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From Tenant to Baby (Updated 6/16)

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I'm enjoying the ride so far, and you're distinguishing your story from one with a similar premise (Room for Rent).  Both are highly enjoyable- I'm a fan of both. Each story has distincitve characters and different plot trajectories. Hope the stressors/ problems in your life settle down. 

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From Tenant to Baby: CH 5

Derek held him tightly until he had no more tears left to cry. When he ran out of soft spoken words, he let his hold do the talking. As the tears petered off, Jordan felt Derek’s hands petting from the back of his neck to the base of his spine. The other arm held him firmly around the waist. 

“Feeling beter, bud?” Derek muttered gently, not pulling away. 

“N-Not really.” Jordan admitted pitifully. While the hug was nice, it did nothing to solve his conundrum. “I’ve worked so hard. I don’t know what to do anymore. I’ve been waiting for a year and a half for a promotion and now Trevor has basically admitted to me that I won’t get one…” 

Derek sighed, just barely pulling away enough to take a seat at the table before pulling Jordan close again. Jordan leaned forward from his chair, pressing most of his weight against Derek who took it all easily. “It sounds like your boss is a real- Pardon my french, asshole.” 

The curse coming from Derek was so unexpected it startled a chuckle from Jordan, but Derek continued. “I’ve seen your work ethic first hand, and for them to take something like that for granted shows they don’t know how to run a business.” 

“You have no idea…” 

“...I have an idea, actually,” Derek smirked, pulling away just slightly. “You’re off the next few days, aren’t you?” He asked. 

Confusion coloring his face, Jordan nodded. “Yeah? Why?” 

“Well,” Derek’s smirk grew into a wide smile. “I happen to have a need for an assistant. I’ve managed fine on my own, but it’d be easier for me to have someone else running behind the scenes. And also, an extra set of hands in the workshop.” 

“...Are…Are you offering me a job?” Jordan asked, incredulously. 

“You don’t have to accept now. We could use the next few days as a demo of sorts, and then afterward you can decide if you want to accept the position or continue working at FlixWorld.” 

Jordan’s jaw dropped. He honestly didn’t know what to say. “Wha- Are you serious?” 

“As a heart attack.” Derek stood slowly, giving Jordan time to return to his seat. “I’m gonna pop our breakfast in the microwave real fast. Think about my offer and if you accept, I have a job for us to handle this morning.” 

There was no reason for Jordan not to accept the offer, he realized. Of course, there was the underlying feeling that Derek was offering because he felt obligated to help him, but Jordan’s better sense came out to push the thought away. Derek had made it clear that he wouldn’t offer if he didn’t want to do anything. They were friends. Yes, Derek was his landlord, but Derek had said upon their first meeting that he didn’t need the money that came from Jordan’s rent. 

They would have to discuss specifics, of course. But Jordan thought anything would be better than FlixWorld. And he trusted Derek not to put him into situations where he felt humiliated or overworked like Trevor often did. 

Derek soon returned with their omelets reheated. He set the plates down in their usual spots and took a crinkling plastic case and popped it open. From the smell that immediately wafted from the package, Jordan could tell that they were baby wipes. Derek was casual as he lifted Jordan’s head by his chin and started to dab the cold wipe across his cheeks. Jordan’s nose crinkled at the cold feeling, but he stayed still. 

“There we go,” Derek muttered cheerfully. “All better and ready for the day.” He ruffled Jordan’s sleep-disheveled hair with a soft look in his eye that made Jordan feel like he was still wrapped in the older man’s hug. 

“Thank you,” Jordan mumbled, clearing his throat as his voice cracked. 

The omelet was amazing even though it had been reheated. Jordan finished his in-record timing with Derek right on his heels. However, Jordan made sure to stand first and gather their plates and glasses to clean up. 

“I got it,” He smiled in reassurance as Derek went to protest. “Least I can do.” 

Derek leaned back in his chair staring at Jordan as if he was the one who cooked the meal and offered him a job. Shaking off the feeling of surreality, Jordan did his part by rinsing their plates, loading the dishwasher, and cleaning up the kitchen from the meal prep. When he was finished, Derek appeared from the hallway behind him dressed in casual clothes rather than sleepwear. “So…Have you thought about my offer?” 

Jordan nodded, nervously playing with the sleeves of the borrowed pajamas. “I have and…I want to give it a try. You’ve done so much for me, and I want to assist you the best I can. I don’t know much about woodworking or babysitting, but I can learn quickly.” 

The smile Derek gave him was blinding. “That’s so great to hear. If you had nothing else to do today, I have a delivery and assembly job to do. You can tag along and lend a hand? It’s an old friend of mine, but she lives a couple of hours out of town.” 

“Yeah, sounds great.” Jordan agreed readily. 

“Good. I’ll start loading the truck and you can run up to your place and change and grab any books or games for the ride, okay?” 

Jordan nodded once more. “I’ll make sure to bring back the pajamas tonight.” 

But Derek waved his hand dismissively, seemingly entirely unbothered. “I’m not too worried about it.” 

It was a bit strange putting on his work shoes with the childish pajamas, but the only person around to see was Derek. And Derek was gathering his things for the drive. 

Jordan walked back to his unit and it was only as he was taking the pajamas off that he realized he was still wearing the pull-up from the night before. It wasn’t wet due to his rude awakening from his phone in the middle of the night. And this time, Jordan was actually able to look at himself in the mirror. He expected to look ridiculous, after all, he was an adult wearing a pull-up. But with the childish pajamas and the redness in his cheeks from his crying fit earlier, it looked oddly appropriate. He couldn’t help but think about the long drive ahead. If they arrived at the delivery spot on time, assembled whatever it was quick, and left, they would probably stop for lunch before coming back. This would mean Jordan would most likely fall asleep in the car on the way back with a full stomach…wetting himself in a bed with a mattress protector on it was one thing. But Jordan really didn’t think he could take the humiliation if he wet himself all over Derek’s truck seat…

A sigh escaped him as he pulled his underwear on over the pull-up again and proceeded to get dressed in lightly faded jeans and a simple t-shirt. He brushed his teeth and hair quickly. He checked in the mirror one final time, pleased with the fact that the pull-up was pretty much unnoticeable under his pants. He would have to run and grab his phone from Derek’s table, but before he walked out, he grabbed the backpack he used for class. Maybe on the way there, he could take some notes.Walking back down the stairs, he saw Derek looping some straps over a bunch of wooden pieces in the bed of his truck. Upon seeing him, Derek smiled. 

“Ready to go?” 

“Yeah, I just need to grab my phone from your place.” 

“No need, it’s already in the truck. Get buckled in and I’ll close up in here.” 

Derek thought of everything, and Jordan smiled. Climbing into the cabin of Derek’s truck, Jordan sat his backpack between his knees on the floorboard. His phone was on the center console and as he unlocked it, he was met with the disastrous email that caused his episode that morning once more. This time, however, he didn’t let it bother him. Instead, he clicked out and sent a small ‘Don’t worry about it’ text to Whitney. It wasn’t long before Derek hopped into the front seat and buckled his seat belt, prompting Jordan to do the same. Derek cranked the truck and turned, heading down the driveway. “So, any questions about what you’d be doing as my assistant?” 

“I assume, managing appointments for your babysitting job. And then…I don’t know, fetching tools for you in the workshop?” Jordan shrugged. 

Derek laughed as they pulled onto the main road. “You’re not wrong, although I’d consider those secondary duties for when you have extra time. But I have to admit, I’m a bit technologically challenged. So I have the old paper and pen catalogs and files…” 

“Oh, you want me to convert them digitally?” Jordan perked up. 

“Yeah, it would make it easier to share visit overviews with mommies and daddies. Plus, sharing info on their little ones.” 

They talked more about the job duties, and Jordan was pretty much on board already. 

“Now, as for hours and pay, forgive me if I overstep,” Derek said momentarily taking his eyes off the road at a red light. “But what were you making at FlixWorld?” 

“Ah, don’t worry, it’s fine.” Jordan shrugged. “I make about 9 dollars an hour after taxes. They usually schedule me for 30-35 hours a week…” 

Derek’s eyes widened comically. “Really? Did you at least get benefits?” 

“Uh…no? Part-time workers didn’t get any benefits.” 

“That’s terrible!” Derek looked like he wanted to say more. But shook his head. “Well,” He heaved a heavy sigh. “Your priority should be as a student. So, working for me, I would only expect about 25 hours a week for 12 dollars an hour. Don’t worry about rent anymore either. It wouldn’t make sense for me to charge you and pay you.” 

Jordan resisted telling Derek about how they would have to pay 5 dollars a month if they wanted to ‘rent’ a locker at FlixWorld for their stuff. He wasn’t wanting to upset the man. But doing the math in his head, 12 dollars an hour would more than make up for the cut in hours AND free rent? It was amazing. 

“That’s…great actually. That’s amazing.” 

Derek’s pinched look melted into a soft grin. “I take care of my workers. I don’t feel that I need to make a schedule for you either. So just come down and you can work in my office for a few hours, take a break and eat some lunch (odds are I’d cook for you anyway), and work a little more before ‘clocking out’.” 

“Sounds fair.” Jordan practically buzzed in his seat. 

“Good, occasionally, I’d like for you to come with me on these deliveries to meet the client and to help me with assembly. Only if you had nothing else to do that day.” Derek assured. “Your classes should come first.” 

“You’re very school-minded,” Jordan noted. 

“Well…to be honest, I never had the chance to finish college.” Derek shrugged. “I ended up dropping out to take care of my mother in her final years and then I worked in a woodworking shop until I built up my skills. Branched off with my ‘babysitting service’ and here we are. But I don’t want anyone to feel as if they have no other choice than to drop out. If they find that college isn’t for them, that’s one thing. But I don’t think anyone should be forced to.” 

Jordan blinked at such honestly, but he guessed he should have expected it. Derek was such an open and caring person when it came to others, being open about himself was no exception. “That’s really cool of you. A lot of people would be bitter if they were in your situation, but you’re, like, the opposite.” 

“It’s a quality,” Derek said even as his cheeks reddened slightly. 

They sat in comfortable silence for a while, Jordan even managing to take out a notebook and take notes on market trends. Jordan eventually grew lost in the assignment, only really stirring as they pulled into a drive-thru and he had to hold his notebook to keep it from falling off his lap. 

“Sorry,” Derek winced. “I need another coffee. Do you want anything?” 

Looking over to peer out of Derek’s window, Jordan browsed the menu. “I’ll take something sweet…Hm…not sure what…” 

Derek pulled up to the speaker, ordering an Irish Sweet Cream Cold Brew. The cashier noted it down and asked if that were all. “Do you have any recommendations for a sweet drink? Something the young kids like.” 

Jordan couldn’t help but snicker as Derek called him a young kid. It was true, there was a decent age gap between the two of them, but Jordan didn’t think it mattered too much. 

“Our peppermint hot cocoa is our best seller around this time of year for the kiddos.” She responded cheerfully. 

“Ooo, that sounds good,” Jordan instantly agreed. 

“A large one of those, please,” Derek ordered immediately. 

Pretty soon, the two of them were on the road once more. Only, Jordan was carefully sipping his cocoa, occasionally licking the sweet whipped cream from his lips. 

“I should be more careful,” Derek mused, a small smirk pulling at his lips. “Too much sugar and you might run up the walls.” 

A scoff broke from Jordan. “As if. I’m a working boy. I need all the energy I can get.” 

“Good thing Mel has a large backyard.” That was all Derek said, continuing to drive. 

‘Mel’s home was more secluded than Derek’s. The entrance of which was almost completely obscured by a crop of tall trees that swayed in the gentle breeze. The sound of the truck making its way down the winding driveway must have alerted the resident of the modest cabin-style home. As Derek parked, a tall, blonde woman stepped out on the porch. She wore a comfy looking sundress and Jordan couldn’t help but compare her to a southern Belle housewife stereotype. Her southern drawl of a voice did nothing to assuage his assumption. 

“Oh! Derek, you are a sight for sore eyes!” She called out, hurrying down the porch steps to engulf Derek in a hug. “You really need to come to see me more often.” 

“Last time I checked, Missy Mel, your vehicle worked just as well as mine,” Derek smarted off, but was interrupted by his own ‘EEP!’ sound as Mel pinched his side when pulling out of their hug. 

“Don’t be rude!” She scolded before turning her attention to Jordan. Jordan, for his part, was standing awkwardly at the side of the truck, not quite sure what he was supposed to be doing. Her eyes scanned over him with an interest Jordan couldn’t place. “I see you brought me a little helper!” Jordan half expected a hug as well as she approached, but her hands reached up to cup his cheeks, tilting his head just slightly to look up at her. “And he’s cute as a button.” She fawned. 

“Thank- Thank you, ma’am?” Jordan hesitantly replied. 

Derek’s shoes crunched across the gravel as he approached as well. “Actually, Mel, he’s my little helper. Someone has to hold the crib in place for me while I screw in the frame.” 

“Don’t listen to him,” Mel gave a conspiratory whisper. “We’re gonna let the big man handle all the tools and you’re gonna help me make some fresh lemonade and bake cookies.” 

“Uh- I should probably help him. He is my boss…” Jordan hated having to burst her bubble, but Derek brought him for a reason. It would be rude to leave him hanging. 

Mel didn’t seem bothered. “Fine. Fine. Just remember,” She warned, finally letting him go. “Technically, am your boss’ boss at the moment. And I happen to be suffering from empty-nest syndrome while my baby visits family. You can’t be blamed if my fragile heart demands a sweet baby boy to coo over.” 

Derek shook his head, seemingly well versed in the dramatics of Mel. “Jordan, please grab my tool bag and the box from the backseat.” 

Eager to follow orders, Jordan went to the backseat to grab the expected items. The tool bag was slung over his shoulder as he used two hands to carry the relatively light, but large box. Derek dropped the tailgate of the truck open to grab the first piece. “Mel, mind showing him to the nursery?” 

“On it!” Mel smiled, waving Jordan up the porch steps and holding the door open for him. The interior was slightly less rustic than Jordan expected it to be, the air smelling faintly of cinnamon. “Right this way, honey.” 

Mel led him to said nursery and Jordan’s eyes widened. It was like something out of a catalog. The walls were a nice soft green that was complimented by the view of the lush greenery outside. A flowerbox just outside the window held a tray of succulents planted in pea gravel. There was no crib, but they would be building that, of course. There was a large sturdy charging table along one wall that Jordan was sure would even hold his weight, a cream colored pad on top. There were framed photos of cartoon animals all along the walls and a rounded chest of toys stuffed in one corner. Finally, a large padded rocking chair sat beside what Jordan assumed to be a closet door. 

He put the box down where Mel directed right as Derek came in with the first piece. The stain on the wood of the crib matched both the chair and the changing table, Jordan noted. “Alrighty, let’s get this show on the road,” Derek said as he put the first piece down. 


A/N: A little bit of a life-update. My crisis has resolved itself remarkably well. I've 90% moved into my new place, my new place is 100x better than my old one, my new roommate is so sweet to me. I thank everyone for their well wishes. I didn't have to take as long as a break as I had though I would, which is a blessing. I love writing, especially abdl stories. It's my own outlet and not having to stop is doing wonders for my sanity. I hope you all enjoy this chapter and enjoy how the story is shaping. Your reactions are the best and it really brings a smile to my face to read them ❤️

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I'm so happy that your situation turned out good. 

The story is well written and moving along very well. While reading it thoughts came to me. Mel has an unfinished nursery and needs a crib ... interesting. Her baby talk about having an empty nest is a clue. Is it for someone other than Jordan?

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22 minutes ago, Eagle0769 said:

I'm so happy that your situation turned out good. 

The story is well written and moving along very well. While reading it thoughts came to me. Mel has an unfinished nursery and needs a crib ... interesting. Her baby talk about having an empty nest is a clue. Is it for someone other than Jordan?

Yup! Her own little guy is off visiting family and she's taken the time to have a new crib delivered as a surprise. The next chapter explains a little better and gives more details, but that's the jist I was implying. ?

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4 hours ago, Lavellan said:

Yup! Her own little guy is off visiting family and she's taken the time to have a new crib delivered as a surprise. The next chapter explains a little better and gives more details, but that's the jist I was implying. ?

I thought maybe it was for Jordan and Derick was going to be his new daddy and Mel his new mommy. Hope I’m wrong. ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I lost the entire chapter I was working on ?

I had it almost done and then my internet crashed and none of it was saved. 

I will try to get it out sometime during the weekend ?

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  • Lavellan changed the title to From Tenant to Baby (Up.: 10/4)
20 hours ago, Lavellan said:

I lost the entire chapter I was working on ?

I had it almost done and then my internet crashed and none of it was saved. 

I will try to get it out sometime during the weekend ?

Maybe use an Word processor like microsoft Word, google docs or notepad. So you can save during your writing process.

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Bummer. Glad to hear you're not giving up on it though! as BBQ already said, I highly recommend using a word processor to save your work. I like something like google docs that way even if your laptop crashes, you can still have access to your work. You can always go back and delete the document after you've posted your chapter if you don't want to keep it around after posting. 

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38 minutes ago, Cute_Kitten said:

Bummer. Glad to hear you're not giving up on it though! as BBQ already said, I highly recommend using a word processor to save your work. I like something like google docs that way even if your laptop crashes, you can still have access to your work. You can always go back and delete the document after you've posted your chapter if you don't want to keep it around after posting. 


2 hours ago, BBQ said:

Maybe use an Word processor like microsoft Word, google docs or notepad. So you can save during your writing process.

Funny enough I use google docs. I even have offline editting enabled. But for some reason when my internet crashed the document froze and where it keeps track of how often it's saved, it wouldn't update. Eventually I refreshed the page and 90% of the chapter I wrote was gone. Very unfortunate. But im fast replacing it!

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From Tenant to Baby: CH 6


The crib was easy to put together despite there being no instructions. Derek seemed very confident in every move, and Jordan found himself filling in as best as he could. The entire time, he listened to the chatter between both Derek and Mel. They spoke like old friends, and Jordan supposed they were. But one thing became apparent the more of the crib they assembled…it was huge. 

From the infants Jordan had seen in his life, four of them could easily fit into the crib they were currently putting together. And Derek had a lot of support installed already. It was almost as if he were preparing for a baby elephant to lie inside the crib. “I’ve never seen a crib this big before.” He noted out loud during a lull in the conversation. 

Mel immediately perked up from her spot in the rocking chair. “I know! Isn’t it great? My little Andrew is going to love it! He makes friends with just about any baby I bring in the house, but I always felt bad that they couldn’t share a crib.” Her face fell in a soft frown at the thought. “I always had to stagger naptimes, or one of them had to sleep in the guest room. But Derek was too happy to make a double wide crib for me so the babies can share.” 

“Looking back, the idea was so obvious. I’m surprised nobody else thought of it.” Derek piped in. “Then again, not many people are in the babysitting business we’re in.” 

“Wait, you’re both babysitters?” Jordan asked in surprise. He thought that title only applied to Derek!

“Oh, of course,” Mel gave him a motherly smile. “We share the same client pool. We also help each other out. I make the clothes, he makes the furniture and toys. We trade products.” 

Derek’s sudden clearing of his throat startled Jordan. “Hey, Jordan, mind reaching over and grabbing me that baggie of screws?” Derek asked, pointing towards the toolbox to Jordan’s right. 

“Sure,” Jordan agreed as he leaned over to stretch and reach the bag. The conversation faded for just a moment as he finally secured his fingers around the bag and pulled back to hand it to Derek. However, as he held the baggie out, Derek looked at him with the softest look Jordan had yet to see. 

“Wha-?” He questioned, holding up the bag. “Are these not it?” 

“No those are right.” Derek took the baggie and started to fish around inside for a screw. “You’re doing great.” He praised. 

“He sure is.” Mel agreed immediately causing Jordan’s face to heat up. “U-uh…anyway.” He cleared his throat awkwardly flustered. “You two are basically business partners?” 

Mel opened her mouth, but Derek spoke. “Yes. We’ve been partners for about…4 years now, I think?” 

“Mhm! And we even share a website!” Mel said eagerly. “When we’re done here, I can show it to you. It’s adorable.”

“Wouldn’t you rather-” Derek interrupted suddenly and Jordan’s head shot up to look at him in surprise. “Uh, make cookies with him, as you said? I don’t want to take up his entire day if he’s planning on doing homework tonight.” 

The two of them passed looks at each other. It was almost an entire conversation all on its own. Jordan’s head went back and forth to turn and look at both of them, but whatever wavelength they were on was unreadable. “...Sure. We can do that.” Mel eventually nodded. 

“I wouldn’t want to impose.” But Jordan’s protests were waved off as usual. 

Finally, as they slipped the mattress into place onto the frame, Mel squealed. “Oh, Derek, this is just perfect! Thank you so much.” 

Jordan watched as they shared a hug as he gathered the stray tools and screw bags around the area. He put them all in the tool bag and zipped it up before Derek called out to him. 

“You’ve been a great help, Jordan,” Derek said meaningfully. “How about you take the tools back to my truck while I give Mel her surprise and then you two can make cookies?” 

Having no argument, Jordan did as he was told. It was only as he was half-way to the truck that he realized the truck was most likely locked and he didn’t have the keys. Awkwardly, he shuffled back onto the porch only to hear spirited whispers from inside. 

“-didn’t you tell him?!” Mel’s motherly scolding was unmistakable. 

“I’ve been meaning to! Honest.” Derek sighed. 

“You saw how I greeted him! I thought he was your- I must have looked- you made me seem like a fool-” Mel’s volume picked up just slightly before she was hushed by Derek.

“I apologize, okay? I mean it. Really. I’ll tell him when we get back and let him think about it. But even if I tell him, that doesn’t mean he’ll want…” Derek’s words trail off into a sad spiral and it’s then that Jordan starts to feel that he shouldn’t be eavesdropping. He had a feeling he was the subject of the conversation, but he had no idea what they were talking about otherwise. For as long as Jordan knew Derek, there was no inkling that he was hiding something. Derek had always been open and honest, answering every question that Jordan had. What could he possibly be hiding? 

Jordan pushed the door open, trying to appear as if he was just walking up the steps. Both adults’ heads swiveled toward him and Jordan could see that Mel was pulling back from a hug from Derek as they stood in the middle of the living room. “Sorry,” He spoke shyly, ducking his head at the attention. “I forgot to grab the keys to the truck.” 

“Oh,” Derek perked up, digging a hand into his pocket. “That’s my fault. Here you go, kiddo. Just make sure to lock it when you’re done.” Derek walked over and pressed the keys into his hand. 

Jordan disappeared back out the door and put the bag of tools in the truck as they were before. There were no whispers when he approached the door again. In fact, Jordan could hear delighted squealing even from outside the door. Neither adult paid him any mind as he walked in once more. And Jordan found himself having to walk around a corner, following the sounds of happiness, to find the pair. They were sitting at the dining table, the cardboard box Jordan had carried inside upon their arrival between them. 

The top was opened and tissue paper was spread out along the surface. Mel reached into the box and pulled out a familiar wooden block. “There’s so many in here!” She said as she put it on the table and pulled out another. This continued until nearly the entire table was full of blocks. 

“I wanted to make sure, Andrew had enough,” Derek explained with a happy grin. “Speaking of-” 

He looked over the table and started to grab seemingly random blocks. Mel cleared a spot for him as he started to lay them out in a line. When he was finished, Jordan could see ‘Baby Andrew’ written out on the table in the same soft green that the walls of the nursery were painted in. 

“Oh my goodness,” Mel whispered, her hands coming up to cover her mouth. “It’s perfect.” 

Jordan walked into the dining room to see tears in Mel’s eyes. However, as her eyes jumped to track Jordan’s entrance, she started to wipe them away. “Jordan, baby! I don’t mean to be so emotional. Just give me a moment and we can start making cookies.” She promised. 

“No rush,” Jordan said immediately. “Take your time.” 

Eventually, Mel calmed herself. Her cheeks were still red from the emotions, but her smile was more than genuine. “Alright then. Derek, please go put Andrew’s new blocks in his nursery while I get started with Jordan.” 

Mel grabbed Jordan’s hand and took him into the kitchen. “Grab the sugar and four from the pantry, please.” 

Jordan did so and came back to the counter to see several mixing bowls sat down. “What kind are we making?” He asked curiously. 

“Traditional chocolate chip!” 


Making cookies with Mel was peaceful in a way that Jordan didn’t expect. She gave clear instructions much in the way that Derek had while building the crib. They had no recipe to go off, but Mel didn’t seem to need it. 

“You’re a very good boy,” Mel said suddenly, and Jordan paused as he was sifting flour. 

“I- what?” He stuttered, face heating up already. 

Mel didn’t seem fazed, her hands never stopping as she scooped butter into another bowl. “Not many adults would let Derek take care of them as much as you have. At least not without protest. But you let him. And Derek might not say it, but he appreciates it a lot.” 

“I don’t really mind, I guess,” Jordan shrugged. “Sometimes I have a lot of anxiety about it, but at this point, I trust Derek to tell me if I’m pushing too far.” 

“You pushing too far?” Mel asked curiously. 

“Well…yeah?” Jordan set the sifter aside, dusting flour from his hands into the sink. “I’m an adult. I should be independent. But ever since moving in, Derek’s cooked for me more than I’ve cooked for myself, he’s offered me a job after I’ve cried to him about mine, I’ve even-” Jordan stopped his train of thought with a screeching halt as he realized he almost mentioned the fact that he pissed in Derek’s guest bed. Something about the accepting and open feelings coming from Mel lowered his inhibitions. “Well, he’s put up with a lot from me that most friends wouldn’t. Certainly not a landlord.” 

“He wants to.” 

“I know. He’s used to taking care of kids. But still…It’s a weird feeling. I don’t know how to describe it.” Jordan finished weakly. 

But Mel nodded sagely. “I think I know what you mean. You feel like a placeholder. Like Derek cares for you out of instinct because that’s what he always does when he sees someone in need. And you’re afraid of relying too much on that. As if one day you’ll lean too hard and Derek won’t want to catch you?” 

“...I guess?” Jordan’s response was weak as he added the flour to the wet ingredients of Mel’s bowl. 

“I know it might be hard for you to take my word for it, Jordan, but I don’t think you have to worry about that…In fact, I think you and Derek are having similar feelings. Of course, that might just be the mommy in me, but I think you two will work out just fine.” 

“But won’t he eventually have kids of his own? I mean, what’s stopping him? He loves kids, he loves taking care of them, why doesn’t he have any of his own?” A question that had been scratching at the back of Jordan’s mind finally burst outward. But rather than retract it, he let it sit in the air. Because wasn’t that the unspoken worry? 

Mel gave Jordan a look he wasn’t sure of. Almost as if her words had a double meaning. As if she were hinting at a secret she couldn’t tell, but Jordan had no knowledge of. “He just hadn’t found the right person…” 

Jordan wanted to ask more, to get a solid answer rather than half riddles, but Mel turned on the hand mixer and the kitchen was full of noise. “Can you grab the chocolate chips from the pantry, sweetie?” She called out and Jordan turned to comply. 


It was just passed lunch as Jordan and Derek headed back home. A plate of still-warm cookies sat on the center console. The pair had eaten hamburgers and fries at a cute little shop right down the road from Mel’s before starting the journey home. But Mel’s words rang out in his mind in the quiet cabin of the truck. And as Jordan’s head leaned against the seatbelt, he let the thoughts run over him. 

‘Uh-oh!’ Dream-Derek’s voice called out to him. 

Turning his head to look at him, Jordan saw him standing in the doorway of the guestroom. ‘Another accident?’ 

Fear shooting through him, Jordan looked down to see a dark stain spreading across the front of his pajama pants. Jordan immediately opened his mouth to apologize, but Dream-Derek was suddenly by his side. ‘No worries, buddy. I’ll clean you right up.’

Jordan found himself in a bathroom once more, only this time, Derek was filling the tub with the bubbles and toys Jordan had seen before. As much as Jordan wanted to speak, to apologize, to question him, his mouth wouldn’t open. And Derek turned to him, scooping him up and placing him into the warm bath. His pajamas were gone from one second to the next in the weird way dreams worked and he was wrapped in the warm suds of the bath. Jordan’s hand reached out, grabbing a rubber duck and squeezing it. Only, as he squeezed it, instead of a squeak it let out the noise of a car horn. 

Jerking awake, Jordan looked frantically around to see the familiar surroundings of the truck. 

“Woah, it’s alright,” Derek called as he reached over to grab Jordan’s hand. “It’s okay. Just an idiot on the road. We’re alright.” He soothed. 

Jordan took a deep breath, using his free hand to rub at his face. “How long was I asleep?” 
“About 30 minutes. We’re in a bit of traffic so it’ll take us a bit longer to get home. You can take another nap if you want.” 

“No, m’okay. I’ll do some schoolwork.” Jordan shifted to reach for his backpack and immediately froze. He was wet. The comforting warmth of the bath in his dreams now pooled into the unfamiliar feeling of wetness around his privates. He looked down, expecting to see a wet patch, but it seemed like the pull-up held the accident just fine. Jordan spared only a moment to think about just how screwed he would have been if he had taken off the pull-up that morning. He would have pissed in Derek’s truck! 

And now they were in traffic, no telling how long it would be until they arrived home. 

“Everything alright?” Derek asked gently. 

“Huh? Oh…Yeah. Fine. Just trying to think about what work I need to do first.” Jordan lied, pulling his backpack into his lap. 

Derek merely nodded. “If you’re up for it, when we get home I can show you the website Mel and I run. I think it’ll give you a better idea of our company.”

“Yeah, sure.” Jordan thought nothing of it, more worried about sitting in a wet pull-up for at least another hour. This ride was going to suck…


A/N: Thanks for the patience for this chapter while I worked out my technical issues! I also had a general question for readers as I was unsure about certain details of the story. Would you all prefer it if the relationship between Derek and Jordan stayed platonic? Like two friends. Or a father and son? Or would you want it to be romantic as well? 

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  • Lavellan changed the title to From Tenant to Baby (Up.: 10/18)

For me I don't have a preference and would be happy with whatever Direction you desided to take in them. But from the way the store is going it sound like they would become like father and son but not romantic, if you ask me.

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Your writing is so good I hate when the chapter ends. 

I wonder what Mel and Derek are hiding from Jordan. 

If it is a father and a baby son relationship is what they both want I'm for it.  

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I would like for them to be a father and son relationship. However, you have been doing so well with this story that I feel like I would enjoy which ever relationship type you have planned.

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Amazing story and really good writing and pacing. I’ve read a lot of stories and yours really stands out as original. Not the concept of landlord and tenant, but the way you attack certain situations is very original and refreshing. Thank you for taking your time to write this story! :)

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Can’t wait for more!! I have a Mommy that I hope to actually be with soon!! But the thought of her actually finding a man that would possibly be my Daddy is an interesting thought that I kinda like!! 

I hope to find Jordan in an actual diaper soon and more baby than adult??

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  • Lavellan changed the title to From Tenant to Baby (Updated 6/16)

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