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What You Going To Be For Halloween?


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I'm going to be a hermit crab

In other words i'm not leaving my apartment

Next year, I might go out if I can get my fursuit commissioned next summer.

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figured out for real what im gonna be .... i wasnt feeling creative this year so was just going as an add on to my boyfriends costume but i figured out .... i am going to be a bookworm!

green sweatpants and sweatshirt, a black bowtie, pipecleaner glasses and then using cardboard i will construct a book around me as if ive eaten my way through it!!

i just havent decided on which book it will be ive eaten thru

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I too am recycling my Atkatsuki (from the "Naruto" manga) cloak. There is the IE ABDL Halloween themed party I'll wear it at and also a gig I'm playing at that I'll wear it if costumes are encouraged.

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yeah maggie im all about homemade and affordable

costumes ... sweatpants ad shirt are under $10 at walmart or goodwill and the cardboardfor the book

is freefrom work .... pipecleaners are like $1 and i can even make a bowtie out of left over fabric at home if i need!!!

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How about "The Very Hungry Caterpillar"? It's a recognizable children's book and appropriate for your theme...

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figured out for real what im gonna be .... i wasnt feeling creative this year so was just going as an add on to my boyfriends costume but i figured out .... i am going to be a bookworm!

green sweatpants and sweatshirt, a black bowtie, pipecleaner glasses and then using cardboard i will construct a book around me as if ive eaten my way through it!!

i just havent decided on which book it will be ive eaten thru

good idea you can and maybe should wear a diaper just in case.
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i will probably be eating thru the great gatsby ... its

one of my all time favorite books ...

i do love the very hungry catepillar but i wanna do a current fav novel type book .... and no diapers .... this costume will be worn at a friends halloween party and at work ..... also the book will be well above the pant line and easy to take on/off so i can easily use the bathroom

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i will probably be eating thru the great gatsby ... its

one of my all time favorite books ...

i do love the very hungry catepillar but i wanna do a current fav novel type book .... and no diapers .... this costume will be worn at a friends halloween party and at work ..... also the book will be well above the pant line and easy to take on/off so i can easily use the bathroom

Current favorite novel type?

Do one of the twilight books?

As a matter of fact I can't think of a better thing to do with a Twilight book than using it for bookworm food.....:P

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i will probably be eating thru the great gatsby ... its

one of my all time favorite books ...

i do love the very hungry catepillar but i wanna do a current fav novel type book .... and no diapers .... this costume will be worn at a friends halloween party and at work ..... also the book will be well above the pant line and easy to take on/off so i can easily use the bathroom

The Great Gatsby is one of my favorite books as well. It has been a while since I read it and if I weren't so busy with school I would possibly re-read it. Maybe after my classes end in December.

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Same here Maggie i don't have much time to do reading for fun while my classes are in session either, i usually read it about once a year just cause I love it so much. I always have a copy of it on my bookshelf.

but see the point of a bookworm is that they 'devour' books in the figurative sense....so i want it to be a book i love.

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I understand that completely Sarah. I would want to be a book I loved as well, my problem would be choosing one, I love so many. I actually am an avid reader and the funny thing is I use bookworm as part of my email address.

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