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A Story For My Twin

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I wrote a story for @bbykimmy and she wrote one for me! :o (Mine is campy and hers is sexy af)

Make sure to give all your likes to hers first!

Enjoy! ^_^ 


For Kimmy
By Sophie

    It was the summer of 1982.  The height of the Cold War had everyone in a panic.  Paranoia was as common then as anxiety is now.  Causation?  Probably.

    At first, it was just about the bombs.  Then spies.  Secret code words that activated sleeper agents to dismantle the government from within.  In an idiotic fit, we turned to drugs and super powers.  LSD.  Untested chemical compounds.  When we realized they couldn’t alter a developed mind, we turned to infants.  Then to pregnant women.  Damn the consequences.  “The Greater Good” was uttered every few steps.

    It was a dark time in American history.  It was the kind of thing I used to roll my eyes at.  Now?  Well…

    My codename is Ladybug.  I have a story to tell you.

    “Who is this girl?” I asked her.  Sophie.  My girlfriend of two years.  She was pulling a party dress on over her head.  Twenty-seven years old, and she still dressed like a toddler.

    “Someone I met online,” she told me. “On the forum.”

    The forum.  Her baby thing.  As long as I’d known Sophie, she always had an affinity for childish clothes and mannerisms.  She wore diapers to bed every night, “just in case”.  It was unnatural, but it was cute.  I never thought more about it than that.  I never thought it meant something.

    “Tell me about her,” I asked, folding Sophie’s onesies into her suitcase.  Today was the first day of the Little convention.  Sophie was dressed to the nines.  Nine months old, maybe.

    “We are basically twins.  We’re both into the same stuff.  We like the same ice cream.  We are both total brats.  And she is a writer!  Oh my gosh, I have to show you this story she wrote.  Actually, we’ve been talking for weeks and she wrote me a story once and…”

    She went on and on.  If I was a dumb girl, I would think Sophie had a crush on her.  But I could tell the difference between a big girl crush and a little girl crush.  Sophie had wanted a friend like this for so long.

    “…anyway, I’m so excited to meet her.  I had a dream about her the other night, where we played hide and seek.  She’s super easy to find.” 

    “What’s her name?” I thought to ask.


    “Well I’m sure she’s adorable.”

    I packed her some spare diapers in the top of the suitcase and led Sophie to the car, crinkling with every step.  It was a long drive to the convention.

    Thirty six years before this particular convention, two girls were born.  Summer of 1982.  Their mother had been pumped full of drugs for months.  These two children were to be the saviors of America.

    Two weeks later, the facility was ablaze.  Foreign chemicals filled the air.  The smell of burning flesh.  No one knew the source of the fire.  No one knew how eighty-two people had died that day, but two young infants survived.  But I knew.  I’d done my research.

    “I planned it all out in my head,” Sophie told me as I curled her hair in our hotel room.  The drive had been long and her diaper needed changing.  But Sophie wanted to look her best for her friend Kimmy. “I’m gonna run up and hug her super tight and we might fall down, but whatever.”

    “That sounds like a wonderful plan.  Are you talking to her now?”

    Sophie looked up from her phone. “Yeah.  She’s downstairs.”

    “Nervous?” I asked.

    She nodded shyly.  I kissed her on the forehead. 

    “Don’t be nervous.  You’re beautiful.”

    “But what if she doesn’t like me?” She pouted.  Aww…

    “Well, there are plenty of other Littles in the sea.”

    “Yeah, but… she’s special…”

    I didn’t know how right Sophie was.

    December 1982.  A man spoke on the phone as he held an infant girl in his arms.

    “You found her a place to live?”


    “Adoptive parents are better than no parents at all.”


    “I’m taking this one as far away as I can.  If they ever meet again—”


    “I know.  Good luck.”

    The man hung up the phone and held the baby up to his face.

    “Such a small child, causing so many problems…” 

    He set her down in the small capsule and closed the door.  Cold air leaked into the chamber.  The baby cried, but soon she would be quiet and still.  They thought nine years could keep them apart.

    “I’ll be back for you when the war is over.”

    I thought when Sophie met Kimmy, she would hug her.  That was the plan, wasn’t it?  But she didn’t.  She stood there, bewildered.  Her eyes were wide.  She stared at Kimmy and Kimmy stared back.

    “Um… anyway,” I said, trying to break the silence.

    “Aren’t you excited to meet your friend?” Kimmy’s partner asked her charge, playing with the tips of her hair.

    Kimmy didn’t say anything.  Her partner and I exchanged weary glances.

    “Littles, am I right?” I asked.

    “Yeah, absolutely.”

    I stepped in front of Sophie and put my hands on her shoulders. 

    “You okay, bunny?” I whispered.

    She blinked.  She nodded.  She blushed. 

    This time, Sophie put out her hand to take Kimmy’s.  Kimmy took it.  Neither of them had spoken, but they seemed so… at ease.  Calm.  Then, the storm.

    Crying babies.  Lots of them.  All over the room, the Littles had taken to kicking and screaming and begging for their caregivers.  But the ratio of Bigs to Littles swayed in their favor.  There was so much noise… I took Sophie’s free hand to lead her away.

    The moment my skin touched hers, I felt fuzzy.  The room grew around me.  I teetered side to side, forgetting how to stay balanced, and fell flat on my bottom.  The shock brought tears to my eyes and I started to wail.  I juss wanted someone to help me up… I juss wanted someone to take care of me…

    I felt the wetness spread across my crotch, through my panties, soaking my pretty blue jeans.  I couldn’t help it.  I didn’t want to help it!  It wasn’t my responsibility!  I wanted my diapers…

    I sat up so fast I almost pulled out the IV.  My head was spinning.  Kimmy’s partner - Kachan - was hovering over my bedside in a hospital gown.

    “What… just…”

    “You’ve been out of it for a while,” she said forlornly.  Like something was wrong.  What was wrong?  And where was Sophie?

    “Where am I?  What happened?”

    “I don’t know… the hospital?  It’s been almost a day, since…” A blush came over her cheeks.

    “Since…” I remembered touching Sophie.  I remembered the feelings overwhelming me.  I remembered feeling so small… so lonely…

    “Is that what they feel?” she asked me, under her breath.

    “Where are they?”

    Kachan nodded toward the television.  The news.  And there on the screen was my Sophie.  She held Kimmy’s hand, talking, smiling, so happy… but the camera caught the clip from a distance.  All around them, the city had fallen apart.  Buildings levitated in the air.  The street was torn open.  Grown men and women sat in the grass, sucking their thumbs or crying with huge wet spots on their pants.  I… I didn’t understand…

    “Look how happy they are,” Kachan smiled.  Then, her smile faded and she looked me right in the eye. “But Littles can’t have fun forever.  Let’s go get them.”

    I nodded. “Let’s.”

    The news crews filled the streets.  A visible bubble of debris and crying adults filled the air.  The police put up barricades, but they couldn’t keep out all the pedestrians.  Some pushed their way through, into the bubble, and some hesitated outside it.  No one took more than two steps before succumbing to the little feelings and wetting themselves on the spot.  Once inside, no one made it out of the bubble.

    “Let us through,” Kachan said with authority.  An officer stood in our way.

    “Ma’am you can’t go in there.  Look at them!” He pointed at the growing crowd of infantile adults playing with their shoes just inside the bubble. “It happens to everyone.”

    I looked up at Kachan with concern, but she stood so confidently.  She had to be there for Kimmy.  I had to be there for Sophie.  I looked up at the floating buildings, high in the air, casting shadows over the audience.  With a deep breath, I steeled myself.  Together, with our hands in one another’s, Kachan and I stepped into the bubble.

    Immediately, the feelings trickled over us, like water on the surface our skin.  Warm.  Comforting.  Begging to draw us in.  I had felt this before.  The security and calm that came with littleness.  The protection.  The safety.  But I knew the other side of the coin, something I didn’t understand until I last touched Sophie.

    There was no safety without someone there, holding your hand.  Without Kimmy’s hand in Sophie’s, she was a scared, lonely little girl.  Without mine in Kachan’s, I was no different.  

    Hand in hand, we walked up to our little girls.  They seemed almost entranced with one another.  Their mouths moved, but no words came out.  They smiled.  They laughed.  It was like they didn’t see us at all.  Like the world around them had vanished.

    I looked at Kachan.  We both nodded.



    The girls’ nearly jumped out of their skin and their hands slipped apart.  The buildings overhead started to sag and crash down to the streets below.  The adults in soaked clothes stood up with confusion and shame.  But nothing compared to the shock and embarrassment on our little girls’ faces.

    I let go of Kachan and took Sophie’s hand.  Kachan took Kimmy’s.

    “You have been very bad girls,” we each said to our charges, “and it’s time to go home.”

    Sophie and Kimmy looked at each other with fear and panic. 




    “We just wanna play!”

    “We’ll be good!”

    Puppy dog eyes.

    Kachan sighed. “I think you’ve had enough playing for one day…”

    “But maybe,” I smiled, “we can set up a play date for next week.”

    Sophie’s eyes lit up with joy and hugged me as tight as she could.  This was the joy in being a caregiver: the honest happiness I could bring someone else.  Someone I loved.


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"You think you're so much better than me," Kimmy laughed as she listened to the audio recording stolen from Sophie's phone.  The other Little didn't realize that she was always listening.  Always hearing every embarrassing moment.  "Well, who's better now, Sophie?"  The blonde girl laughed at the sound of Sophie being spanked, of being dominated by people she had been bossing around only a week before.

She would have been content just beating Sophie on the story board, content with wresting that coveted top spot away from her on the Leaderboard... but Sophie had redoubled.  Her stories got darker - kidnapping, electrocution... her climb was ridiculous, she was getting twice the points Kimmy was on any given day.  She actually broke twenty points a couple of times.

And that had to stop.

She grinned as she loaded up "Pick Your Battles" and re-read episode 4, how powerful, confident Sophie was slowly losing control over her friends and roommates.  Kimmy had done her homework, had researched the cadre of Littles before deciding on the proper course of action, the best way to put Sophie in her place once and for all... "Ladybug", "Pudding", "Chloe", and "Sophie"... and Sophie was the ringleader, the boss, despite the fact that Kimmy knew in Sophie's heart of hearts that she wanted that power gone.

That was the best way to win.  Eliminate the competition.

And it was working gloriously.  Every day, Kimmy pushed Sophie deeper and deeper into Littlespace - when they had begun, Sophie regressed to somewhere around six years old, still functional, still able to write her stories.  But Kimberly had sent the other writer a very special file now that they were "friends" - it had all been a ruse, their friendship.  She knew what Sophie had said about her, how the brat had wished harm on her over imaginary forum points.  That had sealed the deal.

But a friend was so much easier to trust than a competitor.

Now the hypnotic triggers were planted, Sophie was regressing further and further every time Kimmy pushed her into Littlespace.  She had actually gotten the other girl to go non-verbal by using some of the trigger phrases.

And Sophie had been at work.

Each of the four had gotten a slightly different file... different flavors of subtle encouragement to dominate someone - specifically, a person who was saying some key phrases.  Sophie's file, of course, encouraged her to say those phrases while she was regressed, and encouraged her to regress deeper and more completely.  But Kimmy knew that they had all listened - she had gotten several compliments on her taste in music.

The first trigger had been subtle - Sophie had gotten a spanking from her girlfriend and ended up in a diaper.

The second had been less subtle - all three of the others had dominated Sophie in some small way to go with the spanking.

The third time had begun to cement the idea that Sophie wasn't REALLY the leader of their little group, that she was just a baby.  And Sophie had regressed so far she had to ride in the back seat of the car... and the ice cream treat she had been given had only regressed her further, rewarding her for regressing, reinforcing the desire to be Little.

And Kimmy knew that Sophie was thinking about it more and more... it should be a silent mantra in Sophie's head by this point.

As if on cue, Kimmy got a new message.

SOPHIE:  Kimmy!  Kimmy!  They bought more diapers.  I told them not to but they're not listening.  They always listen to me!

KIMMY:  I thought you liked diapers?

SOPHIE:  I DO!  But I like to choose when I get put in them!  They said I have to wear one all the time now!

The blonde Little grinned and leaned back in her chair - if her suspicions were correct, Sophie had hit the fourth trigger faster than expected.  There were only four more after that and then...

KIMMY:  Why?  Did something happen?

She knew it had.  It had to be the fourth trigger.


A lie.

KIMMY:  They just want you in them for no reason?  Maybe you should just wear them, it'll be fun.


KIMMY:  Well, it's not like you're having accidents for real or anything, that'll last you a good long time.

She laughed aloud at the long pause.

"I knew it," she cackled, swinging her feet under the chair.  "I knew it!  She hit the fourth trigger so fast!"

KIMMY:  Sophie-chan?  Sophie-chaaaaan!  I bet 100 diapers made you super blushy!  Think about it... you're going to be wearing them all the time at home now.  I do too, it's great.

It was a lie on her part - she didn't wear every day, it was once a week at most.  Her partner was vanilla and only had so much interest in playing Little games.

SOPHIE:  yeah?  ok

KIMMY:  I bet you like them thick, don't you?  I bet you like the thickest, puffiest diapers, don't you Sophie?

That was the path to the fifth trigger.  Thicker diapers.  She would crave them... but complain about them.  Complain that they were too thick, that she was waddling, that it was too obvious under her pants.  And the complaints about the thickness would trigger the other three... to put her in thicker diapers.

SOPHIE:  Maybe...

Kimmy could almost FEEL Sophie blushing.  And the more Sophie blushed, the Littler she felt.  She'd passed the fourth trigger, she would start regressing down to two years old more easily.  She'd get there quicker, she'd stay there longer.

KIMMY:  I bet you can't wait to try them.  Oh I'm so jealous of you!  I wanna be in thick diapers all the time, I wish Kachan had bought ME a full case...

The next incoming message made her grin more.

CHLOE:  You were right about the back seat.  She was so cute!  I bought her ice cream and it was adorable!

KIMMY:  I bet she was super blushy!

CHLOE:  She was!

KIMMY:  Just make sure to tell her she needs thicker diapers tonight, it'll make her soooooo blushy and Little.  Little Sophie is sooooo cute!

CHLOE:  It's true!

She tabbed back to Sophie's message, her smile never fading.

SOPHIE:  I gotta go... they're making me put on the diaper, but it looks too thick!

KIMMY:  You like them thick, Sophie-chan.  And if you don't want it right now, just tell them that the diaper is too thick and they'll fix you up.

"They'll fix you up good," Kimmy laughed.

The fourth trigger was where the real acceleration began.  After this it was a downhill ride.  The fifth trigger would be the obsession with thicker diapers, then a need to wear them all the time.

Then uncontrollable wetting, which would only cause the other three to baby her more.  No more forks, bibs at dinner, being spoonfed and baby-talked.  By then Sophie would be regressing down to one year old.

But the eighth trigger, that was where it became permanent.

When Sophie hit that final trigger, she'd never return to her adult self.  Ever.  She'd go back to maybe four or five at most, and wetting herself - which would be frequent - would push her back down to one.  And her friends would dominate her mercilessly.

And she'd never win another day on the Leaderboard.

And then Kimmy would rule.

She leaned back and smiled her satisfaction.

"Kimberly," Kachan called from across the house.  "Have you heard this song?  One of your new friends sent it to me, Sophie's mommy."

"What song?" Kimmy asked, concerned.

Her blood ran cold when the song started playing.  It was the file Kimmy had sent to Ladybug, Sophie's girlfriend.

"Wait, turn it off," Kimmy pleaded, rushing to Kachan and reaching for the phone.  "Not that one... I... I don't like that one."

But she found herself sat on the bed in a flash, Kachan's finger on her lips.

"Don't interrupt," she said sternly.  As long as she didn't say... "If you can't lend an ear when I'm talking, then I'll use your tongue instead."

The first trigger.  She had picked a very distinct phrase - Sophie wouldn't be able to resist it and she'd share it no matter what the circumstances had been...

"No wait," Kimmy protested.  It had already been tripped... it was all downhill from here.

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7 minutes ago, bbykimmy said:

Sophie joked that she wondered if I had some nefarious plan behind the events of Pick Your Battles... so I wrote a story where I did ❤️

If only Kimmy was that nefarious.. *dreamy sigh, thinking about her story*

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Oh my gosh these were amazing and so fun. I am sure they were as fun to write as they were to read. You guys continue to amaze me with your stories. 

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