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Do You Ever?

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Guest diamondback688

nope...never...and if i was armed when it happened, they would be replacing the door...

have you ever gotton straigt A's in school(or whatever the equivelent is in England)?

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I don't think I ever have. I don't really know how to play some of the card games and I'm not exactly very good at the ones I do know about, so I would probably end up just losing my money.

When was the last time you ate something that you've never eaten before?

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Guest diamondback688

when i was in england...it was a really good french baguette with cheese and ham in it...really great tasting...

when was the last time you went grocery shopping?

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(I'm glad you enjoyed lunch in England db. But why did you have to spoil it by saying it was a French baguette? You must know we English have always been the butt of their jokes when it comes to our culinary offerings :P )

The last time I went to the supermarket was at least 2 weeks ago, I'm happy to say.

What was the last play/performance you saw at the theatre?

D :) lly

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i haven't used an alarm in years, i just fall asleep whenever's convenient and i don't have to be somewhere for 8 hours. they interrupt your sleep cycles and make you more tired then you should be.

have you had any earth quakes in your area recently?

earth quakes are part of life on west coast even here in oregon

where do you go in case of earth quakes

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dont know it isnt a big problem around here last time i thought there was a earth quake it was just the washing machine lmao

have you ever done something really stupid knowing theres a 90% chance of disaster but did it anyways cause you were just that bored?

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you know me entirely too well, that's an almost weekly occurance, if you want i can tell some stories about all the stupid crap i do, either that or i could send you a few tapes of it.

is there any food that you would rather starve then eat it? just to piss off some brits i would rather starve to death then eat marmite, what's your hated food?

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Yep, totally. I can't stand those people that blatantly lie on here. And it does sometimes amaze me at how many people don't seem to see that certain people are lying. I think what I hate the most, besides those OTT members, are the people that have two or more separate usernames and are pretending to be two or more different people.

Do you leave you TV/TV's on standby when you aren't watching them or do you switch them off properly?

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Well my "mommy" can't sleep without the TV on. I can't sleep if it's on, unless I'm beat. So I am up till she is out then it goes off so I can sleep.

Has the feeling of spring come to you area? (we still have melting snow, and the smell of fireplaces)

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Yes! I ditched the winter jacket weeks ago. The daffodils are in bloom, the cherry trees have started, everything is budding and greening up nicely.

Do you ever read the personal ads on the site just because you can't believe how many people write stuff that would turn off absolutely any possible suitor?

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you know me entirely too well, that's an almost weekly occurance

lol sounds like me and my friends ahh the good old stoner days lmao ok anyways back to the questions.

no i cant say i have.

have you ever kicked a friend in the balls for no reason except for the fun of it?

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