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Hypnosis that works for incontinence

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@Linus on warpmymind there are a handful of total incontinence files, most of them by EMG and some by a few others. since total loss of control is not my goal, i haven't listened to any of them, so i don't know how they are. i know there are some that make you not feel your bladder, can't feel youself wet, total loss of any and all control of #1 and #2. read some reviews, poke around a bit, search for loss of control, i'm sure there's something on there that'll work. there's also some pay files that seem more intense and stronger than the free ones. they can get pricey, up to and surpassing $40 each. but those big ones are usually multiple related and multi-step files glommed into one package, including a few that go for total incontinence. there is a lot of chaff and fluff files on there by amateurs and such that you have to sort through to find the gems.

good luck!

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  • 1 year later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Getting hypnosis for incontinence is almost counter productive.

What Hypnosis Does

Hypnosis trains ones subcontious to behave in a certain way, and denies this information from our contious mind. However, if our subcontious does not want to do what the hypnosis is trying to get us to do, our subcontious will ignore the training. This is part of the self protection mechanism - i.e. one can not be hypnotised to do something that is against our nature - e.g. commit murder. As a result, we cannot be hypnotised to become incontinent as it does not sate our AB / regression need.

ABDL and the Need

As an ABDL, we regress to sate an internal need. Wearing, and using diapers as we did as a baby is a reinforcement to us. This is key. using diapers as a baby  A baby voids in diapers due to multiple reasons.

  • It was taught, from birth, that when it has that full feeling, to just relax and let whatever happens, happen. This means, wet / mess in wherever it is, whenever it feels like. I.E. a baby will sate the need as and when the need occurs - without question and/or remorse.
  • A baby does not know what a toilet is, never mind what it is for.
  • A newborn baby has little muscle tone, so will void almost constantly. After 2-3 weeks, will void by reflex.
  • It has no knowledge of the cause and effect - ie when it feels full, it does not attempt to hold it, it just relaxes and lets it out. Some of the time, it has its sphincters in a state of relaxation.  This means, pee / poop will seep out.
  • When a baby is wet / messy, it has no recall to what caused it. All it will notice is a squishy feeling, another trigger of feelings that it finds anew.
  • When the diaper is uncomfortable, all the baby has to do is fuss and cry, and another takes care of the problem
  • A baby sates its need to void and does not know, so does not care about consequences - there are none. Actually, there is a reward - ie the baby gets attention and played with as its diapers are changed.
  • A baby is not incontinent - it has full control of its bladder and bowels, but void by reflex
    • it was taught to
    • no consequences
    • gain - interaction / squishy feeling etc
    • does not know what a toilet is for
    • never practiced 'holding it' as has no need
    • relaxes to sate a need - and makes no difference between bladder full and bowel full. Most babies, while messing their diaper also wet at the same time.

A baby's life is all about feeling - the bulk between its legs, the feeling of a need to void - which it sates. After it voids, the bulk between its legs gets squishy. A baby does not identify the difference between a wet diaper or a messy one. A baby does not identify the difference of the need to wet / mess neither. They are just a need that it sates as and when needed. The smell of a messy diaper is just a new smell to the baby. Most babies wet while drinking (a behaviour supressed by toilet trained individuals) and will mess the diaper during, or shortly after eating every meal, which on a 3-4 meals a day, will have 3-4 messy diapers a day. Younger babies that are not on solid food, mess more often, usually during, or after the feed. Some babies will fill their diapers before their feed, the trigger being the smell of their feed being prepared. Toilet trained individuals will store mess in their bowels and void, maybe 3-6 times a week.  

Incontinenence Hypnosis Issues

A baby is not incontinent, it voids by rote / reflex /  relaxation. As a result, hypnosis to become incontinent might eventually work, but it will not sate the AB desire. Your subcontious is aware of this, and might prevent the 'incontinence hypnosis' from working.

Self Hypnosis Issues

For an AB to regress to the level where they are using diapers as a baby  the hypnosis has to remove, from memory, the act of toilet training. As already stated, a baby was taught to void in whatever, whenever within the first few hours of birth - sate the need as and when it occurs. This is one of the earliest items the child was taught.

Everything we know today is based on prior information. Knowledge is a step by step process, learn the basics and slowly advance to become expert. Experience is just applied knowledge, but occurs over time. Your ability with computers / language etc is based on your ability to form words (amongst others), which is based on your knowledge to recognise letters and their shapes, which is based on your ability to distinguish between the white paper and black letters etc, which is based on your ability to focus your eyes and track across a screen / paper etc, which is based on your ability to focus your mind. All these skills you learnt AFTER you were taught to wet / mess in whatever you are wearing, whenever you feel the urge. 'using diapers as a baby ' is one of the first skills you mastered after you learnt to breath etc...

A baby learnt to void in diapers, and over 2-3 years, became an expert.

Toilet training tells the baby that this source knowledge is wrong. I.E. one of the first items that the baby/child learnt, and what all its knowledge is based on is wrong. This is extremely stressful.

How would you feel if you were told that you are reading the letter shapes wrong - so that means everything that you know about letter shapes, words, phrases, sentances, and ALL your knowledge that you gained via using the language is incorrect - you need to relearn everything you learnt from age 2 to date again, which is going to take (your age - 2) years to complete.

This is somewhat similar to the level of stress a child has to deal with while being toilet trained.... the comfort and security of the diaper (and everything else around him/her) is now all gone. No more pacifier, bottle, plushie, crib, diapers, toys etc... your life as you know it is all being changed and turned upside down. You are no longer a baby.... you are a 'big' boy / 'big' girl who does not do wees or poos in diapers - you do wees and poos in the potty - and when you get the urge (doesn't matter what you are doing) you do the potty dance, run to the coldest room in the house, strip naked and sit on a cold hard potty to do your business. If, for one reason or another, you do not make it, you are a bad boy / girl.... however, if you do make it, all you get is 'good boy / girl' - no longer the close interaction of a diaper change, the loving touch of a parent / career as he/she cleans up your wet / messy diaper while all the time cooing and talking to you and telling you what a good baby you are. Sometimes, you are given a bottle and / or a toy to keep you occupied while you are being changed. The bottle means that you will wet the new diaper shortly after being changed. All this is gone - why - cause the calendar (a piece of paper on the wall with pictures) states that you will be sent away from your home! 

For our own self protection, we surpress what is extremely stressful to us. As a result, we can't consciously recall toilet training. 

Hypnosis to teach us to use diapers as a baby has to remove all steps that was involved in toilet training. This can be done by addressing our subconscious mind as long as our conscious mind does not know about it. So, trying to create self-hypnosis to do this is destined to fail. 

Hypnosis to lose Bladder Control Only

This may work, however, it will not sate the AB need. A baby does not make a difference between wetting / messing. A baby's life is all about feeling. The AB need to wear and use diapers is usually, only a trigger to a deeper need that is being sated. As a result, for the trigger to work, the diaper should be used as a baby uses the diaper, not as an adult that has bowel control, but no bladder control. A baby does not seperate each event - only a toilet trained individual does.

Hypnosis 'Your a Good Baby' for using your diaper....

This tend to work as it is reinforcing the original training that taught you to use your diaper originally and also supressing the 'good boy / girl' threat / trigger of toilet training. It also reinforces / reminds us of the 'love and caring' shown during diaper changes. A diaper has numerous triggers - sound, smell, feel (both clean, wet and messy), squishyness etc and all of them work together to remind us of the associated feelings / events. Our mind recalls events based on triggers that mark that event - ie a specific smell can remind someone of an enjoyable / miserable time. This is part of our self protection mechanism i.e. the smell of food that we ate prior that gave us a pain in our stomach will always trigger the memory of that pain from the food smell. This means that we don't eat food that is bad for us. Diaper bulk feel / smell / usage is a trigger to us. We get the trigger right, we will instantly revert to baby thinking and behaviour. Hypnosis that reinforces this is almost guarenteed.

Hypnosis Sources:

The sources for hynosis that tend to work, are Warp My Mind which include hypnosis files that -

  • become a 6 month old baby...
  • regress to babyhood
  • baby desires

Any of these, or similar files, not as script (you do not want to know how they work as it will effect how they supress your memory of toilet training), but as binaural and/or a file that you place on a loop at a volume level that is just below your hearing level that you listen to overnight / during the day. 

Other sources would be the old ones from DPF etc.

The types of files that you are looking for are ones the tell you to become a baby. These suppress toilet training in favour of the feelings a the bulk of a diaper, the plushie / pacifier etc. The baby behaviour - crying etc, you can supress at will when it is not appropiate, see first paragraph, but if you wish to use the diaper as a baby 24/7/365, you will do so once it is appropiate.


Hypnosis does work only when you get one to:-

  1. Do what you want,
  2. Your subconscious mind wants this behaviour.
  3. Your conscious mind does not know the details, but wants the result
  4. You accept that hypnosis does work

However, they fail if one of the four conditions fail.

Behaviour / habit and changing same is all about belief, and then implementation of that new behaviour. Any doubt, and you will prevent it occuring.

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I think everyone approaches hypnosis differently, but everyone can be hypnotized. 

if you’re looking for specific suggestions, Champtehotter has lots of content on his Patreon (some is also on WMM). On WMM, there are several good creators like sweetdreamshypno, MindMaster, and EMG. 

For prerecorded content, it can be difficult to find a creator that you really like and also content that matches very closely with your goals. You can sometimes use editors to help take out sections you don’t want, but this doesn’t always work. 

as far as the actual approach, I don’t think there is one “right answer.” Some people may prefer to focus on regression or age play aspects of using their diapers, while others may prefer to just focus on incontinence—I fall mostly in the latter category but I’ve had success with both. 

if you can afford a few sessions with an erotic hypnotherapist who has experience with ABDL goals, I highly recommend that route as several people here have had success working directly with a hypnotherapist. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have had a small success with a file on warp your mind, called MBM I am not sure who the author is, sorry. I would like better. Without paying a person to get it in person, they are very costly and I have been on disability since 2016. So I keep trying the record files. And it is a little hard to trust, people you don't know to get into your head and play with your mind......

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18 hours ago, foreverdl said:

I have had a small success with a file on warp your mind, called MBM I am not sure who the author is, sorry. I would like better. Without paying a person to get it in person, they are very costly and I have been on disability since 2016. So I keep trying the record files. And it is a little hard to trust, people you don't know to get into your head and play with your mind......


  1.  MBM is an old file from the Mind Master series and if you have it in script/text form, use the text to speech function within the accessability features on most operating systems to convert it to an audio file.
  2. Without the introduction, this has little chance of working as you need to open your subconscious mind to allow yourself to accept changes on that level.
  3. If you do not trust the file in the first place, you will block all the suggestions to such an extent that the file will not work
  4. Hypnosis works once you accept that you want to be hypnotised AND you accept that you want the actions identified in the hypnosis. This is part of the self protection mechanism, despite what media (usually hollywood films portray) one cannot be hypnotised to do what they wish not to do. It is simply not possible. Where most people see others being hypnotised to steal / kill etc., that is fiction and under the guise of poetic licence. It simply cannot happen. Certain drugs can remove inabitions and common sence (see alcohol for an example), but hypnosis cannot. 

The success that you have gained from listening to the file is credit to yourself in your acceptance of the instructions on the file. These instructions must closely match what you want to obtain OR you are superimposing your own instructions / wishes on top of them. If they didn't work, you would not see the results.


Hypnosis works by telling your subconscious to listen to your conscious wishes.

Consider your mind (the thing that should control us) has two parts, a conscious and subconscious in the ratio of 5% brain power conscious to 95% power subconscious. You have direct access to your conscious mind where short term memory lives. This part of your mind constanly refers to your subconscious for answers to questions, decisions etc. This is also where lies are created - your conscious mind. It is not powerfull enough to reason or plan to any level. The eye movement normally matches the conscious mind - and can be seen as one looks for either fact or fiction, the eyes look top left or top right. 

You have no direct access to subconscious mind, but it is your subconscious mind that controls every muscle in your body (both the direct and the autonomic*). Your 'direct' controlled muscles (for example your arm) people presume that they have direct control over same. It is a complex feedback loop involving nerves and cells that is controlled by subconscious mind, but the subconscious mind listens to your conscious mind to perform the movement. Consider the concept of learning a process (ie feeding yourself) to becoming an expert. If you try and feed yourself (moving fingers, hand, arm etc) by focusing on each muscle with your conscious mind, it is almost like you don't know how to do it, YET if you just tell your subconscious to bring the fork/spoon to your mouth with food, the action is smooth etc. This is where the subconscious mind knows the process step by step and controls each minute muscle via its feedback loops where the conscious mind has to wait for each and every movement, checking the visual cortex then checking the nerve impulses before attempting to correct the errors. The conscious mind does not have access to the previous times you moved the arm, so has no reference to rely on. The subsconscious mind uses all previous memory events of movement to move the arm. This is said to be 'applied knowledge' and becomes habit.

This same subconscious mind controls the bladder / bowels. It has been doing same since prior to birth. It still has, in long term memory, the ability to revert to the pre toilet trained mechanism of voiding, however toilet training told it to hold until at a toilet.

Unlike how one can focus on our arm etc. to control each muscle, one usually cannot focus on ones bladder / bowels sphincters to directly control them. We can focus to compress our bladder / bowels, but this is from muscle control of the lower pelvic floor, and not the bladder / bowel muscles. Due to overload, these muscles operate. This is due to the act of toilet training, where at that time we changed the behaviour of the sphincters to stay tightly closed. Since, for the toilet trained, they have spent so much time forcing their sphincters to stay tightly closed, they have became experts on it and have forgot how to relax same. In reality, it is not forgotten (as in a deleted memory), but a well burried memory.

Now we come to how we recall a memory event. It is similar to a searching for a file on a computer where all we know of the file is one or two words in the file. It also is dependent in how memory events are stored in the mind. It can be compared to a pile of pages on a table - if one is looking for information from the second one from the bottom, the mind cannot go directly to it, but looks at each starting from the top, lifting each in turn until it reaches the one with the relevant information.

It will take time to find that memory event, and that is if we use the correct search terms. In memory, search terms are images / emotions / feelings / smells / sounds or a combination of each. We can relate to how a single event (smell / sound / emotion etc) reminds us of a past event.

The mind makes mistakes in recalling the correct information. The mistake it makes is based on the process of searching - where the mind returns the search result to the conscious mind when it finds something that closely relates to what it is searching for. The subconscious mind does contine searching, but the conscious mind ignores and/or cancels the search. It does not have the capacity to hold in its small area more than one search result, therefore, one presumes that what they have recalled is correct.

Witnesses in court are renouned for getting key information incorrect, and when analayzed, it is normally discovered that the witness is confusing key information about the event they are supposed to be a witness to with prior events in the witness' history. The longer the delay between the court date and the event that was witnessed, the more confused the witness becomes. This is where the witness' subconscious mind has provided their conscious mind with more than one result to their search, and where the conscious mind has tried to overlay the results. This is unknown to the witness, so they will, with complete conviction, testify what they misrecall and believe what they are stating is correct, even when proven differently. This failure gets exagerated the longer the delay of the court case to such an exent that most police services worldwide use signed sworn statements / recordings recieved at the time of the event in preference to witness reports taken days / weeks or months afterwards.

This type of page on page filing is what the mind does during times of rest - transferring what is in short term memory (conscious mind) to long term memory (subconscious mind) reliving the days events, removing what is not needed based on what is aleady stored. As a baby, you triggered your muscles in sympathy with the events. A dog can be seen doing similar while asleep while a post toilet trained child / adult normally suppresses these muscle movements. This is why a baby moves in his/her sleep and needs the extra space in his cot, and as the child gets older, this movement is supressed and the child can sleep in a smaller (in width) bed. The supression of the movements is also the subconscious mind conserving energy.

The second failure of this storage and retrivial methodology can be seen when one meets a childhood friend they haven't seen for years, this childhood friend and you may have been inseparable back in the day - yet the day you meet, you can't recall his/her name etc. Days later the childhood friends name suddenly pops back into your head along with all the relevant details of how nice / bad etc that person was including the reason you two drifted apart. Some people have mastered the act of talking to another without exposing their lack of information that personally relates to that person. The most important word to a person is their name, and to hear another refering to them with it creates the illusion of safety and security - what we felt when we were originally given our name. Sales people and scam artists play on that concept, which exposes us to that emotion and allows us to fall for the scam.

Hypnosis firstly tries to relax the subject, and then tries to instruct the subconscious to recall the event based on images the hypnotist tries to get you to creates in your memory.

Try this one - close your eyes and picture a lemon in your mind. Think about it, feel it, feel the dimples and the bumpy skin (in your mind), smell it (in your mind). Now take a bite out of it (in your mind).

Most people, after creating the vivid image in their mind, and reinforcing the image with smell and touch, after taking a virtual bite out of this lemon, will taste the bitterness of the lemon. This is where the subconscious mind recreated the experience of biting a lemon by firing the correct taste sensors and saliva glands. Actually, no sensors are fired - all that is done is the conscious mind is being overloaded with a memory of previously biting a lemon combined with all the relevant emotions.  

Hypnosis attempts to get the subconscious mind to recall the memory event that you are trying to recreate. In relation to baby bladder / bowel behaviour, that memory event is well buried below/before the memory event of toilet training... and since the toilet training was so traumatic to most people, most people supress the toilet training memories. As a result, trying to get your subconscious to recall a memory event that occured prior to toilet training is usually very difficult to impossible. The mind comes to the pages of your toilet training and finds there is no more pages. It is not that the pages are gone, it is that the conscious/subconscious mind has blocked / supressed the toilet training - and in the error of blocking, there is weak to no link to events prior to it. It is also one of the reasons that most people can't remember their actual babyhood.

Recently 2019 Belgium,  it has been discovered that the traumatic event of toilet training is the trigger that drastically slows down the ability of the mind to absorb information. A pre-toilet trained child can absorb information almost instantanously, however post toilet trained, the subconscious/conscious mind is in more of a question and confirm rather than just accept.

Toilet training is traumatic since it reverses what the person has been taught from their earliest age - a newborn child is taught, almost prior to learning their own name, to wet/mess in diapers. This, at that time, the child accepted without question. It did not know how to question, and also knew no different. As a result, the baby accepted that as fact that all it has to do is relax and let what ever happens happen, and then to alert its career where its career will 'clean its up' = sate every whim of its body.

Toilet training forces the child to question everything since now since use diaper* AND do not use diaper* is a contradiction. What else have you learned that is a contradiction? What else do we do, in the interest of progress and maturity, do we do on a baby? Most of us had a baby version of our own name, where it was changed to the adult version sometime when we were 2-3. Also, at that age, our plushies / blankies / bottles etc were taken away from us.

People who have interacted with children here can attest to that - where a toilet trained child will constantly ask why / how etc. and a pre toilet trained child does not ask these question. This is where the 'terrible twos/threes' comes from, and how the misinformed presumes it is due to the ability of the child to walk and talk. It is based on the level of frustration that the child is dealing with - where it now mistrusts every bit of information it is told due to its parents/careers originally telling it to use diapers and now telling it not to. This is where the contradiction and confusion in the child's mind originates, and repeats time and time again in adulthood. 

It is easy to presume, that if one reverts, due to hypnosis, to full diaper dependance as they did prior to being toilet trained, it should tell their subconscious mind that 'toilet training' and the associated events are incorrect, which means that the memory of the event has no need to be kept. As a result, since the conscious / subconscious mind is no longer expending energy to suppress a block of memory (think of that as a block of pages which include the toilet training and a few items prior and post), everything prior to that event should be available to be recalled. Add to this the logical reason to have a plushie / pacifier etc, should convince the conscious / sunconscious mind that what it accepted without question is correct = remove the questioning reason. This should, logically, reopen the speed absorbtion capability of the subconscious to the same or greater ability one had prior to toilet training - i.e. the so called 'photographic mind'. 

The 10% myth stated by James / Sidis 1890s identifies that humans use only 10% of their brain power. This has been expanded over the years to 20%-30%, but recently (1980 -2020) it droped back to 15%-18%. Genisus among us like Albert Einstein use 35+% as have a number of tested people who were medically diagnosed incontinent within the first six months of life.

Hypnosis can assist one in gaining this, but for it to work, one must fully trust the hypnosis AND not let their conscious mind be aware of the suggestions. Not only does the conscious mind not have the ability of decision, it will see hypnosis as a threat and try to intervene in its actions - specifically when it comes to a traumatic event like toilet training - an event it is supressing. Your subconscious will accept change as it is capable of fully evaluating your needs and wants, as long as following the instructions is not detrimental to your long term health. Your subconscious mind is still protecting you and will not allow you to do what it knows to be incorrect. This is where it will make a decision of ignoring the hypnosis without informing your conscious mind.

The difference between the behaviour of the two parts of the mind can be seen when someone is in control of events - i.e. if you plan, you can deal with most eventuallaties. However, if you rush, one normally stumbles and falls. This is not that one can't walk / run, it is more about avoiding the problem rather than reacting to a situation. Accidents are always caused by someones mistake (reaction) - something that that person would normally not do.

If one doubts the ability of the mind, all one has to do is recall an earlier time where they were involved in an accident etc. You will recall every microsecond of that event in fine detail as if it happened in slow motion. This is not that time dilates etc., it is due to how we get information and in what time scale - all our senses are constantly alert feeding information into the brain. Most of it is ignored / deleted as we sleep unless it is needed - and if it is needed, we adapt to the situation. This fails where a sleeping person will continue sleeping during a fire as their room covers with smoke. The body is trying to adapt to the changing level of breathable air, and when the air quality drops low enough, one will wake (unless under the influnce of drugs etc) coughing etc and try to protect themselves. The body will release chemicals to assist the mind and body in dealing with the situation, but most have not got the knowledge and/or experience on how to deal with the scenario - as a result, will revert to 'hiding' similar to what they did previously when they were in a similar high stress environment.

An accident or traumatic event causes us to store same for us to analyse later, learn from the event, and figure ways to avoid same. Some people have post traumatic stress, which is where their conscious mind cannot let go of the event, and it keeps reliving the event in an order to make sense. The conscious mind does not have that ability - to analyse and make sense of information, and it is where therapists use tools such as councel / hypnosis / guidance to assist the individual in storing / supressing the event.

The human mind is extremely complex and most experts in the field have only touched the surface. It, and its contents (our memories and experiences) is what makes us up, and what makes us 'work'. Although it is not possible with today's technology, if one transplants your brain into another body, in theory, the other body would become you - however, would you accept you with a different image looking back at you? Therapists would have problems working out that one.

People here seem to be trying to create the image in their conscious mind of themselves at a younger age, with all that (lack of) control and behaviour. In simple terms, they are trying to transplant the brain of their younger selves into their own mind, and change the image looking back at them to be that of their younger self. This fails due to the lack of reference similar to how one behaves in a fire / high stress environment. How can you get back to being a younger you when you can't recall the information of being a younger you. Most try to create the idealistic younger self from either baby photographs of themselves (if they are lucky) OR images of other babies / toddlers. This type of information gathering behaviour is on the verge of peodophilia - watching babies / young children so one can mimic their behaviour as the baby/child wets and/or messes its diapers and/or plays with toys and/or eats/drinks.

This is destined to frustrate and fail without first removing the block that is preventing you from remembering your childhood.

Some hypnosis does this*, remove the memory event supression and linking the day / hour before toilet training to the day / hour after toilet training, which in effect, removes toilet training and all references to it from the mind. It is like removing all the pages that refer to toilet training from your mind. This also allows access to memory events prior to toilet training and opens the mind fully.

Although the following concept has been used in ABDL fiction, considering the cost in both stress, reduction in ability to learn (process of toilet training) and the time being allocated to be away from ones post - due to bathroom needs, I suspect that the future diapers will be made to convert wet / mess into some form of energy where everyone will wear that type of absorbant underwear, and toilet training will become optional / non existant. Due to wealth distribution, I suspect that first, only the wealthy will not be toilet trained, where the poor will need to be. This will also create a division of intelligence, where those with wealth, not being toilet trained, will have the ability to learn and improve their level of knowlege to a higher standard than those who are toilet trained (similar to the situation today).

Will we all be smarter and diaper dependant in the future - I didn't see that in Star Trek / Star wars etc...

With human waste containing the chemicals that can be converted into methane (LPG) and urea ([carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen] used in fertilizers etc), and the global decreasing oil reserves combined with the transfer from I.C.E. (internal combustion engine) vehicles to alternative energy, one can easily see that hydrogen + oxygen via a fuel cell will create electricity to power vehicles. Also, methane (CH4[carbon, hydrogen]) can be burned in an oxygen environment to also create heat / motion with water (H2O[hydrogen oxygen]) and (C[carbon]) as the waste. This means that a wet and messy diaper can provide the energy to drive a vehicle / heat and power a dwelling.

Is this why we get sh*t cars and sh*t houses?

Simply - hypnosis can work if you know enough about yourself to get what you need, and frustrates everywhere else.

* Warp My Mind - Diaper Training Eraser $40; Warp My Mind - Unpotty Training $30;

*autonomic muscle group is supposed to work without direct brain intervention. That is a misnomer. Every muscle needs to be told how much to open / close and when. This is either by electrical instruction or chemical instruction. Your subconscious has direct access to each muscle and muscle group and can control each.

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