Electrically Posted April 12, 2023 Posted April 12, 2023 New Position So my second story! I tried to put a little more background in. So sorry if it’s a little boring Michael and Suzan met in their second year of college, Sue Majored in Marketing and Mike in art. They found each other in a graphic design class. Either of them really had much interest in graphic design. Sue had thought it would be a fun and easy class and Mike’s advisor suggested the class for him as more art industry moved towards graphic design. Mike was very uninterested in graphic design as he was a talented artist. “There is no talent involved with moving things around on a computer screen.” To be honest Mike did have a good bit of talent and had a wide variety of mediums. Sue was cautious and calculated she planned and focused on goals and achievements. Mike was fun and spontaneous he enjoyed the journey even though he wasn’t sure where it was going. Soon they thought of each other as perfect opposites and a cute couple. They truly fell in love with each other and enjoyed all their personality differences. As graduation snuck right up on the couple they were faced with a decision. Mike’s hometown was a several hour drive from Sue’s. Neither one of them wanted a long distance relationship. Sue’s parents unfortunately died suddenly in her freshman year of college and though they were not rich by any stretch the estate which was left to their only daughter Sue was sufficient for most of her college dept. and included her childhood home. Which she didn’t have the heart to sell. Mike’s parents On the other hand upon his departure for college Decided to turn his bedroom into a personal office space leaving him feel unwelcome. Not that they were bad people just not the loving type, and felt as their job as parents was complete upon his high school graduation. Mike and his parents were not close. So the decision seemed easy. Mike and Sue were looking forward to moving into Sue’s shabby, small and rather unkept childhood home. Then something unexpected happened. Even though the couples sex life wasn’t ever described as electrifying. Or even good and honestly not even fair. Sue became expecting. Mike was romantic and charming at times and Sue would say he was attractive but Mike was not blessed with even a average sized package. To make matters worse being described as premature in climax would be an understatement. Forplay was not a option. They tried different approaches however the only approach that semi satisfied Sue’s marginal sex drive was the “sneak up approach.” Literally she would have to wait until he was distracted enough for her to jump him. And hope he would last long enough to feel satisfied. Usually this did not allow much time for protection. However they were still very surprised finding out Sue was pregnant. This was a very busy time and sharing the uncertainty of it all taught each a lot about each other. Sue became more focused and directive. Mike did propose to her only after encouragement from Sue. She directed as Mike accomplished to the best of his ability preparing and moving to their new home. Sue found a entry level marketing job, even though her condition. Mike put together his portfolio and began looking for galleries Etc. Sue and her long time friend Tracy planned a low budget wedding at the local fire hall. Things were moving fast. The wedding went wonderfully even as it was a bit rushed. Sue was beautiful, Tracy had helped Considerably. Tracy was her maid of honor, Mike did have a few friends scattered about but due to the location and quick plan it was easier for Tracy to ask her husband Jason to be there for Mike as the best man, and Tracy’s oldest son of 3 was the ring barrier. Mike’s parents came and everything. The couple felt more confident then ever that things were going to work out, and even became excited about the idea of parenthood. Then something unexpected happened. 3 months into her pregnancy Friday afternoon Sue had a miscarriage. Mike and Sue were sad. They cried together and spent the weekend feeling bad they continued to say to themselves this was for the best, and “things go the way they’re supposed to.” But it was sad. They both promised they would try again as soon as they were more prepared. Months to years Sue dove into her work. She liked her job and was good at it. She went on to college at night and got her MBA. Mike put together the basement as a art studio and put all his art together and got a trailer for his Honda Civic. He went to every art festival he could and tried and tried as much as possible to get his work in any gallery. However “he just needed a break” or at least that’s what he kept telling himself. The occasional painting or pottery sold causing his confidence to rise however the cost for his stand and travel was well over his sales. Then one of the biggest art festivals of the year he drove to set up all his pop-up tents, pictures, paintings and sculptures. Unfortunately out of nowhere a large thunderstorm broke through the city with high winds and flying debris, his stand was destroyed. The next day he went to try and salvage anything. As tears pushed from his eyes as he found nothing worth saving. Even his small inclosed trailer was over turned and crushed. Sue tried to console him but he couldn’t hear it. To add insult to injury the city charged him a fine for leaving his destroyed art. Truthfully Sue kinda felt relieved. She was tired of him goofing off with the stupid art festivals and felt he needed to be more productive. She encouraged him to find a job and move on. After several weeks of trying to find momentum on starting a new portfolio Mike found model car building was a great way to pass time. He carefully built model cars, boats, and planes, Meticulously painting and glueing them together. Soon he had a wide variety of models displayed around his art studio in the basement. Sue lost her patience. Tracy Tracy and Sue had been best friends since middle school, growing up only a couple blocks away. Tracy took a very different path after high school, instead of going to college she and her high school boyfriend Jason were married and soon had their first of two sons. Jason worked construction and was a pretty good dude all and all. He probably got a little too drunk a little too often for most people and sure liked to talk about his high school football days but Tracy found him fun and didn’t mind finding a ride home from the bar at 2 am either. So Tracy worked for her father in the family custom furniture business. The business did ok and Tracy’s father could sell melting red popsicles to women in white gloves. So Tracy had a easy full time job. Overall though Tracy was a cool chick and a easy person to get along with. Sue hadn’t seen the basement in a while and one day when she came home from work she went looking for Mike and found him in the basement finishing his latest model airplane. Sue tried hard to seem amused with Mike’s model collection as Mike described each model in some detail at one point Sue tried to pick up one of his models from the super car collection neatly arranged around a table against the wall. Mike quickly pointed out these were not toys and could not be touched. Sue was stumbling for words. She knew Mike had been through a lot in the last year and was kinda glad Mike had a hobby but really “don’t touch my toy cars” is all she could think. So Sue had to discuss this with someone and hopefully come to a solution soon. Tracy answered the phone on the second ring happy to hear from her longtime friend. Sue explained the recent situation with Tracy and went on to tell Tracy about her recent promotion which is why she went looking for Mike in the first place. Tracy being the good friend she had a solution saying “I can get him a job in our warehouse” thinking this would get Mike moving some” let me talk to my dad” Sue thought he might not like it but it sure beats him goofing around the house all day and said “sure I don’t know how Mike will like it but I have to do something” Tracy then said “let’s hit the bar tonight to celebrate your promotion and we can discuss it further” Sue agreed figuring a night out would be nice. The next week Mike met Tracy’s dad Jim. Jim wanting to appease his daughter sold the job to Mike even going as far to add “we could even add some your art to some of our custom dining tables or coffee tables. You’ll be a great addition to our team” Jim wasn’t really lying either. Mike started at the warehouse filling orders and loading trucks but when possible Jim would have Mike add miscellaneous doodles or designs to furniture. Mike was pretty happy to add. Jim was certainly a great influence on Mike, somehow Jim had a gift with making people feel special and people just would go out of the way for Jim’s approval. Several years later. Jim and his wife retired and moved to Florida. This left Tracy to run the business and honestly it was a good thing. Custom furniture became harder to sell. People just wanted cheap crap made in China. Though Tracy didn’t have the great ability her father had she did know how to buy things off the internet. Soon most of the companies furniture was shipped straight from China or whichever third world country. And honestly more profitable then ever. Tracy restructuring the company soon losing manufacturing all together. A problem with this Mike became less and less interested. Having less to little to do and a extremely easy job he still managed to fuck up regularly. Mike didn’t dislike Tracy but she certainly didn’t get his respect as her father did. Back at home Sue and Mike fell into a pattern. Most days went something like this. Mike was supposed to be at work at 7 (which lately has been closer to 😎 he would would slowly work through a few jobs needed shipped from the warehouse and goof off or float around until 3 (which was getting closer to 2pm lately.) He would come home and take a 1/2 hour nap then discuss with Sue dinner plans. After dinner occasionally watch a little tv or work on his latest model. Sometimes go bowling or to the bar but really nothing exciting. Sue didn’t leave for work till 8 after waking Mike up and getting him moving she organized her day and at this point she was in charge of her department so she embraced the lifestyle you know the type ( high heels, business suits, cell phone in her hand at all times, complete with a trendy SUV and scheduled spa days) She made great money and she enjoyed her position but she usually didn’t get home until 5 or 6 and still then had work on her mind. She would usually exercise in the evening and maybe watch a little tv with Mike. However the thoughts of children never really left her mind and she felt older and time was running out. Sue felt ready for having kids but as prepared as she was She just couldn’t see Mike as any where near ready. Soon Sue decided “ready or not here I come” and would sneak up on Mike regularly hoping to accomplish her goal. Mike didn’t seem to mind even though he was nervous about the idea of kids he figured “it goes the way it supposed to” One thing that did change about the couples sex life was post orgasm Mike became quite snuggly often laying his head on Sue’s chest and playfully sucking on her breast, Sue actually really liked this especially since she rarely accomplished climax. Well then it happened. A excited Sue finally became pregnant again. Everyone was excited, mostly Tracy, Sue’s coworkers (somewhat because they needed a break from her) and all of her friends. Except Mike Mike was nervous he felt like his comfortable life was going to change. He wasn’t wrong. Baby on it’s way Weeks flew by for the couple. Sue have once again took the director position while Mike did his best to accommodate. The spare bedroom (aka nursery) was needing new paint and furniture. The carpets needed cleaned. Amy took great pride in arranging a shower. Mike was busy. Sue however could tell as the weeks went by Mike was mentally not prepared. His interest and enthusiasm became lower and lower as Sue’s belly grew. He looked scared. Unfortunately for Sue just weeks before her baby shower tragedy stuck again. Sparing the details their baby was born stillborn. There was nothing that could be done. Sue was crushed. The couple went home from the hospital feeling empty and confused. Mike did all he could to help Sue often holding and hugging her. He truly felt so bad for his wife and wanted her to be happy more then anything. However Sue could see the relief in his eyes. Sue took a couple weeks off work still feeling lost and uncertain about really anything. She mostly stayed in bed. Mike continued to go to work (for the most part) even though he showed up later and later and heading home earlier and earlier. With the lack of interest and no level of concern for his boss, Tracy. His work really suffered he barely did anything and when he did it was usually wrong. Tracy tried to confront him about it but Mike just said “ya ya I’m sorry I’ll do better “ but nothing changed. He would go home and snuggle in with his depressed wife hoping to comfort her. A few times even finding her breast in his mouth and cumming almost Simultaneously. He obviously liked her breasts and oddly enough this did seem to make Sue feel a little better. Finally pushing forward After 2 weeks of Seclusion Sue decided to go to lunch with Tracy. Tracy had tried several times to get her out of the house with no success so she was excited to finally get her moving. They sat at a popular diner in town and tried to come up with positive topics. After a couple failed conversations. The topic of Mike came up. The women definitely had this in common. Mike was insufficient for both of them. The conversation went something like this. Sue “I could tell he was relieved I could see it in his eyes” Tracy “that’s awful!doesn’t he want to be a father?” Sue “father?” “He was scared out of his mind” Tracy “we’ll He hasn’t done anything worth shit at work in I don’t know how long” Sue “I know he’s always late but I figured he was at least doing his job” Tracy “ya nope if he does anything it’s usually wrong” Sue “why can’t he grow up?” Tracy “He’s not a bad guy just pretty useless” Sue “ I know “ … “ I shouldn’t say anything but you should see him in bed” Tracy “what?”… “you can’t just leave me hanging” Sue “we’ll let’s just say IT is not impressive and I barely get IT in there before it’s over, and on top of all that, the best thing about it is lately he has more interest in just sucking my tits” Tracy “OMG… such a baby“ “I had no idea” Then Tracy said something that really caught Sue’s attention Sue “I have a idea that might help. I never told anyone this but when I quit smoking I used a hypnotist. And let me tell you it really worked only after a few sessions I couldn’t even remember ever smoking in my life to this day I still barely remember let alone have any cravings for cigarettes” Sue “Wow that’s really interesting” Tracy “Maybe he could help Mike get his stuff together, and maybe last a little longer” Sue just smiled as her brain started planning. Sue “send me his contact I’ll think it over” The rest of the lunch went much better. Part 2 Hypnotist As promised Tracy sent over the hypnotist contact. His name was Tim and as it turns out he graduated high school with the girls however neither girl really remembered him. After looking through a old yearbook they found his picture and vaguely recognized the small and scrawny, nerdy looking guy. Also Tracy added he only does this on emails. You need to send him a email describing what your looking for and he’ll get back to you. Sue thought about this situation and became nervous about the prospect of putting this all out there and hopefully he wouldn’t have any moral conflicts. So she decided it would be easier and overall less incriminating evidence if she could feel him out some. So she sent him a brief email just stating she needed help with her marriage and it also would involve her husband needing some help. His response was pretty quick and simply said: You’ll have to explain in much more detail if you want a answer on weather or not I’m interested in the job, but your confidentially is my utmost importance and anything you share with me stays with me Thanks Tim This made Sue feel sufficiently better and with a great deal of excitement explained her situation and her desired effect in great detail. Oddly enough only 10 minutes after pushing send. Sue got a response from Tim. Tim explained that not all hypnosis is successful and yata, yata, yata. Some people respond better yata, yata, yata, Then after all this he continued “I believe I can make a big impact on this situation also I will have to put a recording together for you as well. I also want to warn you not all effects will be reversible. I want you to keep in mind that I trigger and change things in peoples minds and your mind controls all aspects of your body so be warned. I also find it is very difficult to change things people truly do not want changed. He went on to explain he isn’t responsible yata, yata, yata. So she quickly agreed. And he responded back with a short survey and asked her to fill out one for both of them. She quickly answered the questions and sent it back. And once again a few minutes later he replied “give me a couple days to put things together” and sent her a invoice which she quickly paid. She was very excited about her decision and hopefully so would Tracy it was imperative Tracy was on board. So she called Tracy straight away. And asked her to meet at the bar later this evening for a very important conversation. Tracy agreed and was extremely curious to what was up Sue’s sleeve. Sue and Tracy sat in the back corner booth across from one another and ordered strong drinks. Sue was shaking with excitement or nerves or both and looking across at her friend thinking how she was going to sell this plan or even should she. Sue had to get the first drink down before she could start. Sue “I think I have a plan to fix both of our problems” Tracy “ok well you’re making me nervous” Sue “so instead of helping Mike become a better man”… “maybe we should help him become a better baby” Tracy “are you out of your Fing mind?” She said with a smile Sue “ya probably but” So Sue layed out her entire plan to Tracy and explained she was uncertain how effective it would be so we will have to make up some things as we go. But the first step was offering Mike a new position at work. After several drinks both the girls were giggling with excitement. The girls caught a Uber home. Sue found Mike downstairs in the basement. She was a bit tipsy so she got pretty touchy feeling. Mike was a little distracted and asked Sue in a pouty voice where she was? and why she didn’t answer her phone? and what about dinner? And were you drinking? But without answering any questions she started rubbing her man’s parts. And started a little baby talk. “I’m sorry Mikey for leaving you alone for sooo long“ … “was my Mikey hungry” but before she got any further she watched her husband cum right in his pants shaking and moaning she added “oh did my little Mikey make messes in his panties” rubbing his member through his jeans almost sending him to the floor squirming in front of her. She then just said “I have to go to bed sorry Mike you’ll have to take care of yourself tonight” and stumbled up the steps thinking to herself I think he’s going to like the new twist in our relationship. The next couple days went by Sue seemed to be in a better mood and Mike was happy she got over the “baby” thing and things were going to get back to normal. Then Friday at work Mike once again showed up late and soon he was called up to Tracy’s office. Mike had thought he was going to get reprimanded for being late or doing something wrong, bla, bla, bla, but upon entering her office he was surprised Tracy looked pleasant. Mike started “good morning Trace sorry I’m late” Tracy”no worries I got something to talk about” Mike “what’s up” Tracy “well I feel like I’m not using your potential properly so I have decided to make a new position for you. You’ll be in charge of my marketing art department” Mike smiling asked “what does this entail?” Tracy”well it might be some graphic design or pictures and designs for a catalog”… “ we can discuss more later but do you think you’d be interested “ Mike”yes very thanks so much “ Tracy “I am going to interview a few people in the next couple weeks to replace your current role so you can keep doing what you’re doing until we get someone trained” … “we will probably be moving you into my old personal nursery for your office” Mike “sounds great” … “ thanks again “ Tracy really liked that detail. She had her father build a small nursery for her kids when they were small. So she could bring them to work. It hasn’t been used for a while but it will be perfect. Mike had quite a hop in his step the entire day. He still couldn’t pay attention enough to make sure the 3 orders he sent out were correct and he still slipped out around 2pm but he was happy. Thinking to himself “I showed up late so I better get outa here early and hey it’s Friday!!” Downloading the files Sue’s Friday afternoon Tim as promised emailed two files one labeled Tracy and one Mike There was a brief instruction This is a subliminal message. Please each of you listen to these recordings as much as possible and I will be in touch in a couple weeks to see how things are going. Sue didn’t hesitate she had decided to go to work today to get things caught up. So she had to get home before Mike’s afternoon nap. Mike and Sue pulled in the driveway about the same time and Mike was still outside as Sue got out of her SUV. Sue “Hi hun your home early” Mike “ya I got some good news today” Sue already knew the good news but tried to look surprised. Sue”really what’s up” Mike “Tracy is going to make a new position for me and I will be heading up the advertising art department” Sue”Wow that’s awesome you’ll be so good at that” Mike “hopefully this is a break I needed” Sue”do you want to go out for dinner maybe celebrate a little?” Mike “maybe after a little nap” Sue thought you’d think he’d be more excited and maybe show some initiative. Try to get some plans together or put some work in for this. But nope came home early hoping for a nap. Sue” I got something for you as well” Mike “what’s up” Sue “well a couple days ago I got a recording from a hypnotist it’s really helped me with our depressing situation (still not really wanting to talk about losing her child) so I asked him if he would make you something to help with your premature problem” Mike blushed and wanted to get through this conversation as quickly as possible. Mike” I don’t know…Do you think it will help?” Sue”We’ll my attitude has improved since starting to listen to his recording and I figure what’s it go to hurt” Mike “sure whatever “ Sue correctly thinking he is trying to avoid this pushes more Sue”let me see your phone and I’ll download the file I also got you some earbuds to make things easy” Mike hesitated a little but finally prying his phone from his pocket and unlocked the Home Screen, as he headed in the house towards the bedroom for his daily quick nap. Sue airdropped and whirling through his phone quickly put the file in a place where it was easy to access and followed him up to the bedroom. Soon Mike and Sue were snuggled into bed together for a nice afternoon nap. Complete with earbuds in each of their ears listening to the soft melody for the first time Mike snuggled his head on Sue’s breasts as they quickly dozed off together. Part 3 Progression or more like Regression Sue awoke first confused on where she was and what time it was. She couldn’t quite reach her cell phone but her alarm clock said 6:23 and it took a couple seconds for her to realize it was almost 6:30 in the evening they had slept almost 4 hours! Mike was still softly snoring against her breast. A small circle of drool discolored her blouse. She slowly hugged her husband’s head against her feeling his warmth and hearing his heartbeat. She softly whispered “I love you” as she pushed her lips against his forehead. She truly did love him. She continued to lay still softly combing her fingers through his hair. She couldn’t help thinking back to the first time she was pregnant, how exciting, scary and young she felt and how disappointed she truly was after her miscarriage. Then back to just a few months earlier her confidence and how prepared she felt. Feeling the baby growing in her belly. Sue started softly crying with her lips still pushed against Mike’s forehead. She thought back to the feeling of emptiness she felt after losing her baby as tears rolling down her face. Then she squeezed her husband focused on his heartbeat and repeated “I love you”…”I love you so much” right then deciding to never get pregnant again, and loving and taking care of Mike was going to be more than enough. She would make him happy and feel loved forever. She slowly regained composure and gently awoke Mike. He too was confused upon waking up. Mike “what time is it” Sue “6:30 we slept for 4 hours” Mike “well I feel great so if nothing else your recording sure causes great sleep” Sue”ya me too” Sue started slowly rubbing his body and Mike returned the favor and soon they were kissing. Sue lifted her blouse and unhooked her bra. Mike’s attraction to her breasts was immediate. He slowly kissed and fondled her large breasts. Sue noticed he hadn’t climaxed yet and it’s been a few minutes of fooling around. She caressed his hard penis through his boxer briefs as he continued to kiss her breasts. She couldn’t believe how wonderful it all felt. And the need to feel his lips on her nipples as she held her breast for him. He bucked his hips against her hand a few times and came as hard as he could ever remember in his underwear. Sue felt content as well saying” I think he lasted longer already” pointing to the wet spot in on his underwear Mike “moaned in agreement” Mike “I am sorry I didn’t get it in there for you” Sue “that’s alright I don’t think she’s ready yet anyhow” Mike and Sue decided to stay in instead of going out watching tv and making some leftovers for dinner. Before going to bed early they both pushed in their earbuds and started the recording again. Once again falling into a deep sleep quickly. Sue once again woke up first looking at the clock seeing it was almost 9am thought “definitely getting enough sleep” Mike was still softly snoring against her arm she watched him for a minute and as he occasionally sucked on his bottom lip. Sue couldn’t help but think how she wished it was her nipple he was sucking on and slowly opening her night gown exposed her breast and slowly carefully wiggled underneath him to be able to push her nipple against his lips. A few seconds later she felt him suckle against her then a few more seconds before she felt him pull her nipple deep into his mouth slowly starting a rhythm as he nursed for the first time. She couldn’t help but cradle his head and pull him into her. The feeling was amazing for her. Not exactly sexual but as intimate as she could fathom. She felt his heartbeat throughout her and his slow breathing through his nose against her breast. Carefully she used her free arm and was able to reach both cell phones to start the recording again. And soon drifting back to sleep as Mike nursed. Mike finally woke up first he was surprised to find his wife’s nipple nestled against the roof of his mouth as he slowly nursed subconsciously. His first reaction was to pull away but somehow he couldn’t. He could hear slow breathing from his sleeping wife and felt himself melt into her. Her breast was perfect, it felt as it belonged there, in every way he closed his eyes feeling her heart beat inside his whole body. There was nothing that could be more euphoric. He wanted to stay here forever. Then the thought of her waking to find him in this position. She would look at him in such disgust. She would think he’s sick or perverted. He had to pull away. Finally after a few more suckles he slowly released her breast and subconsciously sucked on his bottom lip a few times. Looking up at the clock and pulling the now silent earbuds from his ears he thought “wow 11 o’clock” He gently covered his wife’s still shiny breast and lightly shook her awake. They were awkward with each other for a minute not knowing what each of them thought or how much they knew. But finally Sue said “well we definitely have had enough sleep” I’m going to hop in the shower” Mike only nodded Sue shut the door and turned on the shower. Stood in front of the mirror as she disrobed. Sue was always on the thinner side but not skinny with a flat belly and below average breast she did always have a bit of a curvie bottom but not huge. She was about 5’9” and with heels easily 6’. Blue eyes with blonde hair. She never dressed sexy so she would guess most guys would rate her a 6 or 8 at the highest. As she looked at her naked body in the mirror she wasn’t thrilled. Her hips still a little wider from her pregnancy her belly still bloated looking with a couple stretch marks. Her boobs had filled in during pregnancy but not to the point of lactation but probably pretty close. A few weeks ago she would say they looked good but now they both hung lower then she would prefer. However the one Mike had given so much attention to seemed rounder, larger, and overall healthier looking. She looked closely at her nipple and compared it to the other one. Her nipple was larger with large bumps surrounding it. It felt good. Thinking of the next step. While taking a quick shower. Soon they were both having coffee thinking of things to do today. It turned out to be a pretty normal Saturday, a little grocery shopping together and cutting some grass pulling some weeds. Etc. After dinner Mike went down to the basement in hopes to finish his latest model train. But a odd thing happened As he glued the last little details on his train. He got a sudden urge to look at his collection. The models were all neatly placed around the room on tables and shelves. He went over to his classic car collection and picked up a 65 convertible GTO and couldn’t help making a couple quiet engine noises. Before he knew it he was on his knees as pretending to race the 69 BOSS Mustang against the GTO, loudly making engine and break noises as they raced around the old couch, up and over the arm rests jumping and skidding around the place. He had a great time. Soon he got a hold of himself and gently put his cars away before going upstairs. Once again the couple went to bed early eager to start their recordings. Sunday morning came along and it was certainly less surprising but no less enjoyable when Mike woke up with Sue’s breast in his mouth. This time it was her right breast but that didn’t matter much to Mike he just gently closed his eyes again and enjoyed all of the sensation. He kinda lost focus for a bit but as Sue awoke and broke the seal around his mouth only to move him to her other breast definitely caught his attention. As she pleasantly sighed he nuzzled in forgetting all conflict. She lovingly cradled his head once again and he slowly wiggled until he found himself comfortably holding on to her spare breast nursing softly away. An hour later Finally prying him off her breast she said “come on baby we got to get up sometime today” Once again he felt awkward but Sue seemed pleasant so everything was good. Sunday went fine Mike spent a little more time playing with his cars in the afternoon and at dinner they had spaghetti which Mike accidentally got some on his face which Sue carefully wiped clean. Saying “my messy eater” But that was it. Everything was perfect. That night once again the couple eagerly went to bed and popped in their earbuds, but tonight Before falling asleep Sue sat up a little propping a pillow behind her she opened her night gown and gently pulled Mike to her breast only saying “come on sweetie have some boobie.” Mike couldn’t say a word as he couldn’t resist her breast and quickly finding a perfect rhythm as he nursed falling asleep. Monday morning Mike awoke to a annoying alarm clock now with Sue’s left breast nursing away mindlessly. But he had a extreme urge to pee he tried to wiggle around a bit to keep nursing but it was no use he had to go. So he hoped out and headed for the bathroom and soon found himself getting dressed after a long shower and shave. All in all he felt pretty good the recordings seemed to improve his mood, definitely his sleep and he felt younger and more energetic at very minimum. He stood in front of the mirror looking his body over while he brushed his teeth Mike wasn’t a bad looking guy he wasn’t fat (maybe his belly was a bit chubby) but some might say he was skinny, his arms were muscular looking with veins streaking around. He wasn’t tall but he liked to say 5’11” (which was a bit exaggerated) but all in all decent. Then he noticed something odd, his tattoo he got about 10 years ago looked faded not gone, but one might mistake it for a light rash or weird suntan. He shrugged thinking “must have been cheap ink.” Then he thought I haven’t “came” in a couple days and I have definitely seen a lot Sue. Maybe things are improving. Then he thought when was the last time having a erection? Saying to himself “I should pay attention maybe I just didn’t notice” He made a pot of coffee and drifted off to work. Sue typically not one to sleep-in just figured on relaxing a bit while Mike was in the shower once again found herself naked in front of the mirror she checked out her breast finding them much more even as Mike has been giving them equal attention. She also felt like they were bigger than ever. She cupped her hands under each breast lifting them some an thought they felt heavy and full. Looking at both of her nipples admired the size and firmness she gave them a little squeeze and felt a little soar and a little beard burn but all in all not bad. She squeezed a little harder and noticed a small bubble of white liquid emerge from her nipple. She was so excited she released and squeezed again and again a small stream of milk rolled down towards her stomach. “This is Awesome “ is all she thought. Mike got home first after a uneventful day at work and he grabbed his earbuds as he snuggled in for a quick nap. Sue wasn’t far behind and made her way upstairs while pondering if she preferred him already asleep or not. She came over to the bed finding him already sucking his bottom lip while his eyelids bounced seconds away from sleeping. She reached down rubbing his head saying “Mikey are you in for nappies” smiling kissing his forehead. With the melodies rolling through his mind he didn’t hear her and only made a moan. She loosened her blouse unbuttoned her new nursing bra and leaned against the headrest as she cradled his head against her breast. Soon Mikey was finding a rhythm while only seconds away from sleep. But then he tasted her milk roll down his tongue. He stopped before swallowing leaving her breast still in his mouth uncertain what to do. She pulled his earbud out and whispered in his ear “it’s ok baby “…”keep going it’s good for you” Mike couldn’t resist and began nursing again, at first slowly but then as he felt the bond between them take over he vigorously sucked and slurped at her breast at one point Sue said “don’t worry Mikey it’s not running away” which only slowed him slightly. She rotated breast as he emptied them much faster than she could fill them. Mikey finally drifted to sleep thinking this is the best thing ever. As the week went on Mikey breast fed more and more often and by the end of the next weekend he was up to 4 times a day Morning, night, afternoon and somewhere around 2 am. Each time listening to his favorite music. Sue loved her relationship with Mikey, she loved how her body looked and she really loved the relieving feeling she got from Mikey nursing at her breast. But most of all she loved the loving bond with her Mikey she felt complete. Other little things happened as well Mikey hadn’t even noticed his tattoo had completely disappeared, he hadn’t noticed that he hasn’t even had a “hard on” let alone a orgasm. He happily played with his models every day talking to them and making noises while pushing around the floor and by Sunday night he hadn’t even bothered to pick them up just leaving them scattered about. And he didn’t even notice he was sucking his thumb on his way to bed until Sue pointed it out “loos like Mikey is ready for some bedybie nummies” as she wiggled his thumb from his mouth. Late in the week at work he wondered around stumbled upon his new office he went in thinking oh this will need completely remodeled. There was blue and green pastel paint on the walls, glow in the dark stars on the ceiling a small changing table and a low table with small chairs scattered about a padded floor. But as he started poking around he found a old bottle of bubbles. He couldn’t resist, he opened the container and pulled the dipping stick out and lightly blew as bubbles spilled out of the loop. He couldn’t resist again and again blowing bubbles giggling as he wacked at them and stomped them out. He thought back to when he was a child blowing bubbles his mother scolding him saying “your just making a mess” then throwing the container away. Before long he was out of breath he sat on a small chair breathing in deeply then exhaling through his nose as his thumb found its way into his mouth. Tracy innocently caught this spectacle when she heard the giggles and stomping about. She snuck up (however she really didn’t need to Mikey was way to occupied.) he didn’t notice her. She thought to herself “right on schedule” as he continued to rest as he sucked his thumb. Part 4 One step forward and 2 steps backwards Tracy took out her cell phone and snapped a couple pictures of little Mikey sucking his thumb, before stepping into the nursery. Sliding her phone back in her pocket. She couldn’t help herself saying “Mikey are you ok?” Mikey turned slightly around to face the door (And Tracy) slightly startled as he slowly started shaking his head. His thumb still buried in his mouth. Then suddenly as if he just regained consciousness. He quickly pulled his thumb from his mouth and cleared his throat. Trying to find his baring he replied “uh I’m ok”…”just thinking” Tracy”are you sure sweetie you look a little lost” After pausing a couple seconds trying to form thought Mikey finally replied “ uh well, um ya hu”…” I was just thinking about what I’ll need in my office and trying to figure how I would like it layed out” Tracy “uh ok, what’s your thoughts” she couldn’t help but smile a little. Mikey “um… well” his thumb almost found it’s way back to his mouth but he was able to stop it at his chin “ya so” …”maybe a large desk there and maybe a computer”…”and it would be nice to have two monitors” Tracy”uh hu” Mike “maybe a easel over there”…” and a large counter height table here in the middle” he was starting to build confidence as he quickly thought about his new office layout Tracy “ya that sounds like it could work” Mike “We could probably leave the floor and the chalk board but the walls and ceiling’s could use cleaning up maybe a coat of paint?” Tracy walked over to the low child height table where the bubble container still sat with the dipping stick in the liquid but not screwed shut, pulled the stick out and lifted it to her face lightly blowing on the loop bubbles flowed out in front of Mikey’s face and said “Ya that all seems possible, I’ll be looking for new equipment the next couple weeks” the bubbles floating around Mikey’s face grabbing his attention. Mikey opened his mouth a little and the tip of his thumb subconsciously pushed by his chin and timidly pushed between his lips. Tracy “In the mean while you can stop by here and “think” as much as you like” She reinserted the stick in the bubble container screwing it shut and leaning down a little, handed it to Mikey saying “You can take these with you if you like” Mikey blushed as he pulled the tip of his thumb out from in between his lips, receiving the bottle. Tracy continued to hold one hand on her knee while tussling his hair for a second. Mikey smiled a little because the head rub felt nice Tracy stood up straight while saying “Ok sweetie why don’t you head home I know it’s a little early but I am sure Sue would love to see you” Mikey slowly stood up and Tracy followed him from the room. Mikey looked as his phone surprised to see it was 2:30 thinking “early? I should have left a halve hour ago” but he only said “Thanks Trace c-ya tomorrow” Tracy lightly tapped Mikey’s bottom and thought “ya I think you meant auntie” but instead said “yep c-ya tomorrow” Friday night the girls went back to the bar together. The girls haven’t talked much in a week, a text or two, but Sue kinda left Tracy in the dark about things. As they sat down Tracy noticed Sue’s cleavage pushing above her blouse saying”wow those babies look full” Sue” Well hello to you too” Tracy”oh sorry its just” she held out both of her hands towards her breasts Sue”ya they have had a fair share of attention lately”… “honestly it’s wonderful I mean wonderful, wonderful.” Sue went on to tell Tracy about the week including all she could. His toys and lactating and thumb sucking etc. Tracy enjoyed the spiel and texted her pictures of Mikey sitting at the play table sucking his thumb. They both smiled and oh and ahhed throughout the pleasant conversation. Sue finally said “I have been so happy with how things are going I don’t know how much farther to take it” Tracy frowning a bit replying “well I’d say not far enough he’s been let’s say even less useful lately”… “I mean I don’t think him walking aimlessly around sucking his thumb telling me how to remodel his new office is fixing my problem”… “ plus I can’t wait to see how cute he’ll look crawling around my nursery” smiling at the thought. Tracy “And oh I got some great news I have interview with a lady this next week her name is Tina she used to play some kind off professional women’s football I guess she was a offensive tackle or something but I am really looking forward to meeting her. She might work out perfectly.” Sue “well that should be interesting, do you want me to come too?” Tracy “ na I got it I’ll let you know how it goes” Sue”Ok well you’re right we definitely need to see things further” They chatted a bit longer split a appetizer and a drink or two before heading home. Saturday morning just over a full week past his first session. After his morning breakfast routine. Sue and Mikey sat together at the kitchen table enjoying coffee, Mike found himself deep in thought. Sue noticed as he quietly stared off said “Everything ok hun?” Mike “uh… well ya I guess”… “you know things have been a little weird lately” Sue”We’ll I guess but I have been feeling better” Mike “I am really happy you are feeling better and I don’t think things are bad but I definitely think it’s been weird”…”In fact there has been something’s I have really really loved”as he looked directly at her breast holding his coffee out towards them. Sue smiling widely with love in her eyes replied “Yes I enjoy our time together more than I could of imagined”… “it’s sooo intimate and I feel sooo connected with you”… “I just get lost in the feeling of love” Mike’s face blushing a bit as he couldn’t help but returning her smile. They shared the moment together as they both reached out with their hands above the table and their feet below holding and rubbing together. Mike finally continued “I have other weird things going on too”… “like I have been just dazing off and find myself just losing time”… “then occasionally sucking my thumb” blushing a little “and I am like playing with my models and I don’t know just like weird” Sue”Ya I kinda noticed but I think it’s super sweet and cute” Mike “ya I don’t know” Sue”Maybe it’s just stress or something?”.. “I mean you’ve been through a lot and now looking forward to getting into a new position at work” Mike “I kinda wonder if it has anything to do with the hypnotist thing”… “I am not sure what it’s doing.. I mean I know I have never slept better and I feel good but I don’t know if it’s working” as he pointed downward. “ I can’t even remember if I have had a woody in a week”… “but I like haven’t even thought about IT” motioning towards both of them “like before I couldn’t even see your boobies without cumming now I’m spending hours a day enjoying them without even noticing weather I got a hard-on?” Sue” maybe it’s just a process?” “ just give it a little more time and if I have to I’ll call the guy who made the recording and see if there’s any adjustments he can make” she smiled at him patting his hand. She continued “I still don’t think she’s ready for action yet anyway so just be a little more patient” Mike “Ok well I guess your right” It was a beautiful day outside so Mike said “Ok well I’m going to go outside and work on the yard a bit Sue replied “ok well I got work to get caught up on so I’ll be out in a bit” Mike walked outside and started thinking about some things he could get cleaned up. He started clearing weeds out from behind a large evergreen shrub and working his way between the house and the shrub he found a secluded spot where he felt completely surrounded by shrubbery. His mind soon drifted back to when he was young as he remembered the small hiding spot at his childhood home created by a similar situation. Mike continued to drift away thinking of the matchbox cars , plastic dirt bike and other toys he could play with in his small hidden spot. Remembering how he would stay in his spot for hours at a time quietly playing, he would feel safe and just happy to not be a bother. Soon Mikey was clearing space as he pushed all the dried old leaves aside leaving dirt and roots imagining pathways with berms and jumps. Crawling around on his hands and knees digging through the cool moist dirt wishing he still had his favorite matchbox cars he could vividly remember as if it was only minutes ago. Mikey found himself not just remembering but feeling his fears, happiness, and needs. Mikey rolled back through the years as he snuggled between the house and the shrub finding his muddy thumb in his mouth. Feeling the pain of neglect and hearing the disdain in tone of his mother’s voice as she scolded or corrected him as he quietly sobbed, feeling the heat in his face the tears on his cheeks. Then through the distance he heard his name at first far away then closer again and again. He could hear through his thoughts the love and concern in the tone of her voice. The concern turning to panic as she shouted his name repeatedly. All he could do all he wanted was her voice to feel relief. Finally with at first with a crackling muffled voice replied “mommy I’m here” Then removing his thumb repeated again and again “mommy I’m here” Sue pushed through the shrubbery finding Mikey covered with dirt, mud around his lips and nose reaching for her with muddy tears rolling down his face. She pulled him to her chest in relief saying “oh Mikey are you ok” tears pushing out of the corners of her eyes as she squeezed them shut. Part 5 Only backwards They embraced for several seconds. Mikey with his arms around her waist head buried in her bosom, as he repeated incoherently “here mommy” Sue’s arm’s wrapped around his head her lips pressed against his head. Eventually, she slowly released his head wiping her face with her hand held his face in front of her and asked “are you ok” Mikey nodded slowly while sniffing and sobbing softly. She continued to check his limbs for injuries as she slowing encouraged him from his hideout. Finally getting him to his feet and saying “don’t scare mommy like that again”… “you are quite a mess let’s go up and get you a tubby” She lead him into the house helping him with his sneakers, guiding him to the bathroom, she stopped him in front of the mirror and went to the bath to start the water waiting a couple seconds for it to warm before inserting the plug. During this time Mikey looked at himself in the mirror mud stained his face as he sucked his thumb again. He didn’t even mind how childish he looked as long as Sue was there with him. Sue returned quickly started to undressing him while directing him pleasantly saying “ok arms up sweetie” while removing his t-shirt and “lift your foot hun” as she slid his jeans down, he carefully held her shoulder as he lifted each foot up while she worked his feet out of his jeans along with each sock. Finally pulling down his undies and helping him step out towards the awaiting bath. Sue knelt down beside the tub as he snuggled in the warm water. He noticed her cleavage pushed out above her shirt and once again Mikey found his thumb in his mouth sucking vigorously while craving her breast. Sue noticed this and said “looks like mommy’s boy is getting hungry” as she started scrubbing his body with pleasantly scented liquid soap. He only nodded as he slurped against his thumb. Sue continued washing Mikey thinking how cute her little Mikey looked in the tub. She did noticed his tattoo was missing which really surprised her thinking back to what the hypnotist had written about the power of the mind. As she scrubbed she also noticed his body hair seemed thinner then before and though his penis was never big it seemed smaller than she remembered. Sue didn’t feel this was information she needed to share with Mikey so she pleasantly finished his bath pulling out the plug saying “up and outa the tubby baby” while standing herself holding her hands out to help Mikey. As she dried him noticing once again him sucking his thumb she thought “we need to come up with a better substitution for his thumb” Soon Sue had found him some new underwear and t-shirt and after dressing him they climbed into bed together, inserted their earbuds, unbuttoned her shirt and unsnapped her bra so she could feed her hungry baby. Mike had no feelings of conflicts or shame as he accepted and craved all of Sue’s attention. Soon he was happily nursing as her large nipple found it’s home in his mouth. Mike stayed awake long enough to empty her first breast but fell asleep 1/2 way thru the second. Sue let Mikey finish her second boob and then wiggled her body out from underneath Mikey while she continued to listen to her recording as she figured she had some online shopping to take care of. As the week rolled by Mikey found himself caring less and less about his childish behavior. The couple seemed to find a new routine as Sue took on more and more of her motherly role. Tubby time became a daily event, Sue rarely let Mikey wonder off very long as she felt naturally him as her responsibility. He craved her attention as well feeling better to keep her insight. A few new interest popped up as well, Tv time for Mike went from action movies or adult Comedy to cartoons or animated movies. Sue also regularly referred to herself as “mommy” Mike didn’t refer to her as mommy yet but he did enjoy hearing her call herself it. A few days after the first tubby time Sue received her eagerly awaited package. There were several large boxes at the front porch as Mike arrived home early from work. He completely ignored them thinking only about his afternoon favorite snack/nap time. Disappointed to find Sue not home yet. He soon found himself sitting in the living room watching his favorite yellow sponge, singing along to the introduction. Sue got home before the end of the first episode caring a box from the front porch Mikey barely noticed as he was engaged in his show while sucking his thumb. Sue hurried by with the first box and a few minutes later she came back down stairs, leaning over the couch she kissed his forehead, wiggled his thumb from his mouth replacing it with a large green pacifier saying “Hi sweetie mommy got you something to help you quit sucking your thumb” holding the pacifier in place until he started nursing from it” The pacifier fit nicely in his mouth and the guard felt comforting against his lips so he just thought to himself “hmmm.. this is new” and continued watching tv. Sue continue to say “ Mommies got a few things to get organized I’ll be back in a couple minutes” Mikey just mumbled through his new binky in agreement giving her a smile” Soon Sue had all the boxes stashed away in her new nursery. The rest of the week floated by. Mikey wondered around at work occasionally sucking his thumb (he didn’t want chance being seen sucking on his new binky) or stopping by the old nursery playing with the old toys. Then heading home to play with his toys or watching cartoons on Tv. He found himself more and more often kinda spaced out, it was almost a dream like state he would remember childhood activities or scenarios unlike the first times, he found himself rewriting Sue into these dreams as his mother and honestly he enjoyed the feelings of the new memories more and more. Friday morning Sue got a email from Tim asking how things were going? Sue quickly replied explaining all the changes and how great they were going. However she did include Mikey was concerned about his sex drive. Tim replied quickly saying “well it sounds like things are going as planned” Then asked “how do you feel about his sex drive” Sue tried to think about sex with Mikey and she just couldn’t, she hadn’t even thought about having sex with him in two weeks and now that the question was presented she couldn’t see him as her husband. She remembered he was, but somehow all she could think was Mikey is her little boy. Sue responding “I am not sure, I have never had a great need for sex and now that I have my baby I don’t know if sex is a concern of mine”… “However I guess it’s not fair for him to never cum again I do want him to be happy” Tim replied “ok I will figure something out. I’ll have a package delivered to your home this evening it will include instructions, also in a few hours I will have two new recordings plus a special video for Mike.” Follow the instructions.” Thanks Tim Minutes afterwards Tracy called Sue”Hi Trace what’s up” Tracy” we going out tonight?” Sue”I don’t think I feel bad leaving Mikey home alone and we have new recordings coming tonight” Tracy “we’ll I had that interview with Tina today”…”she’s perfect and she completely cool about helping us out” Sue “that’s fantastic, I can’t wait to meet her “ Tracy “I asked her to come to work Monday at 7 so hopefully everything keeps progressing as planned” Sue” I hope so too, I will keep you updated over this weekend“ Tracy “Thanks I am so excited” Sue”me too I’ll talk to you soon” Sue was anxiously waiting for her day at work to end. Finally she got home finding her small box on the front porch. She went in the house Mikey was in his normal spot in front of the TV. She leaned over the couch kissing his forehead as he nursed on his pacifier and mumbled along with a song on the tv. She rubbed the kiss in and said “give mommy a couple minutes” She went upstairs to her room and opened the box inside she found a very revealing lingerie and a note which said “as soon as practical put this attire on seduce Mike to the best of your ability encouraged sexual activity in any way possible. If Mike becomes interested in sex please email me with details. If not please start Mike recording 2 and also You can begin listening to Sue recording 2 Also within a week please have Mike watch the included video. You will find all recordings and video in email. These steps should complete the desired effects. Many of the changes will happen quickly and may be Very difficult to be reversed.” Thanks Tim 11 1
~Brian~ Posted April 12, 2023 Posted April 12, 2023 @Electrically I like this story! good start! it would be interesting to see what Mike Sue and Tracy deal with as they continued to go through this. I have a feeling that Mike is going to be more relaxed when these ladies get done with him, and hopefully he will be more responsible, but the fun has yet to begin. I look forward to seeing what happens in the next part! Brian
kasarberang Posted April 12, 2023 Posted April 12, 2023 Following, looking forward to see where this goes. 1
~Brian~ Posted April 12, 2023 Posted April 12, 2023 3 minutes ago, kasarberang said: Following, looking forward to see where this goes. @kasarberang as am I: It'd be interesting to see what happens to Mike, when Sue and Tracy get done with him. I have a feeling that he is going to find that he is going to be more and more relaxed, which will lead to things that will be easier and easier for him to be talked inter things, and it'll be dependent on how open minded Mike is and how receptive he is. I've always said that you have to have an open mind and you have to be susceptible to the suggestion of someone who is going to hypnotize you in order for it to work well, but in this story I think it will be a good story and I can't wait to see what happens! Brian
Electrically Posted April 13, 2023 Author Posted April 13, 2023 16 hours ago, kasarberang said: Following, looking forward to see where this goes. Ya me too!🙂I hope you like it 16 hours ago, ~Brian~ said: @kasarberang as am I: It'd be interesting to see what happens to Mike, when Sue and Tracy get done with him. I have a feeling that he is going to find that he is going to be more and more relaxed, which will lead to things that will be easier and easier for him to be talked inter things, and it'll be dependent on how open minded Mike is and how receptive he is. I've always said that you have to have an open mind and you have to be susceptible to the suggestion of someone who is going to hypnotize you in order for it to work well, but in this story I think it will be a good story and I can't wait to see what happens! Brian Thanks I’m not a very good writer but hopefully it’s enjoyable
Electrically Posted April 14, 2023 Author Posted April 14, 2023 9 hours ago, keith60 said: i hope there is more of this story soon Thanks I’ll try to keep momentum.
keith60 Posted April 14, 2023 Posted April 14, 2023 i hope there is more to this story soon i liked it
Electrically Posted April 14, 2023 Author Posted April 14, 2023 2 hours ago, keith60 said: i hope there is more to this story soon i liked it I’m so glad 😃 its funny I wouldn’t think I would care if anyone likes my story but somehow I do. thanks I’m sorry I messed up the postings
Electrically Posted April 16, 2023 Author Posted April 16, 2023 I think I got things straightened out but I’m still trying to figure out how to post things
Electrically Posted April 17, 2023 Author Posted April 17, 2023 I’m not sure sure if I post things correctly If anyone has any directions on this I would appreciate
Luvschild Posted April 17, 2023 Posted April 17, 2023 It would be better if you posted every new chapter as a new post. Also I am loving your story so far. Please keep up the good work! 1
Electrically Posted April 17, 2023 Author Posted April 17, 2023 9 hours ago, Luvschild said: It would be better if you posted every new chapter as a new post. Also I am loving your story so far. Please keep up the good work! Thanks for your help so your saying post new chapters to where it says “reply to this topic”? Then go back to edit to change title thanks for the encouragement I am glad you like the story so far I am having a hard time with the next couple chapters I have a guideline written and I realize it’s just fiction but the fantasy is very real to me and the whole conflict in my mind of writing it in a way that achieves my fantasy while thinking is this something I should truly desire . Kinda more difficult than originally thought but I will do my best to push on thanks again
Babypants Posted April 17, 2023 Posted April 17, 2023 34 minutes ago, Electrically said: Thanks for your help so your saying post new chapters to where it says “reply to this topic”? Then go back to edit to change title thanks for the encouragement I am glad you like the story so far I am having a hard time with the next couple chapters I have a guideline written and I realize it’s just fiction but the fantasy is very real to me and the whole conflict in my mind of writing it in a way that achieves my fantasy while thinking is this something I should truly desire . Kinda more difficult than originally thought but I will do my best to push on thanks again If it's any consolation to you, I also found the lack of clear instructions for posting stories here very, very frustrating. You are asking the same questions that I was raising just last Wednesday, when I was trying to figure out how to post the first chapter of "An Homage to Vincent Vega," and then update it. I reached out to a number of people who are regular contributors, and they walked me through the process. Regular visitors give this site a strong sense of community, so when you have questions, reaching out to old hands is the best way to go.
Luvschild Posted April 18, 2023 Posted April 18, 2023 I can’t agree with this more. Just because something is so n fantasy doesn’t mean it can’t be realistic. You are doing great and take all the time you need.
Electrically Posted April 18, 2023 Author Posted April 18, 2023 Part 6 Getting some? Sue tucked the box aside thinking this is going to be difficult. She was pretty certain what she was hoping for, but not completely certain. Kinda like rooting for your home team but personally hating the captain of the team. There was a still a small thought that this is immoral and she should be encouraging him to be the best man he could be, But she wasn’t turning back, she just couldn’t. Feeling her painfully full breasts, thought “there’s more pressing issues.” So she went back to Mikey finding him still enjoying his tv show. Sue nudged Mikey saying”come-on sweetie it’s nappy time” Mikey hesitantly replied with a groan slightly slurry past his binky “oh it’s almost over” Sue not feeling very patient replied while grabbing the remote control and shutting off the TV “You can watch it later baby… let’s go it’s nappy time” Mikey squirmed and pouted as he flopped on the floor and slowly pulled his way to his feet. Sue stood above him awaiting with her hands on her hips until he finally got to a slouched standing position finally holding out her hand and guided him towards the bedroom. Once in the bedroom. He started looking for his earbuds on the nightstand while she released her aching boobies. Sue stopping him from starting his favorite recording and said “no recording right now I wanted to talk to you” she pulled him onto her lap as he mumbled “bout what?” replacing his pacifier with her nipple as she watched Mikey’s eyes roll up inside his head she said “can you stay awake for a few minutes hunny?” He nodded against her breast. She felt his smooth, soft, warm skin against her breast and the feeling of relief as her breast was emptying into his awaiting belly. She slid the back of her hand across his smooth cheek and thought I can’t remember the last time he shaved. Again remembering Tim’s warning. She started talking “sweetie are you happy?” He continued to nurse while nodding. Asking again “I mean really happy? Cause I am…I just love being your mommy and I can’t imagine being more fulfilled.”… “I don’t know how to explain it but I just can’t help to be in complete love with you”… “I feel like it’s my responsibility… my duty to provide and encourage you to be happy in every way possible”… “ I need to know this is what you want and your needs are met” Long seconds passed as Mikey continued to nurse then finally worked her shinny nipple from his mouth and replied trying to force the word mommy from his mouth but only was able to lip it saying “… I am so happy… I need you more than ever… I can’t explain things either it’s like I am supposed to be here to help you and you are here to help me… heal things I didn’t know was broken…. Things have been weird and I can’t understand why I feel I need your attention and guidance but I do… I crave it… I just figure things go the way they’re supposed to.” He smiled and then dived mouth open against her other breast. Sue cradled his head as a tear rolled away from her eye and started his recording possibly for the last time. Soon her breast were empty and he was sleeping, she once again replaced her nipple with his pacifier and wiggled out from underneath him. She popped in her earbuds in starting her recording and as soft melody filled her head she went downstairs to start making dinner. Sue prepared quite a nice dinner with steak (she couldn’t help but cut into small pieces for him) mashed potatoes and salad completed with Cabernet. Mikey arose from his nap finding Sue missing followed his nose to the kitchen as Sue just finished plating the dinner They sat together and ate. Mikey tried to have adult conversation but he found it boring. He tried to drink the wine but thought it was sour. He did like his steak cut up and found it easy to eat and the mashed potatoes were good but the salad was yucky and his belly felt full. So soon he was carefully Decorated his remaining mashed potatoes with lettuce and carrots. Sue laughed as he held up his plate and said “look…(pausing not able to find a name that felt right) I made you a flower.” Mikey finally finished most of his wine making a yucky face asked if he could watch tv. Sue said “sure sweetie I’ll be in a minute” and she slipped upstairs as he snuggled into the couch. She pulled out the small box striped naked and carefully dressed in the tiny outfit. She noticed it fit a little large but figured pretty close from a guy she never met. Soon she was standing in front of the mirror fixing her makeup and sprucing her hair. Finally looking over her body thinking to herself “wow I look hot!” She could feel a twinge of excitement between her legs. With a spray of perfume and sliding into her red high heels she walked down the stairs. As she got closer to where Mikey was nursing on his binky, while glued to the tv she walked as seductively as possible around the couch into plain site, Mikey just continued watching As cartoon characters bounced around the screen. Finally she continued to walk in between Mikey and the Tv saying “I think my kitty is finally ready for a little action” and thought “no pun intended “ with a smile. Mikey blushed a little and instinctively covered his eyes with both hands his binky fell from his mouth as he said “sorry uh… oh …um ya um ok” he slowly uncovered his eyes still blushing. She continued her seductive walk to the couch and reached out with her red lips to kiss his mouth, a loud noise of excitement came from the tv causing Mikey to try to look around her as she only landed a kiss on his cheek. She picked up the remote and turned the tv off trying to claim his undivided attention. Then bending only at the waste worked her hands down his chest to his pants unbuttoned them and encourage him to lift his hips while working his pants and underwear to his ankles. She eased to her knees in front of him as he stared blankly at her massive breasts. His small penis laying hairless and lifeless as she held it between her hands trying to find a shaft between his scrotum and circumcised head with two fingers. He squirmed uncomfortably. She thought about sucking it but her mind wouldn’t let her. So she ran her hands up his body removing his t-shirt as she stood up. Sue continued now standing in front of him worked her lacy panties over her hips and let them slide to her high heels. Raising one arm at a time slipped the revealing bra over her breasts and head as she stepped out of her heels and panties simultaneously. Then straddled his waist as she knelt on the couch facing Mikey. Finally some reaction from Mikey he leaned forward to suck the leaking milk droplets off her boobie finally settling into a rhythm as her nipple found it’s way into the roof of his mouth. She grasped his head holding him to her breast. Soon the position became uncomfortable and they wormed around on the couch until she was in a sitting position cradling his head as he empty her breast, both completely naked. Soon he had dozed off and she slipped out from underneath him. She looked at his naked body for a second and thought “ thank god that didn’t work” finding his binky on the floor she cleaned it with her own mouth before touching his lips to the bulb watching him subconsciously open his mouth as she slipped it in. She picked up her clothes and shoes and pleasantly went back upstairs to find something more comfortable to wear. Retuning a few minutes later with his earbuds, she airdropped the new recording to his phone and put her new recording on, slipped back underneath him gently pushed his earbuds in his ears and her boob in his mouth. Sighing quietly she thought to herself “that’s much better.” As she started his new recording. Going shopping The next morning Sue woke up first finding. Her little Mikey curled up as tightly as possible against her warm body, while still holding her breast in his mouth occasionally sucking. She ran her fingers through his soft hair and kissed his forehead. Slowly she nudged him awake. He slowly stirred and stretched his naked body. Finally as consciousness returned he felt his body realizing he was naked and the couch was wet. His eyes fluttered and said “where’s my clothes and what happened last night and why’s the couch wet?” Sue with a surprised look helping him to his feet leaned over smelling the couch replied” Oh sweetie looks like you had a little accident… don’t worry mommy will get it all cleaned up everything is ok baby“ Mikey pushed out his bottom lip and looked down at the couch unable to put words together. Sue quickly held out his pacifier which he quickly leaned for opening his mouth. Sue guided him upstairs and started the bath. After the tubby Sue feeling her heavy breasts decided someone’s probably hungry and they snuggled back in bed with their earbuds. Once again as Mikey feel asleep Sue slipped away to take a shower and prepare for the day continuing to listen to her catchy melodies. Soon she woke Mikey up again finding his underwear dampened again, thought to herself “we should do some shopping.” Sue pulled some clothes out of mike’s dresser drawer along with new underwear and socks tossed them on the bed next to him as he stretched and yawned. Quickly got a damp wash cloth and was working his underwear out from underneath him before he could even completely get his senses together. He looked at her oddly thinking “why is she pulling my underwear off”but said nothing as he wasn’t sure he wanted to know the answer. Next she wiped his penis and pubic aria before sliding his new underwear up his legs. She continued to dress him in a pare of khaki shorts and a light blue golf shirt he seldom wore. Even pulled on his socks saying “off you go brush your teeth and use the potty… we don’t need any more accidents while out shopping.” He replied “oh do I have to go shopping?”…. “Can’t I just stay home?” Sue replied ”you don’t wanta go shopping with mommy” making a fake sad face then snuck up behind him and tickled his belly as he moped his way towards the bathroom. He giggled and fought off her tickles as he finally said “ok ok I’ll go” She stood behind him as he quickly tried to brush his teeth. Making a mess out of the tooth paste then just pushed the tooth brush around his mouth for a second before trying to rinse his mouth. She quickly stepped in and reached around his head watching through the mirror as she brushed his teeth for him. Finally saying “spit” Something she noticed while brushing his teeth. She stood behind him and her eyes were 3 or 4 inches above his head was she getting taller? Or was he shrinking? Or both. Once again thinking of Tim’s warning. After rinsing his mouth with water by holding his hands together under the faucet and slurping water from them. (which he was able to get all down the front of his shirt) then he wiped his hands down each side of his shirt all the way to the middle of his shorts attempting to dry them. She escorted him to the toilet saying “make tinkles sweetie” he proceeded pull his shorts down over his bum and started to tinkle all over the seat. Causing her to say “ your making a mess and if you can’t put tinkles in the potty while standing like a big boy. You’ll be sitting when you go” He blushed saying “sorry” but continued to peddle out missing the water below. Finally she quickly wiped the seat with toilet paper and helped him pull his pants back up. Thinking “ this is a lot of work “ Finally Sue guiding Mikey by hand to the car. She opened the Passenger door of her SUV thinking “ He should ride in the back seat but I better not push it.” She waved him in just as he was thinking “ok I’ll drive“ he pouted his face as she helped him into the car and buckled his seat belt. They stopped at a department store and Sue picked out a couple dresses. Mikey thought they were pretty with lots of colors. She liked the seam that folded over her boobs and while allowing easy access. The dresses exaggerated her hips with a belt around her stomach and hung down below her knees. They were not something she usually wore but she liked the practicality and they looked nice. She picked out a couple pairs of matching flats for shoes, feeling significantly taller then Mikey with her high heels. Then to Wally World She made her way quickly to the baby aisle and stopped at the pull up section. She looked over the selection of big boys pull-up finally grabbing 2 different varieties of the biggest overnight style pull-ups and turned to Mikey saying “ok baby which ones do you like better?” He couldn’t believe what she was asking replying “I don’t need diapers” Sue quickly replied “oh hunny it’s just a precaution”… “and there not diapers they’re pull-ups”..”it will be fine”…” and look how cool they are this one has a big green guy on it and this one has race cars” he looked at the packages and thought the race cars were cool but shook his head shouting “no” and stomped his foot catching the attention of everyone nearby. Sue noticed this and leaned forward and said quietly “if you pick one we can go to the toy aisle next” hoping to keep him from noticing the scene he was causing. Mikey thinking a new toy would be awesome he hesitantly pointed at the cars but added “I’m not wearing them” as he put his thumb in his mouth. Sue tossed the package in the cart And said “ok sweetie we’ll see “ as she wiggled his thumb out of his mouth and dug through her purse for a new red pacifier. She lead him by hand while trying to steer the cart through the rest of the baby section pausing to grab a large tub of baby wipes, some baby powder, and Rash cream. Sue came upon some infant bath toys, and tossed a boat and rubber ducky in the cart. She paused at the baby clothes and admired all the new fashions. Eventually she became tired of steering the cart with one hand and moved his hand to the side of the cart saying “hold on sweetie” Mikey only frowned thru his binky, while grasping the rail. Sue then said “to the toy section!!” with some enthusiasm. Which changed his expression. Mike drifted off on the way to when he was young again remembering the toy section with his mother. Remembering her lack of concern while he would walk around the section of toys alone. Remembering like in was seconds ago finding a matchbox car he wanted. Then bringing it with him as he searched the store for her, finally finding her aisles away. Holding the toy up with excitement. Feeling the look of disgust on her face, aggravation in the tone of her voice when finally agreeing to purchase the toy. Then things changed the spell broke away. Mikey could feel the bulb in his mouth and the rail of the shopping cart and looked up at Sue as she weaves them towards the toy aisle. He wrapped his free hand around her waist and smiled. The toy aisle went great he picked out several toys. A car, plane, and dump truck. Finally finding a stuffed animal dog with a droopy face. They discussed each toy and smiled as they shopped. He carried the dog with him as he sucked his pacifier and held the cart for the rest of the grocery shopping. After shopping, the couple stopped for some lunch she quickly zoomed through the drive-thru ordering a chicken sandwich and a coke for her and grilled chicken nuggets kids meal for him complete with a container of grapes and juice box, without even asking him what he wanted. He was too busy talking with his new stuffed dog to even notice until she put his small bag on his lap saying”here ya go sweetie.. I don’t want you ruining your appetite” while holding her heavy breast. She then added “don’t make a mess” and inserted the small straw in the juice box and pulled his binky from his mouth, then handed him the juice. He didn’t do to bad not making a mess a little ranch on his cheek and collar but overall not bad. Once home she wiped his face and tried to get the ranch off his collar. Saying “somebody needs a bib” smiling at him. Then added “It’s nappy time“ feeling her aching breasts. She grabbed a hand full of groceries and handed him the package of pull-ups saying “take these upstairs for mommy I’ll be right up“ Mikey got to the bedroom feeling tired. He threw the package in the corner and flopped on the bed. She hopped up the stairs seconds later saying “come on sweetie let’s make tinklers in the potty” while entering the room. He groaned “saying I don’t have to go” she quickly replied “ok well why don’t you try for mommy” pulling him off the bed. When they got to the toilet she standing behind him pulled his shorts and underwear down to his ankles spun him around and directing him to sit him on the seat saying “ok baby put tinkles in the potty for mommy!” Mikey made an uncomfortable face and started sucking on his bottom lip thinking “where’s my binky” finally Mikey started to go, as pee sprinkled into the potty. Sue clapped her hands in excitement saying “such a good boy… you did such a good job!” As she rubbed his head. Oddly enough this made Mikey feel good and smiled widely. Sue bent down to Mikey’s shoes untie and wiggled them off his feet, helping him stand and step out of his shorts. She picked up his clothing and led him into the bedroom. Sitting the boy down in the bed naked from the waist down. She then said “ where’s my big boy’s new unders at?” Mikey sat quietly sucking on his bottom lip again as he stared at his hairless legs. She scanned the room and finally spotted the package. Sue carefully ripped open the package. Carefully slid one colorful padded underwear out. She couldn’t help holding it to her nose and smelling it as she unfolded and stretching it out and thought “smells nice… I’m not sure it’s going to fit though” Finally kneeling in front of Mikey she started to slide it over his dangling feet. Mikey finally said “do I have to mommy?” In a sad and small voice. Sue couldn’t help but smile her mind was dancing with joy. She stood back up and hugging her baby tightly saying “ oh honey it’s ok … it’s not a big deal and if they stay dry we will throw them away” eventually Mikey nodded his head. She continued to slide the pull-up to above his knees grabbed the container of powder and pushed a cloud into his padded under pants, held his hands encouraged him to scoot off the bed onto his feet. Then continued to work the pull-up over his hips. It was tight but it fit just barely. Sue checking to make sure everything was snug and secure said “see baby it’s not bad and the cars are so cute, you made a great pick!” Mikey smiled a little with pride and looked down at his colorful underwear thought to himself “they are cool” and wiggled around a little thinking “I guess they’re not too uncomfortable” he slid his hands down the outside of the fuzzy shell and honestly thought “hmmm that’s kinda nice as he squeezed his penis inside Soon he was nuzzled at his mommies boobie drifting off to his recording. 1 hour ago, keith60 said: more story please Here ya go! 15 hours ago, Luvschild said: I can’t agree with this more. Just because something is so n fantasy doesn’t mean it can’t be realistic. You are doing great and take all the time you need. Thanks 😊 On 4/17/2023 at 10:29 AM, Babypants said: If it's any consolation to you, I also found the lack of clear instructions for posting stories here very, very frustrating. You are asking the same questions that I was raising just last Wednesday, when I was trying to figure out how to post the first chapter of "An Homage to Vincent Vega," and then update it. I reached out to a number of people who are regular contributors, and they walked me through the process. Regular visitors give this site a strong sense of community, so when you have questions, reaching out to old hands is the best way to go. Ya I guess I should have just found someone to ask. 5
Electrically Posted April 20, 2023 Author Posted April 20, 2023 Part 7 Punishment Sue once again snuck out from underneath Mikey after he finished her second boob. Even though she was exhausted, She had to get caught up on a few things during nap time. First she made a few phone calls then called Tracy. Tracy “what’s up? I have been wondering how things were going?” Sue “A complete failure” trying to sound as serious as possible Tracy”whata mean?”… “things were going so well“ “I mean instead of having my new baby I have a childish man with a small penis that is even losing interest in my boobs”… “unless something changes soon we’ll have to cancel the whole thing” “wow this sucks I was so excited to be a aunt”…” I’m so sorry… I just can’t believe it” Sue smiling widely behind the phone finally cracks and giggles with glee “I’m kidding, it’s all going perfect!!! In fact better than perfect I am finally a mother! He calls me mommy and everything! it’s so amazing !! Right now he’s in for his afternoon nap probably already in a wet pull up! I just can’t believe it!… I mean I feel like he’s my actual baby… like he was in my belly it’s just amazing. I love him soo much. Tracy “ your such a ass hole, I was so disappointed, that wasn’t even funny” Sue “yes it was” “He really calls you mommy ooh that’s so cute. I can’t wait to see him.” “well you’re going to have to wait til Monday I can’t risk pushing him too far to fast, but he is setting a good pace by himself…well sorta by himself” then laughs a little. ”I couldn’t believe it he walked around Wally World for about an hour holding the grocery cart and sucking his binky with his new stuffed doggie. Tracy “wow this is so crazy I love it”…”so how’s the schedule looking?” “I think good I got the contractor lined up, and the car situation. It should be all work out perfect” “Well Monday should be interesting with Tina. I can’t wait for you to meet her.” “me neither, I wanta make sure my Mikey is in good hands, I wish I could stop by Monday but my boss is starting to pile on work and I have got to get caught up”…”I tell you one thing this is exhausting chasing him around all day” “you got a long way to go, so you’d better get use to it” Soon they ended their phone call and Sue started dinner, put the remaining groceries away and finally sat on the couch for 15 minutes before she figured Mikey needed to awake, while listening to her new recording. Mikey started waking up just as Sue figured it was time. She made her way into the bedroom to find Mikey nursing on his binky with his doggie in his arms. “wake up sleepyhead did my baby have a good nappy” Mikey only nodded Sue rolled the blanket back and reached for his pull up asking “does mommies boy have any tinkles in his pants?” Mikey shaking his head no with big eyes. “really? Let me check to see if your undies are still dry” Mikey tried to squirm away but she was too quick. Sue squeezed the front of his pull-up finding it soaked, thankful the sheets were still dry saying “oh it looks like it’s a little damp but don’t worry sweetie mommy will take care of it”.. “hop down on the floor and I will grab a towel for you to lay on, we’ll be cleaned up in no time.” Mikey rolled off the bed to his feet thinking it doesn’t even feel wet but upon standing up the padding hung low between his legs feeling quite squishy. Sue quickly laid down a towel and gestured him to hop on. Mikey slowly and awkwardly shuffled on top of the the towel. Sue ripped the sides of the pull-up and asked him “another pull-up or big boy underwear?” Mike replied quietly “big boy underwear mommy” she wiped his bum and pee pee with a hand full of baby wipes having him lift his bum as necessary and said “ok hunny, big boy it is but we better not have any more accidents… Let mommy know if you need help with the potty.… you can watch tv or play with your new toys for a bit before dinner” Mike smiled thinking of his new toys and scooted to his feet while Sue fetched some more underwear and held them out by his feet. He stepped into them and she pulled them up as he headed for the door. That evening went great and after dinner Mikey took his toys to the basement and added them to the scattering of models soon it was tubby time then bedtime. At 2am Sue awoke to Mikey squirming around for his nightly boobies. Sue directing him in while he was barely conscious, checked his pull-up finding it only damp. Let him nurse thinking he’ll be fine til morning. Mikey slowly awaken as he felt his bladder ache as he nursed didn’t want interrupted with going to the potty, slowly relaxed his muscles, warming his pull up with a gentle fresh stream. He wiggled in with comfort as the warm padding hugged his bum. Sue noticed his warming pants as well saying quietly “looks like mommies going to have to change you after all.” Smiling while he softly breath against her breast. Sunday was a little lazier, it was already expected Mikey’s pants were wet every time he awoke, and Mikey wasn’t ready for pull-ups while awake. So after breakfast Sue drank her coffee watching from the kitchen. While Mikey lay on the floor belly down, legs bent at the knees holding his head up on both hands, doggie laced between his elbows nurisng on his binky while watching cartoons only wearing underwear and a t-shirt Sue started a list for additional supplies: Changing mat Bibs Baby shampoo Diaper bag … Sue eventually headed towards the basement paused and said “sweetie mommy is going down stairs as Mikey sang along to a song with the cartoon characters, completely engaged. Sue went down to the basement thinking about her small remodel project coming up. “Wow what a mess she thought as she waded through the models and toys. Definitely going to need cleaning up. After deciding on colors and arrangements she made her way back up stairs thinking maybe Mikey will get a morning nap feeling her heavy breasts. That was easier said than done. Eventually Sue resorted to shouting “ Michael Anthony you had better get your butt moving towards the steps before 1” and started to countdown from three. Mikey slowly raised to a crawling position while moaning and pouting. Crawled across the carpet to where Sue stood with her hands on her hips hesitated at 2. Eventually he lifted his arm towards Sue‘s waist hoping for her to help him up. Sue bending down grabbed his hand with one hand and buried her other under his arm pit and surprised the both of them by picking him up to his feet. Mikey dropped his doggy in the process looked up at her in surprise and desperation. Sue still frustrated quickly grabbed his doggy and pushed it into his chest firmly. She dragged him towards bedroom, thinking I don’t even know my own strength. She scolded him as she drug him up the steps saying “mommy says turn off the tv she means it, Mommy doesn’t want to fight about nap time, mommy etc.” Mikey just heard mommy this and mommy that bla, bla, bla,. As she changed his underwear he quietly said “Souwee Mummy” She couldn’t help but Smile Which is what he wanted. Soon she had him snuggled in for nap. As he quietly napped away. Sue hoped in the bathroom for a shower. Once again standing in front of the mirror looking at her naked body noticing her shoulders seemed broader. Her hips a little wider while her stomach seemed flatter and the stretch marks were gone. And her breasts Wow!!! her breast were impressive. She finally stood on the scale finding she had gained 30lbs!! She held her hair above her head with both hands and turned her back to look at her ass. Her legs looked thicker and tight, firmly forming her bum. “Wow I am a brick house” And once again recalled Tim’s warning, but once again listened to her recording as Mikey slept. Nappy time went as expected and the couple watched a car’s movie after lunch Once again afternoon nap was a struggle and Mikey made even less of a attempt to get moving as he barely got to his knees before being pulled to his feet. Sue’s temper was becoming short. After a light dinner (Mikey mostly pushed around his plate and made a mess of) Sue said “Ok Michael you need to go downstairs in the basement and pick up your toys”… “mommy has a contractor coming this week to remodel and he can’t be tripping all over your stuff. We will have to bring up a few toys for a few days until he is done” Mikey looked upset, saying “No mommy”…” I want my room the way it is” Standing as tall as he could. Sue replied “don’t worry sweetie it’s just a coat of paint and a little new carpet everything will be fine”…”I promise” Mikey looked uncertain and finally lowered his shoulders saying “you sure?” “ I’m sure sweetie I’ll be down in a few minutes and you can pick out the color paint”..” mommy is right here to help if you need it” as she ruffled is hair. This lifted his spirits some and started down the stairs. About a half hour later she came down to see his progress. He didn’t notice her standing at the bottom of stairs, arms crossed while he was crawling around happily playing with his cars, compete with humming engine noises through his binky. He also had to pee but was too busy to go to the potty only 10 feet away. Startling him finally saying ”Michael Anthony what is it do you think you’re doing mister?” He almost fell on his face as he jumped. Landing on his behind turning towards her his pacifier fell from his mouth and a small spurt of pee finding his underwear. Making a small squeal. Mikey‘s eyes got big and his bottom lip pushed up looking like he might start bawling. This had Sue jumping to his side picking up his binky saying “ Oh sweetie mommy didn’t mean to scare you”…” everything‘s OK we just need to get picked up” Mikey lightly nodded not even noticing the small dark wet splotch coving his penis. Sue then stood and said “mommy will get a box and we can get red up, start picking up toy’s you want to move upstairs.” Seconds after she climbed the steps Mikey went back to playing thinking “a few more minutes” Five minutes later Sue returned holding a large cardboard box, Mikey saw here coming this time and froze, holding a car in one hand and a plane in the other. She put the box in front of Mikey and said “ok baby put the toys in the box” Mikey wasn’t ready for that and said “um one sec“ turning away from the box. Sue more insistent “no no in the box” moving the box back in-front of him. “Almost” as he dove the airplane away from the box making a broom noise. “No now” becoming very inpatient. Mikey only scooted through the toys spread about, further away from the box. She grabbed at the car in his hand missing. Mikey rolled up covering the car shouting “No” Sue grabbed him by his ear and pulled. Again Mikey squealed and another spurt of pee dampen his underwear. She stood him up saying “Mommy has been very patient and you have been very disobedient.” He kicked at her and continued “No mommy” She completely lost her shit. As he grabbed at her hand which still held up his ear “Mikey doesn’t want to pick up his toys?” Ripping the plane from his hands throwing it into the box “Mikey doesn’t want to listen to mommy?” “Mikey doesn’t want to take a nappy” “And it looks like Mikey doesn’t want to pee on the potty” as she squeezed the wet spot on his underwear. “Now go sit on that toilet right now mister and put tinkles in it” as she released his ear and pointed. A few tears ran down Mikey’s face and anger in his eyes he stomped his foot crushing a model on the floor and peed his pants. Pee ran down his legs and soaked his socks. Sue flipped the fuck out Grabbing a large thick paint stick out of a bucket near his easel, and almost picking him up by his arm pit had him over her lap in less than a second pulling off his underwear. Mikey’s eyes quickly went from anger to fear his mouth fell open to gasp for air. Sue rained spank after spank down on his naked bum and continued shouting her “Mikey doesn’t want” things tyrant. Mikey’s bum glowing red within seconds he flared and Squirming with all his might but she continued spank after spank. Holding him down Snot ran from his nose as he bawled uncontrollably Pee soaked her yoga pants through to the couch, as he peed uncontrollably. His bawling went off to maaaaas and meeees as she finally slowed then stopped. A few tears ran from her eyes as she looked at the damaged bum in front of her. He lay motionless on her lap still bawling maas and mees with snorts and sniffs. He was beaten. She wiped her tears away and gently spun him over to her lap. She continued picking him up until she had cradled him lightly rocking. Finally kissing his forehead. Asking in a soft cracked voice “Mikey going to be good for mama?” A quick response of “ya I be good for ma ma” “Ok mommy loves you… pick up toys you want upstairs, it’s tubby time.”he sniffed and moaned rubbing his swollen red face. She found his binky on the floor cleaning it with her mouth then holding it out after she lifted him from her lap. He pushed his mouth against the pacifier, gently rubbed his bum, and slowly picking up as many toys as he could. Sue watched while his bare very red bottom carefully walked up the steps. Looking down at her wet lap thought “looks like I need a tubby too.” Sitting up she leaned her chin to her hands and rested her elbows on her knees. Wiping her eyes with her fingers then burying the tips of her pointer fingers into caruncle. While covering her nose and mouth sighed deeply. She found Mikey standing in the bathroom waiting for her to start the water. Soon she installed the pug as the warm water filled the bath Sue quickly removed her clothing carefully pulled her piss covered pants off and set them on top of the rest. Turning to remove Mikey’s shirt then eased her body into the water leaning against the back of the tub. Holding her hand out to guide Mikey gently into the water. Mikey winced as his bum rested against the floor. Resting his head on his mommies breasts. Sue pushed the rubber ducky and the little boat into the water in front of her boy. Then gently washed his body and hair with relaxing smelling baby soap. While he quietly played with his new toys. Soon they were snuggled into a early bedtime. 5 1
Electrically Posted April 23, 2023 Author Posted April 23, 2023 Part 8 Back to work Sue woke Mikey up early Monday morning after he finished her second breast. “Time to get up sleepy head you have a new employee to train today” Mikey only groaned as she removed his earbuds. “Mommy has to get you all cleaned up ready to go” Sue pulled his clothes out onto the bed with a new pull-up on top. Mikey seeing his underwear thought about complaining but his bruised bum under his soggy pull-up asked him to keep quiet. “I am sure it’s going to be a long day so just to be safe, we can try these today” as she pulled his padded underwear into position.” ….“It’s just in case, so you can still use the potty like a big boy” Mikey again thought about complaining but thought better about it and quietly replied “yeth Mummy” through his binky. Sue stood up and hooked the loop of the pacifier bobbing in his mouth and gave it a little wiggle “maybe we should leave this at home … we don’t want to lose it” He released the pacifier from his mouth slowly after 2 more suckles and frowned as he started sucking on his bottom lip. “Ok sweetie you have to be a big boy for mommy today .. you’re new position starts soon… and you have a important job to training Tracy’s new employee” …”can you do that for mommy” Mikey looking down finally said “yes mommy I can be a big boy” “So remember to use the potty when you need to and no sucking that dirty thumb ok hunny?” “Mommy packed you something for lunch in the fridge so remember to put it in the fridge at work” Mikey shook his head “Mikey can you please text mommy when you get to work so I don’t worry” She hugged him and kissed his forehead “mommy loves you” “Love you too mommy” Mikey continued to hold on to her and laying his head on her shoulder thought “maybe I should stay home I don’t feel that good” Sue eventually spun him around and patted his behind with a hollow thump said “don’t forget your lunch and have a nice day” Mike started very cautiously as he drove towards work in his old Honda Civic. It was only a 10 minute drive but it took a couple minutes for him to gain some confidence. He arrived at 7:30 which as he looked at the clock on his phone thought “I’m early today“ As he made his way into the warehouse he thought “I’m good, I got this, I’m not a baby, I just have to shake it off” even reaching down to his pull up to double check it was dry “See I’m dry” “ I am a big boy” thinking as he walked. Soon he rounded the corner and Tracy and her new employee came into sight, they were chatting and politely laughing. Mikes confidence tumbled a bit seeing the new employee, she was like uh giant. He slowed his walk and his bottom lip found its way into his mouth. Tracy just couldn’t help herself. Tracy sang out “Oh there he is and look Mikey is early today“ thinking “ya only a 1/2 hour late.” Mike only looked down becoming a bit more uncomfortable. Stopping as far from them as possible. “Mikey meet Tina… She is going to take over your old position” Tina stepped closer holding her hand out. “Mikey can you say hi to Tina?” Mikey lifted his head a little and softly said “Hi Tina” ignoring her outstretched hand. “That’s a good boy” Stacy continued “Tina, Mikey has been working here for several years and knows everything about shipping and receiving. Don’t you Mikey?” “He’s going to show you how to carefully pack the items needed shipped and make sure they don’t get broken, aren’t you Mikey?” Mike tried to look up at Tina but he only got to her chest and looked back down softly nursing on his bottom lip. “Mikey will show you how to put the correct labels on all the package so the package goes to the correct customer” “Mikey is going to do a great job training you before he moves on to a new position in a big office in the old nursery” Mike tried to speak but he only mumbled something. Tracy pushed a little harder “We can’t hear you… go ahead Use your words Mikey “ They all stood there for an long and awkward 10 seconds and then thankfully Mike’s phone rang, Unfortunately it was Sue. Mikey tried to play it cool answering the phone, “Hi uhh”… “sorry mommy I meant to but forgot” “yeah I’m here on time” “yeah just now”…. “okay I’ll tell her”… “love you too mommy… bye” Mikey lifted his head looking towards Tracy and said shyly “mommy says hi” Both the women giggled Mikey blushed trying regain some control. “Ok then well I guess I’ll leave you to it” and Tracy started walking passing Mikey smiling as she patted his bum with a quiet thump. Tina finally spoke first “so I take it you still live with your mother?” Mike tried to gather his senses and began looking up at Tina. She was wearing light brown work shoes neatly tied, dark blue jeans hugging her solid looking thighs and tight around the bottom of her bum, and a red and white flannel tightly covered her belt line loosening over her stomach but was push aside by her breasts which were covered by a tank top. Her sleeves cuffed tightly at the elbows leaving her forearms popping out underneath. Her broad shoulders held everything in correct proportion. A light gold necklace lay around her thick neck with a small pendant deep between her cleavage. However her round, soft, friendly looking face seemed out of place, complete with her long brown hair wrapped tightly in a bun on top of her head. The top of her bun had to be a foot above his head. She patiently waited for an answer with a smile or maybe a smirk. Finally Mike said “no that wasn’t my mother.” “Oh well you were calling her mom” pausing for a solid 2 seconds “So I just figured” “Oh um yeah uhh” for the first time completely realizing he called mommy… “um mommy” then tried to figure out what to call her. “Ya uh mommy”… “ya we are married” Tina’s face twisted a bit and eyebrows lifted “so she is your wife?”… “and um“…. “you call her mo?” Tina’s voice trailed off thinking “what kind of crazy?” Mike’s eyes lit up remembering the word wife and said “wife um ya wife that’s it” as he realized Tina had a what the fuck is wrong with you look on her face. Mikey’s eyes found the floor and now his top lip was sucked into his mouth as he blushed deeply. Tina realized she had humiliated him and bent down a little putting her hand on his shoulder and said “it’s okay I get it… Like a pet name or something” Mikey nodded slowly and mumbled “pet name” half question half statement Tracy had already trained Tina on most of the Mikey’s simple job, earlier that morning. While explaining, “I know it isn’t a full day’s worth of work, honestly only a couple hours at most, and that’s why I was saying at the interview you would be helping in the nursery the rest of the day.” Tina just added up all the descriptions of what was exactly was being explained to her this morning. She would be helping out in the nursery and Mikey’s new office in the nursery. She would be helping take care of this little guy in the nursery!!! He must have had a breakdown or something!! Mikey once again tried to gather his senses. As he tried to lift his head to focus his cell phone chimed a text message notification. He dug his cell phone from his pocket thankful for the distraction. Sue: don’t forget to put the lunch mommy made for you in the fridge. ❤️❤️ This was a life saver Mike picked up his head and started walking saying “I be back have to go get my lunchbox” Tina didn’t know what to say. And just stood there as he hurried away. He brought the lunch in from his car and thought “maybe there’s a fridge in the nursery” turns out he was correct. Mikey noticed a large wooden box against the wall that hadn’t been there before , as he put his lunch away. Curiosity got the best of him, he couldn’t help but lift the large hinged cover finding a large selection of colorful plastic toys. He tried to focus saying quietly to himself “I am a big boy and need to train Tina” but soon figured there wasn’t much to do and he had a little time, thinking “Tina will be fine for a few minutes” An hour later Mikey had several toys out of the box, finding a helicopter holding it in the air above his head as he made “fump, fump, fump, fump” noises. His other hand was holding his groin, as he squirm under the pressure building in his bladder. Tina had finished wrapping up the remaining order, deciding to see where Mikey had gone off to, she was not overly surprised finding him in his occupied state. Not wanting to startle him she backed away from his new office door turned her head and quietly shouted “thanks Tracy I found him, you were right he’s in hear” Thinking he overheard Tina’s conversation with Tracy. He quickly tossed the helicopter in the open toy box and faced the approaching woman. A small spurt of pee escaping his penis caused him to squat a little putting both hands over his groan, and his knees tightly together. Tina pushed the door further open as she entered saying “there you are in a pleasant tone” Seeing his stance she quickly recognized a pee pee dance said “Mikey do you need a bathroom?” Which Mikey only nodded desperately “yes” She escorted him to the nearby restroom and stood by the door as he squirmed by saying “ok hear you go…I’ll wait right here” Mikey was able to get most of his pee into the urinal sighing deeply he quietly said to himself “Ok you’re a big boy… every is good… keep it together” He gave his damp pull up a squeeze as he pulled it up to his waist and thought “it’s not even wet everything is good” He exited the restroom finding Tina outside the door saying “everything ok?” “Ya I’m good “ quietly “We should go get some work done and I’ll show you how things go” lifting his head some as he walked slightly behind her towards the warehouse. “Well I think everything’s ready to ship” …. actually Tina was certain everything was ready but figured she should amuse the little guy. “Oh really… well I guess I should look it over?“ as Mike slowly fell further behind. They got back to the shipping and receiving area all the orders that were set for delivery, were nearly palletized, shrink wrapped and neatly labeled. Everything looked very much prepared to be shipped. Much neater than Mike had ever done. “Um oh it all looks good” Mike said as he finally caught up and looked at the neatly arranged products. “I have done some of this before”… “so it was kinda the same”Tina replied “But do you know about the fork truck?” Mike liked driving around the fork truck and occasionally even bragging about how great of driver he was. “Ya and that’s a nice little one and super easy to drive” Mikey looked a little deflated “Well I guess I can just show you where everything is at.” Mikey slowly paced around the warehouse, pointing out the different products and supplies. He was occasionally distracted by a spider on the floor, or indecisive about which way he was going. At one point, he started carefully, stepping around the cracks on the floor as the nursery rhyme popped into his head. Tina walked as slowly as she could following behind him occasionally saying “uh hu” or “oh OK” Tracy had taken her on this tour earlier, and figured there really wasn’t much to do. She did however catch on to his little game as he avoided the cracks on the floor and couldn’t help but say “Mikey are you trying not to break your mommy’s back?” He blushed and suckled against his bottom lip mumbling “um well” Tina smiled thinking “oh too cute!!” Tina tired of slowly walking around the warehouse, picking up that Mikey had very little else to show her, decided it was close enough to lunch. “Ok Mikey why don’t you go get your lunch and we can eat over at the picnic table” Mikey caught a little off guard but, then felt better that she was going to give him directions, Nodded saying “ok” Mikey worked hard to ignore the toys scattered about the nursery and retrieve his lunch, returning reasonably quickly They sat together Tina only having a couple pieces of fruit and a bottle of water. Upon opening his lunch Mikey found a note from Sue “Hopefully you are having a great day Mommy loves you” Mikey curiously pulled one item after the next from his lunch box. First a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in a colorful sandwich bag. Then a small chocolate pudding container with a small spoon, small bag of short cut carrots and finally a large sippy cup filled with milk and more of a nipple than a spout attached to the top. Mikey blushed and tried not to bring any extra attention to his childish lunch, but there wasn’t anywhere to hide his items. Tina noticed how uncomfortable Mikey appeared and said “Oh that’s so sweet of your mommy to pack you such a nice lunch” This perked Mikey up and replied “oh ya she is the best” Slowly he tried taking a drink from his sippy cup holding it up to his mouth but nothing came out. Realizing he needed to suck the nipple to allow the liquid to flow, was a little uncomfortable but Tina had a pleasant smile on her face which made him feel better. So slowly he continued to hold the bottle against his lips and suck. Almost instantly he recognized the very familiar flavor of the milk and he continued to suck at the comforting beverage. After a few mouthfuls, he continued to munch through most of his sandwich and made a bit of a mess trying to lick every last drop of the pudding. Before settling against the nipple of his sippy cup holding it with both hands, elbows on the table, soon found a well accustomed rhythm as he finished his beverage. Tina noticed his lack of interest for the carrots and said “Mikey you should eat your carrots” “But I’m full” “They are so good for you and your mommy would want you to be healthy” “But I’m not hungry” Tina reached in front of him opened the baggy and said “well try to eat a few” holding the baggy open in front of him. With a pouty face he took one carrot and slowly chewed it for as long as possible before swallowing. Hoping she would give up. Tina continued to hold the bag out saying “ok good job 2 more” Now Mikey looking frustrated and pouty thought about pushing away, but he looked at the larger woman and thought about his still sore bum slowly grabbed 2 more pushing them in his mouth. Tina put all the items back in his lunchbox as she continued to wait for him to chew and swallow the carrots “That’s such a good job cutie” “your mommy will be so happy” As she found a napkin in the lunch box and stood beside him while wiping his face, noticing the the glob of jelly on his shirt and sticky hands. “Why don’t we go to the bathroom” Mikey noticed there was pressure once again building in his bladder and even was subconsciously squirming a bit just nodded as she helped him to a standing position. With a full tummy and feeling a little sleepy as he started walking felt a small stream find his way to the thirsty pull-up. Soon he was wiggling against the pressure in his bladder again as he finally reached the urinal for relief. As he finished pulling his underpants back into place he felt the warm squish against his penis, enjoying the squishy warm padding for a second. Finally buckled his pants. Surprised by turning to see Tina in the restroom waiting by the sink. Once again seeing Mikey’s uncomfortable face she quickly exclaimed “good job buddy let’s make sure we get our hands nice a clean” she turned on the water as Mikey dipped his hands into the sink. Stopping him as he started to pull away. “We need to use soap” and pumped the dispenser as he put his hands underneath. She continued to watch as he rubbed his hands together under the water and gave him a confirming nod and smile when she was satisfied. Tina left the water running grabbing a hand full of paper towels dampened them and wiped the sticky jelly and pudding off his face finally finished with the glob on his shirt. As Mikey wiped his hands down his shirt to dry them. “Ok we are all ready to go” with a bright smile Mikey nodded warmly in response. The rest of the afternoon was more comfortable for the both of them. Without much to do Mikey continued to show Tina the old wood shop, telling her with some excitement about his art he would apply to the furniture as it was being finished. Her response was “So you would put like doodles on the furniture for decorations?” His excitement quickly quieted as he realized his art was reduced to “doodles” Tina noticed his enthusiasm reduce and added “oh I’m sure they were very nice” But his enthusiasm didn’t return. As Mikey was once again in the need of a distraction, Tracy walked in around the corner saying “ there you guys are, I have been looking everywhere” “Hi Tracy Mikey was just showing me the old wood shop … He was telling me about how he would add.. do.. uh his art to the furniture” Smiling at Mikey. “Ya we used to have quite a operation here… but now my husband Jason occasionally uses the equipment on the weekends… it just got too hard to sell expensive custom furniture so I have been working with imported furniture” Mikey only stood quietly suckling his bottom lip” “Tina I looked at the out going orders, everything looks great Mikey must have been a great teacher” Tracy says with a smirk “Yeah,Thanks…ummm ya Mikey did fine” Tina smiled at Mikey and rubbed his arm trying to make him feel better. Mikey tried to lift his head to thank Tina but got to the bottom of her breast as he stammered “Thenks” “Well ok Mikey you can head home I’m sure your mommy is looking forward to seeing you… I have a sales meeting in 15, Tina could you come up to my office before you go?” “Yes ma’am I’ll be right up”….”Mikey have a good night I’ll see you tomorrow cutie” Mikey finally lifted his eyes to meet her caring brown eyes turning towards her and reaching out to her still outstretched arm stumbled a bit into a hug. He continued into the hug wrapping his arms around her upper waist and rested his head on her breast. Tina with a surprised smile towards Tracy finally engulfed the small man in her arms and said “ok cutie I’ll see you tomorrow, you better get going, and don’t forget your lunch box” released him and turned him away with a ruffle on his head and pat on the bum with a hollow fump. Mikey smiled again nodding ok with some enthusiasm while feeling the front of his pants grow warm with a small steam. Hurrying away he quickly shouted “bye Trace” Tracy felt a bit of frustration and returned a coy smile towards Tina. Minutes later in Tracy’s office. “Tina it looks like everything went well with Mikey today” Tina a little uncomfortable standing in front of Tracy’s large desk “Yes ma’am things went… um ok” “I guess you noticed Mikey is… let’s say well immature?” “Um well ya I guess that’s a good description… Is he ok? does he have like some kind of rare Ben Button disease?” “Uh no nothing… well… not a disease… but I guess he doesn’t look like he is improving” “Oh that’s so sad he seems like such a nice guy” “Well his wife is my best friend and she had asked me years ago to help find him a job… and he worked out fine for a while but I don’t know maybe stress or something… you see they just lost a child, oh well it’s been um.” “Did he go to a doctor?” “Ya they think it’s like mental thing and like hard to treat uh so… I guess we’ll see”…“I know it’s weird but do you think you can be a help here?"…” I’m guessing you got the whole job description today?” “Um yeah I think I put things together… I found him in,,, well,,, his uh nur.. ummm office with his uh… toys? So,, ya I can see… well I think he’s super sweet and I guess it shouldn’t be any different than if he was like littler” “So you still want the job?” Tina smiled and replied “Ya I don’t see a problem helping take care of the little guy” “Ok thanks soo much I think Sue, Mikey’s um… mommy will be by tomorrow to meet you” “Ok see you tomorrow” “Yes thanks again” 3
Sweet Baby Katie Posted April 23, 2023 Posted April 23, 2023 I am enjoying your story very much. The detail and relatively slow digression are working well. You are a better writer than you appear to give yourself credit for. I suggest that you let yourself b sink into absorption in your fantasy, and the reality of the story, it’s ability to enfold the reader, will simply follow. It appears that this mommy prefers a baby boy - which is not my preference, but it is your story and is wonderful.
Electrically Posted April 23, 2023 Author Posted April 23, 2023 26 minutes ago, Sweet Baby Katie said: I am enjoying your story very much. The detail and relatively slow digression are working well. You are a better writer than you appear to give yourself credit for. I suggest that you let yourself b sink into absorption in your fantasy, and the reality of the story, its ability to enfold the reader, will simply follow. It appears that this mommy prefers a baby boy - which is not my preference, but it is your story and is wonderful. Hello S.B Katie Oh thanks so very very much for the nice comment. I am so glad you like the story so far it’s been a very interesting experience for me and so far I am happy with the way it’s going. it’s much harder to write than I originally expected and I don’t think a Pulitzer is coming my way anytime soon but ya I guess happy and I feel like I am improving some. and as far as personal preference I have a outline I have been working with and there are a couple surprises yet but mostly just mommies little boy. thanks again
Electrically Posted April 25, 2023 Author Posted April 25, 2023 Part 9 Sue’s Monday (back to work) After patting her baby’s bum off to work, Sue looked at the clock and said to herself “I better get my but moving” she hoped in and out of the shower pulled out a typical business suit and started dressing. She didn’t get far realizing this is never going to fit. So she grabbed one of her new dresses and slipped it over her head. She was delightfully surprised at how well it fit and comfortable too. She laced in the belt then tied it into a cute bow above her bum. Pulled her hair into a small bun behind her head then garnished her lips with a flashy red color lipstick, a color she usually didn’t wear but felt it worked well with her dress. Stood back and looked herself over once in the mirror and said “well if you don’t look like a regular Mary Poppins …maybe I should get bangs…I think they are coming back in style.” She hurried down stairs and finished getting her work stuff ready, then sat at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee. Feeling nervous and thinking Jason would be showing up any minute soon Sue began pacing and peering out the window in anticipation, she didn’t want to be late for work again today. Finally Jason pulled his pickup along the curb. Jason strut to the front door as Sue opened the door saying quickly “Hi Jason, I am running late I’ll give you the quick overview and from there do the best you can, You can always call with any questions. Jason not one to change his pace much, looked over Sue and replied “Mornin Sue…uh aren’t you lookin um….Fit today?” Without even walking in the house yet. Sue finally led Jason downstairs. She had stayed up a little late last night boxing up the rest of the toys and stacked them up in a far corner. Sue gave him the quick rundown of the her remodeling plan for the basement. As they stood back looking at the project Jason held up some kind of vape pen as if to ask if it was ok. Sue rolled her eyes and nodded as he took a long drag. Jason finally said “I am not sure if I even want to know what this is for…But it’s all possible I’ll start demo today and we will see how the week goes.” As he exhaled a large puff of imitation smoke . Sue was quick to reply “thanks gotta go” Sue hurried into work and called her Mikey on her way. “Hi sweetie”…. “Did you get to work on time?”… “Did you meet the new employee?”… “Ok baby, tell Tracy I said hi”… “Mommy loves you” Sue had hoped to get more accomplished over the weekend and was hoping to get to work early this morning but showed up 5 minutes late, and then rushed to finish 1 of the projects which was due today. After turning in the first project Sue began working on the second, her focus waiver as all the personal and professional balls bounced in her head. At about 11 am Sue got a knock at the door replying “Yes,” her boss walked thru the door with the proposal she had turned in a few hours earlier. He flatly said “good morning, Sue” Usually he was a little more chipper with her. Sue hesitated at the stern entrance, and it kinda caught her off guard, but eventually replied “good morning sir how can I help you” His name was Rick but she felt better calling him Sir. When he finally laid eyes on her attire, as she rolled her chair away from the desk in front of her. Completely exposing her colorful long dress which held her bossism firmly out in front. He was the one who was now caught off guard and hesitated. He seemed to change his whole demeanor as he addressed her, “Oh ya good morning… ah you look nice today… Um about this proposal, well I don’t want to come off harsh but um it’s just not very good” She was once again caught off guard by the compliment, that may have been the very first time he said anything like that. But definitely disappointed upon hearing his critique. “Oh I am sorry, I guess I have been distracted and I wanted to work on it over the weekend but it just… well I just didn’t have the time.” “I will rework it today and when I get home” Finally Rick responded, as he looked up, and around her, not wanting to be distracted again by her very feminine appearance. Sue noticed his discomfort, she never really thought of him as attractive but he was a tall thin distinguished looking man, always well dressed, and usually very professional. But as she continued to watch him try to work around her very simple, feminine attire, she couldn’t help but notice the very large bulge in the front of his trousers. Being sexually deprived lately it was welcome attention, and her mind couldn’t help but wonder off a bit. Finally she started to pay attention to what he was saying. “She will be taking over some of your work load until we get back on track” Sue missed the first part but got the idea. “So let me get this straight I have worked long hours for 10 years and out preformed everyone in this office and I have a little ruff patch for a couple weeks and you are reassigning my clients?” Rick still unable to look directly at her stammering a bit. “Well don’t think of it like that it’s just for a bit”…”everything will be fine it’s just temporary”…”it’s just… well what time do you plan heading home today?” Sue hesitated again at the very easy question and finally quietly answered “um 2 ish and I have a couple things I need to do tomorrow…but after that I should be here like all day Wednesday…And I think all week.” Rick put his arms in the air and headed towards the door saying “Rachel will be taking over your accounts as necessary until you can get back on track” Sue realized he was right. She needed to get this together and quickly. After a quick meeting with her team and passing over her work load to a very smitten Rachel. She decided to just head home for the rest of the day. Sue was a frustrated with the turn of events at work, but decided she should make the best of her time. Sue stopped at the local grocery store and department store, grabbing a few more dresses and the necessary supplies she recently had discovered needing. Finally home Sue went downstairs to check on Jason. “Home early?” As he exhaled a puff of vapor. “Ya today didn’t go exactly as planned…. But I have plenty to do so I figured better make the most of it” “Well whacha think?” “The room looks so much bigger now that all the crap is out… you can throw this couch away too” “That’s a good thing cause I think it smells like piss” “Oh well um” “Ya I don’t even wanta know”…”the um railing? Should work fine around here and I’ll bring it back to that wall over there, and we can talk about where the gate goes later” “Oh that’s wonderful it should be perfect” “I still have to work out how to reinforce the ceiling over there but I’ll think of something” “Oh thanks so much I just can’t wait till it’s done”… “I’ll be up in my bedroom if you need anything thanks again” Jason waved her off as she climbed the stairs. Sue flopped down on the bed and soon found her phone “Hello this is Sue how’s the minivan going?” …. “Oh that’s perfect I I’ll be by tomorrow afternoon then”… “Thank you see you tomorrow” Then she did a little shopping online. After satisfied with a couple new purchases she laid back and started thinking about Rick’s impressive package. Sue was never especially horny, but Mike wasn’t especially satisfying. At one point she decided to pick her self up a mechanical replacement. So Sue figured it’s bin a bit since her last release, and she had a little time. She hopped up and retrieved her imitation cock locking the bedroom door on her way. She lay back in bed pulling her dress up around her hips and slid her panties down to her ankles. Spreading her legs as far as comfortable with her panties holding her ankles together. Sue tried fantasizing with no particular person in mind about being penetrated as she slid the dildo against her kitty. Finally working it deep inside her. Unfortunately she just couldn’t find the right spot or the right fantasy to achieve climax. And after 10 minutes trying it was just becoming painful. Soon she just gave up saying quietly to herself “I guess she just isn’t ready yet” She thought about retrieving her new breast pump to relieve her painfully full breasts but figured a nap would be nice too and soon dozed off listening to her favorite recording. Sue was awakened by the shouts of “Mommy… Mommy “ as Mikey bounced through the front door. He didn’t notice the pick-up truck parked along the curb outside and was excited to see mommy was home. Sue regained her senses and quickly grabbed her personal member and Mikey’s pacifier on the nightstand. She hid the magic wand in her drawer and headed downstairs to see her precious little boy. Sue also had forgotten about Jason in the basement. Jason overheard the commotion upstairs, and curiosity got the best of him, and slowly snuck up to the top of the steps to listen by the door. Mikey was very excited to see his mommy. “mommy mommy she was so nice and really BIG” as Sue came down the steps. Mikey rushed towards her, arms out for a hug. “oh, that’s so great, mommy’s sooo happy you had a good day” as she held the pacifier at Mikey‘s mouth level before he fell into her for a warm hug. “she is super helpful and smart and REALLY BIG ” Mikey said through his binky. “ well, that’s really something I can’t wait to meet her… you sure had a long day. Are you ready for some booby and a little nap?” As she worked her hand around his padded bum soon breaking his embrace unbuttoned his jeans, and slid her hand down giving the front of his pull-up a squeeze. “looks like someone is a little wet” Mikey hung his head a little in shame stuttering for an excuse. “don’t worry sweetie, you did such a good job today, mommy will have you cleaned up and no time” Sue turned to see Jason barely visible behind the mostly closed basement door. Sue put her hand to her forehead while shaking her head no in disbelief how could she be so forgetful, as she quickly escorted Mikey up towards the bedroom. Mikey didn’t notice Jason, and regaining some enthusiasm saying “mommy I didn’t suck my thumb all day, not even once, I was a big boy.” As he was hurried upstairs. “you did such a good job sweetie. Mommy is so proud of you.” Finally, after a quick change on his new mat and much needed relief of her overfilled Breasts Mikey nodded off to sleep. Jason decided he could use a little break and poured himself a cup of old, cold, black coffee from morning and sat on the living room couch. Soon enough, Sue came downstairs, still unprepared as to what she was going to say. Jason started first and as she opened her mouth, he held his hand up and shook his head. “ well, at least the basement is starting to make a lot more sense” “ well, it’s mab stress” Jason interrupted “ Yeah I’m not sure what you did to him or what ever.” …” and honestly I still don’t wanna know.” Sue tried to speak, but nothing came to mind. “Listen, he looks happy and I’m sure you make a great… ah… ”mommy” (holding his hands up while curling his fingers over)….”and I always figured him for a mamma’s boy” Sue just closed her mouth and let him continue “And Shit half my friends end up waking up in a puddle of their own piss after tying one on a little too tight, more often than they’d admit…and I don’t think a one of them are really happy… so each their own as they say” Sue relaxed somewhat as she listened thinking “well it’s not like he wasn’t going to find out” Jason continued “And hey a diaper is probably pretty convenient at times” Sue chuckled a bit responding “well I could talk to Tracy and you could try one out” Jason put a hard loud singular laugh out “HA ya I don’t think Tracy’s little short school girl dress, while her Daddy spanks her bare ass, (as he points his thumb toward his chest) cause she has been such a bad, little girl, is going to work with Daddy in a diaper…. But like I said to each their own” Sue mouth opened but no words came out. “All righty Suzie I think I’m calling it a day, there’s a lonely beer outder calling my name, I’ll see you tmarrow” He slowly got up leaving the remains of his shit coffee behind and headed towards the door. Sue just stood there finally saying “ya tomorrow” as the door shut. She finally got her wits together and quietly said to herself “I guess I should get dinner ready” Dinner consisted of baked chicken nuggets, mac and cheese with buttery cooked short cut carrots. After platting the dinner (his on a plastic plate) she went to wake Mikey, as expected his pull-up was fairly wet but she figured it would hold up for a bit. And with “Waky waky pumpkin, mommy made dinner, time to get up and eat” Mikey happily started down the stairs working on his pacifier with doggie dragging behind. Mikey didn’t even notice his wet pull-up until he sat on the hard wooden chair. “I don’t need a pull-up mommy I’m a big boy” “oh baby I know mommy will take care of it after dinner” Mikey looked at his dinner and mumbled “oh carrots again but I had those for lunch” as Sue waved a bib around his neck tying it in position. Mikey looked down at the colorful large bib and frowned deeper. There were so many things Mikey didn’t like all at once he felt overwhelmed. His bottom lip pushed the binky out towards his lap which was caught by doggie and his face pushed together, as his hands covered his eyes and nose. Letting out a gurgling boo who and then a quiet maaa … maaa Sue decided to go into damage control. She leaned down beside him with a sippy cup in her hand wrapping her arm around his shoulder said “I’m sorry sweetheart it’s ok mommy just didn’t want you to get yuckies all over your clean shirt, squeezing him a little into her breast she continued “I know you’re a big boy and mommy’s soo proud of you today you did such a good job and you are super brave”..a couple more snorts instead of boo who’s came from his still hidden nose “mommy just wants you to be super healthy and happy so let’s be a big boy a little longer and have such a good dinner” He loosen his hands from his face and she shook his sippy cup out in front of him. “Oh there he is my brave Mikey … have a drink and we will feel way better” Slowly he removed his hands from his red swollen eyes and took the cup from her hands pushing the nipple into his mouth sucking hard against it. “Sweetie would you like ketchup or ranch with your yummy chicken nuggets?” The small decision he got to make made him feel better and softly said “ranch” Soon he was using his fingers to eat the nuggets dipping them into the ranch and finding new ways to get it all over his face. Occasionally licking his fingers as ranch rapidly spread to his hands bib and face, Sue just watched and smiled as the remaining chickens were eaten. He took a long suckling from his sippy cup spreading ranch further to the cup and even further yet as he wiped his face across his sleeve. Grabbing his spoon he started on the macaroni. Sue stopped him before he got started saying “no baby we have to eat our veggies first” He pouted a bit and tried to pick a slippery carrot up with his fingers and it fell back across the table before he could get it in his mouth. Sue decided to step in at this point and took a small fork stabbing the carrot holding it up to his mouth. Hesitantly he opened his mouth and accepted the small carrot. Mikey held it in his mouth for as long as possible before she had to say “chew it up sweetheart” Making a frowning face he slowly chewed and chewed refusing to swallow, eventually she went on “ok baby we have to swallow” Finally he swallowed the carrot still with a look of disgust on his face. “Good job baby here comes another one” This time she scooped a couple noodles on the carrot and made a zooming noise as it was directed to his mouth. This did move the process along quicker and eventually all the carrots were gone. She continued to feed him with a spoon the rest of the macaroni. Finally allowing him to suck down the rest of his drink. As he finished his meal he felt pressured in his bladder and thoughtlessly relaxed letting it warm his pull-up to capacity. Sue directed him to stay still as he motioned to get out of his seat, she quickly warmed a wash cloth under the faucet and wiped everything she could then removed the bib. Saying “ok tubby time.” After removing his clothes Sue said “stay right here mommy will be right back” Mikey stood and stared at himself in the mirror again. He looked at his face feeling smooth and rounder, then his shoulders looked narrow and thin, then down to his flat chest, looking at his arms noticing the lack of definition in his muscles, and the veins he vaguely remembered were gone. Looking down at his penis he remembered thinking it was harry and bigger but now it was small and hairless bumping it with his hand it bounced and stuck out back in place. He stood and tried to think back like a dream that was missing pieces. It wasn’t clear what he remembered. Sue came back in and cheerfully directed him towards the tub flopping the boat and rubber ducky in and squirting a large squirt of bubble bath towards the running warm water. Mikey soon ignored the dream like memories, as bubbles kept his attention and filled the tub. The rest of the night went smoothly. And soon enough he was nursing away at a full boobie as he snuggled in for the night listening to his favorite music. 3
Electrically Posted April 29, 2023 Author Posted April 29, 2023 Part 10 Women’s Drama Tuesday morning started a little slower. Sue didn’t have any immediate plans at work and Mikey, well… So about 8 Sue finally awoke Mikey after realizing the sheets were going to need replaced. Even though Sue had changed his pull-up around 2am, it seems as he enjoyed his morning breakfast his pull-up was overwhelmed. Sue thought to herself “looks like someone is going to need something a little thicker, and fortunately just in time we are almost out of pull-ups” Mikey was upset when he realized “Mommy my pants I’m trying” Sue quickly interrupted him holding his pacifier out in front of his mouth causing him to open his mouth and lean towards it involuntarily, soon it found the comfy place in his mouth as it slowly started bobbing. “Oh sweetie don’t worry mommy will take care of it and you are my big boy” pulling him into a hug with a kiss on the forehead. Soon she had clothes laying out complete with a pull-up as he slowly rolled from the bed. Reaching down to feel his overfilled pull-up giving it a small squeeze he wiggled in its comforting hug. He flopped down onto the awaiting diaper mat as if it had been well rehearsed and waited watching mommy finish getting his things together. Soon enough he was shuffled down the stairs dressed and ready for work, as Jason knocked on the door twice and proceeded to open it to let himself in. Mikey wanted to turn back up the stairs but Sue was right behind him and held his shoulder saying “morning J we’re just getting moving and we’ll be outa your way in no time” Jason replied “morning… what’s been going on Mike?” Mike with a bit of deer in headlights look and with his binky still bobbing in his mouth just replied “mnmm hi J” Jason not one to get too excited just answered with “yep I’ll get right to it then… C-you later” and headed downstairs to the basement. Sue feeling his anxiety added “see everything is fine hunny…you better get moving to work…I packed you a back pack today for uh.. just in case” and she rounded the corner at the bottom of the steps grabbing the backpack off the kitchen table then his lunchbox out of the fridge. “Here you go sweetie maybe give this to Tina so it gets all put away and in the fridge at work… can you be my big boy and do that?” Mikey shyly shook his head yes as she kissed his forehead “ok have a super good day at work and mommy will stop by at some point to meet your new friend Tina…and baby please remember to text me when you get to work … I love you baby” “Love you to mommy” and turned back to get one last hug. Soon Mikey was walking quickly towards the warehouse ready to see Tina. He gave his pull-up a quick rub ensuring it was still dry thinking “see I could hold it like a big boy” but still hadn’t realized that his binky was bobbing in his mouth as he turned the corner to see the large woman. Hi Nina he half shouted through his nuky, holding out his back pack and lunchbox as he walked towards her “mommy said give this to you” Tina smiled as he held the things in front of him for several steps as he approached. Finally saying “good morning cutie… did she now?… and what surprises do you got for me?” “Mmm uh my lunchbox and a backpack for… just in case” “Oh for… just in case? Well let’s see” she held it out in front of her and unzipped it open to see a ziplock bag of wipes, a small baby powder and a extra pull-up, while he continued to hold his lunch out. Finally she took the lunch and asked “cutie do you wanta put that in here for later” as she reached up and gave a slight tug on his pacifier. Mikey slowly nodded yes as blush ran up his face. He opened his mouth slightly and she continued to remove it, then put it in the backpack. “Ok Mikey I’ll be right back” Mikey didn’t want to stand there alone and asked “can I come too?” And started off behind her “of coarse silly” she replied Mikey tried to keep up while talking as she strolled through the warehouse. “My Mommy is coming to meet you today” “That’s what I hear” “She is super cited” “Really?” “I told her you were super nice” “uh hu” “Oh and really big” “Oh am I now?” “Uh well” “Maybe you are just really small” “Ooh um… maybe” Mikey started slowing down “Oh cutie come on I’m kidding” She held out her hand giving a quick come along motion. Mikey jogged a few steps to accept her hand and then she slowed her pace allowing him to keep up, as he was guided along. “Did you text your mommy to tell her you got here ok?” Tina recalling the day before and his brief phone conversation. “oh I forgot” “Ok when we get to the fridge we can text her ok?” As Mikey texted his mommy he felt a twinge of pressure in his bladder he again thought about holding it but remembered how nice and warm it felt, so for a reward for being such a big boy so far this morning, he relaxed and felt a warm stream fill the front of his pull-up, and without thinking he gave it a quick rub, a squeeze, while he wiggled a bit. Tina noticed but figured she would check him in a bit. The morning pretty much continued in a similar fashion, Tina had already prepared the day’s orders, so there wasn’t a lot needed done. Mikey chased Tina around “helping her” and soon they were playing “pick up trash game” as Tina held a large black trash bag while Mikey ran around picking up trash left about.(presumably for years) Occasionally Mikey would feel a little pressure in his bladder and reward himself with a small warming steam. A little before lunchtime Mikey got a text… Sue’s morning After kissing Mikey goodbye. Sue threw the sheets in the washer and had gone over a few things with Jason before leaving the house. She had figured she should at least show her face at the office. Decided on another long, pretty dress complete with a little lipstick and comfortable matching shoes. Soon she strolled into her desk and set up her laptop. Problem was she really didn’t have much to do. So as uncomfortable as it was, the right thing to do was to check on Rachel and help out, or direct with any clients proposals. Rachel was in the middle of a conversation with Rick as Sue approached from behind them and Sue overheard the middle of the conversation. “Yes Sir I think it would be much better to present it, like this, I’m not sure where she was going with that idea” “Yes I agree let’s run with it” “Do you want me to check with her about it” “No it’s a great idea” Rachel with a quick nod and satisfied smile said, “ok I’m on it” Sue interrupted “Check with who? about what?” “Oh good morning Sue” as Rick turned to see Sue, and once again catching his eye. “Yes Good Morning…so what are we talking about?” Rachel looked a little awkward and stood quietly in her sharp business attire. “Oh nothing to worry about… everything is under control” as he quickly turned and faced Rachel. “Well if it’s one of my accounts I would love to be kept in the loop and maybe add some insight” “Oh ya um it’s just another account” as Rick tried to look at Sue without feeling flustered. Sue felt lied to, and Rachel just smiled like a cat that just caught mouse. “Well let me know if I can be any help” “Thanks hun we’ll let you know” Sue’s mouth fell open as they walked away..“ did he just call me HUN … what the fuck was that? … fucking HUN… I’ll give you Fucking HUN” is all she could think but said nothing, and slowly retreated to her office. An hour later as she felt pressure growing in her breasts, and doing, very little of absolutely nothing, Sue quietly said to herself “well maybe Mikey would like a little lunch and I get to meet Tina” She Packed up her stuff and headed towards the furniture supply, picked up a couple slices of pizza on the way and as she pulled up next to Mikey’s car she sent him a text…. Sue: Hi sweetie mommy brought you some lunch, we can eat in the car. Mikey: Hi mommy but how bout Tina? Sue: well mommy can meet her right after lunch ok? Mikey: oh uh ok Sue: I’m right outside in the parking lot Mikey felt bad about leaving Tina alone during lunch but was happy to see mommy and said “I’m sorry Tina I have to go meet mommy for lunch… but I’ll be right back with my mommy sos you can meet her” Tina smiled, happy to have a bit of break said “Oh cutie don’t worry I will be fine by myself…remember I’m really big… but go to the potty and wash you hands with soap for me please before lunch.” Emphasizing the words “soap” and “ before” Mikey nodded and scurried towards the bathroom. He washed his hands and looked at the urinal thinking he was a big boy and could put tinkles in it but then he rubbed his pull-up and feeling its warm embrace decided he didn’t need to go. Drying his hands on his shirt and hurried his way towards the parking lot. Sue was already in the back seat as Mikey found her car. And soon she snuggled him in “would my Mikey like some boobie before lunch” as she squeezed his pull-up through his jeans “oh your a bit soggy baby let’s get cleaned up first” She climbed out of the car and directed him to lay across the back seat with his feet hanging out the side door as she quickly changed his pull-up. “ it’s a good thing I brought an extra pull-up”… then a bit later “almost done pumpkin” as she thought of how nice it will be when she won’t need to remove his pants when changing his diaper. Pulling his pants back up she snuggled back in unfolded her dress allowing easy access to her breast and cradled him against her. Soon he had finished both boobs and she lifted him towards her shoulder giving him a gentle pat on the back producing a load burp, and milk stream down his chin. Sue laughed “wow sweetie that was a big one and gently wiped his face with a dry cloth. Feeling full Mikey soon responded “mommy you wanta go meet Tina?” “After lunch mommy brought you a piece of pizza” and unwrapped a tinfoil plate laying it on his lap. “Oh thanks mommy “ Picking up the pizza and continuing to eat it, as sauce and cheese were spread across his cheeks. About half way through his slice, Mikey held his tummy and said “full mommy” “Ok baby let’s go meet Tina” as she once again wiped his face. Mikey filled with Excitement “Oh mommy let’s go mommy “ And on the way, he continued “We played the trash game today “ “ and I helped with the packages” Dragging Sue towards Tina Finally Tina was still sitting waiting for lunch to end as Sue and Mikey rounded the corner “Tina,Tina mommy’s here Tina” Sue finally being allowed to stop in front of Tina as she sat sipping her water. “You must be Tina” she said with a smirk “Oh how did you guess? And I assume you’re Mommy” They both laughed “Ya most people call me Sue” As they politely shook hands “you got quite a little cutie here” “ya he’s something, thank you so very much for being so good about this and Mikey just seems to really like you” “Oh does he? Well he definitely loves his mommy don’t you cutie” Mikey blushed as he nodded The girls sat together and chatted for a bit as Mikey lost interest and started to wiggle about as pressure mounted against his bladder again soon he relaxed and filled the front of his fresh pull-up a bit” the girls didn’t notice and continued to chat. Soon they were saying goodbyes and as Tina finally stood up saying “Ok looks like lunch is over” Sue was surprised at how big Tina was saying “wow he said you were big “ “ oh did he..(as she looked his direction and raised her voice) I think he’s just small “ “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to offend” “oh no worries I’m totally comfortable with it, and I’m totally used to it” “ Ok well I’ll see you soon thanks again… I mean it Thanks” Sue kissed her Mikey on the head “You be a good boy for Tina” “Yeah mommy” Sue turned and waved again on her way out. Sue stopped up at Tracy’s office “Hey Tracy…wow she’s really great” “What’s going on Sue,… ya she’s great…. And much better at filling orders than Mikey ever could muster….I mean soo very much better” “Mikey really likes her… wow is she tall … really something” “Oh ya it looks like they get along…Hopefully she can change a diaper… I know I have changed enough in my life” Sue detected a bit of attitude from Tracy, and had to ask “Trace everything cool? you seem a bit upset” “Ya I’m cool, I have had a busy day so far and I got another sales meeting soon… I’m sorry for being short, I’m really happy everything is working out” “Ok well I’ll let you know how the car thing goes this afternoon, I’m a little nervous… I’ve never done anything like this before, and Tracy thanks again so much I couldn’t have done this without you.” Tracy smiled and said “you’re welcome I’m so glad it’s working out too and, don’t worry it’s super easy just put the tube all the way in till you feel the bottom of the tank, then leave a loop as low as you can outside the car, when you see the gas fill the loop quit sucking and put the tube in the gas can, remove the loop and watch as the gas just goes right in” Sue looks uncertain and says sarcastically “Ya super easy… I don’t even want to know how you know this shit” Tracy laughs “well all I can say, if you suck the tube to long you’ll get gas in your mouth and it doesn’t taste good” Sue rolled her eyes as she left picking up a long tube and a gas can in the warehouse and went out to Mikey’s car. Mikey and Tina were once again cleaning up around the warehouse. Tina started organizing boxes along the selves and gave Mikey the job of squishing the old empty boxes which sat around the shelves. Soon Mikey was jumping up and landing on the empty box with both feet giggling and making boom noises. Mikey found an old utility knife in his hopping around and remembered it was his, and curiously pushed the blade out then retracted it before putting it in his pocket. A few minutes later Tina said “ok Mikey we’ll get this shrink wrapping off this pallet and stack these boxes on the shelf.” Mikey jumped at the opportunity to show Tina how much help he could be a said ”Tina I’ll get it” and reached into his pocket for the utility knife. Unfortunately he didn’t realize the blade was still partially exposed and as he reached for it the blade stuck him on his thumb. His face jumped to the look of shock as if he was just stung by a bee. He quickly removed his hand from his pocket and shook it in the air before sticking his thumb deep into his mouth. With a “owwy oh owwy”as his face turned red and tears started filling his bottom eye lids. Tina reacted quickly “oh cutie are you ok what happened” Mikey continued to cry unable to answer “Oh let me see” as she retrieved his thumb from his mouth, a small stream of blood rolled down his thumb as she held it up causing Mikey to cry harder and louder. “Oh you’re okay cutie” as she wiped the blood away, Tina kneeling in front of him as another bubble of blood formed on his thumb. “Ok let’s go get a band-aid.. you’ll be as good as new” she stood up releasing his hand and Mikey pushed his thumb back in mouth. “No, no Mikey yucky thumb” he cried loader as she removed his thumb. Mikey completely let his bladder relax as tears poured down his face as he continued to empty in his pants. Tina led him by hand towards the offices hoping to find a first aid kit Mikey pushed his other thumb into his mouth and his pull-up became overwhelmed, leaking down his legs. Tina looked back hearing his cries become muffled seeing his other thumb back in his mouth and decided first to head towards his backpack. She got to the backpack dug out his pacifier and held it up towards his mouth. Mikey felt the bulb against his cheek and she tugged his wrist, he exchanged his thumb for the binky. Tina noticed the condition of his pants and quietly said under her breath “oh brother” she swung his back pack over her shoulder and began to lead him looking for a first aid kit. She finally found the kit mounted on the wall in the hallway that led back towards the sales offices. Soon she was once again kneeling in front of him as she cleaned the small wound and wrapped a band-aid around the tip of his thumb. Tina rubbed his head and kissed his thumb saying “see all better” Mikey finally cleared his eyes and looked at his thumb then towards Tina’s large brown eyes and snorted and sniffled as he finally quieted his crying. Tina repeated “see all better” Mikey soon felt the cold pee down his legs and his face started to curl again reaching down to feel his wet pants Tina responded quickly again “Oh cutie don’t worry we’ll get you all cleaned up in no time” but as she looked up the sales team being led by Tracy steamed from the conference room. Tracy with a evil smile looked over the situation in front of her and quickly pointed towards Mikey saying “oh look at the baby, he’s crying with his binky in his mouth…and he put pee pees in his pants… someone needs his diaper changed” covering her mouth as she pointed and laughed, soon the whole team was pointing and laughing. Tina finally stood up with an angry look, folding her arms under her breasts, this definitely quieted the laughter. But Mikey found the opportunity to run away to hide. Tracy continued to berate “oh is little pissy pants running away?… go find your mommy you big baby ” Tina quietly said “you all should be ashamed of yourself” and gave an especially evil look towards Tracy. As the group tried to keep as far away from her as they had to walk around her, down the narrow hallway. Tracy didn’t however she stood in the hallway as her employees passed, with a smirk on her face. Tina continued to glare at her and had half a mind to rip her to pieces, (not one to back down often), but controlled her temper and eventuality Tracy put out her tongue a bit making a snotty pre-teen face and said “excuse me” as she walked closely by. Tina stood in the hallway a few more seconds and took a few deep breaths saying under her breath “do I really need this shit” then another deep breath “I guess I should go find the little squirt” Finally relaxing her hands she hadn’t realized we’re cinched into fists, as she headed towards the warehouse. Fortunately it wasn’t hard finding little Mikey. The trail of pee droplets like bread crumbs in the forest, led her right to him. Tina heard him softly sobbing in the far corner of the nursery muttering to himself “I am a big boy”..”not a baby” repetitively. Tina paused and sighed thinking “Ok I got this” Seeing Mikey wrapped in a ball holding his wet knees to his face in behind the toy box. So Tina started “Oh there you are cutie… I’ve been looking everywhere” he pretended not to hear her and continued sobbing so she squatted down as low as possible and rubbed his head “ having a tough day buddy?” He slowly shook his head against his knees “ya I get that … why don’t we try to be the biggest boy we can be and we’ll get through this” Mikey slowly lifting his head saying through his binky “Tracy is so mean, like really mean and uhhh a big meanee” and put his head back down “ya she was just teasing everything will be good” Mikey continued “I’m not getting any new art job am I?… she was lying.” “I don’t know buddy…just do the best you can” Mikey started sobbing again a little harder “she’s such a meany” “Well let’s get cleaned up and everything else will work out” Tina pulled the backpack off her shoulder and unzipped it setting it on the floor, then stood up grabbed a colorful mat that folded into 3rds and spread it out in front of Mikey, soon she was digging through the cupboards for anything useful. She found a towel and blanket tossing them towards the mat. Then she opened a tall pantry style cupboard door and was happy to find a small stacked washer dryer fit neatly inside saying “wow that’s going to be useful” She made her way to the fridge and grabbed his lunchbox finding his still uneaten lunch inside pulled out the full sippy cup and headed back to beside Mikey squatting down saying “up you go” Mikey reluctantly assisting as she pulled him towards his feet. Everything felt awful his cold wet jeans stuck to his legs his socks and feet were wet and soggy as his pull-up sloshed between his legs, snot and tears held dirt to his red face as his eyes still full and blurry, as Tina directed him to the mat, saying “down you go” after he flopped into position she held up the sippy cup pointing the nipple towards his binky which still occasionally bobbled against his face. With both hands he reached for the handles as he opened his mouth. Tina took the pacifier from between his lips and set it in the backpack, as she removed the powder, wipes and a fresh pull-up saying “well at least your thumb doesn’t hurt anymore.” He gave her a small smile through his sippy-cup as the familiar, comforting, liquid rolled down his tongue. Tina held out the new pull-up and studied it for a second thinking “we will have to discuss something better than this” but said “oh these are cool cars” while she showed him the colorful pictures of cars. Mikey finally showed a little enthusiasm and slurred through his beverage “They’re race cars and um…I got to pick” shaking his head. “Well you made a great pick” Soon Tina had his shoes, jeans and very used pull-up off, and was drying his legs with the towel thinking to herself “Oh My!…well um not very developed” as she used the hand full of baby wipes around his groin. Then she easily pulled his legs and bum off the floor as she worked the pull-up in place. By this point Mikey was dozing off from the emotional day. Tina lightly tucked the blanket around him and collected his damp jeans throwing them in the dryer. saying “ok cutie take a quick nap and we’ll get these jeans dry before you go home.” As Mikey continued to slowly nurse he quietly slurred “tanks Nina” Tina sighed thinking to herself “what did I get myself into” bent back down grabbing the last of the unused baby wipes and cleaned the dirt and snots off his face before kissing his forehead. 3
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