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Little Luzy Limited (Complete!)

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“Little Luzy Limited” is an edited version of our popular story - “Little Luzy” - told exclusively from Luzy’s perspective.  LL Limited is about 20% shorter with 28 fewer chapters.  Think of it like a “Movie Theater” version, whereas “Little Luzy” is the Director’s Cut.

Q: Why make this?
A: It was actually a really common fan request!  For those who have read Little Luzy, you know that the side-characters are often as integral as Luzy herself.  We spend a lot of time with those characters to flesh them out.  But some people are too excited to continue Luzy's narrative, so they skim through or dread those "extra character" scenes.  This was a way to address that concern and keep you in Luzy's mindset.  Anything she doesn't know, the reader doesn't know!  It was a cool experiment.

Q: How do I know which story to read - Little Luzy or LL Limited?
A: If you are the kind of person that is looking to get the most out of a story, Little Luzy is the better choice.  It really delves into backstory and development of some of the characters that LL Limited loses.  It also has a few graphic sex scenes, if that's your thing.  Alternatively, if you're in this for the diaper content, you might get bored with the original.  LL Limited focuses exclusively on Luzy's journey and it doesn't pull you away from her (admittedly diaper-focused) narrative.

Q: I already read Little Luzy.  Is there any reason for me to read this one?
A: Not really.  There are a few superficial edits so the story flows properly without the side-character scenes.  But there's no NEW content.  However, if you want to re-experience the story from Luzy's point of view, it's a fun adventure!

The original "Little Luzy" is available for free on our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/little-luzy-12914723

The complete "Little Luzy Limited" is also available on our Patreon for subscribers, if you don't like waiting! ^_^ 


Disclaimers: diapers, wetting, hypnotism, sexual/physical abuse, oral sex, anal play, girl/girl, death, mental regression, messing, nursing


Little Luzy Limited
By: Sophie & Pudding


"Well, your resumé is very impressive, Miss Cadona. Early childhood development, experience in a Kindergarten environment, and more references at nineteen than most people have it at twice that age." The woman sucked on the butt of her cigarette and then gently dabbed it out in the diminutive ash-tray in the center of the cafe's table. "Oh, don't worry yourself — I never smoke around my darlings. You're studying at college, yes? Tell me about your major." It was the newest in a line of pretty personal questions that the older woman — who carried her almost-fifty-years of age more gracefully than most — had broached during the interview.

"Well…" I sat across from the woman with my hands in my lap.  This wasn't entirely how I expected the interview to go, but at the same time, I didn't have a right to be picky. "I'm in my last year for a Primary Education Bachelors, and then I'll take a two-year training course in teaching to earn my certificate."

"Very good." There was some finality, at last, to her words, and she took one last bite of the salmon and cream cheese bruschetta on the plate centered in the table. "You'll be required to sign a standard form of agreement, stating that you will act professionally and in all discretion. You'll also need to give notice to Subway — but I'm sure you'll find the salary package I'm offering to be compelling." As she spoke, she was writing a figure on a piece of paper, which she flipped face down and then slid across the table. A figure that was… well, much more than Subway. More than a dozen jobs at Subway, to be truthful, and the job only required weekend work — it was live-in for those days, but due to the nature of the world, Luzy would have more than enough time to tend to her homework.

Wow.  I mean, I knew when I applied that I was looking at a serious investment, but to work two days a week… but I shouldn't look at it that way.  I'd be working 48 hours a week!  That's as much as a full time job! "Thank you very much!" It was all I could think to say.  A real job!

"I'll have the information and agreement packet delivered to your dorm address by courier this afternoon. Read over it, initial each page, and sign where required. You'll need a friend to provide a witness signature, too. If you have any questions, call me, otherwise I'll expect to see you Friday evening, 7pm sharp, with packet filled out and completed." It was Wednesday afternoon, now.

"Thank you very much," I said again, and left the woman alone at the table.  I'd start this weekend.  She’d warned me about that - the decision needed to be made quickly.  From what I heard of the woman during our interview, she didn't seem like a wait and see kind of person.


PART 1: First Visit Arc


"That's thicker than a college application." Koi sipped at the milkshake in the foam cup as she looked at the packet on their small coffee-table — everything in the dorm was like a smaller version of a real house. Small beds. Small desks. Small sofa. Small table. But not that packet. "Are you actually secretly applying for a job at the CIA?"

"It's working with kids - this kind of stuff is like, routine.  I had to send like 6 vials of blood for testing, too.  You have no idea what a pain in the ass this stuff is…" I was on page fourteen of 84.  The woman was kind enough to highlight where I needed to initial, but I figured it was a good idea to read through what was expected of me.  But my patience was dwindling…

"Well just flick through and initial and sign, so we can go out. You said it was routine, right? There's no need to read everything, you'll probably figure it all out on your first day there anyway." Koi's lack of patience was renown, at times. "The movie's in less than an hour and you're still going over that. It'll be fine, it's just rules. Sign it so we can get outta here."

“Alright…" I signed the papers under the highlights and let out a small sigh.  I hated being unprepared.  I left the package on the table - where we'd both signed - and got myself dressed to go out.  I had school work, but more than that, I needed to relax.  A movie would do me good.

"This time next week, you'll be taking me out." Koi laughed as she fumbled with the corset eyes on her back — corsets were her thing and had been as long as just about anybody had known her. Even when she was just going to McDonald’s or something. "So you're not going to quit Subway, right? Gotta keep a backup."

"I won't have time." I hated to admit it, that I was putting all my eggs in one basket, but there wasn't anything I could do. "I took this weekend off for a trial run, but next week I'll have to quit.  They force me to work weekends, and I can't if I'm staying at my new job.”

"Yeah, I guess. Hey, do you think I could go tighter? My figure sucks today." It didn't. Actually, Koi had about one of the most enviable hourglass figures imaginable. which was a product of her discipline. But like most people her age, she was endlessly self-critical. But, she also knew they had to leave. "Come on, we don't wanna miss the trailers."

Koi bought me popcorn.  She was a real sweetheart sometimes.  If anything she might even be more critical than I am!  I tried to help her where I could, but there's only so much a friend can do.  We sat together in the near-empty theater.  I drank soda through a straw and tried not to think about the weekend or the homework that needed doing.

"Who'd have thought all this babysitting stuff would pay-off, huh?" Luzy loved kids. Loved working with them, anyway — she paradoxically never wanted any of her own, and Koi was cool with that. Everybody wants different things in life, and that was one of the things most people figured out at college, if they hadn't already. "Seems pretty sweet, though, a job that you can hang out at some rich woman’s house and do your homework, watch over her kids, you know. I bet she has like a thousand channels on her cable, too."

"I'm not sure what kind of parent she is…" Honestly, I didn't understand a lot of what I was doing for her.  She was so vague during the interview… "I mean, she might not even have cable!  I think she's a business woman… maybe she's not at home much?" Learning parenting styles was always the hardest part… that was why I liked working for schools.

"She's definitely single, career oriented. She needs a sitter for the weekends, so I bet she telecommutes during the week and has meetings on the weekend. I read this study about that kind of lifestyle, and how it's good for child development because it means the kids get like 5 days a week with their Mom present." The trailers were over, and the movie wasn't so good so far, but the cinema was empty enough that they talked. Honestly, Koi and Luzy had a pretty solid track-record for bad movies.

"Yeah, I kind of have that impression, too." I didn't like to jump to conclusions, but I couldn't make sense of it otherwise. "Unless she has a weekday sitter.  She didn't ask me to apply for those days…" The job was strictly for the weekend.  She made sure to clarify that. "It means we cant go out on Saturdays anymore, though."

"Well, we'll become those classy chicks who go out for Sunday-evening cocktails." I.e., the post-grads who seemed to work endlessly both weekday and weekend, over something they were never sure was enough, and would only stop for a few hours on a Sunday night for cocktails and to mock society. Or that's how Koi figured it.

"Sounds like a date." I finished drinking my soda long before I finished my popcorn.  I couldn't help myself, really.  I put the drink down on the floor and curled my legs up to my chest. "I'm nervous, I think… I hate starting new jobs.”

"It's looking after kids, you'll be fine. How bad can it be? Just remember to be yourself, and do what you're good at. And if she has some weird rules, remember that she's still your boss, so if she wants to feed her kids chocolate-covered cauliflower, you let her." It was a problem with childhood development geeks like Luzy — they had issues with double-guessing the behaviors of actual moms.

She was right.  I knew she was right.  I just had to deal with it.  Working with new people was always hard.  Especially when the new people were parents.  I packed up the stack of papers in my arms that Friday evening, making my way out to the car.  I was lucky I could drive, because the woman lived outside the bus loop, about 20 minutes from my house.  It was going to be a long weekend…


Thank you for reading!  Please Like & Comment~  :wub:

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I absolutely adore this story!  I’ve read the full version a few times now. So I know what’s around the corner for Luzy. 

Certainly hope ya dont make me cry whilst reading this amazing tale on the train again!

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11 minutes ago, ozziebee said:

Certainly hope ya dont make me cry whilst reading this amazing tale on the train again!

No promises. ^_^ 

I'm glad you are such a fan!  I hope you enjoy this edited version. :wub:

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This was actually my first S&P story and one of the most influential stories I think I've ever read. It probably made me feel more emotions than any other story (most of them "bad" emotions, but that's okay because it was a MUCH needed catharsis ♡) I cannot sing this story's praises enough!!!

And yeah, I seem to remember some of the "side scenes" being a bit much for me and might've skimmed through some sections. But even those scenes helped me to get through a lot of hang-ups I had back then.

That being said, I'm not gonna read this again. I don't have that kind of time anymore. Bug I am gonna link this to my Discord server. :D

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Just want to know when this was first posted,  have a very good memory of the stories i have read and enjoyed.  Thee are few authors here that I would say have what you have.  Koi and her corset seem so familiar that I am sure I have seen this.

Anyway look forward to the new story, always love your work.  

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On 6/28/2019 at 8:38 PM, Baby Billy said:

Just want to know when this was first posted

Hmmm... I'm not sure.  It was purged in the big DD story wipe.  So I don't even have a date to trace it back to. >_<

I'm going to be posting a little more frequently for this one!  Hopefully.

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The house was an interesting one — it seemed small from the exterior, disproportionate the land-size to say the least. The land itself, though, was encircled by a large brick-wall perimeter with ornate iron-work along the top, extending from the right side of the house and looping all the way back around, giving the appearance that the small house had a backyard at least a dozen times as large. When the woman opened the door and ushered Luzy inside, however, it seemed as though the house wasn't actually a house at all — it was an office. A large study to the left of the entry, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a library. There was a doorwall leading to the yard, but it was covered by a large dark curtain, and there was a stairwell leading downstairs. It seemed an unlikely place to have kids. "Come into my office, pet, I'll go over your paperwork and ensure everything is fine, and then I can take you to my darlings."

I didn't really understand it.  I mean, it looked like a house.  A pretty normal sized, house, too.  But on so much land, with all the decor?  It was hard to wrap my head around.  But the inside… I followed the woman into one wing of the building, to the office, and sat down in a chair.  I was still looking around nervously.  This was where she lived…?

As she riffled through the paperwork, checking for initials, the woman spoke plainly. "This is where I conduct my business, but the house where you'll be working is predominantly downstairs." Actually, the office made up one of only two above-ground portions of the structure — the other was a building not much bigger than a pool-house in the center of the large expanse of enclosed yard. At the bottom of the stairs was a house much more fitting to the manner in which the woman presented, with immaculate decor and large rooms, and evidence that children actually lived there. "Privacy is important to my darlings, so they rarely leave the grounds."

…oh man.  This woman was crazy. "…well, social development…" What was I supposed to say?  I took a little breath and smiled at the woman. "Can I ask their names?  Maybe their ages?" To be fair, if I was babysitting 15 year olds, not leaving the house might be more common…

"Of course, and I'll introduce you, as well." The woman seemed content with the document, and turned a key to open her filing cabinet, gently sliding the completed packet in between two dividers before closing it gently. "There's two of them, and they're quite a handful at times — their names are Anibella and Ister. They're napping now, of course, so how about I show you around?"

"Alright.” Though I suspected there wasn't a whole lot to show around.  I mean, she talked about a downstairs, but the whole house was so small next to what I expected… where would she even keep a downstairs?  I'd never seen anything like it...

The woman stood and led the way to the stairwell, which was quite understated until the landing halfway down, where the bannister changed from serviceable to ornate, and once they reached the bottom is was apparent just how deceptive her property was. The ceilings were high, and it was difficult to even discern that they were in what was effectively a basement. It was more like walking into a posh estate. "The house covers the majority of the property below ground, and the girls are allowed in most areas — notably, the outdoor pool is off-limits to them without strict supervision."

So they could swim.  So what, ten years old?  It was hard to figure out.  I hadn't even realized how little I knew about this place, about my boss, before signing her papers.  This whole estate… it was surreal.  And it was expensive.  What had I gotten myself into?

“Through here is the dining room." A table with more than a dozen chairs, and a chandelier, to boot! “I have a maid so you don't need to worry about tidying, and all meals for you and the girls will be prepared in advance and ready to serve in the kitchen — please don't feed them anything else, they're on a controlled diet." So far she'd taken Luzy through a formal lounge, an informal lounge, a dining room, a cocktail lounge, and through the kitchen. "This is for normal trash.” She motioned to one chute, and then to another. "This is for diapers. But there's also one of these in the girls’ bedroom, so you don't have to cart diapers back and forth. Now, would you like to meet the girls?"

Diapers?  So they were toddlers.  It was really the first hint I had at their ages, and I was thankful.  I did so much better with younger kids than I did with older ones.  But what about the swimming thing?  I'd probably misunderstood… "Yeah, that sounds lovely.” I was so overwhelmed…

Past the informal lounge was a set of french doors that led into another lounge, this was replete with beanbags, a television, and some toys scattered about. "This is their living room, but they have an upstairs playroom, too, I'll show you that, first." Which was obviously where they were going next, judging by the staircase she was leading Luzy up. At the top of the stairs was a room similar to the one they'd been in, though infinitely brighter as a result of the glass that comprised almost the entirety of the four walls. There were more toys up here, as well as a smaller TV, a sofa, and a playpen. But through the glass were the grounds inside the fence  It was magnificent grass, and a few trees — one of which had a swing descended from a branch, as well as another dedicated swing set, a playscape, a sandbox, the pool (encased by a fence), and numerous paved areas through the grass with outdoor furniture. “Sometimes they play up here, and they're afford privacy from the outside world. Do you have any questions before I take you down to meet them?"

I had a thousand fucking questions.  Two girls, clearly different ages.  One was a toddler.  But the other?  Pools, swingsets?  Some of the toys here…?  She should be in school.  She had to be, actually.  Things weren't adding up. "I'm alright…" Nothing meeting the young girls wouldn't solve, obviously.

"Splendid." There was definitely some degree of planning that had gone into her property — though there was nothing too atypical about the majority of her house (apart from being underground), that there was a separate wing for the children, and then the upstairs area, with the enclosed yard bigger than some schools's play areas? It was curious. The woman led the way down a hall off the children’s living room, and narrated as she moved. "Your bedroom is through this door here, with your own private bath and a monitor system connected to the girls’ room. And their bathroom is this one here, and then this is their room." There were four more doors she hadn't elaborated on, but maybe that was just because Luzy was anxious to meet. The door opened, and the soft-pink of the walls was like stepping inside a marshmallow. There were two cribs, very large cribs, on opposite sides of the wall, with a changing table also somewhat too large, sub-dividing the space between them. There were other things, too, mirrored closet doors, and mobiles from the ceiling, and glowing stars. But as Luzy approached the first crib, she probably didn't notice — because the girl inside, asleep, sucking on a pacifier and soundly asleep, had to be at least fifteen.

It was weird, at first.  Like I'd stepped into Alice in Wonderland.  But then I realized why, and when I did, I stumbled backward half a step, almost right into the woman behind me.  My cheeks went pink and I looked bewildered at the girl in one of the cribs.  She was… not a child.  Or, she could have been.  But she had to be about my height!  Maybe an inch shorter.  I didn't… understand…

"Don't be alarmed, Luzy. That's Anibella. And over there, is Ister." And Ister was of similar age, it seemed. "Anibella and Ister are special girls, not developmentally delayed, not abused, I assure you. Completely happy and healthy." Her voice was hushed, so as not to wake the girls, but Luzy was a wildcard. She'd either freak out and leave, but stay silent as dictated by her forms, as many potential sitters did, or she'd rationalize it. The questions she asked would give the woman her first hint as to which camp Luzy was fall into.

"Th-they aren't kids…" Like she didn't know that?  Ugh!  I tried to turn myself around, to face the woman, but I couldn't keep my eyes off the girl in the crib.  She had a pacifier in her mouth.  She was wearing footed pajamas.  The woman had said something about diapers.  My head was spinning.  I was going to pass out… but the woman took my chin and turned my head toward her, breaking my stare.  I was shaking at the fingertips.

"Vocalize your thoughts, Luzy. Vocalization is a form of organization." Her tone was calm and cool, but suitably direct enough to be an anchor for the skittish girl. Obviously, the woman had some skills and talents outside of ‘has a nice house’ that made things work here the way that they did. "Ask questions — you're under nondisclosure, so I have no reason to hide anything from you."

I pulled myself away from her, nearly stumbling, nearly falling.  I balanced myself a little and wrapped my arms over my chest.  I wanted to turn, to look at the girl again, but I couldn't.  I knew it would only make it worse. "This isn't right… it's not right…" I was going to be sick. "I have to go…"

I have to go. It was a challenge. It wasn't I'm leaving. It was vocalization, challenging a reason to stay. The woman smiled, stepped after Luzy and kissed her forehead simply, leading her back into the hall and closing the door behind the two of them. "They'll be asleep a while longer, pet. Let's get you something to drink." The house did have a cocktail lounge, after all, and let's was the sort of direction that didn't really have the option for refusal.

"I-" But the woman led the way down the hallway.  She didn't take my hand or push me or order me.  She just walked.  I looked around, at the other direction, at the direction she was going, not knowing which way was out.  But I wasn't sure it mattered.  I followed her…


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There were no sounds of talking in the cocktail lounge, only the sounds of crushed ice clinking at the bottom of the shaker, and the liquids flowing over the top. Luzy was only nineteen, not old enough to drink, but given she was bound to never recount what happened inside these walls, there was little harm in the gesture. The ice clanged inside the steel and the liquid sloshed as she shook what ended up pouring out as a frothy pink drink into a tall glass, garnished with a slice of strawberry. "You struck me as a daiquiri girl."

I took the cup with shaky hands and sipped it hard.  I needed the alcohol.  I wasn't comprehending this.  I wasn't balancing the reality against my expectations.  I wasn't making sense of it.  I needed to go.  But I wasn't going… "I can't work here… I'm sorry, I'm just… I'm not qualified…" Short way of saying "you're insane".

"Contrarily, you're more qualified than most of my applicants." The drink was smooth, and sweet, with just enough alcohol to calm the frayed edges of nerves with a calming warmth stark against the chill of the liquid itself. "This is just like any other job looking after young children, only in this case, the children are a little larger. You have questions. Ask."

"Y-you can't keep them here.  It's illegal.  They need to go to school!" I was actually getting… angry?  Maybe I was angry.  Maybe it was just taking this long to catch up… "If you don't stop this, I'm telling the authorities." I said it so sure of myself, so certain, so much in a way that let the woman know very very plainly I hadn't read the whole contract.  It made her smile.

"Well, you are signed into a standard non-disclosure agreement — as you can imagine, my girls would prefer that a public spectacle not be made of their lifestyle. So no, you won't be discussing this with anybody, authority or otherwise." But there was something else that the girl didn't seem to grasp, too, an omission of judgement that was sadly more prominent than it had any logical cause to be. "Do you think I'm keeping them here against their will, Luzy?"

I didn't know how to answer that….. I mean, I knew enough about psychology to… I mean, it wasn't exactly a fine line!  It wasn't… "I think… I think they need to… not be here.  I think they need to… to…" I took another long drink.  The whole beverage, then, was gone.  I was still shaking. "They are young girls.  They need to have a life."

"And you believe that I deprive them of this?" Her tone was curious. A little bit amused, though staying on the politer side of condescending. "Ister is actually older than you are, technically speaking. And she has a college degree, does that surprise you to know?" It would, or she'd discount it as a lie. Applicants were always so mechanical.

…I didn't exactly look at Ister.  Honestly speaking, I hadn't seen Ister at all.  She could be an adult.  She could be a college graduate… "It doesn't matter.  It doesn't!  Fine!  So… so what, you're just, like, babysitting these adults?  That girl I saw was not an adult!" Right?  She was so young…

"I provide a home for those to which life as an adult has become unmanageable, undesirable, or both." It was an oversimplification, but it was a decent enough way to put it. "Perhaps you should meet the both of them, awake, before you pass too harsh a level of judgment, upon me, or them. Shall I wake them?"

"No!  No, no, no.  No." I crossed my arms and shook my head.  The alcohol was starting to affect me, which I wasn't sure was good or bad. "I don't wanna!  I don't want to meet them or… or be part of this… this isn't right.  I just… I'm sorry… Just… no…"

Once again, the woman’s hand found Luzy’s chin, and she smiled down into her eyes. "You can never discuss this with anybody, ever. And if you leave without meeting them, you'll have a lifetime of wonder and regret to carry with you, and no opportunity to ever sate your curiosity. It would be remiss of me to leave you with that burden, wouldn't it?"

…she wasn't making sense.  Right?  I mean, of course she wasn't.  But her words were calming, to say the least.  And some of what she said seemed to… sate me.  To lull me.  I felt color on my cheeks and I pulled away from her hand. "…I… I don't…" "Come with me." She walked down the hall and I looked at the empty glass on the countertop.  I sighed and followed behind her, stumbling a little.  Maybe the alcohol was an oversight…

By the time they got back to the bedroom, Anibella was awake, though she was laying restfully with a smile behind her pacifier as she did, and giggled when the woman and the girl returned to the bedroom. "Hey there sleepyhead, but not as sleepy as your sister, hum?" As she spoke to Anibella, the woman gently stroked Ister's cheek until the other girl — who honestly did not look any older than her sister, opened her eyes sleepily. "Would you two like to meet your new sitter?" That seemed to animate the girls, and both were sitting in in short order.

I stood nervously in the doorway, shifting my weight from foot to foot.  The girl was sitting up in the crib now, the girl I'd seen before.  I wanted to yell again, but in front of her, it seemed… wrong.  I looked to the other crib, the other girl as she sat up.  Oddly enough, she felt… familiar.  I just couldn't put my finger on it… but I'd seen her somewhere.  Right?

Ister shared a similar glance of recognition, but as soon as it flashed upon her eyes, she redirected her gaze to her sister. "Ister, Anibella, this is Luzy. She'd like to be your sitter, but she would like to have dinner with us tonight and ask you both some questions. Does that sound good?" Both girls answered almost in unison with muffled uhhuh sounds behind their pacifiers. "Come closer, Luzy, I'm going to show you how to lower the crib sides."

I took a couple steps toward the crib - toward Anibella's crib - but I kept stealing glances at the girl in the other.  She wasn't looking at me, but not in an avoiding kind of way.  Just in a not looking at me kind of way.  I had to know her, right?  Or was this coincidence?

"The cribs are a little larger than most, so they have a special mechanism." The woman explained, though Luzy was fixated on the two girls, and it took a click of her fingers to get the girl’s attention back. "You press in here," she motioned to the top of the tall foot-post, and then pressed, "and the side slides down." Actually, it slid down and folded at segments, like a garage-roller-door, until it was pulled almost entirely out of sight beneath the crib. "You can let Ister out of hers, go on."

I went over to the crib, the crib with the familiar girl, and she stared at me.  She didn't say anything, and she wasn't curious.  She probably didn't recognize me, or if she did, she knew who I was.  But worry wasn't something I saw on her face.  I was reading too much into this.  I probably didn't even know her… I pushed down on the pedal with my foot and the side folded down.  My fingers were still shaking, but what was worse, I was pretty tipsy.  Focusing was hard.

"You're encouraged not to lift and carry where possible, and I try to facilitate that, so take Ister's hand — hand-holding is positive here." Obviously, lifting and carrying would be common with a real child, but a realm child would be much smaller. This, logically, made sense. And the changing table had a step-stool next to it, too, in the same vain. The woman had taken Anibella's hand, and was helping her out of the crib, while Ister smiled behind her pacifier and held out her hand expectantly.

My cheeks were pink.  It was probably the alcohol, but maybe it wasn't.  It was hard to tell, honestly.  I took the girl's hand.  It was warm.  Warmer than I was.  She smiled behind the pacifier.  She didn't know me.  I didn't know her.  I was so stupid.  She probably looked like someone. "Come on…”


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17 hours ago, Hopsalot said:

Allllllllrighty! So i read the first chapter of this story and quickly decided that it wasn’t good enough for me, and by that I obviously mean that I did not want to wait for all the chapters to be posted because it’s a Sophie and pudding story! (Sorry for the misleading beginning!) so of course I clicked the link at the top of the page and binge read the entire story! And wowwwww it was a lot but it was so good! Gonna drop a more than a few likes here whenever I see its updated, I’m still going over that whole novel in my head, and probably will for a bit. Thanks Sophie And pudding!

^_^ Thanks for the praise!  You sure finished it fast. :o 

I'll post another chapter today.

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Ister held the hand as she slipped out of the crib, and the woman led the rest of her entourage down the short hall into the living room. Anibella needed changing, but Ister wasn't quite there yet. Either way, it wasn't yet time to talk about that with Luzy. "You can sit with the girls while I get dinner on. You can let them play, or talk to them, or anything you like. Any questions are okay, they're well behaved girls."

The woman left the room and I was alone with the girls.  They both sat down on the couch and I sat nervously in a chair.  The room was a little spinny, but all in all, I hadn't drank enough to do much more than impair my judgement. "…how old are you two?" I needed to know that, at least…

It was a question with a preferred answer, and an honest answer, and both girls knew enough to know to give the honest answer this once. Ister piped up first, and smiled shyly. "Twenty-one." Though her W was a little weak, and it made it sound more like tenty. Anibella followed suit and swung her feet idly against the sofa."Eighteen."

Seriously?  They couldn't have been older than fifteen or sixteen… ugh.  I shook my head and rubbed my eyes.  Okay, okay, so they were adults… so they were here… and they were grown ups… "…how long have you been here?" They weren't her real kids, were they?  This was just dawning on me.

This time, Anibella answered first, and she smiled proudly at her response. "This many." Which was joined by her holding up two fingers. Two… something. Days. Weeks. Months. Years. It was hard to tell. Ister added her own response. "Three months." Which was interesting, because her pattern of speech was almost more childish than Anibella's, so maybe Anibella meant two months?

…they'd been here that long?  They'd been living like this for that long?  I bit my lower lip and played with my fingers in my lap. "…don't you ever leave… like, don't you have things to do…?" They both shook their heads.  I didn't get it… I just didn't… "…you've been stuck here three months…?"

"Not stuck. I can leave if I wanna." Ister nodded her head slowly, and Anibella nodded hers in further agreement. "We had another sister but she left." "We miss her." "Mamma says she's happy though." "And she was here for a long time before us." It was certainly surreal to hear them talk about this as though they were made happier by it, but maybe that was actually the case.

“A sister…?" A third girl.  I shook my head.  They could leave whenever they wanted?  I was going to be sick.  I took a little breath and did my best to smile, as hard as it was.  This whole thing was surreal… "Um… well… I… I don't think I'll be staying, really… but it's nice to… meet you both…"

"Oh? Please stay." Anibella took Luzy’s hand in hers, and Ister nodded and took the other one. "Mamma has trouble finding sitters, and she was very essited when she talked about you…" "When we don't have a sitter, Mamma can't do her work proper." "And if she can't do her work, she might not be able to take care of us one day…" "It's pensive…" "So please stay?"

…this was… unbelievable.  I took my hands back from both girls slowly, carefully, like I might hurt them, and I gave them both a curious, pained look. "Listen… I… I just don't really want to be part of this game.  I thought this was a real job, not make believe, and… I'm sorry. I didn't meat for it to sound like that…" Ugh, stupid alcohol.

"…well, this is a real job. We need taking care of…" "We do…" "You can just think of us like any other little girls." "Uh huh." "Treat us the same." "The same." "Its not a game and it's not make-believe." "Nuh a game." If there was a single consistency here, it was that both girls seemed to honestly and aptly believe in all of this.

Clearly talking to pseudo-children was not the way to go about this.  So I just smiled at the both of them and waited.  I'd talk to their… uh… caretaker.  She'd understand.  This wasn't for me.  I wasn't interested in this.  I just wanted to have a real job.

"Dinner, children." Dinner was on plates at the dining table, the girls would sit at one end, and the woman and Luzy would sit at the other — today, they would feed themselves. That wouldn't always be the case, and looking at the two of them from afar, it was hard to see them as anything but children. "I run a program for young adults coming to terms with trauma." The woman and Luzy both had their own plates of food, too, roasted chicken with potatoes and vegetables — a more adult version of the chicken and mac and cheese with peas that the girls at the end of the table had. "That's what this is, a form of therapy. I understand if you find it obtuse, but it does get results."

"…while I'm sure that's true-" "Eat," she said softly, and I looked down at my meal.  I sighed and took a bite.  It was good, too.  I guess I could talk about this after dinner.  Maybe without the two girls in the same room as us.  It wouldn't be hard to decline this job offer.

The woman watched, watched as her young charges ate, watched as Luzy ate, and watched the gears going through the would-be babysitter’s head. Obviously, this was an unconventional role, obviously this was not a job most college students would pursue. But it did pay well, and did attribute to a notable cause. Though it did have to spark the wonder in anyone's head as to why she was doing what she was doing — what her motivation was.

The girls were in a playroom next door when I had the moment alone.  The moment to decline the offer.  I was full, but I wasn't drunk.  Whatever alcohol I'd had was taken up by the food.  It was late, now.  Nearly ten at night.  I needed to get home.  Maybe I could make a shift tomorrow at Subway… "Listen, I appreciate the offer, but…"

"You're obligated to work your first weekend, as per the terms of our contract. You'll be paid, of course, and at the end of the weekend if you'd like to resign, that's within your right to do so." The contract was watertight, though, and it would be — the woman did write corporate contract clauses for a living. "Does that sound fair?"

"…listen, I-" "It really isn't up for negotiation.  I expect you don't have the resources for a lawyer, and I really don't have the time to ensure my girls are cared for this weekend.  Finding a babysitter on short notice is very difficult, as you can expect." …fuck. "…but I'm…"

"You're here to work, and work is what you will do, as per the terms of your contract." It wasn't preferable to pull the contract into question, but Luzy had also clearly failed to read it, which made call-outs a potent tool in moving past her hesitations. It often ended up this way. "Anibella needs her diaper changed, and you can check on Ister while you're at it — they'll also need changing into night-time pajamas." Which were apparently different to the afternoon nap pajamas they were wearing.

My eyes went wide and I shook my head. "Um.  No." No?  Really?  That's my whole argument? "I mean… I mean… they're adults!  And I'm not gonna… listen, I don't… they don't need diapers.  And if they wanna…" Ugh… "I'm just… this whole thing is… I don't wanna do this.  I just don't wanna do this.  I don't wanna be a part of it.  I'm not some fetishistic prop."

The woman smiled — a rare commodity for her, thus far, and leaned close to kiss Luzy's forehead. "There is nothing carnal or fetish-like at play here, I promise you. These are girls who are here because they need to be. And you're contracted to work this weekend, so you will change Anibella, and check on Ister, and then get them into their night-time pajamas. Understand?"

This was such bullshit.  Her lips left moisture on my forehead and I looked down at my feet.  This was so wrong… "I… I don't want…" Why couldn't I just leave?  Because I'd get sued… "…I'll do whatever, except changing them…" "You'd change any other baby." "They aren’t babies.  They're adults!"

"To you, they are babies. Part of your contract is a non-discrimination clause. It would look poor on your portfolio going forward if future employers were to discover you didn't treat all you charges equally." It wasn't a threat, not in so many words — just a reminder of potential consequences.

“This is such a joke…" She wasn't serious.  And if I explained…!  They literally aren't babies!  Ugh, I should have went to law school… "I'm not doing it." It was the last argument I had.  Blatant denial.  I was out of reasons… "I'm just not."

"Come now, don't be difficult." With one hand, the woman ran fingertips down the back of Luzy's hair.  Her obstinance was expected.  All of this was.  It happened every single time, a dance that was boring by now.  But a dance that had to be done. “One weekend, and then you're free to make your choice."

Fine.  One weekend.  So what?  It was one stupid weekend… and then that was it.  And I could get back to getting a real job!  I left the woman alone in the dining room and made my way up toward the room.  So I had to change an adult's diaper.  It's like a nursing home… so what?


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"Looozyy!! Anni is wet…." "Izzy is wet, too! She's such a baby!" "Not as much as you are!" "Uhhuh!" "Nuhuh!" "UhHUH!""Loozy!! Anni is being mean to me…" The two of them were in their living room, playing with a large tub of plastic building bricks, many of which were now all over the floor.

…….I hate everything. "Alright, come on… let's get you cleaned up…" Things I'd say to a child, but not the same tone.  I needed to stop.  I needed to see this as anything else.  A normal babysitting job… "Let's go this way." Thankfully, I remembered where the changing stations were.

The two girls hurried after Luzy, giggling and swinging their hand-in-hand grip as they were led down the hall to their nursery where there was a changing table. "Do you like kids, Loozy?" "Mamma said she likes kids, dummy…" "I'm not a dummy, you're a dummy!" "You're a dummy dumdum poop banana!" "Ewww, Anni…"

…they certainly acted like children… "Yeah, I like kids…" Their brand of kid, however, was another story.  We went into the room just off the kitchen, where a changing table stood against the wall.  I pulled open the drawers under the table to find the diapers.  And holy crap.  They were huge…. "Uh… whichever one… up on the table." They both looked at each other.  I sighed. "Anni - on the table.  Come on, come on!"

The moment the girl’s voice took on something even resembling playfulness, the two ersatz-toddlers lit up brightly and Anibella climbed up the step-stool and shuffled into place on the changing table, her thumb slipping between her lips contentedly. Ister watcher her sister, gently swaying side to side, and then pointed to the opened drawer of diapers. "The pink ones are for bedtime,” she offered, helpfully.

"Thanks…" She was just like any other girl.  Any other child.  This wasn't weird.  Just change her.  Move on.  That's that.  Okay.  Good.  Fine. "Lay back for me, okay?" She did.  I took the pink diaper out from under the cabinet and looked it over.  This thing was way too big for her.  Was it even a diaper?  I unfolded it slowly, watching it morph from the square of plastic into a real article of clothing.

"Powder too." Ister offered, as much for her own benefit as that of her sister, and importantly much more for the sake of Luzy doing a good job and being allowed to stay here. It was always so jarring finding new help here, and Ister had a particular fondness for this girl.

"…right…" I pulled the powder out next.  Getting the girl out of her pajamas was one thing, but it was another when I noticed she was naked.  Of course she was naked.  A baby wouldn't wear a bra.  But a baby didn't have boobs… "Um… do you wanna cover up or…" I was trying so hard not to look.  This was the weirdest moment of my life...

"Did I do something bad?" Anibella whined, looking at her sister, and at her new caretaker with a look of fraught distress and concern, and completely and obviously oblivious to the idea that she her breasts were something she should be keeping private.

"N-never mind, just… put this on over here…" I draped the footed pajamas, finally off the girl, over her chest.  I sighed, relaxing a moment, before noticing the diaper.  It was white, swelled, and yellow.  It wasn't as big as the pink one - that was clear - but it was so big on such a small girl.  I felt my stomach flip.  Fuck… "S-sit still…"

"Uhhuh~" Her tone was melodious as she lay there serenely on the changing bed, her thumb back between her mouth and a content look on her face."Do you know how to change diapers, Loozy? Mamma can show you if you don't know how, she's really good at it. Our old sitter wasn't very good, though… or very nice."

"I can do it." She didn't have to patronize me like that.  I untaped the diaper professionally, and then hesitated.  Was I supposed to lift her feet.  How could I even lift her feet?  She was as tall as I was!  I took a deep breath and did my best.  Treat her like a real baby.  I pulled the diaper down first, trying very hard not to look at her body, and grabbed her ankles.  I pushed them up over her head with surprising ease.  A little further, and the diaper came out from under her.  Huh.  That wasn't so bad…

Anibella was compliant, and she probably presented less of a fuss at changing times than most actual babies. Maybe because she'd been conditioned to enjoy the moment, or more likely because it meant getting a stuffed wad of pee-soaked cotton away from her delicate bits. Maybe it was a combination of both. "You're so good at this, Loozy~"

"Thanks," I muttered.  Honestly, it wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be.  Of course, my mind was changed when it came to actually putting the diaper on her.  I lifted her legs and pushed the diaper under her bottom, but when I set her back down, it wasn't proper at all.  I tried two more times, and finally tugged the diaper into place.  I pulled the tapes over sideways, plopping them in place.  But all in all, it didn't look very good…

"All in all, that doesn't look very good." Ister frowned slightly, inspecting the diapering job that the new sitter had done on her kind-of-sibling. "The tapes should be in the same spots… and it should be tighter here, and here, or she'll leak. And that's icky…" "Hey! Is not!" "You should do it again, or Mamma will make you do it again anyway."

"I'm sorry I don't know how to diaper a goddamn eighteen year old…" I was not happy.  The only thing I hated more than being forced to be the charge of two people nearly my age was doing it incompetently.  I took a lot of pride in what I was good at. "Why don't you just be smaller?" "The way you did that diaper, she needs to be bigger." "Ugh… just… lay back down." So goddamn stupid.

Ister watched dutifully, even… protectively, as Luzy made her second attempt. Anibella, meanwhile, was significantly less critical. Mostly because she was just lost in her own happy space. "You should pull it down in the middle a little more… nuhuh, nuhuh no no, not there, there."

"You do it!" "I'm not old enough." "Oh my god…" I pinched the girl's ass hard, hard enough for her to jump.  With her butt off the table for a second I moved the diaper into a proper fucking place and pulled it between her legs. "THERE!  FINALLY." It wasn't great.  But it would do.

"See! See! That's right, that's right, she's just a baby and you gotta be assertive." Ister was excited, but Luzy looked at her with a death glare and she just grinned to herself and clamped her hands behind her back, clearly pleased with herself. "It's good that you did Anni first, 'cause she's the bigger wetterer."

"Get on the damn table…" Anni stepped off and Ister climbed on.  I pushed her down onto the table a little too aggressively.  Honestly, she bothered me.  She shouldn't be so critical!  Same as the first girl, I took her out of the sleeper and covered her chest with it.  Anni, it seemed, had gone to find something to wear.  Good.  I didn't need to be seeing her naked body.

There was a night and day difference once the girl was on the table.  Her thumb went to her mouth and she blushed warmly, looking up at the ceiling as her diaper was peeled away. Criticism replaced with cute expressions and blank looks and the sound of lips sucking on skin.

I changed her much the same way.  One exception - I didn't pinch her. "Lift your butt." "…but…" "Yes.  Your butt.  Up." She complied.  She was unhappy about it.  I didn't care.  I wasn't here to make her happy.  I was here because I had to be.  And guess what?  I didn't fuck up!  See.  I was good at my job.

"Wanna wear these jamjams." Anibella had a pair of pink padded panties and a raincoat in her hand, and one brightly colored gumboot on her foot — the wrong foot, too. Her voice was small, and meek, but also self-assured as much as a child would ever be — this was what happened when she was left to her own devices. "If she gets to pick her own I wanna pick my own!"

“Fine." They both stared at me.  Like I'd said something stupid.  Like I was the one that suggested they wear rainboots to bed.  Then they looked at each other. "Fine.  You can wear that.  Come on - I'll help you into it." I cared very little what kids slept in, as long as they were happy.  And maybe this was a good thing.  Maybe they would act their age.

The assertion melted into a confident smile as Anibella stood there and handed the clothes to Luzy, waiting to be dressed over her diaper. Ister had left the room to find her own clothes to wear, and both were clearly very pleased with the freedom they were afforded by their new sitter. "No the raincoat has to button at the back…"

"Of course it does." I helped the girl into the coat, thankfully covering up her chest.  I buttoned up the back and slid the padded panties up her legs.  This was hands down the weirdest day of my life.  Definitely the weirdest job. "Now, are you sure this is what you wanna wear?  If it is, you can't change." Luckily, they didn't have school.  I could treat them how I treated all my "I don't need a babysitter!" charges.

"…well…" Anni pouted thoughtfully, running her hands down over the plastic covering her chest  "Is a little itchy on my," instead of saying breasts or boobs or even chest, the girl simply patted down the front of her chest to indicate location. It was striking just how remarkably juvenile she was.

"Well if you'd like to pick a different outfit, now might be the time.  Before I button this up." She just stared at me, then pouted.  And away she walked.  That's the thing - give kids the power to make their own choices, they'll make the right ones.

"I wanna wear this." Ister was in the hall with a very very pretty dress in her hands, and she held it out to Luzy contemplatively, and smiled shyly. It was definitely gorgeous and very age appropriate to their behavior, but it wasn't the kind of dress you could sleep in. "Where is Anni going? Is she in trouble?"

"She wants to pick something else to wear." I took the dress from the girl and looked it over.  She would not be happy sleeping in this. "You sure this is what you want to wear?  Once you put it on, you can't change your mind."

"I wanna be pretty for you… so you'll wanna come back and look after us again. And Mamma says that being pretty isn't everything, but sometimes it's something and that's not nothing." It was an interesting angle she'd taken, dressing to impress the girl she'd decided was her best friend. This was just the only way she knew how to show her affections.

…oh jeeze.  I sighed and looked down at the dress, then at the girl.  We were nearly the same height, though she wasn't wearing any clothes.  Her breasts were… actually really nice.  It made me a little self-conscious.  I did my best not to look at them. “Well, I think pajamas are the cutest, personally… but if you wanna wear this…"

"…I wanna wear the cutest." Izzy nodded her head after careful consideration, and it seemed as though her ideas and opinions were just as flexible and malleable as any other girl-who-still-wore-diapers. "You're gonna stay? Be our new sitter? I think that would be nice, 'cause then Mamma will be able to go back to work… and you're really nice."

"…I don't think so, sweetie." I'd given up on the idea of knowing Izzy.  Truth be told, I'd remember a personality like this until the day I died.  I still didn't know who she reminded me of, but it didn't really matter anymore. "I'm sorry.  I have important things to do.  I have school, and I have another job.  But maybe I'll visit." I wouldn't.

"It's okay, you don't have to lie. Mamma has had other people try out, and other people who think the same about us as you think about us." Izzy used the same tone that kids use when they're tackling adult topics that they don't strictly understand the full degree of. "Mamma said you were different, is all."

That I was different?  She shouldn't lie to people like that, especially not kids.  Assuming she really did treat them like kids… "Sorry…" It was all I could offer the girl.  Just a half-assed apology… "Go get some pajamas.  Anything you want.  And then come back, alright?"


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"You changed them both quite successfully and then you even managed to get them into proper night time pajamas." Not that girl’s job would be anything close to over, just because the two almost-children were laid down for bed for the night. "You're quite a natural with kids, aren't you, now?"

"Real kids, sure." It was a snarky thing to say.  But truth be told, I was mad at her!  She was keeping me here because of some stupid contract.  If I had an employee who wanted to quit, I'd let her quit.  But then again, she had work.  She couldn't just get a new sitter on short notice…

"Your eyes flash recognition when you look at Ister, staring at her wonderingly, questioningly, like trying to put her face to a memory." Just like that, the woman had disempowered the snarky comment, tossing it aside like a discarded candy wrapper. That was in keeping with how things were with the woman, too, she strode above everything below her with no concern.

I stared at her.  I just stared.  We were sitting on the sofa, maybe three feet away from one another.  Was she really so astute as to notice that?  One glance I’d had, one time, when I’d entered Ister’s room?  So what.  She could see curiosity on my face.  So what… "She just reminds me of someone."

"And you logically reaffirm to yourself that it's probably nothing. Probably just that she reminds you of someone else. And Logical Luzy has a pretty loud voice in your world, but there's another voice in there that speculates, and wonders, and won't take such a platitude as an answer" There was purplish-red liquid in her wine-glass that swirled slowly, and she watched Luzy carefully.

"What are you even talking about?" Was she psychotic or something? "She reminds me of this girl I knew when I was in middle school - Heather - okay?  She moved after our relay race and it kinda sucked but she wasn't anything like Izzy.  They don't even look that much alike - it's just her cheeks and her nose." All a lie.  Work with kids and you learn to lie really fucking well.

"Working with children has taught you to lie, but your lies only work on children. And I assure you, I'm quite good at telling when a child is bending the truth." Heather. Middle School. It was hard to lie to someone when that someone held all the cards, and knew all the truths. It was harder when you didn't know that they held all the cards.

…she was bluffing… "I'm not lying." She had to be bluffing.  But she just smiled.  She smiled the same smile, like my words meant nothing, and I tugged myself up from the couch. "What do you know anyway?  I don't even care who she looks like!  Fuck!  Just shut up and let me leave!  I'm not gonna want to work in this stupid place!"

"Well, you were certainly interested in the position based on the description. And even more interested based on the salary offered. All understandable. And then for you to turn your nose up, because these children are a little different to those you're used to… well… it does make a woman wonder." The last sip of wine slipped past her lips, and she licked them absently, savoring it. "This job will be good for you."

"I'm not taking this job you psycho!  I am leaving!  I am waiting until the end of this goddamn weekend, and I'm getting the fuck out of here!" She wasn't getting it.  She didn't understand how crazy she was!  Was there even a clause in the damn contract, or was she using it to keep me here?

"Well, then, that will be your choice. But you'll stay here for the weekend and finish out your commitment, and if I hear one more word about the topic, I'll dispense discipline as per the contract." It wasn't a threat, even if it sounded like it should be, there was just something about the way the woman looked that made threats seem like… they must be a misunderstanding.

“Whatever…" I looked down at my feet and turned away. "I'm going to bed.  Goodnight." And with that, I left her alone in the sitting room.  It was dark out.  Well into the night.  I just needed some sleep… I'd feel better in the morning.  I should have called Koi to check in, to tell her I was fine.  But I didn't know what to say.  I didn't feel fine, and I didn't want to talk about it…

"Loozy…" It was the first shake of the girl’s shoulder before she finally groaned and looked up at the faux-toddler standing by her bed, clutching a blanket and sucking on her pacifier. "…had a bad dream. Can I lay with you?" The fact that she was out of her crib was notable only because it confirmed that they were mostly decorative and not designed to actually keep someone inside.

"….yeah…. okay…. whatever…" I scooted over in the bed and rubbed my eyes.  I leaned up and grabbed my phone off the nightstand.  Two missed calls.  Time: 4:14.  I put the phone back and curled into my pillow.  Ugh, I was still so tired…

“Ta…" Ister squeezed up next to Luzy and cuddled up to her chest, putting her head against it and cuddling her tightly as she settled into place. "You don't remember, huh? It's okay… I don't really either. It's good that way." Her words were mostly mumbles, but they were enough to make Luzy stiffen as Ister cuddled back up to her.

…I don't… remember?  What was she talking about?  What didn't I remember?  I shook my head and looked up at the ceiling.  Did we know each other?  Had we met before?  Did she remember me…?  No… it was a game.  Some of that woman's game.  I mean, what were the chances, right?  I shook my head and sighed, covering my eyes.  I needed some sleep…

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Question: Does Martha know at this stage what luzy went through, and has chosen Luzy as the sitter based on that, to get Luzy to start down the path towards therapy?

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17 hours ago, ozziebee said:

Question: Does Martha know at this stage what luzy went through, and has chosen Luzy as the sitter based on that, to get Luzy to start down the path towards therapy?


Nora?  Yes.

Though technically Marta knows as well.

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"…I leaked…." It happened sometime around six-am, and Luzy was stirring, with Ister still cuddle up to her. And that was a problem, because she was cuddled close to her sitters thigh, and that meant the leak only had one place to go. Ister sounded apologetic, but honestly it wasn't her fault — Luzy had put the diaper on her, sloppily at that.

“Fuck…" I swore around her so much easier than I swore around real kids.  I guess because I didn't see her that way.  I tugged myself out of bed and looked down at my jeans.  Completely soaked.  I'd have to do laundry… wait, was that my job?  I crossed my arms and sighed. "Just… get up… let's run you a bath…"

It was something significant that Luzy didn't freak out and blame the girl, though Ister was quite a bit too groggy and self-conscious to really take note of that. She stayed quiet, reserved, and followed the girl whose pants she'd ended up soaking, into the hallway and across to the bathroom. "I don't usually leak… I don't understand it." Sure she did — Luzy was shitty at putting on diapers.

“Just… don't worry… come on… get in the tub…" "…but I'm still dressed." "…get undressed first?" "…" "…you're kidding.  You can undress yourself!" I turned the faucet on and looked down at the clothes with a sigh. "Listen, I have to get changed too… so please handle this one thing on your own?"

"Mamma would be cross if I did… at both of us." The water was running, but there were no bubbles. Bubbles were part of the routine, and breaks in the routine weren't a good thing. Not when it came to the rules here. "You have to undress me, and also put bubbles in the bath. But you can leave me in the tub for a few minutes while you change, that's okay."

I pressed my hands to my eyes and sighed, shaking my head.  This was so aggravating. "I'll put bubbles in the bath.  But you're changing yourself.  Or get in the tub in your pajamas.  I don't care." I dumped some bubbles into the tub and they immediately flared up.  I didn't care to pay any attention. "I'll be back in a little bit."

"Mamma will…" Ister frowned and trailed off, and sighed as she began to peel away her own clothes for the first time in months. It wasn't good for her. Self-reliance. It was a bad thing, she wasn't ready for it yet. But what could she do? Luzy was being difficult, and she wasn't supposed to influence her, or upset the balance. And so, by the time Luzy had returned, Ister was sitting in the bathtub.

"What are you wearing?" "A bathrobe." It was honestly all I could find.  My closet didn't have clothes in it.  Their closets had baby clothes.  That left me to search for the woman's closet, whom I still didn't know the name of!  And I didn't have the patience at the moment. "I'll find something else in a bit.  How are you doing?  Feeling okay?"

"Uhhuh." The response was as childish as ever, but her inflection was flat, listless, and lackluster. Obviously, it didn't take a child psychologist to figure out that something was weighing her down. "Mamma might be cross that you're wearing one of her robes… she doesn't like it when sitters go into her room."

"I don't like when I get pissed on, either, but we can't have everything, can we?” I didn't say it mean, just matter of factly. "You really… wet the bed then, huh?" She shrugged.  I rubbed my eyes again. "You really take this baby bit pretty far…"

"It's what's best for me." The hanging tone made it seem like she was going to offer more on that point, but her voice wound up trailing off. "You wouldn't understand." Surprisingly adult words and tone, for a girl who wet the bed and wore diapers and bickered with a stranger pretending to be her sister while assessing a new babysitter.

"You're probably right…" She sat in the bubbles and I stayed quiet in the doorway.  It was a minute before I thought of anything, but it was mostly a cop out. "I have to go check on the other one.  Anni, right?  I just want to make sure she's okay…" So I left the older of the two alone.

"You're up and about quite late." Strange for a woman who was also awake at this hour to point out, but it did look like she was either freshly from bed, or freshly about to get back to bed, when they met in the hall. "Did something with the girls happen?" Of course, the woman knew the answer — she'd herd Ister's nightmare through the monitor, and had been awake since.

"It's taken care of…" Truth be told, it was somewhere past six in the morning.  I thought she'd be awake already.  I thought she'd be at work already!  I looked nervously past her toward the door where Anni was sleeping. "Go back to bed."

"I think I'll give directions while you're on my payroll. Tell me about Ister, how did she come to be in your bed? I presume that's her in the bath?" It was strange how many questions the woman asked, for someone who seemed to already be quite aware of all the answers.

…she was right.  I was tired and cranky and had been pissed on.  I shouldn't have talked to her like that.  I sighed, slowly, and rubbed my eyes once more. "She had a bad dream or something… she came into my room and slept with me.  Her diaper leaked, I guess, and now she's in the tub.  I was just going to go check on Anni, too."

"How proactive of you." The woman smiled softly in approval. "Meet me in the dining room once you've checked on Anibella, and put Ister back to bed. There are some things we need to discuss." Maybe she just didn't sleep, maybe she was actually a robot, maybe this was all a game she played with humans. More likely was that she worked nights over the weekends, dictating the need for a sitter.

Anni wasn't leaking.  Anni was asleep.  Everything seemed good on that front, at least.  When I got back to the bathroom, Izzy seemed pretty content with getting out of the tub.  I helped her dry off, though I thought it was entirely unnecessary. "I guess you need another diaper, right?" She nodded. "Let's go to the changing room - I don't wanna wake up Anni."

Izzy was rubbing her eyes and yawning by the time they got there, and all but fell asleep when her back hit the changing table. Obviously, she wasn't used to being awake at these sorts of hours — which for a girl with a college education, was certainly unusual. Not as much as the fact her thumb guided itself to her lips shortly thereafter, but still notable. She was definitely not quite an adult anymore.

Without the pressure of her watching or instructing me, I managed to get the diaper taped on relatively well, even though I had to lift her legs.  I was getting used to her naked self, which wasn't something I ever wanted to be.  Two more days, Luzy… "Hey… I can't carry you, you gotta wake up…" She stirred and I helped her off the table. "Come on, let's get you in bed."

"Uhhuh…" One hand held Luzy’s pinky and the other continued to keep a thumb between her lips as she was led back into the shared bedroom and helped into the crib. Unlike Luzy's bed, the crib was dry, and it only took a few moments after her blanket was pulled up for Ister to close her eyes.

I'd managed to get her into one of the t-shirts from her closet - something that covered her chest but barely touched the top of her diaper - before she collapsed into her crib.  I lifted up the side and rubbed my eyes.  I wasn't even that tired anymore, not after all that.  I did, however, feel like I needed a shower… but that would have to wait.  It wasn't hard to find the dining room.  The woman was sitting down across the table.  I didn't sit. "You can go to bed.  I took care of it."

"Sit." There was a bowl of fruit on the table in between her seat and the one she motioned for Luzy to sit in. "You handled things well tonight, Luzy. I'm quite impressed, although I had fairly solid expectations of you in the first place — it's not as though I don't do my research into my potential hires."

I shuffled along to the table, sitting across from the woman.  I took a peach out of the bowl and played with it in my hands. "Thanks…" I had no doubt in my competence as a babysitter.  I just had my doubts as to these particular babies.  Two days, two days...

"You've certainly matured since earlier this evening, too. An ironic thing, in my house, as most new arrivals tend to do the opposite of that." There was a flash of a small smile, before she continued. "First refusing, and then relenting, and then now, proactively choosing to take care of Ister, and to check on Anibella. I'm proud of you."

"I'm still not interested in the job," I said flatly. "I'm just good at what I do." What was I supposed to do?  Even if it was Koi, I'd get her into the bathroom for a shower if she pissed the bed.  And I didn't want to draw two baths, so I checked Anni.  It was common sense.  I wasn't relenting.

"Oh, perish the thought that I'd expect that you would be, peach." The endearment name and the choice of fruit were unrelated, but convenient nonetheless. "Ister likes you, which is unusual — she's so far been very skeptical about most of the recent applicants. Anibella is pleased just to have someone take care of her, but Ister is… much more selective with her affections."

"Well I'm sure you'll find someone more suited for your needs." I took a bite of the peach and swallowed.  Maybe this was a reward moment.  Maybe she was saying I could leave, since I'd done so well.  But I guess I wasn't really that lucky… of course, according to Ister, I'd broken half the rules this place had.  Hell, I was even still wearing the woman's bath robe.  

"Perhaps. But you do still have two more days of employment here before being considered for contractual release. Many things can change in two days, not least of all, peoples minds." It was almost like a stand-off, two people with pistol against one another's heads, and both willing to pull the trigger with neither wanting to.

"If you say so." I wasn't intimidated.  Truth of the matter was, it was my choice.  She could change everything about this place, but my mind was already made up.  There wasn't anything she had power over.  And if anything, the spite alone would keep me out of this place.  

"You recognize Ister, don't you, peach? But not like she's a person you know… more like a someone from a TV show, or a book, or a dream. It must make you curious. No?" A woman dressed in a maids uniform — the practical kind, not the sexualized kind — set a platter down on the table, and slid two plates of food out for the girls, one each, much the same, eggs Benedict, with bacon on the side. "Thank you, Marta."

"I'm not interested," I said flatly, and looked down at the food on the plate.  I bit my lip a little and played with the fork.  I really was hungry… "I don't care who she is, if she's famous or whatever.  It isn't part of my job description."

"It's not, you're right. Which is perhaps the only reason you are interested." The woman had a way about her, a way of contradicting what a person says, and resulting in them reconsidering it. Not a power, not a gift, not a trick — just the way she was, and the way she spoke. "Eat. It's quite good."

I ate.  We didn't talk for a long time.  I wasn't sure if she was trying to be profound or what, but I wasn't falling for it.  I was better than she made me out to be.  Curiosity was not a weakness of mine, not like my pride, not like my ability or my drive or my eagerness.  I could ignore Ister's familiarity.  I had been for 12 hours now, after all.

"Why is it that you're so eager to leave?" The question came only after food was finished, and a pitcher of fresh orange juice was deposited on the table along with glasses, and poured out by the maid. "You've so far carried out most of the requirements of this job, already. You don't feel as though what I'm offered as a salary is worth the duties? Or perhaps you question your competency?"

"I can do the job just fine!" "Then why don't you?" "Because I won't be a part of this weird little game.  I'm a real child-care worker.  I take care of real children.  Not make believe.  Ister can undress herself.  Anni can pick out her own clothes.  They don't need me.  Some kids, some parents might."

"And you don't wonder why they're here? Why two people, physically your peers, are in a place like this? You don't wonder if they need care? Of course, you must already have deduced that, as brilliant as you are. Right?" Maybe she had, maybe she hadn't — either way, it was a strike against her pride.

"It's none of my business," I muttered, looking away from the woman at the crumbs left on my plate.  I wrapped the robe tighter around me and bit my lip.  She was just getting in my head.  She was just rambling… "Can I be excused now?"

"You being released from your contract is contingent on your understanding the reasons for confidentiality, here. And you can hardly do that, if you're not even quite sure why these girls are here, can you?" Slowly, she sipped from the juice. "You may be excused."

"What the hell do you mean contingent?  I said I'd stay here for one damn weekend because you can't get another sitter in time, but that doesn't mean I need to understand anything!  Fuck this." I stood up from the table, almost knocking over the chair, and stormed out of the room.

The woman didn't seem surprised by the reaction — if anything, the smile that spread across her lips as she finished her juice was more conductive to the fact that she'd expected just that reaction to happen exactly as it had. By the time Luzy got back to her room, her sheets had been changed, and her bed was clean — the work of the maid, perhaps. Her phone, however, didn't seem to be on the bedside anymore.

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I was done believing her.  Fact of the matter was, she could very easily be lying.  And even if she wasn't, let her sue me!  I didn't have any money she could take.  All it would take was her time away from her.  So forget it.  But I couldn't find my phone.  It wasn't on the bedside, or under the bed, or in the dresser.  What the hell…

"Is everything to your satisfaction, ma'am?" It was the maid from before — Marta — and her accent was decidedly French, quite a bit more posh than one would expect for a maid who seemed to seldom appear, let alone talk. "Your sheets will be returned to normal by tonight, ma'am, they simply need time to clean and dry."

"Where's my phone?  It was right here…?" I opened up the drawer on the bedside and rummaged past the paper and books. "And my car keys…" I couldn't have misplaced them, right?  No, they were definitely right here… at least, they were when I took Izzy to the bath.

"I'm afraid I haven't seen them, Ma'am. Perhaps the Lady of the House knows?" Marta smiled politely, always careful with her choice of words and tones, and even more-so with eye-contact. "Is there something I can assist with? I don't imagine there are many places to call at this time of the morning, are there?"

…the Lady of the House?  I felt my chest fill up with frustration and I stormed right past the girl and went into the dining room.  It had only been a couple minutes since I'd left it, and when I walked in, I froze.  The woman was still there, sitting at the table, sifting through my phone.  My stomach sank. "DON'T TAKE MY STUFF!" I nearly jumped across the table to snatch the phone out of her hands.

For all the bluster and fury that Luzy had, the woman had just as much calm and collected elegance, and she simply moved her arms out of the way which resulted in the girl falling to the floor by her feet. At which point, she continued going through the phone as if Luzy hadn't even entered the room.

I pulled myself back to my feet and tightened the robe around my body.  I reached again for the phone and she moved it out of reach.  I was furious.  There weren't words for how I felt. "YOU CAN'T TAKE MY STUFF YOU PSYCHO!" "Who's robe do you think that is?" …seriously?  This was about a fucking robe? "I couldn't find other clothes!  Just give me my phone back!”

"Just as soon as you give me back my robe." The yelling, the blustering fury, the outraged frustration… none of it seemed to even reach the woman, and honestly, she dealt with Luzy like a parent would deal with a child throwing a tantrum — with serenity and calm, waiting for her to burn herself out.

"I don't have any clothes," I said harshly, looking at the woman with growing frustration. "Your fake-daughter pissed all over mine.  You get me some damn clothes and you can have your stupid robe back." My levels of anger were off the charts.  But I was trying to think rationally.  Why did she want my phone?  Why was she on it?

"Marta." The word was simple and succinct, and the result was swift and harsh — the maid stepped from behind Luzy, gripped her chin, and squirted something foaming into her furious mouth. Soap. Disgusting, foamy, acrid soap. "You're not going to use curse words here anymore, those words are harmful for the recovery of my children."

I leaned over the table and spit out the soap, the foam stayed put, though, and it took a lot of coughing to get the suds out of my mouth.  But the taste lingered.  Tears rested on my cheeks, though I hadn't actually cried.  Oh god, it tasted horrible…

"It's outlined in your contract that you're not to curse, and that sufficient measures will be taken to correct the behavior if its observed." Luzy was still coughing, still trying not to taste the horrible soap. Well, part of the horribleness was a mild muscle relaxant — that wasn't in the contract, but it could easily fall under sufficient measures.

Despite the soap, my tongue tasted dry.  I kept spitting the flavor out, trembling on the table, until I felt too weak to stand up.  I fell down to my knees and rubbed the water off my cheeks.  I was still shaking. "Y-you're… c-crazy… crazy…." Oh god, it tasted horrible… so horrible...

"Well, you did this to yourself by breaking a rule. When you're ready to apologize, you let me know. Marta." The maid nodded and knelt down, grasping Luzy under the arms and lifting her back to a standing position — though she could only manage that by leaning against Marta. "Take her to her room. She needs time to mellow."

"…stop, I'm… hey…!  Gimme my phone… hey!" But the woman took me through the hall and back to my room.  She was stronger than she looked, the maid.  When we were finally back in the room, she let me go and I nearly fell straight to the floor.  My knees felt weak.  I slid down to the carpet and shook my head.  I should have password locked it or something… but I didn't have anything incriminating.  Emails.  Texts.  Nothing abnormal...

"Up on the bed, Miss." Miss. Not Ma'am. Miss was how Marta addressed the children of the house, but it didn't seem too much like Luzy had even picked up on the distinction. Not as distressed as she was. "The Lady of the House has a short tolerance for curse-words, because their use can trigger things in the Little Miss's, and set back their progress dramatically."

"I don't care," I muttered.  My mouth still tasted horrible.  I held a resentment toward the maid who had sprayed that foam in my mouth, but at the same time, I knew she was only following orders.  I didn't even swear around the kids, just around that woman… regardless, I managed to pull myself to my feet and sit on the edge of my bed.  Why did I feel so weak…

Marta easily removed the robe from Luzy, leaving her only in the panties that had been tinted faintly by Ister's wetting all over her. Obviously, replacement panties hadn't been an option, and going commando must have been more troublesome to her than staying in the underwear, which were by now, admittedly, dry. "It seems like Miss has had an accident."

"…what are you talking- hey!  Give me that-" I reached for the robe and nearly fell off the bed.  She took it away, leaving me naked but my bra and panties.  I closed my legs tight and covered my chest. "You're a fucking perv-" Her hand connected with my cheek and I lost all feeling in my body…

The Maid reached into the pocket of her uniform and took no time at all dispensing more of the foul-tasting soap into Luzy’s mouth, this time holding her hand firmly in place over her lips and not allowing her to spit it out. "Miss must not use such foul words." At first, the girl struggled against the hand, wanting to spit it out, but as the seconds passed, and she swallowed more of the soap, her struggles started to weaken.

When the woman's hand came off my mouth, she tilted me forward so the foam poured out onto the bedsheets.  Then, before I could think, I'd fallen onto the mattress.  I couldn't move, not at all.  My whole body felt heavy, and I felt like I was dreaming.  Like everything had stopped…

"Much better, Miss." There was no resistance, not as the maid removed Luzy’s bra, not as she removed her panties, either — just murmured sounds of weak protest so pathetic and meek that they barely seemed anything more than token. Marta disappeared for a while, a few minutes maybe, but when she got back with a variety of clothing articles in her hands, Luzy hadn't moved. She hadn't fallen asleep, either, her eyes focused on the ceiling, but she hadn't moved.

My fingers twitched.  My eyelids closed and opened.  My mouth could move, but words were so hard.  I'd built up every ounce of strength while the maid was away, so when she got back, I could utter: "…s-stop…. p-pl…e…" I wasn't tired.  I wasn't sleepy.  I wasn't scared, either.  I just… felt so… relaxed…

Sounds were still vivid for Luzy, but sights were difficult, and sensations were… muted. Like everything was being felt through a blanket. Thats why the sound of the diaper unfolding was obvious, but when Marta effortlessly lifted the girl’s legs, and slid it beneath her behind, settling her into place, the feel of the diaper was just so surreal. Otherworldly.

"…I don't…." A diaper.  She was diapering me… she was putting it on me.  Like I was one of them.  One of the grown children.  But I wasn't!  Was this how it was?  Did she trap people here, like them?  Was this voluntary, really, or not at all?  She was crazy… totally crazy…

The scent of the powder was likewise intense, and with one of her senses diminished, the others felt more intense than she might have been used to. The powder. The sound of the diaper as it was pulled into place. And then the snugness, the softness, surreal and muted and so foreign. "Now Miss won't yellow her knickers anymore, will she?"

"I didn'…!" She didn't understand!  It wasn't me, it was Izzy!  But I was just too relaxed to care.  I closed my eyes tight and shook my head, which amounted to a gentle rocking.  I was trying so hard not to let it fade away from me.  I had to protest, at least somewhat.  It was just so draining…

With Luzy’s body as pliable as it was, it only took Marta a few more moments to get her into a onesie, complete with snaps at the apex of the diaper, and then to slip matching mittens and booties onto the girls respective extremities, each with little clasps that were all-but-impossible to open without the use of fingers. "If Miss behaves, she'll be allowed adult clothes before the children awaken. But she will wear her nappy regardless until she can prove she does not need it." The final piece of the puzzle was a pacifier, purple like the onesie, pushed between Luzy’s lips. Sucking with soothing. Easy.

My first instinct was to spit the pacifier out.  My second was to suck on it until the end of the universe.  I went with the second.  I started to suck the pacifier and the maid rolled me over onto my side.  I looked up at her with tired, contemptuous eyes, but she only smiled.  I sucked lightly on the pacifier, and all in all, I was just… too calm to care.  She disappeared, and I laid there, quiet and sucking.  Soothed.  Calm.  Almost happy, even…

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Well this being a condensed version of what was an amazing story probably worth be as good. Still I plan on reading every last word. The original was so good even a not quite as good will be worth it. I was happy to give this a like and I am absolutely looking forward to reading more. 

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55 minutes ago, CDfm said:

The original was so good even a not quite as good will be worth it.


41 minutes ago, Baby Billy said:

Really glad to read this again, unlike some I liked the parts with the other people especially Koi and her corset.

Thank you!  This is really validating, actually.  I got a lot of comments on the original Luzy about how people would skip over non-Luzy scenes (especially near the end).  So knowing that those parts were still important to some of our readers is really encouraging. ^_^ 

I hope you are enjoying the edits!  So far, not much is different.  But we'll get there.

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It was two hours before the woman appeared in the room, a mug of coffee in one hand as she approached — Luzy was still laying in the bed, her eyes a little heavy, but not asleep. She'd just been staring at the ceiling, sucking on the pacifier, faint contentment framed by warm cheeks in the same muted pastel as the onesie she was clad in. So content, in fact, that the would-be babysitter didn't even react to the woman’s approach. Not until she spoke, and even then, barely. "Such a good girl, relaxing for once."

I sat up.  When I'd gotten the ability to sit back up again, I wasn't sure.  I guess I hadn't tried.  The diaper beneath me crinkled and I tugged the pacifier out between my lips.  I wanted to be angry, but I didn't feel angry.  Really, I felt… relaxed, like the woman had said.  I tried not to blush as deeply as I was. "…this was uncalled for…"

"Actions have reactions, ebb and flow — and you're very good at ignoring the former and denying the latter. This was perhaps the most called-for thing that has happened to you lately.” It wasn't until the girl was like this, wasn't until she was laying there, in a diaper, contented by it and not infuriated by it, that the woman knew how much Luzy needed her help. It was obvious now. Obvious and clear.

"I think you should let me leave, now…" The woman didn't even bat an eyelash.  I crossed my arms over my chest, over the onesie, over the cloth that concealed the diaper.  I just wanted out of these clothes… "This was not in my contract.  And unless you want to be in more trouble-"

One hand gently ran across the side of Luzy’s cheek, through her hair, fingers separating strands, and the girl involuntarily leaning into the motion. Just as the woman suspected. "It's time for breakfast, come along — no fussing, now." It was now at the point where the woman didn't need to be stern, not overly so, her words were simple and directed, expecting cooperation, like a mother talking to a child.

"H-hey!" She was in the door frame, and I showed the first real signs of panic since I'd noticed the girls in the crib. "I'm not going out there…" She was one thing, this woman.  She was clearly used to messing with her charges.  I was her employee.  I understood that.  But those two girls…

"If you fuss, your breakfast will go cold — I've had your favorite prepared; french-toast with fluffy bread." Maybe it seemed like magic, the sort of magic that children just assumed adults capable of — in reality, it was a simple benefit of the connected culture of the modern world. It made this a lot easier than it used to be.

"How did you…" She just smiled down at me.  I bit my lip and looked down at my bare feet, at the diaper hidden by the onesie.  She had my phone.  Clearly, she got the information off my phone… "…let me change first, please…?" Please?  She'd forcibly drugged me!  She changed me without permission!  That's like, abuse or something.  

Without pause or ceremony, the woman ran two fingers up Luzy’s bare thigh, almost… seductively, or it would be in any other case. In this case, those fingers pierced the seal of the onesie, and the elastic legband of the diaper beneath, and slipped inside. A diaper check. "You're dry, so there's no need for a change." Luzy's cheeks were red, and they went red when she was furious. But this… this wasn't the same as that. This was red for a very different reason. "Hurry along now."

The woman stepped out of the room.  I couldn't even breathe.  How… how dare she!  She… she couldn't just… ugh!  What a horrible… I sighed.  No matter how much I tried to get angry at her for it, I just didn't feel like I could.  I'd done diaper checks hundreds of times, and it was just as innocent.  It didn't make the blushing any easier… I climbed up and stepped up to the door, peering outside.  No one else… so I followed behind the woman. "I am still the babysitter of those two, and I don't want them seeing me like this."

"Well if you keep dawdling, they might well finish breakfast before you even get there, missy." It should have been encouragement to take more time, but the woman spoke the way any parent to their child when enticing them to hurry themselves up. That was how confident she was. Of course, that confidence didn't come undeservedly — she was quite good at this. "Quicken up, now, take my hand."

I reached up, but stopped short.  I didn't take her hand.  I froze, biting my lip, and let her take two steps further before stopping herself.  I looked down the hall, a couple feet away, where the door to the kitchen was.  I heard the girls making sounds.  I quickly shook my head, dropping my voice to a whisper. "I am getting changed."

"I'll have you changed when your diaper is wet." Absolute. Non negotiable. And those two words, along side each other. Your diaper. I'll have your diaper changed. The woman didn't choose her words accidentally, not ever, and certainly not now. "Your french-toast is going to get soggy, baby-girl, stop making a fuss."

I opened my mouth, ready to protest, but my words caught in my lungs.  I was frustrated, sure, and I was angry, but it didn't quite reach my mouth the way it should.  I clenched my fists - about as high up as the anger could rise - and looked at the woman as seriously as I could, still talking in a whisper. "I am not going out there.  I will not be looked down on by those girls, by my charges.  I imagine you understand that, right?"

"If you don't wish to be seen as a petulant brat, then perhaps you'd do well to stop acting like one. Neither Anibella nor Ister will look down on you. If anything, they will respect you more now for not making a fuss. Of course, you're doing very well to spoil that visage, aren't you?" One of the balled-up hands was taken by the woman, and it took little resistance to unfurl it and take hold, encapsulating her fingers like a mother would a child at the mall.

She held my hand, even as I pulled away, and with a light tug, I was following behind her into the kitchen.  She was right.  Fighting wasn't going to help.  I needed to just act normal.  Act natural.  But I couldn't.  As she led me into the kitchen, my cheeks were crimson and I couldn't look up from my feet.

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There were silver domes over each of the place-settings, with Ister and Anibella at their own, and one in between the two of them, a seat which the woman led the girl to and helped her into before pushing it back in. The three of them all looked so similar, now, childish attire, diapers hidden beneath the lip of the table, but only Luzy wore such color in her cheeks. "Good morning, my princesses. Your favorites, of course." Each of the domes were polished to a mirror, and that meant that Luzy could see the blush of her cheeks looking back at her, up until her food was uncovered. French toast. Izzy had pancakes. Anibella had waffles. All three were pre-cut-up, with dulled , rounded-off forks and no knives.

This was stupid.  I wanted to say it out loud, but it wouldn't do me any good.  Acting like a brat would make me look like a brat.  I needed to be dignified.  Demonstrate none of this was getting to me.  But it sure felt like it was getting to me… so I picked up the little fork and took a bite of french toast.  And Jesus Christ, it was good…

It didn't take long after the woman sat down across from the three of them for the usual pattern to occur — Ister reached her fork to Luzy's plate and took a piece, giggling. "Wan some." Which made Luzy look up in exacerbation, but the woman only smiled, and when she did, Anibella took a piece as well. There was clearly only one way for Luzy to respond to that, and both the other girls plates sat unguarded.

I liked my french toast.  I liked it a lot.  And she took some, and then the other one!  Ugh.  Why was this happening?  This wouldn't happen if they saw me as a babysitter!  So I took a bite of pancake off Izzy's plate and shoved it in my mouth, only a moment before realizing what a childish thing it was to do.  I turned back to my own plate with freshly pink cheeks.

The woman waited for that to occur before she brought order back to the table with a slightly-elevated children. The damage was done, though, so to speak, and Luzy had already responded as a child. That each of them kept to their own plates after that was irrelevant. Before they were finished eating, there were sippy cups placed in front of each of the girls, each with their favorite morning drink — orange juice, pineapple juice, and chocolate milk.

I didn't touch it.  I was thirsty, but not that thirsty.  And I wasn't going to play into this anymore.  I'd made one mistake, one silly mistake, and I was paying for it.  The diaper, the outfit, the swearing, and all this.  This food, and my behavior.  I wouldn't make another mistake…

Ister took her drink. And so did Anibella. Luzy didn't, but the woman wasn't too concerned. Things would take their natural course, and it only took a few moments for one of the other girls — Ister — to reach for the chocolate-milk. Luzy grabbed it. Quickly. Protectively. "Loozy!! You're not even going to drink it!"

"You'll get a stomach ache." …not true.  I mean, juice and milk was pretty much the least exciting combination of drinks, but it wouldn't cause her to feel sick.  I just… it wasn't hers.  She needed to learn manners.  So I held it in my lap, away from the girls, and sat quietly while they both drank.

"Drink your milk, Luzy." Just now, the woman was having her breakfast delivered by Marta — eggs and bacon, with fried tomato and mushrooms. It was the furthest thing from a child's menu option, contrasted starkly to what the girls had all eaten. "You won't grow up big and strong if you don't have your calcium, princess."

"I'm not thirsty.” A lie.  I just wanted this to be over and done with.  But both the others sipped at their cups without a care, and I sat between them, waiting.  I just needed to be excused so I could get changed.  I just needed to be away from everyone.  And more than that, I needed my damn phone back.

"You can have it now, sweetpea, or you can have it when Marta changes your diaper — but milk is important for a growing girl." Her fork slid across the plate as she smiled up at Luzy, and watched as Izzy worked one of the hair-ties free from her pigtails. In about 30 seconds, she was going to start braiding Luzy's hair, which would further deflate the girl.

"I don't-" I sighed, taking a deep breath, and tried to center myself.  I needed to not let her get to me.  I needed to prove I was beyond this. "I appreciate the gesture, but I'm not thirsty.  And as for my attire, I'm fully capable of takin-" The girl's fingers worked through my hair, and I turned to look at her.  She pulled on the strands until I faced forward.  She was braiding my hair…

The protests faded quickly, and the woman smiled, returning her attention to her meal as Anibella got the same idea and started to work on a matching-but-slightly-assymetrical braid on her side of the girl. Children. That's what they were, and by necessity, born of a need to survive. "Drink your milk, honey."

I fingered the top of the sippy cup while the two girls worked my hair into braids.  It wasn't uncommon.  I'd had children braid my hair before.  I'd had a lot of boys learn how to braid hair, too, because of it!  I didn't have long hair, not like Izzy's, but it was long enough for little braids, all in all.  This was normal.  I was still their babysitter…

The process was built upon voluntary surrender. Coercion as required, fading to voluntary surrender. And surrender didn't happen too significantly, early on, but accepting the sippy would be a notable step for Luzy. One that the woman was certain, by now, that she'd take. The sippy was just a vessel. Just a means to an end. That it meant so little to any other person and meant so much to Luzy was only further suggestion that it was inevitable. "Nuh no, Anni, you gots make them tighter, like this, see?"

"Ow, jeeze…." The girls braided my hair and tied them off in little bows at the end.  I sighed, patting the back of my head when they were done.  I was sure I looked like a kid out of an old movie or something.  Luckily for me, when it was done, the woman excused the two girls, who both got up and went into the other room.  I got up to following, but it wasn't quite the same idea. "Luzy.  Stay, please." I sighed and sat back down.

"Your milk." The woman started, setting her silverware down on the plate. “It's your favorite, and you won't even try it. Over the fact it's served in a sippy cup? You're in a onesie, with uneven braids, and a diaper mostly hidden-away from sight. Did the way the girls treat you change, at all?" All in all, it actually hadn't, but maybe that was because they always treated her as a child like them.

"Yes," I said simply. "They're treating me like a kid, like one of them.  And I'm not thirsty, alright?" There was more, though.  Not just the sippy cup… "You have work to do.  I have girls to watch.  So I'm going to change, and we're going to pretend this didn't happen." Again, I got up from the table.

"Luzy. Sit." Twelve hours ago, Luzy would have made a fuss, demanded to be respected and make her own choices. She sat back down, though, and the woman stood instead. "They're treating you as they have since they met you last night, Luzy. You're overly sensitive, paranoid, concerned that what you wear or what you drink from can somehow change who you are."

"I'm an Education major.  I know the proper way to conduct-" "Then you know acting childish is the best way to approach children, to be part of their group." "But they have to respect you enough to listen when you aren't their friend anymore!" "Did they not listen to you?" "…she… tried to take my milk, and…" "And you said not to, and she listened." "…I just want to change.” "Not because of the girls, though?" Fuck her. "I just wanna change.”

"You'll be changed when it's deemed necessary." Stern. Factual. The sun is warm. Indisputable. "If your diaper is tampered with in any way when I check on you, you'll be in trouble. You're to set a good example for my girls, and show them that you can follow the rules — rules are important around here, and I'm sure you understand that."

"I'm not wearing this anymore." "And why not?" "Because!" "We've proven it has nothing to do with the girls, yes?" "…it's the principle…" "It's selfishness.  You're changing out of what they wear because it's what you want.  And in reality, your job comes second to yourself." …that wasn't true, right? "…it's not like that…" My job was one of the only things I was good at.

"It's not, then? So you're happy to continue wearing that, yes? For the sake of your job, for the sake of the girls. Because you're a professional, aren't you? Your portfolio indicated that you were, so prove it. Put your job first, put it above you. Wear what the girls wear, because it puts them at ease with you. Shows them that you trust them, so that they can trust you." The logic was simple, if not twisted. But twisted in a dizzying way, hard to follow, perfect.

"I'm…" She had me cornered.  Cornered with logic!  Ugh!  Who would have thought… "I want my phone back, at least.” "You can have it back later." This was so unfair.  I wasn't a kid… "I'm still not thirsty…" "You will be eventually." …ugh. “Can I be excused?" She nodded and I got up from the chair, following the path of the girls into the next room.

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"Wanna play?" On the surface of things, it seemed as though Ister had more boyish tastes than her would-be sister — she built things. She loved to build.  And in-fact, she'd often build props from blocks and other plastic kit pieces, for her and Anni to play with when they played with the large assortment of dolls. Right now, fittingly, Anni was re-dressing a half dozen dolls in new outfits, and Ister was building a car out of legos big enough for them.

Holy crap, she was a good builder.  I mean, I'd seen her working with the blocks yesterday, but Legos were her forte, it seemed.  I sat down next to her, the diaper crinkling under me, and I let out a little sigh.  This whole thing was so stupid!  I wasn't a fucking baby… "…what can I help with?" Act normal.

"Well Mindy and Mandy need a trailer for their car so they can fit their boat in it.” There was a doll-sized plastic boat not too far from Anni's behind that Ister nodded to, then continued: “So you can make the trailer if you wanna. But it has to be blue because that's Mindy's favorite color, right Anni?" "Uhhuh, she likes blue, and Mandy like's green, but it's Mindy's car so her trailer should be blue."

"Alright…" What I learned over the next coming hour was that I, however, am not a good builder.  I worked on a base first, wheels and all that, but realized very soon it was too small.  I had to start over.  Then, when I finally got it in a good size, I couldn't find any more blue blocks.  All in all, it wasn't a good moment for me.

It might not have been up to the standards of Ister's convertible — she must have been an engineer or something — but the girl didn't seem to mind. In fact, she was pretty happy to see the ugly-mish-mash of legos. "You did it! Now Mindy and Mandy can take their boat to the lake for their party." Connected to the car, the trailer looked like it had been made by a toddler, and the car had been made by the responsible adult.

I felt really inadequate around the two girls.  It was weird, really.  Izzy was an astounding builder, and then Anni had the kind of maternal care I couldn't even replicate as an Education major.  I would have thought she had a kid, but she obviously didn't.  The whole thing was surreal, and as the day wore on, I felt more and more their charge than them mine.

Around lunch-time, Marta came into the playroom with a plate of assorted sandwiches — sans crusts — and another of sliced fruit pieces — sans skins. They were set down on the table, and all three girls approached to take their fill. And while they fawned over the meal, Marta checked their diapers, one-by-one, started with Izzy, and then Anni, and then finally, Luzy.

I saw it coming.  I mean, after checking two girls, I knew I was next.  Neither of the other two made a fuss - actually, I wasn't even sure they noticed - but when the woman came over to me, I looked up at her. "No." "Miss…" "No.  If you have a problem with it, bring it up with your boss."

"Don't be a brat, Loozy, Miss Marta is just making sure we stay nice and clean, uhhuh." That was Anni. That it was Anni that intervened and commented was… well, probably very humiliating. She was by far the most juvenile of the three of them, and she was telling Luzy off.

"I understand that, Anni, but I am still your babysitter." She shrugged her shoulders, and I got up on my feet.  Marta was still taller than me by a fair margin. "Speaking of, are they both wet?  If they need changing, I need to know." Marta was a maid.  I was the babysitter.  I was hired for a reason.

It was an improvement upon yesterday, where Luzy made such a fuss over changing the pair of unconventional children, and that was notable. Marta smiled softly, politely. "The Lady of the House has made it clear that I'm to check upon you, Miss, but once I've completed that, you'll be free to change the children."

…ugh, she really wasn't kidding, was she. "Privately, then," I muttered, and led the way out of the room.  Once we were in the hallway, the woman knelt down and put her finger in the leg-band of my diaper.  My cheeks were crimson.  While Marta was as professional as she probably could be, it was different to my employer.  She'd either had less experience, or less certainty about diaper-checking. "Is that all?"

"You're permitted to change the girls, as both do need it, but you're required to speak openly about your diaper if they ask. Those are the wishes of the Lady of the House." The maid smiled, sweet and demure, but not at all flexible with her instructions. She'd been given directions, and she would ensure that Luzy followed them. It reflected on the quality of her work as as maid, after all.

"Yeah, sure, that'll happen." I walked back into the room where the girls were playing and went up to the younger of the two, patting her head. "Come on, Anni.  I'm gonna get you changed, then your sister, alright?" I needed to use the bathroom, but it wasn't that important just yet.  It probably helped that I didn't have any milk this morning.

"Did Maid Marta already change your deedee? She's not as good at it as Mamma is…" The girl nodded as she slipped her hand into Luzy's absent-mindedly. When she needed to be taken somewhere, she held the person’s hand. It was very typical behavior for both the girls, in-fact, something innately childish.

"No, sweetie.  I don't…" I sighed, trying to keep a smile. "I don't need a change, not like you.  I'm just playing dress-up for the day." It was a great excuse.  Kids understood dress up.  I led her through the hall to the changing room, helping her on the table. "Lay back for me."

"Uhhuh." Anni laid on her back, slipping her thumb between her lips. "Maid Marta is nice mostly… but she's less nice if one of us does ickies and doesn't tell her but mostly I don't notice so sometimes she gets mad at me but Izzy tells me mostly if I'm 'tinky and then I can tell Maid Marta and she can get me all-cleaned-up~"

…uh.  Um.  Okay?  It was hard to understand half of what she said when she didn’t have her thumb in her mouth… "Just lift your butt up for me, alright?" She did.  She was a very cooperative girl.  I managed to get the diaper in the right place before powdering the girl, then pulling the diaper between her legs.  I didn't get it.  I didn't get why she wore these, why she needed them… and she did, too.  She had wet it, same as yesterday…

"Maybe I could change you when you need it cause I can change my dollies really good…" The offer was obviously something she wasn't all that confident about, but conversely it showed that she saw Luzy as an equal and not a better. Luzy was changing her. That meant that, as equals, she could also change Luzy if she needed it.

Oh jeeze… "I… uh, I appreciate the offer, sweetie, but that's… a grown up thing to do.  You aren't a grown up, right?" There was more to it, though.  Maybe something that could set her mind at ease. "Anyway, I won't need changing.  Promise.  It's just dress up."

"Nuhuh." She didn't provide any more clarification than that, than a simple nuhuh in response to the notion that it was just dress up. But she'd sounded so certain, like she was certain that diapers needed changing, and Santa existed. Certain in the most pure and childish way possible.

It made me uneasy.  She wasn't seeing me as her babysitter anymore, was she?  No… of course she was, right?  I helped her back up, snapping her onesie shut, and led her back to the other room.  I was dizzy, though.  I was losing it. "Izzy… hey, come on…"

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"'Tay~" Anni flopped back down by her dolls — they needed changing into their lake-clothes now, after all, and Izzy approached Luzy with a smile. "Loozy? You dun' look very well… are you sickie? Should I call Miss Marta? I'll call Miss Marta, and she'll take very good care of you! She's really good at taking care of us when we're sick, uhhuh."

"I'm fine, I'm fine…" I took Izzy by the hand the same way I took the other one.  She was more my height, which made it weird, but at the same time, I knew she was a child.  A child, here.  Not like me, though.  We were different… "Up on the table."

The girl eyed Luzy skeptically, and then shook her head, pointing to the table. "Up on the table, Loozy, you're sick and you need Miss Marta to come take care of you." And then, the words. Those words. The ones that adults never ever had said to them. "Be a good girl, otay?" There was something vaguely maternal about Izzy, too, not nearly as much as there was about Anni, but it was there. Mostly, she thought of Luzy like a doll right now.

"I'm fine," I said flatly, looking at Izzy with a frown.  I wasn't going to be pushed around by her, not by her or by Anni.  And when I was done changing Izzy, I was marching right into that woman's office and telling her off.  I was not a baby, and I wouldn't be wearing this stuff ever again!

It only took one small push from Izzy for Luzy to bump up against the changing table, despite her refusal, and one more and she fell back onto it. "Luzy! You're sickie, and you need Miss Marta to come take care of you 'cause you can't play when you're sick until you're all better, and you wanna keep playing with us, right?" Playing with us. Not taking care of us.

I'd never heard her with her voice raised.  I'd never heard her with certainty.  It was… a little intimidating.  I pushed myself back off the table, onto shaking knees, and shook my head.  She was being so difficult. "Izzy, I need to get you cleaned up.  I'm fine.  Now please get on the table, or I'll have to tell your Mom." Simple.  Direct.  

It was enough to make the girl hesitate — no child wanted their Mamma to think they were misbehaving, but she was also worried about losing her new friend. "Is everything okay in here?" Upon hearing Marta's voice, Ister broke from her pausing and quickly blurted out: "Miss Marta! Miss Marta! Loozy is sickie, and she didn't wanna tell you but I said she had to tell you so you can make her soup and make her all betterer."

Ugh.  Children… "I'm fine, Marta," I said as simply as possible. "Her cheeks are pink," Izzy blurted out.  Yes.  They're pink because I'm standing here in a diaper at twenty one years old! "Izzy, stop acting out and get up on the table.  I wouldn't want to give you a bad report."

The maid approached with purpose and placed her hand on Luzy’s forehead with concern. "Well she is a little warm, Izzy." Izzy. She addressed Izzy regarding Luzy, instead of saying a word to Luzy herself. "Maybe she is a little ill, thank you for bringing it to my attention. I'll take good care of her."

"Hey, Izzy still needs changing!" Marta held my hand and took me out of the changing room.  Izzy followed behind, at least for now, as we walked past the living room where Anni was. "Marta!" Her hand was as tight as the woman's, if not more so.  She didn't understand delicacy the same way.  It was much more professional.

"Lay on your stomach, Miss." The room they'd come to resembled roughly a school nurses office, if anything — it had a bed not unlike one from a hospital, and cabinets, and various instruments and implements. It made sense that Marta would be versed in these things — it wasn't like the girls could go to a real doctor. "Miss Marta is a nurse, too, Loozy, an' she'll make you all better." "We're just going to take her temperature, Izzy, before anything else." "Oh, oh, can I help? Please please please?"

I finally broke free of the woman’s grasp and looked at them both with frustration.  I was trying to remain mature, but they were acting like idiots! "Izzy.  Go play with Anni.  I'll be in in a minute to change you." She just looked at me, staring, then up at Marta. "Izzy.  Go.  Now."

"Buh Loozy! Miss Marta is jus' gonna take your tempa-cha!" Izzy frowned and bit her lip, and Marta played with her hair softly. "Go on now, Izzy, I'll bring her back once she's all better. It seems like she's sicker than we first thought." The younger girl looked worried at the assessment, but she trusted Marta, and soon left the room, closing the door behind her. "Lay on your stomach, Miss."

"I'm not sick." I was pissed off.  That's what I was.  It wasn't even lunch time, and I'd already completely destroyed my relationship with the two girls.  I hadn't even been here twenty four hours yet! "I want to speak to your boss." How did I still not know her name?

"We're just going to make sure that you're healthy, and then I'll see if the Lady of the House is available." Marta stood sternly, completely capable of dealing with any attitude Luzy might present. And she was no-doubt aware of that. "If you're healthy as you say, then I'll only have to take your temperature. That's all. Please lay on the bed, on your stomach."

I sighed and crawled up on the bed.  She was right.  She'd take my temperature.  I'd be fine.  I'd get to talk to the woman, tell her how I felt, and she'd let me change.  She thought this was just my selfishness, but if she knew the girls were seeing me differently, she'd understand…

A few things happened once Luzy settled into place. The first thing was that Marta unsnapped the fasteners on her onesie. And following that, she tugged the back seat of the diaper down, revealing the girls behind. The second thing, was that Luzy started trying to wriggle away, and Marta slapped her bottom hard enough to leave a red-hand-print. And the third thing, was that the maid opened a thin drawer sets into the side of the bed, and pulled out a long rectal thermometer.

"What the HELL do you think you are doing?!" I moved to get off the table, but another smack came down hard on my ass and it made me twitch in shock.  I whimpered into the table.  Another second later, I tried to move again, followed by another slap.  My bottom lip quivered and I felt water in my eyes. "J-just t-take my temperature like normal, you psycho..!"

"This is quite normal for a girl your age, Miss. Do not struggle." The thermometer was only a half an inch thick, but it had to be a foot long, and was very very cold as the maid efficiently spread Luzy’s cheeks and slid the glass wand into her behind. Obviously, she'd done this before. More obviously, she'd done this with a struggling girl before.

I went instantly still, like the thermometer had frozen me solid.  I tightened my hands against the mattress and held my breath as the long tube slid into me.  I whimpered quietly, little tears on my cheeks.   Finally, it came to a stop, but I felt pinned to the ground.  Not a single muscle of mine could move.  I thought she'd paralyzed me…

"That wasn't so bad, was it, Miss? Now you lay still and relax, it'll take only a few minutes, but if you struggle or make a fuss, I'll have to reseat it back inside of you." The thing about Marta was… that she seemed so harmless. Her uniform was neatly pressed, and her hair was sensible, and her tones were never ever provocative. But she was still so… in control. Not just of herself, but of everything. And, it seemed, when she chose to — anyone.

I couldn't move anyway.  Even as the clock ticked on, even as I heard Marta walking around, I never felt the feeling come back into me.  I just laid there, nervous, fingertips trembling, and tried to ignore the prong inside me.  Minutes went by.  I didn't move.  I couldn't move… I couldn't even speak…

It seemed to take an eternity for the entire length of the glass wand to be removed from Luzy’s behind, and the maid looked at it with scrutiny in her eyes. "Well, you are a little warm. I'm going to administer a treatment, and then you can go back and play with the children." She set it down on the table by the girls head, ensuring she could see the length of the implement that had just been inside of her, and then went about preparing the treatment.

I was shaking as I worked to sit myself up, but the maid pushed on the small of my back and I flatted out against the table.  I felt so weak, like the rising of the thermometer meant it had to take energy away from me.  I wasn't sure how I was expected to babysit after this…

Something very cold and a little greasy was pushed against Luzy’s behind, and the maids finger followed, pushing all the way inside of her and ensuring the cold little bullet was pushed as deeply as possible. "This medicine will help you to feel better, Miss." It wasn't a laxative, though she had quite a large tub of those; it was just an electrolyte suppository, though it did have some other less common ingredients. Muscle relaxants like the soap, of course, but it wasn't the intent — honestly it was like 80% medicine!

The seat of the diaper was pulled back up to my waist and snapped into place.  I was still trembling when the woman helped me off the bed.  I rubbed my cheeks and looked up at her with something between nervousness and frustration. "…y-you get your boss right now… I have… something I wanna say to her…"

"I'll see if The Lady of the House is available, but I must return you to the playroom before I can do that. You should be feeling much better shortly, the medicine doesn't take too long to start working." Luzy’s demands might have sounded intimidating, too, if not for just how… small she sounded. How meek.

"No." No.  Simple.  Direct.  I was an employee here!  I wasn't going to be bossed around and have things pushed inside me!  I was going to go home if this didn't stop right now!  I had to talk to that woman… "I'm staying here.  You go get her.  Right now."

"Perhaps I was premature is deciding on your treatment. I suppose I'd better take another look, because you're still clearly sickly, Miss." It was a very low-brow threat, to be truthful — if she didn't behave herself, she'd be subjected to be 'treatment' and still wouldn't get her way, either way. Marta was very good at putting together scenarios like that, at making it seem like she was threatening someone, but never having them be quite sure.

"No!" She stared at me, a curious look on her face.  I bit my lip. "I… I mean… no, I feel fine…" Ugh… "Fine, I'll go to the playroom… but I want to speak with her right away, you understand?  If she's not out in ten minutes, I'll find her myself." The woman led the way down the hall, back to the playroom.  I stumbled a little bit, but all in all, I was doing okay.  Okay for someone who'd just had something shoved up their ass.

Izzy got to her feet and wrapped her arms around the girl tight. "Oh Loozy! Are you all better now? I was afraid you were gonna go away cause you were sickie, and Mamma doesn't want us getting sick…" "Uhhuh and we really like playing wif' you, Loozy, so it's good that Miss Marta fixed you up good and nice!" "You two take good care of her for me, won't you? I'm going to speak to your Mom."

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