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Rob and Sue's New Life - Chapter 1-8

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I've decided to rewrite this completely. It's the usual scenario. : ) Apologies to anyone expecting more of the previous effort. : )

This story is about the slowly developing, major change in a couple's relationship. 

Rob and Sue's New Life - Chapter 1

Sue arrived home from her work as a business analyst.

She rolled her eyes as she saw the front door wide open. As she walked in, she could hear the TV - another of Rob's cartoon shows.

Sue put down her briefcase and walked into the living area. Rob was still in his pyjamas, sprawled on the floor close to the screen. He had a bowl of popcorn next to him and popcorn littered the floor around him, along with a half-eaten and badly made peanut butter and jelly sandwich. 

'Rob!' said Sue.

Rob didn't move. The TV was so loud he could not have heard his wife.

Sue picked up the remote from the sofa and killed the sound.

'Rob!' she repeated.

'What?' said Rob, turning to her. 'I was watching that.'

'For heaven's sake, Rob,' said Sue. 'Get up.' 

Rob clambered to his feet. 

Sue grabbed him roughly by the arm and led him into the kitchen. She looked angrily at the open peanut butter jar, jelly jar and package of sliced bread on the bench, then at her husband's face. She picked up a dishcloth and wetting it under the tap, took Rob's head in one hand and wiped the swathe of jelly from around his mouth.

'Not only do you make a mess in the kitchen and all over the floor in the living room, but you can't even keep your face clean when you eat,' she said with exasperation. 

'You're supposed to be recuperating, not behaving like a messy child. And I think you should find something more useful to do than watch cartoons. Have you done the washing and remade the bed?' she asked Rob, who was rubbing his cheek where Sue had scrubbed off the jelly.

'I was going to,' said Rob weakly.

'Of course you were going to,' said Sue. 'I've been at work all day, and all you had to do was put the sheets you wet into the washing machine, and you couldn't even manage that. It's bad enough you wetting the bed like a toddler. The least you could do is to be grown up enough to do a simple task like start the washing machine. But no, you prefer to make a mess in the kitchen and watch cartoons. You know, it's too bad there isn't a daycare that I could enrol you in. At least I could go to work knowing that you won't be making a mess here.'

Rob stood in front of Sue, looking miserable. Sue knew what came next. Rob's psychological condition was as fragile as his physical state. The weeks in hospital after the accident had reduced his physical strength, and the emotional effects had been just as severe.

Rob looked at his wife, unable to control the mix of feelings swirling in his head. 

'I'm sorry,' he said as the tears began. 

Sue took him in her arms. 

Rob wrapped his arms around her. He could feel the fabric of her business suit, and the swell of her full breasts, restrained by the bra he felt under his fingers. He pictured her grown up panties, pantyhose and he had to say, adult clothing, then thought of his pyjamas. He felt very childish by comparison with his well-dressed wife and her important job. At least he didn't have his diaper on. Just holding Sue made him feel better, and his tears began to subside. 

Sue was angry, but she felt genuinely sorry for Rob. There had to be a better way forward than this, she thought. It was as if they were stuck in a rut. She wondered if Jane the therapist had any answers.

'I'm sorry too, Rob,' said Sue, 'But you have to be more responsible if I'm going to leave you at home like this.' 

Se held Rob away from her and looked at him. With her heels, Sue was a little taller than Rob, and she too was aware of the difference in their clothing. Sue had just come from a high powered conference at which she was the only woman, other than a minute secretary, and here she was dealing not with large investments but with her tearful husband whose diaper tended to leak at night and who couldn't even manage to wash some soiled bedclothes when he was told to.

'Oh, Rob,' said Sue, looking down at the loose crotch of Rob's pyjamas. the cotton flannel wasn't wet, but it was clearly damp.

Sue grasped the damp cloth, pushing aside the soft genitals she felt beneath.

'When did that happen?' she asked.

'Don't know,' said Rob quietly.    

Sue was sure he didn't. He'd wet a couple of times during the day over the last few weeks. Once in the car on the freeway, and anther time when he'd fallen asleep watching his cartoons. Sue supposed that was the case this time.

Rob had been diapered for over a month in hospital when he was semi-comatose. Continuing night time problems after coming home were common, and Rob's medical team had advised Sue about handling the issue as it reduced over time. Naturally, Rob had been upset when he realised that he was being diapered and changed by the nurses, and had found it hard to come to terms with Sue continuing the regime when he arrived home.

Sue, on the other hand, found a weird satisfaction in diapering Rob. They were childless, and Sue, who had always volunteered to be 'Mommy' in dress up games as a child, enjoyed her nightly guilty pleasure as she diapered her husband. Even when Rob had managed two dry nights in a row, Sue cheated a little on her instructions from the nurses. She was supposed to 'reward' Rob by a diaper free night, relying on the plastic sheet for any mishaps. She ignored that, instead comforting her bedwetting husband and assuring him that the problem would go away eventuaoly and until then she would take care of him.     

Sue had even felt a little excited when Rob had wet in the car, and for their next long car trip suggested that Rob wear a diaper. She was disappointed when Rob refused outright.

Now, as she helped her still upset husband undress in the bathroom, she wondered if three daytime wettings in as many weeks justified her insisting Rob wear a diaper when there was a chance he'd doze off, or for those long car trips.  

Sue watched Rob in the shower. He'd been clean shaven by the nurses, and Sue had kept up the practice. She'd decided to use a depilatory as well, and was pleased to see that the regrowth of Rob's pubic hair was now very light and sparse. She felt the familiar twinge of excitement in her own pubic area as she thought about it. 

She let her thoughts drift. As a result of the accident, Rob was now impotent. The doctors said there could be some change, but it was uncertain. Strangely, Sue didn't mind. Their sex life had never been very dynamic, and since coming home, Rob, a natural cuddler, had been more affectionate than ever. Neither he nor Sue had said anything about it, but he seemed more focused on Sue's breasts now. He'd even suckled her a few times, and Sue hadn't objected. She'd thought happily of her role of 'mummy' in the dress up games of long ago.

Rob emerged from the shower.

Back in the bedroom, Sue suggested that he put on his night time diaper.

'Now?' said Rob. 'It's only 5.30!'

Again, Sue felt the little thrill deep in her belly, and as Rob turned away from her she pushed her vulva against the corner of the dressing table, and briefly closed her eyes.

'Yes, Rob,' said Sue. 'I've got a lot of work to do tonight, and if you're going to sit around and watch TV, I don't want to take any chances.'

'I won't need them,' objected Rob. 'I'll be awake. Today was just, I dunno, I must have fallen asleep.' 

''You might fall asleep again,' said Sue. 

'I won't' said Rob. 'And what if someone comes over?'

'They won't,' said Sue, making her way to the diaper drawer in the chest and opening it. 'On the bed please, Rob.'

Both Sue and Rob knew how this would end. Both partners had slowly become aware of a subtle change in their relationship since Rob's return from hospital. Not only was Sue now the breadwinner, but she tended increasingly to make decisions for both of them. 

Sue stood by the bed in her business clothes, holding a thick white diaper, while Rob was naked in front of her. His small pink penis lay curled over his modest testicles, now held up tight against his smooth groin by his hairless scrotum. Rob didn't feel any modesty at all now, especially in front of Sue. The weeks in hospital after he had fully awoken, with nurses regularly bed-bathing and diapering him, had removed any sense of embarrassment about displaying his genitals. They were just like any other part of his body now. Rob had accepted that Sue now wrapped herself in a towel in his presence when she was naked, although it made him feel as if she were an adult and he was a child. He didn't like to think about it.

'Here please Rob,' said Sue, laying the diaper out on the bed.  

Rob gave in, and manoeuvred himself onto the spread diaper. 

They'd been through the issue of Rob diapering himself. The nurses did it at the hospital, and now at home, after a couple of attempts by Rob, Sue had told him that it was better for her to do it in order to ensure that the garment fitted properly.  

'It's too early,' grumbled Rob as Sue finished fixing the tapes.  

'Rob, please, no more of that,' said Sue. 'Stand up.'

Rob stood quietly while Sue pulled his plastic pants up around his waist. 

He caught sight of his reflection in the big mirror on the wardrobe door. 

Apart from their sizes, Sue and he looked like a mother and child. Sue with her full figure, smartly dressed in adult clothing, and Rob, slight and naked except for a bulky white diaper and plastic pants. He felt like crying. 

Sue left him standing while she found a large t shirt. Rob put his arms up and Sue pulled the shirt over them. 

'There you are,' she announced, giving Rob a pat on his padded backside. 

Rob looked down at his diaper. 

'What about pants?' he asked. 

'You're just at home,' said Sue.'You don't need pants.'

Rob swallowed hard. It was bad enough feeling like a child without looking like one.

'I want them,' he said.

Sue laughed. 

'Ooh, 'I want pants!'',' she said in a jocular manly voice. 

'Track pants,' said Rob.

Sue thought for a moment. 

'Honey, your track pants are in the wash, which you didn't do today. Your jeans will be too tight over your diaper, so you can wear a pair of my stretchy shorts,' she said. 

Retrieving a pair from the chest of drawers while Rob stood, unhappily thinking that the phrase 'your diaper' applied to him. Sue helped Rob into the shorts. 

Rob looked again at the mirror. He wished now that he had put the washing machine on. The long t shirt hid most of Sue's pastel yellow shorts, but they still bulged beneath the shirt. Rob was very obviously diapered, and the white padding of his diaper was clearly visible below the hem of the shorts around his thighs. He reached down and tried to pull the fabric over the diaper, but it wouldn't stay there.  

'You look fine, baby,' said Sue brightly, watching Rob's concerned face. 'Cute, even.'

Rob felt the emotions mixing in his head again. He didn't want to look cute.

'Come on sweetie,' said Sue, taking his hand and leading him into the living area.   

'I'm an adult. I'm an adult,' Rob found himself thinking as he followed Sue, conscious of the thick padding splaying his legs slightly as he walked.

He felt strangely adrift, and couldn't help gripping Sue's warm hand.


To be continued.


  • Like 7
  • Sad 1
Posted (edited)

Nice start so far. I'm hoping that the change in Rob does not

make Sue uncomfortable and she doesn't want to move on without

him. I'm hoping she doesn't mine what is ahead of them.

Edited by Eagle0769

Sorry guys- I was going to make a few small changes, but I got carried away. I hope you still like the story. 


Nice start! Looking forward to where this will lead! :)


Another great start by a great author, Love it SallyKat..... cant wait for the next part...?

On 12/7/2019 at 12:12 AM, SallyKAT said:

'I'm an adult. I'm an adult,' Rob found himself thinking as he followed Sue, conscious of the thick padding splaying his legs slightly as he walked.

Something tells me that Rob isn’t an adult and is actually a little baby boy.


I'm still going to read it until what I hope will not happen.

With him being impotent she will find someone else to satisfy her.

There is always other ways to satisfy a women and make her happy.

I'm hoping for when she was younger when she volunteered to be

the Mommy she will see that she has a way of being a Mommy to the

person she loves and married.


This will be very short -  sorry.

Rob and Sue's New Life - Chapter 2

The couple settled down in front of the TV. 

Sue agreed to watch the last of Rob's cartoon program, then she wanted to watch the news. 

Sue had discussed Rob's recent preference for cartoons with Jane, the therapist who was helping her and Rob adjust during Rob's convalescence.  Rob no longer enjoyed sports or current affairs. He complained they were boring, but Jane said he was probably having difficulty following them as well, although he wouldn't admit that, even if he did realise it himself. Jane said his tests showed that he had some reduced cognitive function as a result of the accident. The rudimentary plots of cartoons provided a way of rebuilding those functions. so Sue had accepted the regular presence in their living room of colourful, noisy characters on the TV. 

Once the cartoon had finished, Sue made a simple dinner which they ate on the sofa. Even sitting up, Rob managed to spill food on his t shirt. Cleaning him up, Sue wondered if she should get a bib for him. He'd object, of course, she thought, but the idea still gave her that strange little thrill. Jane had told her that those feelings were her natural maternal feelings coming to the fore, but with a laugh had told her that there was no need to act on them. Sue had laughed too, but she still enjoyed the feelings.

Rob was asleep a few minutes into the news, nuzzling up against Sue's breast. Sue half watched the news and half daydreamed about wearing a maternity bra and opening it for Rob to suckle. She felt a little guilty about her fantasy, as she did when she looked at maternity bras in the clothing department of stores. The last time she'd been in a lingerie aisle she'd been next to a plump young mother carrying an infant girl. Sue imagined the woman wearing a maternity bra and later at home breastfeeding the child, and felt a pang of outright jealousy before clearing her head and getting on with her shopping.

Sue was resting one hand on Rob's bulging crotch when she felt a spreading warmth under her fingers. Rob mumbled in his sleep and nuzzled closer to her. She smiled, spreading her fingers over the warm bulge of Rob's diaper. 

'My baby,' she whispered to her sleeping husband as her free hand went to her own groin.     

To be continued.  


  • Like 6

Great chapter. I love it so far but what kind of accident did he have that the tested showed Jane that he had some reduced cognitive function and what does that mean.

I'm happy that her maternal side is showing. 

Loving this story right now even more :-)


Eagle0769, I'm not a doctor, so I'm using a bit of poetic licence. Reduced cognitive function is my official sounding term for losing some of your adult thinking ability. As for the accident, I haven't specified it. Maybe he hit his head. Sal

  • Thanks 1

Rob and Sue's New Life - Chapter 3

Sue sat for a while, cradling Rob's head against her breast while she slowly moved a finger over the taut fabric covering her clitoris. 

After a while, she gave in to her feelings, and with some effort and being careful not to wake Rob, she pulled up the light pullover she'd put on, tugged her blouse from the waistband of her business skirt and managed to undo the fastener at the back of her bra. Easing the bra cup up over her soft breast, she guided Rob's lips to her erect nipple. He mumbled and began to suckle immediately. 

After some time, Rob's suckling slowed as he fell into a deep sleep. Sue slid carefully from beneath him and stood. She managed to extract her bra from beneath her clothes and breathed a contented sigh as she draped it over the back of the sofa, sighing both at the feeling of being braless and at the warm feelings Rob had given her. 

'Come on, baby,' she said to Rob, waking him enough to guide his waddling legs to the bedroom. Rob remained half asleep as Sue laid him back on the bed and changed him. On a whim, she pulled one of her nighties over Rob's diaper and plastic pants. She settled him in bed, then lay on the bed next to him, lowered the zipper of her slacks and took her time masturbating herself to a quiet climax. 

The next morning, Rob seemed oblivious to the events of the evening before. 

Oops - interruption! I'll be back asap. 

  • Like 6
3 hours ago, SallyKAT said:

Eagle0769, I'm not a doctor, so I'm using a bit of poetic licence. Reduced cognitive function is my official sounding term for losing some of your adult thinking ability. As for the accident, I haven't specified it. Maybe he hit his head. Sal

Thank you SallyKAT for answering my question. ❤️

I was hoping for this reaction from Sue. Her maternal side she had when she was younger. Looking forward for the rest of her maternal side to come out and maybe some of her love for Rob to come out too as her husband. 

I'm enjoying your story SallyKAT very much. :-)


Rob and Sue's New Life - Chapter 4

Rob's diaper was soaked, about which he was apologetic, but he didn't mention the nightie he was dressed in. 

Sue was in a hurry to get to work, and had Rob showered, changed and breakfasted in short order. 

'Do you want to wear pull-ups today, just in case?' Sue had asked when Rob had showered. 

'No!' retorted Rob. 'I don't need them during the day...except for, you know, car trips,' he added quietly. 

Well, at least that's not a flat refusal, Sue found herself thinking. She helped Rob dress in jeans and then found an old Star Wars t shirt. It seemed the right clothing to watch cartoons in, and Rob grinned as she pulled it over his shoulders. 

'I remember this,' he said happily. 

She left Rob watching cartoons and was soon backing her car out of the garage. She looked at the pile of boxes from Rob's parents' house as she did so. They'd been there for months. She decided to ask Rob to sort through them. It would give him something more engaging to do than watch cartoons, she thought. She'd ask him tomorrow, she decided. 

Sue had her usual busy day at work, while at home, Rob did his best to stay dry. It meant five or six trips to the bathroom, but Rob was very proud of his dry pants when he greeted Sue. 

'Look!' he said as he met her at the door. 'All dry!' He said, presenting his crotch to her between his hands. 

'Good boy!' said Sue. 

She smiled as she followed Rob inside. She liked the idea that her husband was proud that he could go a whole day without wetting his pants. She felt the little tingle of pleasure again. 

Sue diapered Rob before dinner, using the same excuse of having work to do. Rob grumbled, but not much this time. She left his t shirt on, and as soon as she had his diaper on, Rob scooted back to the TV. Sue smiled again at that. She made him a bowl of mac and cheese, which he ate on the floor in front of the TV. Sue decided she'd eat later. She had to wipe Rob's messy face again, and again he complained, but less than the previous time. 

Sue retired to her home office, and ate later. At around 8pm, she found Rob asleep, propped up against the sofa. He'd wet quite heavily, and Sue went to the bedroom before waking him and returned with his changing things. She wasn't sure why she enjoyed changing him on the floor. 

'There we are,' she said when she was finished. 

Rob was still a little sleepy. 

'Do you want to sit up on the sofa with... with me before you go to bed?' Sue asked him. 

Rob nodded, and they cuddled up on the sofa for a while. Sue switched the TV to the news, and a few minutes later, Rob was asleep again. 

Sue helped her groggy husband up, and led him to the bedroom. He didn't speak as she swapped his t shirt for a nightie and settled him in bed. 

Sue took off her makeup and changed into her track suit. She looked in the big mirror and as pleased how much she now looked like the other moms at the supermarket. She didn't notice the slip in her thoughts. 


To be continued. This is only short, but I'm very busy near Christmas!


  • Like 5

Sorry about all these short chapters!

Rob and Sue's New Life - Chapter 5

Sue woke first the next morning. Rob was snuggled against her, fast asleep with his half open mouth around her nipple. Sue smiled, moved her drool-covered breast away from Rob's lips and eased herself out of bed. She smiled again as she saw Rob sleepily replace her nipple with his thumb. 

She showered and put her underwear on, liking the feeling of the new full cotton briefs she'd bought. Granny pants they might be, she thought, but they were very comfortable. Now that Rob's penis only peed, she didn't feel the same about wearing skimpy lace briefs. Plus, these feel more maternal, she thought with a little thrill of pleasure. 

Rob's diaper was soaked, but the plastic pants had done their job and the sheets were dry. Sue got Rob up, removed his diaper and sat him on the bed as she applied another coating of depilatory cream to his groin. She also treated his armpits and the light hair on his legs and arms. 

'Why?' asked Rob as she lifted his arms. 

'For hygiene, honey,' replied Sue. 'And it's just as well to have you all smooth.'

Rob was thinking about the logic of that as Sue helped him into the bath. 

'Can't I just have a shower?' Rob asked. 

'No,' said Sue. 'You should have a bath now and then, and I have some time this morning. We can make it fun. Let's have some bubbles,' Sue added, pouring some bubble bath solution under the gushing tap. 

Rob was soon happily moving handfuls of bubbles around, so Sue left him to make breakfast. 

When Sue returned, she found the bathroom floor wet, with clumps of bubbles around the bath. 

'I didn't expect you to wash the bathroom floor, Mr Messy!' said Sue. 'Out you get,' she said, grabbing Rob's arms. 

'I don't want to,' objected Rob, pulling against Sue. 

'Rob, please,' said Sue. 'If you want another bubble bath, please behave. Now hop out, or I will be late.'

It's really up to me when he has a bubble bath, thought Sue with satisfaction. It was a small thing, but Sue was finding considerable pleasure in treating Rob like a child. He was making it easy with his behaviour, she realised. She wondered if he'd suddenly notice and get angry. Then I'd spank him, Sue thought suddenly, with an inner giggle. 

She dried Rob as he stood quietly in front of her. 

'Do you think you can stay dry all day again?' Sue asked him, leading him to the bedroom.

'Yes,' said Rob, looking confidently at her. 

'OK, then,' said Sue. 'It's grown up underpants. But make sure you don't wet them. Use the toilet if you need to. Don't try to hold on. 

'I won't,' Rob assured her as she dressed him. 

'Good boy,' said Sue. 

It was strange, she thought. It now seemed perfectly natural for her to remind her husband not to wet his pants. 

To be continued. 


  • Like 3

Rob and Sue's New Life - Chapter 6

With Rob dressed, Sue asked him to go to the garage with her. 

'Those boxes in front of my car,' said Sue. 'All that stuff from your parents' place. I thought we could take them inside and you could sort it out. I'm sure there are a lot of things we can't use. And it'll make a change from cartoons for you.'

Sue ignored the pout on Rob's face.

'OK?' said Sue. 'Can you manage that first one?'

Rob was clearly struggling. Sue had forgotten how weak he'd become. She walked around the car to the other side of the cardboard box, and lifted it easily. 

'I can get a better grip from this side,' she said diplomatically. 'What about that one there?'

Rob lifted the small box she'd indicated without much trouble. 

There were only half a dozen cartons. Sue picked up the larger of the last two boxes. 

'Will you be OK with that one?' Sue asked. 

'Yep,' said Rob, as he exerted himself to lift the carton. 

As they made their way to the garage door, Sue heard the contents of Rob's carton jangle as he dropped it. She put her carton down and went back to Rob, who was crying. Her first thought was that he was hurt. 

'Oh, honey,' she said. 'Are you ok?'

Rob look up at her with his eyes streaming. Sue heard a light splashing and saw that Rob was standing still with his legs slightly apart. A stream of urine from a rapidly spreading dark patch at his crotch was splashing onto the concrete floor.

'Oh, Rob,' she said with concern, putting her arms around him. 

'N...no,' stuttered Rob. 'I...I've...'

His tears took over. Instinctively, Sue lowered her hand to the seat of Rob's pants and felt the soft mass there. 

'Oh, baby,' she said. 'Come on.'

Sue led her upset husband inside. Rob calmed down as Sue cleaned him up in the bathroom and put him in a diaper and plastic pants. It seemed the obvious thing to do, and Rob didn't object. 

Rob tried to apologise, and Sue could see how upset he was. She felt for him. He had been so pleased to be in grown up underpants and confident of staying dry all day, then had done the most infantile act possible.

Rob couldn't complain about being in a daytime diaper after soiling his pants. He'd had some close calls with pooping recently, and hadn't told Sue, but now he'd done it. He couldn't remember the last time he'd pooped his pants. The tears started again. 

Rob didn't care that he was wearing only his diaper and t shirt now. He just wanted to lose himself in the cartoons and forget what had happened. At least Sue wasn't cross, he told himself. 

'I'm sorry,' he told Sue yet again. 

'It's all right, sweetie,' said Sue, giving him a kiss and a hug. 'It's not the first time it's happened to someone. We were probably a bit overconfident about you not needing daytime diapers at the moment, weren't we? 

Rob nodded unhappily. She was right. At least the diaper made him feel safe if it happened again. 

Sue was feeling a continuing warm buzz about her husband agreeing that he needed daytime diapers. 

'Thank you,' Rob mumbled through his tears. 

Sue hugged him again. 

'Lets go into the living room and forget about it, OK baby?' said Sue. 

Rob nodded as he followed her there. 

Sue settled him on the sofa and retrieved the last boxes from the garage. She wondered about a babysitter, then decided to have a talk with Rob to see if he could manage while she was at work. She rang her office to say she'd be late, then sat down next to Rob. 


To be continued. 


  • Like 3

Is this heading towards more infantilism by chance?


Rob's one lucky guy to have a wife like that..... Great update


Rob and Sue's New Life - Chapter 7

'Are you feeling better, baby?' asked Sue, holding her husband and stroking his hair.

'Yes,' said Rob. 

'Good,' said Sue. 

She picked up the remote and turned on Rob's cartoon show. 

'You sit here and enjoy the cartoons and I'll get us a snack,' said Sue. 

She got up and turned to Rob.

'A drink and some cookies?' she asked.

'OK,' replied Rob. 

Rob looked at his wife as she turned and went to the kitchen. She was wearing grey slacks and a white blouse. She looked like any normal adult woman about to go to work. She wasn't wearing a diaper because she didn't need one. 

Rob tried to picture himself when he used to go to work every day, wearing a suit - and no diaper. The image in his mind was like a scene from a movie, as if he were watching someone else, not him. His reality was different. 

He looked down at the puffy plastic pants with his diaper beneath. He needed to wear a diaper because he wet his pants, and now he messed them too. He was dressed properly now. A T shirt and diaper was all ne needed. He looked at his bare legs and feet. He didn't need shoes now either. He was suddenly aware of a little muscular jerk in his groin as he stopped peeing. He hadn't even realised he'd started, but now he felt the spreading warmth in his diaper. Simultaneously, he wanted Sue, and responded to the urge by calling out to her. 

Rob was shocked by the sound he heard himself make. He hadn't intended to say anything in particular in calling to Sue, but it wasn't the loud, inarticulate wail that came from somewhere within him. Once he'd started he couldn't stop it. He realised with a kind of horror that he was crying because he'd wet his diaper. 

Through his tears eyes he saw Sue rushing from the kitchen. His tears and crying abated as Sue sat down next to him and put her arms around him. 

Sue put a hand to the warm front of his diaper. 

'Sshh, honey, you're just wet,' she told him. 'We'll get you changed before our snack, OK? You've had a difficult morning, but everything's OK now.'

Sue's impulse was to say 'Mommy's here now and everything's all right,' but she ckecked herself. 

'I'm here now and everything's all right,' she assured Rob. 

Rob was quiet and compliant as Sue changed his diaper on the floor in front of the sofa. As she dusted his modest genitals with baby powder she noticed with satisfaction that his skin was smooth and totally hairless. The permanent depilatory treatment had done its work. Sue thought his skin seemed softer too. She thought it was odd how utterly happy she felt, diapering her husband. She looked down at Rob, who was staring at her breasts beneath her blouse as she leant over him. She smiled at him and felt regret that she didn't have time to sit and suckle him. 

With Rob back on the sofa watching TV, Sue got the cookies and drinks together. 

As they sat eating, Sue wondered if she should leave Rob alone while she was at work. She didn't want him trying to take off and refit his diaper while she wasn't there. She decided to talk to Jane about it, but for today she thought things would work out. 

'Rob,' she said to him, 'I'm going to work in a minute, but I'll be back at lunchtime to get you something to eat, and to change you if you need it. I don't want you trying to take off your diaper if I'm not here, OK? If you have to use it, that's OK.'

Rob looked at her. It didn't seem long ago that he was occasionally wetting the bed and they were arguing about him needing to wear a nighttime diaper, and now he was diapered during the day and she was telling him it was OK to wet it. He felt like a toddler being talked to by his mommy. It wasn't just a superficial, fleeting feeling, either. It felt like reality. 

'Last one,' said Sue, interrupting his thoughts as she picked up the last cookie and offered it to Rob, who opened his mouth to accept it. 

Sue stood up. 

'I'm going to work now,' she said. 'I'll be back at lunchtime, and I'm finishing early, so I won't be away long. Just watch cartoons, and' Sue said, glancing at the cartons nearby, 'You could start on sorting those boxes. But don't make a mess. And remember, use your diaper if you have to, and I'll change you. It's what it's for. OK honey?'

'OK,' said Rob. 

He was aware that things were very different today than they had been yesterday, but wasn't sure exactly when that had happened. He was doing his best to accept that Sue was leaving, although, he realised, she'd been going to work every day. But today was different. 

Rob watched her walking out the door and cried for a while after she'd left. 

He watched cartoons for some time, then got off the sofa to go to the cardboard boxes. Without realising it, instead of standing up, he put one knee to the floor and climbed down. It didn't seem worth standing up for such a short walk. He crawled the few metres to the boxes and was soon unpacking the first one. 

It was the one he'd dropped, and was full of trinkets - a few small framed photos, some lamps and other items. Rob repacked the things he'd taken outband opened the next box. 

He grinned as he saw his old teddy. 

'Hullo!' he said aloud, sitting Teddy carefully to one side. 

He removed a bulky cotton bag. Inside, he was pleased to see, were his old Legos, and a collection of plastic farm animals. This was a find, he thought, shaking all the pieces onto the floor. 

Like riding a bike, he seemed not to have forgotten any of his favourite  pieces and how they fitted together. 

When Sue arrived, Rob was still sitting happily on the floor with Teddy propped up next to him. He'd constructed a kind of Lego farm layout, and was moving animals from one place to another. 

Rob heard the door open, and before Sue could greet him, he called out 'Look!' to her and sat back from his work as she approached. 

'My Legos!' Rob said excitedly. 'And Teddy!'

Sue smiled down at him. She could see the darkened diaper under the crotch of his plastic pants. 

She took in the sight, and felt a surge of happy emotion. 

'Haven't you been having fun,' she said to him. 'Well, come and sit down and tell me all about your morning, then we'd better change that wet diaper,' she added, going to the sofa and sitting down. 

Sue was a little surprised to see Rob crawl over to the sofa and climb up onto it to sit next to her. 

She was glad he was wearing plastic pants. He really did need them, she thought. Rob snuggled happily against her. 

'I found all my Legos!' he began. 


To ge continued. 



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