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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Any Interest in Geeky/Alt. Options for AB Clothing/Accessories?

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Alright kids, SURVEY TIME (sort of)!!! But first, a little backstory:

The wife/Mommy's a fairly accomplished seamstress with her own costume/cosplay store online that's done some pretty decent business. Now, she's made me the odd bit of AB clothing over the past few years, and has gotten quite good at it, to the point that she can whip out a quality onesie in a few short hours. I wear them all time, so I know they hold up well (because I don't tend to take care of them... like, at all), and having shown some of them off at various Little-friendly events, the response has been overwhelmingly positive. Thing of it is, my particular tastes don't run in the typical "teddy bears, rubber duckies, fire trucks, etc." vein, so the items that she makes for me tend to have a bit more edge to them (think more like skulls, monsters, etc.).

Now most AB/Ageplay clothing stores stick with the baby prints, the powder blues and pinks, and are outrageously expensive for what they are. Not to mention that 90% of the major retailers seem to be located outside of the US, so if the prices of the merchandise don't get you, the shipping most certainly will.

We were thinking of starting an online store focused primarily on making Littles clothing that keeps the cuteness, but drops the traditional prints. An offering of geek-centric Ageplay wear that's less building blocks, airplanes, Sesame Street, & Care Bears, and much more retro video games, 80s/90s cartoons, comics, horror movies, Harry Potter, Doctor Who, Monster High, etc. Basically (and I hate to make this analogy), fashion ourselves as sort of a "Hot Topic" of Littles clothing. Give the booming younger generation of Littles some more modern options to wear what they like, and offer a product that you don't have to worry about discretion quite as much with if it happens to peek out from under your clothes. Now please keep in mind, these more unique fabrics are a bit more expensive, so I couldn't promise they'd be terribly cheap, but we see no reason why we'd have to charge $80 for a damn onesie.

BUT, this would require a fairly sizeable investment on our part to get it up and running, so that FINALLY brings me to my question: Is there enough of a demand for an alternative and more modern style in ageplay clothing items to warrant the time, money, and effort required on our part to open up a geek chic Littles boutique?

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There's always a market for video game and retro-themed clothing; just poke around your local Target, and you'll see a wide assortment of retro shirts, hats, and even pajamas. Just a suggestion, but you might consider offering a line of retro t-shirts to help offset some of the costs for custom tailoring/ABDL stuff. You can reuse the design work on AB clothes and maybe even provide a "themed set" (eg, t-shirt, onesie, footie pajamas) once your business starts to pick up. Edit: Not trying to take the wind out of your sails, BTW. Understand that you're targeting a niche (retro geeks) within a niche (ABDLs) within a niche (ABDL geeks who fancy geeky AB clothing). Not to say it wouldn't be successful on some level, but you might find it tough to break even just due to the size of your market. Now: A retro-themed clothing store for geeks in general? That would probably net you a more consistent revenue stream. You can stovepipe a small, custom line targeting ABDLs or other special interest groups once you're stable. Funny you bring this up. YEARS ago, I wrote a business plan for a geek-focused line of products and clothing called "HackerzWear". My partner and I actually prototyped one t-shirt, but neither of us had the commitment or finances to carry the business forward. Of course, nowadays geek subculture is trendy, and geek-focused products are prevalent, but it was a much more underground movement back in 1999.

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I'm of a similar interest! Having grown up in the 80's/90's, I definitely like the idea of "adult-kid" clothing. Most of my cloth diapers are Transformers/Star Wars/GI-Joe. I don't mind the baby prints, but I find the slightly more grown up prints MUCH more satisfying. Send me a private message with your email if you are serious about starting this, and I might be interested in helping fund a start-up.

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I love this idea, am always frustrated by the small selection of onesies, pants that accommodate diapers etc. I love crossdressing by wearing women's clothes that are just androgynous enough that I can get away with it. Some of the references to geek look of the 1980's go in that direction.

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I would definetly be interested in the clothing. I don't really mind the little clothing, but I think something like this that's not outrageously expensive would do me some good. Keep in mind though, that I'm 6'6". I have a hard time finding "baby" clothing in my size. I'm not fat, just slim.

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@PaddedPat, You're not taking the wind out of my sails in the slightest, man! Constructive criticism, alternate ideas, and personal experiences in ventures somewhat similar to this are E-X-A-C-T-L-Y what I'm looking for by throwing this idea out there so prematurely. So I thank you ;-) PLUS, I'd love to talk with you privately about your experiences and any advice or wisdom you may want to pass along. I'd be grateful, indeed. Feel free to shoot me a PM if you're game...

@XyXy, I will definitely be sending you that PM, sir, and thank you for even considering offering support to our uphill battle!

@Skeet, I feel your pain, I'm 6'2" and a "slim jim" myself, and finding affordable clothing options that'd actually fit was what got the wife started in making these items to begin with, lol

And thank you to everyone else for the kind words & encouragement. I'll be keeping everyone posted, believe me! ;-)

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