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Underage Posters

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Every once in awhile we spot a poster who (very helpfully) lists their age as under eighteen. None of us want to encourage children to hang out here. I usually PM Daily Di with the poster's screen name, but I'm sure Di gets lots of PM's during the course of a week and can't get to them all right away because he has a life outside the board too. I also notice people sometimes post in the underage poster's thread telling them to leave or asking Di to remove them.

It occured to me that all of these methods for getting rid of the kids are reliant on Daily Di getting around to reading all his PM's or happening across the post thread during a browse of the board. I wondered if it might not be helpful to have a sticky thread at the top of the new members section where anyone spotting an underage poster, can post the screen name. That way Daily Di or Baby Rosie could check that thread and know immediately who they need to remove from the board. It's all in one spot and nobody has to wonder if someone else has already PM'd Di about it.

Just a thought. Any comments or suggestions?

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I think that's a great idea for all the reasons you mentioned. Plus the fact that it makes very visible the DD determination to maintain an 18+ policy, something that is good when worried outsiders/newcomers/or anti-ABDLers first view the site. In addition, it may help deter underage people from posting (a wee wee bit).

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And now you know the rest of the story. I must admit, for the time I have been on here, I stumble onto new features I didn't know. I would guess from the way people post on the forums they don't exactly know most of the features either, such as the difference of add reply from the top or using the bottom, fast reply, ect. Even in your controls section, there are some pretty neat shortcuts and views that help you sort through and search topics. I guess we are not ever to old to learn or too young as the case might be. ;)

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wow! a report button?????????????? I HAD NO CLUE IT EXISTED! very very cool! thanks daily di! and rosie ty for deleting and blockin each week! i think u two are doin a fabulous job wit the site! Im not a mod or anything but Im always around and i do help keep an eye on the chat room and on the site.. ill help out where i can..


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