LostBBoyBear Posted April 10, 2023 Posted April 10, 2023 Introduction and PSA Despite my best efforts, I have experienced the dreaded ‘Con Drop.’ While at a convention a few weeks ago, I thought of this story and couldn’t shake it, so now, in the midst of ‘Con Drop,’ I went ahead and plowed through this story in an effort to revel in the wonderful time I had there, write a new story that I couldn’t get out of my head, and provide a relief from the post-event blues I know many of us are experiencing who participated. On a side note, this particular convention was absolutely amazing, and I just wanted to say thank you to all the presenters, hosts, and even participants of the event. It was truly magical, and I will be eagerly awaiting next year. I won’t mention it by name or acknowledge any comments regarding it, but if you know, you know. “If you’re not having fun, you’re doing it wrong. If you don’t have consent, move along.” I really love this saying that we had there, and I wish it was one of the elements that could be brought into the real world more from the event. I know some already live it, but I know others don’t. All that being said, I know this community is a bit of a tight secret, so despite some activities where I met other authors or content creators, I will not be mentioning them by name or the events that I took part in, as I do not have their consent to write about them. I was in awe of meeting them and had a lot of fun, but I can respect blanket anonymity to all their identities. To further protect identities and locations, I will be using a name generator and generalities about the hotel, respectfully. Any references to specific people from the convention itself are merely coincidental or are only meant in a general sense (littles, caregivers, puppies, etc.). The real event will only serve to set the stage and framework for some of the events in this story. Beyond that, the main character is not a consenting character with the overall plot. Just because they took part in a fantasy scenario, does not mean they consent to have this element take over their life and I know that full well. Additionally, the main character will not follow or will just simply forget about some of the general rules in place. The actual convention is pretty safe, and this scenario is only meant to be a fantasy of what could happen if certain elements were in play or others and some basic unsaid rules were not followed. Now, please enjoy, “The CONvention: A Diaper Dimension Story.”
LostBBoyBear Posted April 10, 2023 Author Posted April 10, 2023 (edited) After a lot of people in one of the writing seminars I attended said they liked warnings, I figured I should add them and people can just skim or skip at their own leisure. These are what I posted above and as with my previous story, this story contains several elements inherent to the pre-established diaper dimension. These include, but are not limited to diapers, using diapers for their intended purpose, non-consensual mental regression through various means (including possible drugs, hypnosis, and/or surgery), graphic imagery associated with any of these warnings, humiliation, female domination, babying of adults, and the kink-related topics inherent to this community (such as, but not limited to, furries, pet play, bondage, and spanking). I also want to note that I will be posting less frequently with this story as April is oddly a very busy time for me. Never fear, the bulk of the story is written, but I just need to add, edit, or modify a few parts before I post it. EDIT There is now a sequel to this story. I will post the link below, but just in case the link breaks or has not been updated, it is called The CONtingency: A Diaper Dimension Story. Link: https://www.dailydiapers.com/board/index.php?/topic/89878-the-contingency-a-diaper-dimension-story-chapter-19-complete/ Now that I've said all that, please enjoy the first chapter of my next story. Chapter 1: A Wager Between Women Two women ticked and squirmed as subtly as possible to not draw attention to themselves while trying to relieve some of the symptoms of portal travel. It was an early Wednesday morning in the lobby of the hotel and the two tall and imposing similarly looking women were sitting on two also similarly looking and facing large and black chairs by the railing near the hotel registration desk. “You’d think the twentieth travel through the portal would be easier by now,” the taller one noted, scratching her neck with her manicured nails. “You would think, but after all, we are using a modified and portable form of that technology. It could be much worse.” The shorter one paused and crossed her legs in an effort to relieve some of the cramps she was getting in her left thigh. “You remember, right?” “Of course. Puddle jumpers basically. All brave… all puddles on the floor if they got back at all.” “We wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for them. Maybe speak about them with a little more respect…” “Respect? I respect them all, but we’re here now and we have a job to do. Something that happened over 70 years ago isn’t high on my list of priorities right now. Don’t you think?” The shorter of the two women readjusted her position. “Yes, yes… now, we need to take two on this trip. We can tag more but this is an experiment of kinds. These types of conventions were noted in a debriefing a few years ago and the head of Little Acquisitions thinks it could be a readily available market.” “Personally, I think a Little is a Little. I don’t see one tiny event with a limited number of people making a dent in our problems.” “True, but these convention goers may be more amenable to our ways. You see, this convention is for people who already have an interest in being Littles in some form. Or most of them at least” “All of them? Right now?” the taller woman asked astonished, now looking around at the hotel patrons buzzing about. “Well… as I said, not all of them. Especially right now. The event doesn’t start until tonight and the opening ceremony isn’t even until tomorrow. Additionally, some here may be more on the caregiver side in their own way or have other… peculiarities that may not suit our needs. Especially for this singular experiment.” “Fair, but if they’re attending the type of convention that I think this will be, wouldn’t they all match our criteria at least a little bit? They should all be easy targets by the way you’re describing them.” The woman paused and then looked relieved. “I thought I was going to feel guilty again this time. You remember the last one?” the shorter one nodded. “Crying, begging, pleading. Had to subdue them in the parking lot.” She shook her head in disbelief. “Geez, from what you’re saying, I don’t think that’s going to be the case. It’s going to spoil all my fun now. If they all want this so bad, these Littles deserve their fate.” “I’m glad you feel guilt of any kind, even if it is mixed with your enjoyment... Some of your last few captured Littles were a bit… broken.” The shorter woman looked around with wide doe eyes at the people in the lobby, oblivious to the fact that there were two Big women in the lobby right now about to begin their hunt for one of their kind. “Anyway, regardless of if these Littles may like some of this stuff, they should still be treated with respect. The point of this experiment is to turn our society around. We may be the dominant species across multiple dimensions but almost every Little eventually thinks that we’re monsters.” “Good. Keeps the native Littles more in line.” The shorter woman shook her head. “Not good. Every day a Little’s Rights Group is forming, or the ones that exist are getting bolder. If this experiment succeeds, we can show Littles back home that our methods are changing and that some may actually want this, even if it’s buried deep down for a few. Self-denial, shame, and all that. As such, we need to treat them with some respect. A bit more like precious cargo than trophies or specimens to experiment on this time perhaps. We are supposed to be the more civilized society, right?” “Ugh… I guess.” “Good.” The taller woman looked offended at the shorter one’s curtness over the situation. “Don’t worry about me. I’m a professional and don’t get attached to these people. Worry about getting a Little out without mistakes and without falling love with them. Mine may be broken, but you get attached. You need to stay focused yourself. You’ve almost resigned, what? Five times now?” The shorter woman nodded and partially blushed over her past record with other captured Littles from this dimension. “Just try to stay focused. Remember, you are allowed one for your own adoption, so make it a good one and not one that will be rejected by the agency this time and used solely for experimentation like the others.” The shorter woman huffed but nodded. The taller woman seemed satisfied with the shorter woman’s acknowledgment of her own flaws, so continued on. “Now, we have a quota to fill back home eventually, so we will be tagging some of the Littles here for possible later extraction by us or other teams. I got a report last week back home stating that the situation is getting worse. Some Amazons are even regressing and shrinking Littles to implant them and alter their appearance to then give birth to them naturally afterwards.” “It’s better than nothing I suppose. Some of our race can’t have children anymore…” The taller woman placed her hand on the shorter woman’s knee but said nothing more about it. The shorter woman had gotten the news that she couldn’t carry a child to term about ten trips ago. It was one of the reasons she had started to try and adopt the ones they captured. It was increasingly common, and they had already discussed the matter, so the taller one kept quiet while still showing support for her friend. After a moment, she removed it and leaned back in her chair with an expression that soon became akin to someone trying to focus hard enough to get someone else’s head to explode. “I’ve been having a thought…” “Yes?” “Actually, more of question really. I’m assuming this convention isn’t small, so how do we narrow down our pool exactly? Can’t really go up to everyone and ask if they want to go to another dimension, right?” “That’s true…” the shorter one leaned in from her chair and gave a curious expression as to where the taller woman was going with this. “Well, I’ve heard there will be hundreds here. I don’t know the exact count, but numbers have always been their race’s singular advantage against us. It’s why we never invaded like some want us to do back home, but how can you narrow the list down to just two in a convention like this? There has to be dozens that would normally have fit our criteria in other trips.” The taller one paused and looked immediately frustrated. “Couldn’t even bring our Littlemeter from home to determine the potential acceptance of our treatments in a particular subject. Too complicated of technology to go through the portal… ugh.” “I know you know why. It could have merged with us on the way over. I don’t think you fancy the meter suddenly sticking out of my hip or yours. Besides, we’ve been able to scrounge a few things together and even make a compound or two to help us later.” “Yeah, but they’re almost the equivalent of a flintlock rifle compared to a machine gun. It truly is a primitive world…” An overweight businessman then sauntered by them and was talking loudly on his smartphone. “Very primitive…” “I think you’re too hard on them,” the shorter woman defended. “They’re catching up. Look at the past 60 years since our race has started coming here. It’s impressive. Besides, our technology would cause too much of a scene. You remember what happened here initially in the year they know as 1947 from the academy history class? Not good stuff at all. Didn’t they think aliens or something like that?” The shorter one allowed the story they both learned in class that day to be refreshed in her partner’s mind. “So please, limit the amount of technology you expose these people to. For me?” The taller woman pondered for a moment, but let out a flustered, “Fine.” “Thank you. You can still use it for emergencies, but…” “Yeah, yeah. Look, I get it now, but we still need another way to narrow them down if you’re not going to let me whip something better up than what we’ve got already now.” “I was thinking the same thing, so I did a little research, and I got an idea from one of the sites I found. There’s a place here apparently called ‘the dark room.’” “Sounds wicked… torturous…” The taller woman smiled. “I like it. What is it?” “Well, from what I found, many go there who may not be incentivized to comply with rules if they are punished.” The taller woman stared at her blankly, not understanding what the shorter one was implying. “They can enjoy pain or inflicting it on others.” “Oh… yeah, that would be bad if they came to our dimension. Could you imagine trying to break a Little like that? I’m not sure even Helga at the academy could do it.” “Hard to know, but I’m guessing that most of our normal breaking methods could be lost on those candidates or not even work at all. It’s too much of a risk. Especially for a first-time experiment like this.” “Agreed. I like the plan. Simple and easy to remember.” “It won’t take out all of them, but it will probably narrow down the list of potentials. Even if it doesn’t though and everyone goes, we could enter ourselves and see the reaction of those inside for a best fit scenario. I’m sure some will feel the peer pressure to go inside if everyone else is doing it. They might even be influenced better back in our dimension with other Littles acceptance of the lifestyle. See the benefits or better treatments and all, rather than resisting.” “Perfect.” The taller woman checked her watch and noticed the lobby was slowly emptying of the suited individuals and filling up with many who seemed to already be sporting larger posteriors. She smiled knowingly. “I think it’s about to start. Anything else I need to know?” “Didn’t you do research yourself?” “I did, a bit… But you’re always more thorough! I’m better when everything goes wrong, but you do better prep work.” “Fine.” The shorter one conceded, remembering three trips ago when she herself knew every street corner of the city they were visiting but her partner’s improvisation at the end was the only thing that allowed them to leave this place and return home. “I actually do have one more thing… your attitude.” “My attitude?” “Yes. Like I mentioned before, I was talking with leadership before we left and the Littles you bring back tend to be husks rather than the loveable and adoptable Littles they want. A Big getting what you bring back might as well get a doll instead half of the time. They’re less expensive and might even be able to be programmed into doing something more than just lay there, especially if they’re like Victor was on the last trip.” “Management isn’t happy with my results? Don’t I deliver every time?” “You do. Don’t get me wrong, but management… me saying they are happy with your work would just be a lie, so I won’t.” The shorter woman saw how that revelation was putting a damper on her partner’s spirits. “How about this, I’m going to make you a wager…” The taller woman looked up from her brief stupor and curiously leaned forward. “Which is?” The shorter woman closed the distance between the two on her side, using the arm rest for support. “If you don’t harm a Little or you manage to get one before me this time using our other approved methods, I will file all our paperwork for at least this trip.” The taller woman hesitated. “A few future trips as well if your Little comes back more intact, and you don’t cause a scene.” The taller woman looked intrigued but suspicious of her partner’s generous offer. “Why would you do this?” “Well, I like you as my partner on these little trips. You’re my friend, and I don’t want to see you let go because of some… over enthusiastic regression methods.” She paused and smiled at her friend and partner. “Also, I think this place has the potential to find the most willing and successful Littles our society has ever had since we liberated that one island that was experiencing a famine.” “I remember that. Practically begged to be taken away.” “Exactly. Quality over quantity. Management has wanted that for a while and this place seems perfect.” A hotel goer shuffled by, and a subtle crinkling could be heard under their skirt. The two women smiled knowingly at each other. “I think I know what you mean…” The taller woman then spotted a group of four enter the building’s lobby nearby. All were dressed like any other Little she had seen here, but using her Big sense, they exuded a picture of something more. Slightly thicker around the butt, a hint of a waddle, half over enthusiastic and the other half practically looking like they wanted to disappear in the wall, and of course, each sporting a more juvenile shirt design exhibiting their likes in comics, anime, or cartoons. The two looked at each other again. The shorter woman smiled and then outstretched her hand. “Agreed?” The taller woman hesitated for a moment but smiled at the group of four who were passing by with a subtle crinkling, and then shook her hand. “Agreed.” “Good.” The two women stood up and grabbed their bags. “Now, it begins.” Edited March 8, 2024 by LostBBoyBear 6
LostBBoyBear Posted April 12, 2023 Author Posted April 12, 2023 Chapter 2: A Moment of Courage and Cowardice I rubbed my arm where the Band-Aids had just been applied by a matronly worker at First Aid. She was efficient and I appreciated her calm ministrations without over-babying me. I had been into the ABDL lifestyle in some form for over half my life now, but this was my first convention ever and I was still wading into the new territory of public display. For almost a day now, the convention had been running officially and puppies, furies, littles, bigs, princesses, and so many others now lined the halls. Where bar patrons had once sipped their whiskey sours and Manhattans, diapered patrons in all manner of clothing now sat and idled about the room; diapers evident but covered according to convention policy. It was still a few hours before the bar opened, but a seat there was as good as any other in the hotel. My own little side had been wanting to burst out all day and join the others who had been coming to these for years, but I still felt a pull in my head that was keeping me from doing so. The blockage had subsided substantially during the nerf war I had just come from and where I had initially gotten injured. I had painted my powerful nerf pistol back home and was immensely proud of it as I shot six rounds at the other side in a matter of seconds. Our side by the ball pit was victorious in the beginning but our members had dwindled to only a dozen or so by the end. Large guns and seeking shelter behind the rectangular barriers adorned in different patterned fabrics proved no match for the jungle gym side, and we lost the last few rounds. It was frustrating but I had to jokingly remind myself that babies can only play like that for so long. ‘I guess more than an hour is too much for them.’ Once satisfied the bandage wouldn’t fall off, I made my way downstairs to the preschool room and took a seat at one of the wobbly stools by a table littered in crayons, colored pencils, markers, and scraps of paper. I had been in here yesterday, but I had only created a small drawing. Today, I was determined to finish the Alice and Wonderland artwork I had started this morning. After sitting with a ‘poof,’ I quickly got to work with my markers once again and started to color in Alice’s dress. Coloring had always made me feel little in the past and was often a way I calmed down during stressful times, even when occupying a more adult mindset. When I was actually younger, drawing had been at the top of my go-to activities, so being at a place where youthful energy abounded, it was only natural for me to fall back onto these old habits. It didn’t help that the markers were smellable or that the pencils were oversized. I was too engrossed in the robin blue markings I was applying to Alice’s dress that I didn’t notice someone in front of me until I heard, “Can I join you?” I looked up and a sandy-haired and blue-eyed man dressed in a teddy bear onesie that bulged thickly around his groin stood in front of me. It contrasted with my own skull and cross bone onesie and shortalls. More immature… babyish… free… “Sure. This seat is open.” I gestured to the green mini chair next to me. “Thanks.” He sat down with his own audible ‘poof’ and began vigorously coloring the individual accessories that could be cut out and then placed on the figure-like doll. Already, other figures with wings, puppy ears, diapers, and onesies already adorned the wall from the previous day’s activities. It interested me, but I had to finish my drawing first, now with a long pink table that Alice was sitting at. After a moment, I decided to strike up a conversation. I had always heard about making friends here, but I hadn’t really gotten to know anyone beyond a name or two yet. “I’m Percy.” I extended my hand to shake. The man smiled back and shook my hand. “Derek. Good to meet you, Percy. First con?” “Yeah. You?” “Nah. This is my fourth. One of the best parts of my year.” “I can definitely see that. Everyone here is so open. It’s nice…” I began to blush, thinking about all the variety of kinks and outfits I had seen on display in my brief time here so far. Having been raised in a more conservative household when it came to anything beyond a coverall of ‘love is love,’ the convention had been a shock, but a pleasant one to know that I could have a place to finally fit in. “I know what you mean. During the work week, I’m part of a marketing team, but here, I’m three at most and I can just be myself. Got anything planned for later?” I had a few events I knew I wanted to go to, but the past few weeks had changed my mind about one of them. I had heard about the dark room from several reviewers of past cons, and all had suggested at least going to the orientation to leave it open as an option. There was no clause where you had to go back afterward. Having traveled into the city the other night, I had gained a sense of courage. The city was one giant platform of steel, glass, and stone that had shone brilliantly yesterday when I had checked out the art museum, but the night before on Wednesday had been foggy, windy, and raining. The entire city seemed to moan and then ooze with grime and seediness. I couldn’t help but feel that it was a perfect stand in for Gotham with the green and purple lights leftover from St. Patrick’s Day, though the dark justice league socks I had been wearing secretly probably didn’t help with that notion. My current superman socks and the nerf war had also added to the nice feeling of courage I now possessed. “I was thinking of maybe the…” I lowered my voice, “dark room orientation in a little bit. I don’t know. Maybe?” “Ooh. What a coincidence. I was thinking the same. I missed it yesterday catching up with a few people and slept in this morning, so I think it would be the perfect time, but maybe? Having some reservations?” I mulled it over and thought of the brief descriptions some seemed to give about it when I was trying to research the convention in the first place. What I could find reminded me of one of my exes who was into the stricter side of the taboo community. Spankings and bondage seemed light faire compared to what went on in that room. My imagination crept in though over the lack of information and filled in all the possibilities of what people weren’t saying. I hated the unknown and the dark room seemed to perfectly encapsulate the whole notion of ‘not knowing.’ “Just a bit, yeah. Is it obvious?” “Maybe a little, but I wouldn’t worry about it or the dark room. It’s perfectly natural to get a little shaky about that room, but this is just orientation. Nothing bad. How about this? If you don’t mind the company, we could go together. Strength in numbers, right?” Despite my previous courage, my knee had started bouncing and shaking in anticipation of what could follow based on where my imagination was taking me. Derek was right about strength in numbers though. Company would be nice, and I doubted I would get this type of offer again. “Yeah. That’d be great.” I tried to keep my emotions in check and downplayed how much I appreciated his gesture. “Perfect.” Derek looked down at my drawing and noticed my knee still shaking. “Alice in Wonderland?” Derek was trying to take my mind off the room. ‘Good guy.’ “Yep. This place feels so trippy, it kind of felt natural. Plus, I’m a bit of a fan. If you couldn’t tell,” I propped up my lanyard and showed off my pins. Some were from the con itself, but I had gotten some of the others from past conventions I had attended elsewhere. ‘Hard to go wrong with a smiley face.’ In the middle of the left side, I was holding up was a playing card with Alice proudly displayed on it with roses to confirm my love of the story and movie. “Ah. Very nice. I like your pins.” He looked down at his own lanyard. “I completely forgot to bring some other pins myself this year. Oh well. Always next year.” I smiled and nodded. Despite the on-going convention, everyone kept talking about next year. If my time here was any indication so far, I couldn’t blame them for already wanting to come back. Derek and I joked for the next 30 minutes, and we both continued our respective projects. He quickly finished a near-self-portrait of a cut-out cartoon version of himself before I had even finished the Mad Hatter in my own creation, but he had nicely waited for me until about ten minutes before the orientation and kept cracking jokes. He then checked his watch. “We probably should head upstairs to get in line for the orientation.” “There’s a line?” “There’s almost always a line. Nothing too big, but it’s good to go a little early.” Derek stood up and stretched, his onesie straining against his prominent diaper. I stared briefly at it in wonder of his lack of caring or what others were seeing but I didn’t want to be caught, so I snapped back to my drawing. From my previous view in the mirror, I knew my own shortalls bulged slightly with my own relatively poorly adjusted diaper, but they almost formed a shield in my mind of preventing others from truly seeing what I had underneath. I looked at my still unfinished creation and knew it could wait. I was unlikely to be more confident once I had finished it and was even less likely to find someone that I got along with to come with me again. “Right. Let’s go.” Derek nodded and stuck his creation to the wall with the others. I rolled up my sheet and gently slid it into the back of my drawstring backpack next to the tiger I had brought from home. He was named “Stripe.” Not original mind you like some of the other names I had heard since I had arrived, but I had thought of the name one day and couldn’t shake it to come up with another one. If nothing else, it was easier to remember. After meandering through the lower crowds, the odd single staircase connecting the bottom floor to the main floor, and the lounging people on the extra-large couch or near the still empty bar, we made it to a long corridor with the dark room at the end of it. Pushing past some of the doors that lead to the con’s vendors, we nabbed our place in line. As Derek had predicted, there were already a few lined up in front of us. A casual check of my phone in my front pocket confirmed there were still a few minutes until we were allowed in. I made a mental note to bring a wristwatch next year to prevent me from continually pulling out my phone. A ban of photos seemed to make everyone nervous each time I had pulled my phone out, so a watch just seemed like a better idea at this point. My mind wandered for a second thinking of all the childish patterns I could even get if I wanted to, but Derek spoke up and drew my attention back to reality. “Made it,” Derek said, looking around, “and in just the perfect spot too. Not too early to seem overly eager, but not too late to seem like we’re looking for punishment.” He gave a small playful and wicked smile at the end. “Punishment?” “Just a figure of speech, Perce. Remember, this is just the orientation.” He saw my demeanor stiffen up and nearly shrink away. “If it helps, just keep thinking of that.” “Thanks, but whew… you had me worried there for a…” “Actually, they changed the rules this year.” Derek looked behind me and I spun around to be greeted by a woman who had at least a few inches over me and was wearing mostly black leather and a pair of heels that gave her another few inches. If she fell on the little side of the spectrum at the con, she had the biggest case of denial I had ever seen. Rather than innocent enjoyment, her look only made me want to swallow dryly in fear. “At the end, they give a demonstration.” “Demonstration?” I asked tentatively. “Yes. Any first years are game…” Her eyes flashed with an evil that made me weak at the knees. If I ever were to have a nightmare about this place, those intense green eyes would peer directly into my soul as we descended into a nightmare in the room we were about to enter. “Little boys always get selected by this group. Are you a little boy?” “I… I…” “That’s a yes. Those skulls and crossbones don’t do you justice. You’ll be spotted a mile away… is that a smiley face?” I looked down at my lanyard and back at the lady in terror as she focused on the yellow button. “Oh, it is. Oh, sweetie. You’ll definitely get selected. I’m sure of it. My guess…” “Knock it off, Nix. You’ve had your fun. Now stop.” Derek spoke up from behind me. He then placed a hand on my shoulder reassuringly. “Don’t pay any attention to her, Perce. This is Nix. She’s always trying to rattle everyone’s cages beforehand.” “I remember rattling your cage last year, Der.” I felt Derek’s hand grow weak on my shoulder, but it remained. If I had turned to look at Derek, he probably had just lost some of the resolve in his stance and was either blushing or cowering over her jest. I, however, did not want to turn my back on Nix. Her shiny heels were enough to intimidate me. ‘Who knows what she would do if I wasn’t watching her?’ “I see little Der-Der is already properly padded. I hope you’re properly padded as well… what’s you name little one?” “P… Percy.” ‘Dang it.’ I internally curse myself. ‘Wrong move. I definitely should not have responded to ‘little one.’ I should have protested that. Ugh.’ “Ah. Percy. Excellent! I recognize that cute little onesie underneath from anywhere. Given it and your waddle here, I’d bet anything you were.” She began playing with her springy black wristband. “Good thing too. It can get a little intense in there.” She then let go of her wristband and it snapped shut. Smack! I involuntarily jumped a bit at the loud crack in front of me. I saw it coming but I was too engrained in her domineering presence to bolster against the snap. My imagination was also running wild with Nix in front of me. I could feel my previous bouts of courage leaving me, and the superman socks might as well have been ducks for all the good they were doing me in bolstering my nerves. ‘So much for the brave Percy.’ “Let it go, Nix. You’re obviously making this one uncomfortable. Cut it out,” A sing-song voice behind her called out. Despite my fear of Nix still, I briefly looked away and spotted a shorter woman behind her sporting a pair of fishnets, a purple tutu, and a thick diaper that just peaked out from underneath. She then looked at me directly. “Derek is right. Don’t pay any attention to her, sweetie.” She then looked past me. “Hey Derek.” She looked happy at his presence and gave a small nod of her head.” “Hey Naddie. Good to see you, but I would have thought you would have done this already.” “True, but there’s so much to do this year. It’s pretty great but this is the first second I’ve had free.” “Same, but seriously,” he turned back to Nix, “Nix, back off. I mean it.” I felt nicely protected by Derek and Naddie, despite only knowing them for a combined time of barely an hour. “So, it’s really not that bad?” I managed to spit out. “No, Percy. It’s not, I swear,” Naddie confirmed pleasantly. “Besides, this is literally just orientation. Go and see what you think. You can always back out during it.” “She’s right, Perce. We all know it. Nix is just being an ass. But also, even if you make it through the orientation, you don’t have to go in that room again.” “I…” “Oh wow. I think they’re getting ready to let us in,” Nix butted in. “Oh, man. And that’s Butch.” I swung around and took a look at the muscular bald man now nearing the double doors that were just beyond the line ahead of us. “He’s… something else. I heard he was volunteering this year, but last year… oof. Even gave me a few nice welts on the backside.” She paused and looked dreamily at him. “Oh! Look at that. I think he’s got an eye on you, Percy. Excellent! Butch knows just how to break in the newbies.” I was too distracted by her last comment to notice Butch at that single moment to see if she was telling the truth or not, so my nerves began rapidly building up again with even just the possibility of her telling the truth. My mind continued to reel with the possibilities. I noticed Naddie and Derek speaking up once again, but I was too distracted by my own racing heart to know what they were saying. A few moments later, I think my heart might have actually stopped for a moment when the doors opened with a loud creak. Despite being just a pair of doors to an otherwise normal conference room where some suit and tie type had likely given a presentation last week, the room now represented so much more. Ever since one of my exes had introduced me to that type of scene, I couldn’t help but picture the worst of imaginable fates in there. The rational part of my mind knew that it was just a room, but that part was quickly being overtaken. “Here we go, darling.” Smack! Nix snapped her bracelet back on her wrist and I involuntarily jumped again. Between the doors, Nix’s taunts, and my own cursed imagination, it was too much. My heart raced and I needed to sit down. The doors creaked further and I just got a snippet of what lay inside. Plain as day, a large, padded surface was shrouded in darkness just beyond the entrance. Faint outlines of other equipment lay just beyond, and my ex and years of internet searches down dark roads didn’t allow my mind to play them off as anything but meant for pain. Others could derive pleasure from pain, but that was never really me. Smack! The line began moving forward and I nearly yelped at the sound of Nix’s bracelet smacking again. My knees almost buckled and despite my earlier courage, I knew the truth. I couldn’t do this today no matter how much a true sense of curiosity burned within another side of me. The room sounded fascinating from a distance, but up close, my worst fears just kept toying with my head over and over. It was too much. I quickly bent down and grabbed my drawstring bag that I had laid on the floor while we were waiting and turned to leave. “Wait! Perce, come on. We said we’d do this together. Screw Nix!” “Hey!” Nix shouted back. “Shut it, Nix. Come on, Percy. It will be okay. 20 minutes top and you’re out,” Derek tried to rationalize. “I… I… just can’t do it. Not today. Not never, but just not today. I’m sorry Derek.” I hung my head in shame. “I know I told you I would go with you, but… I just don’t think I can take it right now. Too much…” I pointed to my head, “up here.” Derek’s frustrated and pleading face relaxed. “Oh, I understand. That’s okay, Percy. Just get some water and sit down. We’ll catch up later. No worries.” I smiled. In my time at the con so far, I quickly noticed how nice everyone had been to each other. I knew there was likely some behind the scenes drama I wasn’t aware of, but from at least my surface view now, everyone seemed to accept each other and respect their boundaries. This place was meant to test boundaries for sure, but having fun took priority over everything else. Testing boundaries meant nothing in a place of fun if it was too traumatizing or a moment of regret later down the road. “Thanks, man. Maybe we’ll see each other later?” “Yeah! That sounds great.” Derek looked longingly at the moving line headed into the darkened room beyond the double doors. “I have to go, but I’ll catch you later. Just breathe and it will all be okay. I promise!” I nodded and Derek walked through the doors and out of sight, with Nix, Naddie, and a few others shortly after. Seconds later, the double doors creaked again and closed tightly shut. Their concussive closing signaled a final toll on my failure. My heart was still racing, and I needed to get out of eyeshot of those doors. I steadily walked back through the corridor and passed the vendors. I felt flush with all the eyes I thought were staring at me, but I couldn’t focus on them. Even if they were watching, it would have only added to my stress, and my swirling mind, beating heart, and sweaty palms were already enough. After a minute or so, I found a clean and decent wall with no one around it and far enough away from the main traffic that I wouldn’t trip anyone. Despite most being cognizant around here, the buzz and excitement of the con meant that some just skipped merrily through the halls and really didn’t watch where they were going. It seemed freeing but I knew my outstretched legs in their path would have only led to disaster, and I needed only peace at the moment. A hug would have been best, but peace was a good second. Relaxed with my seating spot, I dropped my bag on the ground with a thump and then slid down the wall in a huff. The ground oddly felt nice and stabilizing to my fragile sense of self. I was normally a bit of an introvert back home, so coming to the convention, I wanted to shed some of those feelings and really feel alive. Despite some of my outgoing initiatives so far, the failure to enter even an orientation to the dark room felt like a major blow to my ego. I folded my knees into my chest and grabbed onto my ankles around the superman socks, and then buried my head between my knees. I felt nauseous, a pit in my stomach, and a flurry of emotions in my head. I just prayed that I wouldn’t cry in front of everyone. As I sat there, I was overcome with the feeling that I was a failure at something so simple. An orientation. Derek and the others had pounded that into me to make me feel better, but now, it was having the opposite effect. It was nothing more, despite Nix’s taunts, and I couldn’t even muster enough courage to take that single task on. Despite what Nix had said so convincingly to a newbie like me, I knew deep down she was only the catalyst for my cowardice. Coming to the convention had taken most of my nerve, and I realized that at this point my extra reserves of courage must have been running low after so much stimulation. I was stuck in the middle of caring too much about what others thought and not having enough of an adult mindset at the moment to enter the room. It was darn frustrating and I just wanted to beat myself up over my failure. ‘If only I could be young again. Just carefree and little. If only…’ “Excuse me?” a kindly and sweet voice asked from above. My dark and self-loathing thoughts broke for a moment at the sound of the voice. I managed to wrestle my head away from my knees and I stared up at where the voice had come from. Before me stood a tall woman with auburn hair and a pair of wide and almost gray eyes. She looked at me with a deep sense of concern, and softly asked, “Are you okay?” 5
Guilend Posted April 12, 2023 Posted April 12, 2023 I definitely enjoy this story. I actually thought I commented on the first chapter lol. I wonder if being fired is the only thing that could happen to that Amazon that's being too rough with her gargo/victims? Lol I really want to go to the con next time. I doubt it's be next time, it's possible it could he the one after that though. I haven't heard much of anything about the dark room, but I might like it lol.
LostBBoyBear Posted April 13, 2023 Author Posted April 13, 2023 I actually have another story that I already have planned out as part of the Stuffy series that explores companies in the Diaper Dimension a bit more. I have a few fully outlined stories that I'm already working on now, so I'll just need to figure out which one I want to post next at this point. I might even ask what others want in a status update, but I'll just have to see at this point. The con is pretty amazing and I rarely saw a permanently sad or angry face. That being said, this is one of the chapters where the con will start to be a bit different than reality. Still fun and exciting, but sitting at writing panels is fun for me, but not necessarily for the plot of a story. Hope everyone enjoys this next chapter! Chapter 3: An Understanding Face I was flabbergasted at the sight before me. The woman was dressed casually but with a style that noted she had likely not just thrown her appearance together at the last moment. Being as artistically inclined as I was, I peered into her gray eyes, as I usually found I could get an accurate reading on someone with what their eyes showed. Facial tics and postures could be faked or mimicked in the right circumstances, but I truly believed in the ‘eyes being the key to the soul’ business. Hers, however, seemed neutral and blank. Neither good nor bad. ‘Unusual…’ “I said, are you okay?” she repeated, this time a bit sterner, though while still maintaining her kindness somehow. Upon her stern repeating, I realized I had been staring at her for a moment without acknowledging what she had said in the first place. If this was the normal outer world away from the convention, my staring eyes would have been taken as creepy. Given my attire and demeanor, other more innocent conclusions could be reached. “I… I… I’m sorry.” I looked away bashfully, now fully cognizant of my continued stare. “I’m o… okay.” I remained fixated on the floor at her feet and didn’t move. Instead, I watched as her ankles just crouched, and her voice suddenly seemed nearer. “Are you sure? I know I don’t know you but you’re just sitting down on the ground with your head between your legs.” She paused. “Is this your first con?” I nodded my head but refused to look back at her, given my previous embarrassing gaze. “Yes…” “Ah… that explains it.” The kindness just bounded off her tone. It seemed like they came from someone I could trust, so I looked up at the face that now stood near my eye level as the woman was crouched near the ground now. “It’s a lot to take in, isn’t it?” I nodded, not finding my words again but wanting to avoid just staring at her like I had already done. “You know there’s a quiet room downstairs, right?” I did know. I had toured the hotel and the amenities it would offer over of the con, and near the end of a corridor with other rooms downstairs, such as the preschool room where I had previously met Derek, was the quiet room. It held a dark ambience, which was neatly protected even behind the curtains in front of the door to prevent light from entering when someone entered or exited. Playmats, a large crib, playpen, and a comfortable chair lay neatly against the walls, and I had already seen several of the younger-minded take residence there. “I… I know it. I saw it last night. I…” I paused and tried to calm myself down internally. Big feelings were okay here and were considered normal, but I didn’t want to embarrass myself further… even if it was all possibly just in my head. From past experience, all that would only perpetuate the cycle and would do no one any good. The same could equally be said about the dark room. It seemed too tempting of a place to let out my feelings and I feared that once released, I wouldn’t be able to control them, so I tried to play it off. “I don’t need it… I think…” “You think?” the woman stared at me with questioning wide eyes, still gray and throwing off a neutral ambience. Now though, they bore a mark of comfort and intimidation. They were pleasant but didn’t go far enough into making me feel any more relaxed by their presence alone. “I…” I stared at the double doors to the dark room at the end of the hallway, “I just got a bit nervous over the,” I lowered my voice, “the dark room.” Her face unexpectedly brightened, and her eyes took on more of a caring nature for whatever reason. It felt odd but her whole demeanor seemed to lighten and fill the space around us with an unusual amount of affection and happiness. “Aww. That’s okay. It’s a scary place. I know a bunch of people who are too afraid to even go near those doors. You must be very brave for even getting close to them in the first place.” “Really?” I couldn’t help but play into her caring and babying tone. It felt so natural, and I think even my older steady mindset would have appreciated the gesture of not feeling like a coward anymore. “Really, really.” She seemed to think for a moment and stare at me in wonder, before putting out her hand, her fingers delicately gripped together, almost as if she was royalty and I were to kiss her hand. “I’m Samantha. What’s your name.” I reached out myself and gently shook her warm hand. “P… Percy.” The mere gesture of her reaching down and me having to meet her hand from underneath gave me a peculiar feeling of being more submissive and littler than was reality. “It’s good to meet you, Percy.” She stared intently at my seated position on the floor. “Do you want to talk at all? I have a pretty open ear and zero judgment.” I hesitated. “It might make you feel better?” I knew I was supposed to have fun here and talking might not be the worst idea ever. I had been to therapy before years ago when I was in college and talking seemed to help then, so I figured this wouldn’t hurt either. Unlike the room downstairs, talking could be paused or steadied to prevent me from having a total meltdown today. “Okay… I… I think that would be nice.” She smiled warmly at me. “I’m glad to hear that, Percy. Do you want to try and stand?” I remembered my huddled position on the floor and only nodded. Samantha instantly stood from her crouched position. I had no such luck or physical fortitude. After kicking out my legs and attempting to stand as dignified as possible, I only succeeded in failure and flopping around helplessly. “Here,” Samantha smiled gently and outstretched her hand with a now open palm toward me, “let me help.” I let go of my already bruised ego and took her hand. With little effort on her part and still some struggling on mine, her added assistance popped me up in seconds, my diaper crinkling a bit as it hit the wall when I steadied myself once upright. “Thank you,” I said, dusting off my shortalls from the imaginary dust that I always believed had collected on my clothing whenever I sat. “You’re welcome. Now, I think I spied some comfy looking chairs in the lobby that were empty the last time I checked. Do you want to try them out?” I tried to gain some dignity in front of everyone who had just seen my struggle when my head was on my knees and just now as I stood up, so I made sure to select my best manners and veer away from the more childish ones. “Lead the way,” I said as I even puffed out my chest and lowered my voice a little. Other times it may have covered up my previous shame, but standing there diapered, in shortalls, and with a tiger stuffy still nestled in the bag I was holding, it likely didn’t have the same effect. I didn’t care. I only cared about how I felt in the moment. Gratefully, for her part, Samantha only smiled. She led the way past the growing crowds in the tiled hallways back to the main lobby. It was a short walk and thankfully, no one was currently seated in two of the dark cushioned armchairs; a rarity in such a crowded con. Samantha allowed me to sit first, and she followed, slightly adjusting her chair to get closer to mine once seated. As she adjusted her seat to be closer and to hear me better amongst the noisy crowds of people going off to do their own thing, I sat back in the comfortable chair and took a breath while staring at the scene around me to center myself slightly. Dozens of littles and some older looking crowds I assumed to be middles or bigs, amicably walked by on the tiled or carpeted floors. Above me, housed an array of latticed white supports holding up a large glass ceiling, revealing the dismal weather outside. It contrasted greatly with the balloons, columns wrapped in fairy lights, free stickers, and array of smiling faces. The day was pressing on, and some littles seemed ready to collapse already on the white tablecloth-covered round tables to our rear and right. “Poor little dears. Probably needed a nap today.” Samantha was obviously noticing the same littles I was. “Too much excitement for some.” I wasn’t sure how exactly to respond to a statement like that. Samantha obviously fell into the big or maybe even the caregiver role from what I had seen so far, but I had little experience with them at this point. I knew I wanted something more caring in a relationship but someone calling themselves a caregiver to you personally had felt a bit too much of a stretch so far. For now, I opted for something simple. “I guess…” Samantha looked at me quickly and then almost seemed to study me for a moment. If it weren’t for her kind expression, I would have been very uncomfortable with this person I had just met honestly. “With this being your first con, I’m guessing all this is a lot for you, huh?” “You could say that again…” Samantha leaned in closer to me. “I’ve known about this side of me for a while, but I really didn’t start anything more public until last year. Before then, I just knew it felt right but didn’t do much about it. Not publicly at least. Does that make sense?” “Absolutely.” I was glad to hear that, but I wanted to know about this mysterious and seemingly kindly figure. “So, you’ve known about this side to you for a while?” “As long as I can remember.” Her gaze shifted and she looked like she was having an out of body experience for a moment before quickly snapping back. “It just feels right to some of us, and there’s nothing wrong with that.” “I guess…” “You guess?” Samantha looked insulted for a second. “What does… oh…” Her gaze then shifted to a more sympathetic one. “You don’t have to be ashamed, Percy. All this,” she gestured around the room, “it’s all okay and natural even. You don’t have to be embarrassed here.” “I suppose… I’m just… new, maybe?” I twiddled my thumbs for a moment. “I had an ex who was into more of the dark room stuff for a while, but I kept this side of me hidden… mostly.” “Go on…” her hand gracefully touched mine. It felt smooth and warm, inviting even, as if to say, ‘trust me’ and ‘I want to know more.’ “With her, it was all consent with someone I fully trusted. Several layers of consent and conversations before anything more than completely vanilla, and here…” I looked around at the parading littles with bulging onesies or puppies with leashes and owners. They all seemed so… free. I didn’t find them odd at all, despite what I knew my face probably looked like. It wasn’t distrust or malice toward them. If anything, other than curiosity, it was envy. “So, the dark room seemed a bit much with everything else going on?” I nodded. “That’s understandable, but trust me, it’s all consensual and you can always stop.” I almost asked her how she could possibly know all that, but then spied the coveted silky black ribbon gracefully hanging around her right wrist. She had already gone in and done the orientation, so of course she knew. I nodded. “I get that… I just…” “It’s a lot,” she said, finishing my words. Her look then switched back to what I could only guess was her studying me intently. “You’ve never been little around anyone else before, have you?” I debated my answer. Admitting the truth could work in either direction. She could either view me as a newbie and a blank slate, which I knew some appreciated, or she could view me as a little not fully committed or too new to all this to waste her time with. As silly as it sounded, my kindergartener teacher’s advice of ‘always tell the truth,’ rang freely around in my head. “No. Not directly.” She looked at me questioningly. “I did some experimentation last year with others. It didn’t work out…” “They took advantage of your vulnerability?” I nodded and avoided eye contact. “But I take it before that happened, you were happy?” I nodded again. It was an embarrassing and tense moment in my life when the online mommy relationship ended badly, but it had unlocked something in me. While before I would wear something at least less adult once a month, I was now doing it every week. I still felt a shame of sorts, but I was also feeling a sense of freedom and comfort I hadn’t known in years. She placed her hand on mine again and looked deeply into my eyes. “I’m very sorry that happened to you but I promise that you can be who you want here. No one will judge.” “I…” I managed to make out before shying away again. I averted my gaze, but my hand almost felt cemented under the calm presence of Samantha’s own hand. I would have likely wanted to crawl away in discomfort if it hadn’t been for her simple touch. “Is there something more?” I nodded. “Go on.” “I was outed my freshman year in college. My roommate borrowed my laptop, but his friends pressured him into snooping through my history.” I clenched my eyes at the painful memory and betrayal that happened that spring. “I guess as a prank…” Samantha’s face hardened and grew concerned. “Go on. I’m listening. Just let it out.” I took a breath and continued. “It got out everywhere in the building for anyone who cared a second for a bit of gossip… it took about a month for the side sneers and disgusted looks to go away.” I still felt the pain inside but every year the burden would soften. None of us saw each other anymore and the distance helped. Saying it out loud to this day still hurt though. “Admittedly, there was one girl on the fifth floor who gave me a sympathetic and almost longing look. I always wondered about her… but one good couldn’t outweigh the rest.” “Then what?” “I spent the next few years hiding my likes away. I only ever directly told two people about it before last year. Everything was just bottled up…” Samantha sat back in her chair. In mere moments I had unloaded a decade or more of guilt onto this woman I had just met. Each syllable I managed to spit out was a burden released from my mind but accompanying each freedom, was a tingling fear that she would reject me in a second. To my relief, she did no such thing. Instead, she rocked back forward, and had started to stroke my hand carefully while keeping her gaze fixed on me. In moments, I had melted back into her comforting presence. If I had actually been a toddler at that moment, I would have thought it was magic. “Well, you’re here now, sweetie. Those people were wrong. You are perfect just the way you are for what you like. There’s a whole community here and out there who like the same thing.” “I’ve seen that. It’s almost too hard to believe.” “It’s all real, Percy.” She paused and looked around the room for a second. I thought I had ruined my time with her, but she then snapped back and looked directly at me. “This is a community and we’re all in this together. I want you to do something for me. Can you do that?” “I… I can try.” I didn’t want to outright agree to anything a practical stranger, no matter how much comfort she was giving me, would ask of me. “I want you to try and let go while you’re here. Leave those doors,” she pointed to the curtain leading to the main exit of the hotel, “and you can shrivel all back up inside your protective shell if you really want to. I think you should be who you are out there as well, but I can understand the hesitation in this world.” She paused and took a breath and almost seemed worried for a moment, but then collected herself and continued. “That being said, I want you to let go in here. Let go of all those worries and moments of shame. Can you do that for me?” It was a big ask but I knew what she wanted me to do had its merits. The increasing crowd buzzing around us paid little attention to each other, the same could be true with my presence alone as well. Everyone was lost in the moment of their found joy and Samantha wanted me to do the same. She probably knew that most of what could be considered embarrassing was just the norm during the con. “I will try.” “That’s all I ask.” Smantha patted my hand and then let go. Her loss of warmth and immediate comfort gave me a chill and instant sense of loneliness but Samantha herself remained, and I had to be happy by that at least. In the moment after though, a sad and concerned look overtook her face. “I’m sorry about that. I probably should have warned you before I took my hand away then.” She paused and took on a look of intense concentration. “How about this? Only if you want, but would you like a hug? You’ve been so brave, and I like to award littles who are brave with me.” My heart immediately sped up. This beautiful and kind woman was offering me a hug and had called me brave. In any other room or time, a hug was what friendly people did for others. Here and now, it meant a great deal more. The addition of being called brave after my moment of cowardice was just a cherry on top. I nodded my head in acceptance. She smiled and reached out. We hugged each other for a good few minutes and I took her strong frame into my arms. Her form felt powerful but was also gentle, soft, and she smelled sweetly of blossoming flowers. It was a wonderful moment, and I felt my previously racing heart slow to a steady beat, content over in my luck over meeting Samantha today. Being unable to tear myself away from her soothing touch, Samantha was the first to break the hug. I still didn’t like it, but my heart felt full. “Better?” My body felt the ache of her departure, but I only nodded, and we smiled at each other in gratitude for the tiny moment we had shared together. For the next hour, we exchanged stories about our passions, families, and other such little bits. With time, I saw Samantha as more of a person than the purely concerned big I originally had, with her love of dogs, children, cooking, and even boating in the summers. Her monumental presence as a person unattainable and uninterested in me waned, though she still had an aura of mystery and wonder about her that made me feel lucky for even talking to her in the first place. She seemed to choose her words carefully when talking about her life, but they all sounded genuine, which let her message come across like an artist painting a picture, rather than someone covering up their past. Each outpouring felt deliberate and beautiful, and I sat in my seat, enraptured but what I was hearing. Before long though, she was looking at her watch. “Oh. Look at the time. I’ve got to get ready for tonight. Trick or Treating is a big deal to my friend and me. Are you planning on going?” I was relieved I wasn’t boring her, but I didn’t want this moment to end. I knew she had other commitments than a singular person like me but letting someone like Samantha go felt like a Herculean task at the moment. “To be honest, I was a little on the fence about it. I wasn’t sure if other people…” She held up a finger to stop me. “What did I say?” I looked at her in confusion. “Forgetting already? That’s okay. I can’t expect a little like you to remember all the time.” I blushed. “I want you to not think about others while you’re here. Just do what you want to have fun. That’s the goal.” ‘Shoot. My big stupid head already forgetting.’ “Oh, right. I’m sorry. I… I’ll be there tonight” I was still wary of going, but I didn’t want to upset the woman who had just been so patient and understanding with me. “Good.” Samantha then stood up and I joined her. “I’m sure I’ll see you later tonight. Until then…” she then reached out and hugged me. I was stunned for a moment by the suddenness of the gesture but quickly leaned into her embrace. This hug gave me the same sense of warmth and happiness and I didn’t want it to end, but Samantha had other places to be, and she broke the hug more quickly this time. “Bye for now.” She walked away but then arced her head back coyly after a few steps. “I’m sure you’ll look cute with whatever you wear tonight.” With that she gave me a little wave and left my stunned form still standing in place by the cushioned chairs. I stood there for a minute more until another little in just a onesie cleared his voice and asked if I was sitting in the chair still. I shook off the feeling Samantha had left me with, let him sit down, and then walked off to go back downstairs. Samantha had gone up early and there was still a little time before the trick or treating would even begin. Clutching my still unfinished piece of art, I reentered the preschool room and began feverishly working on completing what I had started earlier. The encounter with Samantha had given me a newfound confidence and happiness. Her gentle mannerisms and soothing words had pierced my inner psyche and allowed my younger side to come out a bit more than I would have cared to admit. I had to continually remind myself to not care how others would perceive that side, but I was just grateful it didn’t really start to become noticeable to me at all until I began rapidly filling in the background the picture with black. For all the subtleness I was giving the background. I might as well have been coloring as aimlessly as a toddler. Still, my straight random scribbles added to the mystery and tension behind the characters, and after a quick signature and dating at the bottom, I posted it on the wall with a large piece of blue painter’s tape. The finished artwork stood out amongst the pages that others had colored in or the multitude of doll cutouts that made up the bulk of the artwork in the room. Each was done in a unique manner, and I couldn’t help but chuckle and wonder at the same time if the scribbles on some of them had come from a lack of artistic ability, a little mindset, or even aa combination of both. Regardless, time was ticking, and I was beginning to feel the need to pee. Having only started fully experimenting with my little side in the past year and only really just started using my diapers in the past few months, my diaper changing abilities were growing stronger but still lacked the confidence of a seasoned pro. Full blown wetting with my own abilities was a risk I was too nervous to undertake still, especially considering my lack of a change of younger clothing with me. Any accidents with what I was wearing now would only lead me to change back into my vanilla clothes. Samantha wouldn’t like that, and at this point, neither would I. ‘What are jeans and a t-shirt compared to a onesie and some shortalls?’ Waiting in line for a few minutes, I finally made it to the bag check. I requested my items from the friendly volunteers and gladly took my normal travel backpack and the complimentary large red canvas bag with me. I waited in line behind a long litter of littles waiting to change themselves or the ones with them, and one by one, each of them found an open changing area to go about their business. Finally, it was my turn. I proceeded along the narrow passageway in between the draperies that acted as the walls and doors of each changing area. Sound proofing was out of the question, but opaque colorful fabrics and a simple chair system to designate if a place was free or not eliminated any embarrassing accidental viewings. Some probably wouldn’t mind others sneaking a view, but I was not amongst them. I empty my required changing materials and my limited costume out on the floor and then stood in front of the mirror. I could pee without the mirror, but it gave me a visual clue to possible signs of leaks while I went pee. Without much effort, a stream began filling the diaper and within a minute of steady forced on and off streaming, I was done. I let the pee settle for a quick moment, then quickly ripped the tapes open, and took care to set the diaper on the ground. I then wiped myself to the best of my ability with the wipes I had brought from home and then prepared the thick diaper I had wished to use for tonight. It was thick and every square inch was marked with a cutesy cartoon character playing dress up; perfect for a night of trick or treating. Fluffing it, spreading it out on the changing table, and then applying powder, I got into position and lowered myself down onto the thick mass. It crinkled loudly and I briefly felt embarrassed. The embarrassment didn’t last long. Two voices had been going back and forth in the changing area next to mine. It was typical conversation fair, but from the sound of their progress, they were already deep into their own diaper change. “Legs up, baby.” Some crinkling could be heard. “Good job! Whose mommy’s little baby?” I heard a few giggles sneak out and more crinkling could be heard. “Oh? Do I have a ticklish baby?” More giggles. “I think I do! I think I do!” Fits of giggles now poured out. ‘They’re certainly not embarrassed... I don’t know if that’ll ever be me…’ Pffft! Brrrrppppt! “Mommy! Ah! I can’t breathe!” “Doesn’t my little baby like raspberries?” “Well, yeah but…” Pffft! Brrrrppppt! “Mommy! Mommy!” The words rang out in my ears. Here I was, having my usual trouble around adjusting the diaper to fit snugly around my thighs without cutting into them or risk popping them later, but of course not having them too loose that I could eventually leak when I decided to use the diaper for its intended purpose. Their rapport felt natural and free. No hesitations or breaks in the scene. Just bliss during the end of a diaper change, as opposed to my own, where I now stood to make the final adjustments to the tops of the diaper. It was slightly crooked, but it would do for my purposes. The little next to me likely now had the perfect diaper and was about to be off and giggling all the way. I shook my head. Such thoughts did me no good and would likely just make me sad again. I couldn’t squander the feeling of joy that Samantha had left me with earlier. So, I doubled down, and then refastened my onesie and shortalls. Pausing for a moment to admire my appearance, I then took my costume out and held up my baseball jersey and hat from back home, along with an inflatable bat and a few balls. It was simple to allow it to be lightweight and portable for my flight here, but it was enough to show I had made an effort of some kind. I was worried with the spring opener a week away and my team having ousted the local team last year in the playoffs, that the outfit was a risk, but I still went with it anyway when I was thinking about tonight back home two weeks ago. After packing my other items back up, I wiped the changing table, and admired it for a quick moment. Though truly a sturdy masseuse table, it did wonders in its purpose and feeling of a raised sturdy surface to change a diaper. I then balled up my used diaper with the wipes, and walked out, carefully placing the chair in its proper position to signal the area was now free to be used again. I dunked my diaper in the nearby trashcan for such purposes and waited in line once more to hand back my travel backpack and large red bag. Outside, I sat against the wall out of the way of traffic and inflated one of the balls and the bat as best I could. They weren’t like the real thing of course, but a careful squeezing and closing of the nozzle in rapid succession allowed them to be held and make a small thudding noise when hit. Still carrying my drawstring backpack, I gave Stripe a quick squeeze in his position in the back mesh before heading back upstairs. As my tired knees clambered up the stairs and I hoisted myself forward with the brass railing, I felt a surge of fear take hold. I had always been a massive fan of Halloween and trick or treating, but this all felt different. Each step seemed to take me closer to an embarrassment I couldn’t just wave off. I knew others had been talking about the event, but I also knew that some of the mainstays that had really pushed the event along weren’t doing it this year for whatever reason. It was enough that a seed of doubt momentarily entered my mind. Right as I turned the corner though, Samantha popped back into my head. Her calm demeanor and the promise I had made to her stuck out and almost seemed to want to slap me across the face to snap out of it. I had made her a promise and I knew I had to keep it. Getting on Samantha’s bad side was not a line I wanted to cross, or even go near for that matter. No, I had to suck my fear in, gather my courage, and just not care what anybody else was possibly thinking. I just had to let go. 5
Guilend Posted April 13, 2023 Posted April 13, 2023 Yat I can't wait to read some of your other ideas, especially the one about the stuffies. Love this chapter.
LostBBoyBear Posted April 14, 2023 Author Posted April 14, 2023 Chapter 4: I See The Treats, But Where Are The Tricks? After making it up to the final step, my fears were shown to be unfounded. Not 20 feet from the top step was a pirate, festooned in all his glory and making balloon animals. I had a deep love of pirates and I silently cursed myself for not bringing my own pirate outfit, but I still had to move forward and wear my baseball uniform with pride. The line for balloon animals had already started to stretch far, so I had to carefully skootch by the ever-growing crowds of people now in the lobby. Within sight, I estimated that at least 70% of the crowd around me were now dressed up in some manner. Furies, puppies, princes, dragons, witches, princesses, and almost every costume one could imagine were all on display. Just as I was looking at them though, they were looking at me. Despite my promise to Samantha, my nerves immediately began climbing. I think the organizers had anticipated such reactions though, and I soon spotted a bar nearby. I didn’t like to use alcohol as a crutch anymore in these types of situations, but from the distant sounds coming from the main bar a few halls away, I wouldn’t be the only one. After waiting in line for a few moments, a kindly bartender fixed me up a drink and smiled cutely in my direction. I tipped her well and then sat down at one of the round tables with my drink. It was called mermaid water, but I couldn’t help but be reminded of the Caribbean waters I had seen last June after a particularly violent storm. The juice churned around the small black straw she had placed inside, and singular sweet vapors wafted up as I held it near my lips. As the first drops hit my tongue, I recognized its near blueberry flavor but there were hints in the drink I didn’t recognize as well. I knew someone had yelled out what was in it a few minutes ago, but I was too distracted by a large blue cat passing by to pay any attention to what was being said. Regardless, I enjoyed the drink and was swallowing the last few drops at my spot at the table when I spotted two women walk down the stairs on the other end of the room. Both were fairly tall and bore similar striking looks. The one on the left was dressed as Wonder Woman and seemed to cower all who stared at her for anything longer than a few seconds up close. The second wore a perfectly fitted dress that was tattered around the openings and a large witch hat that sported black feathers that shimmered in purples and greens as she moved. It didn’t take me long to realize the second woman on the right was Samantha. I wanted to see her again, so I downed my drink and then stood up and felt my knees trembling in fear. She had been a warm and calming presence earlier, but her outfit exuded a mystery and even regality to her now. I almost backed out of my path toward her, but she soon spotted me, and I gave her a small wave. She returned it but then went back to talking with the woman who had accompanied her. The two seemed pitted against each other and would only pause when someone would come up to them. A small conversation would ensue, and the approaching new figure would either be told off or gushed over for a moment before they left as well. My knees threatened to buckle, but my feet pushed me onward, and my momentum kept me upright. I continued to hold the bat, and my grip tightened and became sweaty around its PVC exterior. After a moment, I was standing in front of them. “H… H… ahem… hello, Samantha.” I feared her rejection like she had for so many others, but she only smiled. “Hello, Percy.” Her eyes darted about my costume. “I like your costume. As I imagined; very cute on you.” “Thank y… you. I had s… some black liner to go under my eyes. Like for the sun protection a lot of players wear, but I forgot it back i… in my room.” “Aww. That’s a shame.” Her eyes then lit up and she turned to the woman she had been talking to earlier dressed as Wonder Woman. “Chelsea?” The woman spun out of another conversation that didn’t seem like it was going anywhere with a man. “Yes?” “Did you happen to bring our bag down with you? I need something from my purse.” Chelsea briefly looked at me and then sighed. “Of course, I brought the bag.” She then reached down and pulled up a large purple bag at her feet. Samantha smiled. “Thanks Chelse.” She then began to rifle with the bag. Chelsea looked less than enthusiastic but held the bag aloft for her friend while she searched. “Aha! Here it is.” Samantha then pulled out a singular silver cylindrical device. After a moment of pulling and twisting, I saw what it was. “Lipstick?” “Yes, Percy. Black lipstick.” She eyed my hesitation. “I do this right, and no one will notice what it as originally intended for.” She saw my continued hesitation. “Remember what you promised?” I nodded. “Good. No one will notice and it will be just like the real thing.” I only gulped and nodded again. Samantha then carefully eyed and lined up the lipstick across my cheeks. Within a few seconds she was done and produced a mirror to show off her handiwork to me. True to her word, it looked very similar to what I had originally intended for the night. “Thank you.” “You’re very welcome, sweetie. Now,” she plopped the lipstick and mirror back into her bag, “don’t you just look like the perfect ball player. Doesn’t she, Chelse?” “Yeah. Perfect…” she set the bag back on the ground, “and this is?” “Oh,” Samantha playfully smacked her forehead. “Right! This is Percy. We had a bit of a chat today. You remember” Chelsea seemed unimpressed but gave a slight nod with her head forward. “I told him we could meet up later. I think he could join our little group. Doesn’t that sound good, Percy?” I wanted to indicate that I had other plans to bolster my own self-image, but in truth, I didn’t. “Y… yeah. If that’s okay with your friend?” Chelsea’s demeanor softened in a way. Unlike Samantha, whose softened version showed a caring nature, Chelsea’s softness seemed more playful now and even devious to a certain extent. “Oh, I like him, Sam. Very polite. That’s a good little… erm, fella.” I blushed and Samantha noticed. “Oh, stop. You’re embarrassing the poor boy. Pay her no mind, Percy. Now, how about you meet with the rest of the group over there?” Samantha pointed to a group of obvious littles sitting in a rough circle on the carpeted floor nearby. They seemed nice enough, so I agreed. “Okay. Thank you for this, Samantha.” “No problem, sweetie. Now go and make some friends. And remember, just let all those worries go free.” I nodded and headed over to the group of four littles, which to my delight included Derek, now sporting a Lakers basketball uniform, complete with a thickly padded posterior. “Hey everyone. Hi Derek.” “Hey! Perce! Pop a squat! You with Miss Samantha?” “Yeah. You?” I asked, groaning a little as the rough circle opened enough for me to sit down comfortably. “Nah. Miss Chelsea. Actually, all of us are with her. I think you’re the only one with Miss Samantha.” “You must be one special person,” a princess to my left piped up. Her voice was lower than I would expect but her multi-layered princess outfit and sparkly blue eyes overshadowed anything else about her. “I don’t know…” “Oh, I think so. She’s turned away from so many people today. We’ve all seen it.” The group nodded their heads in agreement. “I’m Ditzy. With a ‘Z.’” I nodded toward her in acknowledgement. “Percy.” I looked at the rest of the group. “Ian,” a tall and lanky man sporting moon and star robes and a pointed hat said to my left. The fourth just purred and batted her pawed hand in my direction. “That’s Luna… they’re a cat today,” Ditzy noted. “Oh, I see.” They’re outfit was more subtle than some of the others around us, but clearly painted whiskers on their cheeks, a painted pink nose, a pair of cat ears on their head, a slinky tail now draped across their thigh coming from their rear, and small mittens with pink cat paws on their base marked them clearly as a cat. “Good to meet you, Luna.” I only got another bat of their paw and some purring in response. “So, all of you are with Chelsea?” I asked. “Yep,” Ditzy said, bouncing and crinkling all the way. “She picked us all either last night or today. Miss Samantha seemed she was going to be all alone until this afternoon,” Ian added. “I think she’s a bit pickier than Miss Chelsea. I think they were arguing about it just a minute ago.” “I think I saw that,” I confirmed, remembering back to when I first saw them before I waved and then came over. I decided to switch topics. “Some costumes everyone has. I was honestly kind of worried I would be the only one. I almost didn’t even bother…” “Oh…” Ditzy said, like everything just clicked into place. “First time, right?” “Yep!” Derek interjected. “This is Perce’s first con. Can you believe it? We’ve got a first timer in our midst, and he even gets one of the most mysterious ladies here to choose him. You’ve got some luck, man.” Derek patted me on the shoulder. I blushed at the extra attention. “It’s not a big deal. We just talked a bit after I wigged out and left.” I hesitated. “I’m really sorry about that, Derek. I said I would go in, but then Nix, and…” Derek held his hand up. “Say no more. It’s okay, buddy. She’s a real buzzkill around here. She likes torturing first timers and always pushes the bounds of this place a bit more than she should. Isn’t that right, Ditzy?” It was now Ditzy’s turn to blush. “Derek! We said we wouldn’t talk about that anymore this year.” “Oh, come on, Ditz. Do it for the newbie,” Ian egged on. For their part, Luna just purred and nuzzled into Ditzy’s side. “Okay, okay! For the newbie.” Luna settled into her dress and then popped out a clearly loved lamb and hugged them tight. “My first con a few years ago, Nix was there. My diaper wasn’t fixed properly and I…” “She wet herself and then leaked!” “Derek!” The five of us shot around with wide eyes to the tall figure now standing behind him with her hands on her hips. It was Chelsea. “That’s not very nice of you. It’s clearly distressing to Ditzy and it’s her story to tell regardless. Apologize to her.” Derek was frozen in place, his bluster perfectly deflated. “Now.” Chelsea’s eyes narrowed and her towering form loomed over Derek. For his part, Derek seemed to turn into a pile of jelly under her gaze. I couldn’t blame him. With slow movements, Derek rotated his craned neck and body back to face Ditzy. “I’m sorry, Ditzy.” Ditzy was clutching her lamb even more closely now. “It’s okay, Der. I… I was basically finished anyway.” Derek nodded meekly and then looked back at Chelsea. “Very good, Derek. I’m going to keep my eye on you tonight. Anymore outbursts or steps out of line will be dealt with.” She stroked the lasso at her side, and I could hear Derek gulp in fear over what that could mean. I didn’t know if he knew in explicit terms what her punishment would be but considering her sheer domineering presence and the fact that both now sported black bands on their wrists, punishments could easily cower any little with an ounce of imagination. Chelsea then turned her attention back to a group of bigs that included Samantha, all laughing about something I couldn’t quite make out. “You okay, Derek?” Despite his near cocky and boisterous attitude normally, Chelsea had put him in his place. He likely handled it better than I would have and a little part of me thought that I might have even used my diaper if I was in his place. “Y… yeah. She’s just… well, you saw.” The four of us nodded. “Intimidating but there’s just… something…” Ian made out. “Yeah… Nix is just bad, but Miss Chelsea,” Ditzy seemed to try to search for the right words, even hugging her lamb more, “Miss Chelsea is a big.” “A true adult here,” I mumbled. “A true adult,” the group said in unison in agreement. The conversation continued for a little bit longer and we learned more about each other. Derek was a software engineer on the outside and loved everything about sports, while Ditzy was an artist and loved anything to do with the water. Ian was in marketing and played D&D every week with his vanilla friends back home. For their part, Luna just sat there and occasionally cuddled into either Ian or Ditzy. They were definitely the mystery of the group, but Derek whispered to me that Luna was just playing a bit tonight and that tomorrow they would likely be more talkative. Soon, Chelsea and Samantha turned away from their group of bigs and toward our rough circle. “Alrighty then. Who’s ready for some candy?” “Oooh! Me! Me, Miss Samantha!” Ditzy cried out. She resumed her normal bouncing and her lamb’s ears flopped wildly with some of the bits of her dress. “I thought so Ditzy. How about the rest of you?” We all shook our heads easily. I could feel myself slipping more into the role of my little self. My clothing combined with a treasured childhood memory and others acting in the same manner were all pushing me nicely towards that state. It also didn’t hurt at all that Samantha’s mere presence just triggered something in me. Her witch costume was dead on considering that I found myself growing deeper under her spell. “Excellent,” Chelsea continued, now reaching into her bag. “Ditzy, you’ve been a very good girl for me today. I think I have something just for you.” “For me?” She could hardly contain her excitement and I wondered how much bouncing one person could really do. “Yes.” Chelsea walked over in front of Ditzy, but then stopped and frowned. “Ditzy, I need you to stop bouncing for a moment. I know you’re excited sweetpea, but I need you to calm down a bit. Can you do that for me?” Ditzy froze and looked wide eyed. In a second, her extreme bouncing calmed to only a small squirming. It was apparently enough for Chelsea. “That’s a good girl. Now, when I came here, I just had a sense that I would be meeting a princess tonight. Turns out, that princess was you, but I think your outfit is missing something.” As Chelsea dipped into her bag where Samantha had earlier removed the lipstick that now adorned my cheeks, Ditzy looked like she was ready to explode. Her body screamed with excitement, but her eyes looked devastated and ready to burst into tears. From their rapid darting back and forth to her own body, I deduced that they were like that in response to Chelsea saying that something was missing with her outfit. The look didn’t last long though as Chelsea soon pulled out a sparkling silver and gem encrusted tiara. “Now, I think this is just what a princess needs, don’t you?” Chelsea barely finished her question, when Ditzy’s eyes immediately bulged out of her head. Like a rocket being lit, Ditzy started bouncing higher and with more force upward than before. “Oh my god! Oh my god! “Thank you, thank you, thank you! Eeek! This is so awesome!” Ditzy rambled on for a few moments while our group, and now several passerby’s, looked at the sight unfolding. Chelsea gave her a moment of pure joy but then shot up her finger. “Ditzy!” Ditzy stopped and looked up at her. “What did I tell you?” Ditzy settled back on her knees on the floor. “That’s better. Now,” she held the tiara above her wiggling head, “I proclaim you, Princess Ditzy.” The group began to clap as Chelsea gestured for Princess Ditzy to stand. She blushed but her eyes sparkled with joy. It felt surreal to be praising her for being crowned with something one could pick up at the dollar store, but like everything else here, reality was more what we made it, and today, Ditzy was a princess. After a round of congratulations from each of us, Samantha spoke up. “I’m so proud of you, Princess Ditzy.” Ditzy made a small curtsey toward her and Samantha smiled back. “I have a bag for each of you. Once everyone has one, we can go upstairs.” We jumbled into a line, and each received an orange or black bag. Mine was orange and I quickly fluffed it out to open it fully. “Perfect. Let’s go!” Chelsea cheered from behind me. Our group then causally looked at the three elevators nearby. A mass of waiting costumed people were crowded around each. With their speed, we all knew it would take forever to make it up to any of the floors. If Princess Ditzy was any indication from her squirming in place, at least part of our group likely couldn’t wait that long. Instead, we opted for the nearby stairs. After trudging up the stairs, the five of us littles each showing our diapered rears or at least their noticeable bulges to the person behind us as we went, we got to the top and looked around at the long hallways. My distance vision wasn’t ideal without my glasses, but I opted to keep them in my still present drawstring backpack. Wearing them could smudge the black streaks on my cheeks and I could just rely on the group to guide me at this point. “Look!” Ian shouted and pointed to a door in the distance. Even from here, we could all spot the neon door tag that marked the rooms specifically noted for handing out treats tonight. I had spied several hangers still on the table where they were being handed out, but like most events here, even the smaller ones were still wonderful and encapsulating to a first timer like me. The group then waltzed to the door and Princess Ditzy daintily knocked on it. We all held our breath as the door then opened with a creak. I had no idea what to imagine, but before us, stood a middle-aged woman dressed as a fairy. Pink and green sparkles adorned her wings and were also painted on her cheeks. Her dress was modest but seemed fitting for some reason with the whole ensemble. “Trick or treat!” we all said in unison. “Oh, my. Aren’t you all just the cutest little things in the whole world.” She then looked at us one at a time. “Let’s see, we’ve got a wizard, a baseball and basketball player, a princess, and a little kitty cat. Absolutely adorable.” We all blushed, and the woman’s eyes moved up to the two women with us. “Chelsea! Samantha! Looking splendid in your outfits. Are all these little ones yours?” “No,” Chelsea clarified, “We’re just kind of in charge of them for tonight… though I think this one has her eye on one in particular.” Chelsea jabbed Samantha jokingly. From Samantha’s gaze right back at me, I blushed furiously. “We’ll see. Found this one a little unnerved by the dark room today. I just had to give him a hug,” Samantha added. “Aww,” the fairy woman cooed at me. “Aren’t you a lucky boy?” I only blushed and nodded. Likely sensing my embarrassment, the fairy woman moved the focus off me and looked back at the rest of the group. Princess Ditzy was rocking on her feet and Derek seemed impatiently waiting with his bag already open. “Don’t worry. I haven’t forgotten the rest of you.” She then reached and grabbed a bowl from behind her. “I think a handful for each of you will do just nicely. I normally give out just a piece. After all, growing little babies like yourselves don’t need all that sugary goodness, but you all are just too cute!” The fairy woman then distributed the wrapped candy amongst us. I silently cursed myself for giving up Reese’s products for Lent this year, but I remembered trading candy when I was younger. ‘If we all were dressed and acting younger, maybe the same principles would apply tonight, and I could trade with someone in the group? Ugh. Please let that be the case.’ We all gave our thanks, and the fairy woman blew each of us a kiss before closing the door. The group then moved away and searched for the next door with a colored door tag. I stopped briefly at the rear of the group and looked at the candy I had just collected. “Is everything okay, Percy?” I looked up and a now concerned looking Samantha was staring back at me. “Did someone have an accident? Do you need me to check for you?” “Huh?” Her question caught me off guard and I wasn’t used to someone asking about the state of my diaper. I squirmed slightly and knew that I hadn’t used my diaper. The heat of this hotel was playing with my sensations around my diaper and some of my sweat down there had definitely been giving me the sensation of a used diaper where I could feel it. “Oh, no. Nothing like that…” I felt like a caught little kid with my hand in the cookie jar from her vigilant stare waiting for an answer. “I… I was looking at my candy. I’m sorry.” Samantha’s more focused expression gave way to the smile I had grown to look forward to over the past few hours. She then bent down in her dress and cocked her witch’s hat back slightly. “Hey, it’s okay. You can look at your candy. There’s no reason for a little guy like you to feel embarrassed. I bet you got lots of yummy treats huh?” “I think so. I might have to trade a few…” “I’m sure someone else will just absolutely love that.” She smiled coyly now. “Maybe ask Princess Ditzy? She loves all kinds of candy from what I hear from Miss Chelsea. I’m sure she would love to trade with you.” I smiled back at her suggestion. “Thank you, Samantha.” Samantha then gave me a nice small hug in the middle of the hallway. I could see the other group still looking for another door behind her and Chelsea was eyeing the scene that was unfolding between Samantha and I while also periodically looking in on the others. Samantha then broke the hug first like she had done before and then looked at me with a more serious face. “Sweetie, I noticed that you were calling Miss Chelsea and I by our normal names. I know I introduced us that way, but I think we’re at the point where you should call us something else.” “Oh… what should I call you all then?” My mind raced with the possibilities. “Well, for starters, it’s Miss Chelsea. If she gets to know you a little more, maybe Aunt Chelsea, but just stick to Miss Chelsea for now.” I rolled it around in my head. It wasn’t much of a leap, so I felt I could make the change easily. “I can do that. And you?” Her face softened slightly, and she seemed to like my willingness. “Well, I’ve been thinking about that. I think ‘Aunt’ is too distant for us, but I’m not a big fan of ‘Miss’ either. There’s another, but I don’t think we’re ready for that tonight.” She sighed. “I suppose Miss Samantha will have to do for now. If I feel we’re ready, I might ask for something different. Is that name okay with you for now?” ‘Miss Samantha’ felt a bit stern for how I felt about the caring woman in front of me, but I didn’t want to say no to her. “I can call you that… Miss Samantha.” Miss Samantha seemed almost pained over the name but gave me her usual warm smile and she held out her arms for another hug. I greatly accepted it and we both hugged for a moment. We only broke apart when we heard, “Are you two coming? We just found another door!” from Chelsea down the hall. “We’ll be right with you all! Just needed to clarify something.” Miss Samantha smiled at me and then helped me back up. She cutely dusted me off and guided me toward the rest of the group. Within a minute, we had caught up and faced another door with a blue colored hanger situated on the door handle. As Ditzy was the one to knock this time, I held back and readied my bag of candy. I didn’t know where the rest of the night would take me, but standing there in my baseball outfit, holding a bag of candy, and surrounded by people I sensed were my friends and both Miss Chelsea and Miss Samantha, I could only smile at what could lie next. 4
Guilend Posted April 15, 2023 Posted April 15, 2023 I'm just waiting to see for the shoe to drop. I know something bad(?) is going to happen, but what it is and when it will happen is a mystery to me. I keep trying to figure out what will happen next, but you're really good at not giving enough information to do that just yet lol.
LostBBoyBear Posted April 16, 2023 Author Posted April 16, 2023 Events in this story may take their time, but just watch out for the second day. For now, the suspicious need to feel comfortable. Like a fly in a Venus Fly Trap, waiting for the right moment to strike is critical. I mean, who would trust a complete stranger at a convention? A caring and kindly figure that just wants to help though... that's something different. Hope everyone enjoys the next chapter! Chapter 5: Shake Your Tail Feathers As predicted, the group confirmed there were less rooms to trick or treat to this year, but having no previous comparison, I couldn’t help but grin at the load of candy I had collected, including some choice full-sized candy bars. One self-proclaimed daddy, dressed as a sailor captain, had even given me an extra piece of candy for the costume I was wearing, as apparently, they were one of the teams he supported back home. It was a small gesture, but it made me feel vastly more confident in the costume I had chosen. Princess Ditzy ‘hmphed’ about the incident but the rest of the group, now sitting around me at one of the round tables, had only smiled gratefully. Their friendliness and openness to someone new was very pleasant to witness and be on the receiving end of. Each of us had dumped our loads of candy on the table and began sorting them in our own ways. Derek simply separated them into piles he liked or didn’t like, Princess Ditzy sorted them by color, I wasn’t entirely sure of Ian’s or Luna’s system, and I sorted them by items I could trade, maybe trade, or absolutely not trade. Remembering Miss Samantha’s advice, I asked Princess Ditzy first, now wide-eyed over a package of Sour Patch Kids. “Princess Ditzy? Would you be willing to trade with me?” She looked at me with wide eyes from her rainbow array or assorted candies, but then narrowed her eyes slightly. “What are you willing to depart with?” I was happy she was willing to trade, but her look screamed purely of someone dedicated to making a deal that would likely favor her alone. “I gave up Reese’s for Lent, so I can part with them or anything in this pile,” I said pointing to the smaller pile I had moved to my right of items I was willing to trade. ‘First, offer my trash, and then move to the items I could trade if Princess Ditzy came to play hard ball today.’ “Anything interesting you see?” One of her still stern eyes twitched. She was keeping up the façade of a hard bargainer, but after all, she was still Princess Ditzy tonight, and she was being offered at least five different types of candy now. “Ummm,” she bit her lip, “I think so… what about mine?” I peered over at her piles separated by color. It was a little harder to tell, but I spotted a few I could take instead. “There’s a couple I see… how about this?” Our negotiations gratefully only lasted a few minutes. Princess Ditzy was still playing as the tough negotiator as well as she could while keeping her calm, but on one occasion had raised her voice in frustration. Miss Chelsea immediately snapped into action, “Young lady! We do not shout at the table. Say you’re sorry.” “Sorry...” Her lower lip trembled, and her hardened stance faltered and seemed likely to break if pushed further. If this was any other place, I might have pressed the advantage, but I didn’t want to make a princess cry today. “That’s okay, Princess Ditzy. It’s a fair deal,” I conceded. “I don’t need some of the candy anyway. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it plenty more than me.” Her lower lip stopped trembling and her emotions quickly swung back within a moment to giddiness. “Thank you, Percy!” I nodded and we exchanged our candy. After a few more trades to completely disperse my unwanted candy, I now had less than most of the group. I would have been more disheartened like the 8-year-old me had been one Halloween, but current me just looked at the bigger picture and searched for the silver lining. I looked at my pile and a few of the others in wonder. My adult sensibilities may have still been active, but my tastebuds were very much not caring what age they were. They just wanted the taste of candy as soon as humanly possible. My fingers trembled with delight as they reached out and graced the tip of the plastic candy wrappers. Piles of Snickers, M&Ms, Kit-Kats, and several others were waiting to be eagerly devoured. I grabbed the nearest bit of the small snickers. It shined under the hotel lobby’s lights above and called out to me. Within moments, I had unwrapped the piece and plopped it in my mouth in quick succession and it was good, too good. I had to have another, so I did. And another. And another. And Another! And… “Percy!” I looked up with the partially eaten Milky Way mini bar still in my mouth. “I think you’ve had enough,” Miss Samantha called out to me. She bore a stern and disapproving look and I gulped the remnants of whatever remained in my mouth down my throat. We stared back at each other for a moment and my knee quivered in fear. The rest of the group stopped their own munching and stared at us. “Now, I know big you could probably eat a bunch more candy, but as someone who is looking out for you tonight, I think you’ve had enough.” “But I am big!” ‘Ooh. Wrong move.’ Miss Samantha straightened up and glared for a moment at me. “I don’t think so, Percy. Everyone here isn’t and you’re no exception. Put your vanilla clothes back on now and have all the candy you want. You’ll do it on your own, but it will be what you want. Deal?” She was giving me an out but I knew my fun tonight would end in a second, and I couldn’t have that. I bowed my head in resignation then shook it back and forth. “No…” “That’s what I thought. Now, put the rest of your candy away.” ‘Wait. Even Miss Samantha had conceded to negotiation being a good strategy for tonight. Could I push a bit?’ I looked up at her slowly. “But… but one more piece? Just tonight?” I didn’t realize how little that sounded out loud, but I knew the question was already out there, so I had no choice but to lean into a bit. ‘Probably something to do with already submitting to her not five seconds ago.’ Subtly, I pouted my lips and widened my eyes toward her. Nothing massive, but enough to maybe make her think twice. “Oh…” her resolve seemed to teeter to my delight, “I don’t know. What do you think, Chelse? Wide eyes and pleading is a weakness of mine.” I took the moment to share the same look with Miss Chelsea now. My fate lay in her hands. “Hmmm…” Miss Chelsea then scanned the others. I had completely forgotten about them in my small candy craze and submission to Miss Samantha after, but from the corner of my eye, I could see each were mimicking me in some way. ‘Apparently, I’m not the only one who wants to have just one more piece. Good.’ In a group like this under these circumstances, what went for one of us, likely went for the rest. Pre-school rules and all that. “Ugh. Very well. One more piece.” She paused. “But that’s it and then they all get put away downstairs. Sound good, Sam?” Miss Samantha nodded. “Good. Now, agreed everyone?” We all nodded our heads, but I noticed that both Miss Samantha’s and Miss Chelsea’s faces were fixed to me. ‘I guess I started this whole thing, so my approval was the one needed the most. Also, I little tingle in the back of my mind noted that the punishment would solely been on me if any of the group had say no either.’ “Excellent,” Miss Samantha spoke back up. “One more piece and then off we go.” I gave her another, more private nod and she flashed me a smile in acknowledgement. I immediately grabbed a pack of M&Ms. ‘Ha! One package but multiple pieces!’ As I wolfed down the ten or so M&Ms, I saw Miss Samantha give me an unimpressed and ‘I know what you did’ type of look, but I was just content with my final few bits of candy for now. After the rest of the group had selected and eaten their negotiated single piece of candy, Miss Samantha and Miss Chelsea helped gather up our trash, throw it away, and then place the rest of our candies back into our respective bags. Once done, they took their original positions in front of and behind us, and then took off for the bottom floor. Another round of waiting at the bag check, a quick change for Ian and Princess Ditzy, and our group headed back upstairs. “I was thinking,” Miss Chelsea started saying once back in the lobby, “there is a perfectly wonderful dance party happening now. We missed the carnival tonight, but I’m sure we could all use some dancing after today. How’s that sound?” The personalities of the group became immediately obvious when faced with Miss Chelsea’s question. Ian wanted to meet back up and play some cards downstairs with his other friends in the middle’s room, Luna only let out a great yawn and motioned toward the elevators, Derek merely shrugged his shoulders, and finally, Princess Ditzy could only bounce around and enthusiastically nod her head. After observing them all, I noticed Miss Samantha was now looking at me and waiting for an answer. I could only shift nervously in place. “I think I may need to talk to this one for a moment,” Miss Samantha spoke up. “How about we all say goodnight to those leaving now and then see the rest of you out on the dance floor in a moment?” The group nodded their heads in agreement, though I think I saw Princess Ditzy let a noise of impatience over the delay of getting to go dancing. Regardless, we all said our goodbyes to Luna and Ian who departed away, one for their room and the other to go play cards. Once out of sight, Miss Chelsea gave a small nod to Miss Samantha and took Derek and Princess Ditzy into the ballroom nearby, ushering out a loud near-concussive blast of music as they opened the double doors to the grand ballroom. Now alone with Miss Samantha, she smiled warmly at me. “I saw you squirming at the notion of dancing, but I don’t think I’ve seen you yawn once since I’ve met you today, so I’m guessing you’re not tired. What’s up, honey?” I shifted awkwardly in place, remembering the promise I had made earlier today. Still, the truth was usually the best policy, and I definitely didn’t want to lie anyway to Miss Samantha. “I… I got nervous.” “Why’s that?” Miss Samantha kept looking at me while she guided me gently to one of the round tables and had me sit down to explain. “I’m not a good dancer. I…” “Remember what we talked about?” Miss Samantha then placed her hand on my now-bouncing knee. I couldn’t help it, especially now that we both knew I was in danger of crossing the promise for the second time tonight that I had made to her earlier in the day. “I do. I really, really do,” I pleaded in an attempt for mercy. “I’m sorry, Miss Samantha. I just… I can’t help but feel this way.” I could feel my heart pounding and my palms start to sweat. “I… I can wear all the little clothing here, but dancing… I don’t want to look bad out there.” Her gray eyes looked me over and she gave a sympathetic smile. “Guess what?” I leaned in closer. “Most people out there are terrible dancers themselves. The trick is to have fun though. Remember, no videos or photos here, so no permanent evidence. Besides,” she straightened herself up and strengthened her voice to give off a more intimidating presence, “you’ve got me to watch out for you.” She smiled at me, and I smiled back over the little joke and her kind gesture. “Now that I’ve gotten you to smile a bit, I can see you’re still a bit nervous though, so how about I go and get us some drinks?” I nodded. “Just wait right here and I’ll be back faster than you can ‘applesauce.’” She patted my shoulder to give me some assurance and then went off to get the drinks. I sat there by myself for a moment and reflected on the day. It wasn’t necessarily all that I hoped it would be but meeting the group and Miss Samantha had been a highlight. It all felt very fast with the way we were interacting with each other, but there was just something about Miss Samantha in particular that seemed to bore right through me. Any armor I was wearing seemed to be made of tissue paper under her smiles and gentle words of encouragement. I was still thinking about her when she returned with two colorful drinks. Hers was yellow and seemed more mature as opposed to my self-proclaimed ‘giggle juice.’ Its colors reminded me of a tequila sunrise, a personal favorite of mine, but like my previous drink of the mermaid water, tasted sweeter and more mellow. If I was ever to design a cocktail for littles who may not enjoy the taste of alcohol but still enjoy its benefits, I would have likely created either of those two drinks. After chatting about random bits of our lives once more, nearly starting back up where we had ended earlier in the day on the black cushioned chairs, Miss Samantha and I got up, threw our glasses away, and entered the double doors of the grand ballroom, freshly imbued with a little liquid courage. The stage was lit, and music echoed off the walls. The room wasn’t as large as it could have been, owing to the playground set up in the room next door where the nerf war had taken place earlier, but the mass of people seemed to fit the space just fine. Balloons of several colors lit up and floated about the foggy atmosphere and humid temperature of the throngs of pulsating dancers before us. “Come on! Dance with me, Percy!” Miss Samantha then guided my drawstring backpack off my shoulders, gently laid it down out of the way on one of the walls where other bags were, and then tugged me gingerly into the crowds of people near the center of the room. It was an awkward squeeze, but Miss Samantha held enough of a presence in front of her that few remained in our way. Within minutes, that would have taken me at least three times as long, we were only about ten feet from the stage and near Princess Ditzy and Miss Chelsea. Nearby, Derek was dancing with another femininely dressed person I had not seen yet. I then felt a gentle tug of my chin, and Miss Samantha deftly guided my face towards hers. “Don’t worry about them, sweetie. Don’t worry about any of them. Just focus on me. Come on and dance with me.” I started to rock back and forth to the music. I wasn’t lying when I said I couldn’t dance, but I did have an appreciation for music. I easily picked up the beat and nodded my head and moved my body as the notes filled my ears. “That’s it, sweetie. Keep going.” In my own motions with the music, I could easily see Miss Samantha begin moving with the music as well. Her movements were similar to mine, but more free, expressive, and fluid. I looked like a rusted robot learning to move again with small movements to indicate the rust might be edging away. She, on the other hand, looked like a graceful dancer unfolding and swaying in a delicate breeze. I wasn’t the only one who noticed. Before I could mind them though, the song finished and the next picked up the pace. Movements were shuffled around, and a lot of people started bouncing up and down. Some even began to hop in place and almost violently nod their heads. Miss Samantha and I bounced a bit, but true to her promise, she never strayed far and watched me for nearly every song for the next 40 minutes. It was wonderful and the time flew by quickly with each change of the song. Finally, Miss Samantha pulled at my hand, and we exited the dance floor with me dragging behind. At one point, I even had to navigate around a large person wearing a fox mask adorned with blue fur while Miss Samantha picked up my bag. It took a second in the chaos and collective dancing around them, but once beyond the doors, as I had been working up a small sweat, the cooler air outside the ballroom felt instantly gratifying. We both took a seat near the doors and could hear the pounding of the music still. “Sweetie, I’m so proud of you for going out there and dancing.” “Thank you, Miss Samantha.” I blushed slightly as saying her name out loud like that felt good but highly embarrassing. To me, it didn’t matter if anyone was truly watching. I just couldn’t get it out of my head that they even had the potential to or to judge me. “Now, I won’t check you today and I’ll respect your boundaries, but something is telling me that diaper is still dry.” I wiggled around a bit and nodded. It was harder to tell with the sweat I was accumulating but the crotch still crinkled and didn’t have a weight to it yet. “Hmmm. That’s what I thought. You need to be drinking more.” I wanted to protest that I hadn’t seen her go pee yet tonight, but Miss Samantha only walked away and then handed me back a small plastic cup of water when she returned. “I want you to drink this up now for me.” She stared at me intently like her request was not up for debate. I was thirsty, so I just went along with what she wanted and downed the water in a few seconds. “Now, I remember seeing you with a sippy cup in your bag” She reached down to the side of her and pulled up my bag that she had retrieved for me. “I managed to grab this leaving while you were trying to move past the one dressed as a fox.” She pulled out my sippy cup, still nestled next to Stripe and then took the empty cup from my hand. “I’m going to go fill both up. Just wait here.” She returned as promised and I downed the cup again, this time without any prompting. Miss Samantha only smiled and pocketed my sippy cup. “For later after the party is over. I want you to drink it all up before you go to bed. Promise me.” “I promise.” I felt foolish promising something like that, but I held little resistance to what Miss Samantha wanted from me. ‘Must be that mermaid water or giggle juice hitting me…’ A small part of me feared what I would do if she asked me to do something more for her. Even if it was embarrassing, I couldn’t help but feel that I still wouldn’t say no. She then stood and daintily held out her hand. “Come on, sweetie. We have a dance to get back to.” I smiled and took her hand as I stood up. A few minutes later, after setting my backpack back against the wall, carrying my now full sippy cup of the water that she had retrieved for me, and navigating through the crowd, Miss Samantha and I were back dancing. For his part, Derek had begun to make out with whoever he was with and Princess Ditzy and Miss Chelsea just bounced up and down to the music, practically bumping into each other multiple times, but just laughing it off as something silly. Neither seemed to mind too much about any of it. Miss Samantha and I followed their lead and for the next six songs, we continued in the same pattern. All that changed when the DJ started playing a slow song. It was unusual but expected for this type of event. I always dreaded these songs whenever I had been dancing with my dates in high school or college, particularly if both of us were having a more awkward night with the other. It turned out that Miss Samantha was not the type to feel, or at least show, awkwardness over any situation. In a few seconds, she took the initiative and pulled me in close to her. Despite the ever-present smell of the fog mixer they were using to provide a dusky atmosphere in the room, plus the hundreds of now sweating bodies, I was enveloped by a familiar floral scent that seemed to pour from her body. I could see the safety pins that had secured her witch hat tightly on her head and her bold makeup only served to enhance her gray eyes. Being so close felt awkward at first, but her warmth, smooth skin, and tender touch easily melted this feeling away. We stayed that way swaying to the music until the song was regretfully over. ‘Maybe I didn’t like slow songs because I didn’t have the right dance partner…’ It was shockingly wonderful, and we even continued the tight embrace once it was silent all throughout the room, beyond the murmuring chatter asking about the next song. Our forms only parted when the next song, a much more forceful number, started. Oddly, Miss Samantha seemed embarrassed for once, but just started dancing and purposefully didn’t bring any attention to her brief moment of weakness on the dance floor. ‘What was she just thinking?’ After a few more songs, the DJ announced the end to the party and the masses began shuffling out of the once packed room. I grabbed my backpack, walked out with Miss Samantha, and then sat in exhaustion at one of the round tables again. She was still standing and seemed to be scanning the throngs of people exiting. I saw that Derek slipped out the other doorway with the feminine figure he had been dancing with, and soon after, Princess Ditzy was walking slowly out with Miss Chelsea. After a few hand gestures between the two, Miss Samantha nodded toward Miss Chelsea, and then sat with me. “Everyone else is headed to bed tonight. I suggest you do the same.” “But there are still people here. What if I miss out on the best thing for this whole event? I’m not even tired.” I tried to stand firm but then realized I had to go to the bathroom and Miss Samantha didn’t seem to be moving on the topic. “I don’t want to leave.” “Oh, I understand, sweetie, but I’ve caught you yawning a few times when you thought I wasn’t looking on the dance floor. I think today was a bit more than you were expecting, but we still have another entire full day tomorrow. You don’t want me to have to force you into a nap tomorrow, huh?” I hung my head in defeat. “No, Miss Samantha.” “Good. Now, I need to make sure Miss Chelsea is okay and head to bed myself. Are you going to be okay by yourself? I can stay if you want me to…” Miss Samantha looked at me peculiarly and I wasn’t sure what to make of it. ‘Was she wanting to be with her friend? Was I supposed to make a move? Was she expecting something more?’ I realized it didn’t matter and that I didn’t want to get in the way of her checking on Miss Chelsea. The buddy system was a golden standard around here during the convention. Though I knew that me leaving and coming to the hotel was decidedly a solo affair, my adult sensibilities would last for the fifteen-minute walk back to my own hotel. “No, that’s okay. You should go and see Miss Chelsea. Make sure she’s all right and all that.” Miss Samantha smiled. “Thank you, Percy. That’s very thoughtful of you.” She paused and looked hesitant. “I know you were freaking out a little with the dark room today, but I think you should consider going to the orientation tomorrow morning. I’ll even attend with you if you want me to.” She paused. “Moral support, if you will and all.” I thought about it for a moment. Despite my quickly growing need to pee and my fear of that dreaded room, I couldn’t help but fixate on the possibility of going there. My heart fluttered for a moment but calmed down when I mentally reminded myself that Miss Samantha had just offered to come with me. It was an opportunity too good to just turn down. “I’ll go with you. Tomorrow. At 10, right?” Miss Samantha briefly looked curiously crestfallen, but then nodded her head in agreement. “Join me line tomorrow morning and we’ll go together. First there saves a spot.” She then stood up and smoothed out her witch’s dress. “Remember to drink your sippy tonight before you go to bed. I’ll see you tomorrow. Hug?” She seemed that she was in a rush to see Miss Chelsea, but from my interactions with her, I knew she was also a woman of planning, so the details had to be ironed out beforehand. Now that they were, Miss Chelsea was the obvious priority. I hesitated over the abruptness of the moment but wanted to hug Miss Samantha one more time. “I will. I’ll see you tomorrow.” We both hugged for a small bit of time and then broke off from each other. Miss Samantha walked off, turned after a short distance, and gave me a coy, little smile, before trudging up the far stairs once more and out of my sight. I sighed audibly, but my bladder panged again. It was sudden and I momentarily panicked that I would lose control. I realized when walking down the stairs and being reminded of the bulk between my legs of how ridiculous a notion that was, but I still held it in. I was wearing a diaper that could take the abuse, but without the calming and strengthening presence of Miss Samantha, my courage was no longer with me. Wetting a diaper freely in front of everyone was still beyond my comfort level. After waiting a brief time in line for my bags and the changing room, one opened up. I dropped my denim shortalls to the floor and just looked at myself in the mirror. My diaper bulged thickly around my skull patterned onesie, and a quick removal of my baseball gear gave me an odd feeling. I had never been one for sucking pacifiers or my thumb, but a desire to multitask and pee my diaper while sucking my thumb crept into my head. The curtains were drawn, and the noise would be minimal, so I just gave in. Peeing or thumb sucking in public was one thing, but no one could see me now. I had free reign. My thumb tasted salty but a slow pulsing in and out of the digit took my mind off when the last time I had washed my hands was. Enraptured in the moment, a quick burst of pee entered my diaper. Unlike before, I didn’t clench down in fear that my diaper would leak. I told myself that it was the end of the day, and I could always wash these clothes. To my joy though, the diaper did its job and held firmly. ‘Good. So good…’ I luxuriated in the feeling for a moment. The alcohol from the drinks and performing such an act had blissed out my mind for a moment. It was wonderful and a part of my inner consciousness chastised itself for not doing this sooner. ‘Now I know…’ I was only interrupted by another little nearby bursting out into laughter in a changing area nearby. The moment having been broken; I quickly went about changing myself once again. Satisfied with my wiping and a brief air-drying period, I jumped back into my more vanilla clothes that I had originally been wearing this morning when I walked here. After cleaning the table down and crumpling the diaper back up, I exited the curtained room, threw away my used diaper, and headed back outside. The walk back to the hotel was cold and served as a stark reminder to myself of the joy the event had brought me during the day. Despite the walking feeling nice, I wished I could have just collapsed in my bed only a few floors up, perhaps even wearing a diaper still. 17 minutes later though, I walked in the revolving door, purchased an oatmeal container for the next morning and a Snickers bar to snack on to make up for the fact that I had missed a Walmart two nights ago by five minutes and was currently starving. My stomach gurgled and I only then made the connection that I hadn’t eaten anything beyond some candy since I had left this morning at 9. Needless to say, I quickly devoured the Snickers bar in three tasty bites. After downing the sippy cup, performing my night routine, and getting ready for the next day, I laid in bed and tried to look up the events from the world outside. They felt foreign and evil to the point I even grabbed Stripe from my backpack. His presence helped but only led me further to think of only the convention. Memories of the group and Miss Samantha swirled delightfully in my mind, filling me with joy and wonder and shutting out the evil of the world beyond. Pleasant ideas of tomorrow, despite the still present fear of the dark room, were at the forefront as well, and I soon drifted off peacefully, thinking of nothing but caregivers, bottles, and diapers. 6
LostBBoyBear Posted April 16, 2023 Author Posted April 16, 2023 A bit shorter of a chapter than some of the others, but things take an unexpected turn, though, what else could one expect when entering into the dark room? Enjoy this next chapter! Chapter 6: Brave The Dark The next morning, I had forgotten to set my multiple alarms and it was only by luck that I managed to wake up only ten minutes later than I would have. Still, the morning proved difficult, and I was racing to finish each task in time with my original schedule. I worried that I was going to forget something, but time being limited, I soon dashed out of my room, down the stairs, and out into the freezing cold and slight drizzle. It was a miserable walk, but the large edifice of the hotel soon appeared behind the trees that surrounded both sides of the two-lane backroad I now trekked. The rain had caused the roads to become flooded and the embankments I relied on to become soggy and muddy. Despite the many curses I muttered under my breath as I battled the elements, the doors to the entrance parted, and after a brief security check I reentered the place that had given me so much joy. The lobby was full of quiet early birds and still sleepy hotel guests. While the days prior showed who was obviously a little or caregiver, vanilla clothes seemed to be in the majority this morning. I wasn’t expecting it, but a silent alarm went off from my phone in my hand and reminded me to keep pushing forward. The dark room orientation with Miss Samantha was fast approaching. I repeated the routine I had become accustomed to, and after a hurried change in the curtained room to a thick diaper, dinosaur onesie, and another pair of shortalls, I made my way back and handed my bags to the volunteers in the bag check room. We all smiled at each other, and after checking my watch, I breathed a sigh of relief as I still had a few minutes. I still decided to make my way up and join the line I figured would be there. As predicted a few half-dead members stood in line and I took my place and then perched myself leaning up against one of the walls. I smiled briefly as I viewed my Flash socks and silently thanked them for giving me the extra speed to get here on time. The group was quiet, but I became nervous as Miss Samantha still wasn’t here. There was no one to torture me now, but the lack of her presence or even a friend like Derek, left me feeling vulnerable. The guards at the door eyed us with the same decorum as bouncers and my knee wobbled as the time clicked on. Just as they began to shuffle around the door, I heard, “I hope I’m not too late, sweetie.” I spun around and a kindly Miss Samantha stood behind me. Her hair was still slightly damp, and I honestly preferred her sexy witch’s dress to the blouse and jeans she wore now, but I only smiled back at her. Currently, she wasn’t exuding strength or confidence; just caring, which I then realized was exactly what I needed to face this obstacle before us. “No, Miss Samantha. You’re right on time.” “Oh, good. I was worried.” She looked at the watch on her wrist. “I guess this thing is a bit fast. Oh well. How are you?” I shrugged my shoulders and my shortalls snaps at the top made small clicking noises. “I was a little nervous honestly when I didn’t see you. I was afraid I had done something wrong… but I’m okay now.” Miss Samantha looked like I had just hurt her puppy and I regretted my words. “I’m really sorry, sweetie. Miss Chelsea was taking forever in the shower this morning. It’s so typical of her, but don’t you worry. I used my special powers.” She laughed at her own little joke and then lunged and tickled my exposed side that just sported a onesie. Luna had nuzzled there last night while we were trick or treating and had exposed my secret ticklish spot to the whole group. “Stop! Stop! Please, Miss Samantha. No more!” She smiled with a unique combination of sympathy and wickedness. “Very well, honey. I accept your surrender to my powers.” She paused. “I bet you’re not nervous anymore, though, huh?” I realized she was just trying to take my mind off the upcoming dark room. My knee had even gratefully stopped shaking and so I shook my head. I didn’t like her method, but I also couldn’t argue with her results. Eeerrrrr! The double doors creaked open. “Everyone, come on in. Leave any drinks out here,” the bald one commanded. Getting to the threshold of the door, I reluctantly dropped my backpack with my sippy cup and Stripe on the floor. I could have really used him today, but I couldn’t disobey the rules. The dark atmosphere and the padded bench in my immediate vision made me gulp and my mind became fuzzy. Miss Samantha’s gentle prodding helped me into the room and then guided me to a seat along the far wall. I wasn’t sure if I would have even made it past the threshold if it wasn’t for her. The group was smaller today based on the line from the outside and Miss Samantha almost seemed to be scanning the group. I wanted to ask her what she was doing, but a creaking and groaning to my right shot my attention to that area instead. From her attire and demeanor over the equipment, I guessed she would be one of our guides to the room, but my knee picked up its bouncing, nonetheless. “It’s okay, sweetie. Don’t you worry about a thing and just take a breath.” Miss Samantha placed her warm hand on my knee which stopped the nervous tick, but my imagination just couldn’t stop. “Oh, God. Are those cages? Why is it so dark? That’s a nice seat. Wait, no. That can’t be a seat with the way that one cushion on top is! What have I done? I gotta get out of here!’ Despite my internal machinations, I could still feel her calming hand. It was enough to give my head a moment to refocus. ‘No! Focus, idiot. Listen to Miss Samantha.’ I tried to take Miss Samantha’s advice to just breathe in and out. It seemed to work for a moment, and I even laid my head back against the wall for an extra way to steady myself. The room was chillier than I thought, but it gave me the idea to ground myself with my surroundings, a technique I had learned back in college. The room was dark and small spherical bulbs hung in circular patterns from the ceilings to make large, glass chandeliers. They were probably brilliant when turned on, but now only stood still and dark as if the life had been torn out of them by the very nature of the room. Dark walls butted against a grid-like pattern of carpet and conveniently separated each of the stations. I gripped my knee in substitute for Stripe as I spotted the cages I had seen yesterday and now the additional St. Andrew crosses that lined one wall. Only the creaking from the one instructor could be heard with distinction and my mouth still tasted like the oats I had wolfed down on my way out of my hotel this morning. Smells of leather and disinfectant quickly permeated my nose. I half expected to smell Miss Samantha’s floral scent, but I think my head was too unfocused and scared still to pick up on it if she was wearing it again today. “Don’t be nervous sweetie. I’m right here.” Miss Samantha gave my hand an extra squeeze to show her support. “T… thank you, Miss Samantha.” I gazed around the room and noticed I wasn’t the only seemingly little that was here with another seemingly big by their side. My nerves eased a bit for not being the only one too afraid to enter this dark place without some help. I looked like the only one ready to bolt still or even pee myself out of fear, but it was still something to keep my frazzled mind at bay. “You’re very welcome, sweetie. Just remember that if you ever feel the need to leave the room, I’ll be right behind you. No one will judge you and I’ll be right with you afterward.” I nodded my head. It was nice to know I had her massive support this time. Derek was great and he truly stood up for me against Nix alongside Naddie, but Miss Samantha felt like she was on an entirely different level. A caregiver if there ever was one. “This place can be scary. That’s okay,’ she continued. “I’m sure all the little events in here are perfectly safe, if not a little painful. I can almost even imagine it. Can you?” I sat motionless and tried not to. “All the outfits, or lack thereof. Blistered butts and caged littles. All lined up and ready to be punished. Ready to…” Miss Samantha stopped and looked down at my restarted bouncing knee and then squeezed my hand tighter and readjusted herself. “Uh… right. Don’t worry. Just thinking out loud. How silly of me?” She kissed my hand tenderly and then rested our still encircled hands on my knee again. “Promise. It’s going to be okay.” Her words felt off, but for me though, I put more stock into her actions and comforting gaze. They felt more concrete than fleeting words. Knowing full well myself how words can just slip out and produce something you didn’t intend, they felt consequential but momentary. A gesture or action felt harder to accomplish and so they felt more lasting. I let these thoughts take me and I settled calmly back into my chair, my knee having stopped bouncing around now once again. As the people in the room settled back into their own respective chairs, the male presenter began to talk, “Consent is important…” The next twenty minutes were filled with variations of that one statement and the general rules of the room. After discussing the spanking benches, I clenched up. Dutifully and caringly, Miss Samantha snatched my hand again after momentarily dropping it, and then held it tight. We gave each other a knowing smile and I leaned into her for support. Gladly, after discussions of fluids, traffic lights, boundaries, and even the various acronyms I had heard a few times before, the orientation was over. The woman presenter then traipsed across the some of the floormats and beyond a spanking bench and began to present each of us with the coveted black ribbon. As I waited for my turn, Miss Samantha, already with her own black ribbon, waited patiently but bore an uneasy demeanor. Before I could ask though, it was my turn. Without much ceremony, the silky ribbon was deftly placed on my wrist and the woman fastened it up to a point. She moved on without incident, but I just stared at it as the trophy I had earned by overcoming my fears, despite the reassuring but welcome presence of Miss Samantha as well. ‘I suppose one can only expect so much bravery from someone wearing a diaper currently…’ The orientation now over, the room exited quietly. Miss Samantha’s mood only seemed to sour more as we left out the previously dreaded doors. After a moment, I had to ask. “Is everything okay, Miss Samantha?” She paused and moved to the side for a moment to not block traffic. She slowly turned and said glumly, “Everything is fine.” It was so blunt and the usual glow to her voice was conspicuously absent. If I was in a younger mindset, I would have surely spoken the phrase, ‘liar, liar, pants on fire,’ out loud to her. Instead, I optioned for a more adult stance. One more… simplistic but dignified than that. “Are you sure? You seem like you’re thinking about something.” Miss Samantha burned into me with her eyes. They weren’t full of hate or anything, but they stared back at me with something I could only describe as frustration or anger and disappointment. “I said I’m fine, Percy.” I think she realized how she was coming across in the moment and collected herself for a quick second. “I have somewhere I need to be.” Her feelings were still there but were now being admirably suppressed and maybe even deflected. I didn’t want to give in, but I had to ask. “Oh… Did I do something wrong?” I wasn’t always the most self-conscious of my actions, so in trying to figure out what was wrong, I was worried that I said or did something incorrect or offensive that I wasn’t even aware of. “You…” Miss Samantha hesitated and seemed as if she was trying to select her words carefully, as if a single phrase would detonate a bomb somewhere in the hotel. “I was just thinking of something, and I realized I needed to go. I wouldn’t worry about it, but I really do need to be somewhere else right now.” “Oh, okay.” I wasn’t convinced by her words, but further pestering didn’t seem to be like the right move in this instance, despite me wanting to drop to floor and beg her to stay. “Will I see you later?” Unfortunately, Miss Samantha already seemed like she was somewhere else. “Yeah. The hotel’s not too big, so… I’m sure we will.” She paused and began to turn away. “I’ll see you later. Bye.” The abruptness took me by surprise and my mind felt like it was a hamster in a ball that had just been thrown down the stairs. “Bye…” but she was already gone, “Miss Samantha…” I stood there in shock over the events that had just unfolded. Me, Percy Miter, had just conquered the dark room. I should have felt like I was the king of the world. The black band nestled around my wrist was a sign of my courage and determination against the odds and forces of the darkness of the room itself and my own mind. I was a hero and should be exulted for pushing past my boundaries and going into that room at all. I may have had no desire to return, but I still had the black ribbon. A victory, right? Instead, though, I felt empty. Miss Samantha, the person of apologies for not even being officially late, a hugger, a woman whose mere smile could soothe the most pained heart, was now gone. Despite her words, her distant body language and calculating tone screamed that something was wrong. I thought for a moment that it could have been something to do with her, but her hesitations and the way she had left, made me think otherwise. ‘Maybe it was her wording in there?’ She seemed almost fixated in her own little trance for a moment when she said she was imagining all the scenes. ‘Did I miss something she said? Was it a scene? Did she want me to act like a scared little baby and run out crying, only to be scooped back up by her?’ My heart thumped within my chest and a bead of nervous sweat threatened to cascade down my brow. It wouldn’t be the first time I didn’t get the hint with someone trying to roleplay, but usually the other person would talk about it beforehand. ‘Had I missed something with her? Did she say she wanted me to be a scared baby? Did she want me to regress and reach out to her for comfort?’ No, not that. It was just stupid old me. Something I had done was obviously in error and I didn’t even register. ‘Stupid brain! You better not have messed it up with her.’ I blinked feverishly and darted away from the scene of her departure, and as I walked back downstairs gloomily, I could only ponder what that specific something had been to make her leave me and then also try my darndest not to cry. ‘Stupid, stupid emotions…’ 5
Guilend Posted April 16, 2023 Posted April 16, 2023 I wonder what super power she used to get her friend out of the shower? A smack on the butt and a "Hurry up." Is what I'm sticking with lol You now have me on edge in anticipation for what happens next. I can't wait.
LostBBoyBear Posted April 17, 2023 Author Posted April 17, 2023 I have been made aware that the actions of Miss Samantha can be triggering to some, and I just wanted to apologize here if I made anyone else feel that way. Amazons are complicated but most are absolutely manipulative and a few are even downright cruel. I have been debating over whether or not I should add warnings to these stories on this site or not, but going forward, I just want everyone to be aware that Percy is not a consenting character in this scenario. The ends do not justify the means and I do not condone the behavior of Miss Samantha, Miss Chelsea, or any other future Bigs that I write about. Percy may be naïve and into the lifestyle, but that is not an automatic rubber stamp to consent to everything. As such and as a warning going forward, Percy will definitely be further manipulated. Sometimes more subtly, but manipulated nonetheless. While not necessarily mustache twirling villains, Miss Samantha and Miss Chelsea are definitely not the paragons of all that is good, so expect more from them coming up. Remember, two Amazons (with their own flaws in capturing Littles) have a quota to meet and a desire for this test at the convention from their home world to work. As a result, at least one Little of the group is likely not going to make it back home. Further, out of respect for any triggered individuals over the events of the past chapters and to give people a chance to absorb the story or read this warning comment and acknowledgment, I will not be posting a new chapter today. I will resume posting again tomorrow, and just so everyone knows, the rest of the story is about 80% complete in total at this point. I promise that it will be finished. Further, if anyone has a problem with a story of mine, feel free to reach out to me. While I appreciate the likes and comments of happiness with my story, these other comments allow me to internalize my writings more and stay away or handle some of the tougher subjects with more care when I go to write my next story. Some of these worlds can be nasty, so I'm always trying to determine what to show, imply, or even omit. Thanks for taking the time to read all of this and my stories. Just remember to stay safe and have a good time reading!
LostBBoyBear Posted April 18, 2023 Author Posted April 18, 2023 I hope everyone read my previous message and can understand my motivation for the pause. Going forward, I should be able to post once a day until the story is complete, which should end up at about 15 chapters. Enjoy the next chapter! Chapter 7: Calm The Soul My head swam with emotions, and I retreated back downstairs. The door to the quiet room opened and for a moment, I highly considered ducking in there to quash my big feelings now. Upon peaking and seeing the tranquility of the room though, I knew it would allow me to let out all my emotions. Others would say that letting them out was a good thing, but like a crack and tiny spurt of water out of a damn, stopping the rest from coming out would only become more difficult. ‘No, not now. Maybe later…’ I looked at the schedule on my phone to distract myself and saw that a music class of sorts was going to start any minute in the preschool room. If nothing else, the sound could drown out my own wallowing thoughts and I could move on with the day. Distracting my wandering thoughts now was key. Miss Samantha’s departure was sad, but there was still another day to go with the con. Crying could come later still, if necessary, but more time here would not. I entered the preschool room and found a seat near the back. I hugged Stripe and sucked on my sippy cup to bide the time while I waited. The class soon started to fill, but most littles elected to sit on the carpeted floor near the distinguished person in the front of the class I thought would be our teacher of sorts. “Mind if I join you?” I looked up at the unfamiliar voice but saw a familiar face. Still sporting their cat ears from last night and a pair of cute yellow overalls, it was Luna. A talking form of them, but Luna, nonetheless. I silently passed the idea that while last night they had worn their full cat costume, Luna allowed themselves to fully embody the role. Today though, Luna just sported the ears, so was now back to what I guessed was their usual self. ‘Such are the ways of these events, I suppose.’ “Luna! Absolutely. Take a seat! I was wondering when I was going to see someone else from the group today. How are you?” Luna stretched and let out a giant yawn. “Sleepy. You probably won’t see most of them for a while. Ditzy and Chelsea went to a room party last night and didn’t go to bed until really, really late. Derek usually sleeps forever, but I’m not sure about Ian or Miss Samantha.” “I’m not sure about Ian.” I gloomily looked in the distance as I was reminded of the confusing events that had taken place with Miss Samantha not long ago. “I was with Miss Samantha this morning…” “Oh? Anything fun?” “Dark room orientation.” I glumly held up my previously coveted bracelet. After what happened after the orientation though, it felt like a curse, and I just wanted to toss it into the deepest ocean now. “Oh! Percy, congratulations,” Luna squealed. “You were so sad about that yesterday. The group was really hoping you could do it after Derek told us about you. Doubly so after we met you for trick or treating, but…” they looked at me with a concerned expression and finally seemed to be catching on that something was amiss, “why the long face?” “I… I… just don’t know.” “What do you mean?” Luna’s head cocked. “It was all going great, but then…” “Clap if you can hear me!” the instructor belted out. Most of the class responded in kind. “Oh, hold on,” they lowered their voice, “wait ‘till after class is done. We can talk more then. Don’t wanna get in trouble or anything. I promise I’ll listen.” I nodded and refocused on the instructor. I wasn’t a goody two shoes or anything, but I was certainly the type who didn’t want to get in trouble. “Clap twice if you can hear me!” I clapped this time twice to acknowledge his instructions. “Perfect. Good morning class!” “Good morning,” we all called out. “My name is Mr. George. Can you all say, ‘good morning, Mr. George?’” “Good morning, Mr. George!” Despite the 100 plus pound forms packed inside the pre-school classroom, the noises produced in unison reminded me exactly of my days spent at a daycare after school when I was younger. It was peculiar but after exercises designed to elicit critical listening, which inevitably led to failures in something as simple as clamping or stomping, my little side was very present. Miss Samantha had brought out my vulnerable side and this class was allowing my little side to fill in adequately. As a result, between the butt shakes, vocal warmups, and singing along to songs meant for toddlers, the next thirty minutes became an exciting blur for me. The whole room was in a fit of giggles after each set, but Mr. George was able to command the room easily. I didn’t know him from before the convention, but I wouldn’t have been surprised in the slightest if he was an actual teacher on the outside. No one could command that type of authority over a pack of littles deeply entrenched in their mindsets without some previous experience. The last half hour of the class was unexpected but extremely pleasant as Mr. George read us a book. Not just any book, however, it was one about Mozart. Beyond having an affinity for Lewis Carol and Alice in Wonderland, I loved Mozart’s music. Perhaps being the generation brought up to listen to his music in the womb or the fact that we had the same birthday, but I never remembered a time in my life when I didn’t know his sweet melodies. So, whenever Mr. George would ask a question, I would immediately know the answer when he started reading the tale of the ‘Magic Flute.’ The pictures were fantastic and whimsical, and each page even played a few notes from the opera. I never thought that a figure like Mozart could have me feeling even more little, but Mr. George succeeded admirably, and from the faces of those around me standing, sitting on the small chairs, or on the carpet, I wasn’t alone. Sadly, like many of the things I enjoyed here and wanted to continue for the next few hours, the class was over in just one. I didn’t have anything else planned for the next few hours until tonight’s talent show, so staying with a smiling Luna was an easy choice. “So, where did we leave off?” Being enraptured in my own pleasant thoughts, it took me a moment to even register what Luna had asked. “Huh? Oh…” I could feel my own face drop and I was immediately yanked out of my littlespace as I remembered our previously interrupted conversation and Luna’s promise to hear me out. “Oh… I’m sorry, Percy. I should have read you a bit more… I’m really bad at reading people’s faces. You looked so happy…” “No… it’s okay Luna. I probably need to talk about it. It was just so… confusing.” Luna listened intently for the next few minutes as I began to play around with the markers and talk about this morning with Miss Samantha. The markers were a nice distraction and allowed me to pour my feelings into a Picasso and Pollack-like creation in front of me, instead of just with my words. Pure emotion and brilliant colors soon speckled the once clean piece of construction paper in front of me, instead of me crying in the pre-school room. “And that was it?” Luna asked, looking just as confused as I was. “Yeah. I just don’t understand. Do you?” “Hmmm. I don’t think I do either, but maybe you were onto something when you thought she was acting out a scene with you. I saw it happen with another girl yesterday. Cute as a button and super giggly, but twenty minutes later and she looked like she was having an intense conversation with Miss Samantha, and thirty minutes after that was in the quiet room having a meltdown.” Luna paused and allowed me to soak in the new information. ‘What could it mean? Was Miss Samantha a sadist, or did so many want something out of her that she just couldn’t provide? Was I at fault?’ “Right, and then after, she played it off as just a little having big feelings who didn’t like the word ‘no.’ Not sure if I believe her anymore… It’s just hard with her being so nice and all.” I stared at my art and then at my blue tennis shoes. It was hard to know what to think anymore but all the evidence apart from the two events told me the contrary. Miss Samantha may have been flawed, but I just couldn’t see her being anything close to devious. Besides, knowing myself and this community, we usually wanted things we couldn’t have, but I wasn’t sure if Luna would fully see it that way. “I just don’t know, Luna. Miss Samantha is really nice and there’s a lot of possibilities for what happened.” “Hmmm. You may have a point, but just promise me you’ll be on the lookout. Please?” It was good advice for anyone you just met, so I simply nodded my head. “I agree, Luna. Pinky swear.” Luna rolled their eyes. “You can’t just say, ‘pinky swear.’ You actually have to do it. Geez, baby brained much, Perce?” I blushed at forgetting such a simple rule from my childhood. I leaned forward, an audible crinkling emitting from my diaper, and had my pinky drawn out. “You’re right of course. Do over. Pinky swear?” Luna let out a small giggle and extended their own pinky. “Good. Pinky swear.” We locked pinkies and I inherently swore to keep my eyes open around Miss Samantha. Something was off, but I just wasn’t certain of what. Luna then looked at me with a serious face. “Now we spit.” “What?” I panicked and remembered the practice from my youth. Being an outdoor kid and knowing all the germs and gross things on the ground I could touch, spitting in one’s hand was unseemly but standard practice for any deep oath. Now, at a convention filled with who knows how many people and a pinging in my head from my college health class, I wasn’t sure if it would be wise. I opened my palm toward Luna, while also nudging closer to the astronaut-covered hand sanitizer attached to my backpack, ready at a moment’s notice. “Ewww.” Luna’s eyes then rolled. “Boys… I was joking, Perce. Geez.” I detracted my hand, fully blushing over being tricked into something juvenile. My only consolation was that I hadn’t actually spit yet, though secretly I wanted to point out that it was only just last night that they were licking their own hands constantly and rubbing up against everyone around them. I took the higher road though. “I’m just playing with you, Perce. I’m probably being silly about Miss Samantha anyway. I mean, who could ever be like all starshine and rainbows and then be suddenly evil? Right? Silly ol’ me.” “Right… silly.” I was glad that I hadn’t turned Luna against Miss Samantha. She was so nice and after talking it out, I felt better about the whole thing. Probably just a stupid mix-up in communication. ‘Has to be.’ Everything was fine. I’d only be on the watch and hold to my promise with Luna if I noticed something weirder in the future. After all, we had pinky sweared on it. One couldn’t just break those. The next forty minutes went by quickly and Luna kept talking to me the whole time while we both worked on our respective projects. Luna drew a cute kitty cat of course, and I continued on the impressionistic piece in front of me. It was a person feeling all the depression and anxiety I did, but I didn’t want to post it to the wall. It was just to get my feelings out there and out of me, and gladly, as the time passed on, I knew that it was working. Luna noticed my concentrated expression but also the small smile that I had felt growing after our pinky promise. “Feeling better?” “Much. Thank you, Luna. I needed all this. I was really worried I wasn’t going to get out of that funk all day. I’m glad you showed up.” “No problem, Perce. I’m glad to listen out, and besides, music class was fun and just doing some art while swapping stories and jokes was just what I needed today. You just never know where these cons will go, so a minute for yourself or with a friend is always good practice.” “Yeah. I can understand that now. Always heard, but now I’m feeling it. Fully.” I looked at my own warped piece of art. “Can I admit something? Something that just stays between us?” Luna stood and stretched but then eyed me again, now with a hint of nervousness in their eye. “Sure… go ahead. All ears,” Luna smiled as they batted the kitty ears still above their head. “Cute…” I grinned at her little joke and thought of how to say what I was feeling. “There are so many people here, but sometimes… I feel alone.” “Oh? That it?” I looked at Luna questioningly. “It’s not nothing, but we all feel that way sometimes. Particularly if it’s our first con. I think you mentioned that last night, right?” I nodded. “That’s right…” “Well, there you have it. Not to downgrade your feelings or anything. They’re important for sure, but keep in mind that most of us have been coming for years and are used to each other and this scene. You seem more like the introverted type that takes a nudging to come out of their shell.” I nodded again. “Yeah… these things can be tough, but you’ll get through it. I know you will. Everyone here has and I’m sure you’ll be no different.” “Thanks, Luna.” We smiled at each other, and I was glad my feelings weren’t unique, taboo, or off-putting in a place like this. “No problem.” They then stretched again and gathered up their art. “Just be sure to tell me if you feel that way again. Everybody wants to be happy here, but sometimes it just takes a friend. With the others who knows where, I’m glad to be here for you. If you have those feelings anymore, I always have an open or two.” Luna batted the kitty ears once more on their head. “Thank you, Luna.” I looked at my art and realized that I couldn’t fit anything else on the page without messing it up. “Do you want to get out of here?” “You know, I was just thinking of the same thing.” Luna recoiled from their stretch to post their artwork with the others and smiled at me. “I was thinking of maybe picking up something from one of the vendors. Come with me, Perce. Even if you don’t buy something, all the items up there just have to be seen to be believed.” I thought for a moment and scratched my chin. I was thinking of buying something originally, but the Uber rides I had taken into and out of the city the other day had cost me more than I originally had anticipated. Still, something tangible from here would be nice. “Sure. I’ll go with you, Luna. Just give me a sec to get this in here.” Luna nodded and waited for me to fold the art up and place it between a book and some stickers I had picked up earlier. For some reason I couldn’t fathom, I quickly patted the extra diaper I had kept in there for later and then tightened up the strings. After a moment, the bag was on my back. “Alright. Thanks. All set now.” “Perfect. Let’s get some water. I don’t know about you, but this place is super-hot under the collar.” Luna pulled the shirt’s collar out of irritation and reached to grab their water bottle. I smiled as I just noticed Luna’s shirt was fittingly an array of cats dancing around on the front “Yeah. Now that you mention it. Let’s stock up.” We headed out to the water jugs in the hallway and filled our respective containers up. I downed mine a few times in a row having not drank much since this morning. It was really hard to remember with all the things going on. ‘Definitely something I need to improve on.’ Luna looked at me seriously while adjusting their water jug into their own bag. “You know, Perce. I’m serious. Just let me know if anything is bothering you with this con. I’m right here.” I smiled at their gesture as I screwed on my cap. “Thanks, Luna. It means a lot.” I lurched toward them but stopped after only an inch. The moment felt right for a hug, but I was too awkward to ask. Luna noticed. “You know, Perce, this feels just about right for a hug. I could use one, how about you?” I nodded. “That would be great, Luna.” We smiled at each other over the shared need and came together for a perfectly timed hug after the stressful day so far. Luna almost felt taller than me then, which was odd since they always seemed smaller than me before, but I just played it off as my imagination. As we held the hug for longer, seemingly both needing a good squeeze, I contemplated the odd and wonderful nature of the convention. Last night, Luna was a cat and accepted by all. They only made purring noises and meowed occasionally. Now, in the span of less than two hours, I felt closer to Luna than I even had with Derek yesterday, whom I guessed was still asleep or upstairs mulling about somewhere. ‘Hmmm. Who would have thought from yesterday that one could receive so much love and kindness from a former cat?’ I sure didn’t, but I could only smile now as I eagerly anticipated our future window shopping upstairs together. 4
Guilend Posted April 18, 2023 Posted April 18, 2023 I'm definitely curious to what's going on. That's for sure.
keith60 Posted April 18, 2023 Posted April 18, 2023 this is a good story i will be happy when there is more
LostBBoyBear Posted April 19, 2023 Author Posted April 19, 2023 Chapter 8: Bottles and Chicken Luna broke off our hug and then immediately started for the stairs. Yet again, I passed up the narrow staircase and silently cursed the lack of access to the escalators and the crowded elevators. ‘At least my legs are getting some exercise here.’ Luna excitedly rushed through the crowds in the lobby, and I followed right behind. Soon, they stopped and stood wide-eyed at the rooms in front of us. To the left and right stood vendors packed with practically everything but food that one could use during the convention. Diapers, onesies, dresses, bottles, and so many other bits lined every wall and crowded the centers of the multiple rooms. Luna dived into the first room with gay abandonment. I silently worried that they would hit someone in their thrill-seeking happiness and was very glad that I had not been holding their hand at the time. A minute later, I finally managed to catch up with them. Luna was practically drooling over the onesies on the rack. I couldn’t blame them. Every color of the rainbow seemed to be covered in an array of patterns and prints. Any little worth their status was in heaven when in the mere presence of so many babyish items. I was no exception. “Ooh, Luna. Look at this one! And this one. Oh, but what about…?” “Slow down, Perce. It’s all great and we definitely have the time to take a sec.” I blushed and put back the three I had plucked from the rack. “Now, let’s show off to each other. You go first.” The next bits of time were filled with both of us going down the aisle and finding the onesies that appealed to us the most. I wanted to buy one right then and there, but Luna insisted on looking at all of them first before making a selection. Unless I was dead set on spending more money here than on food, ‘patience was the key,’ she kept repeating. Luna then moved to a circular rack that contained both shortalls and skirtalls. I was skeptical at first that shortalls were even there in the first place but then I found a pair of striped ones hanging up. I reached out like they were made of golden thread. My hopes were soon dashed as I discovered they were a size too small. “Rats.” “Not finding what you’re looking for?” Luna asked, peering around another rack. “No… thought I found something, but wrong size.” Luna looked at me sympathetically and came over. They scanned my body quickly and then browsed through the racks. “Extra large, right?” “How’d you guess?” “I used to make my own costumes. Got pretty good at guessing sizes from looking. Gotta… know the… angles… aha! Here!” Luna pulled a blue piece of clothing out and held it up to me. “Perfect!” I really liked the color and looked down at it in front of me. It looked like it would fit me exactly the way it should. I was so excited to have found something like this here, but my face dropped when I saw the bottom. “What’s wrong?” Luna asked. “It’s a skirtall…” Luna looked confused for a moment, but then nodded in understanding. “Not your style, huh? Don’t swing that way, Perce?” “No. Not that I’m opposed to ever… but, you know. Just if I’m going to spend money today, I’m going to want something more than just a curiosity.” “Eh. Good point. You would look cute though. Sure, I can’t change your mind?” Luna pressed up against me and tried to flatter me in the biggest way they could. “I’m sure. Thanks though. Might need you to do your trick again when I find something really good though.” “It will be my pleasure.” Luna cutely bowed at me, and I bowed back to complete the little joke between us. We browsed the next few stores aimlessly and saw outfits in abundance that would have thrilled us to no end to purchase, but all seemed too expensive for their use or not stand out enough to just buy immediately on the spot. I mentally cataloged a few to come back to later if I still didn’t find anything else. “Perce! Perce! Look!” A few vendors later, Luna was jumping up and down and was practically giddy. I gulped as I found them standing in front of a large metal rack adorned with various items. Luna, however, was pointing directly to a large wooden paddle. Firm but beautiful in its finish, my knees couldn’t help but grow weak in its presence. It didn’t help that we were only a stone’s throw away from the cursed dark room. “I… it’s nice, Luna. For you?” “Duh… but look!” They pointed to the nearby sign. I looked it over. ‘Customizable Paddles.’ “Oh. How… interesting.” Luna rolled her eyes at me. “Come on, Perce. It’s not for you. I’m getting it for me for back home.” They marched over and dragged me by their side. “I need your help choosing what it should say. Can you do that for me, buddy?” I gulped again being so close to the row of wooden paddles, but this was for Luna. They had been a friend to me earlier, so I could at least give an opinion here. “S… sure, Luna. If you n… need it, it’s yours.” “Thanks!” We then looked at various designs for what seemed like an eternity, with each phrase cuter or more terrifying than the last. Finally, I convinced her to get one with the phrase, ‘Never Too Old For A Good Spanking.’ It felt just right for the con, but not overly cheesy or humiliating. Satisfied with my help, I wandered away for a moment and checked out some of the other gear there. Pacifiers, gags, leashes, and all manner of accessories covered the walls, but I was drawn to one item in particular. I had a habit recently of purchasing something tangible from many of the locations I had visited. While sand or magnets could usually fit the bill for most places, this con seemed to lack something that I could proudly display. Though not something I could show off, the bottle in front of me was something tangible. Though I admired the dinosaur bottle, especially considering my current onesie, and it being complete with images of bones and an array of teeth around the neck, the one next to it just kept calling my name. Brightly colored images of fruit danced about the main body and a perfect nipple closed off the top. It was simple and yet the 32 oz bottle would easily satisfy my thirst for any future events or even just casually around my house. Likely, if I had the bottle for this con, I wouldn’t be feeling the massive drain of thirst while looking for things to come away with as I was now. Though Luna had advised me to wait, I doubted I would find another like the bottle in front of me that even came with its own chilling stick. Soon, I giddily purchased the bottle and rejoined with Luna, who was now admiring one of the thick pink leather collars. ‘Of course, the kitty cat would be looking at those…’ We browsed a few more vendors and were currently looking at one I had heard of several times before. They pretty much carried everything, and I had eagerly looked at their merchandise before, but had never bought anything. Upon seeing the various designs of onesies in person, I felt like a real idiot. While the ones I already owned and the ones I had viewed previously were amazing, these patterns felt as if they were actually made for babies. Not only that, but babies with interests close to mine. Each felt soft and stretchy, and I couldn’t help but focus on a few of my favorite designs. I had a major obsession with movies ever since I was allowed in a theater when I was younger and the love I had then had never faded. Before me on a hanger was a onesie with typical concession faire at a movie theater and broadcasted, ‘Movie Night.’ I was in the middle of tracing one of the popcorn buckets with my finger when I heard a kind and caring voice speak up behind me, “See something you like?” I could recognize that voice anywhere by now. I spun around and saw her, still adorned in her blouse and jeans from this morning. “Miss Samantha! I didn’t see you come in.” “Awww. Did someone miss me?” I nodded. The feeling was an understatement, despite her sudden departure and my confusion over it. She looked like she remembered as well. “I’m really sorry, cutie. I was in a funk and needed to be elsewhere.” She looked at the onesie I had previously been thumbing. “Going to get that one?” I shrugged my shoulders. “I’m not sure. I really, really love it, but I just got this.” I held up my bag with my newly acquired colorful baby bottle to show off to Miss Samantha. “Oh, my goodness. It’s so cute!” She deftly touched and almost seemed to dance around in excitement over my purchase. “What a find! Awww. You’re going to look so cute with this.” I blushed. “Hey you two.” It was Luna. “I was wondering when we were going to bump into you, Miss Samantha.” “Oh?” “Yeah. I was just browsing with Percy here. He needed… well, it doesn’t seem to matter now, but I think I can speak for us both in saying how glad we are to see you again.” “That’s so sweet of you to say, Luna dear. Actually, a lot of us were wondering where you two were.” “We?” I asked. “We.” Miss Samantha then gestured around the room, and I quickly spotted Ian, Ditzy, Miss Chelsea, and even Derek, though he was paying attention more to the blonde by his side. “We were just on our way to get some food. We had checked the downstairs rooms but couldn’t find you there. Knowing you at least Luna, I thought here was a good place to go next… Guess I was right.” “Yep. You definitely know me!” “So, will you two be joining us?” Miss Samantha asked. “I don’t know.” Luna turned to me. “You up for it, Perce?” I saw Miss Samantha look confused for a moment as if she hadn’t even considered that one of us could say no. Though I was still slightly unnerved by this morning, I just nodded my head. “I’m in if you are, Luna.” “Good! My tummy’s been all rumbly.” “Perfect.” Miss Samantha then turned to the nearby group, all of whom were now paying attention to her. “They’re coming too! Let’s go eat.” Our group then left the vendor. I made a mental note to come back later and just hoped the onesies would be there waiting for me. Around the bend and back near the lobby, each of us waited in line and then paid to get some food. It was basic hotel dinner offerings, but the chicken and rolls looked particularly good, though admittedly I couldn’t take my eye off the cake at the end of the buffet line. “See something you like?” Ditzy teased me, seeing me stare at the cake. “Maybe…” I grinned coyly. “Don’t tell me it doesn’t look good.” “Well, duh. Miss Chelsea has promised me a piece after a finish my veggies. Its unfair but life…” She held up her hands questioningly but also in resignation to the restriction and compromise. We then walked back over to the longer table Miss Samantha had picked out for us. “You seem to have gotten close with Miss Chelsea lately.” “Yeah, she’s really awesome,” Ditzy smiled. “Who’s really awesome?” Derek asked as he sat down with the blonde woman still at his side. “Miss Chelsea! She’s the best,” Ditzy beamed. “Oh yeah. If we hadn’t met,” Derek placed his hand around the blonde woman’s shoulder, “I probably would’ve been spending more time with her.” Everyone acted as if they knew her, so I waited for a moment to ask who she was. Embarrassment over such situations was becoming less frequent the more time I spent here. ‘I suppose wearing diapers and onesies puts away fears like those in similar attire.’ “So, I’m sorry… I’m Percy.” I reached out my hand. “Oh, silly me. Duh! Perce, this is…” “Lilly,” she interjected and then shook my hand. “Good to meet you, Percy. I heard a lot about you last night. Seems you made quite the impression yesterday before the dark room. Nix… what a little crud muffin, right?” I smiled. “Yeah, but,” I held up my wrist with the black wristband, “I went today.” “Oh, look everyone! Percy’s got the band,” Ian shouted out. Each member of the group then congratulated me, that is, except for Miss Chelsea and Miss Samantha. Both were looking at each other in a peculiar way. Not annoyed but maybe more disappointed from this angle. It took a small throat clear from Luna for them to realize their absence from the congratulations was being noticed. Each quickly noted their admiration for my bravery and reverted to their previous smiles, but I couldn’t help but feel confused over their previous demeanors. ‘What was that all about? What is it about the dark room?’ The party then finished their meals one at a time. Given it was still the afternoon, many departed for one of the last classes of the day. I wasn’t really interested in understanding ‘Spanking 101,’ so I just sat at the table still and eyed the cake Ditzy had brought back with her. I was so transfixed with it that I didn’t see Miss Samantha scooch closer to me until I smelled her familiar floral scent. “Oh, hey there, Miss Samantha. Just admiring the cake.” “It’s pretty tasty this year. I’m surprised no one needed a bib just now.” She looked over at a particular little in a highchair who was devouring their own cake. Their nearby caregiver looked both pleased and annoyed over the mess they were making in front of them. I suppose both could definitely be true in this case. “Oh. Would you look at that. Your drink’s all gone. Let me top you up.” “Thank you, Miss Samantha.” She smiled and then walked away. I felt a sudden urge in my bladder, but I just tried to ignore it for the moment. Instead, I focused on the little in a nearby highchair. It was brightly painted and looked quite sturdy. I remembered a mock one I had sat in years ago at some general store on the side of the road. My girlfriend thought it was hilarious… I thought it was heavenly. “Here you go, sweetie.” Miss Samantha returned and then sat back down. I didn’t want another staring incident like yesterday, so I spoke up first. “I can’t believe they have highchairs here.” “Really? They have practically everything here a normal baby could need. Highchairs only seem fitting.” She paused and looked almost sad at the little in a highchair but then turned back to me. “Have you tried out the rockers downstairs?” I had seen them the other day while I was looking around but hadn’t had the chance yet to try them. I then took a sip from the drink Miss Samantha had just brought me. “No. They were all full the other day when I was looking.” “Maybe we could go down and see them together. It’s something you don’t want to miss out on.” ‘Was this her way of an apology?’ I couldn’t tell but I would take any extra time with her I could get. I knew the con was getting dangerously close to wrapping up. A little over 24 hours now... “That sounds nice. Let me just finish,” another ping from my bladder, “this cake.” Miss Samantha cocked an eyebrow at me. She had obviously noticed my momentary pause. “You okay there, honey?” “Yeah… it… it’s nothing. I’m sure it will pass…” I looked away and tried to distract myself. I just needed to finish my cake and then I could go to the changing room, use my diaper, and then be on my merry way. I then felt a hand cover my own hand resting on the table. I looked back up at Miss Samantha. “Do you have to go, sweetie?” ‘Crap! Was it that obvious?’ Handholding, hugging, and dancing were one thing, but I didn’t know if I had the willpower to use my diaper in front of her. “No. Just, uh… gas. Yeah, gas.” Miss Samantha then suddenly looked stern. “You should know Percy that I don’t like liars. Not. One. Bit. Now, you didn’t know that about me or that I have a zero-tolerance policy for such behavior, so I’m going to give you another chance to answer.” She paused. “There won’t be a second.” ‘Damn, damn, double damn!’ This morning made me feel like I was already on thin ice with her, especially not knowing the full scope of what had happened. A warning didn’t sound good from her, and I had also promised to keep my eye open from Luna with Miss Samantha. I didn’t want to risk anything or discover a problem, so I bowed my head in shame and relented. “Yes.” “Yes, what?” “Yes, Miss Samantha. I need to go.” I saw her face after I confessed the truth, and she looked happy once more. “Good. That’s what I thought. I’m glad you told me the truth, but don’t lie to me again when I ask you a question. Understood?” I nodded. “Excellent. So, what are you going to do now?” “What do you mean?” “Well, I’m assuming its just number one,” she sniffed the air. “Yeah, no tootsies, so I’m guessing you need to go pee-pee.” ‘Ugh.’ I really didn’t like that word; despite how little it made me feel when directed toward me. I nodded my head in submission. “Good. So, you can either use the toilet like a big boy, or… use your diaper like the little I know you are.” I was about to speak up to give my answer, when Miss Samantha spoke up once more. “Actually, no. I want you to do something for me. Remember how I was telling you not to care about others.” I slowly nodded my head. “Good. Well, I want you to use your diaper.” “What? Here?” Miss Samantha nodded her head, grinning all the while. “But…” “Percy, just trust me. Unless you are totally not okay with using your diaper, I want you to go pee-pee. Here. Right now if you can.” “I…” “Just shake your head yes or no if you are willing. Forget all the other stuff. Just yes, or no.” ‘Was this a test?’ Given the events of this morning, I wasn’t sure. Before then, I would have been less suspicious but there were just the small things I couldn’t get out of my head. Everything had an explanation of course, but everything also could point to a thousand different conclusions and maybe just a handful of coincidences. ‘Definitely could be a test… one I don’t want to fail.’ I also thought of all the consequences I had before but looked around the room next to the crowded lobby. Hundreds of littles were passing through and most were wearing diapers, obvious or not. Playing the odds, even if half had used their diaper, I would still be in the company of at least dozens. I also feared leaks, but Miss Samantha seemed so insistent. If I leaked, I doubted I would be alone, and besides, she didn’t seem like the person not to have a contingency plan for those types of events. Doubly so as I noticed the large bag by her side. So, I just nodded my head. “Oh wonderful. Now I just want you to relax. Think of nothing else and just go. Close your eyes if you need, or even drink some more of your water.” I nodded and started to try to undo the barriers in my mind holding me back from using my diaper previously. All of it seemed so trivial here. Maybe back in the real world, I would have given more of a fight, but all of Miss Samantha’s words felt like just the right keys to unlock the barrier. I was barely registering what she was even saying now. I just knew that it all boiled down to that it was okay to wet my diaper. So, with a little push and release, I did just that. The warmth cascaded over my nether regions quickly before being absorbed by the thirsty diaper. It felt so strange not looking in a mirror after all this time, but it also felt good, and to be honest, a little naughty. I thought back to the paddle Luna had just purchased and tensed up for a moment. ‘Knowing Luna, I wouldn’t put it past them to not offer Miss Samantha the paddle to punish me for something like this. All joking from her, of course, but still…’ “Honey? Baby? You okay?” “Wha?” “Are you okay? Did you go?” Miss Samantha then reached out suddenly and placed her hand above my crotch. I didn’t remember telling her she could do that, but I didn’t object for some reason either. It just felt natural for whatever reason. “Aww. I think someone went potty. Did you go pee-pee for me, sweetheart?” I blushed furiously and could only nod my head in embarrassment. “Let me hear you say it. Just do it once out loud and we can move on. I just want you to acknowledge this… not torture you.” “I…” I looked down and blushed. I felt the urge, the liquid, the heat, and the absorption into the diaper. I felt it all, but it still felt so surreal, almost like someone had poured something down my diaper instead of me wetting it on purpose. “It’s okay, sweetie. Deep breath and try again.” I did as she instructed. “I…” I closed my eyes. ‘Maybe that would help?’ “I went pee in my diaper…” “Very good, baby. I want you to use the word, ‘pee-pee’ in the future, but very good. Now, come here.” Miss Samantha opened her arms up, ready to snatch me up. I didn’t resist and fell into her open arms. Now, her hug included some gentle cooing and her rubbing my back. It was amazing on another level I couldn’t have described only minutes prior. I was sitting amongst littles in a onesie and diaper, which was now most definitely wet, and being hugged tenderly by a mysterious and yet so caring woman. I closed my eyes and took it all in. “That’s it, baby. Just take it in. Let Miss Samantha take care of you. Just relax. Breathe. There you go…” She patted my back for a few more minutes. Given the nature of the con, no one found it odd in the least bit and I could just ease into the hug. After a minute though she stopped rubbing my back and slowly inched away from me. I didn’t like it again, but I was just content with the feelings I was having. The entire sequence had passed, and I knew I could overcome almost anything now. “Well, it seems like someone has a wet diapee. Let’s go get you changed, sweetie. That diapee isn’t going to take care of itself.” ‘What did she just say?’ 5
Guilend Posted April 19, 2023 Posted April 19, 2023 I'm very curious to the behind the scenes between the Amazon's. One minute I think they're not happy with one ir the other then it seems like they're disappointed in one of the Littles and then everything seems okay. I have a feeling that once again Samantha is wanting to adopt the Little she's supposed to be retrieving for their dimension. I have a feeling it won't go her way, at least at first, but I'm hopeful that in the end she will adopt him. However her friend, I don't like, only because she has a tendency to completely break every Littles mind that she retrieves. I want her to spend the rest of her life running around with an exposed diaper and a constant red butt. I don't want her mind wiped or destroyed, no, I want her to know she's being punished and why.
LostBBoyBear Posted April 19, 2023 Author Posted April 19, 2023 39 minutes ago, Guilend said: I'm very curious to the behind the scenes between the Amazon's. One minute I think they're not happy with one ir the other then it seems like they're disappointed in one of the Littles and then everything seems okay. I have a feeling that once again Samantha is wanting to adopt the Little she's supposed to be retrieving for their dimension. I have a feeling it won't go her way, at least at first, but I'm hopeful that in the end she will adopt him. However her friend, I don't like, only because she has a tendency to completely break every Littles mind that she retrieves. I want her to spend the rest of her life running around with an exposed diaper and a constant red butt. I don't want her mind wiped or destroyed, no, I want her to know she's being punished and why. I honestly thought of a sequel to this and it would follow the character's lives after this current story has finished. If I actually ever did write it, things would get complicated for most of them... particularly Miss Chelsea. She would not be happy...
Guilend Posted April 19, 2023 Posted April 19, 2023 10 minutes ago, LostBBoyBear said: I honestly thought of a sequel to this and it would follow the character's lives after this current story has finished. If I actually ever did write it, things would get complicated for most of them... particularly Miss Chelsea. She would not be happy... I would definitely enjoy reading that. I'm surprised they even let her do any more missions with a track record like hers. She's really awful to Littles, probably to anyone much shorter then her. I have a feeling she's one of those brats that always hot what wanted growing up. If you decide against writing it I'd still love to know what ideas you had for it.
kerry Posted April 20, 2023 Posted April 20, 2023 I'm enjoying this unusual story, but I am a bit confused and Guilend's first comment above about the Amazons was the source. TBH, I had totally stopped paying attention to the DD ref in the title, as the story clearly takes place in this dimension. I went back to see if I had missed something...and I found that I had: the entire first chapter! (Don't ask me how.) So I read that chapter and met the two Amazons featured in it, who must be Miss Samantha and Miss Chelsea. Now some things make more sense, though I still have no idea why Miss Samantha pulled away as she did. More importantly, I have no idea why the two of them seem human-sized. Granted, they are described as "tall," but there is nothing to indicate that they are giants. 21 hours ago, Guilend said: I'm surprised they even let her do any more missions with a track record like hers. She's really awful to Littles, probably to anyone much shorter then her. I have a feeling she's one of those brats that always hot what wanted growing up. And then there is this comment, to which I again say, "Huh?" Is Miss Chelsea the taller, more awful prologue Amazon? I thought for sure that was Miss Samantha... I may need to re-read this again to figure out what I missed the first two times...
LostBBoyBear Posted April 20, 2023 Author Posted April 20, 2023 I can see how some would get confused in this story with this universe. I wanted to leave some mystery as to which Amazon/Big was which from the first chapter and have the reader decide if Percy was with the one who broke Littles or just wanted to adopt them. Also, they're honestly about the same height, but because they look so similar, I just chose a minor difference between them. Originally, Miss Chelsea was going to be a redhead or blonde to contrast with Miss Samantha, but I changed my mind when actually writing out the story. Further, a lot of times when traveling through a portal, many change their size to fit in with the dimension they are going to (we often shrink going to their dimension, but they shrink coming to ours). Some stories have even speculated it has to do with a mental projection of yourself, but I don't think anyone has confirmed that in their story yet. I know not every story has this element added, but I kind of like the whole concept of their society walking among us and that we wouldn't even know. I actually created a DD guide based on a lot of the works I've read over the years. I know they're technically not all the same dimension, but a lot follow similar rules. I will probably post that on here next, just so everyone can see it and understand some of the guidelines I've followed with my stories. Some can be a bit confusing with wrestling with an entirely new dimension from ours. Enjoy this next chapter! Chapter 9: Bike, Blocks, and Powder The room swirled and I wasn’t sure what I had just heard. The intricacies of the English language didn’t always convey the right meaning, so maybe I just misheard the word ‘Let’s.’ As in ‘Let us.’ Plural as in we’re going to change my diaper and not just me alone. It could have been a turn of phrase and there was actually no meaning, but this was coming from Miss Samantha who had just gotten me to wet my diaper in public. I couldn’t be sure, and my mind swirled with the possibilities. “Come on, honey. I think other people want this table.” I nodded at her implication, still only half aware of the world going on around me. My footsteps felt foreign, or at least that I was stepping on five-inch platforms and separated from the ground somehow. Only the mere presence of Miss Samantha walking in front helped me to transport my tray and trash away. In fact, Miss Samantha and I almost left when she realized I had forgotten my backpack. ‘That would have been bad. Wallet, keys, an extra change, Stripe…’ I retrieved my backpack and gave Stripe a little squeeze. I wanted to remove him and just hug him with everything that was happening, but that would have given away my fear to Miss Samantha instantly. Still not sure what to make of her completely, I was keeping my shield up a little bit for the moment. ‘Why do I keep getting the idea that something is going on, but why do I also continually keep not caring afterward?’ Miss Samantha didn’t leave me time to stew in my own thoughts further and led me away. I only became aware again of my surroundings when we started to descend the staircase. “Where are we going?” Miss Samantha only kept walking to avoid the crowds, but once at the bottom and out of the way of everyone going up and down, she turned back to me. “Well, I thought that would be obvious, but I think I have a very soggy little boy on my hands.” I looked down in shame. “You don’t need to feel embarrassed, Percy. Quite the contrary.” I looked back up at her questioningly. “I asked you to do something simple. Now, I’m guessing that diaper could hold a lot more, but I’m not sure if we want to put that to the test. As I’m sure you’re aware,” she pointed to a doorway nearby, “that’s the changing room. I’m not sure of the next time there will be an opportunity to change, so I suggest now would be best.” “But… let’s… we…” I couldn’t make out any string of sentences, but Miss Samantha only gave me a knowing look. “I understand, sweetie. You’re embarrassed because I implied that I would be joining you. That’s certainly an option and my original intention, but I don’t want to force anything on you. Either way will tell me something about us, but no pressure at all. It’s completely your choice.” Despite her words, I did feel a pressure of some kind. ‘Was this another test?’ Miss Samantha was giving me mixed signals today, but now, she was offering to change my diaper. It seemed no strings were attached, and I was very fond of her at this point. I remembered the promise I made to her yesterday and my innate desire to try new things even outside of the con. I never liked to regret my life and absolutely knew that I didn’t want to look back at this con and regret not taking an opportunity when it was presented. There was only one choice really. “No… you can do it… if you still want.” Miss Samantha cocked her head and only smiled and placed her hand on my shoulder. “Of course, I want to. I’m very proud of you, Percy. I’m sure that took a lot of courage to say yes to my proposal. I promise you won’t regret it.” Miss Samantha and I then waited in line for a little bit. There always seemed to be a line but as I had all the supplies with me already, we just needed to wait for a changing area instead of the bag line. It was nice to save a few minutes with this being the last full day of the con and all. Finally, a stall opened up at the far end. I couldn’t stop my knees from wobbling as we walked forward. Miss Samantha let me go first into the room and she adjusted the curtain shut, ensuring a tight seal that would take some deliberate action to reopen. “Alright, I think I spotted a diaper in your bag earlier today, so let’s see what you got.” I nodded and set my bag on the changing table and undid the drawstrings at the top. The bulky diaper lay mostly undisturbed, and I removed it like an explosive device being disarmed. I couldn’t keep my fingers from shaking, and I think Miss Samantha noticed, because I soon felt her calming touch help me remove the diaper the rest of the way out. After it was fully on display, Miss Samantha just eyed the diaper with wide eyes. “Oh, isn’t that just precious.” She pawed it momentarily and gave it a bit of flex before pinching the padding. “Very nice, very nice. Thick and sturdy. Good. This definitely should last you, but oh wow, do I love these colors.” As Miss Samantha kept ogling the diaper and then began to fluff it out, I removed my travel baby powder and wipes from my bag, set them on the table, and then placed my bag on the ground. The con provided all these items in the room, but I didn’t want to take any chance coming here for the first time. A little extra weight for a guarantee of wearing a diaper that I knew fit sounded like a good compromise to me. “Ahem.” I saw Miss Samantha now waiting for me and holding the diaper out. “Now, I’m going to start but remember the stoplight protocols from this morning?” I nodded my head. “Good. Just as a reminder, but orange and I’ll slow, and of course with red we’ll stop immediately.” I nodded my head again. The colors were easy to remember, and I was grateful something good had at least come from the dark room orientation. I knew about them already, but I was glad we both knew them for sure now. “Just stay still and I’ll let you know what I need from you, okay?” I nodded, my younger and less verbal shy self quickly surfacing. Miss Samantha then walked to me and removed my lanyard over my head and then began to mess around with the buttons on my shortalls. Within seconds, they were undone, and she quickly shimmied them down my legs. “Step out, sweetie.” I did and was very aware of my still warm diaper now inches from her face. If she minded, she didn’t make a single facial gesture or say a word. She gently laid my discarded items on the chair by the entrance and calmly patted the black cushioned table. “Up here, sweetie. Head by me.” I only nodded and clambered awkwardly onto the table. The shortalls were big enough to allow my shoes to pass through without being taken off and I felt momentarily absurd with them still on. Miss Samantha was wasting no time though, and gently tapped my butt to keep me moving. Once seated, I stared back at her. “Good boy. Keep going and just lay down like I told you. I’ve got you, baby.” I nodded again and repositioned myself with my head on the slightly more padded spot of the table. Laying down, I felt extremely exposed like a helpless turtle on its back, but Miss Samantha only rubbed my stomach and smiled warmly at me. After a few seconds, she went for between my legs and undid the snaps holding my diaper up. I inhaled quickly and then squirmed in embarrassment as Miss Samantha finally revealed my wet diaper. She noticed however and quickly retrieved Stripe. “Here, sweetie. Focus on him. Hug him to bits if you need to, but everything is going to be just fine. Just keep breathing for me.” “Yes, Miss Samantha.” Stripe allowed me to find my voice. He wasn’t much to look at but had certainly been a help to me in dark times recently. I didn’t have long to think about him in my arms as I heard Miss Samantha take a deep breath as if centering herself and then calmly began to work on the tapes. From their extended use today and my continuous activity, they were already just holding on and were no match for Miss Samantha’s strength. Each of the four gave way and my whole world seemed to go still for a moment. She looked at me for a second, as if to confirm I wanted to continue with her. Every fiber of my inner voice screamed ‘no,’ but every fiber of my soul screamed ‘yes.’ My soul won out and I gave a cursory nod to Miss Samantha to continue. The diaper was unfolded, and I gasped audibly. A blast of air encircled my groin as the damp padding gave way and my previously warm skin was greeted by the colder outside air in the hotel. They had the heating pumped up this year apparently for the con, but at that moment, I wanted to call each of them liars, despite the daily sweat I had accumulated from the past few days. I looked at Miss Samantha who was dutifully inspecting me and preparing the nearby wipes for use. No grimace, anger, or resigned duty. Her face only radiated a peace and grace that only soothed my nerves and made me feel that all my fears had been unfounded. Within moments, Miss Samantha used an incredible amount of strength to lift my legs. I had always been told the person being changed would need to help, but she seemed perfectly capable of herself. I had to remind myself of the ease with which she had stood up yesterday from the floor, but this felt like something else; almost as if she had been holding out on me before this. A hidden Amazonian level of strength… My compliance and awestruck nature only spurred her on further and she grabbed a wipe from the ones she had prepared and began to tenderly apply her ministrations to clean every crevice I had below the waist. Not that it wasn’t a tiny bit erotic, but her efficiency only gave me the feeling of being cared for and of her professionalism and caring toward me. Before today, I would have never dreamed of myself in such a position. Ten minutes ago, I wanted to run for the hills, but I felt only relaxation and satisfaction now. It was as if every care I had in the world no longer mattered as Miss Samantha would take care of them all. Within minutes she was done and slid the old diaper away from me and shuffled with it slightly to semi close it up, before then sliding the prepared new diaper right back under me. My backside could already feel the difference in the bulk before my legs even dropped again while she undid the bottle of powder to be used on me. Once accomplished, my legs were re-hoisted into the air, and I felt dust being applied all over my backside. The smell of baby powder enriched the air, and the acrid smell of my used diaper was quickly replaced by something almost sweeter and calming. After powdering me up thoroughly, Miss Samantha rubbed it in and then repeated the procedure for my crotch after setting my legs back down. Setting the powder on the table, she then reached between my legs and brought the diaper up. Like a seasoned professional, the perfectly placed diaper was then taped in place and left me feeling safe, dry, and cared for. Despite not saying much during the entire process, Miss Samantha had given me a moment of sheer nirvana with such a simple act. Likely having been repeated a thousand times in this room, the task may have seemed mundane to some but there was just something about it all that I couldn’t express into words as Miss Samantha refastened my onesie and then helped me back up. Only one gesture seemed worthy enough of what I could offer her, and feeling the mighty bulk between my legs, I lunged and rocked forward to seize and hug her tight. Miss Samantha was initially shocked over my action, and I regretted not having asked her, but she merely wrapped me tight and stroked my hair. She seemed perfectly okay with my spontaneous gesture. “You’re very welcome, baby. I’m glad I could do that for you.” The hug lasted about as long as the first in the lobby yesterday, but I noticed that each hug had started to feel different than the last. Perhaps it was the endorphins of the con surging through my system, but the shortened timetable seemed to only enhance the feelings I was having toward her. Maybe not feelings in the same sense of some of my past girlfriends, but feelings, nonetheless. I only hoped she felt the same as she slowly backed out of the hug. Miss Samantha guided my feet into the shortalls, with a “up, baby,” and then pulled them upward and snapped them at the top. She smiled at her handiwork and then went to work cleaning everything up. I was in shock for a moment, but then gathered the rest of everything and made sure my backpack was good to go. Once Miss Samantha finished wiping down the table, she pointed me to go outside. I followed her instructions and Miss Samantha quickly exited alongside and threw out my diaper in the nearby trash with a heavy thud. I felt a few others with their knowing looks, but Miss Samantha took my hand and pulled me away from them before I could register much embarrassment over what they could be thinking. Once outside, we walked hand in hand to the playroom nearby. Before stepping inside, we both availed ourselves of my hand sanitizer and peered into the wonderfully cheery room. A playpen, blocks, trains, dolls, and an assortment of toys, books, and blankets littered the room as far as the eye could see. Though I was infectiously smiling, Miss Samantha oddly looked disturbed. “Tsk, tsk. Someone has obviously not been cleaning up after themselves. That won’t be the case with us though, right sweetie?” ‘Oh. Her look makes sense now. Guess she’s the tidy type.’ I spied a few messy walkers and littles almost stepping on pointed puzzles and wooden blocks all around. “No, Miss Samantha.” I was never the neatest in the bunch, but I had stepped on too many Legos in my youth to not care what was on the ground anymore. Miss Samantha and I took a seat on the ground, and I began messing around with some of the blocks nearby. They were colorful and had individual spines that allowed them to interconnect with each other. As I played about with them, Miss Samantha seemed distant and only picked up some of the objects around her. Soon, neat piles were gently placed around her, and she looked up at me. “Percy? Can we talk for a moment?” I was in littlespace then more than the previous times so far at this con. I just felt free, and the diaper change had edged me headfirst into feeling younger; the blocks I was playing with and forming the letter ‘C’ were keeping me there as well. So much so, that I didn’t notice the concerned look in her face or the tone of her voice. “Sure, Miss Samantha.” I hadn’t even turned to face her, too interested in playing at that moment. “I just wanted to talk about this morning… about the dark room.” “Uh huh…” I carefully laid another block on my newly formed letter and was almost done with it. I was feeling very proud of my accomplishment. “I want to tell you something… I was hoping you had been more of a little this morning.” I stopped dead and my left arm collapsed under its own weight and smashed through the letter sculpture I had been working on. It was frustrating, but this was obviously more important. I then turned and gave her my full attention with my littlespace waning now and me noticing her pained expression. ‘Was it regret? Over being with me, maybe?’ “I heard from a little birdy today that you had been a little sad over me suddenly leaving. I just wanted to let you know that I’m so sorry for doing that.” I stared at her blankly, not knowing what it meant for me or for us going forward. “I blame my own big feelings. Littles have their big feelings all the time and we caregiver types are there to give a hug or soothe some ruffled feathers. It can be hard though when we’re feeling those exact feelings though. We’re not always the best at expressing them. Does that make sense?” I nodded and edged closer, wondering who could have told Miss Samantha. The person seemed like they were looking out for my best interests, but I wasn’t sure who it was. Secrets were sometimes important. ‘Was it Luna? Derek? Ditzy? Ian? No… not Ditzy.” “I was being selfish and should have talked to you about what I wanted in the first place. I wanted you to lean on me more. Maybe not even want to go in that room at all… but you did. You should be proud…” She paused. “And then I left so abruptly. I just left you. That wasn’t nice of me. I… I’m just so sorry.” I wasn’t sure what to make of what I was hearing. It was a lot to take in, but it made sense from a certain point of view. I stared at Miss Samantha and her unusually sad eyes. I was still unsteady about it all, but she needed something from me. “I think I would have left… if it wasn’t for you being right there by my side.” “Really?” A small smile reappeared on her face. “Yeah… I didn’t want to admit it, but I was still so scared. I don’t think I want to go back. Not without you, but I’m not even sure… I just… I don’t… I mean…” She held her hand up. “It’s okay, Percy. We don’t have to go back there if you don’t want to. I’ll be here for you either way. I just want you to be happy.” “That means a lot. Thank you for letting me know. I just wanted to be brave… for you.” “Aww.” Miss Samantha closed the gap between us and gave me a little side hug. “You’ll always be my brave little man. Going or not won’t change that. You’re already showing me you can push past what others are thinking and just let go. You’re making good on the promise you made me yesterday.” “I’m trying. It’s really, really hard…” “I know, sweetie. That’s why you’re my brave little man. I’m so proud of you, but… can you forgive me?” I was hurt by the events of this morning, and I had spent part of the day wallowing from her sudden departure and absence. If it hadn’t been for Luna, my day would have gone far worse. Still, Miss Samantha apologized to me, and her explanation made sense. If she was lying, I couldn’t tell in the slightest. “I forgive you. It’s… it’s okay.” Miss Samantha instantly smiled, and her warmth filled up the room once again. “Thank you, sweetie. I was really worried that I ruined everything between us.” She cuddled me for a moment, and we just sat in a moment of peace. “I was thinking… I want to make it up to you.” “You don’t have to…” She put her hand on my leg. “But I want to… honestly. I want us to spend the rest of the day together… if you want that is.” I considered my options, but it was the best news I had heard today. The diaper change alone would have been enough to make this day stand out in my mind, but this was too magical. I almost wanted to pinch myself to ensure it was even real. “I would like that, Miss Samantha.” She squeezed me close. “I’m glad to hear that, baby. In fact, I want to extend it out a bit and invite you to a little get together in my room tonight. Some of the others in the group will be there as well if I had to guess, but I definitely want you to come.” “I’ll be there. Thank you.” “You’re welcome, sweetie. I’m sure we’ll all have a fun time.” Miss Samantha and I held the position for a little longer but we both knew that time was ticking. The talent show was fast approaching, and it was something that neither of us had wanted to miss. She then broke off the side hug and we both stood up. We both hugged again and then wandered away from the table. Soon, after a quick round of make believe behind at a mock storefront, I had the pick of several different rocking horses or some of the smaller red bikes. Having ridden those exact models before in college during a relay race, I knew how uncomfortable they could be as I constantly kept hitting my knees on the handlebars. Instead, I opted for the rocking horses, more specifically, the one designed to look like a large motorcycle. It was a beauty and I practically hopped over to its painted wooden frame. Despite my youthful exuberance, my flexibility wasn’t as equal to the task of getting on it as I would like. After my third try though, I felt a gentle but firm hand push up on my diapered rear. I nearly yelped at the touch, but it was enough to add to my momentum and I was able to seat myself snugly on the rocker. Fortunately, once on, I only saw a smiling Miss Samantha. “Thank you.” “You’re welcome, sweetie. Now, start your engines!” I mocked stomping down on the bike to mimic starting it like I had seen so many others do in the past. In truth, I had never ridden on a motorcycle by myself before, but I still loved the entire experience of riding behind someone. By now, it had become a bucket list item to ride on my own, and though my hog here was made of wood, my imagination made it no less real. “Vroom! Errr! Vroom, vroom, vroom!” I bucked back and forth on the rocking horse motorcycle and pretended I was speeding up and braking. I didn’t care how ridiculous I must have looked sitting on the thing. I just cared about the fun I was having with Miss Samantha. For her part, Miss Samantha acted out several voices of what I assumed were other motorists or pedestrians around me. “Vroom! Hey watch it, Mister! Move over slick; the big boys are here now. Wanna race? Does your mommy know what you’re doing?” That last one made me blush, but Miss Samantha only encouraged me on further. I only stopped my rambunctious nature when three familiar faces popped in on us. “Having a wild ride there, buddy?” Derek asked playfully. “Yep! Too bad there’s not another hog nearby,” I responded. “You two stick with your bikes. I’m going to lay down over there on those blankets and mess with some balls,” Ian noted, walking off toward the other end of the room. “Feel free to join me anytime.” We waved him off and started chatting again. As the third, Lilly felt like a third wheel but her nerdy jokes about Star Wars made me warm up to her much more than I had before at dinner when we first met. “I can’t believe you think Han shot first.” “Watch the movie. You’ll see.” “I will not see. Greedo shot first. Han is my hero…” Lilly mused dreamily. “Oh, watch it, Derek. Lilly seems to have another man in her life,” Miss Samantha joked. Derek had tuned us out for a moment and then snapped back in. Given his basketball jersey and his one note conversations about sports last night, I doubted he cared about the conversation between Lilly and I. Our own conversations had also only been about the sports that I marginally followed from my area. “You two done going all nerdy? Ian’s got a blanket and looks like way more fun than you goobers.” “Derek, that’s not a very nice way to treat, Lilly. Or even Percy for that matter. Apologize,” Miss Samantha scolded. “It’s okay, Miss Samantha. I don’t know about Lilly, but I think it’s just a jest,” I defended. “A joke and all. No harm…” Miss Samantha looked at me with beady eyes. ‘Did I just cross a line coming between a caregiver and her discipline?’ “Lilly?” Lilly shifted nervously and I could hear the crinkle of her own diaper underneath the short dress she was wearing. “Ummm… I guess. I don’t really mind. A jest… like Percy said.” Miss Samantha scanned the three of us and my palms began to sweat. Lilly refused to look up from the ground after she spoke, and Derek only looked like a puppy dog that had just been reprimanded. “Very well. You three go over and play with Ian while we still have time.” We all nodded and once I had clambered off the motorcycle rocking horse, we all casually walked over to Ian. Miss Samantha followed close behind and didn’t say a word. Under her watchful and silent gaze, it took a few minutes before any of us said more than a word out loud again. Ian just shrugged and continued to play with his little red ball. About thirty minutes later, Ditzy, Miss Chelsea, and Luna all peered in on the five of us. “There you all are!” Miss Chelsea exclaimed. “We’ve been looking all over down here. Should’ve expected you to be in here. Especially you Ian, considering all the blocks and blankets.” “Yep, Miss Chelsea. You know me; always gotta have my blocks and blankets,” Ian proudly admitted. “Yep! Now, we… Ditzy!” We all looked at Ditzy who was now playing with a pile of blocks and almost stuck one in her mouth. “We do not do that,” Miss Chelsea yelled. Ditzy dropped the block but didn’t say a word. She looked… different. She was usually the youngest of the group from what I could gather, but this felt different, especially considering the large pacifier in her mouth now. “Sowwy, Mith Thelthea.” “That’s okay, Ditzy. Just don’t put those nasty blocks in youth mouth. It isn’t sanitary, darling. Besides, we all need to go to get going to get good enough seats at the talent show.” I had heard good things about the show from the last con, so I eagerly wanted to see what it was all about. Ditzy, Luna, and Lilly all seemed to share my sentiments, but Ian looked like he just wanted to stay down here, and Derek gave no notion of any interest in anything if a ball and score wasn’t attached to it. I suspected he was going because of Lilly though. “Come on everyone,” Miss Samantha coaxed while clapping her hands. “Up, up, up!” The group obeyed her order quickly and scrambled to their feet, crinkling all the way. My left leg had temporarily fallen asleep, so I had to shake it out a bit. I looked like I was doing the hokey pokey, and everyone giggled a bit over my predicament, but I could soon feel the appendage once more and just ignored them. I felt I was getting better at not caring what others were thinking of me. The group began walking toward the grand ballroom upstairs once more. On the way, I couldn’t help but notice Miss Chelsea give what I could only describe as flashes of anger, jealousy, or distrust toward Lilly whenever she made a joke or comment that the group seemed to enjoy. ‘Was Miss Chelsea the jealous type? Over Lilly?’ It felt weird to even think about it, but it kept happening. Half a second mind you, but perfectly plain from my position at the rear of the group waddling about next to Miss Samantha. I briefly thought she looked concerned as well, but just played that observation off as just my imagination. Back in the hotel lobby, most of the group veered right toward the ballroom. A crowd of people had already started gathering inside the open doors from what we could see, so they all made a quick dash inside. Miss Samantha put her hand on my shoulder and stopped me in my tracks, however. “Honey, I need to go and do something. There’s still some time before everything starts and I want to do it before time runs out completely.” I didn’t like that she was leaving me again. “Can I come with you?” Miss Samantha looked touched over the offer and flashed a smile at me. “No, sweetie. I need to do this on my own. Miss Chelsea already knows I’m going to be gone for a bit. If you need anything, just ask her.” I twiddled my thumbs in nervousness and shifted slightly at the notion. “She’s not all bad, sweetie. I promise. She’s just a bit… tough. Stick with her and everything will be fine.” “But…” “No buts, Percy. Please, do this for me without a fuss. I promise, I’ll be back soon.” Miss Samantha then gave me a nice large hug in the hotel lobby. It was her usual sudden gesture, but with each, I noticed I was also feeling less and less concerned over what others were thinking about our dynamic, especially in a large group of people like this. Calling her ‘Miss Samantha’ out loud in public here also seemed less embarrassing as well. “O… okay. For you…” “Aww. Thank you, Percy. Now, while I’m gone, I want you to drink up your sippy cup. While you were distracted playing with the others, I filled it up for you. I think you’re much too dehydrated, so I’m going to stay on top of you to fix that. Promise me, honey.” “I promise.” “Good boy. Now, go and find us some seats.” I wanted to say more, but Miss Samantha only spun me around and gave me a solid slap on my poofy butt. Due to the thickness of my diaper, it only made a dull thudding noise and I had to contain myself from making any sudden noises in surprise. I looked back at her, and she just gestured for me to keep walking with her motioning hand. It was cute and I couldn’t help but follow what she wanted of me. Soon, I was in the ballroom and looking for the rest of the group. It didn’t take me long and I found them perched along a long row of chairs about midway back from the main stage. “You okay, Percy?” Miss Chelsea asked. “I… I’m fine, Miss Chelsea. Thank you for asking. Miss Samantha just went away for a bit…” “I know, Percy. She told me earlier. Don’t worry. I’m sure she’ll be back soon.” “Yeah, Percy! She wouldn’t want to miss out on the show,” Ditzy yelled out, her pacifier now being rolled around her fingers, still covered in her drool. “I’m sure you’re right.” I sighed and saw two open seats at the other end of the row. “Percy! Percy! Over here,” Luna called out. I soon made my way past the others and saw the two open seats that had been saved. “I saved these for you and Miss Samantha. Great views and all, but I wanted you two to sit next to each other, while still having Miss Chelsea and Miss Samantha on either end of us.” They paused and lowered their voice. “I think it’s so they can keep an eye on us. In case we get naughty.” “Thanks for the seats, Luna. I’m sure you’re right.” I then sat down, leaving the other seat on my right still open. “I’m sure you’re right about their intentions as well. Seems only fitting, but I’m sure I’ll be good for Miss Samantha… and Miss Chelsea.” Luna smiled. “You’ve gotten close with Miss Samantha, huh?” “Yeah… she’s great.” I set my backpack on the ground and removed my now full sippy cup before taking a swig. Miss Samantha was right of course, and the water tasted heavenly to my parched mouth. “I’m really happy for you. Oh, and forget what I said earlier. She seems like one of the good ones.” I remembered our conversation from this morning when they told me to watch out for Miss Samantha, but I couldn’t help but already ignore what they had said by now. Miss Samantha and I had already ironed out what happened, and we both now seemed to be in a better place than ever. Drinking my sippy cup, all felt just right. Unfortunately, I suddenly felt a large twinge from my bladder at that moment as well. ‘I can hold it one hour, right?’ 3 1
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