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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Thrift Store Addiction

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I posted in the past of how I find great finds of adult diapers in thrift stores, dirt cheap. I never hesitated to buy them up and love the thrill of finding adult diapers in such a public venue, it's fun. I find myself these days stopping into the thrift shops A LOT! in hopes of being surprised at new diapers or such, on the shelves. In doing this I have massed quite a large stash of diapers in my home, a big stash of thrift store diaper finds. Hard not to buy them when I see them, but now I am realizing I have another compulsive addiction that has to sow down. I just have way to many diapers.

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I'd kill to have that here- even Wings are good enough for around home wearing ;) But here, you never find adult diapers at any thrift stores and the managers all say they never have any :( I think they are sorted out up the line somewhere and given to those in need and I'm fine with that :thumbsup: I can buy mine at retail and that's good enough for me, but bargains are addicting- especially diaper bargains :blush:

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I find a lot of cloth backed diapers; use to find the plastic backed. Every once in a while you will find the plastic backed ones. I would say shopping at thrift store you see size small adult diapers that stay on the shelf the longest.

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I find a lot of cloth backed diapers; use to find the plastic backed. Every once in a while you will find the plastic backed ones. I would say shopping at thrift store you see size small adult diapers that stay on the shelf the longest.

100% agree. I dont see many plastic backed much anymore either. At one point it was not uncommon for me to buy ten or more bags at a time. Most i ever bought at one time was 40 bags of prevail/first quality/nu fit plastic backed diapers. Must have looked funny with two heaping full shopping carts trying to get across the parking lot and shoved into my car.

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I must be in the wrong area because I still find plastic backed (cheap ones) and small diapers disappear fast like the others. I never see them there again when I go back.

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I'd kill to have that here- even Wings are good enough for around home wearing ;) But here, you never find adult diapers at any thrift stores and the managers all say they never have any :( I think they are sorted out up the line somewhere and given to those in need and I'm fine with that :thumbsup: I can buy mine at retail and that's good enough for me, but bargains are addicting- especially diaper bargains :blush:

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