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Has anyone ever used lyrica?

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My little sister went to the doctor last Monday and while they were at the doctor the doc wanted to ask my mom about me. The doc and my mom discussed my situation and the doc suggested I try lyrica.

So my question is has anyone had any experience with it?

My grandmother used it when she had shingles to help with the pain but that's all I know about it.

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I used it for a few weeks following a car accident that resulted in pain from nerve damage, and it did help me get some sleep. However, I was in a rush to get off it, due to side effects. It impacted my balance, made a fall over several times, and made it dangerous to drive. That's not a drug to take lightly. I never even finished that prescription, came off with my doctor's permission.

I know it helps a lot of people, and think one of my older relatives takes it. I'm just hoping I can avoid it in the future.

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Wow, your doctor majorly broke HIPAA Laws if you're in the US. You could sue them. They are not even allowed to acknowledge that you are a patient unless you give written permission that they can discuss your records with a certain individual.

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Wow, your doctor majorly broke HIPAA Laws if you're in the US. You could sue them. They are not even allowed to acknowledge that you are a patient unless you give written permission that they can discuss your records with a certain individual.

I would file a complaint.[

They have permission to discuss my case with my mother. My mom made sure I signed the paper work giving the doc permission to discuss my medical records.

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Sorry for not explaining my situation. I've been urinary incontinent for several years now and after a whole lot of tests that involve sticking things in incomfortable places they still haven't found any cause. The doc in question was discussing with my mom the possibility of me having some form of mild spina bifida.

She seems to think that the lyrica might help if is spina bifida.

I have no idea though

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Ive been on a couple of those before. I've pretty much just given up on most mess due to side effects. Also I've seen everything from general care docs to gastrointerologists to urologists to neurosurgeons and none of them can figure it out. I've had spinal taps, urodynamics, cat scans and MRIs and nothing has shown up.

The lyrica was recommended by a local doc I saw one time regarding a swollen finger. Thought it was staph so had to get a shot in the hind quarter. Luckily it wasn't.

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Here's the thing: SOMETHING is causing you to malfunction, and, it sounds like it is causing nerve connections to your urinary tract not to function. I would suggest that is neuropathy, assuming you aren't trying to make that happen. Whatever doc you use needs to rule out the various serious causes of that, such as diabetes, drugs you may be taking, toxins you may be exposed to, neurological disease, etc.

Lyrica and its relative gabapentin are prescribed to protect nerves fom deterioration. A trial in your case is clearly reasonable. Go for it!

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Pregablin(Lyrica) is not in a category yet like gabepentin was , and if you look up all the side effects possible with Pregablin you will love your diapers ever more!!!!! i kid you not that is some mean shlitz.

That's why I asked what people's thoughts are. I looked at the side effects if it and got freaked out.

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The only other thing I take is a Tylenol for headache. Even then though I only take one if it hurts so bad I can't stand it.

My urologist has had me on several medications over the last few years and I experienced some of the worst side effects listed with each of them. One gave me a headache so bad that I thought I was going to die.

I took one for bed wetting that did work. I experienced a side effect that kept me from sleeping for four straight days. Didn't wet the bed any of those days.

So now you see why I'm a little hesitant about it.

I looked up all the side effects of Tylenol and they are nothing compared to lyrica.

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Well I went to the doctor and she said based on my body size (5'9" 190lbs) I would need to take at least a 75 mg pill to notice any difference. Took my first one last night. Here's hoping this works.

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At this point, I am expecting a report of side effects from you. Hope I am wrong, and you find an effective dose that is also tolerable.

Hope this works too. I am experiencing a little unsteadiness but I'm hoping that's just because I just started it. I will be sure to keep you updated

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At this point, I am expecting a report of side effects from you. Hope I am wrong, and you find an effective dose that is also tolerable.

Hope this works too. I am experiencing a little unsteadiness but I'm hoping that's just because I just started it. I will be sure to keep you updated

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the input. After being on it for a few weeks I am constantly unbalanced. I always feel like I'm about to fall down. The only other thing I've experienced are headaches, some of which are worse than anything I have ever felt.

I plan on finishing this bottle to see if it gets better but as if right now I don't plan on continuing to take it.

It seems I have two options.

1- wear diapers

2- take pill and wear diapers

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