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Some people like complications - I am an exception...

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Dear members of the Technical Support,

24 hours ago I tried to attach a story of Elfy (Tommy's Tribulations, 15 chapters, 264 kB, Arial 12) to a post for LadyLetania. When I started the upload there suddenly appeared a rectangular indicator with an exclamation mark and "- 200" to the right of it. The upload failed. I concluded that "200" meant a maximum of 200 kB per day for the upload. Therefore I halved the text. The first half was uploaded, the second not. I waited 24 hours and tried the upload of the second half - no success, the upload failed. Then I posted the text of the second half on the story search page, BabyLock had had no problem with the story "Winter Break after school". Since I seem to be an unlucky person I produced an internal server error. Last I opened the message box of LadyLetania and tried to attach the second half to a post for LadyLetania ===> the upload went wrong in a reliable manner. Do you have any idea how to help me?
Thanks for your answer or other activities!

                                                                 Sincerely yours



Please try now. It looks like you were close to your total storage limit, which I have upped since you provide content to the site with your space :)


Dear Admin Mikey,

thank you for your information. You said you upped my content of the storage.

Normally I could see in the bottom of my response-field  how many MB

are in my storage - now there are no MB indicated. When I tried one or two days

ago to send a part of the story (appr. 130 KB) to LadyLetania I could see "3,0 MB"

on the bottom.  Under these circumstances (without any MB-Indicator) I think a

new trial will be not successful. Have you any idea to revive the MB-indicator?

                                           Thanks in advance



Dear Admin Mikey,

now I show you my last not successful trial all its glory.

My skepticism was justified...

                                Sincerely yours



zz Success or no success....JPG


Dear Admin Mikey,

Last night I tried a procedure that I thought would not work. I copied the remaining chapters (08-15) one by one into my message box and waited between two chapters some minutes. Five minutes were not enough because the files were merged. I finally decided on 20 minutes to be sure. How many minutes would you recommend?
In this way all chapters reached their goal - the message box of LadyLetania. However, this approach can not be a recommendation for similar cases.

Now I am interested to know when I can send documents in the usual way.
What about the MB-indicator? Is it now superfluous? It was a great help to see 
how many MB were left. 

If the indicator appears again, when should I ask the technical support for more -
when there are only 3 MB left oder more?

Thank you very much for your answers!
                         Sincerely yours


I started getting the error last night, so it appears it was the setting in the new version of PHP we installed. It's working for me now, so hopefully you as well!

2 hours ago, Shawnie said:

I got the same 200 when I tried to attach a screen shot to a admin 




Yesterday , just tried again It loaded after a timeout on my internet.

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