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That is difficult to say. If being incontinent could somehow interfere with your ability to do the work then they might be able to enforce that. Ie, if they require you to swim at a pool as a life guard then they would probably be justified not hiring you. You didn't mention they type of work training they require, but off hand I don't see why that would disqualify you.

You might have a case but even if you do it would be difficult to pursue. The ADA is really more of a set of rules, you would still need a lawyer, and you would need to be able to prove the discrimination. And even if successful would you still want to work for someone you just sued?

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They just found out I guess I have no clue how they found out but something seems very odd cause out of the blue they asked me why I wear them and what is the reason and it really made me scared. :(

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I don't see how diapers would affect working around food. How often do you need to change? It's not going to slow you down. Also I find it odd they would ask you about it because people don't normally say things about your diapers when they do find out. Sounds like a case of incontinentphobia. And what do they think about women working with food? They get their time of the month so do they have a problem with blood being near food under their clothes? They also have to change their pads too or their tampons or moon cups or whatever product they use.

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I have to say something does not sound right to me. I have heard of jobs that you can not do, but they are very few and they are also something that you would not be wanting to do any way. I have heard of jobs that love you to be in diapers as the job requires long hours in one place and a real pain for you to get off the line and to the bathroom.

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That sucks. I am sure an IC person can still work in a restaurant if they don't let anyone know about it. One of my online friends suspected someone at work wore them just by the outline of her skirt and she worked in the kitchen with him. Even my online friend wore them 24/7 too when he was IC and he used to work at a McDonalds and wore them there. But perhaps Ohio doesn't have that ban and if they do, those people got away with it because no one ever found out.

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I don't believe this story for a quarter of a second. Also, food-service and production? Are you saying that normal people don't go to the bathroom? I guarantee more incontinent people wash their hands than normal people. Following that logic a mother cannot have a job at McDonald's because the newborn has to be changed.

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I don't believe this story for a quarter of a second. Also, food-service and production? Are you saying that normal people don't go to the bathroom? I guarantee more incontinent people wash their hands than normal people. Following that logic a mother cannot have a job at McDonald's because the newborn has to be changed.

the problem is when your incon you carry the bathroom around with you

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We have a couple of things in the modernize world. I'm not sure if you're familiar with them. One, gloves. We wear them when we have to change. Also, you have to wear them in food preparation. So…

Perhaps even more important, and I don't know if this is been around for very long, it might be brand-new. I hear it's called the sink. You wash your hands under it.

If that is indeed true, it's nothing more than blatant discrimination. There's not a logical reason.

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The McDonald's comparison is still valid. Because the same things are in play. Dirty diapers, person changing, bathroom being carried. There's no difference whatsoever between incontinent person and a mother taking a job at McDonald's. Either it's all okay, or nothing is okay. Those are the choices. I would prefer everything be okay.

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What I know to be legal and under the Americans with Disabilities Act is that when a job is advertised, the physical qualifications must be in the advertisement. For example, if the job requires the ability to lift and carry 40 pounds, that is not negotiable. Therefore, if the job the OP applied for stated that the successful candidate had to be continent, that is legal. If it was not required and the person hired is incontinent, the ADA would require that the employer make "REASONABLE" accommodations. Just keep in mind that you are not entitled to everything, and you will have a pretty good understanding that the law is there to protect the abused, not people that don't need help.

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It's my guess that they may have discovered something about you online- few of us are as hidden as we think we are :o As to whether Incontinence can disqualify you for a job... it CAN, but only if there is a specific overriding reason. In food services I can see where fecal incontinence could present a problem, but I can't see where urinary incontinence would. Fecal matter is full of things which can cause sickness and disease, but urine is benign in comparison. And in food services there's more risk in cross-contamination from an uncovered mouth or contact with used dishes and tables than from one's contained but wet diaper. I can see no valid reason for their position.

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Sometimes requirements are set more to weed out people who may have problems instead of being real requirements. Proving someone's motivation is the hardest thing to do, darn near impossible unless they come right out and admit it. With my bad back some jobs are a no-go for me. I can handle 40lbs well enough now but I can't say what will happen in ten years, and I can't make some motions while dealing with that 40lbs and if the shape is odd, that 40lbs may be more than I can handle. I screen myself from such jobs- I don't want to make my back go away even faster than it's doing now- but some people don't, and those kinds are company liabilities waiting to happen :(

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