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Yikes! That Was Hilarious!

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so for those of you I haven't met yet, I'm Sara but people call me Zade because it was my favorite character in a book I would read when I was young. Anyways, check out my profile if you like because I have a story to tell. Right now I'm living at the U of C for my third year in KNES and earlier today I decided to go to the resident bar for campus called The Den. A really fun place to mess around and have a good time. I decided to go out alone and wear the proper, shall we say, protection :P . so I saw a few people I knew there I knew and was having a great time, but this guy I'd never seen before who was about 25 started to look me up which I hate enough to begin with but gets up and starts walking towards me. thankfully (or so I thought :lol: ) he starts to walk past me. while I was thanking god that he wasn't talking to me, I was interuped by the same jerk grabbing my ass! Now to anyone this has happened to, it is one of the most violating things that can happen and guys who are thinking about using this as an ice breaker, don't. Anyways, besides the fact that I was just grabbed by this asshole, I got to see his face as I turned around as he noticed someone around my hips that wasn't normaly there. Oooooooh yes, this guy just got a handful of my diaper and he knew it! He gave me this completly confused looked, turned around and I never saw him again for the rest of the night!

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Hi Zade, Welcome to DD! :D When I First Read your original Post I was Laughing Hilariously, Not at that it Happened to you but at the Reaction of the idiot Who did what He Did. I must say the Way he Felt was Well Deserved! Lets Hope he Learned His Lesson. I'm Also Glad that You are Taking what Happened to you as Well as You Are. Anyway, Nice to Know you Hope to See You Around, Rockies Fan (My Real Name is Nathan)

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That had to be fun. I admire that you have the courage to wear outside the house. I have yet to work that kind of courage up, mainly for the opposite reason your diapers seemed to employ. Im trying to attract girls and I would figure that if they saw that I was wearing a diaper it could be a real turn off. Anyhow, to go with the 2.5 million pm's you have already gotten no doubt, Ill just throw in the possibility of perhaps getting a cup of coffee sometime. Im 23 and live in San Marcos. (kind of makes me feel like a hypocrite as Im usually bashing guys that say that kind of thing on the forums, but I have to try once in a while.)


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I can't believe guys pull that crap to be honest... Unreal. Must be about as effective as the dumb asses who honk their horns at girls ;-) If you've ever heard Seinfeld's take on that it's hilarious "It's a good thing you honked! I'd have never known you cared" hehehe


I'm just kind of glad he didn't say anything to my friends. Still, almost my favorite moment ever. (still pissed about the fact that he grabbed me to begin with)

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I would have to say that it is a sorry state of affairs when some guy would do that, as it would be illegal in most places as an assault and a pitiful way of attempting to pick up someone. I commend your courage and hope you aren't set back in your attempt at having some fun, or of wanting some extra security, by wearing while out.

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Don't do this in AZ! I was in the hospital one day in the emergency room for in grown toe nail. Before the operation on my toe started. EMT officals rolled this drunk in for being heavily intoxicated on a gurney. This guy obnoxious, disoriented, had a slurred speech. I knew he probably won't remember anything tomorrow. Blacked-out. As he was being treated by women doctor's and nurses. Not sure who really. Hospital officals. I couldn't see him but I could hear him. Closed curtain's. At some point he grabbed one of the ladies behind. As it was mentioned I heard commotion. I think he was restrained. Not too long after he was treated and discharged to the police. Two policeman were waiting for him already. He was arrested. Hauled off.

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Don't do this in AZ! I was in the hospital one day in the emergency room for in grown toe nail. Before the operation on my toe started. EMT officals rolled this drunk in for being heavily intoxicated on a gurney. This guy obnoxious, disoriented, had a slurred speech. I knew he probably won't remember anything tomorrow. Blacked-out. As he was being treated by women doctor's and nurses. Not sure who really. Hospital officals. I couldn't see him but I could hear him. Closed curtain's. At some point he grabbed one of the ladies behind. As it was mentioned I heard commotion. I think he was restrained. Not too long after he was treated and discharged to the police. Two policeman were waiting for him already. He was arrested. Hauled off.

thats funny, a girl i used to talk to in AZ went to the hospital for a sprained wrist from knocking out a drunk guy who grabbed her butt in a bar, she was in the same hospital the day before when she got bucked off a horse and sprained her ankle

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