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Is There Anything Wrong With The Sever?

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Don't know D-Peter, I have noticed the last three mornings, that when I try to access the site my browser reports the the site isn't there and "check for miss-spelled words and try again"

Kinda like the whole site just up and dissappeared, was alittle shaken there for a bit, thought maybe something had happened. This Morning I hit the site five times in a row and it finally logged me in. I believe from the opening page that Di is up to some repairs, so that probably explains part of it.

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I have been having same problem as well, can't even get on to the site never mind the chat room but put it down to maintanence of site during the night and early morning over there due to time difference to here.

But never any post about maintanance or reporting any problems (as far as I know) so not sure

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There is an error in the newest cPanel software that is causing the DNS server to crash every morning. We are waiting on a hotfix, and have our server techs on notice to get the server back up as soon as possible each time.

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Thank you Sir but we noticed, We are here every day...... all the time.. Thanks D-D. Now you may continue with your normal life.. only because this is ours, thanks to you and Yours!... :P

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