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I'm not sure how to feel

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Someone I've considered my best friend, and I've known for 20 years, just took the word of someone, that I abused his kids. 

First off, you've known this bitch for 2 years, and know she can't stand my ass. 

Second, I'd hoped you would know me better then that. 

Third, I've helped you raise you goddamn kids, and you know damn well I ain't ever even spank them. 


WHY the FUCK would you EVER even THINK I would ever want to put anyone through that. 

I just feel betrayed and hurt right now. 

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That’s a bad situation, to say the least. I know how hurt you must feel. Worst yet, probably nothing you can say, will make it better. Right now, the best you can do is, give it some distance. Trying to argue your point, and position will only make it worse. Maybe your friend, will think things over in time, and realize, that’s not how things happened. 

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1 hour ago, AbabeBill said:

That’s a bad situation, to say the least. I know how hurt you must feel. Worst yet, probably nothing you can say, will make it better. Right now, the best you can do is, give it some distance. Trying to argue your point, and position will only make it worse. Maybe your friend, will think things over in time, and realize, that’s not how things happened. 


I agree with @AbabeBill  this is a bad situation, and it hurts, and I know it sucks. There is also nothing I can say that will make you feel any better other than to say just like bill give it time and give it distance. If your “best friend“ decides to “think it over“, maybe she will understand how hurt you are and also that what she did or said hurt you very badly. The problem with these types of accusations, is that if the wrong person gets the right information, the state can come in and start screwing around with your life.   The  state can “mark you“ and the damage is done for a long time.   And if these accusations are false, they could still be “monitoring“ the situation for a few years to come.  It will also take a lot of maneuvering to get anything like that off of your record. That sucks! ?

I also agree that if I had a friend that would accuse me of this “accusation“ that I would not be happy either. A best friend is supposed to be someone who is there through thick or thin sickness or in health, and will be there to help you when you need it. If a friend like that is going to make accusations like this, then obviously, you may have to decide whether you want to remain friends with this individual. Accusations of abuse are bad, especially when they’re not true.

this friend of yours definitely has violated your trust. It will take a long time to undo this mess, if someone decides to push it ?




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