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Do you feel more confident, focused while diapered

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I know people on here use diapers for many reasons. I myself wear diapers 24/7, permanently due to medical reasons and being an adult baby as well. I know in the beginning, it was very difficult for me to accept that I am going to be put back into diapers and know that I was never, ever going to wear adult underwear or even potty like an adult anymore. Overtime, I saw how diapers has helped me achieve a level of independence and even helped me succeed in life and work. I even saw how being an adult baby can be a form of adulthood for me. It's why over time, I grew to be more confident in diapers to the point that I completely trust a diaper over the potty. The only time I feel very anxious, nervous and stressed out, is if I am not in a thick diaper or even a pull up in between diaper changes. Once I am back in a thick diaper, I feel like I am back to normal and back to my adult baby self. It's why for me, I feel safer in a diaper and a diaper acts as my security blanket and shield from the stressful adult world Thankfully now, I have all day diapers like NorthShore Megamax diapers and Boosters that are available to me and I can go on with my life with ease and confidence. In all honestly, I feel more calm, focused, relaxed, less stressed out and overall much more better about myself. On top of that I feel confident in myself that I can go about my day without ever worrying about the potty. Every time my diaper is squishy and fully wet, it makes me feel like I am an adult baby and it feels like I know I belong in diapers. It makes me feel like I can go on with my life being diapered and adult babied. It gives me the confidence that I can do anything with a diaper on.

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6 hours ago, Kawaharu said:

I know people on here use diapers for many reasons. I myself wear diapers 24/7, permanently due to medical reasons and being an adult baby as well. I know in the beginning, it was very difficult for me to accept that I am going to be put back into diapers and know that I was never, ever going to wear adult underwear or even potty like an adult anymore. Overtime, I saw how diapers has helped me achieve a level of independence and even helped me succeed in life and work. I even saw how being an adult baby can be a form of adulthood for me. It's why over time, I grew to be more confident in diapers to the point that I completely trust a diaper over the potty. The only time I feel very anxious, nervous and stressed out, is if I am not in a thick diaper or even a pull up in between diaper changes. Once I am back in a thick diaper, I feel like I am back to normal and back to my adult baby self. It's why for me, I feel safer in a diaper and a diaper acts as my security blanket and shield from the stressful adult world Thankfully now, I have all day diapers like NorthShore Megamax diapers and Boosters that are available to me and I can go on with my life with ease and confidence. In all honestly, I feel more calm, focused, relaxed, less stressed out and overall much more better about myself. On top of that I feel confident in myself that I can go about my day without ever worrying about the potty. Every time my diaper is squishy and fully wet, it makes me feel like I am an adult baby and it feels like I know I belong in diapers. It makes me feel like I can go on with my life being diapered and adult babied. It gives me the confidence that I can do anything with a diaper on.


I must agree! people wear diapers for many reasons. They're being incontinence, disability, comfort, or whatever it is. There are many differing reasons for wearing diapers, and most of them that I have seen and heard of are medical in some way, even when there is no incontinence involved. I've also heard that wearing for comfort is a medical reason, and from what I've seen in some youtube videos even, is considered a medical reason.  You also have a person who may be incontinent both ways, or only one way, and as such they might have 0 control, and need diapers, which is something that happens more often than not, and when people have to deal with that, that is a challenging and of itself. I feel for people that have to deal with it like this, because they have to be able to adjust their lives accordingly to make changes so that they can deal with it that way, and it can be very embarrassing, it can be inconvenient, and it can cause anxiety and pressure and a whole host of things to cause trouble for you, because what happens if you're in a place where you don't really want to release, you may not have a choice, but you have to deal with the consequences when where and how you release, regardless of what happens. Each of these types of individuals has ways to deal with their incontinence, and I salute them because this is something that they have to manage, and I have seen and heard of people that manage incontinence in different ways, and whatever way they choose, it works for them, because each person deals with incontinence in a different way.

I am incontinent both ways due to cerebral palsy, mobility issues, IBS, diverticulitis accidents and other issues. I knew that having a neurological condition/disability Like this may cause incontinence in some way, because I have learned that disabilities have subconditions and other things that come up.  Some people are not incontinent even when they're disabled, while others are, so it depends on what type of situation you're dealing with with your conditions. Having CP, it's like having a hodgepodge of things that happen and you're not sure when something may happen or if it will happen, And if it does, how severe the problem will be.  I know that there are people that are more disabled than I am, so that is something that is believable and to be expected depending on the severity. I had been continent for 46 years, so when I started having problems, and I started worrying about them, I realized that I was dealing with stress that was ridiculous, worrying about things that weren't true, worrying about things people said, worrying about things that weren't actually said in turning them into something else, and it was just a Horrid ridiculous mess.

In 2018 and 2019 I had been having accidents on and off. After having several of these, I figured that it was just something to do with me being ill or just having eaten Something that caused my stomach to do summer salts. I started having these situations where I was fine and I was talking to my friends are sitting in a chair or doing something at home, and the next thing I know I feel something, and by the time I turn around, I may have say a minute or two to respond, I go into the bathroom and do my business, and come back out and everything is fine. Over the time. Between 2018 and 19, this time. I was Able to determine that there was a reason for me to go into the bathroom was getting shorter and shorter, and then I started having situations where I would feel it, and then I would have a mess, I wouldn't even have enough time to even think about putting my hands down on my arm rest to be able to push forward to get off the chair, i'd already done the deed and then it kept on happening. Then I started having messes in my bed, then I would wet my bed, and it just got worse and worse. After looking into the situation, I decided that diapers were the best thing for me to use. I first started paying for those on my own, and then, when I ended up finding that I was needing to use more and more of them, I went to the doctor and asked for help. Long story short I ended up getting my mega Max's after a month and a half of using the garbage, and then everything seemed to change and I was able to deal with a lot more, and while the incontinence has been managed, that is a good thing, and because of that, I am more confident and able to do things that I need to do, and like @Kawaharu, Things become a lot easier when you don't have the stress when you don't have to worry about what is gonna happen. No it's going to happen, you know where it's gonna be, but you don't have to worry about when it happens because you're already prepared for it. 

Stress Factor:  Most of my situation was due to the fact that I was a diaper lover since I was eight years old, and I was thinking to myself how is I going to deal with this? I knew that I was having the feelings and the urges that have always been there, and I knew that there was a reason, but I didn't really realize that both of these things would come together and help me in the end. Because of incontinence I have diapers, and they help me deal with the medical situation so that I don't have wet pants or messy pants, and now, since I'm a diaper lover, it also helps me deal with the feelings and urges that I have and always have had, and I do it in an appropriate way, and since there is a medical reason for me wearing diapers, I can now do it the way I want, I don't have to worry about people finding out, I don't have to worry about what people will say, it's part of what happens to me, and I'm so glad that I was able to do it. Ever since I started wearing diapers, my stress level has gone from way overboard, almost nothing! when you can take all of your stress in your life and burn it down like this, it makes it a lot easier. There have been a lot of stressful things that have happened to me, and I'm not sure why I worry so much, but since I started wearing diapers, I don't have to worry about anything. This is probably because when you have a diaper, this is a garment that is placed on a baby, and a baby is incontinent by default, and has to learn how to control its releases. Prior to learning this skill, they wear diapers, and they are expected to use them. Parents and loved ones take care of little ones, and change diapers and take care of this, and a kid is not expected to deal with that, until they are learning how to potty train, and then their parents are there to help them.

Because I'm wearing diapers now, there is hardly any stress. I have accepted the reasoning for wearing diapers, and the need for wearing diapers, and wearing diapers makes me feel better about myself, about my physical condition, my emotional condition, my Mindset, my mental condition, my sanity and everything else.  a diaper says: I got this no problem, and when you use the diaper, you end up having to change it. When you do that, you are relieving the stress, and everything that is in the diaper, I consider to be all the junk and the stress and the bad things that are causing problems for me, and I liken it to when I use a diaper, I end up changing the diaper and throwing that away, so the stress is gone. If I Think of it this way, then there's no way that I can lose, because my diaper has my back, and when I have that taken care of, I don't have to worry about much else. Life is too short to be messing around with things that worry you all the time, life is too short to think things people say or that they did not say worry you. Life is too short to be having problems where you think you will have lasting consequences because you're constantly in fear of something happening. You're wearing a diaper, you're not afraid, because the diaper will have you, it will help you take care of it, sure you're gonna clean up a mess, but would you rather have a mess in your pants or wet pants or would you wear a diaper because it's more comfortable and makes it so that you can do so with dignity?

@Kawaharu hits it on the nail again!  Wearing a diaper has made me feel safer, more centered, more confident, more bold, and I can now be the person I want to be, and the peace of the puzzle that I've been trying to hide since I was the age of 8, I don't have to hide anymore. I don't have to hide anymore, I don't have to worry anymore, and my disability may end up causing some things to happen to me, but if I had to put it on a scale 1 to 10, my incontinence is on one on a scale of 10 as far as the worries: when you have a diaper you don't worry about it, you just deal with it, and I have many friends that deal with incontinence with tact skill and experience, and they know what they're doing and how they do it. What I would tell people is not to be afraid, because the first thing that you have to realize is that once you accept the situation, it's a lot easier to then turn around and think of it as a normal thing that you do everyday, you put a diaper on just like you would change your underwear or your socks, every time you use the diaper you change the diaper, and you keep doing it because that's what you have to do. That's the difference between people who say they want to be incontinent versus those that are incontinent. People that are incontinent know that there are certain things they have to do, and we are experienced in what causes our issues, while others may say they want to be incontinent and they think it's cool, which is fine, but this is why I always tell people that incontinence is not all it's cracked up to be, and once you start down that road, You may not be able to come back!

Each of us choose a lifestyle to follow once we accept the fact that we need diapers for whatever reason. Some people choose the adult baby lifestyle like @Kawaharu, While others may choose the adult kid lifestyle, or identify differently, while others may choose the diaper lover lifestyle, and then make adjustments to their life so they can enjoy that lifestyle. The lifestyle you choose is that lifestyle that makes sense to you, and once you start living that lifestyle, it becomes normal for you to do so. It is as normal as me putting on a diaper every morning just like she does, we just do it because we need to do it, because if we don't, we'll end up with a mess to clean up, and then it will make it harder for us. When people accept the need for diapers or their want for diapers, it makes it easier for them. Stress is a killer, and I will be damned if I'm going to let stress kill me! part of the reason why I worry about stress is because what happens if something happens to me, and let's say I find out that I could have stopped it, I would feel real bad if I couldn't pick it up and deal with it. Help me to deal with those types of things, and being a diaper lover, that's perfect for me, even though I may have adult baby tendencies, but to me I am a diaper lover, that's the way I always has been, a diaper is something that is soft, and says don't worry I got you use me! and it feels good for some reason, and I can't even put into words how it feels in your head, it just feels right, and now that I have the right tools, I can be a better person, and I can be a support system for those that are questioning themselves and wondering what the heck is going on. Might not understand all aspects, but most of them are due to experience and knowledge of the situation. The rest, you learn from your colleagues in support system, like here on daily diapers. Each person wears diapers for a particular reason, And each person has their reasons for doing so. However the reason, they have made that decision because it is easy for them to deal with what is going on if they wear diapers.

I have been a, and am a staunch supporter of those who wish to wear diapers. Because everybody makes their decisions based on their needs or their wants. Far Too many people think wearing diapers is something that is bad or taboo or something that shouldn't be done, and I can assure you that there are more people wearing diapers in this world than I could probably count, and that probably will increase as time goes on. If people would just realize that people wear diapers for whatever reason that they do, and not be hard on People that need to wear them for whatever reason, and not be judgmental, this world would be a lot better. Unfortunately we have to deal with this all the time, so each time this happens, we have to be able to let people know that regardless of what happens in the world there will be people that will disagree with what we do and how we choose to deal with it, but regardless of whether somebody agrees or disagrees, we still do what we do in an appropriate manner and an appropriate way in an appropriate place. It's not gonna change.

I'm glad I made the decision I did, because I feel like a different person, I'm not as worried as I was before and I'm not going to lose sleep over it, because that's exactly what I was doing. Was losing sleep, I was worried about things, I was getting up at all hours of the night, and that wasn't good at all, and I was just a wreck. People that read some of my older posts can tell exactly what that is like because I posted about it. Suffice to say that diapers make me more confident, and as they say don't knock it until you try it!


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It's why I notice being in a diaper, I am alot calmer, relaxed and less stressed. Plus It puts me at ease and I can go on without ever worrying about using the potty because I know I am never going to be potty trained anytime soon. As far as confidence, diapers have given me the confidence to go on with life and not have to worry anymore. That confidence even boosted my self esteem and body image. It's why being an adult baby has helped me be more comfortable, confident and happy with myself being kept in diapers. Being kept in diapers and in them permanently, It has done wonders for my self esteem, confidence and well being. It has made it where I am able to stay young, babied and diapered in an adult world. 

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Absolutely, it helps me stay more clam.  My mama said their like my security blanket.  I also have IBS & Urinary issues and wear all the time now.  However, leading up to that I’d always noticed I was more calm when diapered then when not.  I also notice that I felt more like me once I was diapered all the time.  A hard realization to have, but grateful to have had it.

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How could I feel confident in  diapers when the mark me as a baby, even though I am 5,mean I do not have full control over my body and often smell, are so thick that I cannot close my legs above the knee, are the most important thing in decidingb what I am let to wear.; very short skirts, dresses and babydolls that are easily lited, to be put in them I am laid down, my sirts lifted and someone gets between my legs. and people where I live like to feel the material I am dressed in to keep things dry which I feel very strongly on my little body, fondle me and even lifting my little skirts to feel my panties and call me"BabyDoll"?

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11 hours ago, munkey said:

Absolutely, it helps me stay more clam.  My mama said their like my security blanket.  I also have IBS & Urinary issues and wear all the time now.  However, leading up to that I’d always noticed I was more calm when diapered then when not.  I also notice that I felt more like me once I was diapered all the time.  A hard realization to have, but grateful to have had it.

I do notice that when I am diapered, I feel alot calmer and less stressed out. I notice I am not distracted and I can get more done. At the same time being diapered makes me feel like I am young, babied and I can get things done without even thinking about the potty.

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