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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

baby frost

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baby frost last won the day on January 2 2015

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  1. “ thankoo” she said before she grabbed a piece of sandwich and dipped it in her soup before she ate it.” Yummy” she said giggling Hailey smiled” glad you like it buddy. If you want some more just say something on” she said ruffling his hair.
  2. Aurora happily looked around the entrance of the aquarium and as Castile pointed out the whales and dolphins she smiled as she looked up at them ready to see lots of new aquatic friends. As ms Lily asked the questions she raised her hand knowing exactly what she wanted to see. savannah smiled at ms Darla she looked over the colorful pew how her new charge and gave then both a toothy grin.”yeah I’ll take him over and get him all situated then we can go and get some yummy food. Is that ok with you peachie” she asked wanting to make sure that was ok. She then nodded as Darla told her she could get changed at the nanny station.” Thanks”
  3. “ ok little buddy little soup coming up” she said getting a toddler bowl and ladling some soup into for him and she gently placed it on his high chair tray putting a small spoon in it as well.” If you need any help ask me or your daddy ok” she said Aurora nodded happily.” Soup yummy” she said bouncing in her high chair:
  4. “ ok buddy lots of soup or little soup Hailey said about to grab a baby bowl she already had his Sandwich cut “ yeah I’m hungy” she said watching him cut the sandwich
  5. “ oh sorry buddy let’s get you sat down so you can eat” she said placing him in his high chair.” You Iike soup buddy” she asked him as she went to get him a plate made up.” Lucky you” Hailey said to Travis laughing.
  6. Hailey smiled giving cam another kiss.” Well now i know the little guys schedule” she said before laughing at what cam said.” Oh you changed her how was it” she asked Aurora giggled hearing cam talk about her mommy making faces.
  7. “ someone made me quite the present in their pamper” she said bouncing him on her hip.“ could have game me a warning” she said laughing. Aurora smiled seeing her mommy.” Mommy”
  8. She lifted cam ont her hip and lifted the old dirty diaper and tossed it in the pail.” That’s right baby bye bye poopy” she ssmid kissing him on the cheek and leading him to the kitchen. aura giggles from the kisses. But when she was sled where he mommy was she looked around.
  9. “ almost buddy just gotta pull it up and get you taped nice and snug” she said as she pulled the diaper up and taped it snugly before she blew a raspberry on his tummy.” You smell so much better now buddy” Aurora giggled her little legs swinging in the air as she did.
  10. “ you sure are” she said as she finally wiped him clean and tossed the diaper in the diaper pail. “ yeah buddy let me get your fresh diaper on and we’ll go fill that tummy” she said as she got the fresh diaper under him and pulled it up. ” no stinky” Aurora said smiling up at him.
  11. Hailey opened the diaper and revealed it.” Yeah i can see that” she said as he got the wipes and started to clean him up.” I’m so happy you made such a wonderful gift for me buddy” she said as she cleaned him up. aurora was a bit confused.” Huh” she said cutely.
  12. “ why thank you buddy let me just get it unwrapped ok” she said as he kissed his tummy and grabbed the wipes and a fresh diaper. Aurora giggled happily as she suckled her thumb listening to Travis
  13. Hailey laughed the smell filling the room. She took a peek into the back waistband of his diaper.” Oh buddy that’s quite the welcome home gift” she said taking him over to the changing table.” You sure your all done” she asked him gently rubbing his tummy. ” okie” she said as she was hungry and a fresh thick diaper did sound nice.
  14. Hailey giggled as she moved him through the air until she caught a whiff of something stinky.” o buddy are you doing stinkies” she asked him. Aurora smiled as she was lifted and giggled when he asked her if she was wet.
  15. “ let’s change that diapee first ok cutie” she said lifting him up into the air and holding him high over her head. ” okie” Aurora said relaxing rim the back rubs. She rolled over onto her back and laid still for Travis.
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