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Anxiety is horrible. Anxiety in the lead up to something like an interview is expected. Now imagine those feelings coming on for seemingly no reason and carrying on for weeks or months at a time. An anxiety where you can't sit still but you can't do anything either, your brain racing uncontrollably, your appetite vanishing to the point your lost 5kg in less than a week, vomiting, crying...

I've never been officially diagnosed with anything but I have been on anxiety medication of one kind or another for basically my whole adult life. I've stopped several times but a few months later I will be in crisis and need them again without fail. The worst part of it all is that the anxiety can kick off for eith no reason or a very small reason which most people would ignore.

Right now my anxiety is under control but running high. It often does during winter (Seasonal Affected Disorder). Three weeks ago I found a small lump on the inside of my nose. No other symptoms, it doesn't hurt, it's 99% likely to be a spot or something else that doesn't need attention. But I cannot stop worrying and thinking about it. I have contacted a doctor and they said to give it another week or so to see if it clears up but it doesn't look like that's happening.

It's driving me mad.

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2 minutes ago, DailyDi said:

Anxiety sucks. I struggle with it too. I get mini-adrenaline rushes like I'm in fight or flight mode for no good reason.

That's really bad Mikey!?

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Yeah. When I had my last really bad attack I was like that for about a month. Constantly on edge but with nowhere to hide and with no idea what the threat even is. Then the medication makes things worse before they get better which was a nightmare. These days if the doctor suggests coming off the anxiety medication I tell them what happens and we agree to keep me on them!

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16 hours ago, Elfy said:

Yeah. When I had my last really bad attack I was like that for about a month. Constantly on edge but with nowhere to hide and with no idea what the threat even is. Then the medication makes things worse before they get better which was a nightmare. These days if the doctor suggests coming off the anxiety medication I tell them what happens and we agree to keep me on them!

I've been right on the line lately, like I could burst into tears at any moment. Movies/TV making me cry, etc. Will probably ask to go up a little on my anxiety meds.

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2 hours ago, DailyDi said:

I've been right on the line lately, like I could burst into tears at any moment. Movies/TV making me cry, etc. Will probably ask to go up a little on my anxiety meds.

Glad to know I'm not alone!????☺️❤️?

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  • 1 year later...

Hey, I hear you, and dealing with anxiety can be beyond tough. It's rough when it lingers and hijacks your thoughts. Intrusive thoughts can be overwhelming, but I've found some helpful ways to manage them. Acknowledging these thoughts as just that—thoughts—without letting them define reality can be a big step. It's awesome you've reached out to a doctor; taking that step can ease the worry. Remember, it's okay to seek support and explore techniques to handle these feelings.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry to hear your struggling Elfy. It's a tough time for a lot of people. I hope with the meds and some emotional support you able to get through this. Anxiety disorders can be crippling. Thinking of you

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