in 2020!

One thing I forgot to add:  If you are a DL, or an AB, or whatever it is you identify as, chances are that you have always been that way, and that means you are "wired" that way.  What I don't think some people outside our community understand is that If you have feelings, urges or likes. for example, you like diapers, you probably will and mostlikely always liked them, and nothing will change that:  When growing up, sometimes you have to suppress the feelings/urges/desires, but they will ALWAYS be a part of you, so you just can't turn them off or "give them up" because they are always with you.  Now that I am 24/7, I don't HAVE to deny what or who I am, and I can be the man I always have been, without fear of what someone thinks/believes, because diapers help me in more ways than one, and especially in stress relief :)

Take Care,

Brian :)


Edited by ~Brian~
Added a Paragraph :)
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Yeah - I went through all that and eventually came out the other end.  Now I wear full-time and I'm relaxed and happy with it.  Not for everyone, I know, but it's really worked for me.  Good luck!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I rarely ever purge anymore but when I do it only lasts a max of 3 days and I’m right back to the same ole desire to being 24/7.  So I never throw anything away.

I’ve also found that by forcing myself to wear diapers 24/7 for 2-3 days even when it’s inconvenient or I don’t want too, it helps ease the chronic thoughts of needing to wear 

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I wonder if pinge/purge is not a personality variable just being applied to ABDL? Do you binge/purghe on other things, like TV programs? I tend to  do so if something else intervenes, like when I was writing papers and kind of had to. The down side of the cycle was just leaving it alone for awhile, knowing thatit was an abnormal amount of activity for a reason; i.e. I was "O.D'ed" and would return to a normal amount of interest. I had learned that by the time I was 8-1/2

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