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Casino Royale

Guest diamondback688

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Guest diamondback688

i just got back from seeing the newest james bond flick, and i have to say, it was IMHO one of the best ones out there...i strongly recommend it...

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Man, I drove 2 hrs today to the big city just to see this movie. Got to the theater and there was a screw up with the shipping company. No movie!!! I'm so pissed.

Hopefully it will still be in theaters when I head back down there in a couple of weeks.

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Guest diamondback688

are you being sarcastic, Bobby?? if not, the reason they named the movie Casino Royale is because they were making the first James Bond book, Written by Ian Fleming, into a movie...the book came out in 1953 if i remember correctly...

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am going to see the movie tonight. I know it's a little late, but our small town only has one theatre until they build a new one. I am a huge fan of all the James Bond movies! I recently had to buy a D.V.D. BOX set of 5 movies, but there are four sets so far. I've asked for a couple sets for Christmas and I'm pretty sure I'll get a set or two because I've been an angel all year! :rolleyes: Anyway I hope everyone gets what they want for Christmas! :biker_h4h: I also asked for a scooter.

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I don't know about everyone else, but I prefer my spy movies exactly the way that 'Casino Royale' turned out. I am a big fan of Bond movies, but I was getting tired of all the gagets and crap that took over from the story line.

I prefer my spys to use wit and muscle to defeat the baddies instead of some weird laser firing nuclear powered sattelite from orbit.

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I like Craig as Bond. He fits the role well. I would love to see Sean Connery reprise the role as an older, wiser Bond but I don't think that would fly in theaters.

Maybe Ewan MacGregor in the future after Danny has had his run....

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There was a lot of action in it. And I think I would probably have enjoyed it more if I actually understood poker, since a lot of the film is about poker. All in all, it is a film that I wouldn't have normally gone to see, and I won't be making any special effort to see again. But I don't think it was the worst thing my brother could have made us all see.

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