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Equality Through Diapers, Ch 12

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  • 2 weeks later...

I really like the story idea and how things are going. I do have to say though that you are in serious need of some sound proofreading. There are so many mistakes throughout it made it much harder to read. Some I wasn’t sure what your meaning even was. I really do hope you clean this up and continue it because like I said I like the story. 

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9 hours ago, CDfm said:

I really like the story idea and how things are going. I do have to say though that you are in serious need of some sound proofreading. There are so many mistakes throughout it made it much harder to read. Some I wasn’t sure what your meaning even was. I really do hope you clean this up and continue it because like I said I like the story. 

I had downloaded Grammarly but it seemed to make everything much worse.  I have written the next chapter three times now, I hope to get it out this weekend if I can.  I have stopped using Grammarly because of the issue's have had with it.  The next chapter should be better for it.

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46 minutes ago, Guilyn said:

I had downloaded Grammarly but it seemed to make everything much worse.  I have written the next chapter three times now, I hope to get it out this weekend if I can.  I have stopped using Grammarly because of the issue's have had with it.  The next chapter should be better for it.

if you don't have someone to proofread your story, I suggest you use a text to speech site. I find listening to the story while reading it can help you catch many mistakes. 



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  • 3 weeks later...

This is really an interesting story, Guilyn.  I didn't find your grammar so bad at all like some complained.  No problems reading.  The only problem I am having is we are at a high or low point, however one takes it, and there is no more story in sight!  Please.....

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I had planned on chapter 10 being at least twice this long by going into what happened but I haven't gotten that half finished.  On top of that I have already redone this half so many times.  I'll release what I have so far since I did kinda leave it on a cliff hanger last chapter :P


Chapter 10


Warm, clear drool dropped from her chin.  Her infantile mind couldn’t understand why smacking one object against another was funny, but she enjoyed it none the less. Blinking at the object in her hand, she realized she knew what it was.  Yes it was a shape, she knew which one, just needed to concentrate.  Her focused shifted as an all too familiar smell wafted into her nose, instinctually Becky bounced on her bottom, the mushy substance squished inside her diaper.  “Poopy!”  Giggles emerged from her pacifier, remembering what the thing in her diaper was.  While she bounced the realization of the item in her grip was a triangle.  Wet, warm liquid touched her inner thigh, she wiped away her own drool before patting her own diaper with the yellow triangle.  Finally Becky looked at the item she had been hitting the triangle against and put it through the hole that was made to fit through.  Hearing the plastic item hit the bottom caused Becky to giggle again and bounce in her messy diaper.  Bouncing caused a feeling of pleasure started to wash over her, she started moving her bottom back and forth on the ground.  It started slowly at first and then fast and faster until her infantile mind was assaulted by a body quivering orgasm.  Closing her eyes, she fell backwards, still feeling the mess in her diaper.

“That felt wonderful,” she thought as her eyes finally opened.  She quickly sat up with her diaper squishing under her.  She felt like she had just woken up from a rather pleasurable dream.  Looking down the brightly colored baby toy were still in front of her, she saw the room was filled with diaper girls.  Some had pacifiers in their mouths other were just sucking on their own fingers or their whole hand.  Some had a bright pink shirt on some were just topless, but what they all had on was massive D5 diapers, and from one girls back side had bubble letters that’s read PLAYPEN.

“I’m in da pwaypen?!”  The pacifier in her mouth made talking hard, and for some reason talking felt strange.  She pulled the massive pacifier out of her mouth, it felt strange not having it there.  How long had she been here?  Why was she here?  The last thing she could remember was going to work and then… “That Bitch!” She had been injected with something, and Ms. Jones had said something about Lily but that was the last thing she remembered.  She rolled herself onto all fours and started crawling to one of the women who was cleaning up.
Before Becky could say anything, the women noticed her clawing toward her.  “Did Becky make a stinky?” The women didn’t wait for a response, it was clear she didn’t expect one and suddenly pulled back her diaper.  “Yep that a big stinky girl you are.”  She gave her bottom a few pats making the mess squish under her hand.  As much as Becky want to say something rude each pat of her messy bottom had caused pleasure to pulse through her body again.  “Well sweetie you can go play, you’re not going to be changed for another two hours.”  Without saying anything else the women went back to cleaning.

It took Becky a moment, but she was able to shake off the pleasure from her bottom, “Why am I here?”

The women stopped for a moment with a confused look on her face.  “Did you say something?”

“Why am I here?”

“Wow,” the women bent down waving her hand in front of Becky’s face. “Is it really you?”

“Yes, it’s me!” Feeling frustrated she pulled the women’s hand down.  “Why are you waving your hand in my face?”

“I can’t believe your back, stay right there I have to go get her.”  The women suddenly rand out the door, and with nothing else to do Becky just sat down on her messy diaper again. 
A few moment later Brianna came running in with tears in her eye.  “Becky is it you?  Are you really back?”  

“Did I go somewhere?  Why am I in the play- “Brianna hadn’t let her finish before she got on her knees hugging her like old lovers that hadn’t spoken in years.  Becky just hugged back and didn’t try to stop Brianna, she just waited.

“What’s the last thing you remember?

Becky thought for a moment, “I remember being dropped off at work and going in to start testing.  Ms. Jones put me back in a D5 diaper and then I felt a sharp prick on my neck.  It gets fuzzy from there, I remember she said something about Lily’s mother…”

“Kayla Samson,” Brianna finished.  Becky was taken aback, “how do you know Lily’s mother?”

Brianna just smiled and pointed behind Becky, when she turned she saw two topless diaper girls one with a pacifier in her mouth and the other had no teeth and was drooling all over herself.  Becky started for a moment before she realized she was looking at Ms. Jones and Mrs. Samson.  “What the hell is going on?” Becky was blown away, it was like she missed the middle of a 3-part story.

“It’s a long story, let me change you out of that stinky diaper and I can tell you everything.”
The women who had left suddenly stepped forward.  “Ma’am she’s registered to the playpen and changing time isn’t for another two hours she can’t be changed until then.”

“That’s ridicules she’s- “

“Ma’am are you questioning the Matriarchy?”

The question had stopped Brianna dead in her tracks.  “No, but she’s not a mindless baby.  Look what can I do to have her diaper changed?”
The women looked at Becky for a moment.  “She's registered to the playpen, so she can’t be changed here.  If you want to sign out as her guardian for a day you can do whatever you want once she leaves the building, but she has to be back the day after tomorrow.”

“What do I have to sign?” Brianna turned to Becky before she left the room, “I’ll be right back a promise.”

After Brianna left Becky figured she would explore the playpen while she was stuck here.  Normally when she came she would just come to see Jill and not look around but now it seemed so… familiar to her.  Any girl that wasn’t sucking on a pacifier clearly didn’t have any teeth, it wasn’t something she had noticed much before.  Becky found herself crawling over Jill who had found the plastic toy she had been playing with before.  Sitting in front of Jill she picks up another colorful plastic item and went to put it in the hole.  She wasn’t sure why but this time it wouldn’t go in the like the last one did.  She banged it against the plastic hole a few times, but it didn’t go in.  As she was doing this her tummy started to rumble and a wet fart escaped her bottom and she felt a little more mess was added to her diaper.  She found herself giggling, she couldn’t remember what the sound was, but it was funny and made a funny smell.  She bounced on her bottom mindlessly shoving the plastic item into her mouth.

She heard someone speaking but she was too focused on the taste of the object in the mouth.  A hand gripped her chin and faced her head to turn, a beautiful looking woman was staring at her.  It was a face of concern and fear, but more then that it was a face she recognized.  The woman was speaking but Becky couldn’t understand, she found herself focusing on her lips until suddenly she understood.

“Please Becky, come back.!”

Becky found herself blinking several times in rapid secession, she pulled the chunk of plastic out of her mouth.  “Brianna?  What just happened?”
Brianna wrapped her arms around Becky so hard it made it hard to breath.  “I was gone a few minutes and when I came back you were like a baby again.  What happened?”  Brianna was looking at the playpen employee with her question.  She however was just shaking her head.

“I don’t have a clue.  The drugs we use to regress people sent here have no cure, this might be a side effect of whatever they used.”
Brianna and the women worked together to help Brianna stand long enough to put her in a strange wheelchair/stroller hybrid.  Brianna seemed shaken by the whole event and Becky was more confused.  Brianna was busy buckling her into her seat as Becky found her moving like she was chewing on something.  The women who worked her seemed to understand and she picked up the pacifier Becky had dropped and shoved it in her mouth again.  Becky wanted to spit it out but found herself sucking on it uncontrollably, like it was something she always did.

“Does she really need that?”

“She’s had it since she arrived, you saw what she was doing.  It might take time to wing her off the pacifier.”

After she finished with the buckles Brianna stood up straight to look at the employee.  “She’s not a baby!”  The kindness in her face and voice had been replaced by a hard sharpness that she had only seen a few times before at work when she was extremely mad.  The other women didn’t seem to care for the confrontation or the statement Brianna opinion.

“Just have her back day after tomorrow.  As long as she is registered here she’ll be treated like anyone else.”  

Though the pacifier in her mouth was helping her feel clam the idea of returning to this place made her feel uneasy.  Becky was pushed out the door and through the building until they went through the front door.  She didn’t say anything as Brianna help her into the front seat of her car and the moved to put the large stroller into the trunk.  Brianna got into the drivers seat but quickly rolled down her window, the smell coming from Becky’s diaper seemed much worse in such a small space.  

As they started their drive to wherever they were going Becky was going over everything again, she there was clearly a gap of time had passed.  “How long was I in there?”

Brianna took her eyes off the road for a moment to give Becky a sad glance, “It was getting close to three months.”


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I had planned on chapter 10 being at least twice this long by going into what happened but I haven't gotten that half finished.  On top of that I have already redone this half so many times.  I'll release what I have so far since I did kinda leave it on a cliff hanger last chapter :P


Chapter 10



The pharmacology of regression drugs is always baffling to me. It must use some kind of antibody marker system to be able to target specific areas of the brain but even so the level of precision required to alter personality would be difficult even with surgery. Plus you would need one drug specially formulated to each brain area. You might even need to tailor the drug to each person. Shutting down higher brain function could be possible but in order to make it permanent you'd probably have to kill the cells your targeting creating lesions. Doing this in multiple sites would probably cause a stroke or aneurysm within months and the effects would be close to that of an old school ice pick lobotomy. I suppose over the long term it could alter neural connections as the brain adapts to a new chemical equilibrium similar to the mechanism for drug dependence but again there would be no way to get a precise effect. Hell it's taken months of dialing in my antidepressants to get even a minor partial effect. A lot of pharmacology is basically try something  and see if it works as far as clinical practice is concerned.

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very nice chapter. ^.^I like how orgasms are what brought her back ;) i also look forward to seeing what happened to those 3 months.

I liked the idea of “adult” feelings bringing back her adult mind. I had planned for the explanation to be in this chapter but I was finding it hard to write without it feeling like a history book.   

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I liked the idea of “adult” feelings bringing back her adult mind. I had planned for the explanation to be in this chapter but I was finding it hard to write without it feeling like a history book.   

lol, going into explanations can be very hard. that why i like to lead up to the qwestions and then dedicate a chapter to answering them. that way, while that chapter might be a little boring, the rest of the story will be good. ^.^

right now, you have a great set up. so I suggest making the next chapter the explanation chapter. don't worry about it sounding like a textbook, ^.^

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very nice chapter. ^.^I like how orgasms are what brought her back ;) i also look forward to seeing what happened to those 3 months.

Maybe something about the dopamine or endogenous opiod system? Or could it be something to do with increased heart rate and the corresponding endocrine responses? So to counter the effects you could either use something to boost dopamine activity like bupropion (which is something ironically enough that I'm currently taking, so would I have had at least partial immunity?), and or something like naloxone to block opiod activity, maybe a stimulant like aderall? Maybe epinephrine could work as fast acting emergency counter measure right after someones been dosed. If dosage is given through contaminated food or drink would an emetic or active charcoal capsules stop it?  Could tri combination treatment but interactions could make that risky. 

Note to self if ever traveling to a universe where regression drugs are commonly keep emetic, active charcoal capsules, and epipen on person at all times. Epi first to fight sedation, then if suspect oral route of poisoning purge, than charcoal to try and chelate what ever's left.

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I liked the addition. If the drugs they use to regress people is irreversible how was Becky ably to regain her senses? 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I tired to make this info dump as smooth as I could.  After this I can get to the fun parts of the long term effects ^_^


Chapter 11


Becky was in shock.  The words rolled over in her mind, how could so much time have passed.  Her memories of the playpen seemed fractured and shattered, almost like something was blocking her memories.  Vague images came to her of countless diaper changes, bottles, baby toys.  Along with the images was the joy of sitting in her own dirty diaper, the calming feeling of sucking on a pacifier or drinking a bottle. It seemed to stretch on for an eternity, time had no meaning for her in the playpen.  Her mouth opened to speak, her voice cracked as she spoke one word from behind her pacifier.  “How?”

Brianna did not take her eyes off the road, “it’s a long story, I’m not sure where to begin.”  Brianna let out a long sigh giving herself a moment to compose her thoughts, “It seems you angered Mrs. Samson, perhaps it would be better to say she felt you were a threat.”

Becky stared in disbelief, “how could I threatened her?”

“You heard what the woman at the playpen and said correct?”  Becky nodded.  “Normally when someone is regressed its permanent.  There are many women that believe all diaper girls should be nothing more than babies.  There are groups of people who capture diaper girls and sell them as babies, however the regression formula is restricted by the Matriarchy as such they have had to invent their own.”

“That doesn’t explain why she thinks I was a threat.”

“Mrs. Samson was a supplier of their homemade regression drug; these drugs are legal and possession alone is considered treason.  It seems you found out that Mrs. Samson was selling the regression drug, it was believed that you could undermine the whole operation.”
It was like a light off above her head, suddenly she understood.  At Lisa’s as adoption she overheard Mrs. Sampson and she had made a scene trying to warn Lisa later.  “Is that why the playpen got two new diaper girls?”

Brianna smiled at her warmly and laughed, “after the trial was over, yes.”  


“It seems Ms. Jones had been working with Mrs. Samson for years, they would target diaper girls that came in for testing.  Ms. Jones had also helped Mrs. Sampson get the drug she needed.  When the Matriarchy found out both were brought to trial, the media had a field day.”  Brianna said with a smile.

“Why did the media care?”

“Politics, there's been a number of women who think diaper girls shouldn’t be allowed in society.  They believe only true women should be part of their society, and diaper girls aren't women.  This movement has been gaining strength until now, because if you.”

“I don’t understand.”

Brianna looked at her for a long moment, “I’m sorry but we went to the press.  We knew if the public knew who you and what they had done we could get justice, you could get justice.”

“You told them what I did in the war?”

Brianna nodded.  “regressing a diaper girl is one thing regressing in a war hero is another.  You’ve been the talk of the Monarchy for the last two months, everything from diaper girl rights to equality was up for debates.  The trial itself didn’t last long, Ms Jones and Mrs Samson were ordered to give up the names of their contacts; they both refused.  It seems they feared the Matriarchy less than their own ‘friends.’  As you might have guessed the Monarchy was not happy and they wanted to make an example of them.”

“A life sitting in dirty diapers wasn’t enough?”

“You have to understand how big this story got, in many ways it brought to light the discrimination that has festered between women and diaper girls.  It’s something we’ve been happy to sweep under the rug and pretend everything was fine, but now we can pretend anymore.  Three weeks ago, Ms. Jones and Mrs. Sampson regression was watched live by the whole Matriarchy.”

Becky eyes widened, “everyone watched them get regressed?”

“It was much more than that, was a whole show.  It was meant to send a message to all those who discriminate against diaper girls.  They were led onstage to a large crowd of people and all those watching at home, they were stripped of their clothing and diaper.  They were offered some last words but I don’t remember what they said.  The crowd watched as they were regressed and cheered as they both soiled their diapers.  A speech was given after, this would be the fate of those defied the Matriarchy.”
Becky found herself and a loss for words, on one hand she was happy to be free the playpen.  While she felt to some degree justice had been served but wondered if they had gone too far.  To publicly regress someone for everyone to watch as the soil themselves and loose every little bit of their dignity, yet that is what was done to her.  Was the Monarchy any different than them?  Did they have a moral high ground when they did the same thing?  A muffled fart broke the silence, Becky found herself uncontrollably giggling.  Brianna in the meantime mean her head out the window.

The rest of the drive home was quiet, Becky had found herself enjoying the feeling of her smelly diaper.  She was unsure sure why a messy diaper gave her so much more enjoyment then had before, and not just in a sexual way.  In the past a dirty diaper was just that, a dirty diaper which meant nothing to her but something to clean.  Now the warm squishy feeling offered a deeper sense of comfort she hadn't felt in a long time.

The car pulled up to Brianna as house it looked like nothing had changed, like the last three months never happen.  Brianna walked around the car to get out Becky’s stroller, “one thing I don’t understand.” Becky asked as Brianna was unlocking the door, “how did you find me?”

Brianna turned slowly smiling at her, “you’re about to find out.”

Reaching over her shoulder Brianna opened the door.  As Becky's stroller was pushed inside a voice rang out.  "Mommy!"  Lisa's sudden full charge waddle at Brianna was stoped when she saw Becky was in the stroller.  The only clothing she had on was a small pink shirt and a D4 diaper that looked like it was ready to be changed. Her mouth hung open for a moment as she stared at Becky for a moment before her eyes started to water up with tears.

"Hi, Lisa."

Becky suddenly found herself trapped as Lisa half jumped into the stroller to give Becky a hug, the whole time rivers poring from her eyes.  "BeckyI'msosorryIdidn'tknowpleasepleaseforgiveme."  Between the crying the hugging and the speed in which she spoke Beck didn't understand any of it.  While Lisa was going on her crying, hug-o-rant another women came over to them from the same direction Lisa had come from.

She was almost as tall as Brianna though she had long blond hair with a light blue highlights in it and looked to be in her early 20's.  "I see your back early."

"Yes, It seems Becky's finally back as well."

The women smiled down at her. "I'm glad there wasn't any long term effects then."

Becky could see Brianna dipped her head a bit.  "It's too soon to tell but she's.  Thanks for watching Lisa while I was gone."

"It was my pleasure, Lisa is the easiest baby I have to babysit.  Well aside from the diaper changes."  The women said pointing to Lisa's drooping diapered bottom. "She did that a few moments before you walked in."

As the women walked passed to leave Brianna reached down and gave the seat of Lisa's diaper a good pat.  Becky figured with the smell of her own dirty diaper it might be hard to tell them apart.  "Well since I have two stinky girls let's get you both changed and Lisa can explain her side of the story."

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Glad to see this updated! It's a really interesting story. I'm curious about two things though: what's going to happen to Becky (since she has to go back to the Playpen) and why the Matriarchy would stuff their war hero/casus belli against their political enemies in there?

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8 hours ago, herezulo said:

Glad to see this updated! It's a really interesting story. I'm curious about two things though: what's going to happen to Becky (since she has to go back to the Playpen) and why the Matriarchy would stuff their war hero/casus belli against their political enemies in there?

First, thank you I didn't realize I had put Monarchy and not Matriarchy.  The Matriarchy is a government of women that are afraid to lose their power, Becky being a 'war hero' would make the news and then it's something they can't avoid.  Pretending there isn't a problem is fine as long as people believe there isn't a problem.  I don't want to get into real politics because this is meant to be fun but i'll use this as an example, (not stating one way or another).  The gun debate is a hot topic today, but if there was never any shootings or if people didn't know about any shootings then there wouldn't such a debate today.  When the Matriarchy was founded it was founded on the idea at all women were equal and diaper girls are women but different.  To attempt to keep women from discriminating against diaper girls laws were put into place to protect them but that too is a form of discrimination.  The Matriarchy treating diaper girls differently (better in some ways worse in others) helped create the divide they were trying to avoid, for a long time they were happy to put their fingers in their ears and hum loudly that nothing was wrong.  In response they over reacted to try to put an end to it but as we know that will only make things worse in the long run.  This story is about Becky's personal journey but I wanted to lay a ground work for stories in the future.

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So as we all know, I'm a total slut for a good worldspace. And I love yours! It's super creative, if at times a little inconsistent. But thats how world building can get; it runs away with you at times! I do think the grammar issues are concerning; not story ruiningly so, but enough to keep me from having my hand in my knickers the entire time... mostly. I think everybody should be reading this, and I hope if you can maybe get a proofreader (we do actually offer it as a service via our Patreon, and I know others do, too, if you need it!) because I think this has so much spirit and potential to be hampered by shaky grammar.

Jus' my thoughts. I love it. Keep it up!

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4 hours ago, Pudding said:

So as we all know, I'm a total slut for a good worldspace. And I love yours! It's super creative, if at times a little inconsistent. But thats how world building can get; it runs away with you at times! I do think the grammar issues are concerning; not story ruiningly so, but enough to keep me from having my hand in my knickers the entire time... mostly. I think everybody should be reading this, and I hope if you can maybe get a proofreader (we do actually offer it as a service via our Patreon, and I know others do, too, if you need it!) because I think this has so much spirit and potential to be hampered by shaky grammar.

Jus' my thoughts. I love it. Keep it up!

Thank you.  I'm supporting your patreon so I may have to do that.  I've been trying to find ways to fix the grammar issues be it different programs or things that read it back to me out loud.  Would be easier if I just had someone proof it for me.  As for the inconsistent world state the story took a turn between chapters 3 and 5 as I went in a completely different direction with the story.  That being said I did make it to be a sand box idea, women won the world when they won the war however, each country in the world has their own rules.  

I had figured there would be a country that was formerly Japan maybe china too, would be named Josei or something like that.  Everyone is part of a house, kinda like the nobles of old.  One women rules the house and everyone under her are 'little sisters,' men are closer to slaves as they are a beast of burden as all men are property of their house and like you would do with a dog you would let them breed.  Diaper girls would be mostly servants to women and each women would get her own diaper girl when she comes of age(whatever that age be).  Women will often dress their diaper girls out in over sized (and priced) diapers, jewelry and other clothing (never hiding the diaper) to show prominence and wealth.  As I said it was intended to be a sad box for story telling.  

The biggest issue I ran into early is that the diaper girls are already incontinent.  Normally diaper stories are about a person going into diapers and the feeling and emotions that comes with it.  I find it much harder to write a story when they are already at that point that wearing diapers is normal.

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1 hour ago, Guilyn said:

Thank you.  I'm supporting your patreon so I may have to do that.  I've been trying to find ways to fix the grammar issues be it different programs or things that read it back to me out loud.  Would be easier if I just had someone proof it for me.  As for the inconsistent world state the story took a turn between chapters 3 and 5 as I went in a completely different direction with the story.  That being said I did make it to be a sand box idea, women won the world when they won the war however, each country in the world has their own rules.  

I had figured there would be a country that was formerly Japan maybe china too, would be named Josei or something like that.  Everyone is part of a house, kinda like the nobles of old.  One women rules the house and everyone under her are 'little sisters,' men are closer to slaves as they are a beast of burden as all men are property of their house and like you would do with a dog you would let them breed.  Diaper girls would be mostly servants to women and each women would get her own diaper girl when she comes of age(whatever that age be).  Women will often dress their diaper girls out in over sized (and priced) diapers, jewelry and other clothing (never hiding the diaper) to show prominence and wealth.  As I said it was intended to be a sad box for story telling.  

The biggest issue I ran into early is that the diaper girls are already incontinent.  Normally diaper stories are about a person going into diapers and the feeling and emotions that comes with it.  I find it much harder to write a story when they are already at that point that wearing diapers is normal.

I think it's on the $10 tier and you can come and hang out on our discord and stuff? I'm on my phone so it's a pain in the butt to check XD


As for the issue with the girls already being incontinent; that's not too big an issue because there are emotions and feelings that can come with further things and situations. What you did with the regression in the Play Pen was a great example, but there're other really little things too that can help - for example, they're incontinent, right? Well, to an incontinent diaper girl, being deprived of her diapers would be a great punishment and motivator. So if there were an incontinent Diaper Girl for example, a troublemaker, that begrudgingly accepted her lot in life, but didn't celebrate it the way that Diaper Girls are expected to, breaking her emotions down by having her wind up having to beg for diapers could be really compelling. Another angle you can take is fixation, addiction, preoccupation - just because a girl is incontinent and in diapers doesn't mean she'll like it, it could just be a utilitarian thing to her (an issue I think you've had,) and the kind of training and emotions involved in making her see this as more than an article of clothing, and even something to be proud of? Well that kinda stuff is fun!

I like your Japan idea, too; the notion of super richly steeped traditional countries and how they cope with things. Or even yet, the idea of heavily male-centric cultures where the females may have decided to follow the path of transformation for their males, but, they hold Diaper Girls in a higher social status as a remnant from their past society. 


Fun to ponder~

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I actually thought this latest chapter actually read a little better. I was pleased to see improvement. I will still say though it has a ways to go. The story itself I think is very good and I am enjoying it but it could be more enjoyable without the errors. I will be watching for more. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

love alternate realities. Be it the diaper dimension or this new Matriarchy! I might have to start writing into this new world. Definitely love this story so far and can't wait to see where it's headed.

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I’m working on the next chapter now and hope to have it out this week, will need to get Pudding to play editor again. Sorry it’s taken so long, I started writing it then the whole Diapa’Thulhu store came to mind and I had to do that before finishing this. With that story finished should be too long now

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