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I'm dating myself again

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The car parked next to me the other day had "FB XL5"  license plates.    I was amused but my wife had no idea what I was on about.    I used to have a Fireball XL5 lunch box in first grade.


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31 minutes ago, willnotwill said:

The car parked next to me the other day had "FB XL5"  license plates.    I was amused but my wife had no idea what I was on about.    I used to have a Fireball XL5 lunch box in first grade.


Dating yourself? as a mere infant Try THIS


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1 hour ago, DailyDi said:

Hannah and her five sisters

This reminds me of years ago (pre-internet) we had a local Video Tape rental delivery company.    They'd drop buy a list of the movies they had every month.   At the end was a list of the Porn titles which reading was probably more amusing than the videos themselves.   Things like:


On Golden Blonde
Hannah Does Her Sisters

and my favorite (we actually rented a this and one of its sequels):

Debbie Does Dishes (much better than the Debbie Does Dallas it's spoofing).


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7 hours ago, DailyDi said:

Hannah and her five sisters

I always heard it a Rosy palm and her 5 sisters.... But Hannah will do the job just as well.. ?

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Which led to my  I THINK I'M A JOAN NOW (Ympin' yiminy; my last name does not ban be Jorgensen)

I just got back
from a trip to Scandinavia
There's something strange
aboty my voice and my behavior
Suddenly I seem strange to me
I'm not half the man I used to be
Stockholm I'll takde: Oslo gives me a break
But now a trip to Copenhagen, that would be a big mistake
because you see...

I think I'm a Joan now, there doesn't seem to be anything down there
I think I'm a Joan now, 'cause where I wonce had two now there's only air

Isn't it strage,
what a trip to Denmark can do
My voicde has change,
it's up an octave or two
Suddenly I seem stragne to me
I'm not half the man I used to be
Stockholm I'll take; Oslo gives me a break
but now a trip to Copenhagen; that would be a big mistake
B ecause you see

I think I'm a Joan now. There doesn't seem to be anything down there
I think I'm a Joan now; 'cause where I once had two now there's only air

IRepeat and out)

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20 hours ago, feralfreak said:

*read title*


I have loved Wierd Al since he started wayyyyyyy back in the '70's, when his songs were being played on the Dr. Demento show on kmet Los Angeles.....he is still hilarious!!!!??????

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Were you a Dementian or a Dementite?. After STAR WARS, he brought in Dementoids


Dead puppies STILL aren't much fun But I still love hamster by candlelight; do it in a casserole is doing it right. And, as always


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