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having troubles with reading the site

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Hello.  Over the last few days I have noticed that some posts don't seem to be showing for me.  For instance
on tricky treats by cute kitten
I was binge reading the story a few days ago 
got up to page 6
and when I went to page 7
I don't seem to see story content
though I can read responses by people to updates.  I'm blind and use adaptive software so I don't know if there was some change to the visual theme of the site that might be having an effect on my software?  I tried it with google chrome and still the same results where it will show a username but not the content of that post.  
I'd really like to read the rest of the story.  I was up to the part where Gabby realized she didn't feel herself wet after drinking from her sippy cup before they were to go out trick or treating. 
I also looked at some other stories where I had read the first few chapters like black maled and it's not showing me the contents of those stories either.
 I cleared all temporary files and cache by running c-cleaner, rebooted, signed back in, and still, the same thing is happening.

I even tried it on the IPhone with safari and voiceover wouldn't read me the story content.

Thanks for any help with this problem. I apreciate it.


About 2 days ago the site had some serious problems the nature of which I am unaware of & probably couldn't understand anyway. For me everything reset to about a week ago before finally the entire site crashed. It's back up & running now (obviously) but from what I understand they're still trying to work out the bugs. I don't know if that has anything to do with your problem. I'm not the most technical guy. Sorry I can't be of more help. Hopefully someone else will have some answers.


the site had some issues and was rolled back a week or so.. everything seems to be getting back to normal so please just disregard the last few weeks and all the issues.


There was malware attack on the site but everyone is safe. The site was rolled back to get it back online quickly and we're working on restoring the details. Patience please ;)


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