redwelch2222 Posted January 21, 2018 Posted January 21, 2018 "You can't be serious, I can't work with him!" I yelled at my teacher. "Look, Eric, I know it sucks but what do you want from me?" the teacher asked. "You both were absent yesterday when the class picked partners." "But I was sick!" I yelled at him "that dumbass probably just skipped school again. Why should my grade be hurt because of that!" "Mr.Ward, I would appreciate it if you didn't use that type of language around me." my teacher told me. "And I'm sorry, but I can't make any exceptions. Now you can either discuss what you have to do with Mr.Allen or your grade will suffer." I'm just beyond pissed as I leave the school. Why did this fucking have to happen to me! My name is Eric Ward. I'm 16 and currently about to be sent to military school. Why? Well like a dumbass I decided to fuck around my last few years of school and barely passing any of my classes. Because of that, my dad thought it might be best to send me to military school. But my dad wanted to be fair with me. I could either get my grade up and pass this year with all B's to make up for my previous bad grades, or go to military school. And wouldn't you fucking guess, my teacher decides to have a class project worth 1/4th of our grade and we have to do it with a partner. My partner, as funny as it may sound, if a fucking wannabe punk! The stereotypical bad boy punk. The type of guy you find hanging around other dumbass's with nothing going on in their lives who spend most of their time hanging out and smoking or getting drunk. With nothing left to do, I figured it I might as well go find him and tell him what's going on. I know for a fact that he's somewhere at the school because I saw him around lunch however he still didn't go to any of his classes. As typical as it might sound I found him behind the school's gym smoking with his friends. "Hey, Steve!" I yell to my partner a few feet away from him and his friends. They all turn to look at me. I could see Steve in the middle of them. His hair was all messed up, and his clothes looked like they were worn for at least the last 3 days. But instead of Steve coming over to talk to me, two of his friends did. "What do you want?" one of them asked me. "I just want to talk to Steve. It's about our class project." I told them. The two of them just laughed. "Just beat it, he doesn't want to deal with any of that stupid shit." the same guy told me. "Ya, when has school ever actually helped someone." the other guy said as they started to turn around and head back to there group. "Hey wait I need…" I tried to say until one of the guys punched me in the chest hard! "We said beat it or well kick your fucking ass." the guy told me. My chest hurt and I had no doubt that all together I would definitely get my ass kicked. I take one last look at Steve before I walk away. I tried to rub the pain away from my chest as I heard the thugs just laughing at me. But I wasn't going to give up that easily. No, if I wanted to avoid military school then I needed to talk to Steve alone. So I for the rest of the day I followed Steve and his friends everywhere. The first thing they did was go to the closest gas station and somehow got themselves a pack of cigarettes. Next they went around all over town meeting with random strangers, getting certain things, and finally stopped at someone's house. I had to keep myself well hidden for nearly 2 hours before I finally saw Steve stumble out of the house carrying 2 cans beer. "See you guys tomorrow!" he yelled to his friends as he stumbled his way down the sketchy street. I slowly followed him, trying to stay a little ways back. I jump and hide as I see Steve turn around, but when I look back I saw him leaning on a wall and sticking his hand into his mouth. Why? I then saw Steve begin to puke all over the ground! It was so disgusting I nearly puked. Once he was done he stood back up and started to walk like normal down the street. As I followed him I watched as Steve stopped one more time to hand over the 2 cans of beer he had to some homeless guy before walking away. Why the heck would he do that? I wondered. Finally, we reach the edge of the sketchy part of town and Steve walked over to a door. He pulled out a key and unlocked the door before he went inside. This must be his house. I took a good look at it and saw that it was a crappy small house. Probably only 2 rooms, if that. That's when I see a girl leave the house and Steve handing her some money. "Thanks again, see you tomorrow," she told him before she left and Steve closed the door. For a moment I was nervous as hell about walking up to the door to talk. But just the thought of military school calmed me down enough to finally knock. I waited for a little while and knocked again. Finally, the door opened a crack and Steve looked out. "Hu? What are you doing here?" Steve answered as he opened the door a little wider. At least he remembers me. "My name is Eric, we take English together." I told him. "Ok and?" Steve said. "What do you want?" "Our teacher gave us an assignment yesterday, but because I was sick and didn't come to school our teacher paired us up together," I told him. "I don't give a shit," Steve said as he shut the door in my face. That piece of shit. I knocked on the door again. And again. And finally slamming my fist on the door before Steve answered again. "WHAT!" he yelled at me. "Look, you might not care about that class but I do. This assignment is worth ¼ of our grade and I need to pass it." I told him. "I just said I don't give a shit," Steve told me as he tried to shut the door again but I blocked it with my foot. "Move your foot!" "Look, if I don't pass this class then I'm going to be sent to military school. So I don't care how long it takes I will keep coming back and annoying the hell out of you until you help." I told him. Steve just glared at me. It was at this moment I realized what I just did, I just threatened a thug how could possibly stab me at any moment. Steve finally opened the door and grabbed me by my shirt before he threw me inside his house. "Wow wow wow!" I yelled as I turned around and watched as Steve shut and locked his door before walking over to me and grabbing my shirt. "I'm going to make this clear, I don't want you coming here," he said as he pinned my body against his wall. "I don't give a shit if you have to go to military school or not. But if I see you hanging around here again I will personally…" "Steve?" a small voice asked. Both of our heads turned and I saw a little 4-year-old in pull ups rubbing her eyes as she looked at us. "Wat you doing?" the little girl asked. "N-nothing Daisy. We're just playing a little." Steve said as he let go of me and went over to the little girl. "It's bedtime now, we promise to keep it down." "O ta," Daisy said as she walked away. She was about to enter her room when she looked back at Steve. "Steve?" "Yes?" He asked. "When is mommy coming home?" the little girl asked. "Soon sweety, now go to bed while the big boys talk," Steve told the little girl who smiled at him and went into her room. "Little sister?" I asked. Suddenly Sive grabbed me by my shirt and pulled me in close. "Don't you fucking say a word!" Sive said in a harsh whisper. 1
Wannatripbaby Posted January 21, 2018 Posted January 21, 2018 I am intrigued. Honestly I probably would've had Eric do pretty much the exact same thing if I were writing him. Isn't it amazing how great minds think alike? I will be keeping an eye on this story. If it's a Redwelch it's gonna be good!
redwelch2222 Posted January 21, 2018 Author Posted January 21, 2018 20 hours ago, PinkTheDinosaur said: great start to a first chapter ^.^ thank you 4 hours ago, babybb said: great start. curious as to what he is hiding. thank you and well find out soon 2 hours ago, Wannatripbaby said: I am intrigued. Honestly I probably would've had Eric do pretty much the exact same thing if I were writing him. Isn't it amazing how great minds think alike? I will be keeping an eye on this story. If it's a Redwelch it's gonna be good! thank you, that means a lot
redwelch2222 Posted January 21, 2018 Author Posted January 21, 2018 "W-what?" I stammered now slightly scared. "Don't you dare say a fucking word about my sister," Steve told me with a little more malice. "Why?" I asked now totally confused. Steve just stared at me with hate in his eyes like I just killed his dog or something before he finally let me go. "Nothing, just get the fuck out of my house and don't come back," Steve told me as he started to walk away. "No, I've told you before I need your help on this school project," I told him "And I just told you I don't give a shit," Steve told me. "Then I guess I need to get the school involved to sort this out," I told Steve and he stopped moving. "I've already asked our teacher if there was any way around it and he said no. that just leaves me with…." "Fine, just don't involve the school," Steve told me without looking at me. "Ok, whats going on here?" I asked him. "You seem to be very jumpy." Steve just sighs and he starts combing his fingers through his messy hair. Finally, he comes back into the room and sat down on a very old couch. "Sit down," he told me. Reluctantly I did. "I don't want anyone to get involved in my family's life," Steve tells me. "Why?" I ask. "My mom's gone," he told me. "What do you mean?" I asked him. "My mom ran away. She's gone and she left me with my 4-year-old sister." Steve told me. "O-k?" I tell him. "You're going to have to give me a little more detail." "My family is poor as you might be able to tell," Steve said as he gestures to the crappy house. "My mom had me when she was 15. Her foster parents kicked her and me out shortly after I was born and she's been struggling to get by ever since. When she had my sister, her stress levels were very bad. Finally 3 months ago she never came home. She just left a letter saying she couldn't take being a parent anymore and just wanted to be free once again." I had no idea what to say to that. What can you say to that? "H-have you called the police?" I asked. "No," he told me. "Why? They should be able to help. They shou…" "They won't help," he told me coldly. "My mom abandoned her kids, if they find her she will be arrested, and both my sister and I will be placed in foster care or something. Even when I turn 18 the courts won't ever allow someone like me to raise a child. I've already been to Juve twice!" "But who the hell are you surviving?" I asked him. "Your 16 and a fucking punk! I just watched you spend all day hanging out with friends and drinking beer!" "You were spying on me?" Steve asked. "I needed to talk to you and your friends already made it clear that as long as they were around you I couldn't talk to you," I told him. "Fine, I let that part slide. And yea, I'm 16 but I have found a way to keep my sister and me steady." Steve told me as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a little baggy. As he threw it onto the table I could see it was a bag of weed. "Wait, you…" I started. "Just sell, I don't smoke it," Steve told me. "I knew someone looking for people to help him deliver this stuff." "But, cant you just get a real job?" I asked him. "You know what I never thought about that. Let me just call up the closest place that will hire a 16-year-old part-time that would pay for this house, food, and utensils." Steve said sarcastically. "Look I looked into it. No one would hire me full time unless im 18 and I can't leave school to do multiple part-time jobs." "Why?" I asked him. "If I drop out of school, they are going to wonder why. If they wonder why then they start poking their nose where it doesn't belong and eventually I get found out." Steve told me. "But, that doesn't make any sense," I told him. "You barely come to school as it is." "Ya, and I've been doing that for years." Steve reminded me. "They are used to that. If I just suddenly stop, they will think something is wrong." For a moment I just had to stare at Steve. This plan of his was still crazy but, he actually had a point. "Hey I might be stupid, but I can still think things through," Steve told me. "I just need to keep this up for 2 more years and I can finally get a better job." "But how are you still making enough to pay for all this?" I asked Steve. "Just barely," he told me. "The rent here is $350 a month. Add food, water, utilities, and Daisy's babysitter. I'm just barely scraping by selling weed." "Look, Steve, I still think you should go to the police," I told him. "They might be able to help you and. "NO!" Steve yelled as he jumped to his feet. "I'M NOT GOING TO RISK ALL OF THIS ON A MAYBE! I WORKED SO FUCKING HARD AND IM NOT GOING TO LOSE THE ONLY GOOD THING IN MY FUCKING LIFE!" "Steve?" Daisy asked from the doorway to her bedroom. "I TOLD YOU TO GO TO SLEEP!" Steve screamed at his sister. Bawling and scared she slammed her door. "Steve! Calm down!" I yell at him as I stand up. "CALM DOWN!? HOW!" Steve screamed at me "I'M A 16-YEAR-OLD RAISING A BABY! I HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA WHAT IM DOING! AND ALL I WANT IS TO KEEP HER IN MY LIFE!" Steve is panting very heavily as we just stare at each other. Neither of us said a word. The only sound in the house was a small girl crying for her momma in her room. Steve finally just collapsed back into his seat with his hands holding his head up. "I just so fucking stressed right now," Steve told me. "I just can't lose her." I didn't know what to say, or what to do at the moment. None of this was what I was expecting. Finally, I decided just to walk out the front door. Steve didn't even try to stop me. Not even a threat to not call the cops. I just walked home. My mind full of thoughts on what to do. After a few more minutes, Steve finally gets off the couch and goes to his sister's room. He could hear her sniveling inside. As he opened the door, he could see here on her bed hugging a stuffed animal. Her back facing him. Steve just walked inside and got into the bed with his sister and hugged her. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you." Steve told his sister who was still sniveling. Steve could smell the scent of pee coming from her and knew she undoubtedly wet her pull up. But at the moment he didn't care, he just continued to hold his sister and apologize over and over until the both of them fell asleep. 2
babybb Posted January 22, 2018 Posted January 22, 2018 wow what a sad chapter but at least we learned some stuff. great job
PinkTheDinosaur Posted January 22, 2018 Posted January 22, 2018 0-0 well, that was sad. i wasint expecting that for the seconed chapter but now im even more interested in this story! ^.^ cant wait to learn more!
Wannatripbaby Posted January 22, 2018 Posted January 22, 2018 This is the good stuff. A 16 year old delinquent draling drugs to provide for him & his sister. You've managed to create a scenario that feels real. Like, this is probably happening more than we'd care to know.
redwelch2222 Posted January 22, 2018 Author Posted January 22, 2018 13 hours ago, PinkTheDinosaur said: 0-0 well, that was sad. i wasint expecting that for the seconed chapter but now im even more interested in this story! ^.^ cant wait to learn more! thank you for liking the chapter. this is just a little side project that popped into my mind a few nights ago. its based on an old book cover I saw a few years ago I think was called 'the delinquent is a dad'. I never read it but the title of it popped into my head and I decided to make a small side story based on just that title. 18 hours ago, babybb said: wow what a sad chapter but at least we learned some stuff. great job thank you. next chapter won't be as heavy....hopefully.... 5 hours ago, Wannatripbaby said: This is the good stuff. A 16 year old delinquent draling drugs to provide for him & his sister. You've managed to create a scenario that feels real. Like, this is probably happening more than we'd care to know. I like making scenarios that are at least believable, helps people get invested into the story.
CDfm Posted January 28, 2018 Posted January 28, 2018 This was very good so far! I was thrilled to be able to give it a like. I can’t imagine the pressure Steve is under trying to make things work out for his little sister and himself. I really feel for them. I am eagerly waiting for more.
redwelch2222 Posted January 28, 2018 Author Posted January 28, 2018 3 hours ago, CDfm said: This was very good so far! I was thrilled to be able to give it a like. I can’t imagine the pressure Steve is under trying to make things work out for his little sister and himself. I really feel for them. I am eagerly waiting for more. thank you. ill hopefully have the next chapter out soon
redwelch2222 Posted January 31, 2018 Author Posted January 31, 2018 hi, quick update. due to my work schedule, i won't be able to write the next chapter to "the punk and his sister." sorry for any inconvenience. the next chapter will be up as soon as I get time to finish it.
Wannatripbaby Posted January 31, 2018 Posted January 31, 2018 Cool. Thanks for keeping us in the know.
redwelch2222 Posted February 5, 2018 Author Posted February 5, 2018 sad update.... I am sorry to say that for the next few weeks i will not be able to post anything. I let my little brother borrow my laptop to stream the super bowl game yesterday. When the game was over and he was supposed to give me back my laptop, he wound up dropping it. My screen is completely shattered. While i can use a HDMI cord and use my tv as my monitor, i still wouldn't be able to write my stories because of my living situation. So, until i get my next pay check, and get a new laptop, no new stories from me for at least 3 weeks. So, Dropped in a new world, The punk and his baby sister, and Pokemon RBY will be put on hold.
PinkTheDinosaur Posted February 6, 2018 Posted February 6, 2018 that sucks cant wait for you to come back!
redwelch2222 Posted February 13, 2018 Author Posted February 13, 2018 good news! I found a way to finish one of my chapters! I had half the chapter done with "the punk and his baby sister" and a friend of mine offered to finish it for me! now at least I can post something! they will be done with the chapter tomorrow!
PinkTheDinosaur Posted February 13, 2018 Posted February 13, 2018 hi! because redwelch2222's computer is down I offered to finish the other half our the story he was writing. ^.^ What exactly do I do? He’s 16 and selling drugs, I should get the cops involved. But he’s doing it to take care of his sister. That was probably a lie, he's probably barely taking care of the kid. But she did look clean and healthy… God damn it! What should I do! My mind was just full of these thoughts all night. it was hard as hell to fall asleep... On one hand, if he’s telling the truth, he’s just a guy trying to support his sister. If I get the cops involved I'm going to be the asshole. But on the other, he’s still 16 and is selling drugs to support her. Wouldn't it be better to get the cops involved and have her be looked after by people who know what they're doing? What am I going to do… ************* Steve jolted awake when he heard the loud knock at his door. His sister only stirred but didn't wake up. by the smell, Steve could tell her pull up had also leaked again. Carefully getting out of his sister's bed, Steve got up and went to the door. “Who is it?” Steve asked groggily from just waking up. “Eric, open up,” I told him. Steve did and looked at me. I looked like I didn't get any sleep last night. Which I didn't. “What do you want now?” Steve asked me. “I want to negotiate with you,” I told him. Steve just looked at me for a moment before letting me inside. “So you plan on blackmailing me?” Steve asked. “Not exactly,” I told him as I went over to the couch. “Meaning?” Steve asked. “Just sit down and we'll talk,” I told him. Steve glared at me for a moment but did as I asked. “Ok, to tell you the truth, I want to call the cops and tell them what is going on,” I told Steve who was practically staring daggers at me. It wouldn't surprise me if he was thinking of some way to kill me right now to keep me from saying anything. “But I can also see where you are coming from,” I told him. “You want to stay with your sister and not risk anything. Which is why I would like to negotiate with you.” “About what?” Steve asked me in a harsh town. “We still have our class assignment to do.” I reminded him. “We have 2 weeks to get it done or we fail.” “What does that have anything to do with this?” Steve asked. “Simple, I want to see if you can actually take care of your sister,” I told him. “During those 2 weeks I want you to prove to me you can take care of a child. If you can, then I will leave you alone and you'll never hear from me again.” “And if I cant?” Steve asked. “If you can't, then I will get the police involved,”I told him. “Look, I know you want to keep her in your life, but if you can't handle taking care of the both of you then you will need to do what's right and give her to someone who can.” “Like who!” Steve asked slightly raising his voice before looking at his sister's door and lowering his voice. “Like who?” “I don't know. But it would be a better option than letting her live with someone who can't take care of her.” I told him. “I know you're trying to do the right thing, but so am i. “ “You're just blackmailing me into helping you so you don't have to go to military school,” Steve told me. “No. if I wanted to, I could have already called the cops. Told them what's going on and possibly have you kicked out of school.” I told him. “Then I get a different partner and get a better grade.” Personally, that didn't sound like a bad plan. Not only would I not have to go to military school, but I would be helping out a little kid by getting them out of this crappy place. But I don't know them. I don't know if doing this would just cause more harm than good. What if Steve really is a good guy just doing what he can for his sister? What if, at the end, I just tare apart a family just because I didn't want to go to military school? “I've been taking care of her for a few months. I think I can handle it.” Steve told me as he stood up. “Then prove it,” I told him as I stood up and looked him in the eyes. “Prove you can handle it.” We stood there, just glaring at each other. “Steve?” Daisy asked as she opened her door. We both looked over and I could see the little girl rubbing her eyes and walking into the hallway with a very wet pull-up on. “Morning sunshine. Head to the bathroom and I'll help you in just a moment.” Steve told her. She nodded and went to the next door over and opened it. “Ok,” Steve told me as soon as his sister was gone. “You win, I'll prove to you I can take care of her.” With that, he followed his sister into the bathroom and left me standing in the living room. As soon as he was gone I collapsed onto the couch and nearly had a panic attack. For a second I thought he was going to kill me! Inside the bathroom, Steve gets everything ready for Daisy. “Ok, baby girl. Hold up your shirt for me.” Steve told his sister as she raised up her shirt and fully exposed her wet pull-up. ‘Ya, I'm definitely going to need to put her into something thicker.’ Steve thought before he went to work. ripping the sides off the pull-up, Steve quickly removes it and throws it into Daisy's diaper bucket. Next Steve got a wet rag and began cleaning her bottom until he was satisfied she was clean. Finally, Steve gave Daisy a new princess pull-up to put on before they both washed their hands. “Good girl,” Steve told his sister. When they left the bathroom I finally got the chance to meet Daisy for myself. “Hi, I'm Eric, whats your name?” I asked her pretending I didn't already know. “Daisy,” she told me as she took my hand with both hands and shook it. “Daisy? Such a pretty name. How old are you?” I asked. “4,” She told me as she raised 2 fingers up with both hands. “4? Does that mean you're a big girl?” I asked. “Ya!” she yelled. “Ok big girl, why don't you come to the table for some breakfast,” Steve told his sister as he grabbed out a small bowl and spoon. “Ok,” she replied as she went to a chair that had 2 thick books on it and started climbing up. I was about to go help her when Steve got in front of me. “She can do it,” he whispered to me. Steve then sat down and watched as his sister climbed up with some effort. Once she was finally up she plopped down onto the books with a look of pride on her face. “Good girl,” Steve said as he poured her a bowl of cereal. “Thank you!” Dasy yelled as she got her food and began feeding herself. “So, do you go to preschool daisy?” I asked as I took a sat down on the other side of the table. “Now,” Dasy said with her mouth full and a little bit of milk spilled out. “Daisy, don't talk with your mouth full,” Steve told her. “Daisy was supposed to go, but special ‘complacations’ prevented that.” I can guess what the complications were. “So, what does Daisy do when you're not here?” I asked Steve. “I have a friend watch her,” Steve told me. “Realy? And you trust those guys to watch her?” I asked. there is no way those thugs he hangs out with could possibly know how to take care of a kid. “Oh god no,” Steve replied. “You followed me home yesterday, you should have seen my friend leave.” “You mean the cute girl?” I asked. “Emwe!” Daisy told us. “Daisy, don't talk with your mouth full,” Steve said again. “Her names Emily and she helps me watch Daisy while I'm at school or working.” “But shouldn't she have school?” I asked him. “She’s graduated high school and takes college classes online,” Steve told me. “So, Emily is your babysitter?” I asked. “In a way,” Steve told me. “By the way, what is the assignment we have to do?” “We got to write a 10-page report on someone inspirational,” I told him. “And what they did to inspire us. and we cant just copy and paste Wikipedia.” “Great…” Steve said as he put his head on the table. “Ducking great.” “Ducky!” Daisy cheered not knowing what Steve really meant. 3 1
Wannatripbaby Posted February 14, 2018 Posted February 14, 2018 First if all: Hats off to PinktheDinosaur for helping with this one. I'm out of reactions for today, but I promise I'll like this chapter tomorrow. Glad to see our Protagonist finally getting along with The Punk & his baby sister. I hope he soon goes from watching to actually helping.
PinkTheDinosaur Posted February 14, 2018 Posted February 14, 2018 6 hours ago, Wannatripbaby said: First if all: Hats off to PinktheDinosaur for helping with this one. I'm out of reactions for today, but I promise I'll like this chapter tomorrow. Glad to see our Protagonist finally getting along with The Punk & his baby sister. I hope he soon goes from watching to actually helping. thank you ^,^ I'm glad I could help!
redwelch2222 Posted February 14, 2018 Author Posted February 14, 2018 17 hours ago, Wannatripbaby said: First if all: Hats off to PinktheDinosaur for helping with this one. I'm out of reactions for today, but I promise I'll like this chapter tomorrow. Glad to see our Protagonist finally getting along with The Punk & his baby sister. I hope he soon goes from watching to actually helping. very big hand to pink. without them, this chapter wouldn't come out for almost a month. lol you know he will eventually :) I even have a scene already planned, 11 hours ago, PinkTheDinosaur said: thank you ^,^ I'm glad I could help! thank you again for helping me with this. i really appreciate it,
PinkTheDinosaur Posted February 14, 2018 Posted February 14, 2018 2 hours ago, redwelch2222 said: thank you again for helping me with this. i really appreciate it, 1 your welcome ^.^
CDfm Posted February 21, 2018 Posted February 21, 2018 Very good chapter. I am not so sure how realistic this two week test is going to be especially if Steve knows he is being watched and judged. If he were unaware of the test he would have been more likely to mess up. An example would be if he was out with friends rather than being home with Daisy. Now that he does know he wouldn’t make that kind of mistake. The other things are just common sense. Everyone knows she needs to be fed properly and cleaned. Get her a good amount of sleep and he should easily win this one.
redwelch2222 Posted February 21, 2018 Author Posted February 21, 2018 39 minutes ago, CDfm said: Very good chapter. I am not so sure how realistic this two week test is going to be especially if Steve knows he is being watched and judged. If he were unaware of the test he would have been more likely to mess up. An example would be if he was out with friends rather than being home with Daisy. Now that he does know he wouldn’t make that kind of mistake. The other things are just common sense. Everyone knows she needs to be fed properly and cleaned. Get her a good amount of sleep and he should easily win this one. my only explanation is, Eick is currently a sleep-deprived teen who didn't think that threw. lol but Steve also has a few other problems later on. he doesn't just take care of Daisy, he has to work, take care of himself and not let anyone know about there situation. this story isn't going to be long like my others but i think it will have a few good twists later on
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