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Single and sick of it...

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I've been single now my whole life and I'm getting tired of it. Mostly because everyone around me, my age and younger, seems to be hitching up with people left right and center like its the easiest thing in the world besides blinking and breathing.

I've tried many times but so far every time I've been shoved off or something goes badly wrong and I'm not sure what the problem is. Am I doing something wrong here or am I just unlucky?

Everyone I talk to says EXACTLY the same thing.. "You'll meet someone some day" or "be patient and someone will come to you" blah, blah and a whole lot more blah... Just a load of twaddle someone got from TV judging by my experiences

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I like the second line of your siggy :roflmao: and I understand your feelings, but when I see your age, well I'm not going to write what I thought :blush: You're just getting started in life and few relationships started that early in life last long. What people are telling you is right- just keep trying and give it time. This world isn't going to hurry up just for you, and as you will find on your own sooner or later, patience is an absolute must in this world B)

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I like the second line of your siggy :roflmao: and I understand your feelings, but when I see your age, well I'm not going to write what I thought :blush: You're just getting started in life and few relationships started that early in life last long. What people are telling you is right- just keep trying and give it time. This world isn't going to hurry up just for you, and as you will find on your own sooner or later, patience is an absolute must in this world B)

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well, All I have to say is... Welcome to my world. Been single for 7 years going onto 8 next month. Yes it does get to be a little boring and crappy. I pretty much figured That I am too much to put up with, hence my ADHD, My torretts, and all of my other health problems. Least you are trying by putting yourself out there, me? I am shy.

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well, All I have to say is... Welcome to my world. Been single for 7 years going onto 8 next month. Yes it does get to be a little boring and crappy. I pretty much figured That I am too much to put up with, hence my ADHD, My torretts, and all of my other health problems. Least you are trying by putting yourself out there, me? I am shy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

eh, i'm in the same boat. Single life pretty much sucks, but then again sometimes it's better to be miserable and alone than with someone who makes you wish you were miserable and single. Trust me, it happens. Also, all the cliche's do need to take a hike. Sometimes the best thing to say is nothing at all. I have to agree the whole "there is someone for everyone", "Things will get better" or "You'll find someone" seriously..... that kinda crap works when you are like 15? Or whenever you FIRST start entering the dating scene but then it's only going to sound pleasant the first time you hear it. Every time after that it just becomes an annoyance.

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I've never expected anyone to match my kink nature, it would be nice BUT not really a requirement. It is hard though to find someone to accept you for who you are with whatever flaws may be there. At least it is hard for me. I like to think that I basically screw myself over by having standards in general instead of just going for any woman that breathes.

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