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PROTEX Bulky Overnight Rubber Panties

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These are exctly what the title says: Long in the side seams and VERY wide at the crotch for thick or even multiple thick diapers, roviding excellent coverage

Though rubber baby panties disappeared in the middle 1950's, the material was still used for childrens' and adult wetyproof panties will into the 1980's by compnaies like Bitner; the famouse (or infamous, if you were an 8 year old bedwetter) "rubber pants in a tube"

Like the title says, this is an overnight garment. The sides are quite long and the crotche is very wide. It looks like the kind that would be put on an 8 year old bedwetter in 1959 or so when keeping the bed dry was more important than one's feelings. as Mom would say, "your feelings ain't going to wash the bedsheets". The crotch is so wide that it is scary to think of how thick the diapers that would be put on you are. You will NOT be closing your legs above the knee

The fairly thick rubber has a classic rubber smell. These come in 3 colors. I thought the "cream" color would be the classic rubber ivory color It is not. It is consdierably darker, more like caramel.

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@Little Christine

Those rubber pants so remind me of my Garywear!  I bet you they smell like heaven.??????❤️?❤️?❤️?❤️? From experience, I have learned that you need to have these over your diapers. You may be able to get away with having none of these for a while, but once you start using them every day, you need those pants over your diapers. To not have those Probably has the word “accident” written all over it. Heck, one day I may end up ordering one or two of these to see if they’re similar to my Garywear. Do you have any of these in your collection?


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Someone say bulky??!!?? ?

Checked the site, it seems that they dropped the prices on the "I can't believe it's not gerber" line. I remember it being higher priced per pant.....hmmmm.....might have to order some....maybe blue....hmmm??

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They always have some sale going on ICBinG is listed in RUBBER PANTIES'R'US


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