bbykimmy Posted January 31, 2018 Posted January 31, 2018 Hello friends, this is a repost - I was going to fill in the old thread that still had some of the comments, but that was deleted completely recently. So here we go. I'll be posting 2-3 chapters per day to allow for discussion (it'll be new for some people). When the story is done, I'll share a brand new one! ----------------------------- "No, Aimee, for the millionth time, I won't diaper you. You're my roommate, not my baby. I'm sorry your job sucks, but do you really want to just throw away your adulthood?" Fiona was exasperated at her roommate's constant attempts to get her to Amazon-up and baby her. She kept finding Little goods catalogs casually left around the apartment, showing happy Amazon mommies cuddling their fully-grown adult Littles. They watched the news together, they both knew how bad it could be on other islands. Catalon, for example, didn't even see Littles as persons. They were second-class citizens at best, pets at worst. No Little there went undiapered. Here on Gaule things were drastically different. Gaule still had a thriving native Little population, most of them fully functioning adults."Fiona, c'mon.. we've known each other forever. You can't honestly say you haven't wanted to see me in a diaper, even one time?" Aimee blinked her long black eyelashes at her roommate. She had her blonde hair in ringlets and was wearing a pink t-shirt with Tinkerbell on it, Patron Saint of Diapered Littles, under her shortalls. She purposefully dressed in a way that made her cute and vulnerable. She had the blonde hair and blue eyes that most Amazons prized, but Fiona just wouldn't budge."I can honestly say I have never wanted to see you in a diaper, you silly Little. If you want to be adopted that badly, why don't you just go stand in the middle of a store and pee yourself?" Fiona folded her arms across her chest, covering up the TARDIS on her worn t-shirt. She leaned away slightly from her pushy roomie."Owie," Aimee frowned, "I don't want just anyone, Fi.. if I did that, who knows what would happen. I could end up in an orphanage or something, I don't want that. And my job sucks more than you can even imagine. And it's not like you need my help to pay the rent! You just got promoted AGAIN." Fiona would be the perfect mommy, Aimee just knew it. She knew that if she could just get her friend to buckle once, to see how wonderful it was to snuggle someone who needed you, everything would just fall into place. She stared up into her friend's green eyes, reaching up and flipping her tight brown ponytail. Fiona hated makeup and her long hair, she'd shave it off if she could, but she needed it in her climb to the top at work."I have zero interest in taking care of someone's diapers, and you're an adult. You're my friend. We play games and watch movies. And yes, I got promoted but that doesn't mean you can just give up on being an adult. How is your job that bad?""I'm a greeter, Fiona. A greeter. I greet people. I stand on top of a big platform in a cutesy costume and I welcome people into the store. For eight hours. Each day. I already wear diapers at the store, they're not a big deal. They're actually really comfy. I hate changing myself though, and I hate using our stupid giant toilet here." Fiona didn't mind all the Little-aid devices that were around the house that allowed Aimee to live a normal, adult life. The ladder on the toilet didn't seem like it would be that bad to her."Tough nuggets, Aims. I'm not changing your diapers, you aren't my Little. If you're so keen on being a baby, why haven't you put out an ad or gotten adopted by someone while you're on the job?""Oh yeah, I want someone I don't know, or someone who works at the same awful store as I do as my mommy. No. My badge says clearly that I'm licensed, nobody can claim me without my permission. I give you permission!" Aimee flung herself into Fiona's arms, knocking Fiona's controller out of her hands, clutching at her shirt and clinging to her."Ugh," Fiona pushed the Little back onto her own couch cushion, "For the last time, no. And it's your turn to cook tonight. Finish your move in the game and go start dinner while I take my turn.""It's not fair," Aimee whined, turning back to the TV and picking up her controller, "I thought all you Amazons had crazy hormones that made you want to baby cute Littles like me." Aimee put in her orders, instructing her civilization that all Littles should be diapered no matter what, which caused her international reputation to plummet. She ended up making choices like these in most of the games they played, Littles ended up diapered like it was the way things were supposed to be. Fiona thought her dear friend should probably visit a therapist to talk about it, but any time she pressed the issue, things went very badly."You're not as cute as you think," Fiona tickled her roommate as she delivered the joke, "And who would honestly want to wipe someone else's butt? I've never understood it.""You're supposed to want to, we're supposed to be irresistible. I know it's not me, I get asked to come home with a customer at least once a week," Aimee sighed, knowing not to push this too far, Fiona would get really upset if anyone implied she was abnormal, "I just wish you wanted me that way, Fi. You're really great." Fiona allowed Aimee to lay her blonde curls across her Amazon lap. Aimee finished her turn from this odd angle, it didn't matter that they watched each others' turns - they always had it set so they were in a permanent alliance. It was always the two of them against the world.With a dramatic sigh, Aimee put the controller down on the coffee table and trudged to the kitchen. Aimee was actually a really good cook, she had this knack for knowing exactly what spices and what proportions to use, she never used a cookbook or a recipe. Tonight was chicken enchiladas, one of Fiona's absolute favorite of Aimee's dishes. Fiona chose to dream of her wonderful, gooey, cheesy chicken delights rather than focusing on how Aimee was getting incredibly pushy again. She hadn't pushed this hard in a while, things must actually be pretty rough at her job. The last time she got in a big fight at work, before she changed jobs, Aimee had actually started having "accidents" in the apartment, but Fiona had made it clear that she was either to take care of her own diapers or find another place to live. They'd been friends forever, but she just wasn't going to deal with that. Aimee's bladder control returned miraculously shortly afterward.Aimee was right, they didn't need her money to pay for anything in the apartment. Fiona had just made VP at work and money was not an issue.. but she really, truthfully had no interest in owning a Little. She never had, no one in her family did. She had grown up very nearby a Little community and had been friends with many in her youth, the thought of treating her good friend like a baby was just weird. She didn't understand why anyone would want it at all. Littles were adults, they weren't as smart or as strong as an Amazon, but they grew up and learned things and had thoughts and feelings just like anyone. They could be productive members of society, they could fall in love. Not that Fiona understood a lot about love, either.She focused on her turn, using her civilization to make peace on behalf of their alliance. The President of her democratic government was a Little, and had to spend a lot of time explaining her backwards partner's anti-Little attitudes. Honestly, it made the game more challenging. Fiona hated it when they teamed up and the game was too easy, she may as well just play solitaire. But she got to build up her military to defend Aimee's borders and work out the diplomacy, while at the same time protecting her own Littles from the worldwide attitude shift that Aimee's civ caused.Dinner was wonderful as always, Aimee put Fiona's own culinary skills completely to shame. The spanish rice and black beans were perfect. Fiona took just a moment to wipe the footprints off the countertops, it was totally and completely worth it. As was the deal, Fiona took care of all of the dishes on Aimee's night to cook. She helped Aimee down from her Littles chair and took her cartoonish pony plate and rubber fork. Aimee bought those with her own money, she wasn't going to make her get rid of them. If Aimee really wanted to wear diapers and be a baby, that was fine.. as long as she did her share of the chores, kept cooking her wonderful meals, and took care of her own diapers. In fairness, Aimee's share of the chores was smaller. She had to go to extra effort to make meals large enough to satisfy Fiona's Amazonian hunger so Fiona took care of the majority of the chores in general, especially the ones that would require more strength than Aimee had. Fiona took care of most of the dishes and the garbage, Aimee did a lot of the cooking and always took care of her own laundry.As usual, the pair stayed up a little bit too late playing their game. Aimee fell asleep on the couch during a particularly difficult turn for Fiona, who carried her off to bed and tucked her in. Aimee had to struggle very hard not to smile as her giant friend carried her, cradled in her strong arms. She "fell asleep" like this quite often, she'd hate to tip off Fiona that it wasn't always real. Being carried was addictive though, Fiona was always so careful, so gentle. Before leaving the Little's bedroom with its tiny furniture, she shook her head as she picked up a fallen pacifier and dropped it on Aimee's desk. She slipped out quietly and closed the door, then closed the smaller, Little door as well with a soft click.Fiona was pretty sure that her Little friend's longing was just a "grass is always greener" situation, she wouldn't actually like life as a babified Little. And even though she had mentioned it, she would be heartbroken if an Amazon came and took her best friend away from her. Somehow she didn't think she'd be able to go have video game playdates as a visitor in a nursery. She sighed as she climbed into her own normal-sized bed, fully expecting to wake up to Aimee snuggled in her arms in the morning. The thought brought a smile. They were best friends, but Fiona really did love Aimee in a way. She wasn't exactly sure in what way, and she wouldn't ever call the feeling "love", but she knew it was there.Her thoughts turned to the stresses of her new position. She was rubbing elbows with a different class of people now, there was a big difference between being a Senior Director in the firm and a Vice-President. Tomorrow was the start of her second week in her new office on the 14th floor, and she was still finding her footing. She wasn't used to having a secretary or having to talk to people outside the firm as part of the job. It was a new skill set she was having to hone. She had the knowledge and the expertise from the internal-facing side, but she had to succeed in this external interfacing capacity if she were going to continue her climb. It had been a long, hard road but she hadn't reached the peak yet. And she wasn't going to give that dream up for anything. Fiona was on a path to make her mark on the whole world, not just to help bring products to the market that made Little lives easier in Gaule, she wanted to reach a position where she could help Native Littles everywhere. Chapter TwoAimee struggled down from the booster seat in the back seat of the car and let herself out. She crossed in front of Fiona's car and waved to her friend to let her know she was okay. Aimee still had to go put on her uniform, it was in the breakroom with her work diapers. Fiona waved back, her hair coiffed perfectly and her dark blue suit immaculate. A gold bracelet glinted on Fiona's wrist as she waved, and then she was gone. Off to live the life of someone with power, while Aimee struggled into her diaper and her hated costume to stand and wave at people who barely paid her any mind. She wished that Fiona would change her mind, even if it was just for a week, and let her be the baby. Stay home, watch TV, snuggle... it sounded amazing. The ultimate vacation, free from all cares and worries, she wouldn't have to do anything at all..."Hey mascot," the voice snapped her back to reality. Kurt. "Need help getting into your diapers?""Kurt, that sounds suspiciously like sexual harassment to me, do I need to go talk with Helen again?" Aimee whirled on him, hands on her hips. Kurt was a jerk, he was only a couple of feet taller than her. He was one of those In-Betweeners who made themselves feel better by being mean to Littles, he was the personification of the idiom 'Shit rolls downhill'. His greasy brown mop hung down into his eyes and his face was broken out in blemishes, he just didn't seem to care enough to take care of himself. He wore the standard uniform, black slacks with a brown collared shirt. He leered at her as he responded."Offering to help a Little into a diaper isn't sexual harassment any more than offering to help a fish flopping on the ground back into the water. You know where you belong, baby girl. Like all Littles, you're just waiting for the right Amazon to scoop you up and whisk you off to a life of bottles and diapers. Everyone knows you like your work uniform.""Go fuck yourself, Kurt," the Little stormed off toward the employee ready area, Kurt couldn't see the tears in her eyes as she left. What hurt the most was that he was right, though. If Fiona offered to sweep her away to a life of cribs and bottles, she'd take it with glee. It was her favorite fantasy. But Kurt made her feel like she was betraying Littles everywhere just by having these feelings.Being Little in an Amazon's world sucks, why shouldn't I want to be cared for and loved? Work sucks, having to struggle to climb everything sucks, finding transportation sucks. Why is it so wrong to want Fiona to just pick me up and carry me? If diapers go with that, fine by me - they're cute and comfy anyway. She was consumed by her thoughts as she locked the door of the employee ready room and stripped. I should probably go to the bathroom first, she thought - she almost always did that first, but Kurt threw her routine off. She laid down and powdered herself as best she could, pulling the medical-looking plain white diaper up between her legs and fastening the tapes. She'd be standing up on the greeting platform for the next eight hours with only a few breaks and the bathroom was on the other side of the store. She had learned quickly that if she spent her break time using the bathroom... she never got a break.Aimee toddled out of the ready room in her neck-to-toe teddy bear costume, the round ear headband atop her blonde curls. The original costume had a head, but they found the customers responded much better to Aimee's bouncing locks, so the manager modified it. They'd actually done an empirical study and discovered that Aimee provided a not insignificant boost in sales when she was the greeter... but they didn't tell her that, of course."Hey Aimee," Helen's voice came from behind Aimee as she toddled toward the front of the store, "Need a lift?""Sure, I'd like that," Aimee agreed, raising her arms. She liked being carried in general, especially when she was having trouble getting around like she did in the bear costume. Helen was a true giantess, too - she was easily a foot taller than the average Amazon, so Aimee felt delightfully small in her arms. Helen scooped her up and smiled down at her as she walked toward the front of the store. "Are you okay? You look a little upset.""You mean I look like an upset Little," Aimee joked, "Kurt was just being a jerk, saying stuff about how Littles belong in diapers, his usual stuff. It just got to me today.""I can talk to him if you'd like," Helen offered, smiling down at Aimee. She had thought about offering to adopt Aimee before, but she had never worked up the courage. Aimee already had to deal with wearing diapers as part of her job, she probably hated the idea of being babied, or so Helen thought. She carried Aimee in one arm and ran her fingers through her short-cut blonde hair. She had brown eyes to Aimee's blue, but they were similar enough in complexion that you could believe for a moment that Aimee was really Helen's relative. "He's got to stop picking on you, it's unprofessional.""Thanks, Helen.. but no," Aimee declined as Helen placed her on the platform above the carts at the front of the store, "I'll handle it. I'll try not to let him get me down. Thanks for looking out for me.""Any time, Aimee. You're a good friend to me," Helen smiled warmly at the Little dressed as a teddy bear, but Aimee didn't pick up on the sad longing that hid just behind that smile."You're a great friend too, Helen," she waved as her giant friend walked away. She turned toward the people walking into the store and shouted, "Welcome to Sir Bearington's! Be sure to check out our special on Little ladders! They're beary great!"* * *Fiona pulled the sedan into her designated parking spot, close to the building. Of all the small perks that came with the new title, the reserved spot was one she enjoyed quite a lot. Her car looked a bit out of place, a simple Honda sandwiched in between a pair of BMWs. She didn't have much practice at being one of the "fancy people", but this was part of the game you had to play if you wanted enough power to make a real difference. She'd have to upgrade her car soon, after another month or two in her new job. Fiona hated buying things on credit, she had an old-fashioned philosophy of wanting pay for things outright and not be beholden to anyone.She smoothed a wrinkle from her skirt as she slid out of the car, grabbing her briefcase from the passenger seat. She sighed at the cheeseburger wrappers Aims had left in the back seat, she'd have to get her Little roommate to clean those up, she couldn't afford the hit to her image at work. They'd just have to excuse her for now, the booster seat would provide all the explanation she needed for the moment. The elevator ride to the 14th floor was pleasant, if a little lonely.. as Senior Director she mingled with her product team a lot, now that she was VP she was a little isolated up there with the executives, but this still felt like the right move."Good morning, Miss Marr," Carol's voice floated across the office as soon as Fiona stepped out of the elevator. This was the hardest thing for her get used to, having a dedicated assistant. She and several other Directors had shared an office assistant before, so it wasn't the fact that her only job was to help out.. it was just that Carol's only duty at all was to help Fiona. Carol was a little bit older than Fiona, but not by much. Today she was wearing a classic red blouse with a lovely gold necklace that matched her gold hoops, her earlobes exposed by her high braided honey brown hair. She was an earth tone and her makeup was perfect with just a touch of eye shadow ad the faintest gloss on her lips. Carol was an expert at wearing just enough makeup to look like she wasn't wearing any at all."Good morning, Carol. But please, call me Fiona," Fiona reminded her gently. She'd been with the company for a long time, almost as long as I had, but always as an executive assistant."Right, sorry Miss M... Fiona," Carol was very good at her job, but old habits die hard, "Your 11 AM called, Mr. Whitmore, he can't come to the office for the meeting today but he said he'd be happy to meet with you at the club."The club, Fiona cursed in her head. She didn't have a membership yet, but she knew she'd need one eventually. Osmium was an fairly exclusive club that many of the movers-and-shakers she'd need to interface with belonged to. A lot of business was done there, and getting on the membership roll was on Fiona's to do list. It was looking like that one would get crossed off sooner rather than later."Please confirm with Mr. Whitmore, I'll be happy to meet him at Osmium," she smiled to Carol as she strode into her office, but she wasn't exactly happy. "Please move my 1 o'clock to allow for travel time." Carol chirped a confirmation, the one PM was an internal briefing, it could wait. Getting Mr. Whitmore's agency to approve the new designs for the Little Pilot seat her team was working on for testing by actual Littles. The design was revolutionary, it used a low-latency neural interface that when installed and configured would allow a Little to drive a full sized car with no further modifications. Littles could technically drive currently, but not all roads had a Little lane, and it was still very dangerous for them, most Littles relied on ride-shares which had their own risks, or public transportation. This would give Littles worldwide more freedom than they had had... well, possibly ever. Lawrence Whitmore was the head of the LPSA, the Littles Product Safety Administration, and Fiona needed his agency to sign off on the testing before they could go any further. It wouldn't be easy due to the social ramifications of the new product, and getting to Mr. Whitmore himself was the fastest strategy.Fiona sat down at her desk and started with the emails that had piled up overnight. She knew the morning would fly by in no time and she'd have to be on her way to the club, she'd need time to do the membership application.. there was no time to waste.* * *Greeting felt like such a waste of time. She just said the same thing over and over - it could be done by a robot, why did they want an actual Little in a bear costume shouting at customers?"Oh my, the cute mascot is working again today," she heard a passing Amazon remark. "I like her much better than the one with the bear mask, she's so adorable! Did you see her ringlets.. " the conversation faded as they walked away, but Aimee felt good. She liked knowing that people thought she was cute. Of course, most of the Little customers didn't seem to approve of her getup, neither the ones who walked in of their own will nor the ones riding in the front of a cart, sucking on a pacifier. She watched jealously as an Amazon mommy pushed a Little girl into the store, the girl had very similar ringlets to Aimee's own. If only that were Fiona and me, she daydreamed for a moment, a dream of Fiona pushing her in a cart like that.. leaning forward and squeezing her diaper and remarking how she would need to be changed soon.."Gaule to Aimee," Kurt's voice shattered her daydream into a million pieces, "Helen's been calling you on the intercom, dummy. Walk your bear butt to her office and then take your break.""Ugh," she groaned, "Thanks Kurt," she said grudgingly as he helped her down off the platform."Sure thing, squirt. Hey, sorry I was rough on you this morning. I.. had a bad night," he walked off before she could respond, but any kind of apology was nice. Aimee wondered if Helen had said something to him. Waddling to the manager's office in a wet diaper and a bear costume took forever, she wondered if she'd have any break time at all when this was done."Great job representing us Littles," a Little man in a t-shirt and jeans said snidely as she passed, "I can smell your piss from here." Aimee blushed and hurried on, she knew she should have gone before putting the costume on, she was wetter than usual for this time of day and the medical grade diapers the company provided weren't the best, it was barely 11 AM - there was still a lot of time left in the workday. By the time she made it to Helen's office, she was fighting tears, feeling betrayed by her own desires. Yes, she was wearing the diaper for the job... but she'd gladly let Fiona diaper her for real, all she had to do was ask. It felt like her fellow Littles could see that hidden desire, and they hated her for her traitorous feelings.She pushed open the Little-sized door cut out in the larger door to the manager's office and closed it quietly behind her."Helen? I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you calling me over the intercom, I was shouting at people to buy ladders," Aimee walked into the office looking for her giant boss, faking a smile, "What's up?""Aimee," Helen smiled from the enormous desk. She got up from her seat and crouched down to be "on the level", as they said. "I have great news! You're Employee of the Month! We've gotten so many compliments on your greeting that they're giving you a $100 gift card to the store as thanks. And I get to give it to you," Helen beamed a genuine smile at Aimee as she handed over the card in a gold holder. "Great job, Aimee. Your picture will be up in the entrance this month. Congratulations!""Wow," Aimee stammered a bit, genuinely surprised, "Thanks Helen, I had no idea I was even being considered!""Take an extra ten minutes on your break and keep up the good work, Aimee." Helen was genuinely proud of the Little, and it took everything she had not to scoop her up and give her a big hug. The smile on the girl's face lit up Helen's entire world. Every fiber of her being screamed at her to sweep up this cute thing and snuggle her, to feed her and protect her and never let anything make her sad ever again. She had really laid into Kurt this morning, she watched him like a hawk for a screw-up and nailed him to the wall for it. Something about Aimee brought out every Amazon instinct in Helen.. and it took incredible willpower to keep that in check, especially because she already knew that this wonderful Little was already diapered, and probably wet too.Aimee felt light as a feather as she headed back to the ready room to stash her giftcard and change her diaper, when she felt a hand on her shoulder."Oh, what a cute Little, where's your mommy?" the woman asked, bending over Aimee in a way that was intended to intimidate her. Her accent said clearly that she wasn't from around here, "Your diapee smells so wet, Little one. Let's get you to your mommy so you can be changed.""Back off, lady," Aimee said grumpily, holding up her employee badge, "It says clearly that I'm licensed. I'm on my way to change right now, thank you very much.""Oh," the woman practically hissed as she stormed away, "You shouldn't send false signals, brat. This island is so backwards, it's ridiculous.""Have a nice day," Aimee called after her in her most pleasant tone, but more quietly added, "I hope you trip and break a bone." She was grateful for her license, it kept her from being scooped up by just anyone... there was only one woman she wanted as her mommy. And she doesn't want me, Aimee thought bitterly to herself as she reached the ready room, ...yet, she finished the thought with a smile. Chapter Three Fiona's car was sorely out of place in the sea of Audis, BMWs, and Lexuses as she parked in the guest lot of Osmium. The grounds were enormous and the clubhouse was austere and intimidating. On her way up the stairs to the entrance, she passed a man in a power suit with a red tie talking on his phone as a Little in a poofy princess dress ran to keep up with him, the lead to her reins held in his left hand. She shook her head, feeling badly for the poor Little. This was the kind of thing she was out to fix."Good morning, ma'am," she was greeted warmly by a man in a black turtleneck behind a counter. He was balding on top, his hair shaved short to hide it, "Can I help you?""Yes, I'm a bit early for my meeting with Mr. Whitmore. I don't suppose you could help me with a membership application?" I smiled warmly to him as I strode over to the counter."Of course, madam," the man smiled pleasantly, but didn't move an inch, "I just need to know the name of your sponsor and the name, gender, and age range of your Little." The sponsor she had expected, she already worked it out with her boss that she would use his name.. the part about the Little was a surprise."Dean Jackstone is my sponsor," she smiled, handing him a card with perfect confidence."Mr. Jackstone, really! Oh he is a fine member, quite well-liked," he took the card, his demeanor warming, they went through the initial paperwork and were just about done when he asked, "And your Little?""I don't have a Little currently," Fiona stated this quite matter-of-factly."I'm afraid all members must have a Little, Miss Marr. It's part of the club bylaws. I'll be happy to let you in today for your meeting with Mr. Whitmore, but just for today. Only members are allowed is Osmium, and they expect all members to support our care facility for Littles. Adopt yourself a Little and we'll finish your application. I'm sure you could have one today in your position." He sounded a little jealous.Ugh, I don't even want a Little, what am I going to do about this membership? Fiona wondered to herself as she entered the club proper. The entire right wall of the club was glass, looking down into a giant plastic jungle. Dozens of Littles ran and played in there, obvious diapers on display. Fiona shook her head, this is what she was trying to fight, not trying to encourage. The man from the desk led her deeper into the club, she was in what looked like a large restaurant, waiters bustled about, various bigwigs were dining or drinking. Littles were obviously meant to be seen and not heard in this part of the club, the few that were in the dining area had auto-feeder pacifier-bottles strapped to their faces for their meals, or were otherwise silenced by breasts or restraining pacifiers. All conversation was done in hushed tones, silence was apparently golden.The balding man led her to a back corner, what looked like private booths.. each booth had its own curtain. She was asked to wait while he peeked into a curtain, she only waited a moment, he returned and motioned for her to enter the right side of the curtained booth. Lawrence Whitmore, a very large, very wide man sat across from her. He had tiny, round glasses perched on his nose.. they had to be for show, it was very rare that someone who needed vision correction had a condition that couldn't be solved with an easy surgery. He had a pencil-thin black mustache and a dusting of gray hair on top of his head. The position of his bushy white eyebrows indicated that he was in a serious mood at the moment."Miss Marr," he greeted me. His booth was lavish, the seats were a soft leather and there was plenty of room between the seat and the table. There was a Little in the corner, strapped into a booster seat with his elbows secured to the table, his hands forced to hold a bottle that he sucked from, his eyes closed. He was dressed in shortalls with a blue shirt underneath.. why in the world would Aimee want that? "You've got quite an interesting project that you're working on. Do you really think Littles can be trusted to drive?" He looked pointedly at his captive Little."The majority of Gaule's Littles are perfectly capable, Mr. Whitmore. They have jobs, they pay taxes, and they are perfectly capable adults. It's true that there are some Littles who shouldn't be driving," I smile at his Little, hating myself just a bit, "but I doubt any Amazon is going to allow their diapered Little to get a license, unless you intend for Little... ""Rusty," Lawrence smiled, with what looked like genuine love."Little Rusty here to chauffeur you?" Fiona finished with a smirk, hating herself just a bit more. The mental image caused the large businessman to laugh heartily, and Rusty blushed deeply, looking very much like he wished the world would swallow him whole. "We both know that Littles are big business, both in diapers and in the workforce. And giving them this mobility will increase their employability and thus their spending. I know I'll be making some strategic investments when this product is ready for market... " she finished with a sly smile.A waiter came and took their order - Fiona hadn't really intended to eat here, but Lawrence insisted. Fiona kept herself to a simple club sandwich and chips, Lawrence had quite a large steak with all the trimmings. She stayed and ate lunch with him and they talked stocks and sports while he spoonfed his Little some of what looked like yogurt. Rusty still hadn't spoken a word. This meeting was running much longer than she had intended, Fiona was very glad she had already asked Carol to move her 1 PM."You've definitely piqued my interest," Lawrence turned back to Fiona's original topic after the meal was concluded. "Unfortunately, I'm out of time for today. Would you be willing to meet me here again on Thursday? I want to review your plans personally, have you explain them, and if I'm satisfied I will personally promote your Little Pilot to the department.""That is exactly what I was hoping to hear, Mr. Whitmore," I smiled, "It was a pleasure to meet you, Rusty." His Little blushed and hid his face in his still-secured hands, which caused Lawrence to laugh. Fiona slid out of the booth with her briefcase and made her way for the exit, pondering the best way to secure her membership...* * *It was like Amazons were all members of the same club, they all seemed to have the same jokes. Aimee had just heard the, "Oh she'd look cuter in a crib," joke for the hundredth time today, but nothing was going to get her down. She was Employee of the Month and it felt great. All the cooing and fawning over her, the not even whispered questions about whether or not she was diapered under the costume only reinforced the fact that she was desirable goods to Aimee. Fiona should be begging to change her diaper! She was so cute, she was the Little every Amazon wanted, it just didn't make sense. They had been best friends forever, why didn't Fiona want to take things to the next level? Aimee shook the thoughts away, focusing on the crowd."Good afternoon sir," she greeted a Little as he walked in, "Welcome to Sir Bearington's!""Thanks," he said gruffly, grabbing a cart and heading inside."Hello pretty lady," she smiled and batted her eyes at an incoming Amazon, she didn't have a Little but seemed like the type who wanted one. She wore a simple blue dress and sandals, and had a lovely blue leather purse that matched her outfit. "Welcome to Sir Bearington's!""Oh my goodness, aren't you the cutest thing?" the Amazon cooed up at her on her platform. "Does your mommy work here, sweetie?"Normally this sort of thing annoyed Aimee a bit, but she was feeling so good today. Knowing that Helen and the company appreciated her work made all the difference in the world and she was feeling really good about greeting people. The whole day just felt brighter after the lunch break, which she spent a good chunk of the time staring at the gold envelope. She wasn't even sure what she wanted to buy with it."No pretty lady," she smiled, wishing she could curl a finger through her hair.. but all she had was a bear paw, "I don't have a mommy, I'm licensed.""Oh, such a shame. A cute little thing like you shouldn't have to work, although you're doing a wonderful job!"I know, right? Aimee agreed silently. I shouldn't have to work, I'm cute!"Thank you ma'am," Aimee smiled, "I like my job though and my Amazon bestie would be disappointed in me if I gave it up." The first half of the sentence would have been a lie just this morning, but Aimee was feeling really good about the job today, it was silly what a big difference a gesture of thanks had on the attitude."Well, not everyone can have the right opinion on what a cute thing like you should be doing with her time, I suppose," the lady smiled, "If you were my Little, I'd never let you go.""Aww, that's nice," Aimee smiled, knowing full well that the nicest gesture from the nicest Amazon could just be a trap. Once a Little was adopted, there was no way out. You only wanted to enter that kind of relationship if you knew you wanted it to be forever... like it should be with Fiona. Wonderful Fiona, Aimee fawned, who would never hurt me or make me do anything unfun. This lady seemed nice, but for all Aimee knew, she was a total sadist with a fully decked out punishment nursery waiting. Some Littles liked that, after all... Aimee, not so much."Would you like to go to dinner with me sometime, cutie?" The Amazon flashed an amazingly white smile.. it was dazzling."I uh.. " Aimee was sorely tempted, dating an Amazon while licensed was mostly safe, as long as she didn't get full-on kidnapped. This lady didn't seem like the predatory type..."Aimee," Helen's voice came from behind her, "I need your help with something. Are you available?" Helen had been watching this whole scene unfold and a cold fear gripped her heart. She couldn't bear to see Aimee get abducted, sometimes the nicest-seeming Amazons were the craziest ones. This particular lady looked like the type who wouldn't give Helen the time of day, so she was immediately distrustful. Amazon women tended not to like Helen, or so she felt, because she was so big and tall. She didn't have many friends in school and she was often ostracized as awkward. This lady seemed like the sort that would have picked on her back then. For all her trepidation regarding females, Amazon males were even worse. It was extremely rare that she could find one as tall as she was, and no one seemed to want to date someone taller than them. It severely limited Helen's fashion choices, and she was quite jealous of the lady's chunky-heeled sandals. Adding even a few inches to Helen's already above average height was awful, but she wanted to wear cute shoes too."I gotta go, sorry," Aimee excused herself and climbed down from the platform. Helen desperately wanted to scoop up Aimee and hold her close, but she had to show the lady that Aimee was a strong and independent Little, even helping her down from the platform would only encourage her to pursue. The woman lingered as Aimee toddled over to Helen. "What's up, boss?" she asked cheerfully.Helen gestured for Aimee to follow and walked slowly away from the woman, trying to think up some excuse for why she needed Aimee. She hadn't at all, but the thought of Aimee going out with that... temptress sent her into a complete panic."I um," Helen hesitated, "It's stupid, but I can't get my computer to respond." The lie was plausible, Aimee wasn't a tech wizard or anything, but she knew her way around. Helen was no dummy either, but she could claim the problem was real and had fixed itself, "I was hoping you could poke at it. I have to get a report done today.""Sure thing, boss!" Aimee beamed, toddling along next to Helen at what was a painfully slow pace for her. Aimee was overjoyed at being asked to help, today was positively fantastic. The journey to the manager's office was a long one, and neither of them noticed the lady from the entrance casually following them, looking at merchandise here and there. She only gave up once the door to the manager's office was closed."Okay," Aimee said brightly, climbing up with a considerable degree of difficulty into Helen's chair. "Let's see what we can see." She tapped the screen and the keyboard and the computer sprung to life. Aimee did a couple of standard gestures and the computer responded correctly. "You say it was frozen?""Of course it's working now," Helen smiled nervously, a tell that she was lying - one she wasn't even aware she did, "Sorry for wasting your time, Aimee. Computers always seem to do this to me, they work fine as soon as I ask for help.""I hate that," Aimee commiserated, "Well, I guess I should get back to greeting people.""Actually," Helen said a little too quickly, "I was wondering if you could do some sorting for me. It'll probably take you the rest of the day, you'll be in the back so you can switch to your street clothes." Helen was really worried about that lady, she could be lurking around, just waiting for Aimee to return to the front and Helen to walk away. "Do you mind?""Of course not, I'm happy to help you however I can," Aimee hadn't really thought much about Helen, other than as the often-hated authority figure at work, but she felt really valued today and Helen was a big part of that. She wanted to make Helen happy, and it would be nice to get out of the uniform for a while. "I'll head to the ready room and go change, and meet you back here?""Well," Helen started and hesitated, "Would you mind if I carried you?" She was terrified that she was pushing her luck, most Littles would be incredibly offended at the question. "Just to save some time, err.. not that you're slow or anything, I just walk quite fast for an Amazon.""Sure! I don't mind, having short legs sucks," Aimee turned the chair and lifted her arms up, ready to be carried... and Helen felt weak in the knees. She shouldn't fantasize about an employee, but she really wanted this. She felt her cheeks grow warm as she picked Aimee up and placed her on one hip. Helen had never walked faster in her life, it was a speed-walk, it was almost a run. Her heart was pounding in her chest and she felt like she might faint. "Wow," Aimee remarked, "You really are fast! It must have been torture for you walking from the front, I'm sorry.""Oh, no.. it's no big deal," Helen stammered a bit. She would need to calm herself down actively while Aimee changed. "I don't mind, it's relaxing to walk at a slower pace. My sister says I need to slow down anyway."Helen leaned against the wall with a hand against her chest, steadying her breathing as Aimee went and changed. She hoped no one else was watching. 9
Guilyn Posted January 31, 2018 Posted January 31, 2018 Oh. My. Diapered. God. Is that Kimmy? Good to see your alive and writing
bbykimmy Posted January 31, 2018 Author Posted January 31, 2018 2 hours ago, ELLIE52 said: It's good to hear your voice again, Kimmy! It's good to finally be in a mental place where I can use my voice here again! 4 minutes ago, Guilyn said: Oh. My. Diapered. God. Is that Kimmy? Good to see your alive and writing I yet live! And I actually have been writing. I wanted to go back to "Save Yourself" but holy moly that thing is dark, so I'm going to pursue another one of my ideas first... my next story, which I'll post as soon as this repost is done, is called "The Biggest Little Vacation" 1
Wannatripbaby Posted January 31, 2018 Posted January 31, 2018 I don't have the time to re-read this story. But I can give it my like. I never got a chance to before because I wasn’t a member back then. But if anybody deserves it you do.
bbykimmy Posted January 31, 2018 Author Posted January 31, 2018 21 minutes ago, Wannatripbaby said: I don't have the time to re-read this story. But I can give it my like. I never got a chance to before because I wasn’t a member back then. But if anybody deserves it you do. Wow, you have 2,600 posts since October! You are extremely active and always polite. I like you <3 Thank you for the like! They actually do mean a lot to me, I'm proud of my spot on the Leaderboard
Wannatripbaby Posted January 31, 2018 Posted January 31, 2018 7 minutes ago, bbykimmy said: Wow, you have 2,600 posts since October! You are extremely active and always polite. I like you <3 Thank you for the like! They actually do mean a lot to me, I'm proud of my spot on the Leaderboard They're mostly from playing RPs. But I've only been doing that for about a month & even before that I think I had around a 1,000 posts. You... like me? (internal squealing) You have no idea what a compliment like that means coming from you. You’re kinda one of my literary idols!
bbykimmy Posted January 31, 2018 Author Posted January 31, 2018 7 minutes ago, Wannatripbaby said: They're mostly from playing RPs. But I've only been doing that for about a month & even before that I think I had around a 1,000 posts. You... like me? (internal squealing) You have no idea what a compliment like that means coming from you. You’re kinda one of my literary idols! Awwwwww, you make me feel like a celebrity! We're friends now, I have declared it. I don't write literature though, you give me wayyyyy too much credit. I write smut, ha!
Wannatripbaby Posted January 31, 2018 Posted January 31, 2018 6 minutes ago, bbykimmy said: Awwwwww, you make me feel like a celebrity! We're friends now, I have declared it. I don't write literature though, you give me wayyyyy too much credit. I write smut, ha! That may be true, but I think making the best of it was the first ABDL story that really touched me and made me realize that "smut" could be something so much more. You planted seeds in my heart that are till growing & producing fruit to this day.
bbykimmy Posted January 31, 2018 Author Posted January 31, 2018 4 minutes ago, Wannatripbaby said: That may be true, but I think making the best of it was the first ABDL story that really touched me and made me realize that "smut" could be something so much more. You planted seeds in my heart that are till growing & producing fruit to this day. Ha, you got me. Although the willing Little scenes with Melanie revved me up a bit (as evidenced by Aimee's needs in this story!), I wished I could be in her position... but the whole point of writing that story was to prove that you could write a DD story where the two main characters weren't adversarial, that there could be real love between them, and you could see growth without the normal sadistic domination. A lot of my heart and soul went into that story, and there's a little bit of me in just about every character. I start each one of my stories wanting to challenge an existing preconception, or to turn a trope on its ear. This one started with the question, "What if the Little was willing and the Amazon wasn't?"
Wannatripbaby Posted January 31, 2018 Posted January 31, 2018 8 minutes ago, bbykimmy said: I start each one of my stories wanting to challenge an existing preconception, And pray tell, what was the existing preconception supposed to be in "Save Yourself?"
bbykimmy Posted January 31, 2018 Author Posted January 31, 2018 3 minutes ago, Wannatripbaby said: And pray tell, what was the existing preconception supposed to be in "Save Yourself?" We didn't get to it yet! It had to do with taboos in Amazon society, even in a setting as dark as Catalon. We were only a chapter or two away from the core of the story. Edit: Also, I wanted to start dark and go darker, since all of my stories to that point (with the exception of 'A Touch of Magic') started light and went dark
kirababy Posted January 31, 2018 Posted January 31, 2018 enjoying this one, hoping there is more yet to come
bbykimmy Posted January 31, 2018 Author Posted January 31, 2018 3 minutes ago, kirababy said: enjoying this one, hoping there is more yet to come There is! Check back tomorrow for another 2-3 chapters
kirababy Posted January 31, 2018 Posted January 31, 2018 Who-hoo!!! wait, waaaaah i no wanna wait til then, that is like FOREVER!!!!
ozziebee Posted February 1, 2018 Posted February 1, 2018 Awesome start to a story. You asked me the question the other day about this story - I'd not read it, and then this pops up in the story feed :-) I was physically angry at the turn of events in Making the Best of it because I felt emotionally connected with the main characters. If the cattification of the Little was more permanent, I don't think i'd have read to the end of the story, because of that emotional response - how dare they do that to this sweet little, and how dare the writer from pulling me into a dark space! It wasn't until my third reading where i actually connected the dots, especially how she was poisoned (by another little with a jealous streak), and rescued. That story, Exchanged, Bad Day turned Good all helped motivate me to begin writing Meredith I'd love to know what you think of that DD story I hope this this story is as good as Making the most of it
bbykimmy Posted February 1, 2018 Author Posted February 1, 2018 5 minutes ago, ozziebee said: Awesome start to a story. You asked me the question the other day about this story - I'd not read it, and then this pops up in the story feed :-) I was physically angry at the turn of events in Making the Best of it because I felt emotionally connected with the main characters. If the cattification of the Little was more permanent, I don't think i'd have read to the end of the story, because of that emotional response - how dare they do that to this sweet little, and how dare the writer from pulling me into a dark space! It wasn't until my third reading where i actually connected the dots, especially how she was poisoned (by another little with a jealous streak), and rescued. I hope this this story is as good :-) I'm flattered on so many levels: that it gave you that strong an emotional response, that you were so invested in the characters and their lives, and that you read it three times! Yeah, that particular scene was a bit of a whirlwind, it was supposed to be disorienting and pulse pounding, sorry if that made it a little confusing too. It's actually really hard for me to decide which of these two stories I like more. I poured my heart and soul into "Making the Best of It", it's my love letter to littlespace ... but I feel that the plot of this one is more coherent and I believe it is better written, but I'd love to hear which you liked more after the end of this one Who was your favorite character in "Making the Best of It"? It was Opal, right?
bbykimmy Posted February 1, 2018 Author Posted February 1, 2018 Chapter Four "Wow, you look like you had a good day," Fiona smiled to Aimee as the Little climbed into the back seat of the car and buckled up."I really did," she beamed, holding up her gold envelope, "Look! I'm Employee of the Month!" Aimee was positively glowing with pride at her accomplishment."That's great, Aims! I was worried you didn't like this job," Fiona pulled out of the parking lot and started their journey home, her own problems pushed to the back of her mind for the moment, "Tell me about it.""Apparently, I do a really good job as a greeter, the manager got some compliments about me. I had no idea anyone was even paying attention to me at all. It feels surprisingly good." Aimee unconsciously kicked her feet in the air, safely strapped into her booster seat. She was back in her everyday clothes, a cute t-shirt with a happy tree yelling "Leaf Yourself" and a pair of jeans, unfortunately adult panties underneath. The normal underwear felt so thin as to be nonexistent after the whole day in a diaper."That's great, I'm really glad to hear it. It's important to feel needed at your job," Fiona talked to Aimee via the Little Mirror, a console mounted mirror that she could use so she didn't have to adjust the rear-view mirror. "Hey, I know Tuesday is your night to cook again, but what do you say about grabbing burgers instead tonight?""Sounds great," Aimee said cheerfully, but her suspicions were immediately raised. Fiona hated eating out during the week almost as much as Aimee loved it. Something was up. "How about Big Burger?" Fiona's least favorite and Aimee's second-favorite. They had the best fries, those tiny skinny fries that were all crispy. Fiona liked her fries warm and floppy, in vinegar. Aimee likes hers crispy with lots of salt and ketchup, sometimes she even salted the ketchup."Perfect," Fiona agreed immediately. Now Aimee was extremely suspicious, under normal circumstances her roommate would have tried to steer her to another place, or to compromise."How was your day?" Aimee asked casually, her legs no longer kicking now that her suspicions were raised. She glanced out the window nonchalantly."Complicated," Fiona conceded, "I'm hungry, let's talk about it over dinner."* * *Fiona helped her Little roommate up into her seat, she was feeling much more comfortable now in a nerdy t-shirt and gym shorts. Her hair was pulled back in a normal ponytail, she still needed to wash the product out of it, but this was a much more comfortable style than the fancy curls she had been sporting earlier. She sat down at the table opposite her friend and started unwrapping her monstrously large burger, bacon poking out from every which way."So," Aimee said after taking a bite, "Why was it complicated? Was it good or was it bad?""It was both," Fiona slid the Little-sized ketchup bottle across the table, she never used the stuff, the burger came with plenty already, "I met with a very powerful man who could either make my life very hard or very easy depending on if he likes me personally, which is frustrating when I'd like the product to stand on its own.. but that's the way business is done at the top sometimes. I miss the days already when a job well done was dependent upon your performance at your primary task, rather than all of this social pressure. I'm really proud of you for getting an award, by the way.""And," Aimee continued, stuffing a handful of fries into her mouth, dripping a bit of ketchup onto her shirt in the process. She grabbed a napkin quickly and dabbed at it, "Did you make a good impression?""I think so, I'm not entirely proud of myself, but I think I left on a positive note. He wants to meet again in two days, and then we get down to brass tacks.""That sounds pretty good to me, what did he hit on you or something?" Aimee looked at her friend, confused. It didn't sound complicated to her so far."Not quite," Fiona took another bite, "We met at Osmium.""That fancy-pants place? The one where the parking lot is worth more than the neighborhood we grew up in? Wow, that sounds awesome. What's it like inside?" Aimee and Fiona had grown up in the same middle-class area. They met in high school and had been friends ever since. Neither one of them had a particularly fancy upbringing, but Fiona had gone through some upward mobility and was used to seeing things that Aimee really wasn't. She didn't really have a desire for fancy things, she had already learned that nice things don't bring happiness. She'd met quite a few rich-but-miserable people during her climb. Fiona liked thing simple and stress-free, she got enough stress during the day."It's pretty incredible, actually. The food is fantastic, too.""You got to eat there? So, how does the other half eat?""Well - I kept it simple, but I could have easily gone wild," she took a moment to describe the Osmium interior, leaving out the daycare area for the moment, focusing on how large the club was and how much staff they had working, "Mr. Whitmore ate a steak half your size.""That's the guy? It sounds like you had a pretty darn good day to me, where does it get complicated?" Aimee was actually a little jealous, it sounded much better than her day and she had had a pretty good day."I need a membership to meet him again on Thursday - I skated by today, but I don't think I can pull that off again.""Oh," Aimee frowned, "Will they not let you in? I don't even know what you have to do to get into a fancypants place like that." Fiona's new position in life still wasn't a real thing to Aimee, they didn't change their lifestyle at all. They had been rooming together since Fiona was going to college and they'd always had this same lifestyle. Home-cooked meals courtesy of Aimee, video games and electronic entertainment courtesy of Fiona, and just hanging out. Fiona hadn't even bought a new car, the only thing she really upgraded was her wardrobe, and only because it was a necessity."Well, you have to have a sponsor who's already a member in good standing at the club to vouch for you, and you have to pay membership dues and join on a probationary period... ""That sucks, where are you going to find a sponsor? I don't suppose the guy you're talking to will help?""That's actually the easy part, Aims. My boss is a member and he's sponsoring me.. ""What's the problem then?" Aimee really didn't understand any of this, it all sounded so simple to her. Fiona already had everything she needed, she had the money, she had the sponsor, she wasn't going to do anything wrong on a probationary period - she wasn't exactly a hellraiser."They won't let me join unless I register a Little with their care facility, they expect all members to have adopted Littles. Will you... will you pretend to be my Little on Thursday?"Aimee was torn clean in half. On the one hand, this was her every dream come true, her fantasies being laid at her feet, begging to be picked up. On the other hand, Fiona obviously really didn't want this, as evidenced by all of the bribery. Honestly, being buttered up this way made Aimee feel worse about the whole situation. She would have been ecstatic at the request if it hadn't had such a dramatic lead-up. Now she felt terribly conflicted, to have her dream dangled before her eyes only to have it poisoned."What do you need me to do?" Aimee asked, a little sad."I just need you to pretend to be my newly-adopted Little for one day. I need you to take the day off work on Thursday and come with me to the club. I'll check you into the daycare there, we'll register you as my adopted Little for the purposes of my membership application. I'll figure out a better long-term solution later if I need to keep meeting there.""So you're just going to dress me up and drop me off in a daycare and then pick me up and take me to work afterward?" Aimee was really hurt, this was her ultimate fantasy and Fiona was grinding it into the dirt, just some silly thing she needed to do to get a business deal."What? I'd bring you to my office or back home for the day afterward, you would have already called in sick to work. This is what you're always asking for. You'll get babied for the whole day!""You don't get it, Fi," Aimee said, her voice choked with hurt, "You just don't get it.""What don't I get? You want to wear diapers and drink from a bottle and play with toys, that's what we'll do. You'll get dressed up, we'll pretend you're my Little and we'll check you into the daycare. You'll get to play for my meeting and then we'll go to the office and you can hang out and watch TV or something until the workday is done, or I can bring you back here and you can play video games, it sounds like a pretty great day to me.""You weren't even going to diaper me yourself, were you? You were going to have me do it.""Of course, you're perfectly capa... ""Goddammit Fiona, you don't even listen to me when I talk, do you!" Aimee practically jumped down out of her Little-aid chair and stormed off to her room, slamming the door."Aimee.. don't... " Fiona sighed. Littles were so emotional and unpredictable. This meal hadn't gone anything like Fiona had expected, she was trying to give Aimee exactly what she always asked for. A day off, a day with nothing but diapers and playtime. A chance to get a taste of how an adopted Little would live. Fiona sighed again, holding her head in her hands. She wasn't sure how everything had gone so wrong... but she was starting to get an idea on how to handle it.She stood up and stomped to Aimee's room, making sure her footfalls sounded loud and angry. She could hear the sound of Aimee sobbing inside. She steeled her heart and prepared for her next move. She needed that meeting on Thursday and she wasn't going to actually adopt a Little to get it. She flung Aimee's door wide. The Little was huddled on her bed, sobbing into a pillow. Fiona stomped over to her and rolled her over on her back, snatching the pillow away from her."Leave me.. ""Quiet!" Fiona yelled at her friend, she felt awful inside but she really felt like this was the best way to handle this situation strategically. "You are a Little and you're going to do what I say, I'm the Amazon." Fiona reached over to Aimee's desk and grabbed the pacifier she had picked up off the floor the night before and stuffed it into Aimee's mouth, who was sitting there stunned. "Now suck on that. Now, Aimee." Aimee's heart was racing as she sucked on the pacifier. Fiona walked over to her closet and slid the door open.. she was going into the corner, under the boxes... No, she's not supposed to know about that! Aimee's mind screamed but her body was completely frozen. Fiona came back to the bed with a thick princess diaper, the kind that spoiled adopted Littles got kept in. Aimee had just a few, she didn't know that Fiona even knew about them. Fiona didn't stop there, in a single motion, she had Aimee's shirt off and in another, her pants and underwear were removed. The sound of the crinkling was electric as Fiona unfolded the diaper."Fi-" Aimee started to protest around the pacifier, but the Amazon just put a finger to the pacifier shield and glared at her before pushing the Little onto her back and lifting her legs with one giant hand. Aimee's feelings were completely out of control, this was straight from her fantasies. She was in a shocked daze, and yet aware of every sound, every smell, every sensation as she felt her bottom lowered onto the soft diaper. So much fluffier than the medical grade ones she wore at work, so much more comfortable. "No," she moaned lightly, but she didn't struggle, didn't fight at all. This was everything she wanted.Fiona pulled the thick padding up between her legs and taped the sides securely, grabbing her friend under the arms and pulling her to a sitting position. Aimee could see herself in the mirror behind Fiona, her giant friend towering over her, her small form sitting naked on the bed except for the puffy, pink diaper. She quivered under Fiona's gaze, too shocked and too giddy to say anything at all."Now listen here, baby," Fiona put her hands on her hips and stared down. "Look at me in the eyes when I'm talking to you," she grabbed Aimee by the chin and tilted her gaze. Fiona's eyes were full of fire as she looked down at Aimee, the Little was well and truly intimidated. "You are going to the club with me on Thursday, you are going to be a baby that whole day, and you're going to thank me for it. When you wake up on Thursday, I will dress you and I will take you with me and you will be a good girl at the club. I will decide what to do with you after that. Do you understand?"Aimee nodded, her bones made entirely of jelly."Good. You need to figure out how you're going to handle work for Thursday. It's your call whether you talk to your boss beforehand or we call you in sick on Thursday morning. It makes no difference to me. One way or another, your diapered butt is mine on Thursday."And with that, she stormed out of the room, pulling the door closed behind her, leaving Aimee to stare at a tear-stained, diapered Little in the mirror... and the biggest grin of her life spread across her face. Chapter FiveFiona's alarm was going off next to her ear, but she was already awake. She had spent the last hour hating herself for what she had done to her friend. Now it was a new day and she had to face Aimee.. no, worse, she had to continue the façade. In all their years together, Fiona had never manipulated Aimee this way. She knew what her friend wanted, she'd wanted it for years. Aimee had an unhealthy crush on Fiona and she knew it, but in general it didn't interfere with their friendship, so Fiona just let it go. Now she had crossed a line she could never come back from.. or at least, that's what she feared. But she was already down this path, there wasn't much choice except to see it through to completion.A tiny knock came from Fiona's door. She steeled herself and stood, taking two steps and opening her bedroom door, looking down at the tiny person sucking on a pacifier standing there in nothing but a pink princess diaper. Aimee looked completely helpless, which made Fiona feel all the worse, but she had her part to play for now."You still need to go to work today," Fiona picked up her friend by the armpits and carried her into the kitchen, sitting her down on the counter. "I'm going to let you be a big girl today, and you get to decide whether you're going to wear that pink princess diaper to work or wear big girl panties." Her stomach turned as she squeezed the crotch of the diaper she had taped her friend into. It was wet. "You're wet already, but this diaper is for princesses who never get to go to the potty. Do you want to see if any of your pants fit over this thick diaper, or do you want me to let you out of it so you can clean up and go to your big girl job today?"Aimee's heart was still beating a mile a minute, she was living out her most precious fantasies and she never wanted it to end.. but she also couldn't let Kurt see her in this princess diaper."Big girl panties, please," she said sadly around the pacifier. She couldn't wear the princess diaper to work, she wouldn't be able to untape it herself. When she wore them alone, she taped it in a way that she could slide out of it.. Fiona had taped her in snugly, like an Amazon would - she wasn't going to be able to wriggle out of it. And she wasn't about to ask her boss to help her change her diaper, Helen would never look at her the same way again. In the perfect world of her fantasies, Fiona would bundle her up without asking and take her to her office, leaving her in a playpen or a bouncer - depending on the fantasy that day - while she did her job... then they'd eat together and cuddle before Fiona put her down for a nap and went back to work, and when they went home they played video games after a diaper change..."Okay," Fiona interrupted the fantasy and carried Aimee back to her room, laying her down on the bed and removing the wet diaper. Aimee watched, enthralled as the object of her affection balled up the symbol of her submission and taped it shut. "Get dressed, you have to pretend to be a big girl today, then it's back to diapers the moment you get home tonight, understand?""Really?" Aimee was overjoyed, she ran to the bathroom to get cleaned up. The joy in her voice made Fiona feel even worse, what she was doing was wrong and she knew it. She was manipulating her best friend in the world, using her deepest fantasy as a stepping stone in her career. She'd stepped on a lot of people over the years, but never Aimee. She had no idea how she was going to atone for this, but she'd have to do something."Yes really, and we need to go shopping tonight for an outfit and a carseat," Fiona called as she headed back to her room to get ready for the day, Aimee's only reply was a wordless squee of joy.By the time Fiona was finished with her hair and her makeup, picking out the right shoes and jewelry to match her suit, and doing a pre-commute office email check, Aimee was showered, dressed, and ready to face the day. Fiona exited her room with a briefcase in one hand, only to find a Little in a pink t-shirt that read "Girl Power" and a pair of faded jeans holding her arms up in the air and clenching her fists open and shut."Up!" Aimee grinned, feeling as light as a cloud. Fiona forced a smile and scooped her roommate up with her left arm and carried her out the door, setting her briefcase momentarily to lock up before heading to the car. She gently buckled Aimee into the booster seat, who was practically vibrating with glee. "Thank you!" She shook her tiny fists in front of her chest in a way that was probably considered cute by most Amazons."I need you to unbuckle yourself and get yourself off to work when we get there, can you do that for me?" Fiona asked her friend's reflection in the Little-aid mirror."Yes!"If we could bottle that energy, I could sell it and make a fortune, Fiona thought to herself with a smirk. At least Aimee is happy... she hoped this didn't bite her in the end.* * *Aimee was practically skipping toward the entrance as Fiona drove off."Wow squirt, you're in a good mood," Kurt was sweeping just outside the entrance. "You're really proud of that Employee of the Month, huh?" Aimee started to say thanks, but he cut her off, "Or did you just wake up in a dry bed for a change?""You are such an asshole, Kurt," Aimee was mad at herself for believing he might be turning over a new leaf, like he had some shred of a good person inside him. The apology yesterday was probably just to get her to lower her defenses today. What she didn't know was that Kurt himself hadn't woken up in a dry bed again, and he barely counted as a Mid. If he couldn't get his problem under control, he was going to have to deal with the stipulations in his lease.. a thing a shorter Mid like him was just as afraid of as any Little. He cursed to himself as Aimee walked by, the spring gone from her step. He reminded himself stubbornly that she was just a Little, and went back to sweeping, worried more about Aimee tattling to Helen than Aimee's actual feelings.Aimee was on the verge of tears by the time she got to the ready room. Kurt's insult against her popped the bubble of happiness she had been floating in, and she remembered that the joy she felt was only going to last until Thursday. She let Fiona bully her into going along with her plan.. by giving her exactly what she wanted. And she wanted it so badly. A smile crept across her face as she remembered the fire in the Amazon's eyes as she pushed Aimee's favorite paci between her lips, how effortlessly she had been stripped of her clothing and diapered. That was at the center of nearly every fantasy she had about Fiona, and she replayed that fantasy in her head almost every night before bed. Now that dream would have a touch of the real, a real memory to build around, something to savor. That's worth it, right? she thought to herself, I'm getting what I want and so is Fiona, I should be happy for both of us. As she taped the boring medical diaper on, she imagined Fiona's impossibly strong hands shoving her down again, and lifting her legs in the air. Her skin was tingly by the time she was all taped up, and she was grinning like a loon when she finished zipping up her bear costume. She put her bear-ear headband on her head and fluffed her ringlets and she was back on top again.Helen smiled as she watched Aimee exit the ready room with an enormous grin on her Little face, heading for her post. She couldn't carry her to her platform today, she did that yesterday, she didn't want Aimee to realize that Helen watched her head off to start her shift almost every single day, any time she could... just out of sight. It killed her a little bit to know that the Little was in there, taping up her own diaper. What if she gets it crooked? Helen thought to herself, She needs someone to help her with it, to make sure she's snug and safe. Her face flushed as she imagined slipping a cute, crinkly diaper with cartoon animals on it under the Little's naked body, as opposed to those boring medical diapers that certainly weren't thick enough... and taping it around her waist."Hey boss," Franklin's voice came from behind her. She nearly jumped out of her skin, she was so startled, "Whoa, sorry boss, didn't mean to sneak up on you." She turned to face the mustached Little in his brown-and-black uniform. "We sold out of those ladders, we got word this morning that they want us to move the summerwear since it's on sale. Do you want me to go tell the greeter?""No Franklin, thanks - that's great news on the ladders, good job," she smiled down at him. He was a hard worker, a no-nonsense type. Exactly the kind of person she needed in charge of the Independent Little department. "I'll tell the greeter." Maybe I can get her to have lunch with me today, too, Helen thought to herself."Thanks boss, gotta get back to my post, have a great day!""You too Franklin, keep up the great work," Helen walked to catch up with Aimee, now she had an excuse and she could probably get to her before she made it to the front and she'd get to carry her again... She was in luck. "Hey Aimee, I just heard from the Independent Littles department, they sold out of those ladders you've been promoting, great job. Need a lift?""Sure thing, boss!" Aimee was happy to see Helen, she was always happy to be carried. She raised her arms and was lifted to impossible heights... for her, and held close. She closed her eyes and imagined it was Fiona carrying her in her PJs and a thick princess diaper instead of the work uniform and a boring medical one. "Thanks for the lift," she smiled dreamily.Helen's heart melted, Aimee was just too cute for words. She would do anything for this Little wonder.. but they were at work and there was work to be done. She couldn't afford to ask Aimee out, only to end up in trouble for fraternization. She carried her swiftly the rest of the way to the front of the store and helped her up to her platform."They're hoping you can promote summerwear today, there's a sale," Helen said with a smile, aching inside that she had to put the Little down. She would hold her all day if she could."Summerwear, got it! Thanks again for the lift, you're much faster than I am," a warm smile spread across Aimee's lips and Helen had to bite her tongue a bit to keep from cooing. "I think today's going to be a great day, just like yesterday.""I hope so. You let me know if you need anything, okay?""Actually, boss... " Helen's Amazon brain went crazy as the Little hesitated. A fantasy played in Helen's mind unbidden, where Aimee asked her if she would diaper her Little bottom for work from now on, if they could go out to dinner, if Helen wanted to be a mommy... "Is there any way I can get the day off tomorrow? My bestie needs me to stay with her tomorrow and help her out. Sorry for the short notice, but it's really important to her.""Oh," Helen gave a weak smile, "That business lady who drops you off? You two are roommates, right?""Yeah," Aimee smiled a little wistfully herself, "We've been friends forever, she never asks me for help so I really want to be there for her.""Of course, Aimee - I'll take care of the paperwork for you. I hope you're able to help your friend tomorrow. You're a really good friend, she's lucky to have you." Helen suddenly didn't have the guts to ask Aimee to eat lunch with her, there was no way the Little wanted to be cared for the way Helen wanted to care for her."Thanks, Helen. You're a really good friend too, and an amazing boss." Chapter Six Carol typed furiously to keep up with the late morning communications. Her new boss seemed to be in a bit of a foul mood this morning, but they hadn't known each other long enough for Carol to know what that meant. Her previous boss got in moods that felt similar to this, and she had learned that it was often because he forgot to eat or have coffee.. she didn't envy the executive-types. Sure, they had more power, more money, and fancy lifestyles... but they burned themselves out so badly, they forgot to take care of their bodies, and they dealt with a ton of stress. She was quite happy with dealing with the correspondence, fetching things, and organizing. She tried to filter out the pointless communications so they didn't bother Fiona, and promote the ones that seemed like they really needed attention. Honestly, she had a pretty good feeling about Ms. Marr, she seemed like a nice person.She finished up her current task as quickly as possible and went down to the kitchen area for the 14th floor and grabbed a bagel, a muffin, and a cup of black coffee. She wasn't sure how Fiona preferred it yet, so she grabbed some cream and sugar, but she had a feeling that Ms. Marr was the kind of Amazon who preferred it straight and strong. She carried the plate into her new boss' office, hoping that this bad mood was as easily solved as Felix's were."Miss Ma... Fiona," Carol corrected herself, "I brought you some coffee and a bit of breakfast. How do you like your coffee?""Oh Carol," Fiona smiled, looking up from her computer. She had been scowling only moments ago, and Carol had seen it. "That's very kind of you. I prefer my coffee black, thank you. And the bagel looks delightful. You're very considerate, I didn't even realize I was peckish.""My pleasure," the assistant smiled, feeling proud of her read of the situation she placed the coffee carefully on Fiona's desk, left the bagel on a small plate and started to withdraw. She'd keep the muffin for herself and return the cream and sugar."Carol.. " Fiona called after her, before she had left the office. "Do you have a Little?""No ma'am, my sister does but I've never seen the appeal.""Do you have any Little friends?" Carol started to wonder why her boss was interested in her relationships with Littles."Well, kind of. There are a few in my yoga class, we get along well enough. But none that I would consider good friends. Why do you ask?""I have a... well, a Little problem with a close friend, that's all. Just trying to get some perspective. Thanks again for the coffee and the bagel. You are a great assistant and I value you." The compliment warmed Carol's heart, she left her boss' office with a smile and returned to work.* * * Wendy smiled as she browsed through the dresses in the Adopted Littles section of the store. It was so funny to her that Sir Bearington's was popular with both crowds. The Independent Little section was like a shopping market of its own... but for Amazons looking for the perfect Little. She smiled to herself at the thought of snagging one of the Littles shopping around and taking them to a checkout, ringing them up, and taking them home as her own. The thought gave her a little laugh. It was like that on some islands, if she could stomach the food she might move to Catalon. There were two types of Native Littles... those who wanted to be Independent, and those who didn't. Personally, Wendy believed that more Littles who claimed to be in the former category were actually in the latter. Like that adorable greeter she had been so close to getting a dinner date with. That ridiculously tall Amazon woman had thwarted her.. she followed them all the way to the office, but never saw an opening. It was obvious to her that the Little blonde girl wanted to be adopted. Why else would she wear her hair that way? She was practically begging for someone to take her home and diaper her.She pushed the cart slowly down the aisle, looking at the adorable onesies with the built-in skirts. She especially loved the ones that left room for the thickest of diapers. That's what Littles wanted, they wanted to be spanked, to be forced into diapers, they wanted the freedom to beg. Wendy imagined getting that Little blonde greeter girl back to her nursery and strapping her down to the table before she taped her into the thickest diaper of her life. Would she cry real tears? Or would she love it too much regardless of lovely punishments she had prepared? She hoped to find out soon. She picked out a onesie with long sleeves that used Little-resistant snaps up the back of the garment and ended in padded mittens. Perfect, she smiled to herself, the Little wouldn't be able to undo the snaps even with her hands.. without them she'd be completely helpless. The onesie had cartoonish versions of thoroughly bound, thickly diapered Littles on it. So funny to buy this in the same store where her future Little worked. She couldn't wait to see her in it...* * *Helen spotted the lady from yesterday browsing the Adopted Littles section, the one who had been hitting on Aimee. She saw her pick up a punishment onesie and put it in her cart, her eyes far away and dreaming. Helen hated her type. Honestly, she hoped the lady would try to shoplift the garment so she could ban her from the store, but that seemed unlikely. The predator was in a red dress today, with three inch heels. Her dark brown hair curled around her shoulders as Helen's sneer curled her around her lips. Helen hadn't even spoken to this woman, but she loathed her already. She could almost imagine the awful woman's thoughts, justifying doing terrible things to Littles because they "asked for it", she knew the type. She probably thought Aimee wanted to be abused, she had probably already invented some justification, blaming it on Aimee's makeup or work uniform, or her hair. It infuriated her, people should be able to dress however they want without some horrible person justifying their selfish and abusive actions by another's appearance. Nobody deserved to be abused, nobody deserved to have another's will forced upon them, and certainly not because they wanted to feel cute. Aimee was precious and perfect and even if she didn't want to be babied at all, she should have the freedom to express herself in whatever cutesy way she wanted. Helen doubted Aimee wanted it anyway, she had to deal with diapers for work and she lived with a powerful, successful-looking Amazon woman. If anyone were going to adopt the wonderful Little, it would be the woman that Aimee lived with.. that she was going out of her way to help tomorrow.Helen swore she'd keep tabs on this predator. If she came anywhere near Aimee she'd... well, she wasn't sure what she'd do, but she'd protect Aimee, that was for sure.* * *Aimee was having a great day. She had banished all the negative thoughts from her mind and focused on her work, greeting Littles and Mids with warmth and kindness, suggesting current sales to them, and greeting Amazons with her cuteness wielded with full force. She was still supercharged from the memories of her crush taping her into a diaper, the way she had been forced down and stripped... the way she had been carried and cared for. It had been so perfect, Fiona had been listening to her after all. She would give 100% tomorrow, she would be the best adopted Little ever... and then maybe Fiona would want it too. Maybe she would see how happy it made Aimee, maybe she would fall in love back. Fiona had been all smiles this morning, maybe she was starting to come around already. Yeah, that has to be what's happening. There's no way anyone could resist me in just a diaper, doing the grabby hands. Aimee giggled at the thought of how she was scooped up this morning and talked down to. It was everything she had ever wanted. After tomorrow, Fiona would want it too... forever.The crowd reacted well to Aimee, it was another great day. It felt like the day dragged on forever - lunch felt like it took three days to arrive and Aimee kept spacing out during the day, replaying last night in her head and dwelling on Fiona's promise - she would be back in diapers the minute they got home. She wondered how Fiona would do it, would she carry her straight into her room and strip her again? Would they talk about it first? Aimee spent as much time looking at the clock as she did greeting people, but when she focused on the customers she still felt like she did a really good job.After what felt like an eternity, it was finally time to go change back into her everyday clothing and for Fiona to come pick her up... and diaper her again. Time couldn't go fast enough.* * *Time was going entirely too fast for Fiona today. Every time she turned around it seemed like she was catching a ball just before it hit the floor. Carol had been fantastic today, completely on top of things - Fiona probably wouldn't have survived the day without her. There were plans to review, people to meet with, memos to read and write.. she didn't get to spare any time for her pet project, the Little Pilot, but that was the way things went sometimes. As the afternoon came to a close and the evening began, her stomach grumbled. She was really looking forward to Aimee's cooking tonight, she had barely had anything for lunch - Carol had shown up at her desk with a sandwich from the corner store and another coffee, which she took thankfully. She hoped she could convince Aimee to cook a meatloaf tonight, her meatloaf was amazing... then she remembered that she needed to baby Aimee tonight, there would be no homecooked meal. She had to diaper and dominate her friend tonight rather than enjoying their equal friendship, she had to take the Little shopping for a dress and diapers, and a carseat. She sighed, her dreams of the beloved meal dissipating into the air like the steam from one of Aimee's wonderful dishes.It was probably going to be fast food again tonight. She knew that the drive-thru sandwich place nearby the apartment sold pureed Little meals, she'd make sure Aimee got the full experience.No, she sighed to herself, I won't make Aimee's baby day unpleasant. She'd dote on her friend, she'd make her feel warm and loved, she'd be a princess for a day. Even though she wasn't entirely willing at first, Aimee was doing her a huge favor by getting her into Osmium. Hopefully it was the final step she needed to start gathering real testing data on the Little Pilot. Everything would feel worth it when that product was launched, she would help make life better for Littles everywhere. With a heavy heart, she closed up her computer for the day. Carol was gone, she had worked hard today. Fiona would have felt guilty if she had left before her assistant after the woman had worked so hard to keep up with her all day. She headed down to her car and drove off to pick up Aimee.When the Little climbed into the back of the car and buckled herself in, Fiona could see how happy she was. She must have had another great day. Time to make it even better for her."Hello, baby girl," Fiona purred to her friend, "No talkies until I say so. I want my Little completely silent for now. I had a hard day and I won't put up with any fussing. We need to get you home and get you diapered so we can go shopping. We're going to have my favorite restaurant for dinner tonight, since we had yours last night."Aimee's heart rattled around in her chest like a caged animal, she was too giddy to speak anyway. It was time to begin the day of her fantasies, at Fiona's loving mercy. She couldn't wait for Fiona to diaper her, she wished they were home already... she also wished she had her paci and a stuffed animal to hug. It was hard to be this happy without something to hug! 5 1
treasuresman Posted February 2, 2018 Posted February 2, 2018 Welcome back BbyKimmy, I do enjoy your writing even when you make me want to scream at your characters I look forward to reading your new stories btw I also get emotionally involved with some of the characters as well
bbykimmy Posted February 2, 2018 Author Posted February 2, 2018 Chapter Seven Aimee's pulse was racing as she was carried into the apartment by her giant friend, held on one hip as Fiona unlocked the door. She had locked her briefcase in the car, she didn't want this scene to have any interruptions, she wanted it to be perfect for her friend. She carried Aimee straight to her bedroom and laid her on the bed, wordlessly stripping off her clothing. Aimee was quivering, naked on the bed."You're being such a good girl," Fiona spoke in a soft, low tone and Aimee felt her bones melt. "Now let's get you in a nice, thick diaper where you belong." Fiona grabbed Aimee's pacifier and teased it between her lips before grabbing another princess diaper from her stash. She noticed the powder that was in the stash this time as well and carried it back. She unfolded the diaper slowly, crinkling the plastic between her hands purposefully, watching Aimee's reactions. After enough pleasant torture, she lifted Aimee's ankles easily and slid the diaper underneath her. She dusted her with the powder and rubbed it in gently. Aimee was taking rapid, shallow breaths, her eyes clenched tightly shut and her arms pressed hard against her naked chest. She had no breasts to speak of, not really - there was nothing there to cover, just two tiny bumps that she didn't even need to wear a bra for most days. Fiona grabbed a stuffed tiger and placed it on Aimee's chest, coaxing her arms around it before returning to the diaper. She pulled the padding up slowly, pulling one side tight and taping it, then the other. She patted the front of her friend's fluffy prison and whispered, "Good girl, you're such a good Little."She went back to the closet and pawed through Aimee's stash again, hoping for a onesie or a dress or something similar.. Aimee didn't seem to have anything like that, so she settled on one of Aimee's many Tinkerbell shirts. She walked back over to Aimee's bed and sat the Little up."Okay, we have to put your friend down now and put this shirt on," she said as she gently took the tiger from Aimee and set it down, "Arms up!"Aimee giggled as she raised her arms and Fiona pulled the shirt on over her head. She took a moment to fluff her curls and handed the tiger back to her. She pocketed Aimee's license and scooped the Little up and carried her to Fiona's own bedroom. She set the Little down in her desk chair and raised it as high as it would go, pushing her in to the desk so she was pinned."Stay there and don't touch anything. I want to get out of this suit and into something a bit more casual before we go shopping." Aimee nodded and cuddled her tiger while Fiona changed.. but she didn't change into her usual t-shirt and jeans, she was in smart black pants and a red blouse. She still looked like the consummate professional, she was keeping her hair in her business style. She swapped out her jewelry and her shoes, grabbed Aimee, and headed for the front door."What about pants?" Aimee asked."No pants for you, Little one - we don't want anyone thinking you're an Independent Little today, your diapers will be on full display until we get you an appropriate outfit for your new station." Fiona felt awful, she hated every moment of this. She never understood why any Amazon would want to treat a Little this way, and she certainly didn't understand why Aimee wanted this either. She'd seen it play out often enough though in movies and TV shows, however, so she knew the right things to say. The shield of Aimee's pacifier bobbed up and down on her face - she was actively sucking on it without being told to. Aimee's heart was a hummingbird in her chest, fluttering incredibly fast, tiny and fragile in Fiona's hands. And she hated this feeling, and she hated herself. Aimee was putty in her hands and it made her sick to her stomach.She carried the happy, diapered Little to the car and buckled her into the booster seat."Oh, you're much too little for this seat now, let's go buy you a carseat and a pretty outfit.. something with a ruffly butt and bows on it."Aimee squeed around the pacifier as Fiona closed the door and walked around to the driver's seat, although she felt anxiety rising in her chest at the thought of going out with no pants at all. What if someone from work sees me? Paranoid thoughts invaded her brain. If I can convince Fiona that this is the way it should be, it won't matter.. I won't have to go to work any more. I certainly wouldn't miss Kurt, although he'd be pleased as punch to see me now...Fiona did have the thought of going to Sir Bearington's, since Aimee already knew where everything they needed was located in the store, but she decided against that. She didn't want to make her work life harder, she'd be returning to her normal job on Friday. This was a one-day thing. But she can keep anything we buy, Fiona thought to herself, I rarely spend any money on her.. this can be an early birthday gift or something. She shook her head at the thought of buying her best friend diapers and onesies and pacifiers for her birthday, but that's what she wanted. She was already a licensed Little, she had a lot more leeway in what she could wear and do, unlike the Littles brought in from other dimensions. Aimee could be caught in a diaper in public and have a pretty good chance of getting away scot free. She would be questioned, sure.. but the laws were quite clear on the protections of licensed Littles. Still, she didn't want to humiliate her friend in front of her co-workers. She drove them to a competing big box store across town, Savings Castle. It was fitting, she wanted to be a princess anyway, surely that silly store would have lots of princess-type things for adopted Littles.Aimee breathed a sigh of relief as they parked at the Savings Castle, there was a very slim chance of running into anyone she knew here. She clung happily to Fiona as her friend cradled her diapered butt and carried her into the store. She nearly swooned when Fiona threaded her legs through the leg holes in the shopping cart. She gripped the cart handle and kicked her feet, cherishing every moment and sensation of this dream come true. Rather than feeling embarrassed about her exposed legs and completely obvious diaper, she decided to own it. She was determined to enjoy every second of this."Oh my goodness, what a precious Little you have, she looks so happy!" Aimee turned toward the voice and smiled, it was an Amazon dressed as a courtesan, one of the uniforms of Savings Castle. It wasn't an elaborate dress or a real period piece, the design on the dress was just made to look like it had fancy stitching and patterns, and that it was multiple layers. It was certainly still more dignified than her own bear costume. Aimee gave a big smile and a small wave, gripping the nipple of the pacifier with her teeth, showing that it wasn't a Silencer."She is so happy," Fiona confirmed with a forced smile, "Today is her birthday. We're going to buy her a new outfit and a new paci, and maybe a new stuffie if she's good.""Oh my, her hair is so adorable, those ringlets are so cute!" Aimee felt amazing at the fawning of the greeter, "Oh and her princess diaper, oh you're such a cute princess, aren't you? May I?""May you what?" Fiona asked, confused."Tickle your princess, of course!" Fiona gave a 'go ahead' gesture and Aimee collapsed in a pile of giggles as the greeter assaulted her with tickling fingers.This is the best day ever, Aimee thought to herself happily once the tickle attack ended and she could breathe again. She waved goodbye to the greeter as they went into the store. Adopted Littles have it better than I ever imagined. I even get to pretend it's my birthday!Fiona smiled a weak smile, Aimee was clearly happier than she'd ever been, happier than she was at graduation, happier than when they moved in together, happier than when she won her award yesterday. The Little was bouncing slightly on her padded butt in the shopping cart without a care in the world. Fiona could understand wanting a reprieve from the stresses of adulthood, but surely Aimee couldn't want to give up her freedom forever... I'm going to make this the best day I can for her in every way, the Amazon swore to herself. She pushed the cart to the clothing section first, she needed to get Aimee an outfit to sleep in, something that would keep her in bed since she wasn't going to buy a crib for this one day. She went straight for the sleepwear."Oh, that one please!" Aimee gleefully pointed at a pair of footed pajamas that looked fluffy and entirely too warm for the current weather, it was covered with a sort of soft blue fur and had a hood shaped like a unicorn's head, complete with a mane."Shh," Fiona scolded gently, "You're too little to pick out your own clothes. I will pick out your sleep clothes for tonight and your outfit for tomorrow.""But Fiona... " Aimee started to whine, she really wanted the unicorn PJs. Fiona glared at her."I said no. I need you to be quiet, you do not get a say in your wardrobe, understand?""Yes Fiona," Aimee looked down. She felt cowed, put in her place... and she loved it. She wanted those PJs, but she wanted this feeling even more. She knew Fiona would never in a million years do anything to actually hurt her, she was just playing along. They both knew how the story in the movies went, this was practically a scene straight out of "Pretty Little" and she was treasuring every moment of it, despite being thwarted. She laid her head gently on Fiona's arm, unable to keep the smile from creeping back across her lips.Her eyes nearly bugged out of her head as Fiona picked up a blue drawstring sleepsack with thumbless mittens - it was covered with tiny sleeping clouds and had snaps running up the back. If she puts me in that, I won't be able to move! Aimee thought to herself with equal measures of panic and excitement. She was torn between wanting Fiona to put it back and wanting her to put it in the cart. Indeed it went in the cart, and they moved on. Aimee wished that she could hold the sleepsack, to feel the soft but light fabric.. she contented herself with imagining Fiona helping her legs into the sack, her arms into the sleeves... and sealing her in. Her mouth hung open at the next outfit, it was a pale pink onesie with purple heart-shaped buttons going up the front, and it was covered in red and pink and purple hearts, with a thigh-length skirt that covered a series of ruffles on the rump of the snap-crotch. The diaper she was in now would just barely be covered by the skirt, if she did so much as reached upward it would expose the bulky padding... it was beautiful."Oh Fi... it's so beautiful," Aimee cooed."Yes, my gift to you, Little one. You're going to look so cute crawling around in this."Crawling. The word sent a shiver up Aimee's spine and left a tingle in her brain.. Fiona was going to make her crawl. She felt goosebumps rise on her arms and a dazed smile spread across her face."Now, you keep talking.. you're too little to talk, princess," the word made bile rise up in the back of Fiona's throat, but she could see Aimee's toes curl as the syllables tumbled from her lips. She wanted to be a princess, a spoiled, diapered princess. "So let's get you a new paci. One that's a bit bigger than your current favorite, hmm? I'll let you pick out the one you want.. as long as you pick out the right one." Fiona could stick to her part, she was going to fulfill Aimee's fantasy to the best of her ability. She pushed the cart over to the pacifier rack in the Adopted Little section.. straight to the Silencers. The characters in the movies always had a Silencer. Fiona actually owned stock in the manufacturer.. she wasn't proud of it, but it was a smart move. Even super progressive places like Albion sold a good number of Silencers, they were practically mandatory purchases on other islands.Aimee's heart skipped a beat as they neared the Silencers. She had hoped against hope that she would get one. No Little could be seen buying one of these, it was practically treason. It was hard enough to get the princess diapers she had in her stash.. but she wanted one. Even if she could have gotten her hands on one, and she probably could have, she could never use it because it took Amazonian strength to release them.. and the last thing she wanted was to get stuck and having to wordlessly beg Fiona for help... but now Fiona was willing to take it out for her. She quickly pointed to a medium size one with a butterfly shield that said "Princess" along the ring. Fiona took it down without a word, tore the packaging open right there, and took Aimee's favorite pacifier from her mouth. She held up the Silencer and Aimee opened wide, fully aware that she was surrendering her speech to her best friend. Fiona pumped the shield twice and the bulb inflated in her mouth, it was so much more satisfying than her favorite paci. She tested it with her tongue and started wiggling it out of her mouth when Fiona pumped it once more... and it was stuck. Her breathing was rapid and she gripped the cart handle tightly in ecstasy, her knuckles white and her eyes closed. Fiona stroked her cheek, which sent an electric sensation from her face all the way down to her toes. Aimee had no idea it would feel this good.When she opened her eyes, they were in the Restraints and Carriers section of Adopted Littles, and Fiona was considering the various carseats. She looked like she was trying to decide between a 7-point harness that looked professional, or a 5-point harness with cuffs for the wrists and ankles that were shaped like ladybugs. Aimee pointed at the ladybug seat and grunted. It was cheaper to boot, so it ended up in the cart. The other side of the same aisle had playpens, something she hadn't expected Fiona to look at in the least. She picked one that looked more portable but had cuffs with leads for the ankles that attached to a center ring in the playpen. Aimee would probably be able to climb out of it, but not if her ankles were restrained. This was the one part she wasn't sure about.. would she be able to keep from getting bored? She absolutely hated being bored, which is why she and Fiona played so many video games together... neither of them could stand boredom.Next, they headed for the toy aisle.. the toy aisle for Littles was adjacent to the aisle of normal children's' toys, and they tended to include more difficult puzzles or challenges. Fiona grabbed a princess-themed activity book and a box of crayons, and pushed her over to the stuffed animals. Aimee saw what she wanted almost instantly, she immediately started bouncing and pointing at the pink unicorn with a rainbow tail and mane that was nearly the size of her torso. She was going to name it "Uni" and she didn't care if anyone thought it was a lame name. Fiona dropped the unicorn of Aimee's dreams into the cart and started pushing them toward the checkout. Aimee pouted, wanting to hold the unicorn now, but she couldn't exactly complain. She could make a whining sound, but she didn't want to irritate Fiona, who was being absolutely amazing."Oh, we almost forgot diapers," Fiona took a sharp right and wheeled them straight to the princess diapers. Aimee saw her favorite kind... the ones she had to do some trading for on a rather shady website, and even then she could only get half a package. She hadn't wanted the fact that she bought diapers as a Little in any purchasing database, just in case. Fiona skipped her favorite pack and instead grabbed another one from the same manufacturer that read "Princess Diapers - Nighttime Care, Extra Thick to Last Your Sleeping Beauty for 12 hours". Her heart was aflutter, she wanted to touch one, to feel how thick it was, to feel the smooth plastic and hear the crinkle."Ma'am," a stern female voice came from behind Fiona, breaking Aimee out of her reverie, "I would like a word with you please.""What seems to be the problem?" Fiona asked the police officer, who was standing next to a younger male Royal Guard, Savings Castle's security personnel, never dropping her cool and collected demeanor for a moment."You have a suspicious situation here, that's all. You have a Little wearing a normal shirt, a diaper and no pants, you tore open a Silencer, and you're buying a lot of first-time Little gear here. Where did you get this Little?""She's a willing participant, ma'am. She requested this," Fiona calmly assured the security woman, Aimee blushed deeply."Uh-huh, I hear that a lot. Do you have your Adoption Card for this Little?""No ma'am, we are formalizing the adoption tomorrow," Fiona said, knowing full well how badly this looked. Aimee's license was in her purse.. it would either save her or damn her depending on how this played out. She kept her face calm, but inside she was terrified... and angry at Aimee for putting her in this situation."Of course you are," the officer said condescendingly, "I need you to walk with this nice guardsman to the end of the aisle while I talk to the Little here, please." The young man waited for Fiona to comply and then followed her to the end of the aisle as well, while the officer lifted Aimee out of the cart and set her barefoot on the cold tiles of the store floor. "Hello, miss. My name is Officer Garnier and I'm here to help you however I can. Don't worry, you're not in trouble. I just need to know if you need my help." The officer calmly explained while she released the Silencer pacifier and removed it from Aimee's mouth, who looked positively terrified and on the verge of tears. "Shhh, everything's okay," the officer placed a calming two fingers on Aimee's shoulder, "Is this woman holding you against your will?""No officer," Aimee choked out, trying to keep her tears under control. Losing control now would only make everything look worse, she was so scared for Fiona. Kidnapping a licensed Little was a serious offense, if she messed this up, she could ruin Fiona's life forever - just the accusation of it, having to defend it in court.. it carried a serious stigma. The thought was terrifying. "I... asked her to adopt me tonight. Her name is Fiona Marr, I'm Aimee Perrin. I'm a licensed Little and I'm willingly surrendering my adulthood to her... " her cheeks burned with shame and she stared at the floor, "I'm in love with her. She didn't do anything wrong, this is all my fault!" And with that, Aimee lost control and became a blubbering mess."Shh, shh.. it's okay, don't cry, princess," the officer's demeanor shifted drastically, she picked Aimee up and held her tightly, rocking her back and forth gently, stroking her back softly as she sobbed. "It's okay, your mommy isn't in trouble. I've got a Little of my own, I know how it is. This must be very scary for you, shhh... " After a short while she said, "Do you or your mommy have your license?" Aimee couldn't reply, she was sobbing too hard. The officer beckoned Fiona and the guardsman back over, handing the half-naked, sobbing Little over to Fiona's reluctantly waiting arms. She held her friend tightly, not trying to silence her, just holding her as she had done many times over their years of friendship. Aimee felt the pacifier nipple being placed gently against her lips and she took it willingly and suckled on the uninflated bulb, sniffling behind the shield. "Do you have her license?" the officer asked.Fiona froze for a moment and nodded, fear gripping her heart. She didn't hear what had been said between the officer and Aimee, but the woman had handed the pacifier back to Fiona to give to Aimee, so she hoped for the best. She shifted Aimee in her grasp and reached into her purse, producing Aimee's license badge. The officer pulled out her department-issued phone and scanned the badge. She tapped a few buttons and held the screen out to Fiona."Do you swear that you are not holding or taking this Little against her will?" Fiona nodded silently, the officer pointed at the screen and continued, "Please press your thumb here." Fiona complied and the officer gestured, Fiona turned the sniffling Little in her arms so she could see Officer Garnier, "Do you swear that this Amazon is not taking you against your will, that you are willingly submitting to her authority?" Aimee nodded vigorously and the officer pointed at the screen again. "Please press your thumb here." Aimee extended a trembling hand and placed her thumb where the officer directed. The device spit out a small plastic card, about the size of Aimee's license."This is a temporary Adoption License, this is not legally binding. You will still have to file the correct paperwork for the state to recognize your relationship formally, but this will keep a situation like this from happening again in the meantime. I'm very sorry for the trauma to your Little, ma'am, but as I'm sure you know - Little safety is extremely important in Gaule. We don't want any Native Littles taken against their will, I hope you don't think too poorly of me.""Of course not officer," Fiona said coolly, finally relaxing as she took the two license cards from the now-friendly woman. "You were just doing your job. I've been friends with this Little for a very long time, if someone were holding her against her will, I would absolutely want you to swoop in and save her. Thank you very much for your service.""Thank you, ma'am," Officer Garnier said warmly, "She's a very cute Little, I hope you two are very happy together." And with that, she and the young security guard were off. Fiona squeezed Aimee tightly, finally able to have her own freakout and she breathed rapidly for a while, just holding Aimee before she had regained the composure to try and calm down. That had been quite a scare. Chapter Eight Uni had calmed Aimee down considerably - she was clutching him tightly, buckled into her new ladybug carseat. Her ankles were restrained, the happy little ladybugs smiling up at her, holding her legs firmly in place. The five-point harness held her firmly in place, two shoulder straps, two lap straps, and a strap between her legs. Aimee felt incredibly secure in her new seat, and the best part was that it would require Fiona's help to get in and out, which meant more attention for her. They were on their way home now, which meant dinner and video games. Other than the scare in the store, this had been a fantastic night.Fiona pulled into the drive-thru of her favorite Cathayan cuisine place, Aimee hated eating here and objected strongly every time it was suggested, but she just wasn't feeling in a position to complain this time. Fiona ordered a ridiculously spicy chicken dish, and a sweet-and-sour dish for Aimee.. without even asking the Little her preference. Fiona wasn't enjoying babying her friend at all, but she figured she might as well enjoy the perks. Aimee, however, found a strange bliss in not being consulted... which was only compounded by the mounting pressure on her bladder. She buried her face in Uni's mane and peed herself, closing her eyes and focusing all of her attention on the thick, comfortable diaper as it grew warm between her legs. It felt so much better than the ones she wore at work, she could easily get used to this wonderful feeling. Doing this while Fiona collected and paid for Aimee's dinner without ever asking her what she wanted made it all the more magical.As they neared the apartment, Fiona noticed that Aimee had nodded off in her apparently quite comfy carseat. She found herself simultaneously irritated and amused. Aimee still needed to eat some dinner, however, so she was going to have to wake the Little. Fiona left the warm food on the passenger seat and popped the trunk, before she unstrapped Aimee's ankles and unbuckled her. She held the Little to her, letting the ridiculous stuffed unicorn fall to the floorboards of the car. She grabbed a bag from the trunk and slipped it over her wrist, this was going to take at least two trips. She carried the unconscious Little upstairs, dropping the bag of clothing next to the couch before laying Aimee on the soft cushions. She hurried back downstairs, grabbing the food and the bag of diapers - very glad that she could leave the playpen in the trunk, she'd need that at the office tomorrow. She hurried back upstairs again and sat down to enjoy a bit of her meal before waking Aimee...When Aimee awoke, she had her hands tied behind her with something soft, bound to the legs of her Little-aid chair. She looked down to see that Fiona had raided her stash again and found her kitten bib. She back looked up, still a bit confused.. only to be greeted with a spoonful of the sweet and sour chicken entering her mouth. She sputtered for a moment and started chewing, while Fiona had another bite of the spicy chicken. Aimee couldn't remember what kind of peppers they used in that dish, but she could smell the heat of them from where she was."I'm so glad princess already owned a bib and a bottle, I completely forgot to buy them. Open wide," Aimee had just finished chewing the previous bite before the new one was between her lips. She chomped happily, savoring this moment. She was helpless, bound to a chair, awakened to find herself in a bib and a wet diaper with her true love spoonfeeding her dinner, a bottle of milk waiting on hand. The meal tasted better than she remembered and it was over too quickly. Fiona released her hands so she could hold up her own bottle. "I hope you don't have too much trouble falling to sleep since you had a nap in the car, Little girl."Fiona laid Aimee down on her bed and left the room for a moment. Aimee closed her eyes and suckled the bottle, loving every moment. The milk tasted sweeter than she remembered.. her diaper had grown clammy, but that was easily solved. She smiled as it grew warm again. Aimee opened her eyes as she heard Fiona re-enter the room, and they shot completely wide as the Amazon tore the tag off of the sleepsack."I want to play some video games before bed, we haven't finished our Civ game... " Aimee looked up with a pitiful expression to her friend."Oh no, you're much too little for that video game, it has fighting in it. I'm going to go play some, but you're going to be completely immobilized here in your room in your lovely new PJs." With a smile, Fiona took the bottle and set it aside on the desk. "Oh, someone is wet... let's get you into a fresh diaper before bed, hmm?" Aimee's pulse was racing again as Fiona went to go fetch the bag of extra thick princess diapers.. she was very much looking forward to how those felt, but she wasn't ready to go to bed. She was feeling quite refreshed from the nap and full from dinner. She was a puddle in mere moments, however.. Fiona strode back into the room with an Amazonian confidence that no Little could ever have, tore open the package of diapers and started stacking them on top of Aimee's dresser. Diapers. Out there in the open. The butterflies in Aimee's stomach were flapping so furiously they may have been trying to start a whirlwind. Aimee could barely breathe... and then Fiona was tearing open the tapes of her wet diaper. She was wordlessly wiped, lifted, powdered... and then the thickest padding she had ever felt was being drawn closed around her privates. It was like the padding was reinforced in this diaper, her legs were forced wide apart, the fluff was unyielding. She covered her eyes with her hands, her heart in her throat as Fiona did up the four tapes... and then the tapes ripped open again as Fiona adjusted the top tapes, making the fit incredibly snug.Then one of her arms was forcibly moved from her face and fed into a sleeve, followed by the other. Fiona was putting her in the sleeper she bought at the store. Aimee's eyes shot open as Fiona rolled her over onto her stomach and forced her legs into the sack-like bottom and started snapping up the back."Fiona... can I please watch you play the game? I'll be quiet," Aimee said in a voice softer than she expected.Part of Fiona wanted desperately to tell her, No - you wanted to be the baby and now you're getting put to bed. Shut up. ...but she couldn't. She couldn't do that to Aimee, no matter how badly she wanted to. She pulled the drawstring tight, making sure that the best Aimee could do was crawl very slowly, and picked her up. She kept repeating to herself, It's only one night. It's only one day. This will all be over soon."Okay, baby - you can watch, but one peep out of you and it's off to bed. You're going to lay on the couch and drink your baba and when I decide we're done, you're going to bed with no fussing. Got it?" Aimee's heart swelled, Fiona was falling in love with her! This was going just like all of her best fantasies... well, in the best fantasies she still got to play games, but she'd take it. She lifted her mittened hands up and smiled. Fiona picked her up and cradled her, carrying her to the couch. She grabbed a throw pillow and propped Aimee up with it, laying her down on the couch so she could see the TV. Fiona disappeared into the kitchen to rinse and refill Aimee's bottle with juice while Aimee tested her bonds. Her legs were a bit scrunched in the sack and the padded mittens prevented her from using her hands at all. She wiggled her confined fingers, giggling at the helpless sensation until Fiona plopped the nipple of the bottle in her mouth, and she had to use both padded hands to hold the bottle. She sucked at it greedily while Fiona fired up the game, savoring this moment. Fiona is loving this, she thought to herself, maybe it can be like this every night! Aimee swore that she'd make her time in Fiona's office as pleasant as possible tomorrow, she'd make Fiona want her around all the time, she could be the office baby... everyone in the movies loved the office baby. She snuggled into the couch and drank the bottle, watching Fiona play their favorite game contentedly.After a while, Fiona looked over to a sleeping Aimee. The Little had passed out, the bottle rolling out of her mittened hands to rest next to her on the couch. But rather than fawning over the sleeping Little as Aimee hoped she would, the only thought in Fiona's mind was... Oh, I hope she waits until she's at the club to poop. I really don't want to clean her up.* * *Aimee awoke in the middle of the night to an aching bladder. She sat up and tried to swing her legs out of the bed before she realized where she was... or rather, what she was wearing. Her legs found immediate resistance, the drawstring to the sleepsack had been tied to the footboard of the bed. Then she felt the padding and remembered the mittens. She was trapped in bed in the thickest diaper she had ever experienced, she couldn't use her hands, couldn't get out of bed.. she was stuck. She looked around for her stuffed unicorn, her new friend Uni... but he was nowhere to be found. She searched for a paci but couldn't find that either. She pouted and laid back down. She could cry for Fiona... but Fi hated being woken up at night. She just wouldn't have a paci or a stuffie for this. She closed her eyes and relaxed her bladder, feeling the hot urine leave her and be absorbed by the thick padding.. the normal princess diapers could take 2 or 3 heavy wettings, these were much thicker. She grinned, wondering how many times she could wet in this one before it leaked... she rolled over onto her side, but it was really uncomfortable with the thick padding holding her legs apart. That was an unexpected unpleasantry of the otherwise perfect diaper, it felt way better than even her previously favorite daytime princess diapers. She tossed and turned a bit before finding another comfortable position on her back, her legs bent and her knees in the air, but she found she couldn't get back to sleep. She was wide awake thanks to her short nap in the car. A sly smile crept across her face and she turned to her favorite nighttime activity... fantasy, but this time would be the best ever! She was literally living out her favorite fantasy. She replayed the evening in her mind, Fiona's take-charge attitude, her warm smiles, her loving arms. Fiona was loving this as much as she was, and Aimee felt warm all over. As she remembered Fiona tearing open the pacifier in the store and forcing it between her lips, she couldn't control herself any longer. She rolled over and began grinding against the wet diaper, panting, trying desperately to use the mittens to adjust the diaper so it was rubbing her just right, a fold in the right spot... She propped herself up with her useless mittened hands, replaying the memories of Fiona in the store, the carseat, the paci, the diapers, rocking her hips rhythmically, rubbing the warm, wet padding against her just right... and after some time and several orgasms, she rolled back to her back and drifted off. Chapter Nine Again Fiona was awake before the alarm, feeling unpleasant. She was going to have to baby her friend all day today, carry her, feed her, change her... this wasn't what she wanted their friendship to be! She and Aimee were supposed to be teammates, complimenting each others' strengths and covering each others' weaknesses. They did puzzles together, they played games... they were equals. Fiona didn't want a baby, she wanted a friend. She rose from bed with a giant sigh, again steeling herself for the day - this was it, as soon as the work day was done, the baby fantasy was over. Hopefully Aimee would have it out of her system and they could go back to the way things were.Fiona took a moment to wash the baby bottle before preparing a breakfast shake in it, Aimee could have a liquid breakfast today, she'd probably love it anyway. She walked into her friend's room with the bottle in hand, only to find Aimee still fast asleep. Fiona smiled a bit, Aimee really did like this - you could tell because even in her sleep, she wore a smile. I don't care that she wants to dress like a baby, she can sleep like this every day, it makes no difference to me, she thought to herself, I just want her to still pull her own weight. Clothes are fine, they don't matter.. but I'm not willing to lose my friend or gain a baby. Fiona's smile had faded as she untied the drawstring and carried Aimee to the living room, not completely gently. She slipped the nipple of the bottle into the still-sleeping Aimee's mouth, moving her hands up to hold it."Wake up, baby," she called to Aimee, drawing her out of dreamland, "Wake up and eat your breakfast. We need to get a start on the day."Aimee blinked the sleep from her eyes as she sucked at the nipple of the bottle. A grin spread across her face as she realized she wasn't even in her bed, she was back on the couch. She let her bladder go again, re-warming the thick diaper, feeling it grow ever heavier. Drinking and wetting simultaneously was a new and novel experience for her, and it felt wonderful. Fiona headed for a quick shower, leaving Aimee alone to nurse and fantasize. When she was done, Aimee was almost done as well. Her diaper felt amazingly heavy, she wondered what it would feel like to walk in it. She squeezed her thighs together, expecting the diaper to give up a little of the liquid.. but it felt like this diaper could last the rest of the day if she needed it to. The thought made her giggle."Okay, baby girl," Fiona said, walking back into Aimee's view, her hair coiffed, her suit spotless, her jewelry and makeup perfect. "Time to get you dressed. My meeting at Osmium doesn't start until 11 AM, we'll show up a little early to get your paperwork done and you checked in. Remember, you're an Adopted Little today, I need you to act like it at the office. Be nice to my secretary, call her Miss Joly and do whatever she says. She doesn't have a Little, she may not want to interact with you at all, but you are to obey her unquestioningly." Fiona carried the immobilized Little back to her bed, laying her on her stomach and unsnapping the sleepsack. Aimee blushed fiercely at being face down with her sodden diapered rump in the air, but it wasn't there for long before she was sadly free of the restrictive garment and laying on her back. Fiona reached over and grabbed one of the nighttime princess diapers that she stacked on top of the dresser and quickly changed Aimee, including a new cloud of sweet-smelling powder. While she walked to the living room to get the new outfit, Aimee tugged at the tapes of the diaper... not because she wanted to remove it, but because she wanted to intensify the feeling of helplessness. No matter how hard she pulled, the tape didn't budge, she was well and truly trapped in this diaper until her friend decided otherwise. She rubbed the front of the dry, fluffy diaper, reveling in how it forced her legs apart, the feel of the smooth plastic under her fingertips, the delightful crinkle that accompanied every movement.. but she managed to stop herself before Fiona came back in.Fiona pulled the onesie on over her head like a t-shirt then without asking, pushed her onto her back and began snapping the garment closed at her crotch. Aimee watched in the mirror, the crotch of the pink princess diaper was so wide, it peeked out on either side of the onesie. The sight made her feel tingly. She knew at some level it was wrong to enjoy this - elsewhere in the world, Littles were being forced into this treatment unwillingly, for real, forced to be babies, pets, or dolls for their Amazon betters. She had no idea why she felt this allure, it probably had something to do with her relative safety from this treatment - by virtue of being born on the "right" piece of dirt, she had freedoms and rights other Littles could only dream of.. while she fantasized about the very things they sometimes risked their lives to avoid. She felt a sudden pang of guilt at the thought. "Okay princess, let's fix those ringlets," Fiona sat Aimee at her Little-sized vanity, completely unaware of the Little's change in mood, and went through Aimee's usual beauty routine with her. Aimee was actually impressed that Fiona remembered exactly how she did this.. but Fiona always did have great attention to detail. It wasn't long at all before she found herself in the ladybug carseat, her new butterfly Silencer inflated in her mouth, and her wrists and ankles held firmly by smiling ladybugs, her eternally happy jailers. She looked longingly at Uni on the floorboards of the car, but Fiona was already in the driver's seat and she couldn't exactly ask for him. She entertained herself by struggling as hard as possible against the bonds.. the ladybugs held her as surely as any steel band, it was positively delicious. She sucked on the inflated bulb of the pacifier, gazing at herself in the mirror as they cruised along the road.. she looked impossibly cute, the perfect Little. Big blue eyes, golden ringlets, incredibly thick pink diaper almost completely unhidden by the ruffled skirt of the onesie, and thoroughly bound. She felt like a model or a movie star in one of her favorite films.. and she couldn't wipe the grin from her face if she tried.* * *"The top dogs really made you adopt a Little, huh... oh hell, is that Aimee!?" Aimee buried her face in Fiona's shoulder, they hadn't even made it all the way into the building and someone had spotted them. The voice belonged to Marc, one of the designers that used to work directly under Fiona. Marc and his partner Adrien used to come over for board game nights but they hadn't been around for months. "I.. I thought she had been joking about wanting you to be her mommy?" Aimee couldn't face Marc... but she didn't end up with much of a choice. He took her gently by the chin and turned her face, looking into her blue eyes which were heavily contrasted by her crimson cheeks."Marc, perfect. Here," she handed Marc the playpen box she had been half-dragging behind her, "I'll fill you in, let's go back and grab my briefcase, you're saving me a trip. Perfect timing.""Fiona... why is your licensed," he whispered the word fiercely as he followed Fiona back toward the car, lugging the playpen box in both hands, "roommate dressed like an Adopted Little? You don't even want a Little!""You're right, but I need a membership at Osmium and.. " Fiona started, but suddenly he stopped dead in his tracks in the middle of the parking lot. A black sedan waited impatiently for him to move out of the way, the driver frowning. "Fiona Marr," he said with venom in his voice as he regained his senses and advanced on her, freeing the car to continue on its way. "Are you seriously telling me that you adopted Aimee just to get you into that awful club? Poor Aimee!""Poor Aimee nothing," Fiona growled, "She begged me for this and it's only temporary." Aimee flinched, not wanting to own up to her dirty secret in front of a friend, but she couldn't defend herself. She hid her face, tears welling up in her eyes."I don't understand," Marc intoned, confused."Aimee.. " Fiona stammered for a moment, but recovered, "Wanted to see what it was like to be an Adopted Little, she's... thinking of writing a book from the Little's perspective, and I need a Little to get me into the club. She volunteered to help me, it turned out to be mutually beneficial.""Aimee, you're so brave," Marc had stars in his voice as he closed the rest of the gap, catching up. Fiona saw red for a moment, Aimee was not in the right here and she had just made her out to look like a saint."Yeah," Fiona said, grabbing her briefcase. "Let's go get our brave little princess into her playpen so I can do some work.""Hey, do you need a babysitter tomorrow? Adrien... " Marc looked away from Fiona as they walked, headed back into the building with Fiona's things, to Aimee's delight she had also grabbed Uni as well, the bag with the activity book and crayons, the playpen, and of course a very well-diapered Little. "I think Adrien is getting a case of Baby Fever. He keeps casually dropping hints that we should look into adoption.""You want to borrow Aimee to see how bad he's got it?" Fiona asked. Aimee hid her face, on the one hand she took some delight in her plans being decided without her, on the other hand she didn't want Marc and Adrien changing her diapers, she didn't even really want Marc to see her like this at all."Yeah, do you mind? We'd take good care of her, she'd be spoiled for the night.""Well Marc, I'm not the person to ask, she's not my Little," Fiona said once the three of them were alone in an elevator, the words felt like a jagged shard of glass in Aimee's chest. "As far as I'm concerned, she's in charge of her own diapers as soon as we get home. I'm happy to help her with her... book, and in exchange she's helping me get into Osmium to finalize things with Whitmore.""Lawrence Whitmore?" Marc asked, surprised. "Oh, Aimee - you're doing us ALL a huge favor. Whitmore has all the keys to our work for the last 2 years seeing the light of day. It could spell a new era of freedom for Littles worldwide!""Help me set up her playpen in my office?" Fiona asked as the elevator dinged for the 14th floor, "I really appreciate it, Marc."The previous conversation disappeared in a puff of smoke from the fire that was the revelation that Fiona was a hair's breadth from clearing the next major roadblock for their shared project. Aimee sat on the floor, her legs spread wide while her two Amazonian friends assembled her prison for the day. Her feelings were a storm, her heart clinging to a liferaft as the torrents swirled around it. Yes, she was living out her ultimate fantasy, she was about to get to spend some playtime in Fiona's office while Fiona worked, playing with toys and relaxing in a thick diaper with zero responsibility... but the illusion that Fiona was coming around to her point of view had just suffered a major fracture. She blinked back tears as she tried to remember the specific tone of Fiona's voice as she said, she's not my Little... was she angry? Sad? Aimee was so wrapped up in this fantasy so tightly that her emotions, her analysis was far from impartial. The words felt like an open wound in her heart, she felt as though she was bleeding inside.No, Aimee told herself, closing her eyes. Fiona just said that because Marc was pushing. She was so happy last night, she was so commanding in the store... she couldn't fake that, right? I just have to try harder, be cuter... I have to be the perfect Little for her.She was still lost in thought as Fiona set her down in the newly constructed playpen... but the feeling of the restraints closing around her ankles snapped her back to reality."Thanks a ton, Marc. I really appreciate the assist. Hey, we really need to get together for boardgames again soon. Message me with Adrien's availability?""Yes, Ms. Marr," he teased on his way out the door, giving her a coy wave.Aimee stood, the bells on the ankle cuffs ringing as she waddled to the edge of the playpen. It only came to her chest, without the restraints tying her to a fortified ring in the center of the playpen, she would be able to climb out easily. The playpen was a soft lilac, rectangular in shape. Now that it was constructed, Fiona could collapse it by pressing a couple of buttons and lifting the restraining ring, it would fold up into a very portable cylinder for her."Okay, I'm going to take your paci out after I finish my morning communications. They tend to be stressful, so I need silence. That means no bell ringing, either. You need to sit perfectly still and do something quietly," she said as she grabbed Aimee by the torso and put her in a sitting position. She set the activity book and box of crayons down in the playpen, and tucked Uni beside her.Aimee pouted, she wasn't getting an opportunity to turn her Little charms on Fiona, she had to show her how wonderful it was to be adored by someone, to be worshipped, to be surrendered to, to be trusted... She needed Fiona to feel, well, the compliment to what she felt. Love. The love of a Little for her mommy. Aimee blushed at this thought, even in her fantasies she didn't call Fiona 'mommy', but she had never been closer to her goal than she was right now."Oh," Carol's voice floated across Fiona's office, interrupting the steady stream of keyboard clacks, "I see we have a visitor this morning." 3
Wannatripbaby Posted February 2, 2018 Posted February 2, 2018 Hey, guys. Let's try to get as many comments on this as possible. Firstly so that it will get to the next page and you won't have to do as much scrolling. Which is a pain on a mobile device. And secondly because Kimmy deserves all the praise we can give her.
bbykimmy Posted February 2, 2018 Author Posted February 2, 2018 12 hours ago, treasuresman said: Welcome back BbyKimmy, I do enjoy your writing even when you make me want to scream at your characters I look forward to reading your new stories btw I also get emotionally involved with some of the characters as well Aww <3 Thanks treasureman! I'm 4 chapters in to my new story... I'd probably be further but I started writing a collaborative story with my mommy-type whereby Queen Titania of the fae sends out her minions to kidnap 3 human girls... with the intent of reducing them to babyhood and raising them in faerie society. I don't know if it will ever get posted here, she's actually a professional author so we may end up putting it up on Amazon as a Kindle book or something, who knows. Also, I'm not sure if it would hold the attention of the message board crowd. It's really, really good - I've got some of my best lines ever in it, buuuutttt... we're 48,000 words into the story and we haven't gotten to the diapers yet, and I tend to START with that. It's a real trip though, I think we're up to around 15 reasonably developed characters and another 10 minor characters, much bigger than my typical cast. Her mommy-voice is in Queen Titania's and it's terrifying... 11 minutes ago, Wannatripbaby said: Hey, guys. Let's try to get as many comments on this as possible. Firstly so that it will get to the next page and you won't have to do as much scrolling. Which is a pain on a mobile device. And secondly because Kimmy deserves all the praise we can give her. Thanks Trip! I didn't think about how the longer posts would affect mobile users, sorry I was a bit sad more people weren't commenting. A few old friends have sent me private messages though! How about this: Who's going to CAPCon? If anyone who has enjoyed my stories will be at CAPCon, I would love to talk to you. I'll be the small blonde girl in sloth PJs with a ukulele! Oh, and I'll probably put a sticker with my DD avatar on my con badge (I won't be in sloth PJs the whole time, of course... I have dresses that I NEVER get to wear that I'm SO looking forward to wearing)
Wannatripbaby Posted February 2, 2018 Posted February 2, 2018 5 minutes ago, bbykimmy said: I'll be the small blonde girl in sloth PJs with a ukulele! That sounds adorable! You have got to post some pictures of that here! Well, I mean, not here as in this thread. Just here as in DD. I think there's a dedicated forum for photos.
bbykimmy Posted February 2, 2018 Author Posted February 2, 2018 9 minutes ago, Wannatripbaby said: That sounds adorable! You have got to post some pictures of that here! Well, I mean, not here as in this thread. Just here as in DD. I think there's a dedicated forum for photos. Well here you go anyway - no uke though, just me in sloth PJs. I'm wearing seal PJs right now though. The PJs with mittens are the best! 1
Wannatripbaby Posted February 2, 2018 Posted February 2, 2018 (WARNING! WARNING!) (ADORABLENESS OVERLORD!) (ADORABLENESS OVERLORD!) "AHHHHHHHHHH!" *Explodes*
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