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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Maybe Going To Doctor...

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It's your choice unless you are incontinent :whistling: Medically speaking, they might need to know that you wear diapers because that may be part of the problem. I'd say it's time to ponder what motivates you to want to wear and expose your diapering to sonmeone who doesn't have that level of intimate personal interest in you ;) If you feel that information should be revealed that can be done verbally with equal effect :mellow: My medical team knows I am TG so I an mot concerned with what I wear to their offices- it is the same as what I wear everyday everywhere, same as always. My diapers are a different story though- I have not seen or had a need to see them since I went 24/7 in diapers:blush: I have a pretty good idea what my GP would say and being that I do leak enough to need them, he would not be shocked, but he'd want me to accede to his battery of tests which I'd respectfully decline. He may not understand that, but he does understand that if it's not a problem or causing a problem there's no reason to treat it ;) My therapist would have questions, more from wanting to learn about ABDL, but she would take the same approach- you don't treat non-problems :)

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Just don't use this as an opportunity to be an exhibitionist - these are professionals who deserve your respect. If you can go without wearing that is likely the best option.

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never lie to your doctor. what you tell your doctor becomes a part of your medical records... its just stupid to lie to the person you are going to for help... if you go fkr the sore explain " i wear diapers at night due to a history of bed wetting and honestly i sometimes will wear one during and i just wanted to let you know in case it would help in treating this sore... " and if asked and its true say "ive always had the bedwettin issue but it doesnt bother me and i dont have any more severe symtpoms so i dont feel i need any sort of treatment for that" and perhaps even if asked " im not sure if you have ever heard of a diaper lover but i sometimes just enjoy the feeling of wearing a diaper...*than shrug causally* weve all got our quirks" and again reiterate you just wanted to dr to know in case it could help in treating the sore ....

if you arent comfortable tellin the person you would go to woth an std or urinary tract infection ... the person who would see and touch you naked to make you well and whole .... things like this ... than its time to find a dr you are comfortable with!

but there is no need to wear a diaper to the dr from what you have said .... and depending on how far on ur inner thigh the sore is you might want to cver it in a waterproof bandaid while diapered to prevent urther irritation from both urine and creams/powders

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If you're a bedwetter, you'd certainly have reason to wear a diaper on a doctor visit. And if the sore is anywhere close to your diapered region, the fact that you wear diapers could be relevant to diagnosis & treatment. Most g.p. doctors have seen patients with wetting issues.

If the dr pushes for further investigation into why you wear diapers, you can respond in any of a number ways, keeping in mind of course that diapers are a legit over the counter product for managing bedwetting and leakage. If the dr is unpleasant about it, change doctors.

Although I primarily wear for fun, I had diapers on when I went to the dr for a colonoscopy after a night of medicated colon cleansing. Even brought a spare, just in case (although I ended up not needing either). It just wasn't that big a deal.

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It isn't at all clear if the sore on your thigh is a friction problem due to your diaper or potentially wet underwear....

I would be distinctly inclined to protect the skin in that area with a largely waterproof bandage and air and sunlight...


Diapers for a colonoscopy just aren't a big deal, nor are they a big deal if you are having issues with your guts. I woke up this time from the colonoscopy peeing, and had the nurse hand me my diaper which I used without even putting it on.

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